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Tot hoever stijgt de olieprijs?

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Gazprom Neft Middle East BV commissions a third production well at Sarqala field in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Gazprom Neft subsidiary Gazprom Neft Middle East BV has commissioned a third production well at its Sarqala field in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Potential production at this new well is estimated at 12,000 barrels per day. Cumulative daily oil production at the field following the commissioning of the Sarqala-3 well has increased by 25% reaching 35,000 barrels.

The well runs to a total depth of 3,291 metres, with drilling having been undertaken under the challenging geological conditions of the Sarqala field — anomalously high pressure and reservoir temperature having demanded the use of a selection of 11 technological solutions. The construction of the Sarqala-3 well has, as a result, involved the use of large-diameter casing pipes with ultra-strong thread connections, weighted drilling mud for bottom-hole flushing, and cement incorporating mineral-based and iron-oxide additives. Drilling the well has involved an international team, with members from 20 countries. The project was implemented by Gazprom Neft Middle East, with technical support from the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Centre.

Gazprom Neft is involved in implementing two projects in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), at the Shakal and Garmian blocks. Gazprom Neft’s interest in the Shakal block is 80 percent (with the remaining interest being held by the Government of the KRI), and 40 percent in the Garmian block (with the Government of the KRI holding 20 percent, and Canada’s WesternZagros 40 percent). Gazprom Neft has been Operator on the Garmian project since February 2016.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hyundai Heavy sells stake in Hyundai Oilbank to Saudi Aramco

Yonhap reported that Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co, the holding company of South Korea's largest shipbuilding conglomerate, announced that it has signed a USD 1.2 billion deal to sell 1.66 million shares, a 17% stake, in its oil-refining unit Hyundai Oilbank Co to Saudi Aramco to improve its financial structure. Under the deal, the Saudi oil firm holds an option to acquire a further 2.9% stake in Hyundai Oilbank.

Originally, the two signed a deal in January, under which Hyundai Heavy agreed to sell a 19.9% stake in Hyundai Oilbank, the country's smallest oil refiner, for up to KWR 1.8 trillion to Saudi Aramco.

The deal is expected to help finance Hyundai Heavy's acquisition of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co.

Source : Yonhap
ONGC places India on world map of Heavy Oil Polymer Flooding

Significant oil recovery has been obtained by a pilot in ONGC Becharji heavy oil field in North Gujarat, which was first put on production in July 1988. ONGC is going to commercialize this on a field scale. Only a few countries worldwide employ this heavy oil polymer flooding like Marmul, Nimr of Oman, Pelican Lake of Canada, Tambaredjo field of Suriname, Bentley offshore UK, etc. ONGC takes a lot of pride in accomplishing this marvelous milestone with the combined efforts of its diligent work force.

The Bechraji heavy oil field of Mehsana Asset was discovered in September in the year 1987 and put on commercial production in July 1988. As per the data on 1 April 2018, the proved OIIP and ultimate reserve of the field are 32.96 MMt and 6.76 MMt (20 % of OIIP) respectively. The viscosity of crude oil is around 270 cP at the reservoir conditions and oil API gravity is 15.6o. The viscous nature of oil causes adverse mobility ratio and results in early water breakthrough due to viscous fingering. A sharp rise in water cut (~ 80 %) is observed in the early phases of production. As on 1 April 2018, the cumulative oil production of the field is 3.81 MMt, which is 11.5% of OIIP.The low primary recovery is due to early fingering of water caused by adverse mobility ratio. This necessitated application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques to increase recovery.

In view of the limited success of in-situ combustion process, the efficacies of chemical EOR in Bechraji field was studied at IRS, Ahmedabad. The Laboratory studies and Simulation studies showed encouraging results and significant improvement in oil recovery with Polymer flooding. Accordingly, a pilot area was selected at the southern part of the field in a structurally high area. Pilot is to be carried out with single five-spot patterns, four injectors and one oil producer. To address the OIIP of 0.033 MMm3 in the selected pilot five-spot pattern, one new oil producer (BC#222), three new injectors (BC#220,221,223) and conversion of one existing oil producer (BC#106) were considered. The primary objective of this project is to test the efficacy of Polymer flooding process in Bechraji field to commercialize the scheme at field scale and gain operational insight.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
VS: Iraanse olie-export moet naar nul

Gepubliceerd op 22 apr 2019 om 09:20 | Views: 4.315

WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse regering wil bepaalde olie-ontheffingen van de sancties met Iran niet verlengen. Nu mogen diverse landen, waaronder China, nog altijd olie kopen in Iran maar die afspraken lopen begin mei af. De Amerikanen willen de druk op Teheran graag opvoeren.

