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Tot hoever stijgt de olieprijs?

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Amerikaanse olievoorraden stijgen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gestegen, terwijl de raffinaderijen op minder volle capaciteit draaiden. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse energieministerie.

In de week eindigend op 29 maart stegen de voorraden ruwe olie met circa 7,2 miljoen vaten tot 449,5 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met 1,8 miljoen vaten tot een totaal van 236,8 miljoen vaten.

De voorraden stookolie en diesel namen met 2,0 miljoen vaten af tot 128,2 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen daalde afgelopen week van 86,6 naar 86,4 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Video: olieprijs plusfactor voor komend kwartaalseizoen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Oliebedrijven zullen een goed kwartaal achter de rug hebben, dankzij een hogere olieprijs, maar door de tegenwind die de Europese economie kende, zullen cyclische aandelen het lastig hebben gehad. Dit zei analist Corne van Zeijl van Actiam donderdag voor de camera van ABM Financial News.

Overigens zit een deel hiervan al in de koersen verwekt, meent Van Zeijl, die verder benieuwd is hoe de financials zich houden met de aanhoudende lage rente.


Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Olieprijzen op hoogste punt van 2019

Gepubliceerd op 8 apr 2019 om 08:26 | Views: 2.55

Royal Dutch Shell A 13:33
28,94 +0,19 (+0,64%)

SINGAPORE (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De olieprijzen hebben de hoogste niveaus van dit jaar aangetikt, mede door het oplopende geweld in het olierijke Libië. De prijs een vat Brentolie steeg maandag op de termijnmarkt in Singapore met 0,5 procent tot 70,66 dollar. Een vat Amerikaanse olie klom 0,5 procent tot 63,37 dollar, het hoogste niveau sinds begin november.

Libië is een belangrijke olieproducent, goed voor een maandelijkse productie van circa 1,1 miljoen vaten. Inmiddels wordt door de strijdende partijen gevochten ten zuiden om hoofdstad Tripoli. Dat is nog wel op afstand van de grote olievelden en havens, maar de vrees bestaat dat het geweld uitzaait naar elders in Libië. Het Noord-Afrikaanse land is lid van oliekartel OPEC.

De olieprijzen worden ook gestuwd door de productiebeperkingen van de OPEC en de productieverstoringen in Venezuela. Om in te haken op de gestegen prijzen bleek vrijdag dat het aantal actieve boorplatformen in de Verenigde Staten flink toe is genomen.
Oddo positiever over olie-aandelen

Gepubliceerd op 10 apr 2019 om 12:21 | Views: 1.066

AMSTERDAM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Vermogensbeheerder Oddo BHF is positiever gestemd over aandelen gerelateerd aan de olie- en gassector. Volgens Oddo is er meer zichtbaarheid wat betreft de olieprijzen omdat leden van oliekartel OPEC zich houden aan de doelstellingen voor productiebeperkingen.

Het advies voor olieproducenten en oliedienstverleners wordt verhoogd. Volgens Oddo bieden oliebedrijven een combinatie van een goede kasstroom, sterke balansen en aantrekkelijke waarderingen. De Frans-Duitse vermogensbeheerder verwacht dat de spanningen op de oliemarkt zullen aanhouden door geopolitieke risico's en een afzwakkende Amerikaanse schalieproductie.

Wat betreft oliefondsen spreekt Oddo zijn voorkeur uit voor Shell en Total vanwege de ruime blootstelling van die bedrijven aan lng. Het advies voor Shell staat op buy.

Het aandeel Shell noteerde woensdag omstreeks 12.10 uur een plus van 0,9 procent 28,95 op euro. In de MidKap was maritiem oliedienstverlener SBM Offshore de grootste stijger met een plus van 3 procent op 17,44 euro.
OPEC ziet krapper aanbod op oliemarkt

Gepubliceerd op 10 apr 2019 om 13:44 | Views: 489

Royal Dutch Shell A 14:05
28,86 +0,16 (+0,56%)

WENEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het aanbod op de wereldwijde oliemarkt zal de komende tijd waarschijnlijk behoorlijk krapper worden door de productieverlagingen van oliekartel OPEC en zijn bondgenoten en de ernstige productieverstoringen in Venezuela. Dat schrijft de OPEC in zijn maandrapport.

