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Voda: Heeft dit te maken met die 2 galbakken?
Kooplijst 2014: John Beijer

DONDERDAG 19 DECEMBER 2013, 07:38 uur | 5610 keer gelezen

Het einde van het jaar nadert en dus is het weer tijd voor de kooplijsten voor 2014. De redactie van ging op zoek naar de favoriete aandelen van beleggingsexperts. Vandaag: De favoriete aandelen van John Beijer van Beursfoon.

John Beijer kiest het komend jaar voor ArcelorMittal, Fugro en Royal Dutch Shell.


'De koers van ArcelorMittal zal verder oplopen. Het is ’s werelds grootste staalproducent en het heeft grote belangen in Europa. Wij voorzien voor Europa een flinke groei en daarmee een aantrekkende vraag naar staal. ArcelorMittal zal daar als eerste van profiteren. De koers staat nu op 11,60, die mag van ons als eerste koersdoel naar 14,00 euro.'

Voor de rest van het artikel, zie link:
No end to misery of steel sector likely next year

Economic Times reported that 2 big ticket pull outs, subdued demand and pricing and costlier inputs have further taken the sheen off the Indian steel sector and if reports of PWC and Moody's are to be believed, profits in the new year are likely to be historically low.

Issues like land acquisition, raw material availability and its exports and overall nosediving demand are still factors to reckon with, experts feel.

However, this has not deterred the government from setting a production target of 300 million tonne by 2025 from around 90 million tonne now.

India, the world's 4th largest steel maker, cannot possibly remain insulated from the vagaries of global markets and when production growth slips below world average for want of demand in an emerging country, it becomes a matter of concern.

In the first ten months of the current year, India's steel production grew by 2.8% compared to the world's growth average of 3.2%.

Barring a few companies which have captive iron ore sources, most producers suffer deficit and resultant production loss, despite the fact that India has huge reserves of the key steel making ingredient.

So is the case with coking coal and SAIL depends mainly on imports to meet the needs.

It is difficult to justify steel makers waning capacity utilisation despite the fact that India's per capita usage is only about one-fourth of the world average.

Despite a slowing economy, experts feel there should have been a good demand for steel as infrastructure in the country needs a huge leg up. Probably promotion of rural usage was missing from the agenda of domestic firms.

As a result, steel prices remained subdued throughout the year. End use segments like construction and consumer durables were also in disarray leading to just 0.3% consumption growth during the April November period.

Capacity addition by almost all firms is in progress amid instances of rising imports from China and Japan. Additional capacity expansion plans are also already out of the boardroom.

But, it remains to be seen how the massive fund requirement for these plans are going to be met, particularly, the debt component, to jack up capacity to 300 million tonne by 2025. It takes roughly USD 1 million to raise 1 million tonne capacity.

Steel makers' performance in the first 9 months of the calendar year is far from encouraging. Due to dip in net sales realisation caused by poor sales amid subdued prices, SAIL had clocked a 72% decline in bottom line to INR 447 crore in January to March quarter.

It was no different during the April to June quarter when Sail's net profit dipped by 35.25% for same reasons.

The July to September quarter though showed improvement, but its realisation fell by 6.5% on subdued prices.

The Indian operation of Tata Steel also clocked INR 2,174 crore profit before tax in January-march quarter against INR 2,371 crore a year earlier. It was at par in the next quarter and slightly up in the July to September quarter.

The new year does not look promising either. Global consultancy firm PwC said that Indian steel makers may well prepare for a bumpy year next year due to costlier inputs both iron ore and coking coal.

Moody's Investors Service, in a recent report, said that profits of Asian steel makers would remain historically low next year, amid higher output and slowing demand.

Source – Economic Times
Rio Tinto CEO sees iron ore price decline next year

Rio Tinto Group expects a decline next year in the price of iron ore, the source of most of its earnings, saying global supplies will increase. Mr Sam Walsh CEO said that “There will be capacity coming on next year. I expect that iron-ore prices will soften a bit next year but it will still be a good business to be in.”

Rio is the biggest exporter of the steelmaking ingredient after Brazil’s Vale SA, generating USD 24 billion in sales of the raw material last year primarily at its Australian operations. Banks from Goldman Sachs Group Inc to UBS AG expect supply expansions led by Australian producers to push the seaborne market into surplus next year.

