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Hogere olieprijs stuwt resultaten Rosneft
Omzet en winst hoger in vierde kwartaal.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)Geholpen door een hogere olieprijs heeft Rosneft hogere resultaten behaald in het vierde kwartaal van 2017. Dit bleek maandag uit de cijfers van de Russische oliemaatschappij.

De omzet steeg ten opzichte van het voorgaande kwartaal met dik 14 procent in de laatste drie maanden van het jaar, tot 1.709 miljard roebel, gelijk aan 30,1 miljard dollar. In heel 2017 nam de omzet toe van 77,2 miljard tot 106,4 miljard dollar. Rosneft zei dat de verkoop van petroleumproducten flink toenam.

De operationele winst (EBITDA) in dollars steeg dik 6 procent tot 6,7 miljard in het afgelopen kwartaal en nam in heel het jaar met krap een kwart toe tot 24,0 miljard dollar.

Rosneft zei in Rusland, Azië en Europa zijn marktaandeel flink te hebben uitgebreid, wat meehielp aan de hogere resultaten. De nettowinst in het afgelopen kwartaal bedroeg 1,8 miljard dollar, hetgeen flink hoger was dan de 0,7 miljard dollar uit het derde kwartaal. In heel 2017 steeg de winst met met krap 41 procent tot 3,8 miljard dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Statoil gains union support for proposed name change

All the five unions organising Statoil employees – Industri Energi, SAFE, NITO, Tekna and Lederne – support the proposal by the board of directors to the annual general meeting to change our name from Statoil to Equinor. "It is important that Statoil remains prepared and competitive in a low carbon future."

"The company’s strategy and its development into a broad energy company are future-oriented. This makes it natural to adopt a name that better reflects all energy forms that the company will produce; oil, natural gas and renewables."

"We are proud of our Norwegian heritage, of the company’s history, and of Statoil’s ambition to be the leading and most carbon-efficient producer of oil and gas."

"At the same time, energy will in the future increasingly come from renewable sources, and we are already seeing how we can utilise our competence within the area of renewables. We are and will remain a values-based company and we are proud of our Norwegian origin. We therefore support the proposal by management and the board of directors that we as of 16 May will be called Equinor."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Venezuela’s crude sales to US falls to 15 year low in February 2018

Reuters reported that Venezuela’s crude exports to the United States declined in February to a 15-year low as oil production continues falling and President Donald Trump’s administration weighs new sanctions on the OPEC country. Financial sanctions imposed by the United States in August on Venezuela and state-run oil firm PDVSA have created obstacles for selling crude cargoes to U.S. refiners, shrinking the number of customers PDVSA has in the US.

In February, PDVSA and its joint ventures sent 21 cargoes to the United States – half the number it exported in recent years – with a total of 378,643 barrels per day (bpd) of crude, according to Reuters’ Trade Flows data.

The exports were 21 percent lower than in January and 43 percent below the volume shipped in February of 2017.

The largest receiver of Venezuelan crude last month was PDVSA’s refining unit in the United States, Citgo Petroleum, followed by refiner Valero Energy Corp and oil firm Chevron Corp.

Refining firms Phillips 66 and PBF Energy Inc , usually large buyers of Venezuelan crude, did not purchase cargoes from PDVSA last month, according to the data.

Venezuela’s crude output fell almost 10 percent in February versus the previous month to 1.586 million bpd, its lowest volume since the 1950s, according to official figures reported to OPEC.

Source : Reuters
Global oil demand picks up but still lags rising supply - IEA

Demand is expected to increase by 1.5 mb/d in 2018 to 99.3 mb/d, a 0.1 mb/d upward revision compared to last month’s forecast. Global oil demand is estimated at 97.8 mb/d in 2017, unchanged from last month. Strong early data contributed to an upward revision of 240 kb/d in our outlook for OECD growth in 2018. The switch to natural gas in Pakistan and Iraq’s power sectors is responsible for a downward revision of 150 kb/d to non-OECD demand.

Global oil supply in February eased to 97.9 mb/d and was up by 0.7 mb/d on a year earlier due to higher non-OPEC output. Strong growth in the US is expected to boost this year’s non-OPEC expansion to 1.8 mb/d compared to 760 kb/d in 2017.

OPEC crude oil production edged lower in February to 32.1 mb/d, led by losses in Venezuela and the UAE. The call on OPEC crude rises steadily to 32.6 mb/d in 2H18, 480 kb/d higher than current output.

