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voda schreef op 31 januari 2019 21:00:

'Trump wil Herman Cain naar Fed'

Gepubliceerd op 31 jan 2019 om 20:22 | Views: 949

WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - President Donald Trump overweegt oud-presidentskandidaat Herman Cain voor te dragen als bestuurder van de Federal Reserve, de Amerikaanse koepel van centrale banken. Dat meldden bronnen. Trump had woensdag een ontmoeting met Cain in het Witte Huis.

De 73-jarige Cain stelde zich in 2011 kandidaat namens de Republikeinen om mee te doen aan de verkiezingen van 2012. Hij kreeg echter te maken met meerdere beschuldigingen van seksuele intimidatie waarna zijn campagne werd beëindigd. Daarvoor was hij topman van de pizzaketen Godfather's Pizza. Ook hij heeft gewerkt bij de Federal Reserve Bank van Kansas City, waaronder als voorzitter.

Momenteel zijn er twee vacatures in het bestuur van de Fed. Een kandidaat voor de Fed moet goedgekeurd worden door de Senaat.

Trump heeft meermaals felle kritiek geuit over het rentebeleid van de centrale bank. Door Cain naar de Fed te sturen zou Trump mogelijk invloed kunnen uitoefenen op het beleid.
Prima idee, je ziet wat er voor opluchtings rally plaatsvind nu de FED aangeeft te stoppen met die renteverhogingen.

Al Kipone schreef op 31 januari 2019 21:02:

via een checkpoint....
En als er een muur gebouwd wordt gaat het wel heel makkelijk. Een Mexicaanse medewerker neemt 's ochtends naast zijn broodtrommel een paar zakken poeder mee. En de Amerikaanse medewerker neemt 's avonds de zakken mee naar huis. Een mob vriendelijke klus is het bouwen van een muur dan geworden.

luchtschip schreef op 31 januari 2019 21:12:

[...]En als er een muur gebouwd wordt gaat het wel heel makkelijk. Een Mexicaanse medewerker neemt 's ochtends naast zijn broodtrommel een paar zakken poeder mee. En de Amerikaanse medewerker neemt 's avonds de zakken mee naar huis. Een mob vriendelijke klus is het bouwen van een muur dan geworden.
Die Mexicanen zijn specialisten in het maken van tunnels, dus dat wordt een booming business als de muur klaar is.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 31 januari 2019 21:44:

Die Mexicanen zijn specialisten in het maken van tunnels, dus dat wordt een booming business als de muur klaar is.
Tunnels waar vrachtauto's vol met dope of bussen vol met mensen doorheen kunnen rijden?

USA_Trader schreef op 31 januari 2019 21:48:

Tunnels waar vrachtauto's vol met dope of bussen vol met mensen doorheen kunnen rijden?
Meestal worden er rails geïnstalleerd.

Trump, nog nooit in het leger geweest. Afgekeurd wegens hielspoor. En nu de Commander in Chief.
Dirigeert ruim 5000 troepen naar de woestijn , waar geen vijandelijke soldaat te bekennen is.

Het opleidingsschema wordt onderbroken. Maar dat geeft niet. Donald Trump, de onverschrokken veldheer , heeft zijn leger op volle oorlogssterkte. Dit gaat ongetwijfeld de geschiedenisboeken in.

Al Kipone
OnThisDay in 1940, the first #SocialSecurity check was issued. We'll keep fighting to protect the benefits our seniors have earned.

Dus toen is het allemaal begonnen met die socialistische kul! Damn you Roosevelt!!!

Al Kipone schreef op 31 januari 2019 22:14:

OnThisDay in 1940, the first #SocialSecurity check was issued. We'll keep fighting to protect the benefits our seniors have earned.

Dus toen is het allemaal begonnen met die socialistische kul! Damn you Roosevelt!!!
ja Roosevelt , hoe haal je het als president in je botte kop om voor je burgers te zorgen.:-)
STOCKHOLM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Witgoedfabrikant Electrolux grijpt in bij zijn fabrieken in de Verenigde Staten en Zuid-Amerika. De reorganisatie is volgens het bedrijf noodzakelijk geworden door gestegen materiaalkosten, mede als gevolg van de Amerikaanse importheffingen van president Donald Trump.

Electrolux wil onder andere een fabriek in Memphis sluiten, om meer activiteiten te concentreren bij een andere fabriek in de staat Tennessee. Daarnaast wordt de productie van koelkasten verplaatst van Santiago in Chili naar andere locaties, waaronder fabrieken in de VS. In totaal trekt Electrolux 1 miljard kroon (96,7 miljoen euro) uit voor de reorganisatie.

