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Demonstranten gaan te paard de confrontatie aan

Protesters formed an improvised cavalry unit, confronting government forces on horses.

video 0:28 minuut



Kazakh president says militants didn’t lay down weapons, clashes to continue



Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on Friday said the government is pressing on with a counterterrorism operation against militants.

"The counterterrorism operation is going on," he said in a televised address to the nation. "The militants haven’t laid down their weapons and continue to commit crimes or prepare to do so."

"The fight against them must be brought to an end," he went on to say. "Those who won’t surrender will be destroyed."

There’s a shortage of riot control weapons and special service fighters, he said.

"We are dealing with these issues as a matter of urgency," the president said.

Kazakh president says government failed to prevent terrorist attacks from happening.

"It’s critically important to understand why the government missed the clandestine preparations for the terrorist attacks and the training of undercover militant sells," he said in an address to the nation.

Tokayev said about 20,000 militants were involved in Almaty riots.

"Their actions have shown the existence of a precise plan for attacks on military, administrative and social offices in practically all regions, a seamless coordination, strong combat capabilities and savage brutality," he said.

The president said the attacks involved specialists trained in manipulating the public sentiment by spreading fake news and they apparently answered to a central command office.

The country’s National Security Committee and Prosecutor General’s Office are investigating the situation, he said.

Kazakh president says government won’t negotiate with terrorists. "There have been calls abroad for the sides to negotiate for a peaceful solution of the problems," he said. "How silly. How can talks be held with criminals and murderers?"

"We had to deal with armed and well-prepared bandits," he went on to say.

The bandits, he said, are both local and foreign and will be destroyed in short order.

The actions of the Kazakh authorities to prevent unrest are not aimed against freedoms and human rights, Tokayev said.

"In my speech on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of [the country’s] independence I said that law and order are the main guarantee of the well-being of our country. This does not mean an attack on civil liberties and human rights," he said.

Tokayev stressed that the riots in the country show that "non-observance of laws and permissiveness" entail violation of human rights and freedoms.

"The tragic events in our country highlight the problems of democracy and human rights in a new way. Democracy is not permissiveness, much less incitement, including in the blogosphere, to unlawful actions," he said.

"On the contrary, as the tragedy of Almaty and other cities of Kazakhstan showed, it is non-observance of laws, permissiveness, anarchy that led to the violation of human rights," he concluded.

CSTO peacekeeping forces

CSTO peacekeeping forces arrive in Kazakhstan for short period of time, Tokayev said.

"Proceeding from the main provisions of the CSTO charter, Kazakhstan appealed to the heads of the member states with a request to introduce joint peacekeeping forces to assist in establishing constitutional order. This contingent has arrived in our country for a short period of time," he said.

Tokayev noted that Kazakhstan needs the CSTO forces to "fulfill the function of cover and support."

Protests erupted in several Kazakh cities on January 2, later growing into mass riots and attacks on government offices. Thousands of casualties have been reported, including fatalities. The Kazakh president asked the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a military alliance of former Soviet republics, for help. First peacekeeping units have already started fulfilling their tasks in Kazakhstan.

The government said order has generally been restored in all of the country’s regions by the morning of January 7, while the situation is the most difficult in Almaty.



Beelden van het neerhalen van een standbeeld op 5 januari

First Kazakhstan president's monument demolition that occurred on Jan 5 captured on video

video 0:20 minuut


Russian troops arriving in #Kazahkstan requested by what's left of the holding Kz government as part of the #CSTO intergovernmental military alliance. Other members (Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan and now Kyrgyzstan) have been strong armed into sending moderate numbers too.



Kazakhstan unrest. : BBC witnesses apocalyptic scenes in main city


Kazakhstan's biggest city Almaty looks like something from an apocalypse film.

Driving around early on Friday morning, the smell of burnt vehicles was still in the air. Few people were about, many too afraid to come out into the streets
The army and police are blocking key sites in the city, which has been the focal point of nationwide protests against the government.

When we approached soldiers at the main square they shouted at us and fired warning shots in the air, warning us not to come close.

I've been coming to Almaty for years. It's normally a bustling city, with lots of greenery and places to eat out and drink.
Now though shops and banks have been looted or destroyed. It will take some time for them to recover.

Much of the damage is around the big main square that protesters first went to when the demonstrations began.
Media buildings nearby were attacked and the mayor's office burnt down. It is pitch black now, having been engulfed by black smoke.


But amid the anger at the violence, there was sympathy for the protesters too. Many of the demonstrators come from rural areas, where pay is low and life is tough.

