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Crown Estate to Grant Seabed Rights for Wind Project Offshore UK

SBM Offshore announce that the Crown Estate has confirmed an intention to move forward with the lease process for two 100MW floating wind test and demonstration sites in the Celtic Sea to Llyr Floating Wind Limited. The formal award will be subject to a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), following which, the Llyr project will progress with environmental assessments and surveys in line with the regulatory consent processes.

This milestone was reached by Floventis Energy Limited, a newly established joint venture between SBM Offshore and Cierco Ltd focusing on the development of floating wind projects. The joint venture seeks to secure seabed rights and relevant permits before implementing state-of-the-art technologies for floating offshore wind activities, helping to stimulate infrastructure investment, reduce costs and develop supply chain in what will be one of the key UK markets for floating offshore wind.

The Crown Estate holds the rights to seabeds around the British Isles, encompassing Wales, England and Northern Ireland. The projects will be subject to plan-level Habitats Regulations Assessment to assess possible impacts on protected marine habitats. Subject to the outcome of this plan-level HRA, the applicants could then be granted seabed agreements for lease.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Wärtsilä Solutions for OHT’s Wind Turbine Installation Vessel

The technology group Wärtsilä has been selected to supply an integrated propulsion and dynamic positioning thruster solution, including the engines, a Wärtsilä NOx reducer emission abatement system, as well as steerable and tunnel thrusters to deliver optimum performance for vessel dynamic positioning in this new wind turbine installation vessel. The ship is being built at the China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co yard for Norwegian heavy transport and WTG installation contractor OHT ASA, and is the first of two next-generation WTIVs to be added to the OHT fleet. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in May 2021.

The GustoMSC NG-14000XL-G design jack-up vessel is customised for offshore wind turbine installation and XL monopile foundations. The vessel will feature a telescopic crane with a maximum capacity of 2,500t and a maximum lifting height of approximately 165 metres. The compact design of the Wärtsilä thrusters is an important benefit since the weight of all onboard equipment can be critical for a jack-up vessel. The lightweight Wärtsilä thruster package meets this requirement while delivering excellent station-keeping capability.

The Wärtsilä scope includes four Wärtsilä 32 and two Wärtsilä 20 engines, the Wärtsilä NOx reducer system, five steerable thrusters and one Wärtsilä tunnel thruster. Delivery to the yard will take place during the first half of 2022. The ship is expected to be delivered during the second quarter of 2023.

Effective station-keeping is enhanced by the thrusters’ proven retractable system, which has an energy efficient 8-degree tilting feature. This reduces the power need and, therefore, also fuel consumption. The thrusters also deliver thrust that can be up to 23 percent more effective than non-tilted units. The Wärtsilä steerable thrusters feature a modern electric steering system to provide higher redundancy, reliability, and a lower lifecycle cost.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa to 5.X Wind Turbines to Swedish Twin Peaks

Siemens Gamesa is set to supply 39 of its market leading SG 5.8-170 turbines to two sites totaling 242 MW in Sweden dubbed the ‘Twin Peaks’. The turbines will be split between 25 at the Ranasjö site and 14 at the Salsjö location, both around 15km apart in central Sweden. They are due to be commissioned by the first quarter of 2024 and will be covered by a service agreement of 30 years. The turbines will have a nominal capacity of 6.2 MW and are among the most competitive in the onshore industry, powered in this case by a 170-meter rotor.

The deals add to sustained momentum for the Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform in the Nordics, and in particular in Sweden which has been a fast adopter of this leading technology. The deal is financed by funds managed by London-based investment company InfraRed Capital Partners, namely The Renewables Infrastructure Group and InfraRed’s European Infrastructure Income Fund 4.

In late 2019 Siemens Gamesa signed its first contract for the 5.X platform for the 231 MW Skaftaasen project also involving the Swedish developer Arise. Since then the company has now sold over 2.8 GW of the platform to customers from the Nordics to Brazil.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Secures 126 MW EnVentus Order in Finland

Vestas has received a 126 MW order from Taaleri Energia for the Isoneva project in Finland, adding to the more than 1.8 GW in firm orders already received in Finland for the EnVentus platform. The order includes supply, installation 21 V162-6.0 MW turbines from Vestas’ EnVentus platform. This order follows the 126 MW order received from Taaleri Energia for the Murtotuuli project in the second quarter of 2021.

