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Berlijn: meer wapens naar Kiev

Duitsland gaat wapens ter waarde van meer dan 500 miljoen euro aan Oekraïne leveren. Op een internationale digitale top over het Oekraïense schiereiland de Krim zei bondskanselier Olaf Scholz volgens deelnemers dat het gaat om drie extra luchtverdedigingssystemen, een dozijn gepantserde bergingsvoertuigen, twintig raketwerpers, precisiemunitie en antidronesystemen.
De wapens worden volgend jaar geleverd, maar sommige mogelijk eerder.

Een Duitse parlementscommissie moet de leveringen nog goedkeuren. Duitsland kreeg eerder kritiek uit Oekraïne omdat het terughoudend was met het sturen van zware wapens, maar die geluiden zijn verstomd na het sturen van pantserhouwitsers, raketlanceersystemen en ander zwaar geschut.

"De internationale gemeenschap zal Ruslands illegale, imperialistische annexatie van Oekraïens grondgebied nooit accepteren", aldus Scholz. President Volodimir Zelenski benadrukte nog maar eens dat de Krim bij Oekraïne hoort en zijn land op enig moment weer controle krijgt over het schiereiland. "Voor Oekraïne is de Krim een ??deel van ons volk, een deel van onze samenleving."

De Poolse president Andrzej Duda was persoonlijk aanwezig in Kiev. Hij drong er bij de wereldleiders op aan om geen oogje dicht te knijpen voor de Russische agressie. "De Krim was, blijft en zal een deel van Oekraïne zijn, net zoals Gdansk een deel van Polen is, Nice een deel van Frankrijk, Keulen een deel van Duitsland en Rotterdam een deel van Nederland."

De Britse premier Boris Johnson beschuldigde Rusland ervan "een gewapend kamp" van de Krim te maken van waaruit de rest van Oekraïne wordt bedreigd". De Franse president Emmanuel Macron drong er bij niet-Europese landen op aan om Oekraïne te steunen tegen Rusland. De Oekraïense premier Denis Sjmihal liet weten dat zijn land tegen eind dit jaar nog eens 12 tot 16 miljard dollar aan financiële steun van buitenlandse partners verwacht. Sinds de oorlog een halfjaar geleden uitbrak is al meer dan 14 miljard binnengekomen.

Begin volgend jaar is de Bank van Letland van plan om een herdenkingsmunt van twee euro uit te geven ter ere van Oekraïne, waarop een zonnebloem is afgebeeld, zo vernam het bureau LETA van de Bank van Letland.


Latvijas Banka nakama gada sakuma plano izlaist Ukrainai veltitu divu eiro pieminas monetu, uz kuras attelota saulespuke, agentura LETA uzzinaja Latvijas Banka.

Slovakia to Deliver 30 Soviet Era Armored Vehicles to Ukraine After Ring Exchange with Germany

Germany will deliver 15 main battle tanks of the modern type Leopard 2 to Slovakia this year. In return, Slovakia will send 30 Soviet-era tanks to Ukraine

The Business Insider reports citing its sources. The ring exchange will allegedly be announced this week.

"According to information from Business Insider from government circles, Germany is supplying 15 modern Leopard 2 main battle tanks to Slovakia. The first vehicle is to go to the Eastern European country later this year. In return, Slovakia will deliver 30 Soviet-era tanks to Ukraine. The ring exchange should be announced promptly this week, it is said," the report states.

But it should be noted as Aktuality.sk reports, Slovakia not considering sending T-72 tanks to Ukraine, which was earlier reported by Business Insider. According to the Aktuality.sk news site, Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad said on Aug. 23 that at the moment, Slovakia “is not considering sending T-72 tanks to Ukraine.” Instead, Slovakia can deliver over 30 BVP-1 infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, and get 15 Leopard 2 tanks, necessary ammunition, spare parts, and comprehensive training from Germany in return.

Nad has not yet revealed when exactly Ukraine can expect 30 IFVs from the Slovak Republic. He assumes that in the next few weeks. However, for security reasons, the Department of Defense of the Slovak Republic wants to inform about the delivery of BVP-1 only after these vehicles are in Ukraine.

India calls Russian invasion on Ukraine 'an affront to common security'

Common security is only possible when countries respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as they would expect their own sovereignty to be respecteda

n one of the strongest implied criticism of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, India has called it "an affront to common security".

In keeping with India's delicate balancing act without naming Russia, India's Permanent Representative to UN, Ruchira Kamboj told the UN Security Council on Monday, "Any coercive or unilateral action that seeks to change the status quo by force is an affront to common security."

"Further," she said, "Common security is only possible when countries respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as they would expect their own sovereignty to be respecteda."

