GT Advanced has positioned itself to reap the rewards of capacity growth in coming years. Silevo uses a proprietary technology to reduce the use of silver in modules, replacing it with copper. Similarly, GT Advanced Technologies' Merlin Metallization and Interconnect does the same thing for panel makers.
What is interesting about GT Advanced's Merlin, is that it can be integrated into existing production lines, and for panel makers like Trina Solar and Yingli Green Energy, among a dozen or more others, being able to implement a proven technology, versus investing in development of something in-house, could be the smart way to remain competitive with higher efficiency panel makers.
Additionally, the company's latest CVD Reactors, FBR, and HiCZ system, are all big steps forward in lower cost to purchase, lower cost of operation, and higher production output, than previous generations. And with the efficiency race ramping up, and the need to produce more panels at a lower cost also becoming a priority, GT Advanced is very well positioned to benefit from the growth in solar over the coming decade. The orders have already started coming in. This March, GT Advanced received a $336 million order for a Malaysian PV plant, and just received a commitment from Qatar Solar Energy to supply its HiCZ systems for a solar manufacturing plant. This plant could be as large as 2.5 gigawatts in size upon completion, so the order could be enormous.