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Severstal exporting Chinese CR to EU on lower duties - Report

Reuters reported that Russian steel giant Severstal said it is exporting Chinese cold rolled steel to the European Union, instead of its own Russian steel, because EU anti-dumping duties on the Chinese product are much lower. The report quoted CEO Mr Vadim Larin as saying that "We've started buying Chinese cold rolled for our steel service centres. There are very low duties on Chinese cold rolled so we're better off bringing in from China.”

Mr Larin said cold rolled steel sales to the EU account for around 2 percent of Severstal's total sales, while hot rolled EU steel sales account for about 6-7 percent of the company's total sales volumes. He said "If the (hot rolled steel) duties are imposed it will affect us. We will have to move volumes from Europe to farther regions and we will lose margins.’

The EU in August imposed duties of up to 22.1 percent on Chinese cold rolled steel and of up to 36.1 percent on Russian exports of the product. The European Commission is also investigating alleged dumping of hot-rolled steel by producers in Brazil, Iran, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. That could lead to duties imposed by April next year.

Source : Reuters
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal H1 profit dips

Japan's Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal announced that its six month profit fell nearly 91% from a year earlier due to slumping demand at home and in China.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Outokumpu behaalt meer winst

Omzet daalt licht.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Outokumpu heeft in het derde kwartaal meer winst behaald, maar zag de omzet en staalleveringen afnemen. Dit bleek donderdag uit de resultaten van de Finse fabrikant van roestvast staal.

De sectorgenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam zei dat de verbeterende winstgevendheid vooral het gevolg was van vooruitgang in de Amerikaanse activiteiten en een verbetering van het sentiment in de Europese markten.

"De Amerika's hebben wederom een recordniveau bereikt qua leveringen en bleven de financiele prestaties verbeteren, waarmee de verliezen afnamen tot 7 miljoen euro's. Europa zette zijn stabiele vooruitgang door en rapporteerde zijn sterkste derde kwartaal ooit", zei CEO Roeland Baan.

Het onderliggende bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) bedroeg 119 miljoen euro, ten opzichte van 62 miljoen euro in het tweede kwartaal en 13 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. Onder aan de streep bleef een winst over van 13 miljoen euro, waar een jaar terug nog een verlies werd geleden van 115 miljoen euro.

De omzet zakte van 1.487 miljoen euro vorig jaar naar 1.419 miljoen euro.

Outokumpu leverde 608.000 ton staal af in het kwartaal. Een jaar terug was dit nog 570.000 ton staal.


De Finnen verwachten dat de onderliggende vraag naar roestvast staal zowel in Europa als in Amerika gezond zal blijven in het vierde kwartaal. Wel rekent Outokumpu op een verzwakking richting het jaareinde, vanwege de vakantieperiode.

Ook verwacht de staalfabrikant dat de basisprijzen zullen stijgen, wat een licht positief effect zal hebben op de winstgevendheid in de laatste drie maanden.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Glencore positiever over grondstoffenhandel

Gepubliceerd op 3 nov 2016 om 09:09 | Views: 1.316

BAAR (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Glencore, 's werelds grootste grondstoffenhandelaar, is iets positiever geworden over de vooruitzichten van zijn handelsdivisie. De onderneming heeft donderdag de winstverwachting voor het onderdeel opgevoerd.

Glencore rekent hier voor heel dit jaar nu op een winst voor rente en belastingen tussen de 2,5 miljard en 2,7 miljard dollar. Dat komt neer op een kleine verbetering ten opzichte van de eerdere prognose van 2,4 miljard tot 2,7 miljard dollar. Glencore gaf geen reden voor de bijstelling.

In een handelsbericht meldde het bedrijf donderdag verder dat de eigen grondstoffenproductie zich in het derde kwartaal naar verwachting heeft ontwikkeld. De kolen-, olie-, koper- en zinkwinning liet zoals eerder aangekondigd een daling zien. De nikkelproductie kwam wel hoger uit dan in de vergelijkbare periode vorig jaar.

