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Moderna, Novavax, Inovio, BioNtech, 'RNA vaccin-producenten'

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COVID-19 Treatment AND Vaccine Tracker
Last Updated:
July 28, 2020 2:24 PM
FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, is currently tracking the development of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19 (coronavirus). This tracker contains an aggregation of publicly-available information from validated sources.
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Moderna vraagt minstens $50 per coronavaccin

Moderna zou aanvankelijk meer dan $100 hebben willen vragen voor zijn vaccin. Foto: Brian Snyder/Reuters

Het Amerikaanse biotechbedrijf Moderna vraagt $50 tot $60 voor zijn coronavaccin, dat uit twee doses bestaat. Dat meldt de Financial Times. Met een vraagprijs van $25 tot $30 per dosis heeft Moderna het duurste vaccin tot nu toe.

De vraagprijs geldt voor de rijke landen. Die wil Moderna naar verluidt als eerste beleveren. Het biotechbedrijf onderhandelt momenteel onder meer met de Verenigde Staten en de Europese Unie over het reserveren van miljoenen vaccindoses, in ruil voor hoge voorschotten. Moderna vroeg volgens de Financial Times aanvankelijk meer dan $100 voor een dubbele doses.

Winstmarge niet opgegeven
De vraagprijs van Moderna overtreft de prijs van $19,50 per dosis, die het Amerikaanse farmaconcern Pfizer vorige week overeenkwam met de Amerikaanse regering. Komende maanden moet uit onderzoek op menselijke proefpersonen blijken of de vaccins ook effectief zijn en geen ernstige bijwerkingen veroorzaken.

Twee grote farmabedrijven - Johnson & Johnson en AstraZeneca - hebben eerder gezegd dat ze een mogelijk coronavaccin tegen kostprijs zullen verkopen. Pfizer, Moderna en een aantal andere bedrijven zeggen wel een winstmarge te verlangen.

Moeizame onderhandelingen
Nederland sloot vorige maand samen met drie andere EU-lidstaten een akkoord met AstraZeneca, dat voorziet in de levering van zeker 300 miljoen doses. De Europese landen zouden daar naar verluidt zo'n €750 mln voor betalen, oftewel €2,50 per doses. Johnson & Johnson heeft eerder laten weten dat de vraagprijs van zijn vaccin waarschijnlijk niet boven de $10 komt.

Het persbureau Reuters meldde deze week dat de Europese onderhandelingen over het reserveren van vaccins moeizaam verlopen. Brussel kan het vooralsnog niet eens worden met Moderna, Pfizer en Johnson & Johnson. Een woordvoerder van de Europese Commissie zei evenwel dat de onderhandelingen ver gevorderd zijn en een overeenkomst op handen is.

Met al het goede nieuws van de laatste tijd rond Moderna zakt het aandeel nu. Dit hoeft niet zoveel te zeggen, aangezien het aandeel enorm is opgelopen en je altijd winstnemers hebt, maar toch... Wel een beetje gek voor een biotech die een blockbuster potentieel heeft en al in fase 3 is.

Moderna Inc $ 78,04 -3,45 -4,23 %

Wie o wie gaat eens een diepte-onderzoek plegen? Schuimt fora af? Belt met de CEO of IR? Spit websites ondersteboven? Etc.!

Check PEIX eens...

Leveren alcohol voor handgel en desinfectie, gaan voor het eerst winst maken...
Cijfers komen ergens deze dagen

Eis2020 schreef op 29 juli 2020 17:09:

En CAPR gaat vandaag ook mooi omhoog...
@eis2020, zou jij onderstaande kunnen toelichten en/of controleren? Bij voorbaat dank. Overigens ging gisteren en vandaag helemaal de koers omlaag. Dat zegt niet veel voor een dergelijk aandeel.