Vestas will provide service for the Isoneva project through a long-term Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement, providing power performance certainty and Vestas’ industry-leading service expertise throughout the lifetime of the project.

The Isoneva project, which will be situated in Siikajoki municipality in the North Ostrobothnia region, will receive turbines in the first quarter of 2022 and be fully commissioned by the end of 2022.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa to Double Offshore Blade Facility in UK

Siemens Gamesa will expand its successful offshore blade factory in Hull, England by 41,600 square meters, more than doubling the size of the manufacturing facilities. The expansion represents an investment of GBP 186 million and is planned to be completed in 2023. Manufacturing of next-generation offshore wind turbine blades will be enabled at the largest offshore wind manufacturing facility in the UK. It will grow to 77,600 square meters and add 200 additional direct jobs to the approximately 1,000 person-workforce already in place.

Manufacturing of other offshore wind turbine blade types already in the Siemens Gamesa Hull factory pipeline will continue while the expansion is constructed. In total, Siemens Gamesa has an offshore wind power order backlog of €9.4 billion as announced during its Q3 FY21 results presentation on July 30, 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
SSE Renewable Opens Gordonbush Extension Wind Farm

Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, Michael Matheson, has officially opened Scotland’s newest onshore wind farm the SSE Renewables-owned Gordonbush Extension in the Scottish Highlands. Situated 10 kilometres north east of Brora, Gordonbush Extension comprises eleven of the latest Siemens Gamesa onshore wind turbines. Construction commenced around 18 months ago meaning the project was delivered during the pandemic, helping contribute to Scotland’s green recovery.

Gordonbush Extension began generating green energy earlier this year in April. Now fully operational, the wind farm generates 38MW of wind-powered electricity, enough renewable energy to power almost 50,000 homes each year*.

Over its expected 25-year lifetime, Gordonbush Extension wind farm will typically save over 37,000 tonnes annually of harmful carbon dioxide emissions, helping Scotland and the UK to transition towards a Net Zero carbon future.https://www.sse.com/media/2fufzcnx/12821-sse-gordonbush-004.jpg?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=790&height=527&rnd=132732523619900000

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Ventures Invests in Salamander Quick Lift Crane Technology

Vestas Ventures, the corporate venture capital arm of Vestas Wind Systems, has invested in the unique Salamander Quick Lift Crane Technology to further strengthen its position as global leader in sustainable energy solutions and to reduce carbon emissions from its value chain. This new crane holds significant potential, both in sense of being safer to work with, as well as being simpler to bring to site, assemble and work with, compared to standard cranes. Relocation within the site and decommissioning is also faster. With the investment Vestas becomes the minority investor in Swedish S&L Access Systems, a subsidiary of Stena AB. The commitment marks the second official investment from Vestas Ventures in 2021. As recently as February, Vestas Ventures made its first investment in wood-technology company Modvion.

S&L Access Systems has developed the Salamander Quick Lift Crane Technology featuring a new top crane technology enabling heavy lifts on hub heights well beyond 200 metres. The moveable platforms are less wind sensitive when conducting uptower works, and the crane requires a smaller pad. The Salamander Quick Lift Crane Technology can be used for both installation and maintenance of legacy, current and future turbines. This innovative concept is based on proven technology. Reducing the number of trucks needed to bring in the installation crane by up to 75 percent as well as lowering total installation time, significant savings in CO2 emissions when compared to conventional cranes can be expected.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Green Investment Joins Vårgrønn& Agder Energi for Offshore Wind

Vårgrønn and Agder Energi have worked together for the initial development activity and are now announcing a broadening of the partnership as GIG, one of the world’s largest green infrastructure developers, enters the consortium. The consortium will bid for a site in the Norwegian Sørlige Nordsjø II area, comprising up to 3 GW of new offshore wind capacity. The Sørlige Nordsjø II zone is one of two areas opened to licensing for offshore wind development by the Norwegian Government. With proximity to the European power market, shallow sea depths, good wind conditions, and nearby complementary industries, the Sørlige Nordsjø II area is particularly suitable for large-scale power production. Norway has the acreage, wind resources and supply chain needed to become an offshore wind superpower.

