Conditions on some markets will again challenge HSH Nordbank during the second half of the year. For instance, the strained situation of the international shipping business that has been ongoing for years – and for which HSH Nordbank does not anticipate any sustained recovery before 2015 – will continue to weigh heavily on the Bank. Furthermore, the banking supervisory authority will again be conducting an extensive review of the resilience of system-relevant banks. This will be happening in advance of the transfer planned for 2014 of regulatory responsibility for larger banks from national supervisory authorities to the European Central Bank. This is to involve a balance sheet assessment to examine the quality of the banks’ portfolios. Against this backdrop, too, the Bank still anticipates according to its planning the need for a large amount of loan loss provisions later on this year to cover the troubled assets in its Restructuring Unit. Furthermore, additional fee expenses for the increased guarantee facility and a pro-rata exceptional payment to the guarantor will have an impact on the second half of the year. This exceptional payment will put the guarantor in the same position as if the guarantee had not been temporarily reduced in the meantime. For these reasons the Bank still forecasts a negative 2013 result for the Group as a whole.
Het zijn met name de Navios fee en wat andere voorzieningen waardoor de 2e helft 2013 verlieslatend wordt, maar verder ziet het er niet onaardig uit.
Is ook wel de trend bij Bawag, NordLB/Furstenberg en Areaal, allemaal verbeterend.