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Al Kipone
Er overlijden per dag meer mensen aan covid-18 dan er protesteerden, de overgrote meerderheid wil absoluut geen risico lopen voor hun’vrijheid’

Gefabriceerde bull.

De existentiële crisis van de VS beschreven

Trump's coronavirus reopening plan has big holes, health experts say
Ann Saphir

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. economy has imploded in the past month amid aggressive measures to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, with 22 million people filing for unemployment benefits and most factories, stores and other businesses at a virtual standstill.

The governors of Michigan, Florida and other states outlined tentative steps on Friday to reopen their economies, a day after the White House issued guidelines to help states decide when to lift lockdown orders and allow firms to restart and workers to return to their jobs.

President Donald Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.

States may be ready to end lockdowns once infections have declined for 14 straight days, availability of tests to detect the virus is stable or rising, and if there is enough hospital capacity to treat everyone who gets sick, the guidelines say.

They also call on states to be ready to test all healthcare workers and anybody with symptoms, as well as to be able to trace contacts for people who test positive for the virus.

How many states are ready for that?

None, according to Harvard epidemiologist Bill Hanage, who was among the many experts who took to Twitter on Thursday to criticize the guidelines. Hanage says inadequate testing capacity is the main problem.

The United States has reported more coronavirus infections than any other country, with about 680,000 cases and more than 34,000 deaths. (To track infections by state, see here here)

U.S. testing has been delayed here and chaotic largely due to bureaucratic roadblocks and mistakes at the federal level. Trump, who initially downplayed the threat of the coronavirus outbreak to the country, has pledged to ramp up testing.

States are "far from being able to do enough tests to enable us to move to the next phase of responding to the pandemic," says here Jen Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation. She says there are no details in the guidelines on how much testing is needed.

State governments also need more people to track new infections through phone calls and visits. Alphabet's Google and Apple Inc are working together on software to make contact tracing easier. The software is expected to be available here in mid-May.

"Not one of the 50 U.S. states currently has surveillance capabilities sufficient to enable case-based interventions at the necessary scale," Duke University researchers wrote in an extensive look here at testing needs.

The White House guidelines don’t provide any information on how to get there.

Charmaine Yoest of the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank said the White House was right to leave decisions on reopening economies to state leaders. “It has to be done based on the data that applies to their communities and their workforce,” she said.

But data on infections, and the means to deal with them, may be hard to come by
“There is no - zero, zip, zilch - way to upscale testing, PPE (personal protective equipment) production, hospital readiness, the public health workforce ... without robust federal leadership,” tweeted Jeremy Konyndyk, senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development. “States don’t have the capacity or resources to achieve these things on their own.”

The White House guidelines call for a staged reopening, which is consistent with recommendations from many experts.

A study here from McKinsey & Company, which is advising New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as he battles the nation's worst coronavirus outbreak, recommends opening a few sectors at a time, based on "both the risk of transmission and the relative importance" of each sector, as defined by number of jobs and contribution to the economy.

The guidelines also call for schools, factories, shops and restaurants to function differently than before the pandemic, again broadly consistent with a wide range of experts who say that maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, and frequent hand-washing and cleaning are critical to keeping the public safe. But those practices will slow commerce.

As for reopening gyms and entertainment venues, which the White House plan suggests is possible in “Phase 1” of a restart, former U.S. Food and Drug Administration chief Scott Gottleib urged caution.

“Those may not be permitted until we have seen that work can safely return without a resurgence,” tweeted Gottleib, who was FDA commissioner from 2017 to 2019 and was otherwise generally supportive of the guidelines.

Assuming the country weathers the first stage of a restart without a resurgence of coronavirus, it is not clear, based on the guidelines, how quickly states could move to the next phases - that is key to gauging how quickly the economy can rebound.

If each of the three phases in the guidelines lasts just two weeks, that’s “too fast,” tweeted Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

It also may not be smooth. Economists warn that a “false start” - where the economy reopens, infections surge, and the economy needs to shut down again - could prolong the downturn.

But governors of some states, including California and Idaho, say that’s exactly what they’d do. And that would likely further slow economic recovery.

Wat doet zelfverklaarde miljardair Trump met zijn prive geld om de corona uitbraak in te dammen?

George Soros is donating $130 million through his foundation to combat the effects of the coronavirus, with $37 million aimed to help at-risk populations in NYC, including undocumented families & low-wage workers.