Vision 50 GW in 2050, a socio-economic analysis conducted by Thema Consulting on behalf of Agder Energi and Vårgrønn, shows how offshore wind in Norway can generate large amounts of renewable power to the European markets, creating an employment effect of up more than 50,000 FTEs and a market for goods and services exceeding NOK 100 billion annually in Norway towards 2050.

Vårgrønn and Agder Energi will each own 37.5 percent and Green Investment Group will own 25 percent of the consortium. Vårgrønn will be the Project Manager.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Flower Turbines: het kleine, stille en knappe broertje van de windmolen

Veel briljante ideeën blinken uit in eenvoud en roepen de vraag op: waarom bestaat dit niet al lang? In deze rubriek portretteren wij start-ups en hun geniale hersenspinsels. Hoe kwamen ze tot dit plan en wat was er nodig om het te realiseren?

Till Behne 22-08-21, 09:00
Windmolens leveren grote hoeveelheden groene stroom en zijn daarmee cruciaal in de energietransitie. Maar ze stuiten ook op de nodige weerstand. Want wie wil er nu naast zo’n joekel van een ding wonen? De Flower Turbine is klein, stil, aangenamer om naar te kijken en daarmee een stuk toegankelijker.

Flower Turbine
De Flower Turbine is er in drie formaten: met bladen van 1, 2 en 5 meter. In totaal wordt de grootste variant niet hoger dan 7 meter. De Flower Turbine is een zogeheten verticale turbine. De bladen staan rechtop, als een gesloten tulp. Vandaar ook de naam. Omdat de bladen om hun as draaien, en niet als een propeller, is het aantal rotaties lager en daarmee een stuk stiller.

,,Bij een windmolen heb je lange bladen die aan de uiteinden enorm snel draaien, de zogeheten tipspeed”, legt directeur Roy Osinga uit. ,,Deze lange bladen die met hoge snelheid door de lucht snijden produceren vaak veel geluid. Daarnaast zijn deze grote bladen gevaarlijk voor vogels. Dat heb je bij een Flower Turbine dus allemaal niet. Bovendien moeten de propellerwindmolens redelijk ver uit elkaar staan omdat ze elkaar anders in de weg zitten. Flower Turbines kunnen juist heel goed dicht op elkaar staan. Hierdoor wordt een tunneleffect gecreëerd waarmee wind wordt versneld en het rendement omhoog gaat en maak je effectief gebruik van de beschikbare ruimte.‘’

© Fred Leeflang
Hoeveel stroom de Flower Turbine precies kan opwekken, ligt helemaal aan de plek waar hij geplaatst wordt. Op een dak of in een weiland, beschut of juist heel open en op een winderige plek of niet. ,,Wij rekenen ongeveer als volgt”, legt Osinga uit. ,,De kleinste Flower Turbine levert genoeg stroom om bijvoorbeeld elektrische fietsen op te laden. We gebruiken deze dan ook in onze on en off grid laadoplossingen voor elektrische fietsen. De laadoplossingen leveren we inmiddels al door heel Europa.

Voor een grote zit je aan enkele tienduizen­den euro’s

De middelste turbine van 2 meter, mits op een winderige plek, kan een huishouden deels van stroom voorzien. Dus als je daarvan een paar neerzet, kom je als particulier of bedrijf een heel eind. Onze grootste turbine kan meer stroom opwekken dan een huishouden nodig heeft en is dan ook meer gericht op bedrijven. De bladen van de Flower Turbines zijn gemaakt van onder andere glasvezel en hij wordt geleverd met een krachtige generator, een laadregelaar, batterij (tegen betaling) en een netomvormer. Qua kosten moet je bij een kleine turbine denken aan een paar duizend euro. Voor een grote zit je aan enkele tienduizenden euro’s.”

Volgens Osinga hoeven Flower Turbines en zonnepanelen elkaar niet uit te sluiten, maar kunnen ze juist complementair zijn. Een combinatie van de twee technologieën is volgens hem zelfs de beste oplossing. ,,Zon en wind vullen elkaar aan en hebben een ander opwekpatroon. Als je zou kiezen voor beide oplossingen naast elkaar heb je altijd groene energie, dag of nacht, zon of regen, wind of niet.”