,,Deze beslissing is bedoeld om de Iraanse olie-export naar nul te brengen, waardoor het regime zijn belangrijkste bron van inkomsten wordt onthouden'', aldus woordvoerster Sarah Sanders van het Witte Huis.

Intussen lopen de spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Iran verder op. Iran dreigt volgens Iraanse media met het sluiten van de straat van Hormuz. Dat is een belangrijke zeestraat voor olietankers. Als Iran de vaarroute niet meer mag gebruiken, dan zal het land ervoor zorgen dat iedereen hem niet meer kan gebruiken, zou een hoge officier van de Iraanse marine hebben gezegd.


De VS hadden eerder aan acht landen 180 dagen vrijstelling verleend om door te gaan met het kopen van Iraanse ruwe olie, ondanks Amerikaanse sancties tegen het land. Dit was op voorwaarde dat ze stappen zouden ondernemen om hun aankopen te verminderen en de import te beëindigen.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump liet de sancties tegen Iran in november vorig jaar opnieuw ingaan. Volgens Trump hield Teheran zich niet aan de afspraken uit het nucleaire akkoord van 2015 en werd stiekem toch gewerkt aan kernwapens.

Door de berichten zaten de olieprijzen maandag duidelijk in de lift. Een vat Amerikaanse olie noteerde tussentijds ruim 2 procent hoger op 65,49 dollar. Brent, de maatstaf voor olie uit Europa, Afrika en het Midden-Oosten, steeg bijna 3 procent in prijs en werd verhandeld voor 74,02 dollar per vat.
Valuta: effect gestegen olieprijs voor nu even uitgewerkt

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Valuta van olieproducerende landen als de Canadese dollar, de roebel, de Noorse kroon en de Braziliaanse real noteerden dinsdag inmiddels weer wat lager ten opzichte van de dollar, gestimuleerd door de opgelopen olieprijs.

"De Verenigde Staten hebben de vrijstellingen aan een achttal landen dat nog Iraanse olie importeerde ondanks de lopende Amerikaanse sancties opgeheven en dat zorgde voor een stijging van de olieprijs", aldus valutahandelaar Paul Erdmann van valutabroker Ebury donderdag tegen ABM Financial News.

Maandag liepen de genoemde valuta ten opzichte van de dollar op grond van deze aanpassing van Washington en stijging van de olieprijs op.

Erdmann sprak dinsdag van een afwachtende valutamarkt die uitkijkt naar nieuwe impulsen. "Mogelijk dat het rentebesluit van de Bank of Japan van donderdag een aanleiding is voor een dergelijke impuls. Er leeft in de markt een zekere verwachting dat het beleidsorgaan met een volgende stimuleringsronde voor de dag komt", aldus de handelaar dinsdag.

Er staan voor dinsdag twee macro-economische data op de agenda, beide gepland in de tweede helft van de middag. Vanuit de eurozone komt het consumentenvertrouwen over april in voorlopige versie en in de Verenigde Staten worden de nieuwe woningverkopen over maart naar buiten gebracht.

Voor het eerste cijfer is geen prognose beschikbaar. In maart stond de vertrouwensindex op 7,2 negatief.

De verkopen van nieuwe huizen is naar verwachting op maandbasis met 2,5 procent gedaald naar 650.000 huizen. Over februari werd nog een stijging met 4,9 procent gerapporteerd.

De euro noteerde dinsdag 0,1 procent lager op 1,1245 dollar. De dollar won dinsdag 0,2 procent ten opzichte van de Noorse kroon op 8,5096 Noorse kroon en 0,1 procent hoger ten opzichte van de Canadese munt op 1,3366 Canadese dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Winst olieconcern Eni omhoog

Gepubliceerd op 24 apr 2019 om 15:05 | Views: 108

ROME (AFN) - Het Italiaanse olie- en gasconcern Eni heeft in het eerste kwartaal een hogere winst behaald. Ook de omzet ging omhoog, maar de productie daalde.

