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Tata Steel en vakbonden weer in gesprek

DONDERDAG 13 MAART 2014, 13:07 uur | 57 keer gelezen

IJMUIDEN (AFN) - De vakbonden gaan toch weer praten met de directie van staalconcern Tata Steel over een nieuwe cao. Ze gaan donderdagmiddag om de tafel. Volgens bestuurder Aad in 't Veld van FNV Bondgenoten is Tata Steel bereid om ,,serieus op onze eisen in te gaan''.

De vakbonden hadden eerder deze week gedreigd met langdurige stakingen. Vanaf vrijdagochtend zouden werknemers gaan staken, na het verstrijken van een ultimatum. Het ultimatum en de stakingsdreiging blijven staan. “Als er een resultaat komt uit de onderhandelingen, dan worden stakingen opgeschort tot onze leden die werken bij Tata Steel akkoord zijn. Zij bepalen of het goed is”, zegt In 't Veld.

Tata Steel bevestigde dat de onderhandelingen donderdagmiddag worden hervat. De directie van het bedrijf in IJmuiden zegt haar “voorstellenbrief”, die volgens de vakbonden louter verslechteringen bevatte, te hebben ingetrokken. De vakbonden hadden dit als voorwaarde gesteld voor eventuele nieuwe onderhandelingen.

Het bedrijf streeft naar een cao “die recht doet aan de werknemers, het bedrijf en de economische situatie van de staalindustrie in Europa”, aldus een verklaring. Bij Tata Steel Nederland, het vroegere Hoogovens, werken ongeveer 9000 mensen.
ArcelorMittal investeert in Brazilië

DONDERDAG 13 MAART 2014, 11:38 uur | 480 keer gelezen

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal investeert circa 15 miljoen dollar in de productie van staal voor de automotive-industrie in Brazilië. Dat werd donderdag bekendgemaakt.

De investering wordt gedaan in een productielijn van de Vega do Sul fabriek in Zuid-Brazilië, waar het bedrijf dan zogenoemd Usibor-staal kan produceren. Usibor is een door druk gehard boriumstaal met een aluminium-silicium coating, waarmee autofabrikanten lichtere voertuigen kunnen produceren.
Indian steel mills bite the dust amidst poor long demand in India

After having hiked price about a week ago by INR 500-1000 per tonne Indian mills have already gone on the back foot with crashing retail levels for pencil ingot and TMT in India

It is learnt that some of the mills have been offering discount of INR 200-500 per tonne to spur buying.

Even though low inventory with some of the mills has smothered the impact of price collapse nonetheless slow demand from construction sector has done the devil.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Metal stocks plunge on worries over China slowdown

BL reported that shares of metal companies plunged as much as 5.5% as weaker than estimated Chinese trade data stoked concern over the outlook for the world’s second largest economy.

TATA Steel’s stock tanked 5.52%, while Hindalco Industries was down 3.69% and Sesa Sterlite lost 3.63% on the BSE. Among others, JSW Steel fell by 3.51%, while Jindal Steel & Power lost 2.75%.

Similarly, shares of NMDC dropped 2.53% and Bhushan Steel shed 0.43%. Tracking the losses in these stocks, the BSE metal index ended the day 3.44% lower at 8,933.63, suffering the most among the 13 sectoral indices. Meanwhile, in the broader market the BSE Sensex ended at 21,826.42, down 108.41 points or 0.49%.

Source - Business Line
Selling pressure accelerate iron ore price decline in China

The rot which set in last weekend on weak economic cues in China has triggered chain reaction in credit based transactions.

One of the prime reasons for whirlwind pick up in iron ore imports in China touching an all-time high of 87 million tonne in January was the use of stocks as collateral for credit from Banks by steel mills.

It is learnt that due to sudden crash in Iron ore price level by 10% last Monday and dipping futures for both iron ore and rebar steel mills and traders are in quandary to liquidate stocks and repay loan.

Iron ore stockpiles have touched an abnormally high level of 105 million tonne. About 25% to 30% of all iron ore stockpiled at major Chinese ports is tied to financing deals and owners of those cargoes were rushing to liquidate them to repay loans to banks.

The increasing use of iron ore for financing had been used as an explanation for why China had been maintaining its insatiable hunger for the raw material even as an economic slowdown threatens to hit steel demand.

It is likely to accentuate the misery by accelerating the downslide in the coming days.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
64 CEOs of the European steel industry sign petition on climate targets - EUROFER

On March 20th to 21st 2014, the EU Heads of state and governments will discuss about EU industrial competitiveness and energy and climate targets.

