Zomaar enkele dingen op een rijtje.
ACM: 25/9 heeft ACM een brief uitgestuurd aan alle investeerders met het plan van aanpak over de herstruturering. Tweederde moet hiermee instemmen.
Homm is nog steeds grootaandeelhouder, zij het procentueel veel minder.
In het geruchtencircuit is men er steeds meer overtuigd dat het een persoonlijke vendetta is van Homm.
citaten uit de laatste telefonische conferentie:
Dr. Philippe Wolgen:
In the recent meltdown in the prime markets, and the subsequent credit squeeze, as we’ve seen, we would say the systemic risk that markets have been exposed to was unexpected but perhaps in line of current and global market conditions.
the stock price of Clinuvel is not immune to that systemic risk, that we see worldwide. There is however, no rational explanation as to why our share price has lost 40% in recent weeks.
It is a huge disparity to the progress we have made, and that we are on target to bring this drug to its first registration in 2009.
The further that you progress in your clinical trials, the more you de-risk the company. That means the more patients you recruit, the less risky the proposition becomes.
The cash balance of this company is very healthy. We have $A60 million in cash
with a cash burn that is well under the projected cash burn of the first two quarters of 2007.
The current rate cash burn is $A0.9m per month.
With the increased activities in the last quarter of 2007 and 2008, we have projected that this cash burn will rise to $A1.3 million per month.
In summary I would like to tell you all that the company is on track to make its registration in 2009 and we will announce a detailed timeline at the AGM in November 07.
A question that has come up in the recent days surrounds the resignation of one of the fund managers of our major shareholder, Absolute Capital Management Holding, residing in Spain. It’s been a huge surprise to us that the fund manager has resigned.
Homm has been a fervent believer and passionate supporter of this drug and this company.
We have recently conducted a tour in Europe where we recruited more than 10 centres for the second cohort of our phase three trials.
We hope to start, as announced, the phase II (AK & SU) trials in the last quarter of this year.
We are also on track to file in the US.
Ik heb er in ieder geval vertrouwen in.
Totale cashburn tot 2009 slechts 28.8 m
Niet slecht.