GE Completes Repair Project for GE’s 9E Gas Turbines in China
GE announced the safe and successful completion of its first major inspection project in China since the COVID-19 outbreak at Shenzhen Baochang Power Supply Co Ltd’s Baochang Power Plant in Shenzhen in Guangdong Province. The project addressed the aging parts of the two gas turbine units, which power the 360-megawatt plant. GE and Shenzhen Baochang worked together to implement safety procedures to ensure the timely and safe completion of the outage at the site. This modernization involved a lot of lifting work and represents one of the most complex and comprehensive inspection and repair projects for GE’s 9E gas turbine in China. It also is the most complete inspection of the gas turbine, through overhaul and necessary replacement for all detachable parts, which made up more than 300 items, including the large axial, rotor, hot gas path, compressor, combustion, air inlet system and other parts of the gas turbine.
The initial schedule was for 35 days but was extended to 69 days due to the customer’s expanded work scope and the 14-day quarantine before the project commenced. Engineers from GE and FieldCore, the field services execution team owned by GE to enhance GE’s ability to deliver more productive and reliable results for GE’s customers, quickly implemented measures to ensure the safe and steady operation of the outage and delivered more than one day ahead of schedule.
In Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, GE has the largest installed base for the 9E gas turbine in China. In April 2019, GE announced that it had successfully completed the world’s first installation of its DLN1.0+ with Ultra Low NOx combustion upgrade on nine GE 9E gas turbines at five power generation enterprises to help improve air quality and public health throughout China by reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
Source : Strategic Research Institute