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Saudi energy minister Mr Falih says market demands more oil in H2

Reuters cited Saudi Energy Minister Mr Khalid al-Falih as saying that the market demands more oil in the second half of this year and that OPEC was converging on a good decision on production policy this week. He said that “I think any decision that we make will be based on fundamentals. We will be looking at supply and demand, inventory.”

However, oil ministers from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries meet on Friday in Vienna, followed by talks with non-OPEC oil producers on Saturday.

Source : Reuters
OPEC has the responsibility to maintain supply equilibrium - Mr Pradhan

ET cited Oil Minister Mr Dharmendra Pradhan as saying that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) being a dominant supplier of crude oil has the responsibility to maintain supply equilibrium. In a strongly worded speech delivered at the 7th international OPEC meet in Vienna, he said the world has for far too long seen spikes and interventions in the oil market which are detached from market fundamentals and the time has come to move towards responsible prices.

Mr Pradhan said that “The world has for far too long seen a rollercoaster in prices and interventions which are detached from market fundamentals. It is high time to move towards responsible pricing, one that balances the interests of both producer and consumer.”

He said that there have been frequent incidents of global trade practices in the field of oil and gas which are not aligned towards providing energy access, affordability and have become a hindrance sustainability.

Talking about crude oil prices, Mr Pradhan said that globally prices have gone beyond the threshold limit impacting countries like India which is a key driver of oil economy.

He added that “Globally crude prices have gone beyond the threshold which can be sustained by the world, particularly countries like India which is a key driver of oil economy. Prices are creating stress to global economy and giving pain to India. Global economy outlook already has threats from trade wars, geo-political events and threat of instability coming back to the Euro zone. Already a fragile global economy will face a threat if oil price persists at these levels.”

Mr Pradhan said that while India is not supportive of a low crude oil price scenario, it is also not supportive of the prevailing high prices which are putting a dent on the country’s fiscal balance and undermining its development activities.

He said that “If the world has to grow holistically there needs to be mutual supportive relationship between producer and consumer. It is in the interest of producers that other economics keeps growing steadily and rapidly, so as to ensure growing energy markets for themselves. OPEC as predominant supplier has the responsibility to maintain supply equilibrium.”

Mr Pradhan’s statement at OPEC meet is coming at a time when India’s domestic fuel prices reached the highest levels in the month of May. Also, the country’s oil import bill has risen by more than 49 per cent to USD 115 billion in the month of May widening the country’s Current Account Deficit (CAD) and putting stress on the country’s fiscal situation.

Source : ET
Iran signals compromise for modest rise in OPEC crude oil output

Reuters reported that Iran signalled it could compromise on a small increase in OPEC oil output when the group meets this week, as Saudi Arabia scrambled to convince fellow members on the need for a larger rise in production. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries meets to decide on output policy amid calls from major consumers such as the United States and China to cool down oil prices and support the global economy by producing more crude.

Iran said that OPEC was unlikely to reach a deal, setting the stage for a clash with kingpin Saudi Arabia and non-member Russia, which are pushing to raise production steeply from July to meet growing global demand.

Iranian Oil Minister Mr Bijan Zanganeh said OPEC members that had overdelivered on cuts in recent months should return to compliance with agreed quotas.

However, that would effectively mean a modest boost from producers such as Saudi Arabia that have been cutting more deeply than planned despite production outages in Venezuela and Libya.

An OPEC source who is aware of Iran's stance said that "OPEC could keep the same deal with compliance going back to 100 percent."

OPEC Secretary-General Mohammad Barkindo said he was confident there would be a deal on Friday.

Russia has proposed OPEC and non-OPEC raise output by 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd), effectively wiping out existing production cuts of 1.8 million bpd that have helped rebalance the market in the past 18 months and lifted oil to $75 per barrel. Oil was trading as low as $27 in 2016.

OPEC members Iran, Iraq and Venezuela have opposed a relaxation of production cuts, fearing a slump in prices.

But a decision to increase output could be taken with Iran refusing to sign up, as has happened before in OPEC.

Iran has so far been the main barrier to a deal, with Zanganeh saying on Wednesday OPEC should not yield to pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump to raise output.