We all share the ambition to find an effective response to climate change. However, hopes for the early conclusion of a global agreement providing a level playing field have been dashed and, with the best will in the world, the likelihood of an agreement in 2015 creating a truly level playing field is remote.

We, the undersigned CEOs, urge the heads of state and governments to restore balance between industrial, energy and climate policies in order to preserve the competitiveness of the industries which are at the core of the European economy.

64 CEOs of the European Steel Industry, amongst them EUROFER President Mr Wolfgang Eder CEO voestalpine AG, Mr Aditya Mittal CEO ArcelorMittal Europe and Mr Karl Koehler CEO and Managing Director Tata Steel, believe in a solution for a real win win EU energy and climate policy without damaging Europe’s manufacturing industries.

This spring in Brussels is a unique opportunity to safeguard the global competitiveness of Europe’s trade and energy intensive industries such as steel. The starting point, though, was bumpy. The Commission has set new ambitious unilateral climate targets for Europe up to 2030 while details are missing. No industry can be expected to make investment decisions on this basis.

The proposed EU ETS target of 43% CO2 emission reduction by 2030 compared to 2005 means a 60% reduction for the EU steel industry compared to 1990, which is technically and economically impossible to achieve with current technologies. This has been confirmed by studies of the EU’s Joint Research Centre. With the so-called correction factor cutting down free allocation since 2013 even the most efficient steelmaker in Europe will have a cost disadvantage vis a vis its non-European competitors. Some of the most efficient steel plants may have to buy up to 30% of their needs in emission permits already by 2020.

The current surplus from the crisis will in the short term turn into a huge shortage. The current EU ETS directive and 2030 proposal does not solve this problem but worsens in that that these most efficient plants could be obliged to buy up to 80% of their allowances in 2021 and 100% in 2027, if they still exist.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Fall in iron ore price could cost AUD 4 billion to Australia

An astounding 12% slide in the price of iron ore could wipe as much as AUD 4 billion off budget revenues.

The iron ore price crashed 8% after sliding about 4% late last week. The price of USD 104.70 per tonne is the lowest since October 2012. At the time of the December budget update, the iron ore price was USD 120 per tonne.

Mr Hockey Treasurer said that if the pension age was to be lifted further ''it would be over a very extensive period of time. Just to go back to when Labor was in government, they increased the pension age from 65 to 67 and that starts in a few years' time. They gave a lot of notice, as you need to do if you're going to do these things.'

Mr Stephen Anthony budget analyst analyst of Former Treasury said “while the December budget update had factored in a fall in the iron ore price, it had held up until recently. Australia's largest taxpayer, Rio Tinto, believes that for each dollar the iron ore price falls it will lose AUD 120 million in profit. BHP also loses AUD 120 million for each dollar the price slides.

Mr Anthony said that if the new lower price held, taxation income in the next financial year would be about AUD 4 billion lower. Income would slide a further AUD 2 billion the following financial year.

Mr Chris Richardson former Treasury forecaster of Access Economics said that ''Until recently, we have had unexpected good news on the iron ore price. This sudden fall returns it to Earth.''

Source -
Vale USD 1 billion investments in Simandou iron ore project under threat

Vale might find USD 1 billion in investments at the Simandou iron ore deposit wiped out if the Guinean government accepts and implements the recommendations of a technical committee.

This committee had been set up to review mining concessions awarded under previous administrations. It has recommended that Vale and its partner BSGR should be stripped of the rights to exploit Simandou because BSGR obtained the concession through corruption. The committee wants the tendering process for the northern part of Simandou to be conducted again. The committee will submit its recommendations to a strategic committee which will take a final decision.

If the recommendations are accepted, Vale’s investments worth USD 1 billion will have to be written off. It is not clear whether the company will be compensated for the amount it has already paid to BSGR for acquiring a 51% stake in northern Simandou in the first place. A re tendering process will also witness Vale’s competitors like Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton competing for the deposit.

However, a more immediate concern would be the possibility of international arbitration because BSGR has threatened to take this route if stripped of its ownership. This would mean a lengthy and protracted legal battle which will simply delay progress with mining the disputed deposit.

A Recap On The Simandou Project;
It is widely acknowledged in the mining industry that Simandou holds one of the world’s best undeveloped iron ore deposits. The iron content in the ore is so high that experts say it requires very little processing. The problem is that the mine is located 700 kilometers from Guinea’s coast which means that it will cost at least USD 10 billion to exploit. A lot of transportation infrastructure will have to be put in place before the ore can be monetized.

