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Nucleair terrorisme

The Kyiv independent

IAEA: Shelling destroys offsite power supply to Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant.

Shelling ( beschietingen ) near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has destroyed a vital offsite electric power plant, according to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi.

This plant has provided power to the nuclear facility each time its usual supply lines were cut during the last three weeks. It was also supplying electricity to the surrounding area, which is now left without power.


Voor de duidelijkheid :
De beschietingen richting de kern centrale komen vanuit door de Russen bezet gebied
Nucleair terrorisme

Putin heeft wanneer de situatie, aangaande verliezen van het Russische leger, dramatisch uit de hand gaat lopen deze centrale nog als troefkaart als laatste redmiddel

Putin kan voor een ramp situatie bij de centrale zorgen
Ukraine zou een ramp tegemoet kunnen zien met mogelijk radio actieve straling in een groot gebied waar Oekraïners wonen
Putin heeft dan zijn doel bereikt

Putin hoeft zijn militair verlies niet te openbaren en kan zijn troepen terughalen zogenaamd uit veiligheidsoverwegingen
Putin heeft Oekraine dan goed vernietigd en Putin trekt zijn troepen met opgeheven hoofd terug

Niet vanwege het feit dat zijn leger is verslagen door de Oekraïners

Neen, Putin vertelt zijn volk, dat hij Oekraine wilde bevrijden van de Nazis, maar die hebben hun eigen centrale beschoten en voor een nucleaire ramp gezorgd
Putin zal zich presenteren aan zijn volk als de held, die zijn troepen terughaalde om zijn soldaten, zijn volk, in bescherming te nemen

een macaber scenario, maar Putin zit echt nergens mee
Nucleair terrorisme

Tot nog toe kan de kern centrale van stroom worden voorzien
Mogelijk op dit moment via nood aggregaten

Maar dan moet er voldoende brandstof voor deze nood aggregaten blijven komen
En aanvoer van nieuwe brandstof is nu nog niet mogelijk voor zover mijn informatie strekt
Putin's specialiteit : het beschieten van dorpen en steden met weerloze burgers

Governor: Russian troops shell Sumy Oblast almost 100 times on Sept. 9.

Sumy Oblast Governor Dmytro Zhyvytsky reported that the Russians shelled the Novoslobidska community alone 60 times with artillery.

In another community, Velyka Pysarivka, two Russian rockets damaged a hospital, a school, two two-story buildings, and a kindergarten. As a result of the attack on the latter, eight people were injured.


Sumy Oblast ( provincie ) in Noord Oekraine in het rood omlijnde grenzend aan Rusland
Beschietingen met raketten kunnen plaatsvinden vanuit de Russische nabij gelegen steden Belgorod en Kursk of vanaf boven Rusland vliegende vliegtuigen

wekenlange beschietingen van de stad Kharkov

The Kyiv Independent :

For our recent report from Kharkiv, @AnnaMyroniuk and @AlexKhrebet interviewed the witnesses of Russia's recent strikes on the city


Kharkiv shelling survivor: ‘Russia took everything from me’

In the afternoon of Sept. 9, Russian troops fired Uragan multiple rocket launchers at Kharkiv, causing significant damage to multiple houses, sports facilities, a gas station, a children’s community center, a school, and a kindergarten.

According to local authorities, the Russian attack injured 14 people, including three children.

“I have no idea where they saw military infrastructure here,” Hromonenko went on. “Grandmothers with children live here.”

“No military was ever there. It is not strategic infrastructure, it’s a kindergarten – a very good one and very modern,” she said, bursting into tears.

Zelensky: Ukrainian troops liberate more than 30 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video address that the Ukrainian military gradually keeps restoring control over settlements previously occupied by the Russian army in the region.

“We are returning the Ukrainian flag and protection to our people everywhere," Zelensky said.

Media: Ukrainian military launches counter-offensive towards Lyman, Donetsk Oblast.

Local residents and Ukrainian servicepeople told Ukraine's Novosti Donbasa news site about the counter-offensive towards Russian-occupied Lyman.

This has not yet been confirmed by the Ukrainian government. WarGonzo, a pro-Kremlin war journalism project, also reported the Lyman counter-offensive. WarGonzo reported that Ukrainian troops are also fighting against Russian forces on the outskirts of Izyum, Kharkiv Oblast.