De nettowinst bedroeg bijna 1,1 miljard euro, tegen 946 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 3 procent tot 18,5 miljard euro. De productie van olie en gas daalde met 2 procent tot het equivalent van meer dan 1,8 miljoen vaten per dag. Dat kwam onder meer door de beëindiging van een productiecontract in Libië.
US continues to lead the world in natural gas liquids and crude oil production - API

The American Petroleum Institute’s latest monthly statistical report showed that the US sustained its position as the world’s leading oil producer, continuing a pace of 12.1 million barrels a day, matching February 2019. In addition, petroleum demand in March was the strongest for that month in more than a decade at 20.7 million barrels a day. API Chief Economist Dean Foreman, said that “Robust and record levels of US natural gas and oil production continue to lead the world and have played a predominant role in meeting increased global demand for gasoline, distillate and jet fuel.”

Mr Foreman said that “However, from this strong point of departure the pace of market growth also slowed in March, which highlights the importance of enhancing America’s infrastructure and market access. To continue this success story, we need to focus on policies that foster access to resources, investment in domestic and export infrastructure, a level playing field through smart energy policies, and strong international trade relations.”

March 2019 highlights:

Sustained record U.S. crude oil production (12.1 mb/d)

Petroleum inventories increased by 6.4 percent y/y and were 4.7 percent above the 5-year average

Gasoline demand (9.2 mb/d) in March decreased 2.1 percent year over year

Strongest March distillate demand since 2007, but growth halved from 2018

Strong March jet fuel demand, yet growth slowed

Residual fuel demand decreased

Refinery and petrochemical other oils’ demand (5.2 mb/d) highest for March on record

US exports of crude oil and refined products fell by 4.0 percent between February and March

Notably, crude oil and refined products – since last year, the US saw record exports for the month of March. However, total US petroleum exports fell by 4.0 percent or 320 kb/d between February and March, slowing for the fourth consecutive month. US petroleum imports fell to 9.1 mb/d, which for the month of March were the lowest imports since 1995. With exports falling relatively more than imports in March, the US petroleum trade balance increased to 1.3 mb/d of net imports from 1.1 mb/d in February.

Mr Foreman added that “The US is playing a lead role in meeting rapidly increasing global energy demand, and its growing use of US produced natural gas in electricity generation has resulted in significant savings for American households and has helped to reduce carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. Abundant, affordable natural gas and oil have helped US households with their budgets – in fact, at a time when spending for healthcare, education and food rose significantly between 2007 and 2017, spending for household energy declined.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Shell doet olievondst in Golf van Mexico

Chevron Corp
$ 119,89 -2,10 -1,72 % NYSE
Chevron Corp
$ 124,00 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Brussel
Equinor ASA
NOK 199,60 -2,40 -1,19 % Oslo Bors
Repsol SA
14,875 -0,31 -2,04 % Bolsa de Madrid
Royal Dutch Shell -A-
28,56 -0,51 -1,75 % Euronext Amsterdam
Royal Dutch Shell -A-
£ 24,71501 -0,495 -1,96 % London Stock Exchange

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Royal Dutch Shell heeft een "significante" ontdekking in de Golf van Mexico gedaan. Dit maakte de oliereus woensdag bekend.

Momenteel wordt er verder onderzocht hoe groot de reserves van Blacktip zijn.

In het veld heeft Shell een belang van 52,4 procent. Chevron is goed voor 20 procent en Equinor en Repsol voor respectievelijk 19,1 en 8,5 procent.

Het aandeel Royal Dutch Shell daalde woensdag 1,4 procent tot 28,66 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Amerikaanse olievoorraden stijgen sterk

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week sterker dan verwacht gestegen. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse energieministerie.

De olieprijs stond licht lager op 66,21 dollar per vat na het rapport.

In de week eindigend op 19 april stegen de voorraden ruwe olie met 5,5 miljoen vaten tot een totaal van 460,6 miljoen vaten. Vooraf was gerekend op een toename van 0,4 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden slonken met 2,1 miljoen vaten tot 225,8 miljoen vaten. Hier rekende de markt op een daling van 1,0 miljoen vaten.