© Fred Leeflang

Strategische verbindingen
Het idee voor de Flower Turbines kwam tien jaar geleden uit de koker van de Amerikaans-Israëlische dr. Daniel Farb. Ruim twee jaar geleden maakte het idee een doorstart en zette het voet aan wal in Europa. Rotterdam om precies te zijn. Sindsdien gaat het hard. ,,We werken veel met lokale leveranciers en ook met de TU Delft. Er zit enorm veel kennis in de regio. Het afgelopen jaar hebben we via crowdfunding 3 miljoen dollar opgehaald. Het is de bedoeling dat we dit jaar nog zo’n 25 turbines plaatsen in Nederland. Daarbij wordt de turbine van 2 meter het meest gekozen. Maar we gaan er ook enkele van 5 meter plaatsen, onder meer in de haven van Rotterdam.”

Omdat het bedrijf hard aan het groeien is, is er volgens Osinga behoefte aan strategische verbindingen met andere partijen. ,,Daarbij kun je denken aan distributie, specifieke kennis en eventueel meer kapitaal. Nu is het de bedoeling dat we de productie verder opschalen, mogelijk ook met andere productiemethodes. We produceren nu nog enkele turbines per keer. Maar op termijn wil je er wellicht wel duizenden tegelijk gaan produceren. Dat betekent dat we de volgende stap gaan maken. Als de volumes omhoog gaan, wordt het produceren goedkoper en kan de prijs dus omlaag . Als je op grotere schaal gaat werken, ben je immers ook interessanter voor verschillende toeleveranciers. Op dat moment kun je qua prijs ook beter met andere oplossingen concurreren en wordt duurzame energie voor meer mensen en bedrijven toegankelijk.”

Tech rubriek: Roy Osinga van Flower Turbines © Fred Leeflang

,,We hebben de afgelopen tijd ontzettend hard gewerkt om een bedrijf op te zetten en het goed te laten draaien”, gaat Osinga verder. ,,Tegelijkertijd hebben we ook heel veel plezier gehad. Zo hebben we recent twee grote projecten opgeleverd, waaronder eentje voor het ministerie van Defensie. Die kwamen met een grote legertruck hun bestelling ophalen. Tot op het moment dat ze er waren, hebben we met het hele team nog keihard gewerkt. Met zijn allen de schouders er onder. Maar als dan zoiets lukt en je een blije klant ziet vertrekken, ben je enorm trots.”

Heeft jouw start-up ook een briljant idee op techgebied ontwikkeld? Mail naar t.behne@ad.nl

Wind Catching Systems Launches Floating Offshore Wind Technology

Wind Catching Systems will, in co-operation with Aibel AS as the main contractor, commercialize the groundbreaking Wind Catching technology for floating offshore wind farms. The technology increases efficiency, cuts acreage use by 80% and reduces production costs, which will enable floating offshore wind to produce electricity at bottom fixed prices. Ferd AS and North Energy ASA are among the main owners of the company and see significant growth and export opportunities for the technology.

Wind Catching Systems, in collaboration with Aibel and the Institute for Energy Technology, IFE, is developing a floating multi-turbine technology consisting of several 1 MW turbines. The technology will cut acreage use by more than 80% and increase efficiency significantly in comparison to conventional floating offshore wind farms. The company's main owners are Ferd and North Energy. Wind Catching Systems is also supported by Innovation Norway.

Wind Catching Systems’ technology will have a design life of 50 years, will cost substantially less to maintain than today's floating offshore wind solutions and solve sustainability issues related to the recycling and reuse of turbine blades, marine resources and CO2 emissions from installation and maintenance. One Wind Catching unit is five times as efficient as a conventional offshore wind turbine and can produce energy for 80,000 households.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola Commissions Herrera II Wind Complex

Iberdrola has begun commissioning the Herrera II wind complex in Castilla y León. It consists of three farms - La Huesca, Valdesantos and Orbanejoa - with 63 MW of installed capacity and a total of 14 wind turbines. It will generate enough electricity to supply the equivalent of 60,000 households per year and will prevent the release of 50,000 t CO2/year into the atmosphere.