Rio Tinto was granted rights to mine Simandou in the 1990's by the then dictatorial regime. In 2008, the regime of the day stripped Rio of rights to half the concession saying that it had missed deadlines to start mining. The half taken away was given to Beny Steinmetz Group Resources, which in turn sold a 51% stake to Vale in 2010 for USD 2.5 billion.

After paying USD 2.5 billion, Vale’s plans were upset after the surprise end of military rule and the introduction of a new mining code in Guinea. The government declared that all contracts would be reviewed and reworked. It said that it would cancel licenses obtained through bribes and secure a minimum minority stake for the state in all projects.

A government committee launched a corruption probe to find how BSGR got awarded for just USD 160 million the half of Simandou stripped from Rio Tinto. It also questioned whether BSGR ever intended to mine its half of Simandou or simply acquired the rights in order to sell them at a higher price. At the time, BSGR rejected the allegations and defended itself by saying that it wouldn’t get paid unless the project got going.

Source - Proactive Investor
Japan's steel export in Jan 3303000 tonnes but down 6pct from Dec

The Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF) gathered and released on 4th statistics on steel export (on all steel basis) in January 2014.

According to this, steel export in January was 3,303,000 tonnes. Export amount in the dollar was 3 billion 122 million and that in the yen was 326.5 billion. Compared with the same month last year, its quantity decreased by 9.7% for 5 months in a row and its amount in the dollar decreased by 4.7% for 20 months in a row while that in the yen increased by 14.0% for 8 months in a row.

Compared with the previous month, its quantity decreased by 6.3% for the first time in 3 months, and its amount decreased by 12.4% in the dollar and did by 10.3% in the yen both for the first time in 2 months.

Export quantity of ordinary steel products was 2,150,000 per tonne down 8.4% from the same month last year for 3 months in a row and down 6.0% from the previous month for the first time in 2 months.

By item of export with percentage compared with the same month last year;
1. Hot rolled (HR) steel coils (960,000 per tonnes down 5.7%) decreased for 3 months in a row;
2. Galvanized steel sheets and coils (306,000 per tonne down 2.4%) did for 9 months in a row;
3. Steel plates (226,000 per tonne down 30.7%) did for 12 months in a row;
4. Welded and forged steel pipes and tubes (66,000 per tonne down 13.4%) did for 3 months in a row;
5. Steel shapes and sections (36,000 per tonne down 58.1%) did for 2 months in a row and
6. Steel bars (9,000 per tonnes down 64.0%) did for 5 months in a row.

While, cold rolled (CR) steel coils (219,000 per tonnes up 1.5%) increased for the first time in 8 months, electrical steel sheets and coils (69,000 per tonne up 21.0%) did for the first time in 2 months, steel wire rods (54,000 per tonnes up 21.9%) did for the first time in 2 months, and seamless steel pipes and tubes (48,000 per tonnes up 17.2%) did for the first time in 2 months.

By item of export with percentage compared with the previous month, bars (down 53.8%), shapes and sections (down 50.4%), CR coils (down 17.8%), welded/forged pipes/tubes (down 17.3%), plates (down 9.6%), galvanized sheets/coils (down 7.9%) and so on decreased respectively. While, seamless pipes/tubes (up 32.1%), wire rods (up 19.9%), electrical sheets/coils (up 8.6%), HR coils (up 3.1%) and so on increased respectively.

Source - The TEX Report
Mittal Champions Trust shutting down - Blow to Indian Sports Fraternity

Indian Express reported that the Mittal Champions Trust, which funded several of the country’s top athletes has shut shop.

The non profit trust financed by steel billionaire Mr LN Mittal, founded in 2005 was associated with nearly 40 top athletes, including 2 Olympic medallists, 16 medal winners at the 2010 Asian Games and 12 at the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

MCT decided to focus on a few Olympic disciplines such as shooting, swimming, archery, boxing, wrestling, squash and athletics. They provided the necessary infrastructure and coaches for the athletes in order to enable them to compete against the world’s best.

Abhinav Bindra, Ronjan Sodhi, Heena Sidhu and Joydeep Karmakar in shooting; Laishram Bombayala Devi and Chekrovolu Swuro in archery; Vikas Yadav,Vijender Singh, Akhil Kumar in boxing; Seema Antil, Gurmeet Singh, Krishna Poonia in athletics; Yogeshwar Dutt in wrestling have been some of the beneficiaries of the MCT.