Lyman ligt in door Russen bezet gebied aan de rechterkant van de cirkel onder Izyum ( midden kaart


Lyman midden kaart :

Het Oekrainse leger lijkt op diverse fronten het Russische leger te dollen

Kherson regio---Kupyansk regio---Izyum regio---lyman regio

en dat ziet er zo uit :


Rusland's strategen zullen een beslissing moeten maken

Of concentreren op 1 gebied of op al die fronten in de pan gehakt te worden

Het ijzer smeden als het heet is

gotta hit the iron while it's hot. If the report is true, then ukraine is going for overloading the Russians. Force them either to focus on one front with all its might or focus on all with limp wrist effort.
Ukrainian defenders are driving south into Izyum district of Kharkiv region and are less than 20 km from joining UA forces in Slov'yans'k district of Donetsk region.

Rashist occupiers are fleeing Svyatohirs'k and Lyman and going to the east. They aren't reinforcing Izyum.

duidelijke kaart
rode pijlen zijn de Russen die vluchten
blauwe pijlen het opstomende oekrainse leger dat Izyum dreigt te omsingelen


Nog even en er zitten ca 10.000 Russische soldaten omsingeld in Izyum


Fred 60 schreef op 9 september 2022 21:07:


Zou Poetin deze filmpjes nu ook kijken.
They sprinkled ( besprenkelen ) our Fuhrer with a clear picture of what is happening on the fields of the Special Military Operation :



josti5 schreef op 9 september 2022 15:58:


Paniek??? Hoe verzin je het...

Een vredesregeling lijkt mij de enige uitweg.

Zo niet: wait & see, wie er ook 'wint'...
Will there be panic Monday in Moscow?


The Ukrainians are counter-attacking victoriously

The Old Orc Vladimir is feeling Dork


En of de sancties werken

The Kyiv Independent :

WSJ ( Wall Street Journal ) :

Russian oligarch Fridman offers $1 billion to Ukraine in exchange for sanctions relief.

Mikhail Fridman offered to transfer $1 billion ( miljard ) of his personal wealth to the Ukrainian bank he co-founded, Alfa Bank, in an attempt to convince the U.K. to lift sanctions against him.

Fridman was sanctioned in March following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Daar trapt natuurlijk niemand in
De Alfa bank is opgericht met geld van nummer 1 top crimineel van de wereld Semyon Migolevitch, the Boss of all Bosses, worldwide en 1 van de "most wanted Men" van de US

Geeft wel aan dat de sancties hem zwaar op de maag liggen

luchtschip schreef op 10 september 2022 04:56:

En of de sancties werken

The Kyiv Independent :

WSJ ( Wall Street Journal ) :

Russian oligarch Fridman offers $1 billion to Ukraine in exchange for sanctions relief.

Mikhail Fridman offered to transfer $1 billion ( miljard ) of his personal wealth to the Ukrainian bank he co-founded, Alfa Bank, in an attempt to convince the U.K. to lift sanctions against him.

Fridman was sanctioned in March following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Daar trapt natuurlijk niemand in
De Alfa bank is opgericht met geld van nummer 1 top crimineel van de wereld Semyon Migolevitch, the Boss of all Bosses, worldwide en 1 van de "most wanted Men" van de US

Geeft wel aan dat de sancties hem zwaar op de maag liggen
Alfa Bank’s computers were looking up the address of the Trump server nearly every day.


8 oktober 2018 artikel :

Was There a Connection Between a Russian Bank and the Trump Campaign ?

A team of computer scientists sifted through records of unusual Web traffic in search of answers.

“We found something totally different—something unique.” In the small town of Lititz, Pennsylvania, a domain linked to the Trump Organization (mail1.trump-email.com) seemed to be behaving in a peculiar way. The server that housed the domain belonged to a company called Listrak, which mostly helped deliver mass-marketing e-mails: blasts of messages advertising spa treatments, Las Vegas weekends, and other enticements

. Some Trump Organization domains sent mass e-mail blasts, but the one that Max and his colleagues spotted appeared not to be sending anything. At the same time, though, a very small group of companies seemed to be trying to communicate with it.

Examining records for the Trump domain, Max’s group discovered D.N.S. lookups from a pair of servers owned by Alfa Bank, one of the largest banks in Russia. Alfa Bank’s computers were looking up the address of the Trump server nearly every day.

There were dozens of lookups on some days and far fewer on others, but the total number was notable: between May and September, Alfa Bank looked up the Trump Organization’s domain more than two thousand times. “We were watching this happen in real time—it was like watching an airplane fly by,” Max said. “And we thought, Why the hell is a Russian bank communicating with a server that belongs to the Trump Organization, and at such a rate?”