"I understand the demands of the protesters," said one man, a 22-year-old cook. "We can see that our salaries are not growing and most of the population is struggling. But this is now looting and hooliganism, ordinary people are suffering now. It must be stopped."

Almaty residents now face food shortages, with the big supermarkets closed. Shops that are open only take cash, but it is difficult to find somewhere to withdraw money. There's no internet and even getting a taxi seems too risky.

With the internet hit and phones not working properly, it is hard to find out what's happening outside the city. There are all sorts of rumours being shared that are impossible to check out.

Kazakhstan has never seen protests of this scale. There's been unrest before, but largely localised. None of them resulted in the main airport being attacked.
Plans to raise fuel prices triggered these demonstrations, but there is also widespread discontent about the government.

After the resignation of Kazakhstan's first president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who held office from independence up to 2019, people hoped the new leader Kassym-Jomart Tokayev would bring change.

These expectations were thwarted. In particular, the renaming of the capital Astana to Nur-Sultan, in honour of the former leader, was proof for many the old is elite is still in charge.

For now, things are calming down and the authorities appear to be in control.
But even if these protests have ended for now, the discontent will remain. Perhaps there will be another spark that fuels new ones.




4 uur geleden geplaatst bericht

At the air field in Ivanovo region ( 150 km ten NO van Moskou ), the loading of military personnel and equipment on Il-76 military transport aircraft, departing for the Republic of Kazakhstan, begins

video 1:32 minuut




Bericht 4 uur geleden geplaatst

Mod ( Ministry of Defense ) Russia :

Relocation of Airborne units of 45th separate special-purpose brigade of the Airborne Troops from the Russian peacekeeping contingent of the CSTO peacekeeping forces to the Republic of Kazakhstan continues

video 2:41 minuut




bericht 11 minuten geleden

Mod ( Ministry of Defense ) Russia :

The Belarusian ( Wit Rusland ) contingent of the CSTO peacekeeping forces has been transferred by military transport aircraft to the Zhetygen airfield of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

video 1:07 minuut


De CSTO is de Russische tegenhanger van de NAVO



Nexta TV ( internet ( ?) TV zender ( onafhankelijk ) van Wit Rusland ) :

The "forces of the #Russian contingent of the #CSTO peacekeeping forces", which were sent to Kazakhstan, look like an ordinary occupation.

video 0:26 minuut



Een vredesmacht of een ordinaire bezettingsmacht ?

Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Andrei Serdyukov will lead CSTO troops in Kazakhstan.

In 2014 Serdyukov led the operation of occupation of Crimea.
Also, he led the units of the Russian occupation forces in Donbass, using the call sign "Sedov".

Peacekeepers, really?


CSTO is de Russische tegenhanger van onze NAVO.
Wordt echter ingezet om bij eigen lidstaten een opstand van de bevolking te onderdrukken



bericht op twitter 1 uur geleden

Mod ( Ministry of Defense ) of Russia

Relocation of the Russian peacekeeping contingent of the CSTO peacekeeping forces to the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Ivanovo-Severny airfield continues.

video 1:11 minuut


Een rij aan militaire vliegtuigen en volop Russisch militair materieel dat wordt uitgeladen



Nog ingewikkeld om te weten wat de reden was voor de demonstraties en verzet van het volk.

Hier een zienswijze van Viktoria Topalov :

According to A. Devyatov, Kazakhstan Protests are at their core a Nazarbayev movement of Kazakh nationalists opposing the liberalization of Kazakhstan under Tokayev. If this is true, then the CSTO operation there may end in a regime change and the return of autocrats to power.


Nazarbayev is de President van Kazachstan van 1990 tot 2019
Voor de val van het Russische Rijk, in 1991, was Kazachstan daar onderdeel van en Nazarbayev was First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (QKP), the most powerful position in 1989, QKP, the most powerful position in 1989.

>> In April 1990, Nazarbayev was appointed as Kazakhstan's first president by the Supreme Soviet. From there, he supported Russian President Boris Yeltsin against the attempted coup in August 1991 by the Soviet hardliners. The Soviet Union then fell apart after the coup failed, though Nazarbayev went to great lengths to maintain close economic ties with Russia by introducing Kazakhstan into the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and eventually the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

Nazarbayev is considered by observers to have ruled a dictatorship in Kazakhstan, fueled by growing cult of personality as various institutions, streets, parks, monuments, public holidays, and most notably the capital of Nur-Sultan being dedicated and named after him, while dissent was suppressed in the country and elections were deemed not free and fair.