Vorige week donderdag werd er een sealed case bij de rechtbank ingediend. En de dag erop kwam de aanklacht tegen Roger Stone.

Gisteren schijnen er 4 sealed cases ingediend te zijn. 19-cr-24 , 19-cr-25, 19-cr28 en 19-cr-29.

We wachten af. De dag moet nog beginnen in de US.


Afgelopen zaterdag is bij Nogales , Arizona , in een truck mt 18 wielen, vol met komkommers , 254 pounds (115 kilo) fentanyl en 395 pounds (180 kilo) methamphetamine gevonden. Truck kwam uit Mexico.
Met name Fox team en Trump eam besteden hier aandacht aan, wijzend op de gevaren en de noodzaak voor een muur, omdat dit een emergency situation is.

Nogales is een port of entry. De drugs zijn gevonden, dus bewijs dat de opsporingsmethoden van border control goed werken.

Al Kipone
Een mening (Eugene Robinson, WaPo)

To review: The president won’t accept the conclusions of the intelligence community, which are synthesized by thousands of public servants with great expertise in their subject areas. But he treats three blow-dried talking heads sitting on a couch in Manhattan as Delphic oracles.

Perhaps above all, Trump uses his Twitter feed to lie and mislead. On Thursday morning alone, he claimed in four separate tweets that his promised border wall is already “being built.” That’s an utter, shameless lie. Some existing fencing has been replaced, but not a single mile of new wall has been constructed. Not one.

Rare is the Trump tweet that does not include at least one lie, exaggeration or distortion. I’ll leave it to my Fact Checker colleagues at The Post to keep track of them all. But think about it: We have a chief executive who gushes toxic falsehoods like Drunk Uncle at closing time.

How can the nation respect the presidency when it can’t believe a word the president says?

I don’t know, either.

Al Kipone
Investigators on the Senate Intelligence Committee have learned the identities of three blocked phone calls with Donald Trump Jr. just before and after the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, three sources familiar with the calls told ABC News.

The calls to blocked numbers, which came on June 6, and after the meeting on June 9, were between Trump Jr.’s cell phone and two family friends -- NASCAR CEO Brian France and real estate developer Howard Lorber, according to the sources.

Both men have close ties to President Donald Trump and actively supported his campaign during the 2016 election.
Al Kipone
A spokesperson for Lorber said the real estate executive “does not recall having conversations with Donald Jr. in the summer of 2016, but in any event he has absolutely not had conversations with Donald Jr. about any Russian matters.”

Al Kipone
NYT interview with trump

HABERMAN: Past presidents have done things that were artificial?

TRUMP: Past presidents, yeah. I think for the most part, yeah, past presidents. I really believe, when I say that we’ve accomplished — when you look at that list, whether it’s the biggest regulation cuts in history, that’s one of the reasons the economy is doing well. Before the taxes, actually. But the tax cuts, but so many other things when you look at that and you go down the list: Veterans Choice, V.A. Choice. They’ve been trying — as long as you’ve been writing they’ve been trying to get V.A. Choice. And now I’m going to do Phase 2 on V.A. Choice, which is, you know, the next step. But the first step was just a massive step. Nobody thought it could be done.

Note: Veterans choice was created in 2014 by President Obama.....
Al Kipone
NYT interview on Russia:

TRUMP: So let me tell you about about Trump Tower Moscow. This was a very unimportant deal. This was a very unimportant deal. No. 1. No. 2, this was a deal, the only thing you heard is through Rudy [Giuliani]. Is that what you heard? Through Rudy?

BAKER: More recently we heard through Rudy, he quotes you.

TRUMP: Rudy was incorrect. No. 1, he was incorrect, and we’ve explained that, he was wrong. Rudy has been wrong. A little bit. But what has happened is this. I didn’t care. That deal was not important. It was essentially a letter of intent or an option. I’m not even sure that they had a site. And if you look at where that was sent to, that was a Michael Cohen thing. If you look, I always say, Why don’t you bring this up, to Jay Sekulow, good guy. I think it was sent to almost like a public address for Moscow. If you take a look at it. Take a good solid look. The original letter or something was sent. They didn’t even have anybody to send it to. But that deal is just like other deals. I was doing other deals. I was running for president, but I was also running a business.

BAKER: How late do you remember having any conversations about it in 2016? What was the latest that you remember?

TRUMP: I would say it was early to middle of the year. Now, I don’t know that Cohen didn’t go a little bit longer than that. I don’t think it would be much longer. But then he could have come back to me and said, “Listen, I put it together.” Because that stuff happens. You know, you think a deal — I was running for president, I was doing really well. The last thing I cared about was building a building.

BAKER: But you told people that you didn’t have any business there. People might have misunderstood.