De grondstoffengigant is al een tijd bezig om met vergaande maatregelen de moeilijke marktomstandigheden het hoofd te bieden. Zo werkt het bedrijf aan verkopen van bedrijfsonderdelen ter waarde van 4 miljard à 5 miljard dollar. Daar is Glencore inmiddels bijna mee klaar.
Payments start for victims of Formosa steel unit in Vietnam

The China Post reported that people from Ha Tinh Province's Loc Ha District, one of the worst affected by the marine environment disaster earlier this year, started getting compensation. The district's compensation package is around USD 12 million.

The district government had approved the compensation package for damages as a result of a toxic spill caused by Hung Nghiep Formosa-Ha Tinh Steel Company.

Loc Ha is the first district in Ha Tinh Province to have started handing out compensation to affected people as part of the USD 500 million package that Formosa has pledged.

Around 5,000 workers in the district have been directly affected by the pollution, while another 744 have been indirectly hit.

Ha Tinh's provincial Party's Committee secretary, Mr Le Dinh Son said that "It's essential that people use their compensation appropriately. The management board in charge of compensation payment must make the process as easy as possible for those affected.”

Source : China Post
Akers National Roll may idle part of steel plant for 60 days

Ampco-Pittsburgh Corp announced it could idle part of an Avonmore steel plant as part of a restructuring of its global cast roll division.

Akers National Roll Co which is owned by Ampco-Pittsburgh's Union Electric Steel Corp said it had issued a 60 day notice of potential layoffs under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act to some of its employees at the Avonmore plant. The layoffs would begin in January 2017, although a statement by Ampco-Pittsburgh wasn't clear on how many employees would be impacted.

Union Electric Steel Corp. President Rodney Scagline in a statement that “Union Electric Steel is restructuring its global cast roll operations to be more competitive in current market conditions. Cast roll demand in 2016 has continued to decline, resulting in low utilization rates at our cast roll manufacturing plants. Akers National Roll has been especially challenged due to a high-cost structure, made worse by a strong US dollar."

Source : Biz Journal
TMK-GIPI bags major pipe supply order from Petroleum Development Oman

Muscat Daily reported that Petroleum Development Oman has signed a 4 year USD 200 million pipe supply contract with Gulf International Pipe Industry. TMK-GIPI mill based in the Sohar Industrial Estate will manufacture a variety of pipelines - of 6" to 24" diameter - for both PDO and other operators

TMK-GIPI is the first manufacturer of high-pressure steel line pipes and casing pipes in Oman and its production plant is also the first in the region to make high pressure 24" electric resistance welded (ERW) steel pipes.

As a result of the contract award, the company will expand its current production range and introduce a new manufacturing line for small pipeline categories to cater for high demand of such sizes from PDO and the rest of the oil and gas industry.

TMK-GIPI was established as a limited liability company in the sultanate in January 2007 and has an Omanisation rate of 45 per cent.

Source : Muscat Daily
LISCO hikes steel prices on reduction in production

Libya Observer reported that Misrata-based Libya Iron and Steel Company has linked the raise in its products’ prices to the increase of their cost, which it said is tied to the reduction in production at the factory following pressure to cut down its use of electricity and natural gas.

The media official at the factory, Mr Mohammed Al-Khamariya said they are coordinating with the control center at the General Electricity Company on a daily basis to make the factory work with total power that does not exceed 25% of its full power capacity, adding that the factory was burdened with tiring expenses as well.

The media official indicated that “Until today, we’re still paying workers who have gone to fight for the liberation of Sirte from IS and those are 700, not to mention those who are on checkpoints as well as the workers who were killed and injured during 2011 revolution.”

He added that one of the reasons that the prices went up is protecting the local products, which are oftentimes sold in the neighboring countries, as smugglers usually sell Libya’s iron and steel to the neighboring countries to take the edge of the low rates of the Libyan dinar.

Source : Libya Observer
US steel imports in October dip by 4.7% MoM

Based on the Commerce Department’s most recent Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis data, the American Iron and Steel Institute has reported that steel import permit applications for the month of October totaled 2,774,000 net tons (NT)*.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
R&K Trading to launch steel processing plant in Myanmar

Nikkei reported that Japanese iron and steel trader R&K Trading will begin operations at a JPY 1.5 billion (USD 14.3 million) factory this month, launching what will be Myanmar's largest steel processing site. The factory, located in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone, has an annual production capacity of 120,000 tonnes. It will mass-produce such products as construction materials using steel imported from Japan.

