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Enel Green Power Bags 80 MW in Italy in GSE’s Auction

Enel Green Power was awarded 80 MW in the first renewable tender held by the Italian state-owned energy service company Gestore Servizi Energetici. Specifically, EGP was awarded 60 MW of new renewable capacity for three wind projects, and 20 MW from the repowering of already-operational wind and hydro projects. The company participated in the 500 MW tender for new wind and solar projects and the 60 MW tender for renovations of hydro and wind plants with a capacity exceeding 1 MW.

Regarding the new capacity, the three wind farms are located in Sicily, Molise, and Campania and construction will start in 2020, with entry into service expected for 2021. As for the upgrading and useful life extension of the four plants already in operation, the refurbishment works will be carried out between 2020 and 2021 in Molise, Sardinia, Piedmont, and Tuscany.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Germans Developing Grid Simulator for 20MW Wind Turbines

German research institute Fraunhofer IWES is developing a mobile grid simulator that will allow the testing and optimization of the grid compatibility of very large wind turbines with an output of up to 20MW. As a mobile test facility, the “Mobil-Grid-CoP” grid simulator will serve to verify current and future grid system services as well as electrical properties of a wind turbine.

Future turbine sizes, especially offshore, demand an output in excess of 15MW, which cannot be provided by today’s test benches. In the future, the new mobile grid simulator will be able to simulate various grid connection points and dynamic grid events for this testing prototypes directly in the field. In addition to grid errors, the mobile test facility to be developed will also allow testing of dynamic frequency changes to analyze the supply of active power from the turbine and examine the effects thereof on the overall system. It will also be possible to simulate future requirements such as blackouts in order to test the grid restoration capacity of power grids.

The project will run for three years. The commissioning is planned for fall 2022.

Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi is financing this research project to the tune of EUR 12.7 million.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas EnVentus V162-5.6 MW Turbines for Riskebo Wind Energy Project in Sweden

Vestas has secured a 39 MW order and a 30-year service contract from long-term customer Stena Renewables AB for the Riskebo wind energy project in the Hedemora Municipality in Sweden. The project will be the first in Sweden to leverage the EnVentus V162-5.6 MW turbine’s rotor size and high capacity factor to achieve industry-leading energy production. The project will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output. The contract further includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 30-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement.

Turbine delivery is expected to begin in the third quarter of 2021, while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EDF Group Acquires 50% of Codling Offshore Wind Project in Ireland

The EDF Group has bought a 50% interest in the Codling offshore wind farm project in Ireland from Hazel Shore. Its subsidiary EDF Renewables, dedicated to wind and solar energy across the globe, will now partner with Fred Olsen Renewables Ltd, which already owns 50%, to develop and build this project. The Codling project is located south of Dublin, 13 km off the coast of County Wicklow thus benefitting from the favourable conditions for offshore wind off the east coast of Ireland. The initial development work started in 2003. Codling is spread across two sites, one of which, Codling 1, is consented. As an indication, the capacity of the project should be around 1 GW of installed capacity.

This acquisition comes after the Irish Government set out the country’s clear commitment to reduce carbon emissions. In July 2019 it adopted a Climate Action Plan which specifies, among other things, to grow renewables in order to provide 70% of electricity generation by 2030. Offshore wind is expected to deliver at least 3.5 GW in support of reaching this target. Over the next couple of years, project development will continue with the intention that Codling will make a significant contribution to achieving the Irish Climate Action Plan targets.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Akuo Completes Financing of 132 MW Wind Power in Poland

Independent global renewable energy power producer and developer Akuo announced the completion of the financing of three wind power projects in Poland in partnership with Mirova Eurofideme 4, a fund managed by Mirova Natixis. With a capacity of 132 MW, the three power plants will have a total of 53 turbines supplied by manufacturer Vestas and will be operated by Akuo’s local teams. Construction is contracted to the local subsidiary of Aldesa. These are Akuo’s first projects in Poland and will supplement the Group’s network in Central Eastern Europe (Croatia, Montenegro and Bulgaria in particular).