OECD commercial stocks rose in January for the first time in seven months to reach 2 871 mb. However, the 18 mb increase was only half the usual level. The surplus to the five-year averaged fell to 53 mb. Cushing crude stocks reached their lowest level in three years.

Global crude oil prices fell in the first half of February, before stabilising later in the month. The ICE Brent futures curve remains in backwardation. However, spreads are narrowing. Brent prices have averaged close to $67/bbl this year.

Global refining throughput in 1Q18 slowed from 4Q17’s record levels by 0.9 mb/d. It will ramp up to a new record in 2Q18 at 81.8 mb/d. We assume refining throughput will only partially meet the seasonal demand increase, with inventories filling the gap.

On Balance
The past month has been relatively uneventful in terms of data changes, apart from an increase to our demand growth estimate. Crude oil prices are slightly lower than last month, and have generally been relatively stable for several weeks. Even so, the value of Brent crude oil is still averaging close to $67/bbl in 2018, which is about 20% higher than in the early part of last year.

Looking at demand, our estimate for global growth in 2018 has increased by 90 kb/d taking it up to 1.5 mb/d. Although this is a modest revision, it is interesting that provisional data suggests very strong starts to the year in China and India, which, taken together, accounted for nearly 50% of global demand growth in 2017. Cold weather in some parts of the northern hemisphere in January-February saw an increase in heating demand.

On supply, new and revised data shows very little change in the outlook versus last month. Although US production was lower than expected in December, there is no change to our overall 2017 number neither to our outlook for 2018 that expects crude output there to grow by 1.3 mb/d. We retain our view that total non-OPEC production grew by 760 kb/d last year and that it will surge by 1.78 mb/d this year. Within the OPEC countries, the biggest risk factor is, and will likely remain, Venezuela. Our estimate for February shows output down again, by 60 kb/d. Other countries with a risk factor include Libya, and, to a lesser extent, Nigeria. In Libya, we saw another modest supply gain in February to 1.02 mb/d and, although stability cannot be taken for granted, it appears that the frequency and severity of production interruptions is declining and higher rates of output are being maintained. Taking OPEC as a whole, quota compliance in February was 147%, but even if Venezuela’s production were at its allocated level, the group’s compliance would still be close to 100%.

Stocks, and specifically OECD stocks, remain the most-cited indicator of oil market re-balancing. In this Report, we note that in January they increased month-on-month for the first time since July. However, the increase of 18 mb was half the average level for January seen in the past five years. Indeed, the surplus of total OECD stocks against the five-year average fell for the ninth successive month to 50 mb, with products showing a very small deficit.

In the meantime, market re-balancing is clearly moving ahead with key indicators – supply and demand becoming more closely aligned, OECD stocks falling close to average levels, the forward price curve in backwardation at prices that increasingly appear to be sustainable – pointing in that direction. In our chart, we assume for scenario purposes that OPEC production remains flat for the rest of 2018, and on this basis there will be a very small stock build in 1Q18 with deficits in the rest of the year. With supply from Venezuela clearly vulnerable to an accelerated decline, without any compensatory change from other producers it is possible that the Latin American country could be the final element that tips the market decisively into deficit.

Moving further into the future than is usual in this Report, in the IEA’s five-year outlook, published in Oil 2018 – Analysis and Forecasts to 2023, we highlighted how in 2017 discoveries of new resources fell to a record low of only 4 bn barrels while 36 bn barrels were actually produced. We also pointed out that in 2018 investment spending is likely to grow only by 6% having barely increased at all in 2017. To 2020, production increases from non-OPEC countries are by themselves enough to meet demand growth. After that time, the pace of growth from these countries is less certain, and the market might well need the supplies currently being held off the market by leading producers.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Olieprijs onder druk
Omlaag in het spoor van de aandelenmarkten.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De olieprijs stond maandag onder druk. De april-future op een vat West Texas Intermediate daalde 0,28 dollar, of 0,4 procent, op een settlement van 62,06 dollar.

Daarmee zakte de olieprijs weer wat terug ten opzichte van het niveau van voor het weekend. Maandag volgden de oliemarkten het spoor van de aandelenmarkten maar de verliezen bleven beperkt, volgens Brian Youngberg van Edward Jones.