In the country's first open direct presidential election, held in 1991, he appeared alone on the ballot with no opposing candidates and won 98% of the vote. An April 1995 referendum extended Nazarbayev's term until 2000 and in August of that year, a constitutional referendum was held which allowed for a new draft for the Constitution of Kazakhstan that greatly strengthened presidential powers. In 1999, Nazarbayev was re-elected for a second term and again in 2005 and 2011 after a constitutional amendment had granted him to run as president indefinitely.

>>>>2019 : President Tokayev

n March 2019, he ( Nazarbayev ) resigned from the presidency amid anti-government protests and was succeeded by Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, a close ally of Nazarbayev, who overwhelmingly won the following snap presidential elections in June 2019. He is immune from any criminal prosecution and continued to serve as the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Chairman until 2021.

Nazarbayev is also a member of the Constitutional Council and an honorary member of the Senate of Kazakhstan, and was chairman of the Security Council until his dismissal from that post in response to the 2022 Kazakh protests.




Armenian breaking news

( Armenie is lid van de CSTO )

The latest from Kazakhstan (8 points):

1- The transfer of Armenian servicemen from the #CSTO peacekeeping forces to #Kazakhstan is completed
(in the video, footage of the deployment of Belarusian peacekeepers at the Zhetygen airfield, 50 km from Almaty)

video 1:07 minuut

2- Russia's President Putin had a phone call with Belarus ( Wit Rusland ) President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan regarding Kazakhstan
3-The OSCE ( CSTO ) has not provided real assistance to reporters who have been attacked by the rioters in #Kazakhstan.

foto van de 3


4- President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev ( Kazachstan ) briefed the Russian President Vladimir Putin in detail on the situation in Kazakhstan during a phone call.
5- President Tokayev declares national mourning in Kazakhstan on January 10.
(in the video, footage from the shooting in the morning)

video 0:9 minuut

6- The US diplomats did not leave Almaty ( Stad in Kazachstan )
7- Authorities in Kazakhstan detained Karim Massimov, the former head of the National Security Committee, on suspicion of treason.
8- More than 4,200 people, including foreign citizens, were detained by the police after the riots.




Kazakhstan's biggest city Almaty shows an Invasion of "Peace keeping, Special Forces" Troops arriving recently from Russia.

This is bigger than anyone expected.

Kazakhstan president Shoot to kill orders

video 0:11 minuut


Grote aantallen vliegtuigen dat geparkeerd staat wijst op een invasie van Russische troepen en materiaal



Impressie van Nederlanders die zaken doen met Kazachstan

>>Kazachstan is 65 keer zo groot als Nederland en heeft 19 miljoen inwoners.
>>Na Italië is Nederland de grootste handelspartner uit de Europese Unie.
>> En met een bruto bedrag van ruim 60 miljard euro is Nederland de grootste buitenlandse investeerder. Volgens de ambassade van Kazachstan bedroeg de directe buitenlandse investering vanuit Nederland meer dan 81 miljard dollar.

>>"In de afgelopen jaren hebben we 65 hectare aan tuinkassen in Kazachstan gebouwd", vertelt Broeren. "En dat is alleen het werk van ons eigen bedrijf. Er is een heel consortium van bedrijven uit de Nederlandse tuinbouwsector aan het werk om de tuinbouw in Kazachstan van de grond te krijgen."

>>Eigenlijk draaide de hele economie tot voor kort op de inkomsten van olie, gas en uranium, vertelt Broeren.
>> "De overheid probeert nu diversiteit in de economie aan te brengen. We helpen de Kazachen met biologische gewasbescherming en bouwen een hightech onderzoekscentrum."

>>"Door de Nederlandse tuinkassen zijn de Kazachen zelfvoorzienend aan het worden. En dat is een goede ontwikkeling. Van oudsher werd eigenlijk alles geïmporteerd en ben je dus heel afhankelijk. Nu kunnen ze zelf komkommers, tomaten, aardbeien en hun eigen rozen verbouwen."

Een Vandaag :

'Het zijn vreedzame demonstranten': Lammert schrikt van het zware geweld in Kazachstan tegen volgens de president 'terroristen'

Het verdubbelen van de brandstofprijzen in Kazachstan leidt deze week tot grote demonstraties in het land. 'Terroristen' noemt president Tokajev de mensen die protesteren, maar dat is volgens Lammert Bies onterecht. Hij woonde 15 jaar lang in Kazachstan.

