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Nieuwe overeenkomst van Deense regering, zet volgende stap richting 's werelds eerste energie-eilanden
Gepubliceerd 21-11-2020

De partijen achter het klimaatakkoord hebben afgesproken waar de windparken in de Oostzee en Noordzee, precies komen te liggen.

Onder het energie-eiland Bornholm in de Oostzee
Ten noord -westen van Denemarken in de Noordzee

De Energy Islands zijn het begin van een compleet nieuw tijdperk in de ontwikkeling van offshore wind en zullen de positie van Denemarken als 's werelds leidende natie op het gebied van groene energie versterken.

De partijen achter het klimaatakkoord bepaalden de locatie van het offshore windenergie-eiland Bornholm en kozen het bruto gebied voor de locatie van energie-eiland en offshore wind in de Noordzee.

Met het besluit zetten de regering en een ruime meerderheid in het parlement de volgende belangrijke stappen binnen de groene transitie.
De energie-eilanden zullen samen de Deense elektriciteitsproductie uit offshore windturbines kunnen verdrievoudigen en ongeveer vijf miljoen huishoudens in Denemarken en onze buurlanden van groene stroom kunnen voorzien.

Het Deense Energieagentschap en Energinet beginnen nu met de voorbereidingen voor de gedetailleerde studies van b.v. de zeebodem en de impact van de eilanden en offshore windturbines op het milieu.

Ze zullen naar verwachting in 2024 worden voltooid.


Documentaire windpark Borssele 1&2 Vlissingen.

Ørsted heeft een vijfdelige korte documentaire gemaakt over windpark Borssele 1&2. De documentaire is hier (en op Omroep Zeeland) te bekijken.

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Joni-2 schreef op 27 november 2020 11:14:

Documentaire windpark Borssele 1&2 Vlissingen.

Ørsted heeft een vijfdelige korte documentaire gemaakt over windpark Borssele 1&2. De documentaire is hier (en op Omroep Zeeland) te bekijken.

Deze parken hebben molens met 8MW vermogen. Park Gemini dat in 2016 is opgeleverd heeft molens met 4MW.
De nieuwe generatie die over vijf jaar van nu gangbaar is gaat naar 12-13 MW per molen. Voor de liefhebber zoek bv op Haliade X.
Italiaanse opdracht voor Vestas

Vestas Wind Systems AS
167,00 1,85 1,12 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Vestas Wind Systems AS
DKK 1.243,50 4,00 0,32 % OMX Copenhagen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas heeft in Italië een opdracht in de wacht weten te slepen. Dit maakte de Deense bouwer van windturbines dinsdagochtend bekend zonder financiële details te melden.

Het gaat hierbij om de levering en installatie van 11 V136-3.45 MW windturbines en een onderhoudscontract voor de duur van 15 jaar.

Levering van de molens staat gepland voor het tweede kwartaal 2021.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Equinor & SINTEF Ink Strategic Collaboration Agreement

Equinor and SINTEF have agreed on a strategic collaboration in four key areas. The areas are offshore wind, marine systems, energy systems and modeling studies related to these areas. SINTEF is Equinor's biggest partner in the fields of research and technology development. Now, for the first time, the companies have entered into a strategic collaboration agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to facilitate the exchange and development of ideas and radical solutions between the two partners. The companies will collaborate on projects that can provide good value creation and help Equinor's transition into becoming a broad energy company.

One of the areas of collaboration is already well underway: offshore wind – particularly floating wind. Equinor has already built the world's first floating wind farm, Hywind Scotland, and is in the process of building Norway's first floating farm, Hywind Tampen.

The offshore wind collaboration between Equinor and SINTEF dates back to the first test of the Hywind technology in SINTEF's Ocean Basin Laboratory, in 2005. Looking forward, it will enable the development of technology that will make future projects cheaper, more efficient and more predictable. Among other things, the two partners will look at anchoring systems for the turbines, maintenance, control systems and grid connection.