Developed over a number of years, these projects won the tender launched by the Polish government in late 2018. Beyond its desire to reduce its dependence on imported fossil energy, the Polish government is intensifying its efforts in the field of renewable energy in order to achieve the minimum threshold of 15% of renewable energy in its end consumption of energy by 2020, in accordance with the National Renewable Energy Action Plan. Within the framework of the country’s energy policy through to 2040, the government is targeting a 60% reduction in the share of coal in its electricity production by 2030 and an increase in the proportion of renewable energy to 27% by 2040.

These projects are expected to become operational in 2021, following which the wind farms will produce 100% green energy that will meet the electricity requirements of more than 200,000 Polish homes whilst avoiding the emission of over 300,000 metric tons of CO2 per year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola Commissions El Pradillo Wind Farm

Iberdrola is moving forward with its process to lead the energy transition with the launch of a new renewable project, the El Pradillo wind farm 23 MW, located between the Zaragoza towns of Frescano, Borja and Agón, in Aragón. Comprising 6 SG 3.4-132 wind turbines, with 3.4 MW power units, and 1 SG 2.1-114 wind turbine, rated at 2.1 MW, its construction has had an important stimulating effect on the local industrial fabric, since a good number of the elements in the wind turbines have been manufactured in Spain, in facilities in Zaragoza, Soria, Burgos, Navarra, Cantabria and Asturias.

The construction of the El Pradillo wind farm has also generated local employment, as it involved 75 workers. The project, undertaken jointly with Caja Rural de Navarra, has involved the investment of 26 million euros.

The energy generated by El Pradillo is sufficient to supply 10,500 homes per year -almost one third the entire population of the city of Teruel- and will avoid the emission of 17,300 tons of CO2/year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola to Use Siemens Gamesa SG 4.5-145 Wind Turbines at Herrera Complex in Spain

Iberdrola will build its next wind farm in Spain, the Herrera Complex, with the most powerful onshore wind turbine, after awarding Siemens Gamesa the contract to supply the first SG 4.5-145 wind turbines, with a 4.5 MW power unit; which is almost seven times more powerful than the first wind turbines installed in Spain more than two decades ago. The company is, thus, continuing to advance in its commitment to clean energy in Spain, incorporating cutting-edge technologies to provide more competitiveness and sustainability to its renewables projects.

The Herrera Complex, which will be built in Burgos province, is made up of three wind farms - La Huesa, Valdesantos and Orbaneja - and will have an installed capacity of 63 megawatts (MW), distributed between a total of 14 wind turbines. Forecasts indicate that the project will be operational this year.

The Orbaneja and La Huesa wind farms will be located in the municipalities of Isar, Las Quintanillas, Rabé de las Calzadas and Estepar: the first one will consist of seven wind turbines, up to a total of 31.5 MW of installed power, while the second one will have four turbines that will add a further 18 MW. Valdesantos will be built in Estepar and will have three machines with a total installed capacity of 13.5 MW.

Iberdrola will also build the 10 MW-capacity Fuenteblanca wind farm in its vicinity, which will consist of 3 SG 3.4-132 wind turbines, to complete a 73 MW wind farm complex.

The SG 4.5-145 wind turbine, with a new 71-metre blade and a diameter of 145 m, is three times bigger than the first wind turbines and twice the height of Burgos Cathedral. It also incorporates new technology to maximise energy production and the competitiveness of the installation making it a leading solution for medium-wind sites.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Plannen voor ambitieus offshore windpark met scepsis begroet

Marjan van Loon (Shell Nederland), Cas König (Groningen Seaports) en Han Fennema (Gasunie) presenteren hun plannen om 's werelds grootste offshore windpark en de grootste groene waterstoffabriek van Europa te bouwen. Bron: ANP

De haalbaarheidsstudie moet nog beginnen, maar de donderdag aangekondigde plannen van Shell en Gasunie om 's werelds grootste offshore windpark te bouwen dat gekoppeld moet worden aan de grootste waterstoffabriek van Europa, liggen nu al onder vuur.

Landelijk netbeheerder Tennet bijvoorbeeld, die de wettelijke verantwoordelijkheid heeft om windparken op zee aan te sluiten op het netwerk op het vaste land, is niet enthousiast over de plannen van Shell en Gasunie om 's werelds grootste offshore windpark te realiseren.