He said that Mr Trump had contributed to the rise in prices by imposing sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, which will likely lead to lower exports.

Mr Zanganeh said he would leave Vienna on Friday even before OPEC holds talks with non-OPEC producers the next day, but efforts were underway on Wednesday to convince Iran to participate in a deal.

Sources said Saudi Arabia did not want to be seen as putting too much pressure on Iran and hence Russia was instead trying to convince Tehran.

Mr Zanganeh was due to attend a ministerial committee on Thursday, two sources said. Iran is usually not part of the committee, which includes Russia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Algeria and Venezuela.

Adding to the complications was the lack of a unified position among usually aligned Gulf oil producers ahead of the Friday meeting, according to two sources familiar with the talks.

Source : Reuters
Olieprijs sluit lager

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is maandag weer gedaald, na de opleving afgelopen vrijdag toen oliekartel OPEC een verhoging van de dagproductie overeenkwam die lager uitviel dan verwacht.

De augustus-future voor een vat ruwe olie sloot maandag op de New York Mercantile Exchange 0,50 dollar, ofwel 0,7 procent, lager op 68,08 dollar.

"De vergadering van OPEC leverde een minder sterke verhoging op dan verwacht, wat een koopgolf tot gevolg had [op vrijdag], zei marktanalist David Madden van CMC Markets maandag. "En vandaag verzilveren zij hun winsten."

Vrijdag besloot het oliekartel de dagproductie met 1 miljoen vaten op te gaan voeren, "maar dat is op papier, in de praktijk betekent dit zo'n 600.000 vaten, omdat lang niet elk lid ook kan verhogen", aldus energie-econoom Hans van Cleef van ABN AMRO tegen ABM Financial News.

Momenteel wordt de productie nog met 1,8 miljoen vaten per dag gedrukt om zo de balans in de oliemarkt terug te brengen en de prijs aan te jagen.
Rusland, dat eigenlijk hoopte op een verhoging met 1,5 miljoen vaten, besloot zaterdag, zoals ook verwacht, om zich achter de afgesproken verhoging van 1 miljoen vaten te scharen.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump zei vrijdag op Twitter te hopen dat de OPEC zou besluiten de output "substantieel" te verhogen. "We moeten de prijzen laag houden", aldus de president.

Volgens Madden kan olie de "stierentrend" wellicht volhouden, mits de prijs niet onder de dieptepunten van juni zakt.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
IEA: gasvraag stijgt de komende jaren

Gepubliceerd op 26 jun 2018 om 10:31 | Views: 998

Royal Dutch Shell A 16:46
29,11 +0,26 (+0,90%)

PARIJS (AFN) - De wereldwijde vraag naar aardgas zal de komende jaren verder groeien, vooral dankzij de sterk toenemende behoefte vanuit China. Dat schrijft het Internationaal Energie Agentschap (IEA) in een rapport over de gasindustrie.

Het IEA verwacht dat de jaarlijkse vraag naar gas in de komende vijf jaar met gemiddeld 1,6 procent zal toenemen, tot 4100 miljard kubieke meter in 2023. China wordt binnen twee tot drie jaar waarschijnlijk 's werelds grootste importeur van gas. Het IEA denkt dat de vraag vanuit China tot en met 2023 met 60 procent zal stijgen omdat steeds meer wordt overstapt van kolen op gas om luchtverontreiniging tegen te gaan. Vooral in de industrie zit de vraag naar gas in de lift.

De denktank voorspelt verder dat de productie van gas uit schalievelden in de Verenigde Staten de komende periode duidelijk zal groeien. Het grootste deel van de productiegroei in de VS zal dan worden aangemerkt voor export als vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (lng) en via pijpleidingen, aldus het IEA.
Olie flink duurder

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is dinsdag flink hoger gesloten. De augustus-future voor een vat ruwe olie sloot op de New York Mercantile Exchange 2,45 dollar, ofwel 3,6 procent, hoger op 70,53 dollar.

