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Fitch assigns rating to Vale proposed debentures

Fitch Ratings has assigned an expected rating of 'AAA (bra)' to Vale S.A. proposed BRL750 million debentures.

The proceeds from these debentures, which could be issued in four series, are expected to be used to fund the Ramal Ferroviario Sudeste do Para project, which is part of CLN S11D.

Vale's ratings are supported by its solid business position, as a result of being the world's leading producer of iron ore. During 2012, the company had a market share of approximately 24 percent in the seaborne market. Vale's position in the market is enhanced by its cost position, which is estimated to be in the lowest quartile. The company's low cost position allows it to continue to generate positive cash flow from operations during downturns in the industry. Vale's position in the market is being enhanced through two expansion projects in the Carajas region that will contribute to an increase in the company's annual output of iron ore from 303 million tons during 2012 to a Fitch projected level of 450 million tons by 2018.

Source – Strategic Research Institute

ArcelorMittal has published the following news:

02/01/2014 03:36:00
ArcelorMittal to reopen long product finishing facility in Harriman, Tennessee

ArcelorMittal is pleased to announce today our decision to reopen ArcelorMittal Harriman, a long product finishing facility located in Harriman, Tennessee, USA - around 40 miles west of Knoxville. With a goal of being fully operational by April 2014, ArcelorMittal will hire 61 new employees over the next two years.

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ArcelorMittal heropent fabriek in Tennessee
DONDERDAG 2 JANUARI 2014, 17:06 uur | 48 keer gelezen
CHICAGO (AFN) - ArcelorMittal heeft besloten een fabriek in de Amerikaanse staat Tennessee te heropenen. De fabriek waar zogeheten long products worden gemaakt werd in 2011 gesloten in verband met slechte marktomstandigheden. Dat maakte het staalconcern donderdag bekend.
ArcelorMittal streeft er naar de fabriek in april weer volledig operationeel te hebben en zal in de komende 2 jaar 61 werknemers werven.

roobaaro schreef op 2 januari 2014 17:20:

ArcelorMittal heropent fabriek in Tennessee
DONDERDAG 2 JANUARI 2014, 17:06 uur | 48 keer gelezen
CHICAGO (AFN) - ArcelorMittal heeft besloten een fabriek in de Amerikaanse staat Tennessee te heropenen. De fabriek waar zogeheten long products worden gemaakt werd in 2011 gesloten in verband met slechte marktomstandigheden. Dat maakte het staalconcern donderdag bekend.
ArcelorMittal streeft er naar de fabriek in april weer volledig operationeel te hebben en zal in de komende 2 jaar 61 werknemers werven.
Arcelor doet dit niet zomaar. Er valt een markt open daar, anders zijn alle kosten het niet waard. De Amerikaanse economie trekt weer aan. Ook weer staal dus.

Hier nog een klein voorbeeld ervan:

Exports of US built vehicles hit record

The US is exporting more cars and trucks than ever before as markets across the world recover from the recent recession.

The number of US built vehicles shipped to other countries could reach 2 million this year. More than half of those exports will come out of Ford Motor Co, General Motors Co or Chrysler Group LLC assembly plants. The rest come from US plants owned by Japanese, Korean and German automakers.

Automakers have allotted some of their US manufacturing capacity to make cars and trucks for growing markets around the world.

Mr Mike Jackson manager at IHS Automotive in a telephone interview said that “The growing number of exports has everything to do with plant retooling and this new product onslaught, with an eye toward meeting global demand.”

Last year, automotive exports totaled USD 132.7 billion on approximately 1.8 million exported cars and trucks, according to the US Commerce Department. That’s USD 27 billion more than the next highest manufacturing sector, aerospace.

Imports to the US still heavily outweigh exports the automotive trade deficit is more than USD 100 billion but the gap is shrinking.

Though roughly half of all US exports are to Mexico or Canada, the biggest leap in exports is to countries outside North America. Vehicles shipped to Mexico or Canada made up 80% of all US vehicle exports in 2004. That number is now 49 percent and falling, keeping ports in states such as Washington and Maryland busy shipping vehicles.