Tennet is niet van tevoren geconsulteerd door de consortium-partners en is 'voorlopig ook niet van plan om positief te reageren op een uitnodiging om deel te nemen aan het consortium in zijn huidige vorm', zo laat een woordvoerder weten.

Voor Tennet gelden duidelijke randvoorwaarden voor eventuele deelname: 'het realiseren van een energiesysteem tegen de laagste maatschappelijke kosten en het waarborgen van de leveringszekerheid'. Daarvoor is volgens het bedrijf 'systeemintegratie (het integreren van elektriciteit en gas om de grote fluctuaties in wind- en zonne-energie op te vangen, red.) de échte sleutel.'

Faciliteren, niet sturen

Die uitgangspunten vormen ook de basis van de 'Infrastructure Outlook 2050' die Tennet begin vorig jaar samen met Gasunie heeft gepubliceerd. 'Die systeemintegratie is voor ons een belangrijk uitgangspunt, maar zien we niet direct terug in dit voorstel', aldus de woordvoerder. Shell en Gasunie willen windstroom vooral gebruiken om er waterstof van te maken voor de industrie. Tennet zal ook aan minister Wiebes zijn standpunt kenbaar maken.

‘Een overheidsbedrijf dat samen met Shell, Nouryon, Thyssenkrupp en andere marktpartijen bij herhaling subsidie aanvraagt bij de overheid is een rol die Gasunie niet past’
Thijs ten Brinck, energie-expert

De waterstofplannen stuiten op meer kritiek. Zo is nog onduidelijk waar de benodigde tientallen miljarden euro's voor het project precies vandaan gaan komen. Gasunie en Shell willen geld van het Rijk en van Europa, maar hoeveel er nodig is om het plan van de grond te trekken, is niet bekend.

Rijkswaterstaat met Toyota

Ook roept de betrokkenheid van Gasunie vragen op. Energie-expert Thijs ten Brinck, die veel onderzoek doet naar waterstof, vindt bijvoorbeeld dat Gasunie moet faciliteren en niet de energietransitie moet sturen.

'Gasunie is een door de overheid aangewezen monopolist, verantwoordelijk voor de distributie van aardgas. Een overheidsbedrijf dat samen met Shell, en andere marktpartijen bij herhaling subsidie aanvraagt bij de overheid is een rol die Gasunie niet past', vindt Ten Brinck. 'Als Rijkswaterstaat samen met Toyota subsidie zou aanvragen voor de bouw van een grote autofabriek, zou iedereen fronsen.'

Op zoek naar plekken voor windparken

Gasunie-topman Han Fennema ziet echter wel degelijk een rol weggelegd voor zijn bedrijf. Juist de toekomstige integratie van elektriciteit en gas wordt volgens hem steeds belangrijker. 'Als wij onze klimaatambities willen waarmaken, dan moeten wij tijdig beschikken over een grootschalige infrastructuur. Met deze, en hopelijk binnenkort nog meer partners helpen wij de markt om versneld de overstap te maken naar duurzame energie.'

Die groene stroom moet straks van nieuwe grote windparken boven de Waddeneilanden komen, maar er is door het kabinet op dit moment nog maar één gebied aangewezen dat de komende jaren zal worden aanbesteed: een oppervlakte van 120 vierkante kilometer naast het al bestaande Gemini-windpark. Die nieuwe kavel is goed voor maximaal 700 megawatt aan windvermogen.

‘NortH2 is een interessant voorstel omdat inmiddels blijkt dat sec een windpark aanleggen op dit moment geen garantie is voor een succesvolle businesscase.'’
NWEA, branchevereniging voor de windenergiesector
Of en waar de plekken zullen worden aangewezen waar de megaparken van Gasunie en Shell moeten verrijzen, is nog volstrekt onduidelijk. Shell en Gasunie hopen daarover in gesprek te kunnen met het ministerie van Economische Zaken & Klimaat. Gezien de lange procedures lijkt het welhaast onmogelijk om zoals het consortium wil al in 2027 de eerste stroom te produceren.

De ontwikkeling, bouw en levertijden voor bijvoorbeeld de grote stopcontacten op zee bedragen al vele jaren. Zo tekende Tennet afgelopen woensdag een contract met een leverancier om de stopcontacten voor het windpark IJmuiden Ver te ontwerpen. De aansluiting voor dat park moet in 2027 in gebruik worden genomen.