De Verenigde Staten zouden volgens persbureau Bloomberg en zakenzender CNBC druk uitoefenen op bondgenoten om hun olie-import uit Iran per 4 november volledig te staken. Dit in nasleep van het besluit van Amerika om de nucleaire deal met Iran op te zeggen en nieuwe sancties te zullen instellen.

De druk die de VS nu uitoefenen, impliceert dat Amerika landen geen ruimte zal geven om hun import uit Iran geleidelijk af te bouwen.

Iran is goed voor de export van ongeveer 2 miljoen vaten olie per dag.

De olieprijs zocht echter al eerder op de dag hogere niveaus op, vanwege zorgen over de olieproductie in Venezuela. Die lijkt met de maand lager te worden.

Berichtgeving dat Saoedi-Arabië komende maand van plan is om een recordaantal van 10,8 miljoen vaten per dag op te pompen, drukte slechts kortstondig de olieprijs.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved. A
Olieprijs stijgt

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is donderdag hoger gesloten in New York, na een sterke daling van de Amerikaanse olievoorraden.

De augustusfuture voor een vat ruwe olie sloot donderdag bijna 1 procent hoger op 73,45 dollar op de New York Mercantile Exchange.

Handelaren waren ook bezorgd dat Amerikaanse sancties en productieproblemen bij een teerzandafgraving in Canada zullen bijdragen aan krappere wereldwijde olievoorraden.

Brent-olie leverde de eerdere winst in en noteerde vlak op 77,60 dollar.

De markt verwerkte dreigementen van de regering-Trump deze week om sancties op te leggen aan landen die hun import van Iraanse ruwe olie niet voor 4 november beperken tot "nul". Later zei een ambtenaar van het ministerie van buitenlandse zaken dat de regering-Trump "bereid is van geval tot geval te werken met landen die hun import beperken", suggererend dat de import niet naar nul hoeft te gaan.

Iran exporteert momenteel ongeveer 2,4 miljoen vaten olie. Analisten meenden eerder dat 400.000 tot 1 miljoen vaten daarvan gevaar liepen door de terugkeer van de Amerikaanse sancties.

De Amerikaanse overheid meldde woensdag dat de olievoorraden afgelopen week zijn gedaald met 9,9 miljoen vaten. Dat is de sterkste daling dit jaar tot nu toe. Analisten van S&P Global Platts rekenden op een afname met 2,3 miljoen vaten.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Saudi Arabia plans to pump up to 11 million bpd of oil in July 2018

An industry source familiar with Saudi oil production plans told Reuters Saudi Arabia plans to pump up to 11 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) in July, the highest in its history, up from about 10.8 million bpd in June. OPEC agreed with Russia and other oil-producing allies on Saturday to raise output from July by about 1 million bpd, with Saudi Arabia pledging a "measurable" supply boost but giving no specific numbers. It was not immediately clear whether most of the output will move towards exports or Saudi inventories. A second industry source said the boost in output "will go to the market" without giving more details.

The move by Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, is a clear indication it is serious about bringing oil prices down, after major consumers such as the United States, China and India raised concerns that prices were rising too high, too quickly.

Benchmark oil prices jumped over 2 percent on Tuesday and U.S. crude topped USD 70 for the first time in two months, as Washington pushed allies to halt imports of Iranian crude.

Brent crude gained USD 1.30 to trade at USD 76.03 a barrel by 2:17 p.m. EDT (1817 GMT). US light crude rose USD 2.08 to USD 70.16.

The United States is pushing countries to halt oil imports from Iran, OPEC's third largest producer, from November, a senior State Department official said, and it will not grant any waivers to sanctions.

Mr Khalid al-Falih, Saudi Energy Minister, said thjat the kingdom will increase output by hundreds of thousands of barrels, with exact figures to be decided later.

Source : Reuters
US wants India to stop importing oil from Iran by November

PTI reported that the US has asked all countries, including India, to stop all oil imports from Iran by November as it ruled out any exemption to India and Indian companies from its reimposed Iranian sanctions regime for them carrying out any transaction with Iran. A state department official told reporters when asked if the US has told all countries, including India and China, to stop all their imports of Iranian oil by November 4 "On China and India, yes, certainly." He said Indian and Chinese companies would be subject to the same sanctions as those in other countries. Given the huge energy needs, India and China are major importers of Iranian oil.