"Geopolitieke kwesties in het Midden-Oosten zorgden samen met de toezeggingen van Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland om de productie in te perken, voor een voorlopige bodem onder de olieprijzen", aldus de marktanalist.

De Saoedische kroonprins Mohammed bin Salman zei dit weekend dat het koninkrijk nucleaire wapens zou ontwikkelen, wanneer Iran dit ook zou doen. Hiermee komt verdere druk te staan op de bestaande deal met Teheran, dat de ontwikkeling van zijn atoomprogramma de afgelopen jaren juist inperkte in ruil voor de versoepeling van mondiale sancties.

Marktanalist Ole Hansen van Saxo Bank verwacht dat deze geopolitieke problemen ervoor zullen zorgen dat het neerwaartse risico voor de olieprijs voorlopig beperkt blijft. De Saoedische kroonprins bezoekt deze week de Verenigde Staten, wat voor genoeg nieuwskoppen zal zorgen en dat op een moment dat de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump juist een herziening wil van de Iraanse atoomdeal.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Olieprijs sterk omhoog
Venezuela en Saoedi's stuwen de vraag.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De olieprijs is dinsdag sterk gestegen, gesteund door zorgen over spanningen tussen Iran en Saoedi-Arabië en over de olieproductie in Venezuela.

De aprilfuture voor een vast ruwe olie op de New York Mercantile Exchange, die dinsdag expireert, steeg met 2,2 procent tot 63,42 dollar. Brent-olie klom 1,9 porcent tot 67,32 dollar per vat in Londen.

Het waren de hoogste prijzen voor olie sinds eind februari.

"De productie van Venezuela zal waarschijnlijk verder dalen", zei analist Scott Gecas van Long Leaf Trading.

In februari produceerde het in economische crisis verkerende Zuid-Amerikaanse land al een half miljoen vaten minder dan een jaar eerder.

De lagere productie in Venezuela wordt goedgemaakt door recordproductie in de Verenigde Staten, waar de handelsvoorraden ruwe olie in zes van de zeven afgelopen weken zijn gestegen en deze week een verdere toename wordt verwacht. Woensdag volgen de wekelijkse voorraadcijfers van de Amerikaanse EIA.

Volgens analist Stephen Innes van Oanda blijven spoanningen tussen Saoedi-Arabië en Iran de olieprijs ondersteunen. "Nucleaire spanningen rond Irak zullen niet snel uit beeld raken en met de kans op hernieuwde Amerikaanse sancties kunnen de oliebulls nog even voortdenderen."

President Donald Trump heeft tegen Europese leiders gezegd dat ze de fouten moeten repareren in de deal over de nucleaire capaciteiten van Iran, anders zullen de Verenigde Staten de sancties tegen het land weer instellen.

De olieprijs steeg vorige vrijdag sterk nadat de Saoedische kroonprins Mohammed bin Salman zei dat zijn land nucleaire wapens zal ontwikkelen als Iran dat ook doet.

De Saoedi's hebben intussen hun plannen voor een beursnotering van de nationale oliereus Aramco teruggeschroefd. Het bedrijf krijgt alleen een binnenlandse beursnotering, omdat een notering in de Verenigde Staten te grote juridische risico's zou opleveren.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Amerikaanse olievoorraden dalen
Capaciteitsbenutting stijgt tot 91,7 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gedaald. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 16 maart daalden de olievoorraden met circa 2,6 miljoen vaten tot 428,3 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden slonken met circa 1,7 miljoen tot 243,1 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie met 2,0 miljoen vaten daalden tot 131,0 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen steeg wel, van 90,0 procent naar 91,7 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
The United States exported more natural gas than it imported in 2017 - EIA

The United States exported more natural gas than it imported in 2017, marking the first time since 1957 that the United States has been a net natural gas exporter. The transition to net exporter occurred as natural gas production in the United States continued to grow, reducing pipeline imports from Canada and increasing exports, both by pipeline and as liquefied natural gas (LNG). Natural gas production in the United States increased significantly over the past decade. The United States surpassed Russia in 2009 as the world’s largest natural gas producer as shale gas production drove overall increases in natural gas production.

Most recently, production increases have been concentrated in the Appalachia region—primarily the Marcellus and Utica shales. Natural gas production reached an average of 73.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2017, a 1% increase from the 2016 level and just slightly lower than the 2015 record level.