Source - The Detroit News
On Jan 2, Zacks Investment Research upgraded steel giant ArcelorMittal (ADR) (NYSE:MT) to a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy).

Why the Upgrade?

ArcelorMittal (ADR) (NYSE:MT) raked in better-than-expected third-quarter 2013 results on Nov 7, helped by its cost reduction measures. Its adjusted loss was narrower than the Zacks Consensus Estimate. Revenues fell modestly but beat expectations. Shipments rose on a year over year basis in the quarter.
ArcelorMittal (ADR) (NYSE:MT) expects that profitability for 2013 will be driven by rise in steel and marketable iron ore shipments as well as realized benefits from Asset Optimization and Management Gains initiatives. The company envisions Asset Optimization to deliver meaningful savings this year.

ArcelorMittal is expanding its steel-making capacity and raw materials self-sufficiency through a combination of brownfield growth, new greenfield projects and acquisition opportunities, mainly in emerging markets.

ArcelorMittal (ADR) (NYSE:MT) is also highly focused on reducing debt, lowering costs and improving efficiency. The company maintains its $15 billion medium-term net debt target. On the cost-saving front, ArcelorMittal is progressing with a new $3 billion cost optimization program that mostly focuses on variable cost reductions in its plants.

The company is also progressing with its mining growth projects and is on track to boost iron ore production capacity in its own mines to 84 million tons by 2015 from 56 million tons in 2012. A second phase expansion in its operations in Liberia is currently underway.

Vraag naar metaal trekt verder aan
Bedrijven die metalen zoals aluminium en nikkel vervaardigen gaan een beter jaar tegemoet dan vorig jaar. De vraag naar dergelijke basismetalen blijft ook komend jaar groeien, waardoor de prijs eveneens oploopt.

Foto: ANP
Die verwachting uit het economisch bureau van ABN AMRO vrijdag in een rapport over de metaalsector.
Afgelopen jaar zagen metaalbedrijven wereldwijd de prijzen van hun producten nog stabiliseren of zelfs dalen. Dit jaar worden vooral aluminium, nikkel en zink weer aanmerkelijk duurder, terwijl de prijs van koper in 2014 slechts licht oploopt.
De staalsector houdt daarentegen last van een zwakke vraag, waardoor de prijs van staal volgens ABN AMRO enkele procenten daalt.
Dat de behoefte aan veel basismetalen dit jaar blijft groeien, komt doordat de activiteit in industrieën die veel metaal gebruiken in 2014 verder aantrekt, zo denken de economen.
Ze wijzen daarbij onder meer op de aanwakkerende economische groei in de belangrijkste markten: China, de Verenigde Staten en de eurozone.
Ook de gunstige indicatoren voor industriële bedrijvigheid steunen de onderzoekers in hun verwachtingen. Zo groeide de industrie in de eurozone vorige maand gestaag, terwijl de Amerikaanse industrie zelfs in rap tempo bedrijviger werd.
Alleen in China groeide de industriële activiteit slechts licht. Toch blijft de vraag daar in 2014 relatief hoog, aldus de economen.
Een van de sectoren die volgend jaar meer metaal nodig heeft, is de auto-industrie. Zelfs in de eurozone - waar het aantal autoverkopen het grootste deel van 2013 onder druk stond - gingen er eind vorig jaar weer meer nieuwe auto's de weg op. In China en de Verenigde Staten deed die sector het al langere tijd weer goed.
Hyundai Steel plans KRW 844.2 billion investment in new plant

South Korea's Hyundai Steel Co announced its plans to invest KRW 844.2 billion towards construction of a new plant in the western coastal area of the country. The plant will deal in production of next-generation special steel. Completion of the facility is expected by October 2015.

A division of Hyundai Motor Group, Hyundai Steel, will be responsible for the construction of the new plant in Dangjin, nearly 123 kilometers southwest of Seoul.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Australia iron ore shipments resume after cyclone passes

Iron ore shipments from northern Australia, the world's biggest exporter, resumed following a two day halt as Tropical Cyclone Christine lost strength over the nation's resource rich Pilbara region.

