FaceMash schreef op 15 december 2015 10:52:
ik vraag ma af of ik de CFO niet kan dagvaarden. Op 28 aug had ik volgende email gestuurd:
I started to invest in Fagron last month when the stock dropped significantly to 31€ after a high of around 43€. Since then lost a lot as the stock kept on declining till now 19.47€.. The way the stock is traded currently isn't logic at all.. Ok the results and outlook weren't that good and conform analyst expectations but the punishment on the stock trade is not logic/normal at all..
Any reason what's going on.... as a lot of individual normal people are worried..
Thanks in advance for an answer.
en kreeg dan diezelfde dag een antwoord terug van de CFO nog wel:
We agree that the market reaction after the half year results have been very brutal.
We did not expect this as well.
Fagron is still a very profitable company with very solid cash flows and this despite the changes in the US compounding market.
We can assure you that we work very hard to obtain excellent results and to restore the confidence in the Fagron shares.
ja duh ik dus blijven zitten met alle gevolgen vandien.. ik hou van mijn 16,8k€ nu nog welgeteld 3k€ over..
Kan ik met een advocaat hier een case van maken?