2 days ago
Reiteration of a previous post of mine with some additional updates for those new here;

*There are 20,000 boys with DMD in the USA. 200,000 world-wide.
*Around 10,000 USA patients are expected to have the right conditions to benefit greatly from the treatment.
*DMD Treatment would be expected to generate around $250,000 per patient yearly, resulting in $2.5 billion yearly in income from USA patients alone. That equates to a value of $178+ per share at only 1x revenue.
*To the best of their knowledge there is no competition trying to develop a similar solution.
*CAPR is utilizing a multi-pronged approach in lobbying to not have to do a phase III trial for DMD, which includes incorporating advocacy groups in their lobbying efforts, such as the parents of boys stricken with DMD and a consultancy firm working with the FDA. They are also expecting to leverage the fact that other companies, such as Sarepta, obtained quick approval with much less evidence of results than what CAPR can show.

Covid Vaccines -
*CAPR doesnt have just 1 covid vaccine candidate but 2 different ones. The first being a VLP (virus-like particle) similar to exosomes and the 2nd candidate being an exosome-mRNA vaccine formulation which is designed to elicit a protective, long-lasting immune response to SARS-CoV-2 by targeting all 4 structural proteins of the virus

Covid Treatment -
*CAPR has successfuly used CAP-1002 to treat critically ill patients with Covid with a 100% survival rate.
*FDA already approved an Expanded Access Program to treat up to 20 additional covid patients

Finances -
*As of April 2020 CAPR had 15 million in the bank.
*Their burn rate is about $400,000 per month so they have enough cash to get through 2021. However, as many have noticed, they have a enough open positions that they have posted recently to double the size of the workforce so I expect the burn rate will increase.
*CAPR has a long history of leveraging grants and obtaining capital for continued studies without needing to do capital raises. They hope to continue being able to leverage those types of opportunities. Additionally with the current rise in stock price even if they did do a capital raise it should not pose a significant risk of dilution

Summary -
*DMD treatment
*Successful Covid treatment
*2 completely cutting edge Covid vaccines in the pipeline
*Enough cash runway to get them through 2021

MisterBlues schreef op 27 juli 2020 21:31:


Op 22 juli een hoge 2. Op 23 juli een lage 6 als koers. Het nieuws had zijn werking al gedaan. Nu weet niemand wat compensatie voor het patent precies gaat brengen. Gelukkig is het een aandeel dat zelf ook wat pijlen op de boog heeft. Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat je je geld kwijt bent. Het aandeel is misschien ongeschikt voor daghandel maar wel korte termijn handel.

Ik stap pas in in Arbutus als het echt weer wat omlaag gaat. Ik vind nu die Canadese VBIV en die Duitse CureVac die naar de Nasdaq gaat erg interessant.
VBIV up 20%

While Moderna is focused on a vaccine to immunize against SARS-CoV-2, VBI Vaccines is going after one that could protect people against all three of the major coronavirus threats -- the ones that cause COVID-19, SARS, and MERS. Right now, the biotech is conducting preclinical testing in animals of its pan-coronavirus vaccine candidate VBI-2901 with a goal of advancing to phase 1 clinical trials in humans at some point in the not-too-distant future.

Unlike Moderna, VBI isn't strictly a clinical-stage company. Its hepatitis B vaccine Sci-B-Vac is already approved in Israel. The company expects to file for approval with regulators elsewhere, notably including the U.S., Canada, and European Union, starting in the fourth quarter.

While Sci-B-Vac is designed to prevent hep-B infections, VBI is also evaluating VBI-2601 in a phase 1b/2a study as a treatment for hepatitis B. The company expects to report data from that study in the second half of the year.
Like Moderna's pipeline, VBI's also includes a CMV vaccine candidate, VBI-1501 -- it's currently in phase 1 trials. In addition, the biotech is evaluating immunotherapy VBI-1901 in a phase 1/2a study targeting glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive form of brain cancer.

As of March 31, VBI's cash position totaled $35.8 million. Subsequently, the company raised around $54 million in net cash from a public stock offering. In May, it also established a debt financing facility with K2 HealthVentures that allows it to access up to $50 million.
Machine learning to develop vaccines faster; wearable devices to detect illness sooner: the COVID-19 pandemic could spark significant innovations in healthcare technologies.

