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Bjorn Borg creates Thunderwear to protect steel workers

Bjorn Borg creates underwear together with bleeding edge space designers and the Swedish Steel industry. The goal is to provide steel workers with flame proof undies that can handle extreme heat and hard core environments like steel factories and space travel.

The Swedish Steel Producer association: Jernkontoret came with an intimate problem. Their steel workers use cotton underwear while at work underneath their protective clothing the heat could ignite the fabric. No matter the temperature, Bjorn Borg thinks all people have a right to feel safe and comfortable down under.

Initiator of the project is Umbilical Design, representing Sweden in the European Space Agency (ESA) Technology Transfer Network, a company that well, this is how they describe themselves: Our core business is design for space and extreme environments and transfer of space technology to sustainable products and services that improve society and everyday life.

That’s what it did. It got help from Umbilical Design to source a Space fabric used by European Space Agency (ESA), NASA and several other Space Agencies in Astronaut Suits. Today it has set up a brand new mini production of Thunderwear that can take up to 662 F (350 degrees Celcius) of scorching heat. The ladies and gentlemen of the Swedish steel industry will salute us.

When I heard about this problem I knew we could do some good. Now we’ve created Thunderwear and I can’t wait to launch it and see what other kind of intimate problem solving Björn Borg can get into.

Ms Lina Soderqvist marketing director of Bjorn Borg said that “We hope the initiative will make steel workers safer and comfortable while also deconstructing the image of working in extreme industrial settings as something strictly uncomfortable and rough.”

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Global aluminum sheet use in autos seen climbing five fold

Bloomberg cited Mr Derek Prichett VP of global recycling at Novelis Inc as saying that global aluminum sheet use in auto bodies will climb five fold by 2020 as car manufacturers seek lightweight material to improve fuel economy.

Mr Prichett said that sheet consumption will jump to 1.8 million tonnes from 350,000 tonnes currently. Atlanta based Novelis counts Ford Motor Company, Volkswagen AG’s Audi unit and the Jaguar Land Rover division of TATA Motors Limited as customers.

Mr Jack Clark senior VP at Novelis said that a push in the US and Europe to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and increase mileage is prompting carmakers to seek to replace heavier materials such as steel. Ford begins production of an all aluminum bodied F-150 pickup truck this year, and other car and truck manufacturers will follow suit, switching to aluminum over the next six years.

Mr Clark said that aluminum content in light vehicles around the world, including bodies, hoods and doors, will rise to near 35 billion pounds by 2025, making the auto industry a major market for aluminum.

Mr Jorge Vazquez MD at researcher Harbor Aluminum Intelligence Unit LLC said that “Demand for the metal in North America will exceed production by 1.255 million tonnes in 2015 up from an estimated 1.13 million tonnes this year, partly because of increased shipments to the region’s auto industry.”

Source – Bloomberg
Russia expects steel production output over surplus in next 3 years

It is reported that Russia's steel Association warned that the steel oversupply would extend for the next 3 years due to economic downturn and sluggish domestic demand for steel and it was expected to improve demand for long products in 2017.

Meanwhile, Russian GDP rose by 0.8% in the Q1 of this year and most of the growth comes from the contribution of the energy sector and the devaluation of the ruble.

Construction and home appliance manufacturing sector annual growth 2% is expected, steel industry, steel structures and hardware industry will increase of 1%, other steel sector could remain sluggish respectively.

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Trade Union Solidarity and ArcelorMittal SA reach pay deal

Fin24 reported that Trade Union Solidarity and steel giant ArcelorMittal have reached a wage agreement.

Mr Marius Croucamp Union spokesperson said that "The agreement, that is retroactive to April 1 and will be in effect until March 31st 2015, includes a salary increase of 7% and various favourable changes to employees’ conditions of service."

Mr Croucamp said that the agreement, signed earlier this month also applied to members of the National Union of Metalworkers of SA. Solidarity and its members are satisfied with the positive note on which the negotiations ended. We are also intensely aware of the challenges confronting the metal industry.

He said that various allowances of employees in the bargaining unit would be increased by seven percent, in accordance with their salaries. Conditions of service were revised and several favourable changes were agreed to.

He added that as part of these changes, employees who are on standby on public holidays will receive a non compulsory day of leave, whether they are called out on the days in question or not.

Source – Fin24

LUXEMBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - In de komende 8 jaar zal de productie van auto's in China met 60 procent toenemen, waardoor de vraag naar staal fors zal stijgen.
Die verwachting sprak staalgigant ArcelorMittal zondag uit bij de ingebruikname van een fabriek in het land.