Only one other entity seemed to be reaching out to the Trump Organization’s domain with any frequency: Spectrum Health, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Spectrum Health is closely linked to the DeVos family; Richard DeVos, Jr., is the chairman of the board, and one of its hospitals is named after his mother. His wife, Betsy DeVos, was appointed Secretary of Education by Donald Trump.

Her brother, Erik Prince, is a Trump associate who has attracted the scrutiny of Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. Mueller has been looking into Prince’s meeting, following the election, with a Russian official in the Seychelles, at which he reportedly discussed setting up a back channel between Trump and the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. (Prince maintains that the meeting was “incidental.”) In the summer of 2016, Max and the others weren’t aware of any of this. “We didn’t know who DeVos was,” Max said.

The D.N.S. records raised vexing questions. Why was the Trump Organization’s domain, set up to send mass-marketing e-mails, conducting such meagre activity? And why were computers at Alfa Bank and Spectrum Health trying to reach a server that didn’t seem to be doing anything? After analyzing the data, Max said, “We decided this was a covert communication channel.”


luchtschip schreef op 10 september 2022 04:56:

En of de sancties werken

The Kyiv Independent :

WSJ ( Wall Street Journal ) :

Russian oligarch Fridman offers $1 billion to Ukraine in exchange for sanctions relief.

Mikhail Fridman offered to transfer $1 billion ( miljard ) of his personal wealth to the Ukrainian bank he co-founded, Alfa Bank, in an attempt to convince the U.K. to lift sanctions against him.

Fridman was sanctioned in March following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Daar trapt natuurlijk niemand in
De Alfa bank is opgericht met geld van nummer 1 top crimineel van de wereld Semyon Migolevitch, the Boss of all Bosses, worldwide en 1 van de "most wanted Men" van de US

Geeft wel aan dat de sancties hem zwaar op de maag liggen
Als hij zo betrokken is met Oekraine kan hij ook wel $ 1 miljard zo geven zonder deal
Hij heeft geld zat met corrupte zakendeals van zijn alfa bank ten koste van het Oekrainse en Russische volk
Die sanctie kan gewoon blijven staan

Hier een voorbeeld

Fridman and Aven ( oprichters en eigenaren van de Alfa Bank ) acquired reputations as brilliant, relentless ( meedogenloze ) businessmen.

Describing the lawless post-Soviet years to the journalist Chrystia Freeland, who is now the foreign minister of Canada, Fridman said,

“We were absolute savages.”

In a notorious episode in 2008, a group of Russian companies, including Alfa Group, tried to gain control of a joint venture they’d formed with British Petroleum. The power struggle was so fierce that the C.E.O. of the joint venture, Robert Dudley, felt compelled to leave Russia.
The oligarchs kept pushing for control of the BP venture until it was sold to a state-owned petroleum company, for fifty-five billion ( miljard ) dollars; Alfa Group’s cut ( "beloning" ) was almost fourteen billion ( 14 miljard dollars )

Putin heeft gegokt en........verloren

US Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Antony Blinken

Blinken: Putin weaponizing energy 'as Russia falls short of its battlefield aims.'

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sept. 9 that "Putin is betting that the Kremlin can bully other countries into submission," but that he has "already lost that bet."

Blinken also said U.S. support for Ukraine is “unwavering” and the U.S. will do everything in its power to help Europe with high energy costs this winter.

Ukrainian forces destroy 9 tanks, 75 Russian troops killed in south.

Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command reported on Sept. 9. that the situation in southern Ukraine remains “tense but under control."

Ukraine's military destroyed nine tanks, two Msta-B howitzers, and eight units of armored vehicles, killing 75 Russian troops, the command said.


josti5 schreef op 9 september 2022 15:58:


Paniek??? Hoe verzin je het...

Een vredesregeling lijkt mij de enige uitweg.

Zo niet: wait & see, wie er ook 'wint'...
Dit is de enige uitweg :


luchtschip schreef op 9 september 2022 21:18:

Russen leren het nooit af

Na 1 of 2 beschietingen is het zaak zo snel mogelijk weg te wezen ( shoot and scoot )
De vijand weet na een inkomend projectiel waar de tank staat en gaat terugschieten

Deze cameraman wilde een heldhaftige video maken, maar het liep dramatisch af

schokkende beelden

video 0:20 minuut

Blijkt dat dit een verkorte versie was

De video gaat verder met het afvoeren van deze gewonde soldaten over de weg, dan met een helikopter en dan beelden in het ziekenhuis

video 1:12 minuut

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