Volgens het rapport daalde de productie bij de leden van de OPEC vorige maand met 534.000 vaten per dag naar dagelijks iets meer dan 30 miljoen vaten. In Venezuela was sprake van een afname met 289.000 vaten naar 732.000 per dag. Als de OPEC-productie op dat niveau zou blijven, dan zullen de wereldwijde olievoorraden dit kwartaal en volgend jaar kwartaal flink afnemen, denkt de organisatie.

De Saudische olieminister Khalid Al-Falih zei eerder deze week dat hij vindt dat de OPEC samen met partners als Rusland en Kazachstan de overeenkomst voor een productiebeperking moeten verlengen voor de rest van dit jaar. Dit akkoord loopt eind juni af. Die maand wordt er vergaderd door de OPEC en zijn bondgenoten.

Inmiddels hebben de olieprijzen de hoogste niveaus van dit jaar bereikt. Dat heeft ook te maken met het oplopende geweld in het olierijke Libië. De prijs van een vat Amerikaanse olie noteerde woensdagmiddag 0,6 procent hoger op 64,39 dollar en Brentolie klom 0,4 procent tot 70,90 dollar per vat.
OPEC pompt minder olie op

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De OPEC heeft in maart minder olie opgepompt, waarbij met name Saoedi-Arabië minder produceerde en productie-onderbrekingen in Venezuela de output ook inperkte. Dit maakte het kartel woensdag bekend in zijn maandrapport.

In maart daalde de OPEC-productie met 534.000 vaten per dag tot een gemiddelde van 30,02 miljoen vaten. Saoedi-Arabië verlaagde de output met 324.000 vaten per dag, terwijl de productie in Venezuela met 289.000 vaten per dag afnam. Dit had onder meer te maken met Amerikaanse sancties en stroomstoringen in het land, dat in economisch zwaar weer verkeert.

De wereldwijde olieproductie daalde in maart met 140.000 vaten per dag tot een gemiddelde van 99,26 miljoen vaten, toonde het rapport.

Verder verwacht de OPEC dat de vraag naar olie dit jaar met gemiddeld 1,21 miljoen vaten per dag groeit. Dat was een verlaging met 30.000 vaten ten opzichte van een eerdere verwachting. Het kartel wijt dit aan de mondiale groeivertraging.

De totale vraag naar olie zal in de tweede helft van het jaar vermoedelijk boven de 100 miljoen vaten per dag uitkomen en gemiddeld over heel 2019 op 99,91 miljoen vaten per dag, denkt de OPEC.

De olieprijs noteerde woensdag het het verschijnen van het rapport van de OPEC licht hoger op 63,79 dollar, in afwachting van de wekelijkse Amerikaanse olievoorraden.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Amerikaanse olievoorraden stijgen fors

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week sterker dan verwacht gestegen, terwijl de raffinaderijen op meer capaciteit draaiden. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse energieministerie.

De olieprijs stond 0,3 procent hoger op 64,15 dollar na het rapport.

In de week eindigend op 5 april stegen de voorraden ruwe olie met circa 7,0 miljoen vaten tot 456,5 miljoen vaten. Vooraf was gerekend op een toename van 2 miljoen vaten door analisten in een steekproef van The Wall Street Journal.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met 7,7 miljoen vaten tot 229,1 miljoen vaten. Hier was een kleinere daling met 2 miljoen vaten voorzien.

De voorraden stookolie en diesel namen met 0,1 miljoen vaten af tot 128,1 miljoen vaten. Hier werd een grotere daling met 1 miljoen vaten voorzien.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen steeg van 86,4 naar 87,5 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
OPEC zorgde in maart voor lager aanbod olie - IEA

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het wereldwijde aanbod aan olie is in maart van dit jaar als gevolg van de productiebeperking door oliekartel OPEC afgenomen, waardoor de olieprijs naar het hoogste punt in vijf maanden kon stijgen. Dit bleek donderdag uit het maandrapport van de International Energy Agency.

In totaal daalde de productie vorige maand met gemiddeld 340.000 vaten olie per dag naar 99,2 miljoen vaten. Dat is 3,1 miljoen vaten per dag onder het hoogste punt van november vorig jaar, maar is ook een stijging met 530.000 vaten per dag op jaarbasis, aldus het agentschap donderdag in zijn rapport.

De IEA schreef de afname toe aan de beperking door de OPEC en zijn partners en verder aan de uitval in Venezuela.