Aiming to differentiate its products from Chinese ones, R&K Trading installed state-of-the-art machinery in the factory. In future, the company will supply high-value-added steel for use in bridge and ship building.

The company aims to lower production costs by processing some steel in Myanmar while also tailoring products to customer needs.

At present, construction in Myanmar is booming amid rapid economic growth, which has boosted steel demand. Yet, since the country lacks production facilities, most materials are imported from China, and quality has been an issue.

Source : Nikkei
Ukraine steel output in 10 months up by 5%

Reuters reported that Ukraine's steel production rose 5 percent in the first ten months of the year to 20.2 million tonnes as the industry recovered slightly from a sharp war-related fall in output last year, producers said on Wednesday.

Ukraine's steel production fell by 16% to 22.9 million tonnes in 2015, largely due to the conflict in the east of the country where most of its steel plants are based.

Data from the producers' union Metallurgprom showed pig iron output rose by 9% to 19.6 million tonnes between January and October this year, while rolled steel production rose by 7% to 17.9 million tonnes.

The producers said Ukrainian steel plants expect to produce 1.9 million tonnes of steel, 1.9 million tonnes of pig iron and 1.7 million tonnes of rolled steel in November.

Source : Reuters
Ferroalloy prices surge in Japan

Nikkei reported that ferroalloys have become more expensive in Japan as reduced supply from China, South Africa and elsewhere have pushed up import prices and that steelmakers here may have to raise product prices to pass on higher materials costs.

Ferrosilicon now trades for around JPY 140,000 (USD 1,355) per tonne, up 7% from a recent low in September and the highest in 17 months. The price of silico manganese has climbed 5% from its low last month to about JPY 115,000. Ferrochrome has risen 7%.

China accounts for about 60% of world production of ferrosilicon. Supply has fallen due in part to a mass crackdown by Beijing in June on exports via third countries -- an attempt to evade taxes -- and as producers consolidate operations. With Chinese supplies costlier, steelmakers around the world have flocked to a relatively cheap Russian variety. But Russia has not kept up with the demand surge, and its supply has been unstable.

Chinese supplies of silicomanganese, production of which takes a heavy toll on the environment, have fallen due to stricter regulations. China and India are the main producers but even China is stepping up purchases from India now. Indian producers are turning down new orders from Japanese trading companies, according to an industry insider.

The market for ferrochrome, mainly produced in South Africa, also has tightened as multiple producers suspended operations. The Chinese are slowing production as well.

Source : Nikkei
Egyptian steel mills hike rebar prices for November

Amwal Al Ghad quoted Mr Gamal El-Garhy Head of Chamber of Metallurgical Industries as saying that local steel manufacturers are set to raise steel prices by EGP 1,000 Egyptian or 15 percent in November

Speaking to Amwal Al Ghad, Mr El-Garhy clarified that the price of Ezz steel reached EGP 8,850 per tonne while the price of Beshay steel recorded EGP 8,815 per tonne and Solb Misr group steel prices hit EGP 8,500 per tonne.

The official noted that dollar prices rose by 20 percent within the last 15 days on the black market as well as billet whose prices increased by USD 45 to hit USD 375 per tonne, accordingly, the firms incur severe losses .

Source : Amwalalghad
Mobarakeh Steel plans expansion and focus to domestic market

Financial Tribune reported that according to Mr Bahram Sobhani managing director of Mobarakeh Steel Company, Iran’s largest industrial complex plans to increase its annual steel production capacity to 10.3 million tonnes by the end of the current fiscal year (March 20, 2017). MSC is betting on a new continuous casting machine with a 1.8 million tonne annual production capacity for its expansion plans.

According to Mr Sobhani, MSC is also counting on the conclusion of other projects for its expansion. These include a pellet-making plant near the Afghan border with a 5 million tonne annual output capacity and a 5 million-tonne iron ore concentrate plant at Sangan mineral zone in Khorasan Razavi Province.

Increased domestic demand for hot-rolled coil steel has prompted the sole Iranian exporter of the industrial material to shift its focus on sales strategy to the domestic market while trying to capitalize on the improved local demand. Mr Mahmoud Akbari deputy head of sales at MSC said that “The priority of Mobarakeh Steel Company is to supply Iran’s downstream manufacturers, while export is of secondary importance.”