Om de 'terroristen' te bestrijden, heeft president Kassim-Zjomart Tokajev de ordetroepen een 'license to kill' gegeven. Een ongekende situatie, vindt Lammert Bies. Hij woonde jarenlang in het land met zijn Kazachse vrouw en werkte als correspondent voor de Wereldomroep.

'Geweld is ongekend'

"Het geweld dat het politie-apparaat nu gebruikt is ongekend. Dit heb ik niet meer gezien sinds de demonstraties in 1986. En dat was nog in de Sovjet-tijd. Ik ben erg geschrokken van de beelden waarop je ziet dat er op straat geschoten wordt. Je weet niet wie op wie schiet."

Omdat de overheid het internet heeft platgelegd is contact met familie vrijwel onmogelijk. "We hebben deze week even kort contact gehad met mijn zwager," zegt Lammert. "Maar sinds vanmorgen 11 uur ligt alles weer helemaal plat."

De mond gesnoerd

Kazachstan werd de afgelopen 30 jaar geregeerd door Noersoeltan Nazarbajev. Na zijn aftreden in 2019 nam zijn bondgenoot Tokajev de leiding over, maar achter de schermen bepaalt Nazarbajev nog veel, vertelt Bies. "De oppositie krijgt nauwelijks een kans en wordt de mond gesnoerd. Vreedzaam demonstreren is al jaren niet mogelijk." Een bekend voorbeeld is de man die met een blanco protestbord op straat stond en hardhandig werd meegenomen door de politie.

Dat Tokajev de demonstreren terroristen noemt, vindt Bies heel erg. "Het zijn vreedzame demonstranten, maar iedereen die ook maar iets tegensputtert krijgt al het stempel van crimineel of erger."

Internet ligt plat

Ook Marc Broeren heeft deze week nog niemand van zijn collega's in Almaty te pakken gekregen, maar vooralsnog maakt hij zich weinig zorgen. Hij werkt al 15 jaar als kassenbouwer van het bedrijf Dalsem in Kazachstan.

"Dit doet de overheid nu eenmaal als er onlusten zijn. Het gebeurde 2 jaar geleden ook. En na een paar dagen herstellen ze de internetverbinding weer."

Grootste investeerder

Kazachstan is 65 keer zo groot als Nederland en heeft 19 miljoen inwoners. Na Italië is Nederland de grootste handelspartner uit de Europese Unie. En met een bruto bedrag van ruim 60 miljard euro is Nederland de grootste buitenlandse investeerder. Volgens de ambassade van Kazachstan bedroeg de directe buitenlandse investering vanuit Nederland meer dan 81 miljard dollar.

"In de afgelopen jaren hebben we 65 hectare aan tuinkassen in Kazachstan gebouwd", vertelt Broeren. "En dat is alleen het werk van ons eigen bedrijf. Er is een heel consortium van bedrijven uit de Nederlandse tuinbouwsector aan het werk om de tuinbouw in Kazachstan van de grond te krijgen."

Een grote ontwikkeling

Broeren vindt dat Kazachstan zich de laatste 10 jaar ontzettend goed heeft ontwikkeld. "De van oorsprong nomadische maatschappij ontwikkelt zich na het tijdperk in de Sovjet-Unie nu razendsnel tot een welvarend en modern land, met een goede infrastructuur, fietspaden en koffiebarretjes. Ik ben blij dat we daar met onze investeringen een bijdrage aan kunnen leveren."

Eigenlijk draaide de hele economie tot voor kort op de inkomsten van olie, gas en uranium, vertelt Broeren. "De overheid probeert nu diversiteit in de economie aan te brengen. We helpen de Kazachen met biologische gewasbescherming en bouwen een hightech onderzoekscentrum."

Eigen komkommers

"Door de Nederlandse tuinkassen zijn de Kazachen zelfvoorzienend aan het worden. En dat is een goede ontwikkeling. Van oudsher werd eigenlijk alles geïmporteerd en ben je dus heel afhankelijk. Nu kunnen ze zelf komkommers, tomaten, aardbeien en hun eigen rozen verbouwen."

Dat de bevolking is gaan protesteren na de verdubbeling van de brandstofprijzen, begrijpt Broeren wel. "Een medewerker in een tuinkas verdient ongeveer 400 euro per maand, voor zo iemand is de brandstof niet meer te betalen. Ik vind het logisch dat je dan gaat demonstreren, dat zouden mensen in Italië of Duitsland ook doen."



video van 5 januari

Soldaten vegen de straat schoon in Almaty, Kazachstan, maar worden van achteren weer belaagd

video 1:48 minuut


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