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Ed Verbeek

gbakl schreef op 12 april 2020 13:50:

het traumatische deel voor trump moet nog beginnen.
muiten en plunderen door de kansloze minima, volop aanwezig in de 3e wereld economie van de VS.
Het wordt nog leuk als Trump geweld moet gaat gebruiken tegen zijn eigen kiezers.
Nou ja, daar zal hij China ook wel weer de schuld van geven :-)

Ed Verbeek schreef op 12 april 2020 21:19:

Het wordt nog leuk als Trump geweld moet gaat gebruiken tegen zijn eigen kiezers.
Nou ja, daar zal hij China ook wel weer de schuld van geven :-)
Chinese spreekwoord: "Men heeft de spraak gekregen, om de gedachte te verbergen."

WaPo: Trump allegedly asked Fauci if officials could let coronavirus 'wash over' US

President Trumpreportedly asked Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert and a key member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, whether U.S. officials could allow the coronavirus pandemic to “wash over” the country, The Washington Post reported.

During a coronavirus task force meeting in the Situation Room last month, on the same day Trump ordered travel to be suspended from the United Kingdom and Ireland in an effort to stem the spread of the virus, Trump reportedly asked Fauci, “Why don’t we let this wash over the country?”

Two anonymous sources familiar with the president’s comments confirmed the question to the newspaper.

Trump was reportedly also seeking to understand why “herd immunity” to the coronavirus had been rejected. Herd immunity occurs when a large amount of the population becomes immune either through infection and recovery or inoculation.

“Mr. President, many people would die,” Fauci reportedly responded to the president’s question.

The Washington Post reported that Fauci initially did not understand what the president meant by “wash over” but was then reportedly alarmed.

The Washington Post also reported that six doctors who serve within the Trump administration have started holding their own meetings to discuss public health and medical questions nearly every day, including Fauci, Deborah Birx, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield.

The group was reportedly formed after some of the doctors became frustrated with what the paper referred to as “voodoo” — such as Trump's push for the use of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, as a possible treatment for coronavirus — in larger meetings for the coronavirus response.

Trump on Friday called the decision on when and how to reopen the country the most difficult of his life but said he'd be seeking the counsel of medical experts.

“I don’t know that I’ve had a bigger decision. But I’m going to surround myself with the greatest minds — not only the greatest minds but the greatest minds in numerous different businesses, including the business of politics and reason,” Trump told reporters at a White House press briefing.

The Hill has reached out to the White House for comment.



Op Fox News weten ze wel, hoe Trump de verkiezing in moet gaan.

Fox host greg Gutfeld on the election:

"All Trump has to say is 'do you remember March, April 2020, when you had bread lines and empty shelves. That's socialism. That's what you're voting for.'"

video 0:29 minuut

Ja, dan zullen de mensen zeker niet op Joe Biden stemmen, want dat willen ze niet.

Alleen vergeten de mensen waarschijnlijk ook niet, dat deze verschrikkelijke socialistische situatie plaats vond onder de leiding van Donald Trump en de Republikeinse meerderheid in de Senaat.

Totaal de weg kwijt op Fox News

The White House has rejected a bailout for the U.S. Postal Service, which has been battered by coronavirus.

The pandemic has pushed USPS to the brink, but Trump and Mnuchin shot down emergency aid.


Trump heeft $ 2 trillion vrijgemaakt om bedrijven te ondersteunen.
Gaat daarbij selectief te werk en als een bedrijf hem niet bevalt, dan krijgt het geen steun

US Postal Service, is het postbedrijf van de US.
Het steekt Trump dat Amazon (Bezos) tegen korting hun pakketten verstuurt via USPS.
Trump heeft een bloedhekel aan Bezos omdat deze ook de Washington Post beheert en de Washington Post is kritisch tegen Trump.
US Postal Service verzorgt ook het versturen van stemmen per post (voting by mail).
Trump en de Republikeinen zijn tegen voting by mail. Verplichten liever de mensen naar de stembus te laten komen. En hopen daardoor op een lage opkomst wat gunstig is voor de Republikeinen.

2 goede redenen voor Trump om US Postal Service niet financieel te steunen tijdens de corona crisis.

Een groot deel van het geld zal naar Boeing en de Trump Organisatie gaan.

De Democraten eersten controle over de verdeling van de $ 2 trillion staatssteun aan bedrijven. Deze controle kwam er .
Niet veel later ontsloeg Trump deze man per Presidentieel Decreet en regelde dat Trump de uiteindelijke controle heeft.

Eerlijk toch Donald.

Goed gedaan hoor.

Graaien heb je heel je leven al gedaan.

En nu graaien uit de schatkist van de US.