The state department official said that "Their (India and China) companies will be subject to the same sanctions that everybody else's are if they engage in those sectors of the economy that are sanctionable, where there were sanctions imposed prior to 2015. And yes, we will certainly be requesting that their oil imports go to zero. Without question."

Responding to questions, the official said these countries should start reducing the import of oil from Iran now and bring it to zero by November 4. "Without question, they should be reduced. That's what we've been telling them in our bilateral meetings. They should be preparing, now, to go to zero (by November 4)," the official said.

The official said this is part of the Trump administration's effort to isolate streams of Iranian funding and are looking to highlight the totality of Iran's malign behaviour across the region.

Official added that "We remain engaged with the EU-3 throughout this process, and we are going to continue to branch out in new countries and reach new partners as the weeks go forward."

As such, this could emerge as a major topic of discussion between India and the US during the first 2+2 dialogue next week. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman would be in the US next week for talks with their American counterparts Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defence Secretary James Mattis.

The State Department asserted that there would be no waivers under the new sanctions regime. "I would be hesitant to say 'zero waivers ever'. I think the predisposition would be, 'No, we're not granting waivers'," the official said.

Noting that America's allies are aware of its concern, the official claimed these countries want to work with the US. "I don't want to get into the substance of each discussion I've had, but, for a vast majority of countries, they are willing to adhere and support our approach to this because they also view it as a threat. And it's gotten worse since 2015, not better, on their regional activity side," the official said.

In a recent report, the bipartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) said as international sanctions on Iran increased in 2010-2013, India sought to preserve its longstanding ties with Iran while cooperating with the sanctions regime.

Source : PTI
Royal Shell hands over Iraq's Majnoon oilfield

Reuters reported that Royal Dutch Shell has exited the Majnoon oilfield in southern Iraq and handed over its operations to the state-run Basra Oil, two Iraqi oil officials close to the deal said. Officials from Shell and Basra Oil met on Wednesday to mark the complete exit of Shell and the handover of operations. One Iraqi oil official after the meeting said that "The handing over process was smooth and without any issues."

Shell said thjat it plans to focus on developing its gas joint venture in Iraq. Shell also sold its stake in West Qurna 1 to Japan's Itochu.

On April 5, the Iraqi oil ministry signed a two-year contract with Anton Oilfield Services and Petrofac to operate the giant Majnoon oilfield on behalf of state-owned Basra Oil Company.

Oil officials said that crude oil output from Majnoon is now about 235,000 barrels per day (bpd) and Iraq plans to boost output to 450,000 bpd in three years.

Source : Reuters
Olieprijs hoger gesloten

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De prijs voor een vat ruwe olie is vrijdag hoger gesloten, waarbij de olieprijs de handelsdag op week-, maand-, kwartaal- en halfjaarbasis hoger sloot vanwege de aanhoudende inspanningen van de OPEC om het evenwicht in de markt te herstellen.

Op maandbasis steeg de olieprijs in juni bijna 11 procent. Sinds het begin van dit jaar steeg de olieprijs meer dan 20 procent.

Een verwachte stijging van de vraag, in combinatie met mogelijke verstoringen in het aanbod, ondersteunde de olieprijs.

Een dispuut in Libië over olie-marketingrechten, waardoor de exportcapaciteit van het Noord-Afrikaanse land onder druk kwam te staan, stuwde de olieprijs tevens. Volgens analisten van Commerzbank komt vanwege het dispuut de export van 780.000 vaten per dag in gevaar.

Daarnaast reageerde de energiemarkt deze week op dreigementen van de regering Trump dat het Witte Huis landen die de import van olie uit Iran vanaf vier november niet hebben gereduceerd tot nul sancties zal opleggen.

Daarnaast putte de markt steun uit de meest recente data van de Amerikaanse Energy Information Administration, waaruit bleek dat de voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten in de week eindigend op 22 juni zijn gedaald met circa 9,9 miljoen vaten tot 416,6 miljoen vaten. De daling markeerde de grootste daling op weekbasis tot nu toe dit jaar.