In december van 2018 kwam het kartel een beperking van de olieproductie overeen met 800.000 vaten per dag, waarbij Saoedi-Arabië zich verantwoordelijk maakte voor de beperking van 250.000 vaten olie per dag. In maart daalde de productie van het kartel met 550.000 vaten, waarvan volgens IEA 320.000 vaten per dag voor rekening van Saoedi-Aarbië kwamen.

De IEA liet de vraagraming voor 2019 intact en gaat nog steeds uit van een gemiddelde stijging van de vraag naar olie van 1,4 miljoen vaten per dag.

De voorraden van de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling, de OESO, daalden in februari van dit jaar met 21,7 miljoen vaten naar 2.871 miljoen vaten, aldus IEA.

Olie noteerde donderdag lager. Een mei-future West Texas Intermediate noteerde 0,7 procent in het rood op 64,19 dollar, terwijl voor een juni-future Brent 71,35 dollar moest worden neergeteld, een daling met 0,5 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright 2019 Dow Jones & Company, Inc All rights reserved.
'Gemengde signalen op oliemarkt'

Gepubliceerd op 11 apr 2019 om 10:58 | Views: 1.462

PARIJS (AFN) - Wereldwijd is er sprake van meer krapte op de oliemarkt door de ingrepen in de productie door oliekartel OPEC. Het Internationaal Energie Agentschap (IEA) waarschuwt in zijn maandrapport daarnaast voor een mogelijk tanende vraag door de huidige economische omstandigheden en spreekt al met al van gemengde signalen.

De OPEC en partners als Rusland besloten eerder tot een productiebeperking om zo de prijzen te stutten. Bovenop deze maatregelen komt de verminderde uitvoer van olie uit Venezuela en Iran. Onzekerheden op macro-economische gebied kunnen hun tol eisen op het gebied van de olievraag, aldus de IEA. De kenners doelen onder meer op handelsspanningen tussen China en de VS, de brexit en de door het IMF voorspelde wereldwijde groeivertraging.

De IEA handhaafde zijn prognose voor de groei van de wereldwijde olievraag in 2019. Er wordt verwacht dat de vraag met 1,4 procent per dag zal groeien.
Video: Olieprijs door het dak dankzij OPEC

$ 66,95 -0,02 -0,03 % NYSE

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs staat inmiddels ruim 50 procent hoger dan het dieptepunt van eind 2018. Beleggingsspecialist Justin Blekemolen van online broker LYNX bespreekt een aantal interessante aandelen die actief zijn in deze sector.


Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Global oil market report, mixed signals - EIA

The huge increase in oil production we saw in H218 has reversed following the implementation of the new Vienna Agreement and the increasing effectiveness of sanctions against Iran and Venezuela. Production by OPEC countries in March was 2.2 mb/d lower than in November and now there is uncertainty concerning Libya. Production by non-OPEC producers in Q1 2019 was 0.7 mb/d lower than in Q418. This turnaround in supply has contributed to a dramatic increase in prices, with Brent crude rising from USD 50/bbl at the end of December to more than USD 70/bbl.

Tightness in the oil market, however, is not just a supply story. In recent months, the resilience of demand has received less attention than the vicissitudes of production, but it is very important too. Data for 2018 is still incomplete but we can be confident that demand growth was about 1.3 mb/d. As far as 2019 is concerned, amongst the analyst community there is an extraordinarily wide divergence of view as to how strong growth will be. We maintain our forecast of 1.4 mb/d, but accept that there are mixed signals about the health of the global economy, and differing views about the likely level of oil prices.

In terms of real numbers for 2019, although it is still early days the major centres of oil demand growth are performing strongly. In China, the economy seems to be reacting to the government’s stimulus measures with purchasing managers’ indices increasing and export orders recovering, although there are signs that air cargo volumes might be falling. Preliminary oil demand numbers for the January-February period show solid growth of 410 kb/d year-on-year. Elsewhere, demand was strong in the same period, with India growing by 300 kb/d, and the US, which continues to be supported by the petrochemical sector, by 295 kb/d.