De voorraden stookolie en diesel namen af met 0,7 miljoen vaten tot 127,0 miljoen vaten. Hier lag de verwachting op een daling met 1,2 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen nam toe van 87,7 naar 90,1 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Brentolie weer boven 75 dollar per vat

Gepubliceerd op 25 apr 2019 om 12:50 | Views: 516

EUR/USD 14:18
1,11 0,00 (-0,29%)

LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De prijs voor een vat Brentolie is gestegen tot boven de 75 dollar. Het voor het eerst sinds eind oktober dat dit prijsniveau werd gehaald.

De olieprijzen stijgen al langer door productiebeperkingen van oliekartel OPEC. Deze week kwam daar het nieuws bovenop Verenigde Staten zo snel mogelijk een einde willen maken aan de olie-ontheffingen op handelssancties tegen Iran die voor een aantal landen gelden. Ook productieproblemen in Rusland en het opgelaaide geweld in Libië dragen bij aan de prijsstijging.

Brentolie steeg donderdagmiddag 1,1 procent in waarde tot 75,40 dollar per vat. Een vat Amerikaanse olie werd 0,4 procent duurder en kostte 66,17 dollar.
US petroleum product exports set record high in 2018 - EIA

EIA said that US exports of total petroleum products set a record high in 2018, reaching an annual average of 5.6 million barrels per day, an increase of 366,000 barrel per day from 2017 levels. The three largest petroleum product exports from the United States in 2018 were distillate, propane, and motor gasoline. US exports of motor gasoline (including blending components) and propane reached record highs in 2018, and exports of distillate reached their second-highest volume on record, following the high set in 2017. Total US petroleum product exports set a record high in 2018 for the 16th consecutive year. From 2009 to 2013, distillate exports contributed the most to annual growth.

However, from 2014 to 2018, exports of hydrocarbon gas liquids, which include propane, drove US petroleum product export growth.

As US crude oil production increased over the past decade, gross inputs into refineries also increased. Petroleum products can be used domestically, exported, or put into inventory. In 2018, record-high levels of US crude oil production and refinery runs helped refiners export large volumes of petroleum products, even with high levels of domestic demand.

Despite an 80,000 barrel per day decrease in exports in 2018 from 2017, distillate remained the most exported petroleum product in 2018, averaging 1.3 million barrel per day, or approximately 25% of US refinery net production. Distillate exports were still more than 100,000 b/d higher than the previous five-year average (2013–2017). The United States exported distillate to 64 destinations in 2018, with the largest volumes destined for Mexico.

Mexico received an average of 298,000 barrel per day, or 23% of US distillate exports, increasing 42,000 barrel per day from 2017. Mexico’s increasing exports were likely driven by the country’s refineries that continued to operate below capacity in 2018, as reported by trade press. Brazil received the second-largest share of distillate exported from the United States, averaging 151,000 barrel per day (12% of US distillate exports), down by 57,000 barrel per day from 2017. Chile, Peru, and the Netherlands comprise the remainder of the top five recipients of US distillate exports.

US propane exports reached a record high of 972,000 barrel per day in 2018, surpassing the previous record of 914,000 barrel per day set in 2017. Propane exports in 2018 were greater than motor gasoline exports for the third consecutive year, and propane remained the second-largest US petroleum product export.

Unlike other US petroleum product exports, which tend to stay in the Western Hemisphere, significant volumes of US propane often reach Asian markets. Three of the top five destinations are in Asia. Propane is used in many Asian countries as a feedstock for producing ethylene and propylene, which are building blocks for chemical and plastic manufacturing.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ADNOC signs new long term agreement for base oil sales with Indian Oil

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company announced that it has signed another significant long-term sales agreement with an important end-user consumer, the Indian Oil Corporation, - for its high-quality base oil, ADbase. Ahmad Bin Thalith, Acting Senior Vice President of Refined Products Sales, in ADNOC’s Marketing, Supply and Trading directorate, said: “The signing of this important sales agreement, with another major base oil consumer in a large and growing market, is testament to the quality and reliability of ADNOC’s Group III base oil, ADbase. We look forward to working with IndianOil and to increasing the supply of ADbase to the Indian market, which continues to see strong demand for high quality base oil and finished lubricants.”