Kamboj laid out the pillars of common security of nations.

"The underlying principles behind common security lies in upholding the rules-based international order, underpinned by international law, premised upon respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all member states, resolution of international disputes through peaceful negotiations and free and open access for all to the global commons," she added.

India has abstained on the Security Council and General Assembly resolutions criticising Russia and has avoided naming it in statements applicable to the Ukrainian context.

Kamboj's criticism at the Council meeting on "Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Promoting Common Security Through Dialogue and Cooperation" while focused on Russia in the current context would also apply to two of India's neighbours -- China, which is trying to change borders through military force, and Pakistan that has taken to cross border terrorism.

In points that apply to Islamabad and Beijing, she said, "Common security is also only feasible when all countries stand together against common threats such as terrorism and do not engage in double standards while preaching otherwise."

Pakistan shelters terrorists and backs terrorist organisations while complaining about Afghanistan-based groups.

China, meanwhile, offers cover for international terrorists at the Security Council, most recently blocking sanctions against Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed Deputy Chief Abdul Rauf Azhar last week.

Kamboj added, "Common security is also possible only if countries respect agreements signed with others, bilateral or multilateral, and do not take unilateral measures to nullify those very arrangements to those they were party to."

In her address, India's permanent representative also made a plea for reforming the Security Council to make it more representative

'All of it is a lie': Russian paratrooper condemns his country's war in Ukraine

(CNN)The Kremlin's justification for invading Ukraine "is a lie," a Russian paratrooper who previously publicly condemned his country's war in Ukraine has told CNN.
Two weeks ago, Pavel Filatyev spoke out against the conflict in a 141-page-long testimony posted to his VKontakte social media page, then fled Russia. He is the first serving member of the Russian military to publicly criticize the invasion of Ukraine and leave the country.
Now he tells CNN that his fellow troops as tired, hungry and disillusioned -- and that the Kremlin's war effort is "destroying peaceful lives."

"We understood that we were dragged into a serious conflict where we are simply destroying towns and not actually liberating anyone," Filatyev told CNN's Matthew Chance. CNN is not disclosing the location of the interview for the security of the interviewee.

"Many understood that we do not see the reason that our government is trying to explain to us. That all of it is a lie," he said. "We are just destroying peaceful lives. This fact immensely influenced our morale. That feeling that we are not doing anything good."

Lees verder:
ANKARA, Turkey — The Turkish government has delivered 50 used mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles to the Ukrainian military, government and industry sources told Defense News.
Turkey sends 50 mine-resistant vehicles to Ukraine, with more expected

The delivery of the Kirpi vehicles was the result of a government agreement, rather than a deal between Ukraine and BMC, which makes the Kirpi, according to a government official. Ukraine is currently fighting off a Russian invasion, which began Feb. 24.

“Under the deal, the Turkish Ministry of National Defence delivered an initial batch of 50 Kirpis to Ukraine,” the government source told Defense News on the condition of anonymity, as he was not authorized to speak to the media. “There will be further deliveries.”

A BMC official confirmed to Defense News the delivery and the structure of the contract.

“This deal does not involve our company in any way,” the BMC official said, also requesting anonymity due to the sensitivity of the topic. “The Ankara government delivered a batch of Kirpis it had in its military inventory.”

The Kirpi 1 is a heavy armored troop carrier. Its design work took off in 2008, with the first prototype available in 2009. The Turkish government signed a contract with BMC for the procurement of 614 Kirpi 1 vehicles, and the Land Forces have already used the vehicle type in the field. More than 1,500 Kirpi vehicles have been sold, with more than 200 to foreign customers.

In 2018, BMC introduced the Kirpi 2 and won another Turkish contract for 529 units.

The Kirpi is equipped with seat dampers, a GPS system, a rearview camera and an automatic fire-extinguishing system. It has five small arms embrasures and four bulletproof windows on each side of the passenger compartment.

The vehicle can be armed with a 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine gun, and is also available with remote controlled weapon stations.

Voorlopig feest de Russische elite in Bodrum ( Turkije) .Liggen 60 jachten ,ze kopen huizen bedrijven gaat prima voor hun daar.
Was Turkije geen navo lid .Schande .
Meanwhile, in Kherson, an ordinary evening - Ukraine is shelling Russian targets, and Russian air defense missiles do not work properly and just fall to the ground (this is what is on the video)


Green Manalishi schreef op 23 augustus 2022 18:44:

Voorlopig feest de Russische elite in Bodrum ( Turkije) .Liggen 60 jachten ,ze kopen huizen bedrijven gaat prima voor hun daar.
Was Turkije geen navo lid .Schande .
Klopt ... een 'van twee walletjes eten' strategie heet dat ...
400K Emergency Meals have been Delivered to Ukraine Defenders by Bundeswehr. Among other eatables the "EPAs" include Chili-Con-Carne, Lentil-Stew with Sausage or, if you are vegetarian, Soja-balls with Italian Tomatoe Sauce.