Dampier Port Authority's acting chief executive officer Paul Toussaint-Jackson said that shipments restarted at Dampier Port, about 1,500 kilometres north of Perth, at 6pm on Tuesday after they were halted late last Sunday. He said that "All is back to normal.”

Spokesman Bruce Tobin said that staff at Rio Tinto Group, the world's largest iron ore exporting company after Vale SA, were returning to work at its port and rail sites in the region. Rio has a combined export capacity of 225 million tonnes at its Dampier and Cape Lambert terminals, according to the company.

Port Hedland, the world's largest ore-export terminal, was assessing the impact of the storm and preparing to resume operations, Port Hedland Port Authority said on Tuesday. The facility, which exports iron ore from mines owned by BHP Billiton Ltd and Fortescue Metals Group Ltd, shipped about 252 million tonnes in 2012.

Source – Business Times
Iron ore mines fully operational after cyclone -BHP

BHP Billiton on Thursday said its Australian iron ore mines have resumed full operations following a cyclone that battered coastal regions and closed major shipping terminals this week.

Port Hedland, the world's biggest iron ore terminal and used by BHP to export nearly 200 million tonnes of the steel-making material annually, sustained only minor damage from Cyclone Christine and reopened late on Tuesday.

BHP in a statement said that "All mines are also fully operational. If there is any material impact to production it will be reported in the company's next operational review."

The storm slammed into the Australia's northwestern coast late on Monday packing winds up to 160 km/hour (100 miles/hour), before losing strength as its crossed the Pilbara iron ore mining belt.

Source – Reuters

Tembo Steel closes Iganga plant over power shortage

Tembo Steel Mills, a steel rolling factory, is in the final stages of phasing out its Iganga plant over insufficient power supply.

Sources privy to the closure said the multi-billion plant, which was commissioned by President Yoweri Museveni in 2007 as the biggest investment project in Iganga district, is shifting part of its establishment to the Lugazi branch.

According to the source, Tembo has over the past three years been suffered acute power shortage, which has interfered with their production. The plant is located at the end of the 40km stretch from Jinja outside Iganga town.

The feeder supplying power to the plant is a 33KV line originating from the Jinja industrial substation. But because of the distance, the voltage drops to about 26KV, which is not sufficient for steel manufacturing.

Mr Anand Kedia an official from Tembo Steels said that “It is true we are relocating our main machinery to another factory at Lugazi to consolidate our production process.”

He explained that “We recently made investments worth billions at both our plants in Iganga and Lugazi. These initiatives call for a consolidate approach towards production and we cannot afford to stay off-line.”

It was not possible to get a comment from Umeme, but sources said the power distributor could not immediately act due to budgetary constraints.

Source -
Baotou Steel plans USD 4.9 billion share issue

Inner Mongolian Baotou Steel Union Co a Chinese steelmaker, will raise as much as CNY 29.8 billion (USD 4.9 billion) in a private share placement to buy assets from its parent and replenish working capital. The stock jumped.

The company said in a statement that the board approved a plan to sell as many as 8.26 billion shares in Shanghai at CNY 3.61. That compares to the CNY 3.92 the stock last traded at on October 31.

The shares will be issued to seven investors, including state-owned Baogang Group, the company’s parent, Baotou Steel said. Guohua Life Insurance Co and Huaan Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ltd will also buy shares in the placement.

Source – Bloomberg
ArcelorMittal one big India success is in Kolkata - AMDEC

Business Standard reported that ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steel maker, is making this city one of its global hubs for engineering and project management.

What started in 2009 as a 5 location service has seen a steep expansion. The number of locations in 2013 was 17. Assignments increased from seven to 53 in the first 9 months of 2013.

A company spokesperson said that “ArcelorMittal Design & Engineering Centre currently employs 50 people and was preparing to boost its project management business.”

The growth of AMDEC, incorporated to reduce ArcelorMittal's dependency on external consultants, could be linked to the global financial crisis in 2009. The company said that this had forced AMDEC to review plans and the Centre has since served a range of projects, from mining and steel making to energy and environment.

The spokesperson said that “Review engineering done by AMDEC on suppliers and local contractors designs has yielded several million of USD savings.” AMDEC, it seemed, fitted well into ArcelorMittal’s bigger cost-saving drive, one it embarked on to battle the slowdown across the globe.

