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China’s September crude imports mark highest in 4 months

Reuters reported that China’s daily crude oil imports in September hit their highest level since May, customs data showed, as independent refiners looked to shore up their inventory ahead of winter. Shipments into the country last month stood at 37.12 million tonnes, or 9.05 million barrels per day (bpd), up from 9.04 million bpd in August and marking their third straight monthly rise, according to numbers from the General Administration of Customs. Total crude imports over the first nine months of the year climbed 6 percent from the same period in 2017 to 336 million tonnes, or 8.98 million bpd.

A crude trader with an independent refinery said before the data was released “Crude run rates have been rising since September. With stable fuel demand, we have been scooping up crude oil, pushing up premiums of some crude grades.” He declined to be identified as he was not authorised to speak with media.

However, some Chinese refiners said they were concerned that a rally in global oil prices would erode their profit margins.

Sengyick Tee, a Beijing-based consultant at SIA Energy, said that “Crude import growth slowed in September (partly) due to what was probably positive growth in domestic crude production.”

International benchmark Brent crude oil futures stood around USD 80.60 per barrel on Friday, up more than 20 percent from the beginning of the year.

Looking ahead, China has hiked non-state oil import quotas for 2019, potentially supporting imports of the commodity.

Source : Reuters
Iran, Venezuela and US shale output to drive oil prices - Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings said that Iranian and Venezuelan oil production levels, along with the pace of US shale growth, will drive oil prices in the medium term. Supply constraints at a time of steadily growing demand are leading the Brent price to spike above USD80 per bbl. We rate oil and gas (O&G) producers on a through-the-cycle basis using fairly conservative price assumptions, but there is a potential for a moderate upside revision of these assumptions in the next two months. Upcoming US sanctions against Iran already caused the country’s output to drop by 350 thousand barrels per day (mbpd) in September. We believe at least 1 million barrels per day (mmbpd) may be at risk unless sanction waivers and exemptions remove pressure to cut production further. Venezuelan output in September was 700 mbpd below its OPEC quota as the economic and political crisis continues to cripple the country’s oil industry. We forecast that production declines in Iran and Venezuela may reach 2 mmbpd, or more. This is about the same as our estimate of maximum global spare capacity at the beginning of the year, mostly in OPEC countries and Russia. Prices might come down if OPEC+ producers manage to make up for the lost volumes.

US shale growth could help the oil market revert to a more balanced state in 2019 with prices moderating. However, the very limited spare capacity left in the market is likely to continue to influence prices. We cannot rule out an alternative scenario where oil prices keep rising or stabilise in the USD80-90/bbl range should OPEC and Russia be unable to sustainably offset the production fall.

The pace of US shale growth will be a significant factor in the oil price level. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects US crude production, including natural gas liquids, to grow by around 2 mmbpd in 2018, which should exceed global demand growth. However, infrastructural limitations will continue to limit by how much the US production could grow every year. There are several large pipelines with expected completion dates in 2019 and 2020 that will somewhat elevate constraints.

Oil demand is expected to remain strong in the short term but is more uncertain over the next two to three years. Global economic expansion at the beginning of the year has spurred the demand. However, protectionist US trade policies have now reached the point where they are materially affecting the global growth outlook. High oil prices may also start to weigh on demand.

The credit profiles of deeply high-yield O&G producers are likely to benefit from the current pricing environment. This is due their liquidity positions often being stretched and leverage high, so additional cash flows could remove liquidity pressure and reduce debt loads. Larger integrated producers usually match increased cash flow from higher prices by increasing returns to shareholders, so the impact on their credit standing is more limited.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Amerikaanse olievoorraden gestegen

(ABM FN) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gestegen. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 12 oktober stegen de voorraden ruwe olie met 6,5 miljoen vaten tot 416,4 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met 2,0 miljoen tot 234,2 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie met 0,8 miljoen vaten daalden tot 132,6 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen bleef op 88,8 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Saudi Arabia to meet India’s oil demand, absorb supply shocks – Mr Falih

Reuters cited Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih as saying that Saudi Arabia is committed to meeting India’s rising oil demand and is the “shock absorber” for supply disruptions in the oil market. India, the world’s third biggest oil importer, is grappling with a combination of rising oil prices and falling local currency. Retail prices for gasoline and diesel fuel in India are at record highs and the government has cut its excise tax on fuel to ease some of the pain for consumers. While there are many factors that could influence global oil prices, Saudi Arabia and other major producers will continue to act to cushion the market from oil price shocks.