Goldman analysts wrote in a December 12 report that “We remain structurally bearish on the outlook for iron ore and see 2014 as the year when the iron-ore price starts to decline.” They said that trend will continue as supply is added.

The price of iron ore has gained 22% since sinking to a 2013 low of USD 110.40 a metric tonne in May. The strength of the price as well as increased imports into China, which reached a record last month, have been surprising, Walsh said yesterday. China is the world’s biggest buyer, representing about 60 percent of global demand, according to Goldman.

Source - Bloomberg
European mills face stiff resistance from cheaper export offers

Prices all across Europe remained basically same as last week, despite Mills attempt to increase. Import prices have slightly decreased mainly because of Euro gaining against US denominated prices from China and India.

Some Chinese suppliers are starting to push in increase in HRP levels owing slight tickle in recent FOB China price.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Contractors at Scunthorpe TATA Steel works continuing to strike

Contractors employed on the TATA Steel works in Scunthorpe are continuing their picket at the site.

Around 50 refractory contractors who work for Tubecityims and are members of the construction union UCATT walked out from 6am this morning (Tuesday, December 17).

Striking workers were continuing to stage a picket at gate A of the plant on the A18 Mortal Ash Hill shortly after 8.30am this morning.

The strike action has been taken as part of a pay dispute between the union and Tubecityims.

Source -
Rautaruukki Corporation : High-strength special steels create new architecture

High-strength special steels also have obvious advantages in construction. Friends Arena, the new landmark stadium in Stockholm, Sweden, is a classic example of the impressive, practical architecture that can be created using steel structures.

The advantages of high-strength special steels are obvious in many building projects. Located in the north of Stockholm, the advantages of Friends Arena can be seen in both the architecture and costs.

Mr Lars Cederfeldt, design manager for the steel roof, from Sweco, which provides qualified services in the fields of consulting engineering, environmental technology and architecture said that "The customer required a top-quality stadium. By using high-strength special steels, we were able to save steel and money.”

The demanding project was anything but ordinary. Sweco and Ruukki worked closely together in designing the structural details and in choosing the best grades of steel for the project. There were no off-the-peg structural solutions. Immediately after the deal, project manager Jyrki Saarimaa attended design coordination meetings between the structural designer Sweco and the lead contractor Peab during the course of a year.

Mr Lars Cederfeldt commends that "Ruukki reacted positively from the very outset to the use of special steels in the construction.”

A bold attitude was needed since it is still rare to use high-strength steels in construction. Their use has been thwarted both by traditions and legislation.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Imported iron ore stockpiles decline in China

Xinhua reported that at the end of the December 10 to December 16 period, inventories of imported iron ore in ports stood at 83.84 million tonnes, down 975,000 tonnes or 1.15% over the previous week.

The price index for 62% grade iron ore dropped three points from the previous week to 135. The index for 58% grade iron ore also dropped three points to 122.

The report said iron ore trading volume last week was sluggish because most traders were not active in buying ore and were maintaining a wait-and-see attitude.

Analysts predicted that the drop in steel demand will have a negative impact on iron ore trading and it is unlikely that there will be large-scale purchase orders of iron ore.

Source – Xinhua

Profiteer van de recentste correctie bij Arcelor Mittal

donderdag 19 december 2013 om 06u49

De meerderheid van de beleggers verwacht een voortzetting van de QE en dit is volgens Arnaud Delaunay van Leleux een gunstige omgeving voor financiële en cyclische aandelen zoals ArcelorMittal.

In deze omgeving noteren op dit ogenblik zowel de Amerikaanse futurescontracten als de Europese indices in het groen (na een correctie van 2 weken in Europa).

N.a.v. de fundamentele analyse van oktober (15/10/2013) gaf Delaunay een "opbouwen"-advies voor het aandeel ArcelorMittal omwille van "een geleidelijke verbetering van de macro-economische omgeving (de PMI's in Europa en de Verenigde Staten blijven goed georiënteerd) en de overschatte overcapaciteit in China en Europa".

De resultaten over het derde kwartaal gaven hem gelijk : de leveringen van staal stegen met 6% jaar-op-jaar en het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) steeg met 24%.

In die context hield de staalgroep vast aan haar jaarprognose voor de EBITDA van meer dan 6,5 miljard dollar en een verwachte stijging met 20% in de verscheping van ijzererts.