Together with its subsidiaries, MSC is Iran’s largest steelmaker and flat steel producer, accounting for approximately 50% of the country’s total steel output and also holds the same share from domestic flat steel consumption, which stood at around 7.5 million tonnes in the last fiscal year (ended March 20, 2016). The company produced about 5.5 million tonnes of flat products, with 70% of this volume allocated for the local market over the year.

MSC exported 1.07 million tonnes of steel and steel products during the first half of the current fiscal year, up 44% compared with last year’s corresponding period, according to Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation. The company’s monthly export performance, however, took a hit in the sixth month of the year as shipments dropped by 52% to 88,664 tonsne.

Moreover, MSC and its subsidiaries produced over 3.6 million tonnes of crude steel and 2.8 million tonnes of steel products during the six-month period, nearly the same as in last year’s similar period.

Source : Financial Tribune
SAIL posts 20% sales growth during Apr-Oct’16 period

Steel Authority of India Ltd has witnessed a robust growth in total sales during the April-October’16 period of 20% over the corresponding period last year (CPLY).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel Price Scenerio in Nov/Dec & Q4

Uncertainty Prevails in Steel Price Trends

Although PMI (HSBC Markit Purchasing Manager Index), for top 5 steel making nations – China, Japan, India, US and Russia (Accounting for almost 73% production) for October signals across the board improvement in manufacturing conditions, significant steel demand growth in short term remains elusive with winter led slowdown in many regions. On the other hand, BF based steel makers, which are facing higher coking coal costs almost USD 100 per tonne, are looking to increase their prices. Chinese steel mills, to capitalize on improved realization, have been running at full throttle in last 4-5 months and are hiking their domestic & export prices regularly thus elevating global levels giving space to steel mills in other exporting countries to aim for higher prices. However, the prospects for Indian steel market for both long & flat products remain uncertain as the growth in demand is far less than increased availability putting a question mark on the ability of BF based steel mills to pass on hingher coking coal led costs in next 2-3 months. Theoritically, prime producers steel prices should go up by about INR 6000 per tonne to offset additional coking coal cost in Q3 and even if passed partially could cause havoc in the market.”  

Despite Supply Side Glut Iron Ore Prices Remain Strong

Seaborne iron ore market has been rocking since October beginning with spot prices for benchmark 62% fines now hovering slightly above USD 65 mark as severe weakening in Chinese Yuan against USD, ie ample onshore money supply chasing a limited menu of accessible dollar-linked assets, has resulted in increased speculations on commodity futures in China keeping iron ore hot. But rising iron ore supply, as evidenced by surging imports and rising port inventory, combined with very weak steel margins and seasonally lower steel production in the months ahead should combine to send iron ore prices back towards the more fundamentally sustainable USD 50 a tonne level.
Coking coal price explosion spreads to November

Signaling that supply side tightness in seaborne coking coal, rather than subsiding, is increasing the prices of prime hard coking surged further by USD 7 per tonne (2.8%) to USD 255 FOB Australia on Tuesday higher by USD 55 per tonne than Q4 benchmark of USD 200. A host of factors including mine closures and flood hit logistic issues in China, supply side disruption & geological issues in many mines in Australia & non availability from US amid higher appetite from Chinese steel mills thriving on good margins on strong steel prices have resulted in this surge. Although normalcy in operations was expected to return in short term, reverse seems to be happening as seen in continued surge. Heavy rains in coming months in Queensland could push prices to USD 300 plus levels last seen in Q1 of 2011.”

Cost of BF based Steel Production to increase

As a result, steel making cost, which is now facing additional burden of about USD 85(USD 200-92=108*0.8) for benchmark based buyers, could further go up by USD 100 in Jan-Mar quarter & for spot buyers, a real nightmare for steel mills as well as users. Japan's biggest steelmaker Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp is seeking an increase in product prices of about JPY 10,000 (USD 96) per tonne from customers. Mr Kosei Shindo president of Nippon Steel said that "Given the surge in coking coal prices, we are now seeking an increase in steel product prices by JPY 10,000 a tonne (USD 96+) in total."