Mr Falih said that “We could have another (round of) unanticipated disruptions that we have seen in Nigeria, Libya, Venezuela. And we have seen sanctions on Iran. These supply disruptions need a shock absorber and the shock absorber to a large extent has been Saudi Arabia. We have invested tens of billions of dollars to build spare capacity of 2-3 million barrels per day over years.”

However, Saudi Arabia has the capacity to produce 12 million bpd and is currently producing 10.7 million bpd, Falih said, adding that production will rise further next month.

Mr Falih said oil prices would “easily be at the three digit range had it not been for the extra effort the kingdom has done over many years by investing in capacity and then unleashing that capacity, delivering barrels over last few months, reversing inventory draw down.”

Source : Reuters
India's oil demand to rise by 5.8 million barrels per day by 2040 - OPEC

Reuters cited Mr Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo, secretary general of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries as saying that India's oil demand is expected to rise by 5.8 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2040, accounting for about 40 per cent of the overall increase in global demand during the period. He said htat "India is projected to see the largest additional oil demand (3.7 per cent per annum) and the fastest growth in the period to 2040."

Mr Barkindo said that the global oil sector needed $11 trillion in investment to meet future demand by 2040.

Global oil demand is expected to increase by 14.5 million bpd from 2017 to 111.7 million bpd in 2040, OPEC said in its latest report, issued in September.

Retail fuel prices in India, the world's third biggest oil consumer and importer, recently touched record levels due to high oil prices and a weakening rupee, leading to protests across the country.

Nr Barkindo said consumers including India have expressed concerns on the outlook for supply. He said that "Our view is that the market is currently adequately supplied and well balanced. For 2019, there is the potential for an imbalance, due to larger growth in supply."

Source : Reuters
India hopes to finalise partners for strategic oil reserves within a year - Mr Ahuja

Reuters cited the head of Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd (ISPRL) as saying taht India hopes to forge partnerships with private players to build out its strategic petroleum reserves within the coming year. India's government approved two strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) sites with a total capacity of 6.5 million tonnes in June.

Mr H Ahuja, the chief executive of ISPRL, said that ISPRL, a government-owned a special purpose vehicle, planned to get bids from investors for the second phase of the storage plan in six to nine months.

Source : Reuters
Olie stuk goedkoper

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Een vat Amerikaanse olie is woensdag flink goedkoper geworden.

Een november-future voor een vat ruwe olie sloot op de New York Mercantile Exchange 3,1 procent, of 2,17 dollar, lager op 69,75 dollar.

Vanmiddag bleken de Amerikaanse olievoorraden gestegen. Afgelopen week kwamen er 6,5 miljoen vaten ruwe olie bij, waardoor de voorraad inmiddels ruim 416 miljoen vaten bedraagt. De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen bleef onveranderd op 88,8 procent.

Energie-econoom Hans van Cleef zag de prijs van een vat Amerikaanse olie na "de onverwacht hogere EIA voorraadcijfers" een duik maken tot onder de 70 dollar per vat. Volgens Van Cleef was er dan ook slechts een stijging van 0,9 miljoen vaten verwacht.

De prijs van een vat Brent ging mee in het negatieve sentiment en brak onder de 80 dollar per vat.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
De olieprijs zal nog wel verder dalen, Saoudi Arabië heeft best wat goed te maken richting het westen.
Mr Trump cannot bring oil prices down by "bullying" - Mr Zanganeh

aneh, Iran's oil minister as saying that US President Mr Donald Trump cannot bring oil prices down by "bullying" other nations, adding that the market was suffering from short supply. US sanctions on Iranian oil exports are due to kick in on November 4. The US administration has been pushing its allies to cut Iranian oil imports and encouraging Saudi Arabia, other OPEC states and Russia to pump more oil to meet any shortfall. He said that "The oil market is suffering from short supply and this cannot be resolved by words. Trump thinks he can bring the oil prices down by bullying," according to the semi-official news agency ILNA. Benchmark Brent crude has been trading above USD 80 a barrel .

Mr Zanganeh said the rise of oil prices was a "self-inflicted pain" caused by US sanctions against Iranian energy exports, and could be resolved by lifting the measures. He said that "Everyone is worried and Trump has failed to reassure them. That's why the market is in turmoil."

He said that the United States "has done most of the things it could do, and there is not much left to do against Iran," according to comments reported by Iran's ISNA agency.

Washington said this month it would consider waivers for Iranian oil buyers such as India, although it said they would eventually have to halt imports from Iran, the third biggest oil producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Source : Reuters
Global spare oil capacity shrinking - Mr Barkindo

Reuters cited Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Secretary-General Mr Mohammad Barkindo as saying that global spare oil capacity was shrinking, adding that producers and companies should increase their production capacities and invest more to meet current demand.

