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"Ontwijken en ontkennen, heel goed. Dat bewijst dat je weet dat je fout zit!"

ik weet wel dat ik hier goed fout zit als ik redelijkheid verwacht.
in het trollenklasje word je ingeprent dat je alles moet negeren en keihard moet omdraaien en dat de hardste schreeuwers altijd winnen.
vraag nog maar eens aan trump hoe hij president is geworden.
"List, bedrog en leugens is alles wat links heeft."

grappig toch dat alle deplorabels en nog wat trump aanhang denkt dat iedereen (elke zelfstandig denkende burger) die kritiek heeft op trump (dus 90 % van Europa bijvoorbeeld)
opeens links is en ook Rutte schijnt opeens links te zijn.

maar ja, genuanceerdheid is een taboe-woord in het trollenklasje.

gbakl schreef op 13 februari 2019 12:22:

"List, bedrog en leugens is alles wat links heeft."

grappig toch dat alle deplorabels en nog wat trump aanhang denkt dat iedereen (elke zelfstandig denkende burger) die kritiek heeft op trump (dus 90 % van Europa bijvoorbeeld)
opeens links is en ook Rutte schijnt opeens links te zijn.

maar ja, genuanceerdheid is een taboe-woord in het trollenklasje.
De media in Europa is door en door corrupt, verrot en extreem links. Dus alle nuttige idioten die als makke schapen achter de Europese staatsmedia's aanlopen en de leugens geloven; die denken idd dat Trump het grootste kwaad op aarde is. Echter alle mensen die de moeite nemen om wat verder te kijken en op zoek gaan naar de feiten; die zien een president die niks anders doet dan het beste voor zijn land. En een land wat het beter doet dan ooit te voren. Het is maar net wat je wilt zijn....

Twee jaar lang dag in dag uit bericht de linkse fake news media over Russian collusion, nu het allemaal een hoax blijkt te zijn (wat iedereen die 10 seconden zich erin verdiepte al wist) blijven ze stil. Ziek als je daarbij wilt horen.

gbakl schreef op 13 februari 2019 12:16:

"Ontwijken en ontkennen, heel goed. Dat bewijst dat je weet dat je fout zit!"

ik weet wel dat ik hier goed fout zit als ik redelijkheid verwacht.
in het trollenklasje word je ingeprent dat je alles moet negeren en keihard moet omdraaien en dat de hardste schreeuwers altijd winnen.
vraag nog maar eens aan trump hoe hij president is geworden.
Ik snap gewoon niet dat mensen willens en wetens een 100% onschuldig kind voor de rest van zn leven kapot willen maken om over zijn rug een politiek punt te maken. Kom met ideeën, feiten, visie of argumenten. Waarom meegaan in dit soort walgelijke politiek?

Al Kipone
No Collusion!


How Manafort’s 2016 meeting with a Russian employee at New York cigar club goes to ‘the heart’ of Mueller’s probe

Nou nog 1 keer dan, we hebben het tenslotte over Trump toch ?
En lees vooral de een na laatste zin :

'The mainstream media is obsessed with every other Russia-related story.'

Exact zoals het is. Deze onzin heeft lang genoeg geduurd.
We gaan gewoon door met al het goede nieuws dat de komende 6 jaar nog gaat komen. Hoe erg jullie het ook vinden. Trump is een kanjer.

After a TWO YEAR investigation, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee are confirming that they found no collusion between @realDonaldTrump
's campaign & Russia.

The mainstream media is obsessed with every other Russia-related story.

Where’s all the coverage of this one?
"De media in Europa is door en door corrupt, verrot en extreem links"

ook weer grappig dat consequente geblaat over alles en iedereen die niet in je straatje meelult.
mavo-meisjes schofferen is botheid en onwetendheid.
de hele vrije pers onderuit schoffelen wijst op nog veel meer.
als ik over de deplorabels schrijf daar aan de overkant dan gaat
het over pakweg 1/3 deel van de kiezers daar.
alleen jammer dat die zich massaal gemeld hebben door oa. de
arrogante houding van Mrs. Clinton.
aangevuld met wat verstokte Republikeinen en de GOP gekkies kom
je zo toch bijna aan een meerderheid voor trump.
plus het stomme geluk dat die trump stemmers ook nog eens heel
gelukkig verdeeld waren en je kunt ook nog eens zeggen dat het geluk met de dommen is.

kijk, ZO kun je nuanceren en ook nog eens gelijk hebben...