How Microsoft is using AI in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Breakthroughs in biological science are combining with continuing advances in high-performance computing and artificial-intelligence (AI) technologies in a Bio Revolution. The power of AI has already been proven in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The speed and scale at which researchers launched efforts to develop a vaccine were remarkable, and that owed much to AI-powered R&D. But there is much more to come from AI in healthcare, with a growing role in predicting, preventing, and treating COVID-19 cases—and even preventing the next pandemic.

In May 2020, McKinsey Global Institute cochair and director James Manyika spoke with Microsoft chief technology officer (CTO) Kevin Scott about the vast potential of AI in healthcare and his views on the broad possibility of the Bio Revolution. An edited excerpt of their conversation follows.
James Manyika: I’m delighted today to be speaking with Kevin Scott, one of the leading technologists in the world. Kevin is the CTO and executive vice president of AI and research at Microsoft. Kevin has built and led technology teams at various places, starting at Google back in 2003, then at AdMob, back to Google, then at LinkedIn, and now at Microsoft.

Kevin’s quite well-known in the industry as one of the people who builds the largest, most capable technology platforms and systems. I’m grateful to be having a conversation with him. I should add that Kevin has just recently published a new book titled Reprogramming the American Dream: From Rural America to Silicon Valley—Making AI Serve Us All [Harper Business, April 2020].

Welcome, Kevin.

Kevin Scott: Thank you so much for having me, James.

James Manyika: I’m delighted to have you. I’ve been looking forward to this conversation for some time. I wanted to spend some time talking to you about what you’re working on right now. You’re building some of the largest, most complicated computer systems in the world, and much of that is being applied to AI systems. What are you most excited about right now in your work on AI?
Kevin Scott: We’ve been working on many things over the past couple of years. As you mentioned, [that includes] these very-large-scale computing platforms for training a new type of deep neural-network model. Some people called it “unsupervised,” but we have taken to calling them “self-supervised learning systems.”

I guess it’s just a coincidence, but before the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent the past handful of months focusing on the intersection between AI and the basic sciences. In particular, the intersection of AI and biology is really fascinating. We’re starting to do some foundational work there that is going to be useful for more than helping us resolve some of the challenges we’re facing right now with the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m hoping we’re going to see all sorts of fantastic, beneficial things happen after the COVID-19 crisis is over.
James Manyika: We are going through this extraordinary COVID-19 moment. You mentioned that one of the things you’re excited about is the application of AI to tackle these healthcare and COVID-19-related issues. Say more about that.
What are you seeing? How are you, your teams, and others applying AI to the COVID-19 crisis?

Kevin Scott: The thing that I would remind everyone of about machine learning and AI is that we should be thinking about them as tools that can be used fairly flexibly in a bunch of different ways. They’re not a thing in and of themselves.
If you look at how we’re using machine learning in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve deployed a bot-based technology. For instance, people who believe that they have COVID-19-like symptoms are able to self-triage those symptoms so that we can help manage precious testing and hospital resources. There are additional efforts we’re working on right now around enrolling people who have recovered from COVID-19 to donate their blood plasma that contains antibodies for COVID-19. Then we can dispense them to a consortium of companies that are working on refining that plasma into a therapy for COVID-19. AI is involved in the enrollment experience and figuring how to route the collected plasma to the right places.

One of the most sophisticated things that we’re doing with AI is using molecular simulations—trying to figure out how we could, in a simulation environment, discover therapeutic compounds and potential vaccines that we can use to treat the disease. Basically, machine-learning models could accelerate some of the exploration and simulation in this compound discovery.

One of the most sophisticated things that we’re doing with AI is using molecular simulations—trying to figure out how we could, in a simulation environment, discover therapeutic compounds and potential vaccines that we can use to treat the disease.
Kevin Scott
James Manyika: In other words, AI can have a remarkable impact as we search for vaccine targets because what AI could do in searching this huge space is beyond what we could do otherwise.

Kevin Scott: Yes, absolutely.