ArcelorMittal en de lokale branchegenoot Hunan Valin Steel Co openden een fabriek die zich volledig toelegt op producten voor de auto-industrie. De fabriek krijgt in eerste instantie een productiecapaciteit van 1,5 miljoen ton staal. De twee willen de strijd aangaan met Baoshan Iron & Steel Co dat momenteel de helft van het in de Chinese autosector gebruikte staal maakt.

De verwachting dat er over 8 jaar 30 à 35 miljoen auto's per jaar van de band rollen in de tweede economie van de wereld. Het huidige productieniveau is 22 miljoen stuks.
India gaat het nieuwe China worden voor wat betreft economische groei en ontwikkeling met alle media-aandacht die erbij hoort, gaat een enorme boost geven voor bedrijven als arcelor die zelf de mijnen in bezit hebben...een goede investering voor komende jaren op huidige koers, mocht het lager moeten dan over houden om nog bij te kopen uiteraard...ik heb er iig vertrouwen in op termijn, wat een ander doet moet ieder zelf bepalen uiteraard..
TATA Steel plans USD 3 billion loan to refinance Corus linked debt

Live Mint reported that TATA Steel Limited is in discussions with banks to raise a USD 3 billion loan for refinancing debt taken to fund the acquisition of Corus Group Plc in 2007.

According to three people familiar with the matter, the company plans to borrow in 5 or 7 year tenor to repay debt used to purchase UK based Corus for USD 12.9 billion. The people said that the funds may be denominated in US dollars and other foreign currencies, asking not to be identified because the terms aren’t set.

As per report, TATA Group is seeking to take advantage of a revival in demand in Europe, the company’s biggest market, and falling borrowing costs to refinance part of the USD 6.14 billion obligation taken to finance the Corus acquisition. TATA Steel has the equivalent of USD 15.4 billion of bonds and loans due, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Source – Live Mint
Odisha iron ore output in 2013-14 up 22pct at 78 million tonne

Business Standard reported that iron ore production in Odisha rose 22% in 2013-14 to reach 77.84 million tonne compared to 63 million tonne in FY 2013.

The state's iron ore output is also the best since 2009-10 when the ore production touched its highest ever level of 79.67 million tonne but plummeted in the subsequent years.

Mr Prafulla Kumar Mallick steel & mines minister of Odisha said that “Exports of the bulk ore from Odisha doubled from 4.34 million tonne in FY 13 to 8.81 million tonne. The state's internal consumption of iron ore stood at 67.66 million tonne.”

Major iron ore producers during 2013-14 included
1. Serajuddin & Company
2. Sarda Mines (7.02 million tonne)
3. Rungta Mines (5.4 million tonne)
4. Indrani Patnaik (3.88 million tonne)
5. Essel Mining & Industries Limited (2.7 million tonne)
6. Mid-East Integrated Steel (2.07 million tonne)
7. Aryan Mining & Trading Corporation (2.9 million tonne)
8. Rungta Sons (2.63 million tonne)
9. Feegrade & Company Private Limited (2.11 million tonne)

Apart from iron ore, Odisha produced 663,708 tonne of manganese ore, 7.63 million tonne of bauxite, 109.6 million tonne of coal, 3.71 million tonne of limestone and 2.85 million tonne of chromite ore.

The state's mining revenue slowed 3.11% to INR 5,515 crore in FY 14 compared to INR 5,695.70 crore in 2012 to 2013.

Source – Business Standard
Iron ore prices down to USD 90 mark

Reuters reported that iron ore futures in China slid to a fresh low as a supply glut smothered a market faced with slower steel demand, pushing spot iron ore prices to their lowest since September 2012.

Iron ore for September delivery on the Dalian Commodity Exchange hit a session low of CNY 659 per tonne including taxes, its lowest since the bourse launched the contract in October last year.

According to The Steel Index Ltd, ore with 62% iron content delivered to the port of Tianjin declined 0.7% to USD 90.90 a dry tonne the lowest level since September 2012.

The Shanghai trader said that "I don't think USD 90 would be a strong support level for the moment, I'm looking at closer to low USD 80s.”

The most active rebar for October delivery on the Shanghai Futures Exchange fell to as low as CNY 3,015 per tonne, its weakest since the exchange introduced rebar futures in March 2009.

Source – Reuters
Ukraine's DMKD to raise crude steel output

Ukraine’s Dneprovskiy Metallurgical Plant has announced plans to raise its output in June.

