Succes schreef op 23 januari 2023 18:28:
De schulden India en China zijn immens en hun 'welvaart' / economie is als drijfzand !
Over Rusland nog niet eens gesproken ... wat gewoon een 'failed state' is/wordt op alle gebieden.
Zijn Chinese schulden een risico voor wereldwijde groei?
De Chinese schuld is net zo hoog als in Europa en de VS, maar over het algemeen verwacht je in opkomende landen juist een lagere schuldratio, voegt Joost van Leenders, senior portfolio manager en aandelenstrateeg bij Kempen Capital Management, daaraan toe. In opkomende landen zijn financiën immers minder doorzichtig, waardoor schuldeisers normaal gesproken minder krediet willen verlenen, aldus Van Leenders.
China’s Overwhelming Debt Burden Points To Still Deeper Problems
The size of China’s debt problem is truly staggering. At last measure, debt of all sorts – public and private and in all sectors of the economy — amounted to the equivalent of $51.9 trillion, almost three times the size of China’s economy as measured by the country’s gross domestic product.
China’s debt overhang far exceeds the burdens facing the United States. As recently as 2020, total debt in the United States relative to GDP exceeded China’s. But as of mid-2022, China’s relative debt burden stood 40 percent higher than America’s.
China, India able to absorb share of record coronavirus-induced global debt levels with ‘growth credibility’
While India’s government debt rose to nearly 90 per cent over its GDP at the end of last year , it still proposed a multi-year expansionary budget earlier this month, with its central bank accommodating such support.
China’s official government debt to GDP ratio is one of the lowest in the world, but much of its public debt accumulated by local governments are also closely related to non-financial state-owned companies, known as local government financing vehicles (LGFV), many of which are in charge of financing government infrastructure projects.
Last year, China’s total government debt made up just 45 per cent of its debt to GDP ratio, according to official figures.
But according to estimates from the International Monetary Fund, after adding local governments’ implicit liabilities via LGFVs, China’s general government debt would soar to around 92 per cent of GDP, which would be above the average level in the emerging market.
What is China’s current debt level?
The Institute of International Finance (IIF) estimated that China’s total domestic debt rose to 335 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020.]