Chinese Steel Market Continues to Strengthen

The post-holiday rally in Chinese domestic steel prices is continuing with prices of billets, rebar, wire rod, plates and HR etc posting gains every day thus taking MoM gains to USD 30-50. As a result, Chinese sellers are hiking their export offers on daily basis (Billet USD 350 FOB, HR USD 435) giving respite to steel mills worldwide. However, with likely winter led slowdown in demand, the sustainability of the rally remains doubtful and a steep reduction can not be ruled out.

Source: Strategic Research Institute

Direction for Indian Steel Market remains Hazy
Although October numbers from Joint Plant Committee are awaited, in the first half of 2016-17, India's finished steel consumption stood at 40.561 million tonnes up by just 2.5% YoY while finished steel production grew by 9% YoY to 48.846 million tonnes. Indian long product market, dominated by secondary steel makers, crashed in October to almost nullify flat product sympathy rally in August & September and is at cross roads. However, primary mills, on cost push, are continuing to increase their rebar pricesfor project sales and are currently at INR 34500-35500 plus VAT/CST. On the other hand, Indian flat producers, after imposition of AD duty on flat products in Early August, have managed to improve their realization by INR 2500-4000 per tonne and are operating at INR 36000-37000 plus VAT/CST levels. But the retail market has started to cool in last 15-20 days and retail prices have slid by about INR 1000 setting a negative direction for flat products. Now to offset higher coking coal costs, partially, some of the prime producers have hiked their prices for Novemebr sales (Rebar 500-1400; Wire Rod-1300-1400; Flat products- 1250) and we need to wait for announcements from other mills. However, the important factor is demand growth & availability for the domestic market, which will determine the quantum & timeline of further hikes provided the same is absorbed by the market, which the market player feel is difficult due to sluggish buying. The silver lining is that improved global prices could provide an avenue to Indian steel mills to step up export volumes thus curtailing domestic volumes to regulate pressure on price line.
Beursblik: hoger bedrijfsresultaat Aperam haalbaar

Aandacht gaat uit naar outlook vierde kwartaal.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Aperam heeft in het derde kwartaal mogelijk een hoger bedrijfsresultaat behaald dan een jaar eerder. Dit blijkt uit de taxaties van drie door ABM Financial News geraadpleegde analisten.

De producent van roestvast staal profiteert volgens de analisten van verbeterende marktomstandigheden en het kostenbesparingsprogramma dat momenteel loopt.

Analisten van Goldman Sachs zijn het meest positief en gaan uit van een bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) van bijna 129 miljoen dollar. Marktvorsers van UBS en Berenberg rekenen beiden op 119 miljoen dollar. In het derde kwartaal van 2015 kwam het bedrijfsresultaat uit op 108 miljoen dollar, terwijl dit in het het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar 123 miljoen dollar was. Zelf verwacht Aperam dat het derde kwartaal vergelijkbaar zal zijn als het tweede kwartaal.

De aandacht zal bij de kwartaalcijfers uitgaan naar de verwachtingen voor het vierde kwartaal. Goldman Sachs verwacht positieve opmerkingen van het management over hogere basisprijzen. De Amerikaanse zakenbank gaat zelf uit van een bedrijfsresultaat voor de laatste drie maanden van 2016 van 145 miljoen dollar.

UBS verwacht dat ondanks de recente volatiele nikkelprijzen Aperam de verwachting zal uitspreken dat het bedrijfsresultaat in het vierde kwartaal stabiel zal zijn ten opzichte van het derde kwartaal. De Zwitserse bank rekent ook op hogere basisprijzen, die zullen compenseren voor lagere volumes.

Wat betreft de schuld gaan de marktvorsers van Goldman Sachs uit van een daling van 280 miljoen dollar aan het einde van het tweede kwartaal naar 230 miljoen dollar per ultimo september. Berenberg rekent op een schuldniveau van 240 miljoen dollar.Aperam heeft als doelstelling om de schuld terug te dringen.

Aperam maakt de kwartaalresultaten maandag 7 november nabeurs bekend.

Op een rood Damrak noteerde het aandeel Aperam 1,5 procent lager op 39,53 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
'Bedrijfsresultaat ArcelorMittal stijgt'

Gepubliceerd op 4 nov 2016 om 11:38 | Views: 3.945

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft in het derde kwartaal waarschijnlijk een hoger bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) in de boeken gezet dan een jaar eerder. De omzet is naar verwachting van analisten licht gedaald. De grootste staalfabrikant ter wereld publiceert dinsdag voorbeurs resultaten.