Al Kipone

gbakl schreef op 13 februari 2019 13:40:

"De media in Europa is door en door corrupt, verrot en extreem links"

ook weer grappig dat consequente geblaat over alles en iedereen die niet in je straatje meelult.
mavo-meisjes schofferen is botheid en onwetendheid.
de hele vrije pers onderuit schoffelen wijst op nog veel meer.
als ik over de deplorabels schrijf daar aan de overkant dan gaat
het over pakweg 1/3 deel van de kiezers daar.
alleen jammer dat die zich massaal gemeld hebben door oa. de
arrogante houding van Mrs. Clinton.
aangevuld met wat verstokte Republikeinen en de GOP gekkies kom
je zo toch bijna aan een meerderheid voor trump.
plus het stomme geluk dat die trump stemmers ook nog eens heel
gelukkig verdeeld waren en je kunt ook nog eens zeggen dat het geluk met de dommen is.

kijk, ZO kun je nuanceren en ook nog eens gelijk hebben...


Kan niet anders zeggen dat je een mooie exacte beschrijving geeft van jezelf.
De manier waarop is zelfs een bevestiging van hetgeen je schrijft.
Om maar even wat te nuanceren.
Het worden nog 6 fantastische jaren voor je, dat kan ik je verzekeren.
Al Kipone
Congressional Republicans are angry with President Trump for blowing off their demands for a report on Saudi Arabia’s role in the murder of Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi, Politico reports. They say they are going to act — no, really, they mean it this time — to compel the president to supply that report, in accordance with a law requiring him to deliver such an assessment to Congress, now that they’ve solicited it from the administration.

Which raises an interesting question: Just how far are Republicans willing to go in holding Trump accountable for his ongoing protection of the Saudis, anyway? What will they say when House Democrats begin digging into Trump’s finances, to try to determine whether financial motives help explain it?

In an interview, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that Trump’s refusal to issue a report on the murder of Khashoggi underscores the need to push forward with congressional scrutiny of Trump’s ties to the Saudi regime.

“We have already planned to do a deep dive on Saudi Arabia, and this further underscores the importance of doing so,” Schiff told me.

U.S. intelligence agencies have reportedly concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi’s killing. But Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on whether the crown prince was responsible.

In the face of that disconnect, Schiff had previously told this blog that he intends for the Intelligence Committee to do a “deep dive” on the Khashoggi murder, on the president’s response to it, and on the larger questions raised by both. This would entail nailing down what the intelligence community has concluded about the murder, and how firm the basis for that conclusion is.

That, in turn, would give members of Congress a clearer sense of whether Trump is publicly misrepresenting or glossing over what his own intelligence agencies have concluded, to protect the crown prince.


Al Kipone schreef op 13 februari 2019 14:34:

Congressional Republicans are angry with President Trump for blowing off their demands for a report on Saudi Arabia’s role in the murder of Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi, Politico reports. They say they are going to act — no, really, they mean it this time — to compel the president to supply that report, in accordance with a law requiring him to deliver such an assessment to Congress, now that they’ve solicited it from the administration.

Which raises an interesting question: Just how far are Republicans willing to go in holding Trump accountable for his ongoing protection of the Saudis, anyway? What will they say when House Democrats begin digging into Trump’s finances, to try to determine whether financial motives help explain it?

In an interview, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that Trump’s refusal to issue a report on the murder of Khashoggi underscores the need to push forward with congressional scrutiny of Trump’s ties to the Saudi regime.