De laatste bemoedigende resultaten hebben er alvast toe geleid dat de analisten hun koersdoel opwaarts hebben herzien: gemiddeld 17,46 euro tegen 16 euro twee maanden geleden.

De staalproducent is sinds het dieptepunt van juni ll. met 38% gestegen maar het aandeel vertoont nog steeds een diepe
discount t.o.v. het eigen vermogen (een koers/boekwaarde van 0,39 vs gemiddeld 1,68 gemiddeld voor de sectorgenoten). Delaunay heeft een advies kopen.
BRUSSEL (AFN) - De internationale staalproductie is in november met 3,6 procent gestegen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Dat meldde de World Steel Association vrijdag.
In totaal steeg de productie in de 65 landen die aan de brancheorganisatie rapporteren tot 127 miljoen ton. In China nam de productie met ruim 4 procent toe tot 60,9 miljoen ton. De Japanse staalbedrijven voerden de productie met bijna 9 procent op, in Zuid-Korea was sprake van een afname van 0,2 procent.
De Amerikaanse productie was met 7,1 miljoen ton ruim 5 procent groter dan een jaar eerder. In Europa nam de productie van Duitse staalfabrieken met 5,7 procent toe, tot 3,7 miljoen ton. In Frankrijk werd een toename van 3,5 procent gemeten, terwijl in Italië 4,5 procent minder staal werd voortgebracht dan in november 2012. De Spaanse staalproductie trok met 15,5 procent aan.
De bezettingsgraad in de staalsector verbeterde internationaal tot 75,8 procent ten opzichte van een jaar terug.
WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Amerikaanse economie is in het derde kwartaal met 4,1 procent gegroeid op jaarbasis. Dat maakte het Amerikaanse ministerie van Handel vrijdag bekend in een derde raming.
Het is de sterkste groei sinds het vierde kwartaal van 2011. In een tweede raming op 5 december werd nog een groei van 3,6 procent gemeld. Volgens het ministerie is de bijstelling onder meer te danken aan hogere consumentenbestedingen en bedrijfsinvesteringen dan eerder werd voorzien.
Economen gingen er in doorsnee vanuit dat de plus van 3,6 procent zou worden gehandhaafd. Het is de tweede opwaartse herziening. Eind november werd op basis van een eerste schatting een groei van 2,8 procent gerapporteerd.
Het ministerie maakte tegelijkertijd bekend dat de consumentenbestedingen in het derde kwartaal met 2 procent stegen. Ook dat cijfer is een verhoging ten opzichte van de raming op 5 december, toen de stijging werd geschat op 1,4 procent. De bestedingen van consumenten zijn goed voor circa 70 procent van de Amerikaanse economie.
Economen van JPMorgan Chase en Barclays verhoogden onlangs hun prognoses voor de economische groei in het vierde kwartaal. JPMorgan gaat uit van 2 procent, waar eerder 1,5 procent werd voorzien. Barclays schroefde de raming op van 2 naar 2,3 procent.
En weer Arcelor er bij!

Kooplijst 2014: Corné van Zeijl

VRIJDAG 20 DECEMBER 2013, 09:24 uur | 5353 keer gelezen

Het einde van het jaar nadert en dus is het weer tijd voor de kooplijstjes voor 2014. De redactie van vraagt beleggingsexperts naar aandelen waarvan zij denken dat ze het goed gaan doen in 2014. Vandaag: Corné van Zeijl van SNS Asset Management.

Corné van Zeijl kiest SBM Offshore, Boskalis en ArcelorMittal voor 2014.


'ArcelorMittal is eigenlijk het ultieme cyclische aandeel. Het heeft een hoge operationele leverage. Wat betekent dat iedere euro omzet zorgt voor een grote nettowinst. Maar ArcelorMittal moet het vooral hebben van economische groei en wij denken dat dit in Europa wel zal plaatsvinden. Verder wordt erg onderschat dat de extra groei naar staal in de Verenigde Staten ook toeneemt. Een aantal weken geleden heeft Arcelor aangegeven dat een fabriek in Brazilië weer wordt opgestart vanwege de toenemende vraag naar staal. Als dat gebeurt, zul je zien dat de winst ook weer gaat toenemen.'

