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Goedemorgen ArcelorMittal forum,

Zelf zit ik in ArcelorMittal en heb Aperam onlangs verkocht met dikke winst maar toen zat ik te denken wat moet ik met de winst doen en keek ik verder in de roestvrijstaal Giganten en kwam op Outokumpu Oyj een enorm bedrijf dat groter is dan Aperam maar wat mij opvalt is dan Aperam in de slecht beursperiode zo zakte tot ongeveer 8 euro per aandeel en Outokumpu Oyj die zakte tot 0.18 cent en kwam van 15 een aantal jaren geleden dus wat is hier aan de hand bij deze Roestvrijstaal Gigant uit Finland .
Er zal hier onder ons wel slimme staal speurneuzen zitten die daar het fijne van weten .

Misschien eens interessant om dit na te gaan wat de grondslag is of was waarom dit aandeel zo is afgestraft want het is eigenlijk een APERAM maar die staat 18.45 euro .

Laat eens horen of jullie wat vinden hierover .

Met vriendelijke groeten ,

US Steel imports in February 2014 increase marginally

Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported that the U.S. imported a total of 3,250,000 net tons of steel in February, including 2,240,000 net tons of finished steel (up 1.4% and down 8.3%, respectively, vs. January final data).

YTD total and finished steel imports are 6,455,000 net tons and 4,681,000 net tons, respectively, up 26% and 16% respectively, vs. 2013.

Annualized total and finished steel imports in 2014 would be 38.7 million net tons and 28.1 million net tons, up 21% and 13% respectively vs. 2013.

Finished steel import market share was an estimated 24% in February and is estimated at 25% YTD.

Key finished steel products with a significant import increase in February compared to January are tin plate (up 52%), cut lengths plates (up 52%) and plates in coils (up 11%). Major products with significant YTD import increases vs. the same period last year include wire rods (up 81%), plates in coils (up 79%), reinforcing bars up 53%), sheets and strip all other metallic coatings (up 44%), hot rolled sheets (up 41%), sheets and strip hot dipped galvanized (up 34%) and oil country goods (up 26%).

In February, the largest volumes of finished steel imports from offshore were all from Asia and Europe. They were from South Korea (376,000 net tons, down 13% vs. January final), China (176,000 net tons, down 8%), Japan (152,000 net tons, down 12%), India (151,000 net tons, up 114%) and Russia (101,000 net tons, up 22%).

For two months of 2014, the largest offshore suppliers were South Korea (809,000 net tons, up 26%), China (367,000 net tons, up 18%), Japan (324,000 net tons, up 22%), Turkey (300,000 net tons, up 20%) and India (221,000 net tons, up 104%).

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China imports iron ore stockpiles rise for 6th week

Xinhua reported that stockpiles of imported iron ore at 25 major Chinese ports last week rose for a sixth consecutive week due to flagging demand.

According to a Xinhua China Iron Ore Index, at the end of the week ending Monday, inventories of imported iron ore reached 105.86 million tonnes, up 0.2 percent from a week earlier. The stockpiles have increased since February 11.

Source - Xinhua
Sundance in USD 4 billion iron ore deal with Noble

Sundance Resources, which plans to mine iron ore in central west Africa has signed a 10 year supply agreement with Asia’s biggest commodities trader by sales, Noble Group in a deal worth as much as USD 3.5 billion a year.

Noble has agreed to take up to 100% of the iron ore mined at the Mbalam Nabeba iron ore project in Cameroon and the Republic of Congo. The Mbalam Nabeba project is forecast to be able to produce 35 million tonnes a year for 25 years, beginning in the Q4 2017.

Mr George Jones chairman of Sundance said that “This is a very significant transaction. Noble are showing their fundamental faith in the project.”

Mr Jones said that the agreement between Sundance and Noble at today’s iron ore prices is worth about USD 3.5 billion based on a sales price of USD 100 per tonne after costs. Noble will buy the iron ore and then sell the ore, 62.6% iron content to steel mills around the world.