Hmm. I guess HIS foundation isn’t a fraud Donald Trump


George Soros directs more than $130M in foundation funds to combat coronavirus

George Soros is directing more than $130 million in funds from his Open Society Foundations toward helping vulnerable communities globally amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The funding package includes $37 million to support workers and their families across New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the outbreak and home to Open Society’s largest office, according to its announcement.

Soros’s group will also be directing $12 million to contribute to emergency relief for vulnerable workers in other U.S. cities and states, and $2.5 million for additional community efforts in Baltimore, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.
The scale of this pandemic has laid bare the fault lines and injustices of our world,” Soros, a liberal financier, said in the statement.
Nearly $42 million will be directed to the foundation's global partners to support low-income workers, protect refugees and provide access to new vaccines and treatments regardless of economic or citizenship status.

Another $9 million of the funding will be directed toward the use of mandatory imprisonment and detention around the world, $3 million will go to local groups countering disinformation in Europe, and $3.5 million will be directed for southern Africa to support essential emergency services and care work.

"The scale of this pandemic has laid bare the fault lines and injustices of our world,” Soros, a liberal financier, said in the statement.

“We missed the opportunity to create a more just economy after the financial crisis of 2008 and provide a social safety net for the workers who are the heart of our societies. Today, we must change direction and ask ourselves: What kind of world will emerge from this catastrophe, and what can we do to make it a better one?” he added.

Globally, there are more than 2 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 140,000 deaths, based on data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.


Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet

"Good job out there" -- Trump throws shade at his staff because of an alleged typo (type fout) in his remarks
video 0:44 minuut

2de tweet
"Unfortunately, some partisan voices are trying to politicize the issue of testing, which they shouldn't be doing. Because I inherited broken junk" -- Trump absurdly tries to blame Obama for his administration's failures developing a test for a virus that didn't exist until 2019
video 0:39 minuut

Al het is erg jammer voor je dat jouw lady die geweldige Hillary niet tot een soort Queen van de USA is gekroond. Tja als je je eigen achterban deplorabel noemt dan jaag je ze weg. Dat wees op geen enkel begrip voor wat in midden Amerika aan de hand is.

Maar blijf daar nu niet jaren over doorzeuren. Ja, CNN en Washington Post etc zijn er nog steeds niet overheen dat hun Queen niet werd gekroond. Zielig gewoon dat anti Trumpgedoe en dat krijgt inmiddels ook wat psycho trekken.

Volgende stap van Trump? Nou dat is aanpak Amazon en Google en Facebook en per direct net zoals Standaard Oil moest worden gesplist

Het is nu ingrijpen om heerschappij corporate wereld te beheersen binnen context van concurrentie of staatssocialisme. Econoom Schumpeter voorzag de zaken goed. Hij was sterk tegen Marxistische waandenkbeelden, maar stelde op een andere manier gaat het toch gebeuren.

En ja dan die democratie nog? Hoe zat dat Al bij Schumpeter Al? Wel gaarne gewoon antwoord op deze vraag Al!

Groet, Jonas

PS en de linkse pers loopt al te hijgen bij mogelijk wat geld naar dat Forum. Och och zo zielig toch weinig gevonden!. Laat ze eens kijken naar de kosten voor de heren Verhofstadt en Van Balen. Hebben zij op eigen kosten de zaken daar lopen op te hitsen? Gaarne daar duidelijkheid over.

Trump's press briefing April 18
2de tweet
"We started off with a broken system. We inherited a broken, terrible system. And I always say it -- our cupboards were bare. We had very little in our stockpile": Trump tries to blame Obama, who left office in 2017, for a virus that reached the US in 2020
video 0:24 minuut

Luchtschip geweldig wat je doet. Mijn visie verandert onmiddellijk vanwege dat wat citaten neerkwakken. Heb je zelf nog enig verstand en een mening want dit doet wat zielig aan. Een kleuter in de grote mensen wereld ofzo

Groet, Jonas

jonas schreef op 18 april 2020 23:52:

Luchtschip geweldig wat je doet. Mijn visie verandert onmiddellijk vanwege dat wat citaten neerkwakken. Heb je zelf nog enig verstand en een mening want dit doet wat zielig aan. Een kleuter in de grote mensen wereld ofzo

Groet, Jonas
Mijn mening is dat deze posting een hoop over jezelf zegt.