While Mittal’s son in law, Mr Amit Bhatia, did not give an official reason for closing down the operations, the key reason is reported to be budget constraints. Mr Bhatia said that “We believe that we did our best to help athletes at Beijing 2008 and London 2012. It is now time to hand over the reins to others to continue with this wonderful initiative.”

Its closure is likely to prove a huge setback for Indian athletes, who are set to take part in the Commonwealth and Asian Games later this year.

Source - Indian Express
ArcelorMittal to hold job application event Friday

Arcelor Mittal will hold a job application event at the Serbian American Culture Center from 6 A M to 4 P.M Friday.

Mr Mark Glyptis president of USW 29-11 is looking for a wide range of qualifications. Some of those are mechanic or electrical background and industrial experience. More than 200 employees have been hired at the steel mill during the past two years and they hope to hire more.

Source -
Principe-akkoord over cao Tata Steel

DONDERDAG 13 MAART 2014, 19:14 uur | 61 keer gelezen

IJMUIDEN (AFN) - De vakbonden hebben donderdag met staalbedrijf Tata Steel een principeakkoord bereikt over een nieuwe cao. Dreigende stakingen zijn daarmee van de baan, zo maakten de vakbonden na een middag onderhandelen bekend.

De lonen gaan met 2,5 procent omhoog. De onderste loonschalen gaan er meer op vooruit. Die krijgen er 800 euro bij op jaarbasis. De jeugdlonen (van 16 tot en met 20 jaar) gaan er 14 procent op vooruit.

“Ik ben heel erg tevreden met dit resultaat”, zei bestuurder Aad in 't Veld van FNV Bondgenoten. “Dit is een uitstekende cao. We hebben niet alleen fors op koopkracht binnengehaald, maar ook op werkzekerheid. Het werkgelegenheidspact blijft bestaan, waardoor er tot 1 oktober 2016 geen gedwongen ontslagen vallen.”


De vakbonden hadden eerder deze week gedreigd met langdurige stakingen. Vanaf vrijdagochtend zouden werknemers gaan staken, na het verstrijken van een ultimatum. De stakingsdreiging wordt nu opgeschort tot de FNV-leden die werken bij Tata Steel akkoord zijn.

Met het principeakkoord zijn alle voorgestelde verslechteringen van tafel, zoals het afnemen van vakantiedagen van een groep werknemers, het beperken van overwerk- en feestdagtoeslagen en het afpakken van de zeggenschap van de werknemers over adv-dagen, aldus FNV Bondgenoten.

De cao heeft een looptijd van een jaar, van 1 april 2014 tot en met 31 maart 2015 en geldt voor 9000 werkenemers.
Analysts expect iron ore holding above USD 100

SMH reported that iron ore and copper prices are expected to hold up in 2014 despite this week's flash crash. But the future for the metals remains murky.

For this year at least, the majority of analysts expect iron ore to hold above USD 100 per tonne. The extent of its depreciation next year is a topic of hot debate.

Mr Mark Pervan head of commodity research of ANZ said that "Medium term, the ability for the Chinese consumers to stay out of the market for too long is limited. Steel mills have an extremely high dependency on iron ore imports with 75% of demand met by seaborne supply."

Mr Pervan said that the second quarter construction season, which will tap much of the steel stock will provide some buoyancy for the iron ore price. ANZ is forecasting iron ore to finish the year at USD 120 per tonne, slipping to USD 118 next year and USD 110 the following year.

Mr Tom Price commodities analyst of UBS said that he saw USD 20 to USD 25 upside in the price from current levels, as the price headed back toward USD 130 per tonne.

Mr Price said it was unusual to see price drops so early in the year in iron ore and copper, both seasonally affected commodities, but said the reasons were reasonable with high inventories and an ongoing increase in supply.

Source –
Rio Tinto wins approval for iron ore production expansion in Pilbara

Xinhua reported that the government of Western Australia has approved plans by Rio Tinto to increase production at two of its Pilbara iron ore operations.

Mr Colin Barnett WA Premier and State Development Minster said that the approval has cleared the way for the creation of more than 760 new jobs in the Pilbara region. The expansion at Rio Tinto's West Angelas and Western Turner Syncline mines in Pilbara is estimated to cost AUD 880 million.