“We have already planned to do a deep dive on Saudi Arabia, and this further underscores the importance of doing so,” Schiff told me.

U.S. intelligence agencies have reportedly concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi’s killing. But Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on whether the crown prince was responsible.

In the face of that disconnect, Schiff had previously told this blog that he intends for the Intelligence Committee to do a “deep dive” on the Khashoggi murder, on the president’s response to it, and on the larger questions raised by both. This would entail nailing down what the intelligence community has concluded about the murder, and how firm the basis for that conclusion is.

That, in turn, would give members of Congress a clearer sense of whether Trump is publicly misrepresenting or glossing over what his own intelligence agencies have concluded, to protect the crown prince.

Shit, zijn we al 2 jaar bezig met Russia-gate, niks gevonden.
Weet je wat we doen, we gaan over naar Saudi-gate.
Another 2 year ?
Al Kipone
Tom Barrack:

Speaking on stage at the Milken Institute MENA Summit in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, Barrack was asked by CNN’s Becky Anderson about the reputational damage to Saudi Arabia over the Jamal Khashoggi killing.

In response, he joked: “As long as you don’t make me a guest at the Ritz.”

With regards to the murder of journalist Khashoggi, Barrack said that “whatever happened in Saudi Arabia, the atrocities in America are equal, or worse ...”

“The atrocities in any ... country are dictated by the rule of law,” he continued. “So for us to dictate what we think is the moral code there, when we have a young man and regime that is trying to push themselves into 2030, I think is a mistake.”

Da's een aparte visie...

meer in het artikel

Al Kipone
WASHINGTON (AP) — Under mounting pressure from his own party, President Donald Trump appears to be grudgingly leaning toward accepting an agreement that would head off a threatened second government shutdown but provide just a fraction of the money he’s been demanding for his Mexican border wall.

Trump said Tuesday he would need more time to study the plan, but he also declared he was not expecting another shutdown this weekend when funding for parts of the government would run out. He strongly signaled he planned to scrounge up additional dollars for the wall by raiding other federal coffers to deliver on the signature promise of his presidential campaign.

“I can’t say I’m happy. I can’t say I’m thrilled,” Trump said of the proposed deal. “But the wall is getting built, regardless. It doesn’t matter because we’re doing other things beyond what we’re talking about here.”

Trump sounded more conciliatory in a Tuesday night tweet, thanking “all Republicans for the work you have done in dealing with the Radical Left on Border Security.”

Och. Wat sneu

ach wat nu weer, gaat die meesteronderhandelaar wederom zijn keutel
terugtrekken, daar wordt je imago toch niet beter van ?
hij is dan ook niet blij, maar ik wed dat tradertje volkomen tevreden is want hij is inmiddels slimmer dan zijn leermeesters uit het trollenklasje...

maar ik geef hem nog wat hoop...Mexico gaat alles betalen.
Al Kipone
New Yorker, Ronan Farrow:

In June, 2016, Nader was attending an international economic forum in St. Petersburg, Russia, when Zamel approached him and requested a meeting. According to a representative for Nader, Zamel told Nader that he was trying to raise money for a social-media campaign in support of Trump; he thought that Nader’s Gulf contacts might be interested in contributing financially. Nader listened to Zamel’s pitch but didn’t make any commitments, according to the Nader representative. (Zamel’s representatives denied that he spoke to Nader in St. Petersburg about trying to help Trump.)

Zamel had another opportunity to pitch his services in early August, 2016, when Erik Prince, the founder of the Blackwater security firm, helped arrange a meeting at Trump Tower among Zamel, Nader, and Donald Trump, Jr. (Prince, whose sister Betsy DeVos became Trump’s Education Secretary, was a major Trump donor and had access to members of his team.) In the meeting, Zamel told Trump, Jr., that he supported his father’s campaign, and talked about Psy-Group’s influence operations. (Zamel’s lawyer, Marc Mukasey, played down the encounter, insisting that Zamel made no formal proposals during the meeting.)