En ieder forum lid met een IQ hoger dan Trump begrijpt dit.
Ik leg overigens de lat wel erg laag.

Trump's press briefing 18 April

The US has the most coronavirus deaths in the world, but Trump begins the April 18 #TrumpPressConf by claiming America "has produced better health outcomes than any other country, with the possible exception of Germany."
video 1:24 minuut

Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet
"This should not be a partisan witch hunt, like the Russia witch hunt" -- it's public therapy session time for the president
video 0:51 minuut

2de tweet
"Mike Pence is a phenomenal guy. He is making the commencement address right now at the Air Force Academy where they are being very politically correct. 10 feet apart." -- Trump
video 0:44 minuut


Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet
Trump on Pence's call w/Dem governors: "I heard they were so rude. Rude and nasty. No matter what he said, which was all very positive in terms of winning this battle against the invisible enemy, no matter what he he said they were fresh. They were nasty."
video 1:27 minuut

2de tweet
TRUMP: "The big V for victory, or V for ventilator. Take a look at it. Everybody said they had us on that. But we got 'em done at numbers nobody would've believed."
video 0;42 minuut


Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet
An unhinged Trump trashes Maggie Haberman (reporter New York Times): "She came out and said Mark Meadows was crying. And they made it sound -- and it's okay if he did. I mean, look. But I think he was crying probably really for the wrong reason. They had it down. But he's not a crier ... she's fake."
video 2:11 minuut

2de tweet
Here is the conclusion of one of the most unhinged and bizarre rants I have ever heard Trump go on. Keep in mind this is a press briefing about a pandemic that is killing over 1,000 Americans each day right now.
video 1:51 minuut

Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet
"Does anybody really believe this number?" -- Trump interrupts Dr Birx's presentation to dispute the figure of China coronavirus deaths she cited
video 0:57 minuut

2de weet
"We saw more bags [i.e. bodybags] on television than that" -- Trump interrupts Birx to question the number of coronavirus deaths reported by a number of countries (his implication is that the US hasn't really been hit as hard relatively speaking as the numbers indicate)
video 0:40 minuut


1ste tweet
Trump is fixated on doing everything possible to try and pin blame on Obama. It's pathological.
video 0:39 minuut

2de tweet
Trump attacks the media for not reporting what he thinks are the correct number of coronavirus deaths in China, even though his own government health agencies are citing the same number.
video 0:50 minuut


Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet
"You talk about, potentially, lives like no one has seen since 1917" -- Trump still hasn't figured out that the 1918 flu pandemic didn't happen in 1917
video 0:56 minuut

2de tweet
"It could have been billions of people if we had not done what we did" -- Trump absurdly claims that his move to restrict travel from China saved a billion or more lives
video 0:20 minuut


luchtschip schreef op 19 april 2020 00:05:

Trump's press briefing 18 April

The US has the most coronavirus deaths in the world, but Trump begins the April 18 #TrumpPressConf by claiming America "has produced better health outcomes than any other country, with the possible exception of Germany."
video 1:24 minuut
Vooruit dan, omdat heer Trump zelf de vergelijking trekt tussen de USA en Duitsland ;

0,219% = USA besmettingen in % van de bevolking.
0,173% = Duitsland besmettingen in % van de bevolking.

0,01151% = USA sterfte in % van de bevolking.
0,00535% = Duitsland sterfte in % van de bevolking.

In Europa zijn er maar weinig landen die het slechter doen dan de USA van Trump.
Zie de bijlage :

Al Kipone
Trump spreekt, dus liegt hij.

En omdat het opzwepen van de domme massa tegen levensreddende maatregelen niet volstaat, doet hij er vandaag wat moslimhaat bij.

Deplorables. Ziek en gevaarlijk tuig.


Trump's pres briefing 18 april

1ste tweet
"Keeping reading your question" -- Trump tries to humiliate a reporter from Talk Media News because he didn't like his question
video 1:46 minuut


Trump's press briefing 18 April

1ste tweet
Trump insists on taking a question from ultra-sycophantic OAN (One American Network, een tv maatschappij die nog meer dan Fox News Trump de hemel in prijst) and uses it to trash Nancy Pelosi
video 1:30 mminuut

2de tweet
Dr Birx says she has faith in Ron DeSantis's(Governor of Florida) handling of the coronavirus

video 1:04 minuut

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