Hilarische beelden bij de militaire competitie in Moskou

Tank van Sudan team 3 rijdt een hindernis binnen en ramt de zijkant van de hindernis en het lukt niet uit de put omhoog te komen
Waarschijnlijk een te hoge versnelling en/of klem met de zijkant van de hindernis

video 0:56 minuut

In de tweede tweet een tank die schuin over de oprit reed naar een put en een harde val naar beneden maakte

video 0:11 minuut

in totaal 5 video's waar het niet helemaal goed ging


In Moskou is een militaire show, bedoeld om materiaal te verkopen aan andere naties, de competitie geeft kopers de gelegenheid het materiaal in actie te zien
Het Oekrainse Ministerie van Defensie zit de Russen te trollen

Een munitie depot bij Belgorod, Rusland, ontplofte en de Russen zeiden dat de hitte de oorzaak was

Ministerie van Defensie van Oekraine :

Another detonation of ammunition "due to the heat" in the Belgorod region in russia. In a few months we will find out whether russian ammo can explode because of the cold.
The five main causes of sudden explosions in Russia are: winter, spring, summer, autumn and smoking.

90 AWD pickups for our Heroes at the frontlines!

A generous package worth over UAH 95 million (over $2,5 million) was sent to Ukrainian Defense Forces by Viktor Karachun and Yevhen Yermakov, co-owners of ATB Corporations (supermarket chain).




Deze trucks zijn heel belangrijk
Snel verplaatsen en in de laadbak kan artillerie geschut geplaatst worden
In Oekraine is het inmiddels 12 uur 's nachts geweest en 24 augustus is begonnen

24 augustus 2022 : de 31 ste onafhanelijkheidsdag van Oekraine

En wat doen de Russen

Zij luiden het begin van deze feestdag in met beschietingen

24 augustus 00:16 uur Zaporizhia :

"Incoming. Then sirens. The Russians started to congratulate us" (Ukraine's Independence Day has started)

En om het luchtafweer mee te beleven

video 0:08 minuut geluid aan

2de tweet

Meanwhile on Russian state TV: member of Russia's Federation Council Konstantin Dolgov claimed that Russia—the country that started the largest-scale land war in Europe in recent history—is providing safety and security for Ukraine, Europe and the entire world.

Orwell is weeping.

video 0:47 minuut

UN Security Council meeting on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant,

Russian pushing its lies about Daria Dugyna


LiveUAMap :

President Zelensky explicitly declared that Ukraine is nothing to do with Daria Dugyna assassination, actually no one in Ukraine knew about her before her death

LiveUAMap :

US UN Dep. Rep. Mills says :

"Let me close by reminding my Rus/ colleagues that as we approach Ukraine's independence day, the world is watching. This should not need saying, that please do not bomb schools, hospitals, orphanages or homes,"


luchtschip schreef op 23 augustus 2022 23:36:

Meanwhile on Russian state TV: member of Russia's Federation Council Konstantin Dolgov claimed that Russia—the country that started the largest-scale land war in Europe in recent history—is providing safety and security for Ukraine, Europe and the entire world.

Orwell is weeping.

video 0:47 minuut

Ik mag toch hopen dat ze dit zelf niet geloven en dat er gewoon een spelletje wordt gespeeld.
Deze man is helemaal gek : Alexandr Dugin

Het eerste wat hij zijn dochter heeft leren spreken zijn de woorden :

"Onze Machtige Staat"
"Onze Natie, Ons Rijk"

Dit vertelt hij bij zijn eerste publieke toespraak na het overlijden van zijn dochter, Darya Dugina, door een autobom

Dan is het voorstelbaar dat deze man bereid is geweest om zijn dochter te offeren, teneinde samen de martelaar te zijn voor het Russische welzijn

video 0:17 minuut Engels ondertiteld


Het is mogelijk een aanslag geweest van een verzetsbeweging

Overigens mogen we niet uitsluiten dat Putin een slachtoffer nodig had om het volk achter zich te krijgen of om een vergeldingsactie te rechtvaardigen

Putin heeft in het verleden woonblokken laten exploderen en de Tsjetsjeense verzetsbeweging de schuld gegeven wat leidde tot de Tsjetsjeense oorlog
Putin die toen nog Prime Minister was, werd gezien als de sterke man en werd President

Russian apartment bombings

The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing more than 300, injuring more than 1,000, and spreading a wave of fear across the country.