Eerst nog een haalbaarheidsstudie

Shell en Gasunie willen eerst nog een haalbaarheidsstudie doen en nemen op grond daarvan een investeringsbesluit. 'Er zijn nog veel vragen over het NorthH2-project', vindt ook de NWEA, de branchevereniging van de windsector in een reactie. 'Zo moet er nog een haalbaarheidsstudie gedaan worden, is het niet duidelijk waar de windparken zouden moeten komen en of dat in de al aangewezen gebieden zou moeten gebeuren.'

De NWEA volgt het project niettemin met grote interesse. 'NortH2 is een interessant voorstel omdat inmiddels blijkt dat sec een windpark aanleggen op dit moment geen garantie is voor een succesvolle businesscase.'

RWE Renewables and Saitec Offshore Technologies Test Floating Platform Solution for Offshore Wind Turbines

RWE Renewables and Saitec Offshore Technologies have joined forces to test new ways to affordably install and operate offshore wind farms in deep waters. In a joint pilot project called “DemoSATH”, the RWE subsidiary specialising in renewable energy and the Spanish engineering company Saitec Offshore Technologies will start testing a floating platform for wind turbines off the Basque Coast in 2021. SATH technology is based on a twin hull made of modularly prefabricated and subsequently braced concrete elements. The float can align itself around a single point of mooring according to the wind and wave direction. The objective of the project is to collect data and gain real-life knowledge from the construction, operation and maintenance of the unit. The pilot project will last 3.5 years: 18 months for the planning and construction of the plant, followed by a two-year operating phase.

RWE Renewables will finance part of the project costs, contribute its many years of offshore experience, and gain access to the resulting findings in return. The focus is on the performance and on the load behaviour of the platform under all possible conditions. In addition, the partners are interested in operational experience, which is essential for the planning of future commercial wind farms. Among the things to be tested are safe and efficient solutions for vessel accessibility to the platform and for the replacement of large components. In order to be able to flexibly adapt offers for offshore wind farms worldwide to local conditions, RWE is testing other technological options for Floating Offshore in addition to SATH.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SSE Renewables Sells Slieve Divena II Wind Farm to Greencoat

SSE Renewables has agreed to sell its 100 per cent interest in the 18.8MW Slieve Divena II Wind Farm in Northern Ireland to Greencoat UK Wind for a total consideration of GBP 51 million. Slieve Divena II was developed by SSE Renewables near Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, and comprises eight 2.35MW Enercon E-92 wind turbines. The wind farm entered commercial operation in 2017 and has 0.9/MWh Renewable Obligation Certificates under Northern Ireland’s support scheme. The wind farm is adjacent to the 30MW Slieve Divena wind farm, which Greencoat acquired in 2017.

Slieve Divena II is capable of generating enough clean, green energy to power 16,300 homes. The wind power generated at Slieve Divena II is helping to off-set around 15,200 tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions every year, contributing to Northern Ireland’s carbon reduction targets.

The transaction is expected to complete by the end of March 2020. SSE intends to use the proceeds to reduce net debt.

SSE Renewables is entering into an Asset Management Agreement to manage the wind farm on behalf of Greencoat following the sale while SSE’s retail arm in Ireland, SSE Airtricity, will continue to have the offtake of the green energy generated at the site. SSE Airtricity will continue to operate the annual Community Fund for Slieve Divena II on behalf of new owners, Greencoat.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
'Uitrol van windparken op zee komt in gevaar'

De uitrol van windparken op zee is in gevaar. Dat vormt een groot risico bij het halen van de klimaatdoelstellingen. Zonder extra maatregelen van de overheid is het risico groot dat windparken op zee in de komende jaren niet meer rendabel zijn en niet van de grond komen. Dat zijn conclusies uit het onderzoek ‘The Offshore Wind Business Case and Supporting Intervention’ in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken & Klimaat dat donderdag is gepubliceerd.

De businesscase voor wind op zee staat op dit moment al onder druk en de risico’s worden alleen maar groter. Alle windparken op zee tot nu toe draaien met subsidie of zijn met subsidie gebouwd. Het eerste subsidievrije park moet nog worden gebouwd. Dat gebeurt waarschijnlijk in 2022, maar de onderzoekers waarschuwen dat daarmee niet is gegarandeerd dat windparken op zee voortaan zonder steun van de overheid zouden kunnen.