AMDEC would be ArcelorMittal's second successful venture in India. In 2009, it bought into Mumbai based Uttam Galva Steels, a galvanised steel maker with a 33.8% stake. The steel maker, though came to India with hopes of setting up large steel plants.

It has already pulled out of an ambitious project in Odisha, while saying it would be pursuing others in Jharkhand and Karnataka the latter are well behind schedule. The agreement with the Jharkhand government was in 2005 and with the 1 in Karnataka in 2010.

Source – Business Standard
Karnataka to auction 4 to 5 million tonne of iron ore dumps

Business Standard reported that the year 2014 is set to herald better days for the iron ore starved steel industry in Karnataka. The Supreme Court appointed monitoring committee to oversee e-auction of iron ore in the state is readying to put on auction an additional 4 or 5 million tonne of iron ore dumps, which contain mostly sub grade iron ore for auction as the demand supply gap still remains wide.

This follows the resumption of mining by Sesa Sterlite, the largest private sector miner in Karnataka, in Chitradurga district during the last week of December 2013. Sesa is expected to put out close to 1 million tonne in the January to March quarter of FY14. The company is permitted to produce 2.29 million tonne a year.

Since only 19 mines have started producing ore, the supply is still not sufficient enough to meet the requirement of the steel industry. Taking into account the huge gap in demand and supply, the monitoring committee has decided to increase e-auction of dumps.

The move follows a direction from the Central Empowered Committee of the apex court. At the recently-held review meeting with all stakeholders of the mining and steel industry, the CEC directed the monitoring committee to auction more dumps.

The committee, which sold around 4 million tonne of sub grade ore from 21 dumps in 2013, is readying to put on auction another 4 to 5 million tonne this year to bridge the demand supply gap. The steel industry requires 35 to 40 million tonne of iron ore in a year to reach the full capacity of 16 to 17 million tonne of steel per annum in Karnataka.

Steel industry sources said that the current supply of ore is pegged at 14 million tonne projected to go up to 22 million tonne it more new mines start operating and NMDC increases its capacity to 10 million tonne.

Sources close to the auction process said Business Standard that “There are some eco sensitive areas where dumps are not removed. The monitoring committee officials are visiting mines one by one to take samples and are releasing dumps for auction gradually. We expect another 5-6 mines will be permitted to put out the dumps for auction in the Q4 of this year.”

Industry analysts said that “The iron content in these dumps is estimated to be 45 to 50% and considered unfit for steel making. However, mills such as JSW Steel and BMM Ispat, among others, have installed new-technology benefication plants to make use of such low grade ore.”

Source – Business Standard
Overcapacity still a problem in China - MIIT

China's industrial enterprises still face the problem of overcapacity, the country's industry watchdog said, noting that domestic demand will face downward pressure in 2014.

According to a report posted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, since 2012, the overcapacity concern has started spreading from traditional industries including iron, steel and chemicals - to emerging ones such as carbon fiber and solar power, and capacity utilization is less than 75 percent in some sectors.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, industrial companies saw their combined year on year profit growth slow for a third consecutive month to 9.7% in November.

The MIIT predicted that China's industrial output growth will be around 9.7% for 2013, down from last year's 10%.

Analysts said that overcapacity has become a threat to China's future development.

Authorities should encourage production of high-quality goods as well as cost-effective and energy-saving production lines, as this will help drive industrial consolidation and ease overcapacity, Zhou Hongchun, a researcher at the State Council's Development Research Center, told the Global Times Monday.

Based on guidelines issued by the State Council in October for resolving the country's overcapacity problem, the steel manufacturing industry is set to cut production over the next five years by 80 million tonnes.

Source - Global Times
Flue gas desulphurization facility completed at Fangda Special Steel by CIE

The flue gas desulphurization facility of Fangda Special Steel Technology Co Ltd was smoothly put into commissioning on December 24, 2013. This project was contracted in an EPC manner by Hunan CIE Energy Conservation & Environment Protection Technology, a solely owned subsidiary of Changtian International Engineering Corporation of MCC.