Although, the main sources of growth are doing well, there are mixed signals from elsewhere. Overall demand in the OECD countries fell by 0.3 mb/d YoY in 4Q18, the first such fall for any quarter since the end of 2014, and it is likely to have fallen again in 1Q19 due to weakness in some European economies, with perhaps more to come if there is a disorderly Brexit. There are uncertainties in Argentina and Turkey and signs of only modest demand recovery in the Middle East despite the stimulus provided by rising crude oil prices. Concerns about trade talks linger, and the mood will be influenced by the recent downgrade to global GDP growth by the International Monetary Fund, although it should be noted that the IMF does not expect a recession in the near term. Clearly, oil prices at $70/bbl for Brent, are less comfortable for consumers than they were at the start of the year and the IEA has regularly warned of the dangers of prices rising even higher. Only time will tell if our current demand forecast proves accurate, but the risks are currently to the downside.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Russian crude exports soar in April - ESAI

According to a Market Alert released by ESAI Energy, Russian crude exports will reach a multiyear high of 5.7 million bpd in April, 400,000 bpd higher than average exports in the previous 5 months. Among other things, unusually high exports have implications for market share in Asia. As the past few years’ fluctuations in Russian exports have shown, unusually high exports are accompanied by greater flows of Russian crude into Asia. The unusual jump in exports has been triggered in part by the unplanned extension of maintenance at Rosneft’s Tuapse refinery. Due to the delayed resumption of refining, 600,000 bpd of distillation capacity will be offline in April, according to ESAI Energy estimates. Lower domestic crude demand will free up more crude for export, having the biggest impact on seaborne Urals volumes.

ESAI Energy Principal Andrew Reed said “Any spike in crude exports will impact the flow of Urals from Russia’s European ports to Asia. In search of a market, exporters of Russian crude generally ship these excess barrels to Asia. The irony, which will not be lost on the Saudis, is that Russian exports to Asia will strengthen just as Russian producers finally comply with their OPEC+ obligations.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China’s crude oil imports ease in March

As per General Administration of Customs, China’s March crude oil imports were 39.34 million tonnes, or 9.26 million barrels per day, the lowest since October 2018, down by 9.4% from 10.23 million bpd in February but up 0.4% YoY with at least six Chinese state-owned refineries plan to close for maintenance in 2019 with the bulk of the closures occurring during the second quarter of the year before fuel demand peaks in the third quarter. The fall in imports also came after China’s stockpiling efforts for its strategic reserves eased in March in response to higher crude prices.

For the first quarter, crude oil imports rose 8.2% from a year earlier to a record 121.17 million tonnes, or about 9.83 million bpd. That was 740,000 bpd more than the rate of 9.09 million bpd during the first quarter last year.

Last month, refined fuel exports surged to 7.21 million tonnes, the highest monthly rate in Reuters records going back to 2012, a strong indication of growing domestic fuel surplus as privately owned Hengli Petrochemical’s 400,000-bpd plant reaches full operation.

China’s total natural gas imports also eased amid warmer weather and the end of heating season. Gas arrivals via pipeline as well as liquefied natural gas cargoes were 6.94 million tonnes in March, down from February’s 7.57 million tonnes.

Source : Reuters
Iraq oil exports from south increase to 3.5 mbpd in March - Mr Abdul Jabbar

Basra Oil Company Director General, Mr Ihsan Abdul Jabbar, said that oil exports from Iraq’s southern ports rose from 3.35 million barrels per day in February to an average of 3.5 million bpd in March. After Baghdad government forces dislodged Kurdish Peshmerga fighters from the area, southern exports are on the rise as Iraq looks to balance the halting of exports from its Kirkuk oilfields in the north in mid-January.

Mr Abdul Jabbar said that a southern export number of 3.9 million bpd released by the oil ministry on Thursday, the highest ever, referred just to output on March 29.

Source : MENAFN
Oil market is fragile due to US pressures on Iran, Venezuela - Mr Zanganeh

Mr Bijan Zanganeh, Iran’s oil minister said that the supply-demand balance in the global oil market is fragile due to US sanctions on Iran and Venezuela and tensions in Libya, and warned of consequences for increasing pressures on Tehran. Oil prices have risen more than 30 percent this year on the back of supply cuts led by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and US sanctions on oil exporters Iran and Venezuela, plus escalating conflict in OPEC member Libya.

Quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency “Oil prices are increasing every day. That shows the market is worried.”

Mr Zanganeh said that “Venezuela is in trouble. Russia is also under sanctions. Libya is in turmoil. Part of US oil production has stopped. These show the supply-demand balance is very fragile. If they (the Americans) decide to increase pressures on Iran, the fragility will increase in an unpredictable way.”

The US reimposed sanctions on Iran in November after pulling out of a 2015 nuclear accord between it and six world powers. The sanctions have already halved Iranian oil exports.