De stijging van de olieprijs benadrukt dat de initiatieven van de OPEC sinds begin 2017 om de productie te verlagen, in een poging het mondiale overschot te beteugelen, vruchten heeft afgeworpen. Het OPEC-besluit vorig weekend om de productie minder sterk te verhogen dan was voorzien, gaf de olieprijs volgens marktanalisten deze week een extra impuls.

Marktanalist Matt Smith van ClipperData zei dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat de productieverhogingen de sterke binnenlandse en internationale vraag zullen dekken.

De augustusfuture voor een vat ruwe olie sloot vrijdag bijna 1,0 procent, ofwel 0,7 dollar, hoger op 74,15 dollar op de New York Mercantile Exchange.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Einde stijging (65% in 12 mnd) voorlopig ?
Een vat Brent-olie, ijkpunt voor de wereldoliemarkten, kost momenteel bijna $80. Een jaar geleden lag deze prijs nog onder de $48.De groeiende spanningen in Venezuela en Libië en de bijbehorende productievermindering in deze landen dragen hieraan bij.
Russia to increase oil output by up to 200,000 bpd in July - Mr Novak

Reuters cited the Energy Minister Mr Alexander Novak as saying that Russia will increase its oil production by up to 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) in July, following a meeting of OPEC and non-OPEC producers in Vienna last week which agreed to partially ease cuts.Mr Novak said when asked how much Russia will increase production by following the meeting "We plan (to add back) up to 200,000 bpd in July."

He said that Russian oil companies will increase their oil production proportionally to the cuts they had earlier committed to. He did not give a breakdown.

Moscow has initially agreed on a cut of 300,000 bpd out of the 1.8 million bpd total commitment by the world's biggest oil producers.

Source : Reuters
Iran urges OPEC not to boost oil output amid alleged Saudi deal with Trump

US President Mr Donald Trump tweeted that the Saudi King had agreed to a proposal to increase Riyadh's daily oil production to two million barrels. However, later the White House amended its statement on the phone conversation, saying that Riyadh is ready to take measures to stabilize the oil market.Iranian Oil Minister Mr Bijan Zangeneh has sent a letter to the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) president in which he asked him to prevent an increase in oil output by some OPEC members without reaching a consensus, according to Iran's Shana news agency.

The letter read that "I hereby request Your Excellency to remind OPEC Member Countries to adhere to their commitments under the OPEC's decisions, adopted in the 171st and 174th Meetings of the Conference, and refrain from any unilateral measures undermining the unity and independence of the OPEC."

Mr Zangeneh said that any increase in the production by any OPEC member country "beyond commitments stipulated in OPEC's decisions adopted in 171st and 174th Meetings would constitute a breach of the agreement."

He said that OPEC members "not to let others take politicized measures targeting OPEC's unity and independence."

Mr Zangeneh's remarks came after Iran's OPEC governor Hossein Kazempour Ardebili said that US President Donald Trump's request for Saudi Arabia to significantly step up its oil output to offset the rising oil prices can be seen as a call for Riyadh to withdraw from the OPEC.

Source : Sputnik
Kuwait to raise crude oil output by 85,000 barrel per day - Mr al-Rashidi

Reuters cited Energy Minister Mr Bakhit al-Rashidi as saying that Kuwait will raise oil output by 85,000 barrels per day (bpd)starting on Sunday, part of an agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC producers to increase production by one million bpd, told a local newspaper on Saturday.

Mr Rashidi said that "Kuwait will raise its oil production from tomorrow to 2.785 million barrels, a daily increase of 85,000 compared to May, based on last week's production cut agreement."

OPEC agreed with Russia and other oil-producing allies this month to raise output from July by about 1 million bpd. Saudi Arabia plans to pump up to 11 million bpd in July, and Russia has said it could increase output by more than 200,000 bpd.

Oil prices hit USD 80 a barrel this year for the first time since 2014, prompting consumers like the United States to raise concerns. The output increases come as the United States has urged some OPEC members to raise output to compensate for supply losses caused by renewed US sanctions on Iran.

Source : Reuters
Mijn grootste belegging is in Shell.