This project is a key one of Fangda Special Steel Technology, which is in compliance with the environment protection policy, the national regulation on pollutants emission concentration, as well as the requirement raised by Nanjing Municipal Government on the total sulfur dioxide emissions. The ground-breaking ceremony of the works was formally started on June 26, 2013.

The Wet Magnesium Desulphurization Process is employed for this project, with the desulphurization efficiency of more than 90%. After desulphurization, the emission concentration of sulfur dioxide is less than 200 mg per standard cubic meter, the dust emission concentration is less than 50 mg per standard cubic meter, and the synchronous operation rate of the desulphurization equipment and the sintering machine is more than 95%. In addition, the magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, which is the desulphurization byproduct, can be recovered for reutilization without the secondary pollution. After the project is completed, the annual desulphurization volume of sulfur dioxide is anticipated to be up to 16,996 tons, with a remarkable benefit in terms of environment protection. On this ground, this project is to play a demonstrative role in promotion of the sulfur dioxide desulphurization in this area.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal to re open Harriman plant

Two years after closing its Harriman plant, steel giant ArcelorMittal is reopening the operation and will hire 61 workers over the next two years.

The company announced Thursday it planned to have the plant fully operational by April. The facility will produce various steel forms used in construction.

Mr Darrell Williams vice president of business development for the Roane Alliance said it’s a happy day for Roane County. He said that “We are very excited to get ArcelorMittal back. For one thing, we know there are former workers there who have recently lost their long-term unemployment so this will help get them back on the payroll.”

Mr Williams said that “In its announcement, the company credited local and state officials as well as the United Steelworkers union with helping make reopening of the plant a reality. The fact that a trained workforce was still available was a plus.”

Source - Knoxville News Sentinel
Chinese steel makers beat Indian counterparts - EEPC

Business Standard reported that Chinese steel makers have managed to beat their Indian counterparts by procuring basic raw material at a much lower price.

EEPC India said that "The international market for steel has been witnessing a turmoil Indian steel-makers have not been able to remain competitive amidst sharp depreciation of rupee."

It said that "What is even more worrying is the fact that domestic steel production will not be able to keep pace with Chinese output. According to estimates, India's production would grow at an annual 6.3% to reach 104 million tonne by 2017 from 78.6 million tonne in 2012."

After dropping from a peak in February 2011, the prices of flat/long hot rolled coils have started shooting up again since August 2012 with a sharp price disadvantage accruing to the Indian user industries such as engineering goods manufacturers.

It said that “Almost all steel makers have raised price between INR 1,000 and INR 1,500 per tonne with effect from January 1st 2014.”

EEPC India chairman Mr Anupam Shah said underscoring the need for a national raw material policy which is amongst the top contributor to the country's overall export basket that "The cost of steel and pig iron, essential raw material for products is among the major disadvantages faced by Indian engineering user industries."

After recording smart increase upto October, India's engineering exports fell in November by over 14%. The shipments aggregated USD 4.78 billion in November compared to USD 5.6 billion in October.

Source – Business Standard

Macroeconomic indicators - China manufacturing growth slows in December - HSBC

Chinese manufacturing grew at its slowest pace in three months in December, HSBC confirmed yesterday, as demand for the country’s goods eased, adding to concerns about recovery in the world’s number two economy.

The bank’s final purchasing managers’ index which tracks manufacturing activity in China’s factories and workshops, came in at 50.5 last month, unchanged from a preliminary reading two weeks ago.

The index is a closely watched gauge of the health of the Asian economic giant. A reading above 50 indicates growth, while anything below signals contraction.

The December figure was down from 50.8 in November and marked the weakest growth since September when the reading was 50.2.

Chinese stocks fell after the announcement yesterday, the first trading day of 2014, with the benchmark Shanghai index closing down 0.31 per cent.

Mr Zheshang Securities analyst Zhang Yanbing told AFP that “The data suggests that the economy is drifting slightly downward and the manufacturing sector is not very strong.”

Thursday’s data came a day after the National Bureau of Statistics announced that its official PMI slowed to 51.0 last month from November’s 51.4. That marked the 15th consecutive month of growth, but the first time since June that the figure had dipped from the previous month.

Source – AFP
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