As the United States has produced more natural gas, particularly from the Appalachia region, pipeline imports from Canada have decreased. As new pipeline capacity comes online in the region, more natural gas can be delivered to regions in the Midwest and Northeast, displacing Canadian imports and increasing U.S. pipeline exports to Canada.

US natural gas pipeline capacity into Mexico has also increased over the past few years, driven by growth in demand for natural gas from Mexico’s power sector and favorable prices compared with natural gas supplied by LNG shipments. U.S.-Mexico natural gas pipeline capacity is currently 11.2 Bcf/d, with another 3.2 Bcf/d of capacity scheduled to be added later in 2018. Pipeline exports to Mexico have grown along with pipeline capacity, more than doubling since 2014 and averaging 4.2 Bcf/d in 2017.

US LNG exports increased dramatically over the past two years as new liquefaction capacity has come online. The only liquefaction terminal previously operating in the United States—the Kenai LNG terminal in Alaska—ceased operations in 2015. In 2016, as the Sabine Pass LNG terminal in Louisiana began to ramp up operations, U.S. LNG exports increased. Sabine Pass now has four operating liquefaction units, with a fifth currently under construction.

The Cove Point LNG facility in Maryland exported its first LNG cargo on March 1, 2018. Cove Point is the second currently operating LNG export facility in the United States, after Sabine Pass. Four other LNG projects are under construction and expected to increase U.S. liquefaction capacity from 3.6 Bcf/d to 9.6 Bcf/d by the end of 2019, further increasing U.S. natural gas exports.

EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook projects that the United States will be a net exporter of natural gas in each month remaining in 2018 and each month of 2019 as pipeline exports to Mexico continue to grow along with LNG export capacity.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Olieprijs hoger gesloten
Onverwachte daling Amerikaanse ruwe olievoorraden stuwt olieprijs.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De prijs voor een vat ruwe olie is woensdag hoger gesloten, nadat uit de meest recente data van de Amerikaanse Energy Information Administration bleek dat de voorraden ruwe olie vorige week in de Verenigde Staten zijn gedaald.

Uit de EIA-data bleek dat de Amerikaanse voorraden ruwe olie in de week eindigend op 16 maart zijn gedaald met circa 2,6 miljoen vaten tot 428,3 miljoen vaten. Vooraf door S&P Global Platts geraadpleegde economen rekenden juist op een stijging van 2,6 miljoen vaten ruwe olie.

De benzinevoorraden slonken met circa 1,7 miljoen tot 243,1 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie met 2,0 miljoen vaten daalden tot 131,0 miljoen vaten. De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen steeg wel, van 90,0 procent naar 91,7 procent.

De cijfers van het EIA zijn in lijn met data van het American Petroleum Institute een dag eerder. Het instituut meldde een daling van 2,7 miljoen vaten.

Hernieuwde geopolitieke risico's ondersteunden de olieprijs tevens. De olieprijs steeg dinsdag tot zijn hoogste niveau sinds eind februari, na een ontmoeting tussen de Saoedische kroonprins Mohammed bin Salman en de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump in Washington. De ontmoeting deed de vrees voor een verharding van het Amerikaanse beleid tegen Iran stijgen.

Zowel de Verenigde Staten als Saoedi Arabië uitten eerder kritiek op de internationale overeenkomst uit 2015 om de nucleaire ambities van Iran te beteugelen en Trump heeft gedreigd om zich terug te trekken uit het akkoord en nieuwe economische sancties aan het land op te leggen. "Dit zou de olieproductie van één van de grootste leden van de OPEC kunnen beïnvloeden", aldus analisten.

De mei-future voor een vat ruwe olie steeg woensdag op de New York Mercantile Exchange met 2,6 procent, ofwel 1,63 dollar, tot 65,17 dollar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Olieprijs sluit lager
Amerikaanse schalieproductie blijft stijgen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De prijs voor een vat ruwe olie is donderdag lager gesloten. De mei-future voor een vat ruwe olie sloot op de New York Mercantile Exchange 0,87 dollar lager, of 1,3 procent, op 64,30 dollar.

Een dag eerder stegen de olieprijzen, nadat uit het wekelijkse olierapport van Energy Information Administration bleek dat de Amerikaanse voorraden onverwacht waren gedaald.

De EIA rapporteerde echter ook dat de Amerikaanse olieproductie blijft stijgen en een nieuw record heeft bereikt. ""Amerikaanse productie blijft het belangrijkste op de middellange termijn, niet geopolitiek of Venezuela", zei marktvolger Tyler Richey van Sevens Report.

