Zoals al eerder gezegd een aantal zaken zijn wat aangedikt maar redelijk in line met wat er is gebeurt vandaar dat ik andere namen heb gebruikt en er ook aantoonbaar een aantal zaken in zitten waardoor ik dit kan posten omdat "ze denken dat ik een dikke duim heb.
Ze doen maar, de gevangenisstraf was een lagere straf maar ik ben er niet mee weggekomen, ik heb echt gezeten en dat neem ik hem/ze nu nog kwalijk, wat begon als een geintje heeft zich als een thriller unfolded.
Dat er later met zestig man van de ECD/FIOD invallen zijn geweest bij zenders en productiemij's is ook gebeurt en was een doekje voor het bloeden maar wat schoot ik ermee op. Dat er een beurgenoteerd bedrijf naar de klote is gegaan en uiteindelijk door Sony van de beurs is gehaald is ook allemaal op Google terug te vinden. Je hebt nu de lijm en de verbanden tussen een aantal zaken gelezen.
Waarom er iedere keer een stuk wegvalt als ik het plak weet ik niet. Ik probeerd het als attachmnet er aan te plakken maar dat lukte niet. O ja ik zit dag short voor morgen. Tot morgen
laatste stuk.
I collapsed. I told the investigators that it was by mutual agreement . I only used cocaine and Stolichnaya which did not bother her at all. Although my explanation was inline with what my friends said I had to remain in custody. As you could understand the meeting with the Financial Times did not take place. Two months later because of a flaw in the indictment I was released before trial, my name was gone and I was still facing a sentence of ten years. Finally, I was lucky! Immediately I used the opportunity to make a new appointment with the FT, I was ballistic and I was on ram course. When I called the journalist he already read about me and found it fishy that this happened four days before our meeting in London.
During my jail time and absence there were burglars in my house, pc’s were stolen admin removed etc. Paintings, three Plasma Screens (very expensive that time) B&O, still in place. How obvious. I was paranoid and nobody believed me, I was an outcast and on the street people spit on me. I can understand, if the things they read about me were true.
When I made the new appointment with the FT I believe on Tuesday I went to Switzerland to collect the evidence. Great, everything was still intact… In Lausanne all the evidence was still there. I never shared it with anybody nor did I told I people what I had and where it was. When I came back and landed on the airport I jumped into the rental car to meet the journalist with the Nitro disks on the passenger seat.
Fuck ‘m!, was the only thing I had on my mind.
I was paranoid and took a detour via multiple silent small roads to Frankfurt. I did not saw the car coming to me and I never understood how they have tracked me….. Now I think it must have been a GPS device. A collision was inevitable. On the moment I was dying I saw somebody bending over me. He put something with my nose and exchanged the papers and disks with small white envelopes. I did not care, I was fading. The day later all papers said that I had a mortal car accident and that coke was found in my blood and on the passenger seat.
Well as you can understand, I am not Karen Silkwood although I light in the dark from my chemical hobbies in the past. On the contrary, I am still alive.
Names have been altered and some things have been changed and or never took place. Many things are (un)real and have hit the news, although not everything outlined this is my story, currently I have a new surname, I live in another city, The IRS raided the offices of Bertelsmann MultiMedia GMBH and arrests were made. The police thoroughly investigated the so called rape and find interesting evidence like an unexplainable money transfer. The lab guys of Europol finally could rule out the drugging because if they could calculate back the half time the drugs they have found in her blood and urine. The dose could not have been mixed in her orange juice by me. Given the material I handed over about the corporate scam and the testimony of the FT Journalist the charges were dropped.
Me, I joined a witness protection program and I get a payment of 1.680 Euros a month, I do not have any significant money left, play bridge, make long walks across the moors have sheep and goats in my backyards and live the country life far away from my pitfalls. I had so much talent and I wasted it. Now I try to become a writer, first as a therapy but now I finished four thriller novels about Private Equity, Money Laundering, the thin line between corporations and criminals, drugs and the women, power and sex.
Sometimes, when I drink to much and cross the line of soberness, I am luckily far away from this life because after all these years I still feel like a moth to the flame although I scourced everything I had.