TRUMP: That wasn’t business. Peter, that wasn’t business.

BAKER: Isn’t that misleading to say you weren’t pursuing business there, right?


TRUMP: I had no money invested. It was a letter of intent, or option. It was a free option. It was a nothing. And I wasn’t doing anything. I don’t consider that even business. And frankly, that wasn’t even on my radar. If you take a look at that, take a look at the deal. There was no money put up. There was no transfer. I don’t think they had a location. I’m not even sure if they had a location.


BAKER: Clearly there was a hope of having money. That was the reason you were pursuing it, right?

TRUMP: My point is this — It was a free option to look at a deal, to look at deals. That was not like, “I’m going to buy a property in Moscow. I’m going to do — or I’m building a building in Moscow.” Now, I would have had every right to do a deal. That’s what I did. That’s what I did.

Rudy was wrong in that he went — I think what Rudy was looking at, I think, was that in the statement I made to the Mueller group, we talked about during that period of a year, up until the election, we talked about that. So he may have been referring to that.

But the way I view it is early in the year to middle of the year, no interest. I had very little interest in the first place, and again, I viewed it as a free option. It may have been a letter of intent. I don’t know exactly what it was called. But it was unimportant. And you know what was very important to me? Running for president. And doing well. But I was running a business. I mean, I would have been allowed to build 20 buildings. I was doing other things. I was doing a lot of other things. I was running a business. Because as you would know, there weren’t a lot of people at the time that thought I was going to win. So I don’t want to give up a year and a half of my life, not do anything, run for president, then have to go back and say, you know, “I could have kept running my business.”

Very interestingly, you know, George Washington ran his business. You can, I guess, you can go long beyond the election, if you wanted to. You know. But I didn’t do that.

BAKER: But there’s a difference between running a domestic business and being possibly in business with Russian figures at the same time, right? You can imagine why people might find that concerning?

TRUMP: I have nothing. All I did was be a good candidate. Russia didn’t help me. Russia did not help me. There was no collusion. There was none of that. I was a good candidate. I did a good job. I won’t say whether she was a good candidate or not. I mean, the primary collusion was Hillary Clinton. If you take a look, Peter. I mean, look at that phony dossier. Some of that money, they say, went to Russia. [Tony] Podesta was involved with Russia. You look at the kind of relationships they had. They had real relationships with Russia. I had a potential, a deal that frankly wasn’t even a deal. It was literally — I viewed it as an option. But maybe it was called a letter of intent. Something like that.
Al Kipone
NYT interview

trump: ....When we talk about drugs coming from China, the fentanyl — you look at the heroin and a lot of the other drugs, they come from — 90 percent, more than 90 percent — from right across the southern border. And unlike what the Democrats say, they don’t, you don’t bring trucks of drugs through the checkpoints. You bring trucks of drugs by making a right 20 miles, and a left into the country. They’re not bringing, you know, they bring massive amounts of drugs, and they do it because there’s no barrier, there’s no hardened wall that you can’t knock down with your breath.

Zijn eigen DEA zet dat het via een checkpoint komt. El Chapo geeft toe hoe ze smokkelen, via checkpoint. Gelukkig weet trump het beter :-)
Al Kipone
NYT, The Wall:

HABERMAN: This is your first experience dealing with Nancy Pelosi having the gavel as the speaker. Do you feel that you properly estimated her strengths?

TRUMP: Yeah, I did. I did. I’ve actually always gotten along with her, but now I don’t think I will anymore. I think that she’s hurting the country very badly. I think she’s doing a tremendous disservice to the country. If she doesn’t approve a wall, the rest of it’s just a waste of money and time and energy because it’s, it’s desperately needed. People are flowing in.


I mean, we have caravans coming in right now, 12,000 people. We have three of them lined up. And you know they’re lining up from Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador. And they’re coming in.

With a wall, you don’t need very much help. We just had to move more military down there to handle the one that’s coming up now: 12,000 people or whatever it might be. But they say it’s about 12,000 people.

No, I think Nancy Pelosi is hurting our country very badly by doing what she’s doing. And ultimately I think I’ve set the table very nicely.

BAKER: For —

HABERMAN: For what?

TRUMP: Well, they understand, Peter. They didn’t know what was going on with the southern border. Now they know. They had no idea the amount of crime, the amount of drugs, the amount of human trafficking, which can be stopped with a proper system —

BAKER: So set the table for emergency declaration.

TRUMP: I’ve set the table. I’ve set the stage for doing what I’m going to do.

BAKER: And you’ll wait out the 21 days before you take any action?

TRUMP: Yeah, I’m going to wait until the 15th. I think it’s a waste of time
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