Burstien said that his talks with the Trump campaign went nowhere; a representative for Zamel denied that his client engaged in any activity having to do with the election. But, according to the Nader representative, shortly after the election Zamel bragged to Nader that he had conducted a secret campaign that had been influential in Trump’s victory. Zamel agreed to brief Nader on how the operation had worked. During that conversation, Zamel showed Nader several analytical reports, including one that described the role of avatars, bots, fake news, and unattributed Web sites in assisting Trump. Zamel told Nader, “Here’s the work that we did to help get Trump elected,” according to the Nader representative. Nader paid Zamel more than two million dollars, but never received copies of the reports, that person said.

A representative for Zamel denied that he told Nader that he or any of his operatives had intervened to help Trump during the 2016 election. If Nader came away with that impression, the representative said, he was mistaken. “Nader may have paid Zamel not knowing when, how, or why the report was created, but he wanted to use it to gain access and new business,” the representative said. “In fact, it used publicly available material to show how social media—in general—was used in connection with the campaign.”

Al Kipone
President trump has installed a room-sized “golf simulator” game at the White House, which allows him to play virtual rounds at courses all over the world by hitting a ball into a large video screen, according to two people told about the system.

That system replaced an older, less sophisticated golf simulator that had been installed under President Obama, according to two people with knowledge of the previous system.

trump’s system cost about $50,000, and was put in during the last few weeks in a room in his personal quarters, a White House official said.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of the president’s private residence, said Trump had paid for the new system and the installation personally.

President trump has built his schedules around long blocks of “executive time” — unstructured periods in the day where the president’s schedules show no official meetings. He often spends this time watching TV, tweeting, holding impromptu meetings and making phone calls, aides have said.

Al Kipone
Life is a living hell for conservatives in Pelosi’s Washington

By Matt Laslo Feb 13, 2019
WASHINGTON — Conservatives in Congress hate the proposed bipartisan spending bill to keep the government open, and yet they’re surrendering and paving the way for President Trump to sign it.

The deal, which funds a mere 55 miles of border fence and gives the Trump administration fewer beds than it wanted to detain undocumented immigrants, is no better than the deal Republicans could have had back in December before they shut down the government for 35 days.
But besides dealing a defeat to Trump, the agreement is forcing conservatives in Congress, particularly the once high-flying Freedom Caucus, to get used to a greatly diminished role in Washington.

“We don’t have leverage on this particular issue, because it obviously is going to be Democrat-led, both in the House and in the Senate, to get this done,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the chair of the House Freedom Caucus, told VICE News.

The conservative bomb-throwers who were so effective at derailing bipartisan agreements like this one even just months ago now seem resigned in this latest battle with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They sound deflated — sad, even — as they brace themselves to watch Trump take a mere $1.375 billion in wall funding, a fraction of the $5.7 billion he'd been demanding.


Like Meadows, most conservatives oppose the new numbers that a bipartisan group of top appropriators have agreed to, but they’re basically conceding they’ve been checkmated. There’s just not much they can do to stop it.

“I think we’ve sort of passed the point where we had leverage,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), a Republican with strong libertarian leanings, told VICE News while walking through the Capitol.

Massie, who has refused to join the House Freedom Caucus but often votes with them, says he sees the new dynamic himself but notices it’s only slowly sinking in for other conservatives across Capitol Hill.

“They’re still sort of pretending we have the same sort of leverage, but I think it disappeared on January 3 [when Pelosi was sworn in as speaker],” Massie said. “The leverage is gone.”


And now that Pelosi’s wielding the speaker’s gavel again, many conservatives are trying to claim a win for having secured even a dollar of wall funding, even if it’s less than they could have had in December or last spring.

“Based on what I see so far, there’s at least 1.375 billion of those dollars when the speaker said we wouldn’t see a single one,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) told VICE News at the Capitol.

But was it worth shutting down the government for that?

“I don’t know how to answer that. I think border security is very important, and I think this has focused people’s attention on the importance. Was it worth it? I’ll leave that to the American people,” Kennedy said.

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