'Er is druk om grotere risico's te accepteren omdat het in handen krijgen van strategisch belangrijke offshore windlocaties in Europa deelname aan aanbestedingen vereist. Die kunnen zeer concurrerend zijn, gegeven de grote belangstelling voor offshore wind. Aanbestedingen hebben veel voordelen en hebben de kosten naar beneden gebracht, maar het moet niet vergeten worden dat aanbestedingen niet altijd leveren wat werd verwacht', aldus het rapport.

Financierbaarheid onder druk

Investeerders hebben relatief weinig ervaring met subsidievrije parken, schrijven de onderzoekers. Ze waarschuwen voor het risico dat windparken die zijn aanbesteed, uiteindelijk niet worden gebouwd.

Volgens het onderzoek is er de komende tien jaar een investering nodig van €17 mrd om de geplande windparken op zee tot aan 2030 te bouwen. Maar die parken concurreren met in totaal €250 mrd aan hernieuwbare energie-investeringen in Europa. Sommige van die projecten kunnen financieel aantrekkelijker zijn als de risico's voor wind op zee, bijvoorbeeld door achterblijvende vraag naar groene stroom, toenemen en daarmee de financierbaarheid van de windparken op zee bedreigen.

Er kan volgens de onderzoekers daarmee een groot risico ontstaan dat op basis van de huidige marktomstandigheden Nederland zijn doelstelling om in 2030 11 gigawatt aan subsidievrije windparken op zee te realiseren, niet zal halen.

De onderzoekers adviseren om een zogenoemde routekaart te maken voor de vraag naar elektriciteit, die gelijk op kan gaan met de routekaart die er al is aan de aanbodkant van windenergie. Ook zou overwogen kunnen worden om in de toekomst de volumes wind op zee-vermogen die worden aanbesteed, naar boven of beneden bij te stellen om meer in balans te brengen met de vraag naar groene stroom.


De Nederlandse Windenenergie Associatie (NWEA) roept de overheid nu op om de industrie meer zekerheden te geven. ‘Dat kan door vol in te zetten op vraagstimulering van de industrie en zo te zorgen dat de Nederlandse wind-tenders aantrekkelijk blijven voor investeerders. Die vraagstimulering is essentieel is om de businesscase voor wind op zee gezond te krijgen’, aldus de NWEA.

Tegelijkertijd wil de windenergiebranche dat vergunningen voor windparken voor 40 jaar worden afgegeven in plaats van 30 jaar. ‘Dit geeft windparken 10 jaar langer de tijd om hun kosten terug te verdienen’, aldus de branchevereniging in een reactie op het rapport.

De NWEA is ook bezorgd over sommige kostenverhogende maatregelen in het recent gesloten onderhandelaarsakkoord voor de Noordzee.


Oftewel: de windmolenbouwers willen meer vuil geproduceerd staal, want dat is goedkoper.
Voor hen wel, maar het doet natuurlijk onze investeringen in milieumaatregelen weer teniet.
Peterborough Integrated Renewables Infrastructure Project Scheme in UK

SSE is playing a key-role in drawing up design plans for the largest smart city-wide energy system in the UK. The GBP 2 million Peterborough Integrated Renewables Infrastructure project scheme, which is being led by Peterborough Council, will cut energy bills and provide green heat, electricity and transport for residents. Combining a next generation heat network, electricity network and EV infrastructure under one holistic scheme, the two-year project has been granted funding to begin the design of a local, smart energy system. Other partners include: Element Energy, Cranfield University, Smarter Grid Solutions and Sweco UK.

The PIRI project brings together energy generation, demand and storage, thereby unlocking efficiencies not deliverable under our existing, traditional energy systems. It is envisaged to be especially effective in areas where the electricity network is constrained; as well serving as a blueprint for other urban locations across the UK.

PIRI will be part funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Prospering from the Energy Revolution challenge and unlock major social and economic value for the Peterborough area from 2022. Significant private sector investment has been secured for and by members of the partnership who each have existing decarbonisation expertise.