In addition to improving the Hywind concept, the two partners will also examine other concepts for floating wind.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Wind Turbines for Green Hydrogen

Siemens Gamesa is embarking on the path of decarbonizing twind industries by installing the first system in the world capable of producing green hydrogen directly with a wind turbine, with no connection to the grid, i.e. in island mode. This represents a strategic step towards delivering large-scale green hydrogen from the mid-2020s onwards. Siemens Gamesa is developing the first pilot project in the world to connect a wind turbine to an electrolyzer with the ability to operate in ‘island mode’, i.e. driving an electrolysis rig with no link to an electricity grid. With the Brande Hydrogen project, Siemens Gamesa is pioneering a major potential future application for both Onshore and Offshore wind.

The pilot is now under development close to Siemens Gamesa’s Danish headquarters in Brande, western Denmark. It includes a 3 MW Siemens Gamesa wind turbine owned by local partner Uhre Windpower, that will produce clean electricity to power a 400 kW electrolyzer. This machine splits water into oxygen and hydrogen, so that the hydrogen can be stored and later delivered to customers in the mobility sector. The project is close to obtaining final permits; the first test runs are planned for December 2020 and hydrogen production should start by January 2021.

Siemens Gamesa recently signed an agreement with Danish company Everfuel, which will distribute the 100% green hydrogen produced by the facility to refueling stations across Denmark, for example in Copenhagen, where it will be used to fuel taxis. When fully operational, the project’s single turbine will produce enough hydrogen to fuel around 50-70 taxis each day. Carbon-free hydrogen, derived from low-cost, competitive wind power, can be stored and transported for use on demand. This facility will provide insights that will be crucial to scaling up the technology to much larger turbines and wind farms both on land and at sea.

Green hydrogen from renewable sources is a 100% sustainable, storable, transportable and versatile fuel. It represents a massive opportunity for the green transition by driving the transformation of the energy system: green hydrogen can be produced anywhere and used in sectors that are very difficult to decarbonize, such as aviation and shipping, as well as heavy industry, such as iron and steel, chemicals and glass. Hydrogen can go a long way to reducing emissions at a national and company level.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Orsted Enters 325 MW Agreement in Netherlands

Orsted enters a two-year agreement with Dutch Greenchoice to trade and balance power from 325 MW of onshore wind in the Netherlands. Greenchoice, an energy company with a strong focus on sustainability, manages a portfolio of 325 MW of onshore wind in the Netherlands. Orsted has now been chosen to bring the green energy to market and will therefore be responsible for selling and balancing the power from Greenchoice's onshore wind portfolio.

Orsted Markets & Bioenergy Executive Vice President and CEO Morten Buchgreitz said "We are very pleased with the agreement with Greenchoice, a company that, like Orsted, focuses on green energy. We are already present in the Netherlands, where we trade and balance power due to our ownership of the offshore wind farm Borssele 1&2, and with 325 MW of onshore wind we have now expanded our portfolio of green energy further."

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RWE & DEME Offshore Install Collars on Offshore Foundations

An innovative foundation technology is to be introduced at RWE’s Kaskasi offshore wind farm. For the first time ever in the renewables industry special collars will be installed around the monopile foundation at seabed level. The ‘collared monopile’ is designed based on a RWE patent. The new technology will provide additional support for lateral loading, increase the bearing capacity and improve the structural integrity of the entire foundation – especially in difficult ground.

RWE Renewables has signed a contract with DEME Offshore for the transport and installation of the new foundation technology at RWE’s 342-MW Kaskasi offshore wind farm, located in the German North Sea, 35 kilometres north of the island of Heligoland. DEME Offshore is delighted to partner with RWE in this pioneering project, which highlights how both companies are focusing on further refining innovative technologies and new concepts in the renewables sector.

The Kaskasi offshore wind farm will consist of a total of 38 wind turbines. Each turbine will have a capacity of up to 9 MW. The wind turbines will be installed on monopile foundations. The installation of the foundations will start in the third quarter of 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Equinor to Sell 10 % Stake in Dogger Bank A and B to ENI

Equinor has entered into an agreement with Eni to sell a 10% equity interest in the Dogger Bank Wind Farm A and B assets in the UK for a total consideration of around GBP 202.5 million. Eni has also entered into an agreement to purchase a 10% interest in Dogger Bank A and B from project partner SSE on the same terms. Once the transaction is complete, the new overall shareholding in Dogger Bank A (1.2 GW) and Dogger Bank B (1.2 GW) will be – SSE (40%), Equinor (40%) and Eni (20%).

