Deel van discussie op Yahoo forum over gtat.
-Let me explain it for everyone including the seeking alpha author just how big this is regarding sapphire phone adoption. It is estimated / expected that, by the year Jan 1st 2016, 5-8% market adoption will take place with phone screens. With this type of market penetration, it will take 3000 GT furnaces at 5% and 5000 furnaces at 8% market adoption. 1 Furnace is $500,000. So for Sapphire phone adoption at this run rate, GTAT will make $1.5 billion at 5% over the course of the next 2 years or $2.5 billion at 8% over the course of the next 2 years. And this is just for phone screens and nothing else.
-UBS just upgraded GTAT because a tier 1 manufacturer is expected to buy 500 furnaces 1st quarter from GTAT in 2014 alone, worth $250 million to GTAT.
-Let me put this in layman's terms for everyone to understand. This stock has absolute explosive potential over the course of the next 3-4 years, and we aren't talking just 100% gains here. Less
Sentiment: Strong Buy