James Manyika: I’d love to hear you talk about this intersection between these AI techniques and the biological sciences. How big do you think this is?
Kevin Scott: I think it could be absolutely enormous. When you think about the set of events that led up to the industrialization process that happened right after World War II, it gave us our basic infrastructure that we have used to build most of modern Western society. I do see analogues to some of those conditions now with the COVID-19 pandemic. We are on a very accelerated pace, learning how important it is to make these investments. We’re going to see very exciting accomplishments in terms of where the biological sciences intersect with high-performance computing and AI.

I’m hoping we will take all of what we’re learning right now, and this sense of urgency that we feel, and transform that into action. It’s entirely conceivable to me that the next seven or eight decades of our existence as a human race might be defined by this set of technologies that are rooted in the biological sciences. And the accelerator, the spark that lights the innovation fire that hopefully happens, is this pandemic.
It’s entirely conceivable to me that the next seven or eight decades of our existence as a human race might be defined by this set of technologies that are rooted in the biological sciences.

Kevin Scott

Overeenkomst met Japan voor het leveren van 120M van hun BNT162 mRNA vaccins. Geen financiële details vermeld.
Hopelijk in de grootte van de USA deal (2Billio $ voor 1Milj vaccins)

toontje hoger schreef op 31 juli 2020 12:37:

Overeenkomst met Japan voor het leveren van 120M van hun BNT162 mRNA vaccins. Geen financiële details vermeld.
Hopelijk in de grootte van de USA deal (2Billio $ voor 1Milj vaccins)
Ogenschijnlijk goed nieuws. Hoe zou zo'n contract eruit zien?, vraag ik me af. Wat als fase 3 minder verloopt.

30.000 mensen!, het kan niet anders dat daar eerder dan publicatie eindresultaat gegevens gaan lekken.

Hoe komen wij erachter?
Scientists Worry About Political Influence Over Coronavirus Vaccine Project

Operation Warp Speed has moved along at a rapid clip. But some people involved in the process fear pressure to deliver an October surprise for President Trump.

President Trump has been relentlessly promoting the administration’s vaccine efforts, including during an appearance at a biotechnology laboratory in North Carolina last week.Credit...Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times
In April, with hospitals overwhelmed and much of the United States in lockdown, the Department of Health and Human Services produced a presentation for the White House arguing that rapid development of a coronavirus vaccine was the best hope to control the pandemic.
“DEADLINE: Enable broad access to the public by October 2020,” the first slide read, with the date in bold.

Given that it typically takes years to develop a vaccine, the timetable for the initiative, called Operation Warp Speed, was incredibly ambitious. With tens of thousands dying and tens of millions out of work, the crisis demanded an all-out public-private response, with the government supplying billions of dollars to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, providing logistical support and cutting through red tape.

It escaped no one that the proposed deadline also intersected nicely with President Trump’s need to curb the virus before the election in November.
The ensuing race for a vaccine — in the middle of a campaign in which the president’s handling of the pandemic is the key issue after he has spent his time in office undermining science and the expertise of the federal bureaucracy — is now testing the system set up to ensure safe and effective drugs to a degree never before seen.

Under constant pressure from a White House anxious for good news and a public desperate for a silver bullet to end the crisis, the government’s researchers are fearful of political intervention in the coming months and are struggling to ensure that the government maintains the right balance between speed and rigorous regulation, according to interviews with administration officials, federal scientists and outside experts.

Iemand nog naar PDSB gekeken, gister uitgebroken boven 4 dollar en upgrade gekregen naar 6.5 USD. Daarnaast volgen cijfers en kan er ieder moment nieuws komen m.b.t. het 2e vaccin wat gefinancierd is door Braziliaanse overheid. Staat veel te gebeuren hier, nu nog goed moment in te kopen....
Intravacc goes ahead with production of protein-based Covid-19 vaccine

"Together, we have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of patients at this time of great need."
31 July 2020
IO Eindhoven
© pixabay

Intravacc and Celonic Group will further design, develop, and produce a Covid-19 vaccine based on an immunogenic Spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2. The product is combined with Intravacc’s proprietary Outer Membrane Vesicle (OMV) technology.

Intravacc is a global leader in translational research and the development of viral and bacterial vaccines. Celonic Group is, a premium biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), specialized in the development and production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) and mammalian cell lines expressed bio-therapeutics.