He said that Sundance has received two indicative financing offers, one Chinese and one non Chinese, for its African iron ore project.

Source - Business
ArcelorMittal admits claims in legal row exceed GBP 200 million

The Telegraph reported that ArcelorMittal, the steelmaker facing a potential criminal probe in a long running dispute with a group of hedge funds has admitted that the related legal claims have now spiralled to GBP 246.5 million.

The steel giant made the disclosure in its 2013 20-F filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

It had previously disclosed only a EUR 60,049 claim from a pressure group of former Arcelor investors the Association Actionnaires d’Arcelor and a separate claim for GBP 180 million from a smaller group of hedge funds relating to litigation in Luxembourg.

The aggrieved parties including the SRM Global, Lionhart and Trafalgar hedge funds allege that ArcelorMittal’s latest disclosure to the market is still incomplete because they have served notice of EUR 351 million claim excluding interest against the steelmaker and two of its advisers.

The protracted legal fight is over an alleged breach of contract dating back to Mittal Steel’s EUR 26bn acquisition of rival Arcelor in 2006.

Source -
Outokumpu schrapt 2.500 banen na tegenvallend verlies, verkoop Terni uitgesteld

Donderdag 25 april 2013 14:19
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het Finse staalbedrijf Outokumpu Oyj (OUT1V.HE), een concurrent van Aperam sa (056997440.LU), heeft donderdag bekendgemaakt in de komende jaren 2.500 banen te gaan schrappen, nadat het netto-verlies in het eerste kwartaal groter bleek dan was verwacht.
De producent van roestvast staal heeft tevens gemeld dat de verkoop van de Italiaanse Terni fabriek is uitgesteld. Deze verkoop is door de Europese Commissie opgelegd vanuit mededingingsoogpunt, nadat Outokumpu in 2012 de roestvast staal divisie Inoxum van ThyssenKrupp ag (TKA.XE) heeft overgenomen. Afgelopen februari maakte Aperam bekend een joint venture met twee Italiaanse bedrijven te hebben opgezet om de Terni-fabriek over te nemen.
De Europese markten voor roestvast staal worden gekenmerkt door overcapaciteit. Met de overname van Inoxum is Outokumpu de grootste producent op het continent geworden, gevolgd door Aperam en het Spaanse Acerinox (ACX.MC).
De deadline voor Outokumpu om de fabriek te verkopen lag op 7 mei, maar is nu dus uitgesteld. De onderneming verwacht meer informatie te verschaffen in het tweede kwartaal.
In het eerste kwartaal kwam het nettoverlies uit op EUR151 miljoen, waar analisten gemiddeld hadden gerekend op een verlies van EUR107 miljoen. De omzet bedroeg EUR2,22 miljard. Hier was door analisten gerekend op EUR2,2 miljard.
Outokumpu verwacht dat de staalleveringen in het tweede kwartaal gelijk zullen blijven of licht lager uitkomen. Ook voorziet de onderneming meer onzekerheid van de prijsontwikkeling voor nikkel. Nikkel is nodig om roestvast staal te maken. Wanneer de nikkelprijzen dalen, nemen distributeurs een afwachtende houding aan in anticipatie op eventuele verdere dalingen. De gemiddelde nikkelprijs lag in het eerste kwartaal 2% hoger in vergelijking met het vierde kwartaal van 2012.
De basisprijzen voor roestvast staal namen in de eerste verslagperiode met 3% toe. De stijging was minder groot dan Outokumpu had verwacht. Dit wijt de onderneming aan de aanhoudende economische problemen in Europa en gedeeltelijk ook in de Verenigde Staten waar de onderneming actief is.
Ik weet alleen niet of het zo verstandig is om outokumpu te kopen op deze koers maar aan de andere kant je kan er geen buil aan vallen als je er niet te veel van koopt en een aantal jaren lang op de plank laat liggen.


voda schreef op 26 maart 2014 16:56:

ArcelorMittal admits claims in legal row exceed GBP 200 million

The Telegraph reported that ArcelorMittal, the steelmaker facing a potential criminal probe in a long running dispute with a group of hedge funds has admitted that the related legal claims have now spiralled to GBP 246.5 million.