Mr Barkindo said during the IHS CERA conference, members of the OPEC and non-OPEC countries participating in a supply-reduction agreement are on course to reach 100 percent compliance.

Source : Reuters
India's oil imports surge to USD 10.91 billion in September 2018

Reuters reported that India's crude oil imports in September touched USD 10.91 billion, up 33.6 percent from a year ago, Indian government data showed. Shipments of gold to India, the world's second-biggest buyer of bullion, rose 51.5 percent last month.

India last week announced tariff hikes on several electronic items and communication devices, in a bid to rein in imports and bolster a weak rupee, but did not levy additional duties on gold to prevent increased smuggling of the precious metal.

Source : Reuters
Saudi-Arabië wil geen oliecrisis à la 1973

Gepubliceerd op 22 okt 2018 om 08:52 | Views: 4.364

Royal Dutch Shell A 16:29
28,21 -0,38 (-1,33%)

LONDEN (AFN/RTR) - Saudi-Arabië heeft geen intentie om een olie-embargo af te kondigen zoals het in 1973 deed. Het land wil olie en politiek gescheiden houden, zei de Saudische energieminister Khalid al-Falih tegen het Russische persbureau TASS.

Saudi-Arabië ligt zwaar onder vuur vanuit de westerse wereld vanwege de dood van de kritische journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Die verdween nadat hij naar het Saudische consulaat in Istanbul was gegaan om documenten te halen voor zijn aanstaande huwelijk. In eerste instantie ontkende Saudi-Arabië er iets mee te maken te hebben, maar inmiddels gaf het land toe dat Khashoggi is omgebracht.

Saudi-Arabië is een van de grootste olieproducenten ter wereld. Het land pompt ruim een achtste van alle ruwe olie in de wereld op.
Olieprijs beweegt nauwelijks

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is maandag een fractie hoger gesloten, in aanloop naar de expiratie van het novembercontract, terwijl handelaren de balans opmaakten van de spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Saoedi-Arabië, na de moord op de journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul.

De novemberfuture voor een vat ruwe olie sloot maandag 0,1 procent hoger op 69,17 dollar per vat aan de New York Mercantile Exchange.

Amerikaanse Congresleden van beide partijen deden in het weekend oproepen tot sancties tegen het koninkrijk. De minister van financiën Steven Mnuchin brengt maandag een bezoek aan Saoedi-Arabië.

De minister zei dat de relatie met het Arabische land cruciaal is voor het Amerikaanse streven om te voorkomen dat Iran de dominante macht in het Midden-Oosten wordt, meldde The Wall Street Journal.

De spanningen tussen Saoedi-Arabië en de internationale gemeenschap zullen "vermoedelijk geen betekenisvolle verstoring van de olietoevoer en exportstroom in gang zetten", schreef grondstoffenanalist Robbie Fraser van Schneider Electric in een nieuwsbrief.

De Saoedishe minister van energie Khalid al-Falih, zei tegen het Russische persbureau TASS dat het niet de bedeoling is om het olie-embargo te herhalen dat in 1973 de olieprijs torenhoog liet stijgen.

Zaterdag meldde Saoedi-Arabië dat de dissidente journalist Khashoggi was gedood in het Saoedische consulaat in Istanbul, nadat er een vuistgevecht wwas uitgebroken. Achttien landgenoten zouden zijn gearresteerd. De verklaring van de Saoedi's, na eerdere ontkenningen dat er iets was gebeurd met de spoorloos verdwenen journalisten, werd door critici met ongeloof begroet.

"De Saoedische lezing roept meer vragen op dan ze beantwoordt en zo blijft de internationale druk op de Saoedische leiders aanhouden, net als de mogelijkheid van sancties", stelden analisten van Commerzbank. De marktreactie wijst erop dat handelaren de kans daarop niet zo groot achten, merkte de bank daarbij op.

Andere zorgen zoals een verdere daling van de olieproductie in Venezuela, de volle impact van Amerikaanse sancties op Iraanse olie en een mogelijke verdere toename van de Amerikaanse olievoorraden spelen een rol op de achtergrond.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Nord Stream 3 project possible if gas demand grows in Europe - Mr Yanovsky

Russia’s Deputy Energy Minister Mr Anatoly Yanovsky told TASS in an interview construction of the Nord Stream 3 main gas pipeline is possible in case of growth of natural gas demand in Europe.