In the beginning of March this year Intravacc started working on the development of four candidate coronavirus vaccines based on three proprietary technologies: Vero cell, OMV, and iBoost.

For this specific joint vaccine development, Intravacc combines its immunogenic OMV delivery platform with S-proteins expressed by Celonic Group’s CHOvolution mammalian cell expression system. This should result in generating an effective and balanced B and T cell response against SARS-CoV-2. Swiss-based Celonic Group will construct cell lines producing the S-protein in high quantities and develop a GMP production process.

Preclinical studies will start shortly to select the best candidate protein for the vaccine. The collaboration aims to accelerate the development of Intravacc’s COVID-19 OMV protein vaccine, which is expected to enter clinical testing in 2021.

CEO Jan Groen, Intravacc
Dr. Jan Groen, Intravacc’s Chief Executive Officer of Intravcc claims that several studies have shown that OMVs have the ability to enhance the immune response and can be formulated with target-specific peptides and proteins. “This, combined with the fact they can be quickly scaled-up for manufacturing, makes it an ideally suited platform under the current circumstances where quantity and speed are critical.”
Dr. Konstantin Matentzoglu, Chief Executive Officer of Celonic, adds that the novel vaccine has the potential to prevent morbidity and mortality of COVID-19. “Together, we have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of patients at this time of great need.”

Eis2020 schreef op 4 augustus 2020 11:31:

Iemand nog naar PDSB gekeken, gister uitgebroken boven 4 dollar en upgrade gekregen naar 6.5 USD. Daarnaast volgen cijfers en kan er ieder moment nieuws komen m.b.t. het 2e vaccin wat gefinancierd is door Braziliaanse overheid. Staat veel te gebeuren hier, nu nog goed moment in te kopen....
Waarom ben jij zo zeker dat dit vaccin het eindpunt haalt of heeft het aandeel nu gewoon momentum?

T-cell activatie is inderdaad wel hot!

(PDS Biotech is a clinical stage biotechnology company developing a pipeline of immunotherapies based on the proprietary Versamune®platform.)
@ Misterblues, ik ben niet zeker. Maar ik zie gewoon veel voordelen voor dit aandeel om enige tijd in handen te houden... Uiteindelijk zullen maar een paar aandelen echt gaan verkopen en daarbij zullen een aantal hele grote bedrijven zitten die geen enorme koerssprongen maken. Kortom slechts aan handjevol zal echt profiteren denk aan NOVAVAX, MORDERNA met name.

Andere aandelen welke gefinancierd door de staat worden zijn 100en of 1000en procenten gestegen, en PDSB lijkt gewoon nog onder de radar te zitten. Er komt snel info over het door de Braziliaanse gefinancierde vaccin, waardoor de koers tot 10-12 dollar kan stijgen in mijn optiek. Dalen kan ook maar misschien tot maximaal 3,50 kortom voor mij is het een gemakkelijke keuze.

Maar laat je niet beïnvloeden maak je eigen keuzes...
@Eis2020, mijn eigen keuzes maak ik zeker - als je me een beetje zou volgen dan weet je dat. In Moderna, BioNtech, VBIV, Cydy, Relief ben ik allemaal vroeg ingestapt. Novavax heb ik helaas gemist en wil nu eerst wachten tot ie wat gedaald is.

Ik ben gewoon geïnteresseerd in redeneerwijzen en achtergrondverhalen van anderen. Zo leer ik telkens weer iets bij. Ik zelf geef ook vooral inhoudelijke posts waaronder die op dit forum.

