dit was het tweede stuk, ik had het echter niet gezien. ik ga hier verder geen vragen op beantwoorden Ik wilde dit posten in de spelonken van het internet.
I left it, at what it was, and wanted desperately my personal life back before I joined the program. This never happened because nobody wanted me anymore in a serious job. If you are helping companies with mergers and acquisitions or taking them IPO, they are spending millions on advisory fees. They did not want to be helped by someone they have seen naked under the shower. Bye bye INSEAD, bye bye CV. If I look back about the mess I made I think they are right although it took me some years to understand what transformation occurred.
I went down the drain…I was popular in Party-land, to much women and no job (the brake was gone and there was nothing to focus on!) To much drugs and alcohol, the standard Saturday evening partying was becoming the Friday, Saturday and Sunday Party. Not to mention the after parties between. Because no one was waiting for you on Monday the week became smaller and smaller. This went on for almost two years…. The celebrity papers were full of my escapades. Almost every Tuesday when most of partying was over and the last cocaine was vaporized I started to think how this all happened. I blamed myself and the company who triggered all this when I stared into the mirror looking at a ghost.. My millions were spend, my so called friends became less and less.
I was a wreck, could not face my mother anymore and suicide was not far away.
I sold my house and went to a foreign private rehab clinic to get rid of my cocaine and alcohol addiction. After successfully finishing it (well then almost, now completely) I wanted to come clean with the past and also fight against the media conglomerate. With my last money I bought the Telco listings and went to the company who started al this. I wanted the earned price since I won it and I knew that this was a big fraud. I had difficulty with myself. Was I a blackmailer or did I stood up for what was mine.
Imagine the company had not made profits during the years of SMS (which were completely irrelevant for the format) the stock price which is a leverage of the (projected) profits it would have been a quarter of the current price since it is based on price/ earnings and projected profits. Make the projection, the difference of a market cap of 10 or let say 3 Billion Euros.
I made the call.
An hour later I received a phone call by the assistant of the CEO. to and discuss about it. Perhaps stupid, before I entered the room I still thought he was my friend who was going to sort everything out, that it was a mistake. When I came in, the cameras were snoring, company solicitors were there and I said nothing, my hope was gone. I wanted to speak the CEO alone, I made a joke that they body scanned me on weapons and he had nothing to worry, no one laughed.
His eyes sharpened. When the CEO asked everybody to leave, he threatened me that a lot of businesses were involved and that very large sums of money were at stake. Businesses, and behind that responsible people who had less scrupulous than he had, He was the watchdog between them and I. Because he liked me. He told me that these people had connections on the Balkan in Yugoslavia, Albania. I nodded, why I still don’t know.
From that moment my life became different. I was worried and scared, I made a testament and put all the evidence I had on disks. Left it in a safe not to open unless …..
I wanted to go the newspapers. A couple of weeks later I met a gorgeous European known Italian presenter from the same company involved. During our relation, I told her everything…. To make a long story she was ….in love (and so was I)…, she said time after time not to mess with these people and she wanted me to destroy everything for my own sake.
During this year my computer was hacked several times, I found programs on my laptops not installed by me sending information over the internet when I made changes. My pc’s came to life during the night while they were of like they were triggered via Internet. I imagined people following me and I felt that there where camera’s and microphones in my house. I thought that my telephone was tapped and I saw things which I could not explain or read bad stories about me in the boulevard press no one could have known besides me.
I did not trust my girlfriend anymore. My psychiatrist said that this had everything to do with the drugs I used to take. He advised me Haloperidol against delusions and paranoid behavior. I took his advise. Secondly, and just for my conscious and nightrest to know that I was hallucinating an imagining things I hired a professional company to swipe my house…two tiny video bugs where detected, one in the bedroom and one in the Chimney!
On a morning my coffee tasted funny. I found large quantities of residue of Haloperidol in my coffee. I went to the police, they knew me from the TV and boulevard press, they did not believed it and laughed in my face, they told me that I wanted publicity or did I wanted some sugar (I brought the cup with me). I had to admit they made the report and after questioning Paula they said they cold not do anything. I received a call from the doctor, he was informed by the police, and they were worried about me.
I kicked my “girlfriend” out my apartment; she was no more than an intruder to watch my steps. I saw the seriousness and evilness. They wanted me out. Dead or Alive. This for them was a very easy way to get rid of me.
I wanted to stop this no matter what. The company was currently a FTSE 100 company and I made an appointment with The Financial Times. I was so paranoid that I made all phone calls from several hotels, send my E-mail redirected via proxy and mail servers in Nigeria out of Internet cafés in the city after I had made sure that there were no webcams.
My only objective was to not be detected before I unfolded my plan when it was too late for them. I wanted to hurt them were I could hurt them the most. The appointment was made for the week after. I had significant news for him and most important proof.
I down, You down. It felt personal and I thought that like me he was the whole day thinking about me and what I was going to do. Sometimes I saw him on TV explaining his strategies, he had a business to run and perhaps I was not even on his radar screen, and I, well, I had difficulty understanding what was real and fake.
The weekend before London I was full of stress. I went out for a drink and drunk to much, during the evening I met a couple of friends and some girls. Later that night we went to my penthouse for a drink. My friends left and one of the women stayed behind. We had sex and she left at six in the morning. In the morning the doorbell rang, the police. They said I drugged a minor girl although I thought she was 25 and that she was raped. During the investigation of my house they found the same very specific, Rophypnol, drugs with were in her blood too, sperm… Game, Set, Match. And not in my favor.
I collapsed. I told the investigators that it was by mutual agreement . I only used cocaine and Stolichnaya which did not bother her at all. Although my explanation was inline with what my friends said I had to remain in custody. As you could understand the meeting with the Financial Times did not take place. Two months later because of a flaw in