The company said it planned to produce 230,000 tonnes of crude steel, 203,000 tonnes of pig iron and 365,000 tonnes of agglomerate. Meanwhile, the company is planning to purchase around 34,000 tonnes of scrap in June.

In May, DMKD’s crude steel output totaled 190,000 tonnes and produced around 192,000 tonnes of steel finished products.

Source -
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ArcelorMittal voorziet forse groei in China

ZONDAG 15 JUNI 2014, 12:49 uur | 378 keer gelezen

LUXEMBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - In de komende 8 jaar zal de productie van auto's in China met 60 procent toenemen, waardoor de vraag naar staal fors zal stijgen. Die verwachting sprak staalgigant ArcelorMittal zondag uit bij de ingebruikname van een fabriek in het land.
ArcelorMittal en de lokale branchegenoot Hunan Valin Steel Co openden een fabriek die zich volledig toelegt op producten voor de auto-industrie. De fabriek krijgt in eerste instantie een productiecapaciteit van 1,5 miljoen ton staal. De twee willen de strijd aangaan met Baoshan Iron & Steel Co dat momenteel de helft van het in de Chinese autosector gebruikte staal maakt.

De verwachting dat er over 8 jaar 30 à 35 miljoen auto's per jaar van de band rollen in de tweede economie van de wereld. Het huidige productieniveau is 22 miljoen stuks. De nieuwe fabriek is voor 49 procent eigendom van ArcelorMittal, de rest is van Hunan Valin Steel. ArcelorMittal heeft een belang van 20 procent in de Chinese partner, maar zal dat op termijn terugbrengen tot 10 procent.

ArcelorMittal denkt dat de algemene vraag naar staal in China dit jaar met 3 à 4 procent toeneemt na een stijging van 7 procent vorig jaar. Het concern gaat er daarnaast van uit dat de vraag naar staal in Europa en de VS hoger zal zijn dan vorig jaar, maar specificeerde die uitspraak niet.


(Reuters) - ArcelorMittal, the world's top steelmaker, said on Sunday it would use its Chinese joint venture to tap into the country's fast-growing car market, helping offset slackening steel demand on the back of a slowing economy.

The company's joint venture with China's Hunan Valin Steel Co starts operation this month, with an annual production capacity of 1.5 million tonnes, including hot and cold-rolled coils, and parts such as chassis and wheels.

"Demand for autos in China will continue to grow. Today, China produces about 20 million cars per year ... so there is demand for these kind of niche products, like the ultra light-weight auto steel," Lakshmi Mittal, the company's chief executive, told Reuters in an interview in central Hunan province.

China became the world's biggest auto market five years ago, with annual sales growing nearly 14 percent last year to smash through the 20 million mark, thanks to a burgeoning middle-class that is eager to spend.

ArcelorMittal, which set up the Hunan joint venture in 2010 to produce high-end automotive steels, said it has no further short-term expansion plans in Asia or elsewhere, despite steel demand gradually recovering in the U.S. and Europe.

"We don't need to grow our capacity in our business. We will supply more steel to Europe and America by increasing our utilisation," he said.

Although China's steel sector, the world's largest in terms of capacity and consumption, is already plagued by gross over capacity, there is still a shortage of high-end automotive steel.

Imports from Japan and South Korea hover between 1.5 million to 2 million tonnes per year. ArcelorMittal previously supplied steel produced outside of the country to automotive manufacturers in China.

Mittal said the Hunan venture would supply steel to international car makers and domestic players such as Geely Automotive Holdings, Dongfeng Motor Group and Shanghai Auto.


China's huge automotive steel market is critically important to foreign companies, which have looked to its rapid growth to compensate for flagging sales in Europe. But Chinese laws requires foreign steel makers to team up with local partners.

South Korea's POSCO, which reported an 8 percent growth in the auto sector in its 2013 results, has also partnered with Chongqing Iron and Steel Co to build a 3 million tonnes per year auto steel plant in western China.

Despite a buoyant outlook for China's auto steel demand, some analysts have said that any stronger-than-expected growth for electric vehicles, which use more aluminium for car bodies, could take some shine out of steel consumption.

China had set a target of selling over 5 million electric cars by 2020, which would account for about one-seventh of all vehicle sales in the country if realised.

The move by Ford Motor to use aluminium for most of its F-150 truck has also renewed debate on whether aluminium would increasingly replace steel in the auto market.

"My position is that steel has the total solutions for the car industry ... which is lighter, stronger and safer material that can meet all these standards of the car industry," said Mittal.