Uit een consensus opgesteld door Bloomberg komt een ebitda naar voren van 1,96 miljard dollar. Een jaar eerder was dat 1,35 miljard dollar. De omzet is naar verwachting gedaald naar 15 miljard dollar, van 15,5 miljard dollar een jaar geleden. Uit een door ArcelorMittal zelf samengestelde consensus blijkt een verwachte ebitda van 1,93 miljard dollar voor het derde kwartaal.

In het derde kwartaal van 2015 werd een nettoverlies geleden van 711 miljoen dollar, vooral vanwege een grote afschrijving op voorraden als gevolg van de lagere staalprijzen. Inmiddels is weer verbetering opgetreden op de staalmarkten. In het tweede kwartaal werd een nettowinst gerealiseerd van 1,1 miljard dollar.

De onderneming verwacht dat het bedrijfsresultaat in heel 2016 hoger uitkomt dan 4,5 miljard dollar. In 2015 werd een ebitda behaald van 5,2 miljard dollar.
Assocham urges government to address steel sector core issues

Industry body Assocham on November 3 urged the Centre to initiate certain measures for the domestic steel sector such as extending easy financing, devising long-term freight tariff policy and augmenting transportation infrastructure among others.

Assocham in a statement said that "A comprehensive package for steel sector should be unveiled encompassing special financing arm for providing capital for expansion of capacities, easy extension of working capital loans, long-term policy on freight tariffs and augmenting transportation infrastructure capacity to meet needs of steel production,”

It said that considering that higher transport costs result in higher costs of production of steel in India, there is an urgent need to bring down freight tariff rates by up to 25% across all raw material and steel products to gain competitive edge.

To prevent import of cheap steel, it asked for measures like imposition of minimum import price and safeguard duties on a sustained basis and inclusion of pig iron, sponge iron and billets in the list of products covered under MIP.

It added that "Banks should extend working capital loans to steel companies on a priority basis, especially those which have not defaulted on interest payment, while structural problems relating to high debts of various steel companies would take time to resolve.”

There is a need to create a special funding mechanism for providing capital for brown-field expansion of capacities at the existing steel mills, it said. It also demanded for withdrawal of import duty of five per cent imposed upon metallurgical coke and coking coal to restore competitiveness in the domestic steel industry.

The steel ministry should bring down rate of royalty on iron ore to reduce the cost of raw materials for steel plants, it added. Assocham has suggested the government to constitute an authority either at the central or state level to fix the ceiling on road freight rates with a view to break local monopolies.

It said that "Transporters charge exorbitant rates for movement of iron ore and other raw materials from mines and ports to steel plants, besides they also prevent free competition through their dominating presence in local areas," it said.

Source : Press Trust Of India
Restructuring officer backs proposed US Steel Canada deal

CBC News reported the man overseeing US Steel Canada's court supervised restructuring is backing the sale to Bedrock Industries as a step closer to keeping the steelmaker operating. Mr Bill Aziz chief restructuring officer for US Steel Canada, described the agreement as a "key milestone" and said that as a result, that the "potential for a going-concern transaction gains momentum."

The deal is getting a much more cautious reaction from other stakeholders, however most of whom say they need to know more detail.

The provincial arm of the steelworkers union said that it believes the deal is the company's best chance at staying in the steelmaking game.

The "cautious optimism" expressed by United Steelworkers Ontario director Marty Warren hits a different tone than local union reps in Hamilton, who were more skeptical about the impact of the deal.

The lack of detail in the announcement about jobs, pensions, environmental considerations and what will happen with the excess land on Hamilton's waterfront that the former Stelco sits on left workers with many questions.

Mayor Fred Eisenberger echoed those concerns Wednesday, even as he credited the province for facilitating a situation that would allow the issue "to move forward." He said that "Our primary concern throughout this entire process has always been the pensioners and the benefits and the employees, and then following after that, the tax issue and the land disposition and how is it going to be utilized for future job potential.”

Mr Warren added that "We are cautiously optimistic that the agreement ... can be a positive step towards a successful restructuring of the former Stelco operations in Hamilton and Nanticoke.”

Source : CBC News
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