Misschien heb je nog een paar goede links met betrekking tot PDSB?
PDS Biotechnology Corporation [NASDAQ:PDSB] is one of the top gainers in the last two months and is up by over 300% since late May. Even with such huge gains, the stock is not showing signs of a slowdown. In yesterday’s trading session, the stock rallied to close higher by 39.20%. This stock’s momentum has mainly been driven positive developments on its various vaccines and treatment projects, including one for COVID-19. The market expects that a breakthrough in any of these projects could positively impact this company’s bottom-line and the stock price. Some of the developments giving this stock upside momentum are as below:

Universal Flu Vaccine

On 14th July, PDSN Biotech announced that it had been given the grant to accelerate the development of a Versamune® based universal flu vaccine. The grant was given by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and aims to come up with a durable, and broadly protective vaccine for multiple strains of influenza. With the grant money, the company will continue to work on its PDS0202 vaccine program. The program is a combination of Versamune® and new vaccine antigens. PDS CEO stated that the company was excited by the prospects of accelerating the development of PDS0202 and show Versamune’s capability in providing broad and lasting protection against different strains of influenza. With the boost the company got from this grant, investors are looking forward to a breakthrough, and this reflects in the sustained upside pressure.

2. Publication of preclinical data on PDS0101

Back in June, PDS Biotech announced that data on its top clinical program called PDS0101, together with two other investigational cancer-fighting agents, had been published by the Journal of Immunotherapy of Cancer. The study showed that PDS0101 generated T-Cells for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and anti-tumor therapy. The CEO stated that the results were an indicator that PDS0101 has the potential to improve the outcome for people with advanced HPV-linked cancers that include cervical, vulvar, neck, head, and anal cancers. With such a massive potential for this treatment, the stock has been gaining in value and could possibly gain more as the market anticipates a breakthrough.

3. PDS0204 COVID-19 Vaccine

Most companies working on a COVID-19 vaccine, or cure, have recorded massive gains in value over the past few months. PDS Biotechnology is one of the companies that have gained from the increased investor interest in COVID-19 stocks. Back in June, the company announced that it had entered into an agreement with Farmacore Biotechnology for the development of Versamune® – COV-2FC, a vaccine for preventing COVID-19 infections. The two organizations are working to accelerate the development and will carry out the phase 1 trial in Brazil. In anticipation of a potential breakthrough on this front, this stock stands to record sustained upside momentum into the foreseeable future.

About PDS Biotechnology Corporation

PDS Biotechnology Corporation is a biopharma company focused on cancer immunotherapies. The company is headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey.

Disclaimer: This material should not be considered investment advice. This material is not a solicitation for a trading approach to financial markets. Any investment decisions must in all cases be made by the reader or by his or her registered investment advisor. This information is for speculative purposes only.
(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Moderna heeft in het tweede kwartaal ondanks een hogere omzet het verlies toch zien stijgen. Dit bleek woensdag voorbeurs uit de cijfers van de Amerikaanse farmaceut die druk bezig is een coronavaccin te vinden.
Moderna zag de omzet afgelopen kwartaal oplopen naar ruim 66 miljoen dollar, van 13 miljoen dollar in dezelfde periode vorig jaar.
De operationele kosten liepen ook op, van 157 miljoen naar 188 miljoen dollar.
Zo kwam Moderna uit op een operationeel verlies van 122 miljoen dollar. Netto bedroeg het verlies 117 miljoen dollar, ofwel 0,31 dollar per aandeel.
Aan het einde van juni had Moderna 3,1 miljard dollar in kas. Vanwege een investering in mRNA-1273, wat uiteindelijk een coronavaccin moet opleveren, verwacht Moderna dit jaar meer uit te geven.

Inmiddels heeft Moderna al ongeveer 400 miljoen dollar ontvangen voor de levering van een eventueel vaccin.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Eis2020 schreef op 5 augustus 2020 12:01:

Mooi artikel, vandaag denk rustig dagje koers tussen 4,40 en 4,75...
Dat PDS Bio van jou stond in 2018 nog op ca. 340 dollar, vervolgens zakte het in maart tot ca 20 dollar waarna het een jaar geleden zakte naar 0,68 dollarcent. Nu kent het een opleving die in het geheel te danken is aan Corona.

Goeiedag zeg, wat zal je je als investeerder van het eerste uur genaaid hebben gevoeld door dit...

Het geeft toch wel te denken...Wat hebben ze nou concreet?
Fase 1 vaccin Covid-19 onderzoek met Braziliaanse partner? Aan rekruten geen gebrek, maar de rest?
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