Iberdrola has spent €70 million developing the wind complex and stimulating the region's industrial sector. The development employed around 800 people and almost all the on-site civil works were entrusted to local companies. Likewise, in most cases, the components of these wind turbines have been manufactured in Spain: the multipliers in Burgos, the nacelles in Soria, and the turbines in Cantabria.

The SG 4.5-145 wind turbines installed at Herrera II, with 70-metre-long blades and a diameter of 145 m - three times larger than that of the first wind turbines - are the most powerful and largest onshore wind turbines in Spain, with a unit power of 4.5 MW, almost seven times greater than that of the first wind turbines installed in our country more than two decades ago.

The Orbaneja and La Huesa wind farms have been built in the municipalities of Isar, Las Quintanillas, Rabé de las Calzadas and Estepar: The first of these consists of seven wind turbines, with a total installed capacity of 31.5 MW, while the second has four turbines totalling 18 MW. Valdesantos, on the other hand, has been built in Estepar and has three wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 13.5 MW.

With this project, the company is ratifying its commitment to Castilla y León and its leadership in renewable energy in the region, where it already operates 5,200 MW - of which 1,600 MW are wind - making this the largest autonomous community in terms of 'green' capacity installed by the company.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
GE Renewable & PKN ORLEN Sign MoU on Offshore Wind in Poland

GE Renewable Energy and PKN ORLEN announced that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore ways to work together to support the development of offshore wind projects in Poland, a country expected to award up to 10.9 GW of offshore wind projects by 2030 and up to 28 GW of offshore wind by 2050. The agreement can help accelerate the energy transition in Poland by helping the country take full advantage of its offshore wind resources.

GE has a long history in Poland with over 5,000 employees working in Aviation, Healthcare, Power and GE Renewable Energy. The company has an Engineering Design Centre with over 1,200 engineers and unique experience in executing large power projects. GE Renewable Energy is already an active player in the Polish wind market with over 300 onshore wind turbines delivering 900 MW, with almost half of that coming online since 2018. LM Wind Power, a GE Renewable Energy business, also employs around 1,000 employees at its Goleniow onshore wind turbine blade manufacturing site.

With this new MoU, GE continues to showcase its ambition to support Poland in meeting its renewable energy goals and aims to further collaborate with local suppliers and help them develop their capacity to support the growing offshore wind industry in Poland and more broadly. GE Renewable Energy is solidifying its position to competitively serve the growing offshore wind market with partners in the region.

The government of Poland has announced plans to award up to 10.9 GW of offshore wind by 2030 and offers new sea areas enabling development of future offshore wind projects. Country’s offshore wind capacity is estimated to be 28 GWs by 2050. The country is also well positioned to serve the broader efforts to develop offshore wind in the Baltic region.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Met mooie foto!
Vestas Secures 50 MW Wind Turbine Orders in 2 Polish Projects

Vestas has received two orders in Poland totalling 50 MW from the Project Joint Venture between V-Ridium Power Group and KGAL. V-Ridium is fully owned by Greenvolt Energias Renovaveis SA, while KGAL is a leading independent investment and asset manager with assets under management of around EUR 11.2 billion and assets under administration of EUR 4.0 billion. The order is to supply and install turbines at the 15 MW Podlasek and 35 MW Wólka Dobrynska projects in Poland, both targeted for full commissioning by the end of 2022.

Both projects were awarded in the third Polish renewable energy auctions, and the 50 MW adds to Vestas’ tally of installing more than 2.6 GW of wind turbines in Poland.

Vestas will supply and install seven V110-2.0 MW turbines in 2.2 MW operating mode at Podlasek, which is located close to the village of Podlasek about 100km south of Gdansk in Poland.

At Wólka Dobrynska, Vestas will supply and install ten V126-3.45 MW turbines. The project is situated in eastern Poland, approximately 18 km north east of the city of Biala Podlaska, in the Lubelskie Voivodeship.

Vestas will provide service for both projects through long-term 30-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreements, providing power performance certainty and Vestas’ industry-leading service expertise throughout the lifetime of the projects.

Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2022, with full commissioning at both projects planned for the fourth quarter of 2022.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Orsted, ATP kiest bouwteam voor Deens energie-eiland
Aarsleff, Bouygues en Van Oord (NL) 'brengen uitgebreide ontwerp- en engineeringcompetenties'
Aarsleff, Bouygues en Van Oord "brengen uitgebreide ontwerp- en engineeringcompetenties mee", evenals ervaring van complexe offshore-bouwprojecten over de hele wereld, aldus de partners.

• Aarsleff, de Deense specialist in grootschalige projecten op het gebied van infrastructuur, klimaatadaptatie en energie, zal de bouw leiden.
Het bedrijf heeft 600 funderingen geïnstalleerd voor offshore windturbines bij onder meer Horns Rev 2 en London Array Offshore Wind Farm.
Aarsleff was ook een belangrijke bouwpartner bij de Oresund Link die Denemarken en Zweden verbindt en heeft verschillende havenuitbreidingsprojecten in Scandinavië geleid, waaronder de havens van Skagen, Frederikshavn en Stockholm.

• Bouygues Travaux Publics, een dochteronderneming van Bouygues Construction, brengt expertise in het ontwerpen, bouwen en exploiteren van grootschalige offshore-constructies, zoals bruggen, tunnels en landaanwinningen.

• Van Oord heeft de Palm Jumeirah en vele andere kunstmatige eilanden gebouwd en heeft tientallen jaren ervaring met het installeren van offshore windturbines, funderingen en kabels.
Het bedrijf heeft met Orsted gewerkt aan offshore-projecten in verschillende landen over de hele wereld en heeft zijn hoofdkantoor in Rotterdam, Nederland.

Rasmus Errboe, hoofd van Orsted Continental: “Orsted heeft 30 jaar ervaring in het werken met zeer gespecialiseerde engineeringbedrijven in offshore wind.
“Aarsleff, Bouygues en Van Oord vormen het sterkst mogelijke team om ons bod op het Deense energie-eiland in de Noordzee te ondersteunen.
“We zijn bereid om de groene transitie op een nieuwe en innovatieve manier te versnellen die zal bijdragen aan de transformatie van het Deense energiesysteem en de Deense samenleving ten goede zal komen, terwijl we groene oplossingen bieden voor Denemarken en onze Europese buren.
"We hebben deze leveranciers van wereldklasse geselecteerd op basis van hun uitstekende referenties op het gebied van duurzaamheid en innovatie om ervoor te zorgen dat het energie-eiland wordt gebouwd met respect voor de unieke omgeving in de Noordzee en met de hoogste graad van technische en commerciële competenties."

Het North Sea Energy-eiland zal naar verwachting in 2023 worden aanbesteed, waar Orsted en ATP van plan zijn een bod uit te brengen.
Het Deense Energieagentschap nodigt potentiële inschrijvers ook uit om deel te nemen aan een oriënterende bijeenkomst als onderdeel van de tweede marktdialoog over het aanbestedingskader voor de bouw en mede-eigendom van het Energie-eiland in de Noordzee.

De oriënterende bijeenkomst zal de start van de tweede marktdialoog over het aanbestedingskader voor de bouw en mede-eigendom van het Energie-eiland in de Noordzee en biedt potentiële inschrijvers de mogelijkheid om een overzicht en verdere details te krijgen van de besluiten uit het politiek akkoord .
De oriënterende bijeenkomst informeert de deelnemers ook over het verdere proces naar de lancering van het aanbestedingsproces.
De fysieke oriëntatievergadering zal op 15 september plaatsvinden in het kantoor van het Deense Energieagentschap in Kopenhagen.