The steel giant made the disclosure in its 2013 20-F filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

It had previously disclosed only a EUR 60,049 claim from a pressure group of former Arcelor investors the Association Actionnaires d’Arcelor and a separate claim for GBP 180 million from a smaller group of hedge funds relating to litigation in Luxembourg.

The aggrieved parties including the SRM Global, Lionhart and Trafalgar hedge funds allege that ArcelorMittal’s latest disclosure to the market is still incomplete because they have served notice of EUR 351 million claim excluding interest against the steelmaker and two of its advisers.

The protracted legal fight is over an alleged breach of contract dating back to Mittal Steel’s EUR 26bn acquisition of rival Arcelor in 2006.

Source -

Hallo Voda, dank voor al je informatieve posts. Zowel goed als slecht nieuws. Bovenstaand berichtje zit me niet helemaal lekker. Heb je wellicht een link of bron? Heb namelijk het gevoel dat er toch iets behoorlijk scheef (lees short) zit in Mittal. En wellicht heeft dat met bovenstaand artikel van doen. Maar dat is geheel speculatie van mijn kant natuurlijk.

voda schreef op 26 maart 2014 16:56:

ArcelorMittal admits claims in legal row exceed GBP 200 million

The Telegraph reported that ArcelorMittal, the steelmaker facing a potential criminal probe in a long running dispute with a group of hedge funds has admitted that the related legal claims have now spiralled to GBP 246.5 million.

The steel giant made the disclosure in its 2013 20-F filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

It had previously disclosed only a EUR 60,049 claim from a pressure group of former Arcelor investors the Association Actionnaires d’Arcelor and a separate claim for GBP 180 million from a smaller group of hedge funds relating to litigation in Luxembourg.

The aggrieved parties including the SRM Global, Lionhart and Trafalgar hedge funds allege that ArcelorMittal’s latest disclosure to the market is still incomplete because they have served notice of EUR 351 million claim excluding interest against the steelmaker and two of its advisers.

The protracted legal fight is over an alleged breach of contract dating back to Mittal Steel’s EUR 26bn acquisition of rival Arcelor in 2006.

Source -

Heb zelf al wat zoekwerk verricht;
hierbij de link naar het volledige artikel:

Even een stukje quoten;

Sources close to the hedge funds argued, however, that ArcelorMittal had moved some way since last August when one of the funds – Altana Wealth – wrote to the company questioning the level of its disclosure to the market and requesting a meeting.

Ik geloof dat deze hedgefondsen en insiders vet short zitten en een koersdaling verwachten naar aanleiding van het nieuws van deze claim.
Een claim moet natuurlijk worden toegewezen, en zelfs indien gegrond kan deze procedure jaren duren.
Iron ore price to plunge - BREE predicts

ABC reported that iron ore prices will plunge over the next few years, Australia's resources forecaster has predicted.

The Bureau of Resource and Energy Economics said that that while iron ore exports will increase, this will be accompanied by a 30 per cent fall in the price from last year's average. But it is not all bad news for the resources sector.

BREE said that as the mining industry moves from the investment phase to the production phase, export earnings will rise. It predicts resources and energy exports could increase by 8% a year to AUD 284 billion in 2018 to 2019.

LNG exports are forecast to drive up the value of energy exports to a predicted AUD 119 billion in 2018-19. But the value of resource exports, such as coal and iron ore, will peak in 2016 to 2017 at AUD 136 billion because of the expected drop in iron ore prices.

It has been a bumpy month for the global iron ore price, which plunged because of such factors as record stockpiles at Chinese ports, tougher environmental regulations which could see some Chinese steelmakers close down and signs the Chinese economy is slowing.

The bureau expects the spot price of iron ore to fall from its average of USD 126 a tonne last year to USD 87 by 2019.