The project is one of five to win funding to create a pipeline of innovative and investable local energy system designs that will be ready to roll out across the UK in the 2020s.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SSE Renewables sells Slieve Divena II Wind Farm to Greencoat

SSE Renewables has agreed to sell its 100 per cent interest in the 18.8MW Slieve Divena II Wind Farm in Northern Ireland to Greencoat UK Wind for a total consideration of GBP 51 million. Slieve Divena II was developed by SSE Renewables near Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, and comprises eight 2.35MW Enercon E-92 wind turbines. The wind farm entered commercial operation in 2017 and has 0.9/MWh Renewable Obligation Certificates under Northern Ireland’s support scheme. The wind farm is adjacent to the 30MW Slieve Divena wind farm, which Greencoat acquired in 2017.

Slieve Divena II is capable of generating enough clean, green energy to power 16,300 homes*. The wind power generated at Slieve Divena II is helping to off-set around 15,200 tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions every year*, contributing to Northern Ireland’s carbon reduction targets.

The transaction is expected to complete by the end of March 2020. SSE intends to use the proceeds to reduce net debt.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ABB Wins Digital Service Contract to Increase Offshore Wind Reliability

ABB has won a 10.6 million euro order for ABB Ability digital products and services at DolWin5 Epsilon, which will support Germany’s energy transition through reliable delivery of enough renewable energy to power about one million homes. ABB will enable the reliability, safety and security of the energy transmission from DolWin5 Epsilon by providing a comprehensive system for IT infrastructure, OT1 security, plant-wide condition monitoring, SCADA2 and remote access services to facilitate stable power transmission to the German national grid. The DolWin5 Epsilon platform will deliver 900 megawatts of zero-carbon electricity from three connected wind farms in the North Sea, 100 km off the German coast. In addition to a converter platform offshore, there is an onshore converter station located in Emden/Ost in Germany.

The high risks associated with power disruptions, require effective energy management for offshore wind plants. ABB received the order from Aibel Keppel consortium ANS5 in Norway. Aibel/Keppel FELS consortium will design, construct, and build the High Voltage Direct Current transmission system.

TenneT is the European electricity transmission system operator providing power links to the offshore wind farms in the cluster. TenneT has activities in the Netherlands and in Germany, with more than 20 million people relying on the TenneT TSO GmbH electricity supply from offshore wind farms in the North Sea. Initial operations for DolWin5 (Epsilon) are due to commence in 2024.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa to Supply 11 MW Turbines to Wind Power Projects in German North Sea

Ørsted has conditionally named Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy as the preferred turbine supplier for two offshore wind power projects in the German North Sea totaling 1,142 GW. At both the 900 MW Borkum Riffgrund 3 and the 242 MW Gode Wind 3 sites, Siemens Gamesa will deploy its new SG 11.0-200 DD offshore wind turbine. A five-year service and maintenance agreement is included in the preferred supplier award. The award is subject to certain conditions including Ørsted’s final investment decision, which itself is subject to the projects receiving final grid dates and final consents from German authorities. The Borkum Riffgrund 3 project will be the largest offshore project in Germany to date.

The final number of turbines for both projects remains to be determined. Ørsted expects the installation of Gode Wind 3 to begin in 2023, with commissioning being completed in 2024. The installation of Borkum Riffgrund 3 is expected to begin 2024, with commissioning being completed in 2025.

The SG 11.0-200 DD offshore wind turbine features a 200-meter diameter rotor utilizing the 97-meter long Siemens Gamesa B97 IntegralBlade. The B94 blade design has been re-used and extended to reach the new length, whereas the generator capacity remains at 11 MW, as known from the SG 11.0-193 DD Flex. The upgraded machine with 200-meter diameter rotor provides an increase of 9% in Annual Energy Production compared to the SG 10.0-193 DD offshore wind turbine with 193-meter diameter rotor.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Wins Repowering Order with Danish Auction Win

Vestas has received a 36 MW repowering order for the Overgaard II wind project from Wind Estate A/S, one of Denmark’s leading energy companies. The order is derived from Denmark’s second energy neutral auction in 2019, and it is Vestas’ fourth repowering order from the two auction rounds for a total of more than 150 MW, highlighting Vestas’ auction capabilities as well as Denmark’s large repowering potential. As a pioneer in wind energy, Denmark has a large portion of first-generation wind turbines and a big share of the country’s active wind turbines is expected to be decommissioned in the coming years. Using current technology to replace older turbines it is possible to considerably increase the onshore wind capacity with fewer turbines, making repowering a key tool to increase the share of cost-efficient renewables in the energy mix.