In de eerste fase van het project zullen tegen 2030 naar verwachting ongeveer 200 windturbines met een gecombineerd vermogen van 3 GW worden geïnstalleerd.
Wanneer het volledig is ontwikkeld, zal het energie-eilandknooppunt op de Noordzee een capaciteit van 10 GW bereiken.

cc: renews.biz
Nordex Installs First N163/5.X Turbine at Janneby in German
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 08, 2021 10:00 am

On August 31st 2021, the Nordex Group installed the first N163/5.X turbine in the Delta4000 series as planned in the citizen wind farm “Janneby” in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. With its approx. 80-metre rotor blades and a rotor sweep of 20,867 square metres, the N163/5.X is currently the most efficient Nordex turbine in the 5MW class for moderate and light-wind sites. Nordex Group CEO Mr José Luis Blanco said “We launched the N163/5.X in 2019. Now we have installed the first turbine as planned and series production is ready to start. To date we already have orders for the N163/5.X for 520 turbines with a capacity of approx. 3.0 GW from numerous customers for projects in Australia, Brazil, the Nordic region, Germany and Italy. This once again underlines the high level of confidence in the turbine technology of our Delta4000 series with its variable maximum capacity, which has been available since 2017.”

For the global markets, the N163/5.X has already been awarded international IEC certification in the form of a Design Evaluation Conformity Statements, DECS, for hub heights of 118, 148 and 159 metres. For the German market, the type tests according to DIBT 2012 have already been passed for hub heights of 118 and 164 metres.
RWE mag aan de slag met twee Duitse windparken op zee
Goed voor 525 megawatt.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Duitse energieconcern RWE mag twee nieuwe windparken in Duitse wateren gaan bouwen. Dit maakte RWE bekend, zonder financiële details te vermelden.

Eén site is in de Noordzee gesitueerd en goed voor 225 megawatt, de ander in de Baltische Zee en goed voor 300 megawatt.

Het definitieve investeringsbesluit valt niet eerder dan begin november, omdat er nog een concurrent in beeld is die de rechten claimt voor het windpark in de Baltische Zee.

Volgens RWE gaan de operaties in 2026 van start.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
EU-SCORES Project to Deliver Hybrid Offshore Marine Energy Parks
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 10:00 am

The EUR 45 million marine energy project European SCalable Offshore Renewable Energy Sources EU-SCORES, will pave the way for bankable hybrid offshore parks across Europe by 2025. Under the project lead of the Dutch Marine Energy Centre, EU-SCORES will unlock the large-scale potential of wind, wave and offshore solar systems.

The current global annual electricity consumption is about 21,000 TWh and is predicted to double by 2050, with a growing population and GDP. Efficient and effective use of offshore renewables is pivotal in the EU’s transition towards an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To accomplish this, the EU set clear targets to reach 230-440GW and 40GW installed capacity of offshore wind and ocean energy by 2050, respectively.

Kicking off in September 2021, the project partners will jointly build on two highly comprehensive and impactful demonstrations

A 3MW offshore solar PV system by Oceans of Energy off the Belgian coast co-located with a bottom fixed windfarm

A 1.2MW wave energy array by CorPower Ocean in Portugal co-located with a floating wind farm.

The demonstrations in EU-SCORES aim to showcase the benefits of continuous power output by harnessing complimentary power sources including wind, sun and waves. This hybrid approach will create a more resilient and stable power system, higher capacity factors and a lower total cost per MWh. Major project developers and utility companies will further strengthen demonstration efforts, paving the way for future large-scale commercialisation of these innovative parks.

The full-scale demonstrations are intended to prove how the increased power output and capacity installed per km2 will reduce the amount of marine space needed, thereby leaving more space for aquaculture, fisheries, shipping routes and environmentally protected zones. Additional benefits achieved by co-using critical electrical infrastructures and exploring advanced operation and maintenance methodologies supported by innovative autonomous systems should lower the costs per MWh. Moreover, the project demonstrations will support the stability and resilience of the European energy system, while considering sustainability, local stakeholders and existing ecosystems.

The EU-SCORES consortium partners are: Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC), Oceans of Energy, TU Delft, SBM offshore, POM West-Vlaanderen (POM), RWE Renewables (RWE), CorPower Ocean, Uppsala University, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Enel Green Power, RINA offshore consultants, INNOSEA – a AqualisBraemar LOC Group company, EDP Labelec, WavEC Offshore Renewables, INESC TEC, Exceedence, Western Star Wave – a Simply Blue Group company.