Mr Bruce Wilson executive director BREE said that “An expansion in global iron ore supply is going to affect the price. Overall to 2019, a 30% decline in the real price of iron ore is a significant number, and that is, in our view, linked to an expansion in global supply. We don't see it being driven by a fall away in demand in iron ore in Chinese or other markets."

Mr Mr Wilson said that “The price fall is part of the normal commodity cycle. Large surge in demand over several years, principally from China, but not just in China, led to record investment and construction. Supply has expanded, demand continues to hold up fairly strongly, therefore the sort of logical and natural outcome of that is for prices to decline."

Source -
Spot iron ore recovers as Chinese buyers cautiously return

Reuters reported that spot iron ore rose more than 1% as Chinese buyers, encouraged by firmer steel prices, picked up cargoes and helped the raw material recover further from a sharp fall earlier this month.

According to data provider Steel Index, iron ore for immediate delivery to China .IO62-CNI=SI climbed 1.2% to USD 111.80 per tonne on Tuesday. The steelmaking raw material has risen nearly 7% after falling to a 17 month low of USD 104.70 two weeks ago but remains 16.7% lower so far this year.

Traders said that but buyers were largely timid with many still wary of stocking up on iron ore at a time when steel demand in the world's largest consumer is under threat from a slowing economy. Chinese steel rebar futures gained for a second day on Wednesday although the increase was just a fraction of the 2.5% jump in the prior session.

An iron ore trader in Tianjin said that "I see some buyers coming into the market, but there are still a lot of offers around. And the sellers don't have too much confidence in the market because they're quite open to negotiating prices further after they make an offer. We'll probably see this rebound last only for two or three days."

Mr Jeffrey Landsberg MD at Commodore Research and Consultancy said that "Some smaller Chinese miners are being priced out of the market due to the ongoing iron ore production expansion in Australia and Brazil which has been responsible for overall spot iron ore prices being a good deal lower this year.
We anticipate that low iron ore prices will continue to put pressure on iron ore production growth in China this year and that Chinese iron ore import growth will finish the year well above growth in Chinese iron ore production."

Source – Reuters
US updates raw steel production for this week

In the week ending March 22nd 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,885,000 net tonnes while the capability utilization rate was 78.4%. Production was 1,827,000 net tonnes in the week ending March 22nd 2013 while the capability utilization then was 76.2%.

The current week production represents a 0.1% increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending March 22nd 2014 is up 3.2% from the previous week ending March 15th 2014 when production was 1,828,000 net tonnes and the rate of capability utilization was 76.0%.

Adjusted year to date production through March 22nd 2014 was 21,264,000 net tonnes at a capability utilization rate of 76.6%. That is a 0.4% decrease from the 21,353,000 net tonnes during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 77.0%.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending March 15th 2014 in thousands of net tonnes: North East: 229; Great Lakes: 672; Midwest: 246; Southern: 656 and Western: 82, for a total of 1,885.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Penny wise, pound foolish? :-)

TATA Steel Scunthorpe saving GBP 800 per day on lighting

Employees in the rail and section mill at the TATA Steel works in Scunthorpe have been pulling out all the stops to help the company make savings of GBP 34.5 million by March 31st 2014.

The majority of the high bay roof and wall lights in the mill have been converted to make savings of around GBP 800 per day.

Mr Wayne Jackson improvement engineer said that “Since 2008 there has been a big push in the mill to reduce our energy consumption. From the improvements that have been made, we are saving around GBP 800,000 a year. Some of the major savings are coming from changes we have made to the lighting.”

Mr Jon Bolton site director of TATA Steel’s Scunthorpe said that “We will be continuing to focus on reducing our energy costs over the coming months.”

Source –
China exports of steel products up in January

China’s exports of steel products during January totaled at 6.55 million tonnes up by 26.7% from a month ago.

According to the Custom, among them, 419,000 tonnes were section steel; 1.16 million tonnes were bar steel; wire rod products 735,000 tonnes; heavy plate 17,000 tonnes; HRC 4,000 tonnes.