(Reporting by Fayen Wong; Editing by Sophie Hares)
Indian pellet makers seek sops to process iron ore dumps

Business Line reported that Indian iron ore pellet making companies have urged the Government to provide incentives to use the 150 million tonne of low grade iron ore dumped as waste by miners.

Mr ND Rao VP of Pellet Manufacturers' Association of India said that “The Government should consider reducing the royalty on sale of these low grade iron ore dumps to make the process of beneficiation viable. Reducing royalty would not only help dispose the dumps safely but also aid in conserving key ingredient used in steel making”

In a recent meeting with the Union Commerce Ministry, the association has asked the Government to remove the 5% export duty imposed by the previous Government. It has argued that this levy is choking the industry and will stunt its growth.

The association said that the lower domestic demand has resulted in lower capacity utilisation of less than 50% against the global average of 80%.

Pellet exports have almost come to a standstill ever since the Government imposed the 5% Customs duty. With large steel players setting up their own pellet plants and exports hit by the duty, the capacity utilisation of standalone pellet plants are expected to drop further.

India has an installed pellet making capacity of 67 million tonne as of March, 2014. It is estimated to touch 91 million tonne by the end of this fiscal. Most large steel companies such as TATA Steel (3 million tonnes), JSW Steel (3 mt), Essar Steel (6 mt), Jindal Steel and Power (3 mt) have invested heavily in pellet plants in Chhattisgarh and Odisha.

Source – Business Line
449 mines are not operational in Odisha - Steel and Mines Minister

Nearly 449 mines are not operational in the State while mining leases in respect of 307 mines have already expired. This was informed by the Steel and Mines minister Mr Prafulla Kuamr Mallick in the State Assembly on Friday.

Mr Mallick said that out of the total 601 mining leases issued to lift different minerals deposited in the State, the time limits of 307 mines have already expired.

Replying to a question of Congress member M rNaba Kishore Das, the minister said that 307 leases which have expired include 128 iron ore and manganese mines and 179 other mines.

Stating that the application for renewal of the mining leases are at different stages of consideration, he said that while 16 of the applicants who applied for renewal of their mining leases have set up their own units in the State, the rest have no industrial units of their own. To a separate question, Mr adding that out of the 601 mines only 107 are operating as per the five-year mining scheme.

He said that various individuals and mining companies have applied for mining leases and prospective licences for the surplus minerals. The Government is considering these applications keeping in view the various rules and the directions of courts.

He added that the State Government has written to the Union Government 19 times for increasing the royalties both non-coal minerals and coal between December 2000 and March, 2014. But the Centre has not hiked the rates of royalty in respect of non-coal minerals since 2009 and the rate of coal royalty since 2012.

He further added that the Central Government had hiked the rates of royalty for non-coal minerals in 2000, October 2004 and August 2009.

Similarly, the Centre also increased the coal royalty in August 2002, August 2007 and May 2012.

Source -
Chinese crude steel output in May crosses 70 million tonne mark

According to the government data, China’s crude steel output hit a record of 70.43 million tonnes in May, up 2.6% from a year ago as steel mills in the world’s biggest producer looked to meet strong demand.

Steel demand in China traditionally improves in the second quarter as construction activity picks up along with warmer weather, but the slowing economy and weak property sector is expected to curb demand growth and push mills to cut output in coming months.

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that May’s output rose 2.3% from April and trumped the previous record of 70.25 million tonnes hit in March. Output for the first five months of the year rose 2.7% to 342.52 million tonnes from the same period last year.

The average daily crude steel output fell to 2.272 million tonnes in May from a record 2.295 million tonnes seen in April. It has stood above 2.20 million tonnes so far this year.

Traders said that a rapid fall in iron ore prices, which have lost about one third and hit a 21 month low, has also helped steel mills to generate a profit of about CNY 50 per tonne to CNY 150 per tonne encouraging them to keep production high.

Source – The News
Germany's crude steel output rise by 7.3pct in May

According to date of German steel association WV Stahl, the country’s crude steel output totaled 3.92 million tonnes in May, rising by 7.3% YoY and up by 5.8% from the previus month.

In May, the country’s output of steel finished products totaled 3.06 million tonnes down by 3.9% from the figures in the same month of 2013.

In the first five months of this year, the country’s crude steel production amounted to 18.92 million tonnes increasing by 4.9% YoY.

Source -
Japan's demand for construction steel sets to rise

According to Japan’s Ministry of Land Infrastructure & Transport, the country’s demand for construction steel is expected to increase by 10.8% in July, reaching 2.05 million tonnes.

The government usually decides their civil construction after April to June, so the distributors in Tokyo predict a rise from next quarter.