Also supported by: IRO (Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry), ENECO Group, Redes Enérgeticas Nacionais, Parkwind, Ocean Winds, Energie Baden-Württemberg.
RWE, NTE & Havfram Join Hands for Floating Offshore Wind Projects

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

RWE, NTE and Havfram have signed a collaboration agreement. Together, the three companies intend to participate in the Norwegian government’s tender process for floating offshore wind energy, which will begin later this year. Norway has ambitious climate targets: by 2030, the country aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 55 per cent compared to 1990 levels, whilst at the same time promoting green growth. The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has designated a new area for this purpose: Utsira Nord, located around 30 kilometres off the coast of Norway west of the island of Svendsholmen, offers the opportunity to build up to 1.5 gigawatts of new floating offshore capacity.

The partners are convinced that offshore wind energy will be a key component in the future energy mix and one of the solutions to meeting the growing demand for renewables. Moreover, it will permit new industries to develop and will lead to news jobs being created.

According to current findings, 80 per cent of the marine areas potentially available for wind farms worldwide are suitable only for floating technology. From a depth of about 60 metres, foundations firmly anchored to the seabed are hardly economic. For this reason, RWE is conducting in-depth research and development work for floating offshore wind technology. The company is currently investigating the potential of this innovative technology in three joint ventures in Norway, the US and Spain, and is thus in an ideal position to carry out further projects in the Norwegian North Sea.

Havfram is a Norwegian subsea and offshore wind contractor with a global footprint, with subsidiaries in the US, the UK and others. Havfram has wide experience in planning and execution of complex offshore operations. The company has a large engineering and project implementation team that provides synergies between the business areas and will greatly benefit in the development of this Norwegian area.
RWE Successful in German Offshore Wind Auction

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

As announced by the German Federal Network Agency today, the Essen-based energy company RWE was awarded two offshore wind sites. In the North Sea, RWE was able to secure a lease (N-3.7) for an offshore wind farm with a potential capacity of 225 megawatts. A second site in the Baltic Sea (O-1.3) with a potential capacity of 300 MW, was also awarded to RWE. The company intends to leverage synergies from its existing offshore wind farms in the delivery of both projects, which are scheduled to go into operation in 2026.

A competitor of RWE holds so-called step-in-rights for the lease in the Baltic Sea (O-1.3). As a result, a final award decision may not be made until the beginning of November. RWE and its partner Northland Power hold step-in-rights for another of today’s auctioned sites, N-3.8 in the North Sea, which has a capacity of 433 MW.
Nordex Enters 6 MW Class with N163/6.X Wind Turbine

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

The Nordex Group is adding the N163/6.X turbine to its product portfolio. The Group is following up its successful approach started with the introduction of the Delta4000 series, presented for the first time in 2017, of a flexible power range – initially with the 4 MW+ class, followed by the 5 MW+ class – and now with the 6 MW+ class.

Compared to its sister model in the 5 MW class – the N163/5.X – the N163/6.X is able to produce an up to 7 percent higher annual energy yield thanks to its much higher rated output. Its flexibility and a large number of operating modes mean that wind farms can be individually adapted to the customer’s respective business model in terms of output, capacity factor, service life and sound emission requirements. The N163/6.X has a design lifetime of 25 years, but also comes with an extended lifetime for specific sites for up to 35 years. The long life of the components thus also contributes to the sustainability of a project.

A more efficient gearbox is used to achieve the higher rated output in the 6 MW range and the electrical system of the Delta4000 product series has been adapted by raising the nominal voltage and using an improved cooling system. In spite of this, the exterior dimensions of the nacelle have not been changed. The advantage of this is that the proven logistics and installation processes for the turbines in the Delta4000 series can be made use of as before.

In addition to this, a stronger version of the approx. 80 metre rotor blade from the N163/5.X, based on the proven GRP/carbon differential design, is employed, which the Nordex Group has been using in the series production of its rotor blades since 2011. The lower rotation speed means that the noise emission levels of the N163/6.X stand at max. 106.4 dB(A).

Like its sister model, the N163/5.X, the N163/6.X is designed for moderate and light-wind regions, but focusses on selected core markets in Europe.

The start of series production of the N163/6.X is scheduled for the beginning of 2023. The Nordex Group has already received the first orders for the N163/6.X.
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