Volgens Richey zal het enthousiasme voor olie, waardoor de prijzen recentelijk zijn gestegen, worden getemperd door de stijgende schalieproductie uit Amerika. De eerdere prijsstijgingen deze week werden vooral veroorzaakt door toenemende zorgen over de relatie tussen Amerika en Iran en Venezuela.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Statoil gets PSA nod for Aasta Hansteen facilities in the Norwegian Sea

Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) has given Statoil consent to use the Aasta Hansteen spar FPSO, subsea systems and infield pipelines on the Aasta Hansteen field in the Norwegian Sea. The PSA has given Statoil consent to use the Aasta Hansteen facility (Spar FPSO), subsea systems and infield pipelines.

Aasta Hansteen is in the northern sector of the Norwegian Sea, 120 kilometres northwest of Norne and around 300 kilometres off the Nordland county coast. Water depth in the area is 1270 metres.

The field is presently in development.

Aasta Hansteen was proven in 1997 and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2013. The development solution is a Spar platform (a floating facility consisting of a vertical cylindrical hull moored to the seabed) and subsea templates, which are tied to the platform by pipelines and rigid steel risers.

The gas from Aasta Hansteen will be transported by the Polarled pipeline to the Nyhamna terminal in Møre og Romsdal county. Light oil (condensate) will be loaded into tankers and shipped to market.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Olieprijs veert op
Volatiele week resulteert in winst van 5,6 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)Olie werd vrijdag duurder in reactie op de berichten dat de OPEC de productiebeperkingen ook in 2019 wil aanhouden. De mei-future op een vat West Texas Intermediate steeg 1,58 dollar, of 2,5 procent, op een settlement van 65,88 dollar.

Op weekbasis steeg de olieprijs 5,6 procent. Het was een volatiele week voor olie, dat aan het begin van de week nog steun kreeg door de geopolitieke zorgen over de betrekkingen tussen Amerika en olieproducenten Iran en Venezuela. Richting het eind van de week zorgde de dreigende handelsoorlog tussen de Verenigde Staten en China echter voor een kortstondige verkoopgolf.

Vrijdag wist de olieprijs evenwel weer op te veren. Donderdagavond laat zei Saoedi-Arabië dat de OPEC moet samen blijven werken met olieproducenten buiten het kartel om de productie ook volgend jaar binnen de perken te houden.

"Een besluit wordt in juni genomen tijdens de volgende OPEC vergadering. Als het zevenjarige gemiddelde in de toekomst als referentiekader wordt genomen, zoals donderdag werd gemeld, dan zou zich een duidelijkere daling van de olievoorraden aftekenen", volgens marktstrategen van Commerzbank.

Ondertussen dreigen de internationale betrekkingen tussen Amerika en Iran verder te bekoelen met de aanstelling van John Bolton als de nieuwe veiligheidsadviseur van president Donald Trump. "Hij is conservatief en zijn aanstelling wakkert de zorgen aan dat Amerika weer sancties zal opleggen aan Iran, de op twee na grootste olieproducent in het Midden-Oosten", aldus analist Rob Fraser van Schneider Electric. De komst van Bolton gaat gepaard met de verwachte aanstelling van Mike Pompeo als nieuwe minister van Buitenlandse Zaken. Ook voormalig CIA-directeur Pompeo is geen voorstander van de huidige atoomdeal van Iran.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Linear part of Power of Siberia gas pipeline completed by 75.5pct

The Gazprom Board of Directors commended the Company for the progress made on its major investment projects. As part of the Eastern Gas Program, the Company is implementing the most ambitious project in the global gas industry. The project will allow Gazprom to provide gas supplies to domestic consumers in Russia’s Far East and start delivering pipeline gas to the extensive and fast-growing Chinese market.

In the east of Russia, the Company is shaping the Yakutia and Irkutsk gas production centers on the basis of the Chayandinskoye and Kovyktinskoye fields, respectively. At Chayandinskoye, pre-development is underway, with 99 gas wells drilled and a river wharf in the Peleduy settlement put in operation to receive large cargo.

Construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline – the link between the gas production centers and consumers – continues apace, with 1,629.3 kilometers of the pipeline’s linear part, or 75.5 per cent of the section stretching from the Chayandinskoye field to Blagoveshchensk, built by now.