US President Mr Donald Trump eventually aims to halt Iranian oil exports, choking off Tehran’s main source of revenue.

Source : Reuters
US exported 2 million barrels per day of crude oil in 2018 to 42 destinations - EIA

Energy Information Administration released, in 2018, US exports of crude oil rose to 2.0 million barrels per day, nearly double the 1.2 million barrels per day rate in 2017. Export volumes by destination changed significantly during the year, as US crude oil exports to China fell and exports to other destinations such as South Korea, Taiwan, and Canada increased.

The increase in US crude oil exports was the result of increasing US crude oil production and infrastructure changes. US crude oil production increased 17% to 10.9 million barrels per day in 2018, with US Gulf Coast states—the departure point for more than 90% of US crude oil exports—producing 7.1 million barrels per day. The increased production is mostly of light, sweet crude oils, but US Gulf Coast refineries are configured mostly to process heavy, sour crude oils. This increasing production and mismatch between crude oil type and refinery configuration causes more of US crude oil production to be exported.

In early 2018, the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port in the Gulf of Mexico was modified to enable the loading of vessels for crude oil exports. LOOP is currently the only US facility capable of accommodating fully loaded Very Large Crude Carriers, vessels capable of carrying approximately 2 million barrels of crude oil.

After LOOP was modified to also allow exports, the increase in cargo scale led US crude oil exports to surpass 2 million b/d for 25 weeks in 2018 compared with just 1 week in 2017. In addition to LOOP, other US Gulf Coast export facilities in and around Houston and Corpus Christi, Texas, have been investing in increasing the scale of U.S. crude oil export cargos.

In 2018, Asia was the largest regional destination for US crude oil exports, followed by Europe, while, as in previous years, Canada was the largest single destination for US crude oil exports. Canada received 378,000 b/d of US crude oil exports, representing 19% of total US crude oil exports in 2018. South Korea surpassed China to become the second-largest destination for US crude oil exports in 2018, receiving 236,000 b/d compared with China’s 228,000 b/d.

However, the distribution of US crude oil exports by destination varied significantly from the first half of 2018 to the second half. In the first half of 2018, the United States exported 376,000 b/d of crude oil to China, which made China the largest single destination for US crude oil exports for that period. However, in August, September, and October of 2018, the United States exported no crude oil to China. US crude oil exports to China resumed in the final two months of the year but at much lower volumes. On average, the United States exported 83,000 b/d of crude oil to China in the second half of 2018.

In the summer of 2018, as part of ongoing trade negotiations between the United States and China, China temporarily included US crude oil on a list of goods potentially subject to an increase in import tariffs. Around that time, the difference between the international crude oil benchmark Brent and the US domestic price West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures prices narrowed: Brent prices went from USD 9 per barrel (b) higher than WTI in June to USD 6/b higher than WTI in July.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Europa Oil sells interest in PEDL143 to UKOG

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc, the UK and Ireland focused exploration, development and production company, announced that it has conditionally agreed to sell its 20% interest in UK onshore licence PEDL143 to UK Oil & Gas plc (‘UKOG’) for a total consideration of GBP 300,000 (‘the Sale’). The Sale is in line with Europa’s strategy to focus on its high impact portfolio of exploration licences in Atlantic Ireland, its existing producing assets onshore UK, and the Company’s pursuit of new ventures in its chosen areas of interest, specifically the Atlantic seaboard, North Africa and NW Europe.

The Sale is subject to the signing of a Sale and Purchase Agreement, the terms of which have been agreed by both parties, and also approval by the Oil and Gas Authority. The Sale is to be settled in cash which, under the terms of the proposed SPA, Europa will then immediately, simultaneously and irrevocably use to apply for such number of ordinary shares in UKOG (‘the Consideration Shares’) that is equal to GBP 300,000 divided by 1.1560 pence per share, being the five day volume weighted average price on 12 April 2019. The Consideration Shares issued to Europa will be subject to a six month orderly markets provision. A further announcement will be made on completion.

Europa CEO Mr Hugh Mackay said, “The sale of our remaining interest in PEDL143 demonstrates how we actively manage our portfolio of licences on a risk / reward basis. We will deploy corporate resources and capital elsewhere in our portfolio, mainly in monetising our industry-leading licence position offshore Ireland. Here gross prospective resources of up to 6.4 billion barrels of oil and 1.5 tcf of gas at our flagship Inishkea project have been identified, while farm-in negotiations are ongoing with a major international oil and gas company with a view to drilling up to three high impact wells from 2020 onwards.