Eni will enter the assets effective from financial close of project financing which was reached on 25 November. The consideration of around GBP 202.5 million reflects the payment to Equinor for a 10% equity interest in both Dogger Bank A and Dogger Bank B. Equinor’s shareholder loan financing to date of around GBP 185 million was repaid following the financial close.

Equinor and SSE Renewables secured 3.6 GW of offshore wind contracts for Dogger Bank’s three phases, Dogger Bank A, Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C in the UK Government’s 2019 Contract for Difference auctions. The first two phases of Dogger Bank reached recently financial close at competitive terms, underlining the attractiveness of the UK offshore wind assets and the confidence in the joint venture. Dogger Bank C is being developed on a different timescale with financial close to follow at a later stage. There is no change to the ownership of the third phase, Dogger Bank C (1.2 GW), in which Equinor and SSE each have a 50% stake. SSE Renewables are leading the construction of the 3.6 GW project, and Equinor will lead on the wind farm’s operations.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Customised Power Plant Solution for 42 MW Order in Finland

Vestas has received a 42 MW order for the Langnabba wind project. The project will be developed by Vind AX AB, a Finnish developer and independent power producer, and new customer for Vestas. The project will be located on the Åland Islands, in the Baltic Sea, between the Finnish and Swedish mainland. As Aland’s largest wind power project to date, the project leverages the versatility of Vestas’ 4 MW platform, comprising ten V136-4.2 MW turbines with 112m towers. To ensure a maximised energy production over the lifetime of the wind project, Vestas and Vind AX has signed a 25-year Active Output Management AOM 5000 service agreement. Under this contract and supporting job creation on the Aland Islands, Vestas has engaged Allwinds AB, a local service provider, to support Vestas’ service team at the Langnabba wind project.

The Langnabba wind project at its Aland Islands’ location is characterised by a very demanding grid environment with extraordinarily low short circuit ratios, making it prone to instabilities. Leveraging its industry leading grid capabilities, Vestas has developed project-specific settings on control parameters, involving both key wind turbine components and the power plant controller. This configuration will ensure a cost efficient and reliable connection between the wind project and the grid.

The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output.

Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2021 and commissioning is planned for the first quarter of 2022.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
GE Renewable Energy Signs First Cypress Order in Spain

GE Renewable Energy announced that it has been selected by Azora to supply 19 Cypress onshore wind turbines for the 100 MW Cuevas de Velasco wind farm located in the Cuenca province in Spain. Azora will operate the Cypress turbines at 5.5 MW, with a rotor diameter of 158m, the most powerful ever permitted in Spain. This marks the first order in Spain for GE’s Cypress platform, the company’s largest onshore wind turbine in the field. GE’s scope of work will also include a 30-year services agreement.

The Cypress’ revolutionary two-piece blade will be produced by GE’s wind turbine blade subsidiary, LM Wind Power. The entity operates a site in Castellón, Spain which was expanded in 2018 and now employs about 650 people. The towers for the wind turbines will be produced in Spain, with the nacelles being produced at GE’s European factory in Salzbergen, Germany.

Spain has set an objective in its National Energy and Climate Plan to reach 50 GW of installed wind power by 2030, resulting in the installation of 2,300 MW annually during the decade. According to the Spanish wind power association, Asociación Empresarial Eolica, wind power could meet 34% of the national electricity supply by 2030, up from just under 21% in 2019.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Amrumbank Wind Farm to Power Trains of Deutsche Bahn

Starting in 2024, German Railway Deutsche Bahn will be powered by electricity from RWE Renewable’s Amrumbank West offshore wind farm. The relevant power purchase agreement has been signed by Deutsche Bahn and RWE Supply & Trading, RWE’s trading subsidiary. The PPA will begin in 2024 and run until 2039.

Deutsche Bahn is already the largest consumer of green electricity in Germany. By 2038, all of the electricity powering Deutsche Bahn’s trains is to come from 100% renewables; the rate is currently 61%. Green electricity from RWE will make a key contribution here. The company’s hydropower stations have been providing around 880 gigawatt hours of green electricity a year to Deutsche Bahn since 2014. In 2019, RWE closed a PPA with Deutsche Bahn to supply electricity from its Nordsee Ost offshore wind farm, also close to Heligoland.