The demand fro sections steel is predicted to reach 410,000 tonnes small bars will hit 820,000 tonnes up by 1.2% from June.

Source -
Valin ArcelorMittal auto JV VAMA in China inaugurated

Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co was officially opened its new advanced automotive steel plant in China, beginning a new era of automotive manufacturing in the country.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Mr LN Mittal, chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal, Mr Cao Huiquan, chairman and CEO of Hunan Valin Steel, Hunan Governor Mr Du Jiahao, Hunan Vice Governor Mr Chen Zhaoxiong and other senior Chinese and ArcelorMittal leaders, underlining the importance of the manufacturing project to the development of the automotive industry in China.

VAMA, the joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Hunan Iron & Steel Co, located in the economic zone of Loudi, Hunan Province and built on a greenfield site, is one of the major investment projects jointly approved by China’s National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce. The total investment is CNY 5.2 billion (USD 832 million).

The two-year construction project, involving more than 2,000 workers, was completed on schedule, achieving more than six million safe work hours, making it one of the safest steel projects in China. The completed project, which was built in 730 days compared with an industry average of three and a half years, will initially provide more than 600 high-skilled jobs, with plans to create more jobs as production increases.

VAMA will produce state of the art grade steels for safe and cost-efficient lightweight design, superior surface quality and coating technology, helping to meet rapid growth in demand for advanced automotive steels in China. The annual production capacity will be 1.5 million tonnes, including 800,000 tonnes of cold rolled coils, 200,000 tonnes of aluminium coated coils and 500,000 tonnes of hot dip galvanised coils. VAMA covers a large range of automotive steel products, including those for visible structural parts, chassis and wheels.

ArcelorMittal has contributed the most advanced automotive steel production technology available, including Advanced and Ultra High Strength Steel (AHSS and UHSS) grades with levels of up to 1,200 MPa, Usibor® 1500 – a steel for hot stamping – and assisted with the completion of the quality control and R&D systems. VAMA aims to supply international carmakers and Tier 1 suppliers as well as promote high-end solutions to domestic car manufacturers and their supplier networks. These include Volkswagen, GM, Ford, PSA, Daimler-Benz, BMW, Toyota, Honda, Renault, Fiat and Nissan, as well as leading domestic manufacturers such as Geely, Chery, Dongfeng, Guangzhou Auto, Shanghai Auto and Changan.

Mr Mittal said “The most advanced technology has been extended to VAMA, which is therefore ideally positioned to give auto manufacturers greater flexibility to produce lighter, safer and more environmentally friendly cars for customers in China”.

China has the world’s fastest-growing automotive market, recording a 16 per cent increase in car sales to 18 million units last year, and is expected to account for 35 per cent of worldwide automotive growth between now and 2020.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
NEW YORK (AFN) - ArcelorMittal is niet van plan om andere bedrijven over te nemen. Dat stelde de staalproducent dinsdag bij een conferentie in New York.
Eerder deze maand gaven bronnen rond het Spaanse Grupo Condesa aan dat Arcelor mogelijk belangstelling zou hebben voor de overname van dat bedrijf. Condesa zou de mogelijkheden onderzoeken om zich in de etalage te zeten.
Arcelor gaf dinsdag verder aan dat de Europese markt stabiliseert, maar nog altijd structurele problemen kent en dat de markt in Brazilië en India wordt geremd door de slechte infrastructuur. Het bedrijf herhaalde de voorspelling dat de vraag naar staal in China dit jaar met 3 procent groeit.
Steel Ministry reports outlines 300 million tonne capacity in India by 2025

Economic Times reported that Indian Steel Ministry in a recent report has said that mega steel projects need to be set up in states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha to take the country's production capacity of the metal to 300 million tonne in a decade.

The Steel Ministry, prepared document said that "For realizing the national mission of having steel capacity of 300 million tonne by 2025-26, an additional steel production capacity of 176 million tonne per annum in eastern sector and about 26 million tonne in rest of India is required.”

The document has projected huge direct and indirect employment opportunities to the tune of approximately 315,000 and 1,262,000, respectively, from large steel complexes, associated social infrastructure facilities and ancillary industries.

It said that setting up of mega steel projects in a place give fillip to the all round development of the area and overall business and industrial climate is raised by the growth of ancillary units in both manufacturing sectors like power generation and foundry and service sectors such as consultancy, education and health.

The government has also sought suggestions from various stakeholders, including industry representatives, on its report.

At present, the country's crude capacity for steel production is 96 million tonnes per annum.

Source - Economic Times
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