Mr Mackay said that “We continue to look to maximise production from our UK onshore assets including our three producing fields and the Wressle discovery in the East Midlands. Finally, we are closing in on adding a new exploration project to our portfolio, a high impact, new venture in Morocco which, in terms of size and company-making potential, is on a similar scale to our Irish licences. With so much activity underway across our portfolio, I look forward to providing further updates on our progress.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
DEA announces successful Zama appraisal well and production test

The consortium of offshore Block 7 has successfully carried out a further appraisal well, including production testing. Hydrocarbon flow of well “Zama-2 ST1” achieved a rate of 7,900 barrels of oil equivalent per day. DEA holds a 40% share as partner in Block 7. Mr Juan Manuel Delgado, Managing Director of Deutsche Erdoel México and country representative for DEA’s businesses in Mexico, said that “We are very pleased with the results of this well, that showed exceptional productivity. With every well, we are growing our understanding of the reservoir. The results confirm that the recent acquisition of Sierra was the right step for DEA. We have gained access to a promising licence portfolio."

Block 7 is located in the prolific Sureste Basin offshore Mexico. Zama-2 ST1 is the second of three appraisal wells drilled by the consortium, to better define the resource potential of the Zama discovery. Building upon the success of the first appraisal well (Zama-2), the goals of Zama-2 ST1 were to test the northern limits of the reservoir, acquire a whole core to collect detailed rock properties, and perform a well test in several perforated intervals. Zama-2 ST1 was drilled 180 meters updip of the Zama-2 well and approximately 2.1 kilometers north of the Zama-1 exploration well.

In the next stage of the appraisal program, the Zama-3 appraisal well is planned to be drilled to the south of the original Zama-1 exploration well. Block 7 contains a significant part of Zama, one of the largest shallow water discoveries of the past 20 years globally. As a whole, Zama is estimated to hold 400 million to 800 million barrels of recoverable oil equivalent and expected to start production by 2022-23.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Equinor wins seven exploration blocks offshore Argentina

Equinor adds seven offshore exploration blocks to its portfolio, after presenting winning bids in the 1st Offshore Licensing Round in Argentina. The bid round was arranged in Buenos Aires on 16 April. Equinor submitted the winning bids for five blocks as operator. Equinor also participated in winning bids for one block to be operated by YPF and one block to be operated by Total. Tim Dodson, Equinor’s executive vice president for exploration, said “We are very pleased to succeed in this competitive licensing round and to have added significant prospective acreage to our exploration portfolio. These awards fit with our exploration strategy, providing us with access at scale in basins with high impact potential. We are looking forward to mature these new opportunities and work together with our partners YPF, Argentina’s leading energy company and Total, who has long experience from offshore activities in these waters.”

A total of 38 blocks were on offer in the licensing round, the first open bid round for Argentinean offshore acreage in more than 20 years.

Equinor entered Argentina in 2017 and holds a 50% interest in the Bajo del Toro licence (YPF operator, 50%) and is operator with 90 % equity in the Bajo del Toro Este licence (partner Gas y Petróleo del Neuquén, 10%). Equinor also holds a 50 % interest in the Guanizul 2A (G2A) solar asset in Argentina.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EU Refiners turn to Russian crude as US slaps more sanctions on Venezuela

Sputnik reported that although sanctions against Venezuelan crude are yet to come into effect, the country’s oil has essentially already been taken off the mainstream international market after the US State Department piled direct pressure on foreign companies to scrap all oil-related deals and European refiners have scrambled to switch to expensive Russian sour crude after US sanctions hit Venezuela’s similar-grade exports.

As a result, the refineries are already competing to secure as much sour Russian Urals crude as they can, in a complete reversal of the traditional differential between light and heavy oil to the levels which have not been in place since 2013.

The developments come after Washington slapped sanctions on Venezuela’s PDVSA state oil company, blocking USD 7 billion of the company's assets and pressuring businesses to cut ties with the firm by the 11 March deadline. The deadline, however, was then extended until 10 May.

Due to US-imposed sanctions, Venezuela's overall exports of crude oil reportedly dropped to 920,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the first month of sanctions, roughly 30 per cent less than the 1.5 million bpd traded in the prior three months.

Source : Sputnik
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