The signing of this agreement follows a recent signing with Xiamen Sinolook Oil Company to supply ADbase into China, and the 2017 and 2018 exclusive agreements with Penthol C.V., and Chemlube for the supply of ADbase into the United States of America and Europe.

ADNOC Refining, an ADNOC subsidiary, produces up to 500,000 metric tonnes per year of Group III base oil and around 100,000 metric tonnes per year of Group II base oil, at its Ruwais refinery. Murban, Abu Dhabi’s light, high paraffinic crude is used as feedstock for ADNOC’s Base Oil plant, which ensures a consistent, high quality product.

ADbase has a high Viscosity Index (VI) making it an ideal lubricant component, ensuring efficiency and fuel economy for high performance engines, while meeting ever stringent environmental regulations.

ADNOC has already completed API SN approval, GM Dexos 1, ILSAC GF-5, and 0w-20 for full synthetic motor oils, and is actively working with additive companies to achieve Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) formulation approvals.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Oil prices on rise as US sanction finally kick in

Sputnik reported that prices on the key WTI and Brent crude oil blends have sharply increased amid reports of the looming end of sanctions waivers on countries that buy Iranian oil, a move that was officially confirmed on 22 April by the White House. WTI increased by 2.34% over the course of the day, with the price at one point reaching USD 65.92 per barrel, but later stabilised around USD 65.57. Brent rose to USD 73.96 per barrel after gaining 2.77%, with the price remaining more or less stable. Canadian crude showed the greatest growth, gaining almost 3% and finishing at around USD 52.59 per barrel.

The US imposed harsh sanctions on the Iranian energy industry in November 2018 following its withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal in May. However, Washington provided waivers to several states that were actively buying Iranian oil in order for them to be able to diversify their supply sources.

On 1 May, all previously issued waivers will cease to protect recipient countries from the American sanctions that were imposed on Tehran's energy industry in November 2018 without any grace period. Among these states are Greece, Italy, China, India, Turkey, Japan, and South Korea, as well as Taiwan.

Source : Sputnik News
Winsthalvering Exxon Mobil

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Exxon Mobil heeft in het eerste kwartaal van 2019 flink minder winst behaald en ook de omzet nam af. Dit bleek vrijdag voorbeurs uit de resultaten van de Amerikaanse oliereus.

Een solide kwartaal desalniettemin, volgens CEO Darren Woods. "We boekten sterke vooruitgang met onze groeiplannen en verwachten op een duurzame manier waarde voor onze aandeelhouders te creëren."

Dat de winst onder druk stond had deels te maken met groot onderhoud bij veel Exxon raffinaderijen.

Exxon boekte in het afgelopen kwartaal een nettowinst van 2.350 miljoen dollar, in vergelijking met 4.650 miljoen dollar in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder en 6.000 miljoen dollar in het vierde kwartaal van 2018.

De nettowinst per aandeel daalde op jaarbasis van 1,09 dollar tot 0,55 dollar. Vooraf geraadpleegde analisten rekenden op 0,70 dollar.

De omzet daalde van ruim 68,2 miljard dollar in het eerste kwartaal van 2018 tot circa 63,6 miljard dollar afgelopen kwartaal.

De productie bedroeg het afgelopen kwartaal 4 miljoen vaten olie-equivalent per dag, wat een stijging betekende van 2 procent op jaarbasis.

De kapitaaluitgaven stegen in het eerste kwartaal van 4.867 miljoen naar 6.890 miljoen dollar. De operationele kasstroom inclusief desinvesteringen kwam uit op 8,4 miljard dollar.

Het aandeel Exxon Mobil noteerde vrijdag in de elektronische handel voorbeurs ruim 2 procent lager.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Saudi Arabia promises to soothe market as US ends Iran oil waivers

Saudi Energy Minister Mr Khalid al-Falih said that Riyadh would work closely with other oil producers to guarantee an adequate crude supply and a balanced market in wake of the US decision to no longer provide waivers granted to buyers of Iranian oil. He said "Saudi Arabia will coordinate with fellow oil producers to ensure adequate supplies are available to consumers while ensuring the global oil market does not go out of balance."