The bombings, together with the Invasion of Dagestan, triggered the Second Chechen War. The handling of the crisis by Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time, boosted his popularity greatly and helped him attain the presidency within a few months.

The blasts hit Buynaksk on 4 September and in Moscow on 9 and 13 September. On 13 September, Russian Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov made an announcement in the Duma about receiving a report that another bombing had just happened in the city of Volgodonsk. A bombing did indeed happen in Volgodonsk, but only three days later, on 16 September. Chechen militants were blamed for the bombings, but denied responsibility, along with Chechen president Aslan Maskhadov.

A suspicious device resembling those used in the bombings was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September.[3][4] On 23 September, Vladimir Putin praised the vigilance of the inhabitants of Ryazan and ordered the air bombing of Grozny, which marked the beginning of the Second Chechen War.[5] Three FSB agents who had planted the devices at Ryazan were arrested by the local police.[6] The next day, FSB director Nikolay Patrushev announced that the incident in Ryazan had been an anti-terror drill and the device found there contained only sugar

Wie zit er achter de aanslag op Durya Dugina ?

Hier een aantal overwegingen van Sergej Sumlenny, Berlin-based Eastern Europe expert. 10+ yrs of work in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus :

Regarding the question "who could stay behind Darya Dugina's death". We need to separate many topics here.

1) Dugina was a devoted and important Nazi propagandist and a party member, but WAY far from being a star in Russia. In Ukraine or else she wasn't known at all

2) Her father Alexandr was way more famous. But he was not as important as he wanted us to believe. His ideas were taken, stolen, appropriated, used by the Kremlin, but he personally was never allowed to belong to Kremlin's inner circle. He was always a 3rd class starlet

3) Ok, who was the target - he or she? The car was registered on the father's name, and he was intended to drive it, as some of his friends said. It can be, he was targeted (as anyway he was more prominent). The only way she was targeted is, when HE planned the murder

3.1) Let me elaborate on this. It is not as weird as one can think. Dugin was a philosopher of the cult of death and sacrifice. He always said, that the death experience is the most important one. He was a Death Eater. In his "Eurasist" ideology a mighty Father sacrificing...

3.2) ...his daughter's life could really be something titanic, bringing supernatural powers into movement, and improving his (weakend) position. Be like a legendary King.

Still, this is only one of the ideas. I just want to say, it is not unthinkable. What do we have further?

4) Russian FSB ( Russische Buitenlandse Inlichtingen dienst ) or other Kremlin groups. I would say, it is the most realistic version. Here 2 very opposite motives can be in place:
4.1) Intensifying the war via playing the card "Ukrainians are killing us in Moscow!"
4.2) Exit strategy sending signals to the hawks "shut up"

4.3) I know, that these motives oppose each other. This should not surprise you. There can be different ideas within the FSB leadership, and different orders can be given. One can imagine, that some groups want to intensify the war, and others want to look for exit strategies

4.3.1.) Dugin can be targeted by both groups - as it is not important that he was targeted (and killed in the successful scenario), but what informational campaign follows. "We must fight back!" or "Look what insanity Dugin brought to us"

5) Could the Ukrainian commandos stay behind this attack? I doubt it. Dugin was not the most prominent Russian propagandist. He was not the face of Russian aggression for Ukrainians. Skabeyeva, Solovyov, Tolstoy, Kiselyov, Simonyan - anyone would be a more logical target

6) And of course, one should not forget the cannibalizing tendencies within the far-right Russian groups. Could Dugin be hatred by somebody here? Sure. Do these people know how to install bombs? Oh yes, many of them fought in Ukraine. This motive cannot be ignored.

7) Anyway, for practical means, it is important to see, how the Kremlin will use this news. Even if it was not Kremlin, they will start to use this explosion. An attack in luxury Odintsovo district, where all the Ministers and Putin himself have their villas, will be used.

7.1.) We will witness very soon, what profit Kremlin (but also other far-rights) will try to get out of the death of the Nazi Darya Dugina.

UPDATE: in his April 2020 article, Alexandr Dugin clearly wrote, that parts of the elite should be groomed with one purpose - to be killed (sacrificed) amid challenging times, so the society could magically buy back the lost support of the Gods. Does it give us any call?

UPDATE2: On his esotheric far-right esotericweb-page "Arctogaea" Alexandr Dugin literally had a huge article about the ancient mystical tradition to sacrifice children, including a case of a father sacrificing his daughter's life

UPDATE3: Aleksandr Dugin publishes a statement, literally saying Dugina was "put her girl virgin's life onto the altar" (??????? is literally "girl virgins's"), and in his speech at her funeral calls "not to mourn but fight":

Here, about "girl virgin's life on the victory altar"

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