The official said that "This is a calculation, an economic task. Gas should be supplied from our fields by the most efficient method and their geographic location is such that the Nord Stream reduces the length of gas transportation by 2,000 km, comparing to the route via Ukraine. This is an economic, rather than a political issue. Extra construction and operation expenses should also be addressed - all of them are taken into account. So, if there is extra demand in Europe, then why not?".

Source : TASS
Gazprom has increased gas output by 6.8pct so far this year – Mr Miller

Reuters reported that Russian gas giant Gazprom has increased its gas output by 6.8 per cent in the last nine and a half months and expects overall production this year to be close to 500 billion cubic metres, RIA news agency said, citing the firm's chief executive.

The TASS news agency, also citing Gazprom CEO Mr Alexei Miller, said the company had increased gas deliveries to non-CIS countries by 8 billion cubic metres in the past nine and a half months.

Source : Reuters
Olieprijs keldert

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs daalde dinsdagavond fors, tot de laagste niveaus in ongeveer twee maanden.

De decemberfuture voor een vat West Texas Intermediate-olie daalde dinsdag 4,2 procent tot 66,30 dollar per vat op de New York Mercantile Exchange. Ook een vat Brent-olie, de wereldwijde standaard, werd 4 procent minder waard.

De stemming werd gedrukt door een daling op de aandelenmarkten, die in gang werd gezet door China. Net als aandelen worden grondstoffen en olie door beleggers gezien als risicovol.

"De olieprijs daalt door zorgen over overproductie in de komende maanden. De risicomijdende toon op de aandelenmarkten helpt daarbij niet", zei analist Fawad Razaqzada van Forex.com.

Beleggers richtten zich op de toezegging van Saoedi-Arabië dat het land een verantwoordelijke rol zal spelen in de energiemarkten, ondanks internationale kritiek op de moord op de dissidente journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Energieminister Khalid al-Falih zei onlangs tegen het Russische persbureau Tass dat Saoedi-Arabië zijn productie zal opvoeren van 10,7 miljoen naar 11 miljoen vaten per dag. Daarmee lijkt het land tegemoet te willen komen aan de wens van de Amerikaanse president Trump om de olieprijs weer omlaag te drukken, na de recente stijgingen.

Diverse Amerikaanse Congres-leden hebben opgeroepen tot sancties tegen Saoedi-Arabië, nadat de regering van het land toegaf dat de journalist werd vermoord in zijn consulaat in Istanbul. De regering van de Amerikaanse president Trump lijkt echter terughoudend om maatregelen te treffen, ook al omdat sancties tegen Iran, een rivaal van Saoedi-Arabië in het Midden-Oosten, volgende maand ingaan.

Intussen voerde de Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan de druk op de Saoedische koning op door te zeggen dat hij "sterk bewijs had dat deze moord gepland was" door de Saoedische leiders, die dat tot dusverre hebben ontkend.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
OPEC winter oil market outlook

The oil market in the winter season is generally characterized by demand for diesel, particularly in the northern hemisphere, leaving product markets more vulnerable to developments related to the middle of the barrel. In 2017, refining margins weakened in winter and product markets were mainly sustained by firm gasoil demand. Looking back, European diesel demand growth dropped last winter in 4Q17 from levels observed at the beginning of the year and deteriorated further in 2Q18. The trend in 3Q18 so far confirms market weakness. This general slowdown in the European gasoil market is largely a consequence of the 2015 diesel emissions controversy and higher global oil prices. Hence, in 2018 the European gasoil market has transitioned from the fastest-growing diesel market to the slowest among selected countries

In the US, while heating oil has seen pressure due to substitution by natural gas, demand for middle distillates has nevertheless been strong on healthy economic activity, including manufacturing, construction and freight movement. In the winter of 2017, refinery runs in the US were at record highs due to Hurricane Harvey, though this is not expected to be repeated this winter. Following this year’s driving season, refining margins have begun to decline seasonally, in addition to being pressured by smaller crack spreads, which could lower refinery throughput further in the months to come.

In non-OECD countries, strong economic growth, particularly in India and China, has been supportive of industrial activities, such as heavy equipment operations for mining and farming and power generation, as well as passenger and commercial transportation. Diesel growth in India for 2018 continues to see strong momentum, as well as ongoing improvements in LPG requirements for residential use. In China, LPG and gasoline are the engines of demand growth, with seasonal agricultural activities providing further support for diesel demand in the coming months.

With regard to oil inventories, OECD stocks have witnessed a downward trend since the implementation of the Declaration of Cooperation, with an inventory draw in all product categories compared with a year earlier. As per the latest available data, OECD commercial product stocks stood at 41 mb below the seasonal average.