The Trump White House announced earlier in the day that in May, it will end all waivers granted to eight economies that have allowed them to bypass US sanctions and purchase Iranian oil.

Source : Sputnik News
20 countries stopped import of oil from Iran – US

US Special Representative for Iran Mr Brian Hook said in a press briefing that more than 20 countries have lowered their oil trade with Iran to zero since last May. He said "We have seen over 20 nations went to zero since May."

The official noted that Washington gave a choice to other countries to work with the United Sates or continue to deal with Iran.

He said "We have worked on the significant diplomatic overtures and helped on technical side with Iraq to boost their output, and are very pleased to see significant volumes of Iraqi oil now being imported into Turkey. Those overtures will continue so that Turkey, as well as all of the importing countries are able to obtain the oil that they need to continue to develop their economies."

The waivers, which will not be reissued after they expire in May, as Trump announced Monday, were given to a total of eight countries in November 2018, including China, Japan, India, Italy, Greece, South Korea Taiwan and Turkey. However, Greece, Italy and Taiwan no longer need sanctions waivers because they have already stopped their Iranian oil imports.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chevron reports Q1 net income of USD 2.6 billion

Chevron Corporation has reported earnings of USD2.6 billion for first quarter 2019, compared with USD 3.6 billion in the first quarter of 2018. Foreign currency effects decreased earnings in the 2019 first quarter by USD 137 million. Sales and other operating revenues in first quarter 2019 were USD 34 billion, compared to USD 36 billion in the year ago period.

Earnings Summary (en meer), zie PDF.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Olieprijs veert iets op

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs herstelde maandag licht van de dip eind vorige week. Een vat West Texas Intermediate werd op een settlement van 63,50 dollar, 0,3 procent duurder.

Vrijdag werd een vat olie nog bijna 3 procent minder waard nadat de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump opnieuw de oproep deed aan de OPEC om de prijzen te verlagen.

Het is echter de vraag of OPEC-grootmacht Saoedi-Arabië zin heeft om daarin mee te gaan. De Saoedi's hebben een olieprijs van zo'n 85 dollar nodig voor een gebalanceerde begroting.

Dat cijfer lijkt aan de hoge kant, meent marktanalist Marshall Steeves van Informa Economics, maar Saoedi-Arabië's voornaamste reden om de productie te verhogen is om marktaandeel te winnen ten opzichte van bijvoorbeeld Amerikaanse schalie-producenten.

"Het kan best zijn dat ze samen met Rusland besluiten om de productie te verhogen tijdens de OPEC-bijeenkomst in juni maar dat is een kwestie voor later", aldus Steeves.

Het herstel van maandag was volgens de marktkenner dan ook vooral technisch na de dip van voor het weekend.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
US may offer oil & gas to India on concessional terms - Sources

Livemint reported that the US may offer oil and gas to India on concessional terms from its own reserves to help the country tide over lifting of Iran sanction waiver that would suck out close to 10% of Indian crude imports. The talks between Indian officials and the visiting US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Alice Wells, focused on ways to ensure that India does not face oil shortage. The US has also indicated its intent of supplying increased quantities of oil and gas to India on a short notice to prevent the country from facing any shortages. It has also hinted that key energy producers including the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have been asked to ensure stable oil supplies to all friendly countries and partners. The talks with the US on oil supplies hinges on the terms of exports.

Sources said that the US could offer concessions on such oil exports that could be at par with the terms India currently enjoys with Iran. The Islamic Republic offers cheaper freight and a 60-day credit period to Indian importers such s Indian Oil Corporation, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals (MRPL) and Nayara Energy (formerly Essar Oil).

The diplomatic source said that “The offer has been indicated and this needs to be worked out in detail post May 2, when petroleum-related Iran sanctions waiver is lifted on five oil importing countries including India. Transportation cost is an issue to bring oil from the US.”

Though, Indian oil companies have started importing oil from the US for past couple of years, the quantity remains miniscule and forms just about 1 per cent of country’s total oil imports. But the quantity can grow with US shale oil market becoming relevant again at current crude levels and an increase in total rig count in the world’s largest oil guzzling nation.

Source : Livemint
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