Voor de rest zie link:
JSW Steel battling iron ore shortage

Reuters reported that JSW Steel Limited said that its 10 million tonne per year plant in Karnataka will not operate at more than 80% capacity in the near future as mining restrictions have stifled the supply of iron ore, a key feedstock.

Mr Seshagiri Rao joint MD of country's largest private steel producer said Reuters that "After having invested here there is no way you can plan to get iron ore from outside of Karnataka. Logistically it is not possible."

Mr Rao said that “JSW Steel, whose second biggest shareholder JFE Steel is the world's ninth largest steel company and a unit of Japan's JFE Holdings Inc, will have to wait for supply in Karnataka to improve to raise the plant's capacity from 70 to 80% currently.”

He did not say if that would affect JSW Steel's plans to produce 9.25 million tonne of steel this fiscal year, a forecast that assumed a sufficient quantity of iron ore would be available. Its other plants in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra make up its 14.3 million tonne capacity.

Iron ore production in Karnataka is expected to rise to 22.18 million tonne in the year ending March 2015, according to a Karnataka government petition with the Supreme Court seeking to relax an annual mining cap of 30 million tonne.

Source - Reuters
Production drop and low winter off take keeps Chinese steel market in limbo

Latest production release by CISA shows downtrend in production of steel in early December. December (Dec. 1-10) this year the average aggregate daily crude steel output of large and medium-sized steel enterprises in China totalled 1.6951 million tonnes, down 0.81 percent compared to late November (Nov. 21-30). Meanwhile, the average aggregate daily crude steel production of all steelmakers in China in early December was estimated at 2.0129 million tonnes, indicating a decrease of 3.7 percent compared with late November.

Inventory of the main finished steel products in the major steel markets in China totalled 13.2113 million tonnes, up 1.99 percent as compared to the figure recorded on November 30 showing lukewarm off take during winter.

As mentioned earlier production has taken beating owing to Chinese government diktat to cut down 50% power consumption in Hebei region in a bid to reduce pollution. It has come as double whammy during a season typically beset with slow demand. Understandably inventory levels have shown increase despite curtailed production.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Chinese steel traders abandon practice of hoarding steel

In order to survive what is being described in China as a ‘meagre profit period’ for the steel industry, Chinese steel traders have abandoned the practice of hoarding steel at low prices for delayed sales at a higher price. Why? Because steel prices remain low and the high cost of stockpiling can lead to bankruptcy.

These days, according to a report by China Metals, steel traders only place orders with steelmakers after receiving orders from end-users and most opt for direct delivery to save warehousing and logistics costs. For the past eight weeks, ‘social stockpiles’ of steel have continued to fall.

Some steel traders have started new businesses. Haotian Steel of Tianjin City is now supplying steel makers with raw materials, such as billets, iron ore powders and coking coal as its mainstream steel trade has tailed off over the past two years. The company is also getting involved in mining and the deep processing of steel products. Other companies Jinghua Shengye, Ji Yumin and Bailian Xiongye have also moved both upstream and downstream of their original remits.

Some traders have diversified into the cigarette industry, the chateau business, the world of culture and the alcohol trade.

The Chinese steelmaking industry made an average profit of RMB0.84/tonne in the first 10 months of 2013 during which time it produced 652 Mt of crude steel. The combined revenue of the country’s major steelmakers was RMB 12.97 billion, according to the China Iron & Steel Association.

The average price per tonne of Chinese steel was RMB 3,462 (January to October 2013) which was down by 8.94% over 2012 prices. Such a price decline has cut overall steel sector revenues by RMB 26.62 million.

China’s steelmaking industry will remain in troubled waters in 2014 due to the country eliminating excess production capacity. Prices, says CISA chairman Mr Zhang Changfu are unlikely to rebound in the new year and, because of environmental protection measures being taken by the Government, steelmakers will endure higher production costs.

Source - China Metals

China average daily steel output falls 3.7%

Data from the China Iron & Steel Association showed that China's average daily crude steel output fell for the third straight 10-day period and declined 3.7% in the first 10 days of December.

The daily output stood at 2.013 million tonnes, falling from 2.091 million tonnes in the Nov. 21-30 period.

CISA estimated the country's total production based on its members, including more than 80 large steel mills that account for about 80 percent of China's total steel output.

CISA members produced 1.695 million tonnes of crude steel on an average daily basis during the same period, slipping 0.8% from the preceding period data showed.

Source – Reuters
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