Klimaat Forumleden, ondanks doodse stilte, is het belangrijk het volgende van Electroverse te publiceren:
The record cold currently sweeping much of our planet is NOT due to anthropogenic global warming, and the impressive snow-mass currently building is NOT at all linked to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide — given the mainstream claims of late.
To recap: low solar activity is weakening the jet streams reverting their flow to more of a wavy “meridional” one which is dragging polar cold anomalously far south in the Northern Hemisphere and usually far north in the Souhern Hemisphere.
Added to this, reduced solar output also results in an influx of "cloud-nucleating cosmic rays", and with clouds being Earth’s sunshade this further amplifies the cooling of Planet Earth, as well as increasing localized precipitation.
While thirdly, building snowpack and advancing glacial ice is increasing the albedo effect.
These are just three of the ‘known’ forcings at play, there are of course many more, including a volcanic uptick, and a reduction in TSI, Total Solar Irradiance.
Following the stark global temperature drop at the end of the year 2020, record cold is persisting across much of the Northern Hemisphere: transcontinental Russia is currently locked under a mass of brutal Arctic air which has driven temperature departures "20C below" what were already harsh normal winter averages!
A weak and wavy jet stream has driven this polar chill as far south as India and China where record-high LNG imports have been called upon to help stave off the cold.
Between Russia and China resides the huge nations of Mongolia and Kazakhstan–huge in terms of “total area” that is, with the latter being the ninth largest country on the planet at 2,749,900 km2.
Mongolia is facing one of its “most extreme winters on record,” reports media.ifrc.org, with lows of -50C (-58F) suffered for days and weeks on end.
And looking ahead, local forecasts are calling for an intensification of the cold the coming weeks.
The extreme wintry winter –known as dzud— threatens the health and livelihoods of thousands of Mongolian herders living in the country’s remote central and southern provinces and as a result the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has release preemptive emergency funds to assist some 2,000 vulnerable herder families.
Video: Mongolian Red Cross distributing relief ahead of the intensifying dzud.
Laughably though, the Mongolian Red Cross is blaming this year’s extreme winter on ‘global warming’, with their Secretary General Bolormaa Nordov saying: “Simply waiting for disasters to strike is no longer an option. Climate change is bringing more frequent and severe disasters.
Both “global warming” and “COVID-19” being suffered in Mongolia as per the Mongolian Red Cross, despite the extreme COLD!
Meanwhile in neighboring Kazakhstan, ‘anthropogenic global warming’ has been busy freezing animals to death.
Eerie videos are appearing online showing hares, dogs, sheep and foxes all frozen solid amid plunging temperatures of as low as -56C (-68F)—the scenes resemble the ‘mummified’ Siberian mammoths found with food still in their mouths during the onset of the previous Ice Age.
The freezing conditions come just days after a thermometer in remote Siberia logged a low of -58.3C (-73F).
And while the official weather station in Oymyakon, a rural locality of the Sakha Republic, Russia recently surpassed that with a low of -59C (-74.2F), locals were adamant the mercury sank lower: their thermometers reportedly bottomed-out at -67C (-88.6F) which, if correct, would be among the coldest temps ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, coming perilously close to the only recently confirmed all-time Northern Hemisphere low of -69.6C (-93.3F) observed in the center of Greenland`s ice-mass, on Dec. 22, 1992.
Overigens ook in Japan, Noord en Zuid-Korea, Mongolie, Kazakstan en Noord-Oost China is het gruwelijk koud op dit moment met temperaturen van -30 to -50 graden celcius, enorme sneeuwval in Hokaido Japan en meer als 100 doden ten gevolge van de kou en de sneeuwval in Japan, Hokaido.
Ondanks, dat mijn commentaren steeds belachelijk worden gemaakt, prima!, ben ik er zeker van, dat ook wij de komende 35 jaar nog vele koude winters gaan meemaken, met of zonder de omkering van de Beaufort Gyre stroming in de Artic Ocean langs de noord-Canadese en noord-west Groenland kust, de normale omkeringen van "Clock-wise naar Anti-Clockwise stromingen" conform de 11-jarige Zonne-activiteits Cyclus met dumpingen van opgehoopt ijs en koud zoet water uit de Artic Ocean, richting de Noord Atlantis Ocean bij oosten Groenland en Ijsland.
De omkering van deze Beaufort Gyre stroming heeft zich de laatste 17 jaar niet voorgedaan, Clock-wise naar Anti-Clockwise, komt dit nog dit jaar 2021 of gebeurt dit wellicht in 2022/2023.
Wie het weet mag het zeggen???
Overigens, ook voor Nederland komen er dit jaar 2021 nog 6 weken koud winterweer, hoe koud in Februari 2021 is de grote vraag op dit moment, echter ik verwacht in februari/maart 2021 nog vele koude dagen, dit gezien de huidige zeer stabiele zeer koude situatie in Rusland, Siberie, Mongolie, Kazakstan, Noord-India, China, Korea, Japan en ook in Noorwegen, Zweden en Finland op dit moment en de komende weken.
Global Cooling is helaas de toekomst de komende jaren/winters en wellicht voor veel langer als we allen wensen en Global Cooling onstaat niet door verhoogde CO2 concentraties van nu 410 ppmV. CO2 in onze lagere atmosfeer, oorzaak is en blijft onze Almachtige Zon met nu minder Zonne-activiteit voor de komende 35 jaar, enzv.
M.v.g. Ronald,
P.S. door Corona helaas stevig opgesloten in Hulst en ook de grens naar Belgie gesloten, ook voor Zeeuws-Vlamingen.