Mr Barnett said that the West Angelas expansion, which will lift its iron ore production from 29 million tonnes per annum to 35 million tonnes per annum was another sign of confidence in the Pilbara resources sector.

He said that "This expansion is expected to extend the mine's life by approximately 13 years and will involve AUD 680 million capital investment by Rio Tinto and its Robe River joint venture partners."

Mr Barnett said that Rio Tinto is also expected to spend around AUD 200 million to increase production at its Western Turner Syncline mine from 25 million tonne per annum to 30 million tonne per annum.

He said that "These projects are part of Rio Tinto's plans to increase its annual iron ore production in Pilbara towards 360 million tonnes and demonstrate the ongoing commitment of the company and its Robe River JV partners to their WA operations."

Source - Xinhua
Australia's iron ore miners hang tough as prices fall

Reuters reported that if Australian miners are worried about the dramatic decline in iron ore prices, it doesn't show.

At an annual gathering of many of the world's biggest and smallest iron ore producers here the mood is upbeat as if the heftiest one day fall in ore prices since the global financial crisis never happened.

Mr David Flanagan chairman of Atlas Iron Limited said that "Iron ore mining isn't tennis, it's a contact sport. Sometimes it hurts a bit, like you copped it in the stomach. We just get on with it."

Mr Wayne Richards executive chairman of Tawana Resources said that "I'm just not fussed over what's gone on in the market this week. The way I see it, the price was driven down on sentiment, not fundamentals and sentiment will again push the price up."

Source – Reuters
BHPB gives positive forecast for iron ore at industry event

BHP Billiton outlined how its focus on productivity and capital efficient debottlenecking in its iron ore business is delivering value.

Mr Jimmy Wilson president of BHP Billiton Iron Ore while speaking at the AJM Global Iron Ore and Steel Forecast conference reiterated the Company’s view of the iron ore market and its Western Australia Iron Ore business. Our market outlook is for continued strong steel demand growth over the next 10 years. Our view that Chinese crude steel production is expected to peak at 1.1 billion tonnes, around 2025, is unchanged. We remain confident that global demand for iron ore will continue to grow, though at a more moderate rate, driven by urbanization and industrialization.”

Mr Wilson said that “BHP Billiton will retain a favourable position on the iron ore cost curve underpinned by the quality of our resource base. These resources further position us to benefit from an increasing market preference for high quality lump and fines iron ore products.”

Mr Wilson also reiterated the Company’s productivity agenda was underway and delivering significant value. Our journey to deliver sustainable productivity benefits has encompassed a full review of the supply chain across mines, rail and port. Our initial focus on equipment availability, utilization and operating rate was followed by low cost debottlenecking initiatives.

He said that “Across our mines we have realized significant productivity improvements that have resulted in increased shovel, truck and ore handling plant availability and utilization. Where appropriate, we have also installed relocatable crushers to increase high margin volumes.”

He added that “Our Iron Ore business is well positioned to deliver high margin volume growth at a lower cost without the need for an additional mining hub or major port and rail infrastructure.”

Source – AJM
Directie ArcelorMittal Gent: "Laatste Belgische hoogovens dreigen stil te vallen"
14/03/14, 19u29
Staalproducent ArcelorMittal Gent zal vanaf volgende week woensdag, 19 maart, in algemene staking gaan, waardoor "de laatste twee hoogovens die vandaag in België in werking zijn, voor onbepaalde duur dreigen stilgelegd te worden". Dat zegt woordvoerder Jan Cornelis van ArcelorMittal Gent. .

De arbeiders bij ArcelorMittal Gent verwierpen gisteren voor de tweede keer in twee weken de ontwerp-cao. Vakbonden en directie zaten gisterennamiddag samen, maar volgens het gemeenschappelijk vakbondsfront wil de directie niet terugkomen op het akkoord. De vakbonden hadden donderdagavond beslist om de installaties op een veilige manier af te bouwen, zodat de fabriek vanaf volgende week woensdag stilgelegd worden.

De discussie rond de CAO-onderhandelingen sleept al sinds eind januari aan, zegt Cornelis. "Het jongste ontwerpakkoord van 28 februari bevat de volgende krachtlijnen: verlenging van de twee brugpensioenstelsels mits een beperkte bijsturing inzake leeftijd en werkgeversbijdrage; het verbeteren van de groepsverzekering voor arbeiders als belangrijke stap naar het eenheidsstatuut, en tenslotte een bijkomende resultaatpremie gebaseerd op de activiteitsgraad van het bedrijf."