Looking ahead, based on current market developments, global product markets are projected to see some weakness, compared with the same quarter a year earlier. In Europe, gasoil cracks are expected to continue to come under pressure, as diesel-powered vehicles remain under scrutiny. At the same time, gasoline markets in the region are expected to show some counterseasonal gains, providing moderate support to otherwise softening European product markets.

In the US, the diesel market will be impacted by various factors such as weather conditions during 4Q18 and 1Q19 and the performance of the industrial and construction sectors. Meanwhile, product demand in non-OECD countries, mainly in China and India, is expected to be driven by positive GDP growth projections for those economies. In addition, limitations in refining capacity in Latin America and Africa, due to a lack of investment, will most likely continue to encourage product imports, providing additional support to global gasoline and middle distillate crack spreads. However, the current weakness in some emerging market currencies and subsidy reductions could negatively impact product demand in the emerging markets in the months to come.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
India’s crude oil import bill to peak at record USD 125 billion in current fiscal - Oil ministry

ETEnergyWorld reported that the ongoing historic surge in the global benchmark crude oil rates, coupled with a depreciating Rupee against the Dollar and increased reliance on imports, is likely to push India’s crude oil import bill higher by a whopping 42 per cent to USD 125 billion or INR 881,282 crore in the current financial year ending March 2019. A detailed ETEnergyworld analysis of historic data shows this would be the highest-ever annual cost of oil imports for India in the recent past. Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC), the oil ministry’s technical arm, said in a report “The import bill of crude oil is estimated to increase by 42 per cent from $88 billion in 2017-18 to USD 125 billion in 2018-19 considering the Indian basket crude oil price of USD 77.88/bbl and $/Rs exchange rate of 72.22 for the balance part of the year.”

In volume terms, the country’s crude oil imports are set to rise 3.72 per cent to 228.6 MT in the current fiscal from 220.4 MT last financial year. Data shows crude oil import bill during the first six months (April-September) of the current fiscal had increased 56.11 per cent to USD 58.7 billion. In volume terms, the oil imports rose 5.80 per cent to 113 million tonne.

Source : ETEnergyWorld
Iraq aims to produce 7 million barrels of oil per day

Reuters cited Oil Minister Mr Jabar al-Luaibi as saying that Iraq is seeking to produce 7 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) through its newly established National Oil Company and to export 4 million bpd in 2019. In an interview with state television, Mr Luaibi said Iraq hoped to export 1 million bpd through Jordan's Akaba port, without specifying a timeline. The burning of gas produced as a byproduct of oil extraction would stop by 2021.

Mr Luaibi said that the northern refinery of Baiji was brought back online and is producing 70,000 bpd.

Source : Reuters
Olieprijs stabiliseert

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is woensdag licht hoger gesloten, nadat de fossiele energiebron in de voorgaande dagen fors goedkoper werd.

De decemberfuture voor een vat ruwe West Texas Intermediate-olie sloot 0,6 procent hoger op 66,82 dollar op de New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent-olie werd 0,3 procent minder waard, op 75,67 dollar.

De bbescheiden herstelbeweging in New York stoorde zich niet aan de wekelijkse cijfers over de Amerikaanse olievoorraden, die voor de vijfde week op rij stegen. Dat rapport liet name ook zien dat voorraden brandstoffen, zoals benzine, diesel en stookolie, daalden en de vraag toenam.

De voorraden ruwe olie stegen met 6,3 miljoen vaten tot 423 miljoen vaten. De voorraden benzine en destillaten daalden samen met 7,1 miljoen vaten. Er werd fors meer benzine naar de Amerikaanse markt gepompt, namelijk 9,3 miljoen vaten per dag, wat 141.000 vaten meer was dan een week eerder. Dit is een indicatie van de vraag naar benzine bij autorijders.

Dinsdag kelderde de olieprijs nog met ruim 4 procent tot het laagste niveau in twee maanden tijd. De onrust op de aandelenmarkten zette de olieprijs onder druk. Olie wordt net als aandelen als riskante belegging gezien. Ook lijken beleggers meer te twijfelen over hoe gezond de wereldeconomie is en of de sterke vraag naar olie wel zal aanhouden op de langere termijn.

Ook een rol speelde de kwestie Saoedi-Arabië en Iran. De Iraanse olie verdwijnt van de markt door een aangekondigde Amerikaanse boycot. Eerder deze week leek het erop dat Saoedi-Arabië dit zal opvangen door extra olie op te pompen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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