Amrumbank West is located around 30 km off the coast of Heligoland and has a total of 80 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 288 megawatts. It has been in operation since 2015. The supply volume to Deutsche Bahn requires the capacity of 18 wind turbines, or around one quarter of the annual generation capacity of the offshore wind farm. That’s a total of around 260 GWh. This is enough to supply around 300,000 households with clean energy every year.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Eni Takes 20% Stake in Dogger Bank A & B Project

Eni has entered the UK offshore wind market for electricity production through the acquisition of a 20% stake from Equinor and SSE Renewables of the Dogger Bank A and B project. The project involves the installation of 190 state-of-the-art turbines situated approximately 80 miles from the British coast. Each turbine has a capacity of 13 MW for a total capacity of 2.4 GW. At full capacity, Dogger Bank 3.6 GW will be the world’s largest project of its kind, generating around 5% of UK demand for renewable electricity and supplying energy to approximately 6 million British families.

The construction of the Dogger Bank A and B is expected to cost a total of GBP 6 billion and will take place in two stages, with the first to be completed by 2023, and the second by 2024.

This acquisition sees Eni enter the Northern Europe offshore wind market, one of the most promising and stable in the world, with two partners that have extensive experience in the sector, and with whom it will be able to enhance its own expertise in the construction and operation of offshore wind farms for future projects in other areas as well.

By entering the Dogger Bank A and B project, Eni adds 480 MW of renewable energy to its 2025 target of 5GW of installed capacity from renewable sources, while it will additionally be able to explore potential synergies with the retail business.

Eni has been advised on this transaction by RBC Europe limited, acting as exclusive financial advisor, and Bracewell (UK) LLP as legal advisor.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Nederlandse bedrijven investeren in Fins windpark

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Heineken, Nouryon, Philips en Signify investeren samen in een Fins windpark. Dit maakten de bedrijven vrijdag bekend.

Het park moet een extra capaciteit krijgen van 126 megawatt met de ontwikkeling van 35 windturbines. Die moeten er in 2023 staan.

Het Nederlandse consortium heeft zich vastgelegd om de eerste tien jaar de opgewekte stroom te zullen afnemen.

Hoeveel geld er met de deal gemoeid is, werd niet bekendgemaakt.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Orsted Dutch Borssele 1 & 2 Offshore Wind Farm Commissioned

Orsted has fully commissioned the Borssele 1 & 2 offshore wind farm. The wind farm has a capacity of 752 MW, making it the largest offshore wind farm in the Netherlands and the second largest operating offshore wind farm in the world. Borssele 1 & 2 provides enough green electricity to power one million Dutch households. Borssele 1 & 2 is Orsted's first offshore wind farm in the Netherlands.

Facts about Borssele 1 & 2

Owner: Orsted

Total capacity: 752 MW

Wind turbines: Siemens Gamesa 8 MW

Size of the site: 112 km2

Number of turbines: 94

Foundation: monopiles

Offshore and onshore grid: TSO TenneT

Operational: Q4 2020

Water depth: 14-36m

Distance to coast: 23 km off the coast of Zeeland

Operation and maintenance base: Vlissingen

Capatity: Can power 1 million Dutch households

Main suppliers: Siemens Gamesa, Sif, Bladt, EEW SPC, EEW OSB, and Nexans

Installation: DEME Offshore, Van Oord

In 1991 Orsted built the world's first offshore wind farm in Denmark. Since then, Orsted has constructed and is operating more than 25 offshore windfarms across Europe, Asia Pacific and North America. Turbine number 25 installed at Borssele 1 & 2 turbine was at the same time the 1,500th offshore wind turbine installed across Orsted's portfolio.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RWE Chooses Van Oord for Sofia Offshore Wind Farm

RWE has advanced the development of Sofia Offshore Wind Farm. The company has selected the international marine contractor Van Oord as the preferred supplier for the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the monopile foundations and array cables, for one of the world’s largest offshore wind projects. The 1.4 Gigawatt Sofia is sited on Dogger Bank in the central North Sea 195 kilometres from the North East coast, where Van Oord, through its UK-branch MPI Offshore, will create a logistics hub to deliver the comprehensive scope of work.