Bij ArcelorMittal in Gent werken ruim 3.200 arbeiders. "ArcelorMittal Gent is vandaag actief in een nog steeds fel verzwakte Europese staalmarkt met een vraag naar staal die nog steeds 25 procent onder het niveau van 2007 ligt. Toch kan de fabriek voluit produceren na concentratie van de productiecapaciteiten binnen de groep ArcelorMittal. De laatste twee hoogovens die vandaag in België in werking zijn, dreigen nu voor onbepaalde duur stilgelegd te worden", zegt Cornelis.

Bron: Belga
Chinese steel mills caught in credit squeeze

Chinese steel companies, the world's largest, helped drive a regional industry benchmark index to 7 month low as concern builds that some mills face financial difficulty amid a government credit squeeze.

Mr Yunde Li chairman of Ishine, a unit of China Zhongsheng Resources said that "They are having trouble accessing finance which processes iron ore in Shandong. Some of Ishine's steel mill customers could not make their payments to his firm.”

According to Morgan Stanley, closely held steel mills in China are struggling to get funding and that has led to panic selling of iron ore. The mainland's top banking regulator said this week strict credit guidelines would be imposed on mills that were big polluters and users of energy.

Mr Henry Liu Hong Kong-based executive director of China Merchants Capital and head of its commodities research department said that "The capital squeeze on steel traders has started to affect mills. It looks like the credit crunch is worsening."

Mr Hu Shunliang investor affair representative with Maanshan Iron & Steel said that "There are talks some mills are facing tightening credit, as they may be charged with higher interest rates on loans. It had not affected Maanshan, the second-largest listed steelmaker in Hong Kong.”

Premier Li Keqiang's strategy of driving up interest rates to reduce leverage is exposing the extent of the shadow banking network as companies struggle to repay loans from trusts, asset managers and commodity funding businesses. About 40% of the iron ore at China's ports was part of finance deals, Mysteel Research estimates.

Mr Shang Fulin chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission said that "China is moving to trim small steel companies to eliminate overcapacity. If highly polluting and highly energy consuming companies don't meet environmental evaluation requirements banks won't issue loans to them."

Source - Reuters
China steel export in Feb 4800000 tonnes and down 29pct from Jan

According to information released by the General Administration of China Customs, China's export quantity of steel products in February this year was 4,800,000 tonnes largely down 29.1% from the previous month which remained, though, at a high level of the higher end of the 400,000 per tonnes mark.

China's export in February usually drops partly due to few business days as the Chinese New Year holidays are included. Therefore, it seems to have fallen this time as usual. Compared to the same month last year, it increased by 13.2%. Its cumulative export quantity in January to February was 11,570,000 per tonne up 26.3% from the same period last year. Incidentally, its import quantity of steel ingots and semi finished products had not been released since January.

While, China's import quantity of steel products in February was 980,000 per tonne down 27.4% from the previous month and up 8.9% from the same month last year. It had been for the first time in a year since February last year that its import quantity had dipped below 1 million tonnes. Its cumulative import quantity of them in January to February was 2,340,000 per tonne up 17.0% from the same period last year. Import quantity of ingots and semi-finished products had not been disclosed since January the same as its export quantity of them.

Source - The TEX Report
Russian steel scrap recyclers to be hit by Crimea crisis

According to Mr Victor Kovshevny, MD of metal markets research body Rusmet, recent events in Ukraine and on the Crimea peninsula in particular will impact Russia's scrap metal exports. He said that “Due to the crisis, transit through Ukrainian ports will obviously fall by several times while you may expect an increased loss of cargo.”

Mr Kovshevny believes that the political and social instability in Ukraine is proving increasingly damaging to the economies of both Russia and the broader Black Sea region. Although no more than 7% of Russia’s scrap metal exports go through Ukrainian ports, Russian recyclers and traders will surely feel some pain.

He said that “Scrap exports to Ukraine will fall by 2 of 3 times due to the drop in paying capacity and shipment reliability. Supplies of Russian scrap to the global market will decrease. Russia does not import scrap from Ukraine.”

The world's biggest steel scrap importer Turkey is also increasingly concerned about the situation. Mr Selim Argun of the Istanbul based Metkim sales company which annually imports around 1.4 million tonne of steel scrap into Turkey, said that “Since we have a big business flow with Ukraine and Russia, the unrest in Crimea is worrying us for sure.”

Recycling International will run an in-depth report on the latest developments in Russia's scrap metals industries in its April issue.

Source -
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