Have fun stealing the money, while your people are dying from the corona virus, Donald

With Postal Service on ‘verge of collapse’ and 630,000 jobs at risk, Trump slammed for refusing to act

The U.S. Postal Service warned Congress this week that it will completely “run out of cash” in the next several months without immediate action from the White House and Congress, but—with as many as 630,000 jobs at risk—President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers have refused to commit to rescuing the prized government institution as it falters amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Postmaster General Megan Brennan told the House Oversight and Reform Committee in a briefing on Thursday that the USPS will need access to a total of $75 billion in cash, grants, and loans in order to avert financial ruin by the fall.

“We are at a critical juncture in the life of the Postal Service. At a time when America needs the Postal Service more than ever, the reason we are so needed is having a devastating effect on our business,” said Brennan, referring to the coronavirus outbreak, which has led to a sharp decline in mail volume.

As Government Executive reported, “House Democrats pushed for a $25 billion cash infusion for the Postal Service as part of the last stimulus package, but Senate negotiators ultimately opted to include only a $10 billion line of credit. Postal management has said that amount would be insufficient for preventing fiscal calamity this year.”

President Donald Trump has thus far rejected the Postal Service’s requests. During a press briefing earlier this week, Trump urged USPS to simply “raise the prices by, actually a lot.”


630,000 jobs at risk—President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers have refused to commit to rescuing the prized government institution

Het maakt Trump niets uit.
Een overheidsinstelling waarbij 630.000 banen verloren kunnen gaan, laat hem koud.

Zonder post service is het land nergens meer. Complete chaos.

One of the largest pork processing facilities in the US is closing until further notice

One of the country's largest pork processing facilities is closing until further notice as employees fall ill with Covid-19. The closure puts the country's meat supply at risk, said the CEO of Smithfield, which operates the plant.

"The closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply," the meat processor's chief executive, Kenneth Sullivan, said in a statement Sunday.
"It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running," he said. "These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain."

The Sioux Falls, South Dakota, facility accounts for 4% to 5% of the country's pork production and employs about 3,700 people, according to Smithfield.


4% van de varkens levensmiddelen productie in de US valt stil, alleen al door deze ene producent
Als meer producenten dit gaan doen komen er grote problemen.
De voedsel productie wordt minder en dan is er gewoon geen voedsel voor een groot deel van de Amerikanen.

As predicted:
* Low-wage workers in America can't work at home
* Can't isolate themselves
* Can't afford medical care
* Go to work sick
* Infect food supply


Good news on

Easter! New #coronavirus cases per day in the US *appear to have peaked*.

Lockdowns and #PhysicalDistancing are finally paying off.

DonaldTrump is pushing to reopen, but if we let our foot off the brake too soon, COVID19 cases will explode again.




Trump just retweeted conspiracy theorist demanding #FireFauci after Fauci appears on cable news

After Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on MSNBC, right-wing ex-congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine took to Twitter to claim that he was blaming President Donald Trump for not listening to health experts early enough. She then punctuated her tweet with the hashtag #FireFauci.

Trump agreed with it, saying, “Sorry Fake News, it’s all on tape. I banned China long before people spoke up. Thank you @OANN”

In fact, what Fauci said is that based on the information, they had Trump’s China ban was too little too late. By the time the shutdown happened, the U.S. already had the virus, and it was spreading. After the first of the year, 430,000 people came into the United States from China, including 40,000 after the China ban. Trump didn’t ban Europe until nearly a month later.

Any criticism of Trump for shutting down China proved to be wrong. It was clear, more than China should have been shut down at the end of January. But even that may not have been enough. Fauci said in the interview that it the U.S. past the point of trying to stop it from reaching U.S. borders and should have switched immediately to mitigation.

What Fauci also said, and many have observed, is that after it became clear the virus was being spread person to person, no significant action was taken in the month of February. Fox News was reporting it was all hype through the first week of March. The president similarly was saying it was nothing more than the flu well through the end of February. It wasn’t until March that states began shutting down.

Fauci also said he was begging for actions in middle to late January.


Donald Trump op twitter :

The big Oil Deal with OPEC Plus is done. This will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States. I would like to thank and congratulate President Putin of Russia and King Salman of Saudi Arabia. I just spoke to them from the Oval Office. Great deal for all!

So we get to pay more money for gas while hard-workin’ folks is broke and outta work?

Smooth move, Ex-Lax!

Trump: “The pandemic creates cheap gas. It’s like a tax cut.”

MAGA: “Yay! Lower gas prices!”

Trump: “I ended the oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.”

MAGA: “Yay! Higher gas prices!”

Anthony Fauci, immunoloog en belangrijkste adviseur van Trump in de strijd tegen corona, gaf toe dat de VS erg laat maatregelen hebben getroffen om de verspreiding van het virus in te perken. Dat schoot bij president Trump blijkbaar in het verkeerde keelgat. Die retweette zondag prompt een eis tot ontslag van de gewaardeerde viroloog.