Van Oord will deploy its offshore installation vessel Aeolus to install the 100 extended monopile foundations without transition pieces, while the 350 kilometres of array cables will be installed by the family-owned firm’s first cable-laying vessel Nexus. The company will sub-contract the fabrication of the foundations and array cables.

Van Oord worked closely with RWE on the construction of the Rampion, Humber Gateway, Robin Rigg and London Array offshore wind farms. Sofia brings the opportunity to further develop UK supply chain relationships, evolve construction techniques, and optimise the design of the foundations, which will be supporting some of the largest turbines currently on the market.

Onshore construction will get underway at Sofia’s converter station site in Teesside early next year. Work on the foundation and array package is set to begin after the project’s financial investment decision in Q1 2021, with installation scheduled for 2024.

This foundation and array cable news now completes the main packages for Sofia with preferred supplier agreements already in place with Prysmian Group for the project’s HVDC export cable; a consortium of GE’s Grid Solutions and Sembcorp Marine for its HVDC transmission system, and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, set to supply the wind farm with its most advanced 14 Megawatts (MW) offshore wind turbines.

Sofia wind farm is 100% owned by RWE, the second biggest player in offshore wind globally and the UK's second largest generator of electricity.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
GE Renewable Turbines for Third Phase of Dogger Bank Wind Farm

GE Renewable Energy announced that it has been confirmed as the preferred turbine supplier for Dogger Bank C, the 1.2 GW third phase of the 3.6 GW Dogger Bank wind farm, a 50:50 joint venture between SSE Renewables and Equinor, that will become the world’s largest offshore wind farm when complete in 2026. The agreement includes the upscaled Haliade-X 14 MW wind turbine and a Service Supply Agreement to provide operations and maintenance support for five years. The Turbine Supply Agreement and Service and Warranty Agreements for Dogger Bank C, will be finalized in the first quarter of 2021. Installation of the turbines for Dogger Bank C is set to begin in 2025 ahead of completion of the overall project in 2026.

GE is now confirmed as supplying Haliade-X turbine technology to all three phases of Dogger Bank Wind Farm including a record-breaking order for 190 units of GE’s 13 MW Haliade-X for phases A and B announced in September.

The Dogger Bank Wind Farm is located over 130 km off the north-east coast of England and will be capable of powering the equivalent of up to 6 million homes each year when complete in 2026. Due to its size and scale, the site is being built in three consecutive phases; Dogger Bank A, Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C. Each project is expected to generate around 6 TWh of electricity annually.


14 MW capacity

220-meter rotor

248 meters high

107-meter long blades

38,000 square meters swept area

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Nederlandse opdracht voor Vestas

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas heeft in Nederland een nieuwe opdracht binnengehaald. Dit maakte de Deense bouwer van windturbines maandag bekend zonder financiële details te melden.

Het gaat hierbij om de levering en installatie van 9 V126-3.45 MW turbines en masten van 130 meter aan energieleverancier Eneco.

Ook werd een onderhoudscontract voor 15 jaar getekend met de opdrachtgever.

Levering van de turbines staat gepland voor het eerste kwartaal van 2022.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
RWE Signs PPA Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm

RWE Renewables signed a Power Purchase Agreement with E.ON UK under which the company will offtake 100% of the electricity produced by the Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm from 2022 until 2035. This includes the Renewable Obligation Certificates from the plant. The contract directly follows on from the previous agreement to supply E.ON UK’s customers with green electricity from the offshore wind farm, and which is due to end in 2022.

Humber Gateway is located in the United Kingdom, off the coast of East Yorkshire and was commissioned in 2015. With an installed capacity of 219 megawatts, the wind farm is capable of supplying green electricity equivalent to the annual average demand of almost 300,000 UK homes2. RWE recently divested a 49% stake in Humber Gateway to Greencoat. With a 51% share in the plant, RWE continues to operate the wind farm.

In the United Kingdom, RWE is currently constructing the Triton Knoll offshore wind farm and is developing the Sofia offshore project, both of which will expand RWE’s current UK portfolio of nine offshore wind farms. In addition, RWE recently signed Agreements for Lease with The Crown Estate to develop extension projects at four offshore wind farms.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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