De volatiliteit in het aandeel is toegenomen waardoor de opties hoog genoteerd staan. Totaal anders dan in het verleden en daarmee doe je je voordeel.

Wat wil je nog meer dan een super rendement en extra inkomen door geschreven calls net onder de at the money waarde.

Gaan de calls boven mijn limiet dan laat ik ze uitoefenen en schrijf ik puts.
Heus----Het loont.
Maar enige studie is onvermijdelijk.
Iran vows to foil US bid to block oil exports

AFP reported that Iran vowed Sunday to defeat US efforts to block its oil exports and warned rival producer Saudi Arabia it would never take Tehran's "place" on the international oil market. "We will surely do something to thwart the US rallying cry that Iranian oil (exports) must be stemmed," First Vice President Mr Eshagh Jahangiri said in statements broadcast on state television. Mr Jahangiri said that "The (Iranian) government has a plan and God willing we are certain that we will be able to sell as much oil as we want."

The United States exited from the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers in May and said it would reimpose economic sanctions on the Islamic republic and its business partners by November 4.

Recently, a senior State Department official described tightening the noose on Tehran as "one of our top national security priorities".

The official warned countries including China and India, who are key buyers of Iranian oil, that they should stop purchasing crude from the country before the November deadline or face US sanctions.

European countries have been attempting to negotiate exemptions for their firms, but the official confirmed that US President Donald Trump intends to stick to his deadline.

The official said that "We're not granting waivers."

- Not that 'simple' - Jahangiri's remarks came a day after Trump said that Saudi Arabia's King Salman had agreed to his request to ramp up oil production.

Mr Trump said that "Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & dysfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference. Prices too high! He has agreed!."

Mr Jahangiri said it was not that "simple".

He said that "They're begging the Saudis to raise their output so that if Iran's quota decreases nothing will happen to the markets. In this battle, any country that tries to take Iran's place on the oil market will be guilty of treason against Iran and surely one day it will pay the price of this treason."

The official Saudi Press Agency confirmed a phone call between Trump and Salman about oil, but mentioned no specifics and the White House later struck a more cautious tone, saying in a statement the two leaders had "reaffirmed their dedication to a healthy and stable global energy market".

Tehran and Riyadh are members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, a cartel that manages supply to the global market via production quotas so as to keep prices in member states' favour.

Source : IANS

hirshi schreef op 3 juli 2018 20:04:

Mijn grootste belegging is in Shell.

De volatiliteit in het aandeel is toegenomen waardoor de opties hoog genoteerd staan. Totaal anders dan in het verleden en daarmee doe je je voordeel.

Wat wil je nog meer dan een super rendement en extra inkomen door geschreven calls net onder de at the money waarde.

Gaan de calls boven mijn limiet dan laat ik ze uitoefenen en schrijf ik puts.
Heus----Het loont.
Maar enige studie is onvermijdelijk.

Hi Hirshi, lees je alles hier? En, heb je er baat bij gehad?
Wat zou dit doen met de koers van Shell? :-)

USD 100 per barrel could be in the cards - RBC’s Ms Helima Croft

CNBC reported that with oil rallying 14 percent in the second quarter alone, investors might be tempted to take some profits. That would be a mistake, says one widely followed energy strategist. Ms Helima Croft, global head of commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets, told CNBC on Thursday’s “Futures Now “What we’re looking for now in WTI is we’re looking to go to USD 77. If we break above that, then there’s considerable room to run.”

In other words, Croft believes that oil would still need to rally over 3 percent — but the commodity could keep hitting multi-year highs should that level be reached. The strategist had previously stated at the end of May that a return to USD 100 oil was possible in the future.

The current geopolitical climate could provide the beginnings of that rally. Earlier this past week, the U.S. pressed its allies to block Iranian oil imports, a move Croft described as an attempt to “take Iran down to zero.”

Since then, oil has spiked to its highest levels since November 2014, and ended June with its fourth straight quarterly gain for the first time since 2010.

Croft believes that tensions in the Middle East could also exacerbate the supply of oil in the market, thereby driving up demand and hiking oil prices higher.