The firm order includes supply, installation and commissioning of ten V126-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode, as well as a ten-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. The ten new Vestas turbines will more than double the wind park’s energy production by replacing the current site’s eight 2 MW NEG Micon turbines.

The order comes two months after Vestas announced the order for the final phase of the 94 MW Overgaard I wind project. Once the 130 MW site is fully completed, it will make up Denmark’s largest onshore wind farm.

Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2021, while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ancala Partners Acquires 82MW Wind Farm in Cyprus

Independent infrastructure investment manager Ancala Partners has acquired the largest wind farm in Cyprus with an installed capacity of 82MW. Terms of the transaction have not been disclosed. Operational since 2011, the Orites wind farm comprises 41 Vestas V90-2MW wind turbines and produces around 5 per cent of Cyprus’s entire electricity generation capacity. All electricity generated is exported to the grid through a long term Power Purchasing Agreement with Electricity Authority of Cyprus, the government-backed operator responsible for transmission, distribution and supply across the island. The asset has a fixed rate tariff with the Cypriot government until 2031.

The asset, which has been developed and constructed by Platina Energy Partners and a local entrepreneur, uses well-established, low-complexity technology comprising turbines installed and maintained by the world’s largest manufacturer, Vestas.

The acquisition was made by funds managed by Ancala.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola Acquires 100% Ownership of Ailes Marines

Iberdrola has increased its ambition in the offshore wind industry, following the conclusion of an agreement to take 100% ownership of Ailes Marines. The company is developing, constructing and operating the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm in France, a country that has become an increasingly strategic market for the Iberdrola. Iberdrola, which previously owned 70% of the consortium's capital, has acquired the remaining 30% from Avel Vor, after receiving the green light from the French Ministry of the Economy. The transaction will add momentum to the project, which is scheduled to begin construction in 2021. Once fully operational in 2023, the installed capacity of 496 megawatts will produce enough clean energy to satisfy the needs of around 835,000 consumers.

Located approximately 16 kilometres off the coast of Brittany, the Saint-Brieuc plant will require an overall investment of around €2.4 billion. It will be equipped with 62 Siemens Gamesa wind turbines, each with an 8 MW capacity, installed in a 75-square-km area. The turbines will have a total height of 207 metres.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tekmar Energy Secures French Contract

Tekmar Energy Limited has secured a contract award from French cable installation specialist Louis Dreyfus TravOcean, to supply TekLink cable protection systems for the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm. The contract marks Tekmar Energy’s first offshore wind project in France.The company will supply 160 patented TekLink Mechanical Latch CPS to protect the 33kV inter-array cables manufactured by Louis Dreyfus TravOcean's consortium partner Prysmian Group. With Prysmian tasked by project developers Eolien Maritime France manufacture the project's cable, Louis Dreyfus TravOcean has been tasked more than 100km of 33kV inter-array cabling.

The 480 MW Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm will be located between 12 km and 20 km off the coast of the Guerande peninsula in western France. Water depths at the site range between 12 and 25 metres. The project is expected to generate enough electricity to supply 20% of the Loire-Atlantique department‘s power. It being developed by Eolien Maritime France (EMF), a project company co-owned by EDF Energies Nouvelles Group and Enbridge.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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937,58  -1,00  -0,11%  21 feb
 Germany40^ 22.179,70 -0,60%
 BEL 20 4.405,39 +0,82%
 Europe50^ 5.441,66 -0,61%
 US30^ 43.424,20 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 21.616,30 0,00%
 US500^ 6.014,32 0,00%
 Japan225^ 38.152,90 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.935,70 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0460 0,00%
 WTI 70,19 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


Brunel +7,40%
TomTom +3,22%
JDE PEET'S +2,84%
BESI +2,31%


CM.COM -1,85%
Arcadis -1,83%
NN Group -1,82%