The country increased its exports to Japan by 95.3% to 166,000 tonsne; shipments went to South Korea totaled 11.11 million tonnes up by 20.5%; shipments went to Taiwan remained at 182,000 tonnes, all compared to the previous month.

Source -
ArcelorMittal announces the issuance of EUR 750 million 3pct

ArcelorMittal announced the issuance of EUR 750 million 3.00%. Notes due March 25th 2019.

The closing of the issuance has been completed. The Notes have been issued under the EUR 3 billion wholesale Euro Medium Term Notes Programme of the Issuer. The proceeds of the issuance will be used for general corporate purposes.

Source – Strategic Research Institute

rangerover44 schreef op 26 maart 2014 17:06:

Ik weet alleen niet of het zo verstandig is om outokumpu te kopen op deze koers maar aan de andere kant je kan er geen buil aan vallen als je er niet te veel van koopt en een aantal jaren lang op de plank laat liggen.

Het zit 'm in verwatering van aandelen. Van 180 miljoen in 2011 tot ruim 10 miljard nu!
Auto Steel is a Global Bright Spot

By Reuben Brewer | More Articles | Save For Later
March 27, 2014 | Comments (0)

The steel industry has been plagued by overcapacity in recent years. However, there have been some bright spots, including the auto sector. AK Steel (NYSE: AKS ) has been touting its growth in that sector domestically, but China is also seeing increased demand for lightweight auto steel. ArcelorMittal (NYSE: MT ) is looking to sate that demand.

Too much steel, mostly
AK Steel hasn't been shy about its concerns over imported steel, with CEO James Wainscott saying in the third quarter that, "...we should not have to compete with unfairly traded imports, which are dumped here at below-cost prices and are subsidized by foreign governments, which is exactly what we are competing against today."

(Source: Bundesarchiv, via Wikimedia Commons)

He was specifically speaking about electrical steel, an important industry segment for the company. However, he isn't alone in his concern about the impact of the global steel industry's overcapacity. For example, Nucor (NYSE: NUE ) CEO John Ferriola has called overcapacity the, "...greatest threat..." to the industry, singling out China as a prime culprit.

That said, both AK Steel and Nucor have been doing well in the auto sector. AK Steel, for example, saw sales in the auto sector rise by 8% in 2013. And, while electrical steel is important for AK Steel, the auto sector is even more important because it represents about half of the company's business.

Nucor's Ferriloa noted in his company's fourth quarter conference call that, "...automotive is very strong now... we believe it will continue to be strong for a while. So our focus will be to continue to move into more automotive applications." He's looking for 5% growth in that segment in 2014.

A global phenomena
So even though the steel industry is suffering through overcapacity concerns, there's clearly sizable demand in some areas. And that's particularly true for companies capable of producing the right varieties of steel, like AK Steel in the auto sector. However, this isn't just a U.S. trend. China's auto sector is growing up fast and that means notable demand for auto steel.

That's why ArcelorMittal has a 49% stake in an auto steel joint venture with Valin Steel Co Ltd of China. According to Wang Jun, chairman of the joint venture, "As China's automotive industry continues to grow rapidly, demand for automotive steel is also rising both in terms of volume and quality." ArcelorMittal is hoping this joint venture will gain market share from the 1.5 to 2 million tons of automotive steel imported into China annually.

But ArcelorMittal isn't alone, South Korea's POSCO (NYSE: PKX ) noted growth in the auto sector when it reported 2013 results, with auto steel sales up 8%. It just built an auto steel plant in China, so it too, is hoping to gain market share as more Chinese auto steel is made domestically. It's worth noting that POSCO is expanding its auto steel presence in India and Mexico via new plant openings, as well.