She said that “I think this market is going to tighten in the back half of this year, I think there’s no way around this.”

Croft also stressed that all eyes were also on Saudi Arabia to see how many barrels they could produce. On Tuesday, reports that the Saudis were planning on hitting a record oil output of 11 million barrels a day temporarily sent oil prices lower.

Source : CNBC
Opec deal looks to maintain oil’s sweet spot - QNB

Gulf Times reported that the Opec deal recently has looked to maintain oil’s sweet spot, QNB said and noted “downside risks still dominate” on a longer-term horizon. Opec and Russia (Opec+) wound up their meetings last week by agreeing on a production increase for the first time in nearly two years. While details remain cloudy with no formal output targets provided, a supply increase of up to a 1mn barrels per day (bpd) over the next six months looks likely.

Partly reflecting the agreement’s lack of precision, spot oil prices have been volatile in the aftermath. The key Brent benchmark initially surged around 4% before falling back close to the $75 level seen before the meetings.

The background to the decision to lift production is, of course, Opec’s agreement to reduce and then freeze its output by 1.2mn bpd from October 2016 levels with several non-Opec members (primarily Russia) weighing in with a further 600,000 bpd of cuts. These reductions, QNB said were spurred by the cocktail of then sluggish global demand and surging US shale supply which was leaving to a supply glut, surging inventories and benchmark prices tumbling below USD 40/b.

Fast forward 18 months and the output cuts, which were extended to mid-2018, have helped restore balance to the oil market. OECD inventories have pulled back towards longer-run norms and spot prices are back above $70/b, QNB noted.

In fact, with Brent crude recently briefly touching $80/b, prices are in danger hitting levels that could crimp global demand and spur a global capex wave that could reignite severe downside risks over the longer haul. The desire to keep oil prices relatively stable around current levels, which are close to a sweet spot, therefore underpins Opec’s decision to relax its output curbs.

But while the ‘Opec+’ deal has certainly played a role in returning the oil market to health, it has not been decisive. Over the period of the deal, US oil output has continued to surge.

QNB said that in fact since October 2016, US supply has surged by almost 1.7mn bpd to over 10.4mn bpd; a close to 20% increase.

The US’s supply surge would have completely nullified the impact of the ‘Opec +’ deal had the cuts in reality not been substantially deeper than intended. Rather than the combined 1.8mn bpd agreed reduction, the group’s output has actually fallen by over 2.3mn bpd vs. October 2016.

The key driver of ‘over-compliance’ has been the collapse of Venezuelan output, which has slumped by some 700,000 bpd; more than 600,000 bpd than its agreed commitment! Even with the unprecedented slump in Venezuelan output and Opec’s resulting ‘over-compliance’, supply factors have not been decisive in the oil market’s recovery. Key has been booming global demand.

With global GDP growth approaching a 7-year high of close to 4% this year, global oil demand is gaining at an annual rate of around 1.4mn bpd.

Opec and Russia’s willingness to increase production would seem to reflect confidence that at least two of these three key factors: buoyant global oil demand and further short-run supply disruptions will remain in place.

It said that Venezuelan output could easily fall further, risking a spike in spot prices north of USD 80/b unless other Opec members pump more. In its recent 2019 forecast, the authoritative International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that Venezuelan output could still plunge by a further 550,000 bpd.

The other potential supply disruption facing Opec is the risk of renewed US sanctions removing Iranian barrels from the market. The IEA also estimates that Iranian output could be curbed as much as 900,000 bpd based on the impact of previous sanctions.

While the IEA’s estimates should probably be treated as a worst-case scenarios, the spectre of Venezuela and Iran supply disruptions looks to have been key to Opec’s decision to try to lift aggregate production back to agreed levels and heading off the risk of even greater ‘over-compliance’.

While short-run supply dynamics are a clear upside risk, demand prospects are becoming more uncertain. While booming US GDP growth shows little sign of slowing for now, eurozone growth momentum has palpably cooled off in recent months.

China too is showing clear signs of slowdown with recent retail sales and industrial data disappointing. And the rising threat of a global trade war increases downside risks to the world economy in 2019.

Source : Gulf Times
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