De beroemde immunoloog spreekt de president vaak tegen. Hij waarschuwt al sinds het begin van de pandemie voor het gevaar van het virus, terwijl Trump Covid-19 aanvankelijk afdeed als een licht griepje.

s.lin schreef op 13 april 2020 07:40:

Anthony Fauci, immunoloog en belangrijkste adviseur van Trump in de strijd tegen corona, gaf toe dat de VS erg laat maatregelen hebben getroffen om de verspreiding van het virus in te perken. Dat schoot bij president Trump blijkbaar in het verkeerde keelgat. Die retweette zondag prompt een eis tot ontslag van de gewaardeerde viroloog.

De beroemde immunoloog spreekt de president vaak tegen. Hij waarschuwt al sinds het begin van de pandemie voor het gevaar van het virus, terwijl Trump Covid-19 aanvankelijk afdeed als een licht griepje.
Ach, onze MP loopt blindelings achter onze deskundigen van het RIVM aan de instantie die net als andere virologen/immunologen zeiden dat de kans klein was dat het het ook hier zou komen of overdraagzaam zou zijn.
Gevolg(na het komische nummertje met Jaap) ook te laat gereageerd te weinig getest hulpmiddelen in februari naar China gestuurd en nu hebben wij hier te weinig hulpmiddelen.
Doch onze MP wordt op het schild geheven, Trump zoals gewoonlijk afgeserveerd.
Het is maar aan welke kant je staat.

luchtschip schreef op 13 april 2020 02:36:

One of the largest pork processing facilities in the US is closing until further notice

One of the country's largest pork processing facilities is closing until further notice as employees fall ill with Covid-19. The closure puts the country's meat supply at risk, said the CEO of Smithfield, which operates the plant.

"The closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply," the meat processor's chief executive, Kenneth Sullivan, said in a statement Sunday.
"It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running," he said. "These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain."

The Sioux Falls, South Dakota, facility accounts for 4% to 5% of the country's pork production and employs about 3,700 people, according to Smithfield.


4% van de varkens levensmiddelen productie in de US valt stil, alleen al door deze ene producent
Als meer producenten dit gaan doen komen er grote problemen.
De voedsel productie wordt minder en dan is er gewoon geen voedsel voor een groot deel van de Amerikanen.
Van 4% minder varkensvlees gaat niemand dood, integendeel minder varkensvlees voor de Amerikanen is heel gezond voor ze.
Trump twitter: ''The big Oil Deal with OPEC Plus is done. This will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States. I would like to thank and congratulate President Putin of Russia and King Salman of Saudi Arabia.

je kunt die buitenlandse maffiamaatjes nog zo vaak prijzen en bedanken maar
het leger aan ontevreden armoedzaaiers en viruslijders
groeit en groeit en groeit.

not winning..not winning..not winning.
One of the largest pork processing facilities in the US is closing until further notice:

wordt vooralsnog volop gecompenseerd door de schweinereien vanuit het
Witte Huis.
de controle op trumps reddingsbazookas werd onmiddellijk getorpedeerd via de
van hem zo bekende wijze:
om zich heen meppen en iedereen die niet voor hem bukt krijgt de volle laag en/of is zijn baan kwijt.

en toch: omringt hij zich met de knapste koppen van het land om het virus
te bestrijden, alleen moet je wel als hielenlikker tegen die vieze smaak
in de mond kunnen.

Trump Spends Easter Asking Confidants, ‘What Do You Think of Fauci?’

The president called various friends and allies over the weekend to ask for their opinion on the doctor he says he made a “star”—and even retweeted a call for his firing.

President Donald Trump spent much of this Easter weekend, his first Easter sequestered at the White House in the midst of a global pandemic and crashing economy, in a rather predictable fashion: working the phones and rage-tweeting at The New York Times and Mike Wallace’s son.

At one point, the president even promoted a Twitter post calling for the firing of his top infectious-disease expert in the middle of a deadly pandemic—because he’d said something construed as rude to Trump.

Over the weekend, the president picked up the phone and began dialing various close advisers and associates to ask them their opinion on how soon he should “open” the U.S. economy and call for Americans to start resuming business as usual, according to three people familiar with the conversations.

The subject of when to ease restrictions and guidelines, as the death toll has risen in the tens of thousands and governors and the federal government have struggled to combat the coronavirus, has been a major point of debate within the upper ranks of the Trump administration. While the president has often advocated highly optimistic and at times even negligent positions on the crisis, certain key members of his coronavirus task force—including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—have urged a more cautious, patient approach, particularly on “reopening” the United States for business.

And so the doctor appeared to weigh on Trump’s mind this Easter weekend.

“What do you think of Fauci?” the president repeatedly worked into his phone conversations over the past few days, the three sources said, as he pulsed his broader network of informal advisers, industry allies, and current staff on their opinions on the news of the day. At one point this weekend, Trump remarked that he’s made Fauci a “star” and that barely anybody would have known who the doctor was were it not for the president putting him front and center in the administration’s coronavirus response, televised press briefings, and media strategy.

"The subject of when to ease restrictions and guidelines, as the death toll has risen in the tens of thousands"

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