(Source: Taneli Rajala, via Wikimedia Commons)

Everyone loves cars
Clearly, auto is a bright spot for steel the world over. That's backed by results at big automakers like Ford (NYSE: F ) , where CFO Robert Shanks noted during his company's fourth quarter conference call that the company's wholesale volume in China was up 50% in 2013. No wonder the broader steel industry is excited about the auto market. For starters, there's growth around the world. And secondly, based on the import of auto steel into China, there isn't much in the way of oversupply and dumping going on.

Although this one niche in the steel industry isn't enough to justify jumping aboard a steel maker, it does provide a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. AK Steel is big in the niche, but it's been losing money for five straight years. Nucor, which has only posted a loss once in the last decade, might be a better bet if you are looking to invest in a U.S. company. For direct Asian exposure, POSCO and ArcelorMittal are good options, but make sure to closely examine their global footprint before buying in.
Corné van Zeijl beantwoordt 7 lezersvragen

VRIJDAG 28 MAART 2014, 09:42 uur | 1386 keer gelezen

In een nieuwe rubriek op geven we jou de kans om jouw vraag voor te leggen aan experts uit de beleggingswereld. Deze week hebben de bezoekers van hun vragen kunnen achterlaten voor Corné van Zeijl van SNS Asset Management. Wij leggen hem vandaag de zeven meest originele of meest gestelde vragen voor.

Waarom is ArcelorMittal zo sterk gedaald terwijl veel analisten het aandeel tipten als favoriet?

‘Het aandeel is zo gezakt omdat de Chinese economie tegenvalt. Zo is de Chinese inkoopmanagersindex al 8 maanden op rij gedaald en dat zijn niet de omstandigheden waar ArcelorMittal het van moet hebben. Persoonlijk had ik gedacht dat het herstel uit Europa en de Verenigde Staten dit zou compenseren. Die verwachtingen worden tot nu toe nog niet waargemaakt en analisten worden terughoudender op het aandeel. Men had namelijk een economisch herstel verwacht en dat is er, maar niet dusdanig dan het genoeg is. Arcelor profiteert er in ieder geval niet van.’

Voor de rest, zie link:
Australian BREE crushes iron ore forecasts

Australia’s preternaturally bullish commodity forecaster is back with its quarterly review and s dramatically cut prices for this year and next.

In December it said
For 2013 as a whole, spot prices are expected to average around USD 126 per tonne. In 2014, spot prices are forecast to moderate to average around USD 119 per tonne.

Now it says
The average FOB Australia spot price is still expected to average USD 111 per tonne for the March quarter and recover later in 2014, led by increasing construction activity in the northern summer that should support a rebound in steel demand (particularly in light of recently announced government spending on urban development projects). However, iron ore prices are not expected to recover to the high levels seen in 2013 due to the increased availability of supplies from new mines starting up in Australia in 2014. For the full year, the FOB Australia spot price is forecast to average AUD 110 a tonne. That’s one of the most bearish forecasts in the market, almost down to Goldman’s AUD 108. The future is further declines:

The continued increase in seaborne supply through 2014 and 2015 is forecast to drive spot prices lower, to an average of USD 103 per tonne in 2015. Price fluctuations are likely to lower prices at times through 2015, but the high cost of China’s domestic production is still expected to support a higher average price for the year. Any sustained period of CFR North China prices below USD 100 per tonne should result in higher cost Chinese producers closing down mines if China’s announced market reforms extend to the iron ore industry.

Over the remainder of the outlook period to 2019, continued growth in the availability of seaborne material, coming from large new developments in both Brazil and Australia, are projected to place further downward pressure on iron ore prices. In 2019 the average FOB Australia price is projected to be around USD 87 per tonne (in 2014 US dollars).

It’s still not bearish enough but at least it’s now in the right hemisphere. BREE is also forecasting big volume gains to offset the price declines: As has been the case for the entire time I have reported on BREE’s forecasts, these kinds volume increases are going to smash the price far lower than the forecasts.

Source –

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Koers 30,000
Verschil -0,480 (-1,57%)
Hoog 30,770
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Volume 282.693
Volume gemiddeld 2.986.909
Volume gisteren 4.319.928