Omzet volgens de outlook 505 - 565
C 75 is min 11% tov 2024
E 172 is 4 maal Q4 2024
A 258 is 24% minder dan 2024
C 75 min 11% tov 2024
E 172 is 4 maal Q4 2024
A 318 is 3% minder dan 2024
Logisch dat Wim Gille vragen stelde !
Wim Gille - ABN AMRO ODDO BHF - Analyst
Yes, a very good afternoon.Hope you can hear me. First, my questions are aboutthe outlook for Enterprise and Automotive. When I look at Enterprise,
I see you had pretty good commercial momentum in the second half. And if I do a very simplistic four times Q4, I already end up at EUR 170
million in Enterprise revenues for 2025.
So, that would be without, kind of, new wins and new clients. And that's an increase of 6% for Enterprise. Is that also, kind of, the minimum
growth that you would expect in Enterprise based on what we see today?
Het antwoord van Taco
I understand your question. The only thing that I want to say at this point is that we expect Enterprise to grow. And the mix between Enterprise
and Automotive, and the level of growth in Enterprise, I don't want to comment on at this moment.
Also relating to your question about Automotive, what we've seen especially in H2 is huge fluctuations month over month on royalty reports.
That’s also recorded, in some way, in the reported versus operational revenues. If you only look at operational revenue performance in Q4 and you
compare it with Q3, there was a 27% increase sequentially. But that's, of course, on a very low base that we recorded in the third quarter.
So, the fluctuation in Automotive is big. There's a lot going on with these OEMs. And that's not only lower car production, but it's also the
macroeconomic concerns that are going on.
Fundamentally, we see the same level of interest, and probably more interest than we have seen before, for adoption of our products. But we
need to face these headwinds that we're currently facing. So, I can't really comment further on what we expect, especially for Enterprise and
Automotive and giving a more precise split.
Dus onze vriend Taco, mag aannemen toch een belangrijk onderdeel van de outlook, zegt 2 maal dat ie geen commentaar wil geven op vragen over de outlook.
Nog nooit meegemaakt :-)
Dat je een outlook geeft ,die zwaar tegen valt, kan.
Maar vragen over je eigen outlook afdoen met : ik kan hier geen commentaar opgeven.
Dit ruikt niet fris, om het netjes te verwoorden.
De stelling van Gille, geef dan geen outlook, want de markt zit tegen en macro economisch kan het tegen zitten.