Equipment for the first production trains is being installed at the construction site of the Amur Gas Processing Plant, where valuable petrochemical components will be extracted from the gas intended for exports. A number of important infrastructure facilities – the cargo berth on the Zeya River and the priority railway communications – are already in place.

It was noted at the meeting that Russian gas supplies to China’s CNPC would start on December 20, 2019, as indicated in the contract.

Gazprom continues to implement a number of strategic projects in the west. This work is key to the long-term development of Russia’s Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) and the provision of reliable gas supplies to consumers in the European part of the country and the traditional European markets.

The Company consistently ramps up its gas production capacities in the Yamal Peninsula, which will be crucial to the development of the Russian gas industry in the coming decades. At Bovanenkovskoye, the most important field of the new Yamal gas production center, it is planned to bring a third gas production facility into operation in 2018. This will help the field reach its design production level of 115 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

At the same time, the northern gas transmission corridor is being expanded. In 2018, construction of the linear part of the Ukhta – Torzhok 2 gas pipeline will be completed, with 869.5 of 970 kilometers built as of today. There are plans to bring onstream 371 MW of compressor capacities at the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta 2 gas pipeline, which is currently in operation. In addition, it is planned to lay some 600 kilometers of gas pipelines as part of the UGSS development project for northwestern Russia.

The new gas transmission capacities will help, inter alia, feed gas into the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea. As part of that project, a permit was issued by the German federal authorities for the construction and operation of the gas pipeline in German territorial waters. Work is underway to obtain national permits from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.

Construction of the export gas pipeline across the Black Sea, TurkStream, is right on schedule, with a total of 991 kilometers – 53 per cent of the overall length of the two strings in the pipeline’s offshore section – completed.

It was highlighted at the meeting that the unprecedented growth in the daily exports of Russian gas to Europe and Turkey in the winter period of 2017–2018 (a new all-time high of 713.4 million cubic meters was registered on March 2) proved the relevance of the new gas mains.

Gazprom pays great attention to gas supplies in the Kaliningrad Region, Russia’s westernmost territory. In 2017, two new underground reservoirs were brought into operation at the Kaliningradskoye underground gas storage (UGS) facility, more than doubling the working gas inventories from 70 to 156 million cubic meters. Two gas pipeline branches connected to new power plants were laid in the towns of Gusev and Sovetsk. Work is continuing on the construction of a liquefied natural gas receiving, storage and regasification terminal in the Kaliningrad Region.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Olieprijs omlaag
Handelsvoorraden kunnen stijgen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is dinsdag gedaald, in afwachting van een mogelijke stijging van de Amerikaanse handelsvoorraden ruwe olie. Een mogelijke uitbreiding van de productiebeperking door OPEC- en andere landen bood steun.

De meifuture op een vat ruwe olie aan de New York Mercantile Exchange sloot dinsdag 0,5 procent lager op 65,25 dollar. Vorige week steeg de olieprijs met ruim 5 procent, vooral op vrijdag, en deze week blijft de future op dit niveau liggen, terwijl de aandelenmarkten schommelen. Een meifuture voor een vat Brent-olie stond 0,1 procent lager op 70,11 dollar.

Oliehandelarenkeken vooruit naar wekelijkse Amerikaansevoorraadcijfersvan deEnergyInformationAdministration. Economen rekenen op een toename van de voorraden ruwe olie met 1 miljoen vaten, terwijl de benzine- enstookolievoorradenzouden dalen.

De olieprijs werd gesteund door een mogelijke verlenging het OPEC-akkoord om de olieproductie met 1,8 miljoen vaten per dag in te perken. Ook tien landen die niet tot het OPEC-kartel horen, waaronder Rusland, doen hieraan mee, om de overvloed aan olie op de markt te verkleinen.

De Saoedische kroonprins Mohammad bin Salman zei tegen persbureau Reuters dat Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland een langdurige verlenging van de afgesproken productiebeperking overwegen. "We werken aan een overgang van deals van jaar tot jaar naar een akkoord voor tien tot twintig jaar", zei de kroonprins volgens het Reuters-verhaal.

Intussen raken in verschillende landen de olievoorraden op, volgens de Saoedische minister van financien Mohammed al-Jadaan. "Dit roept de vraag op over de repercussies van te weinig investeren in de afgelopen paar jaar", zei Phil Flynn van Price Futures Group. Zo heeft een land als Venezuela genoeg oliereserves maar bijna geen nieuwe productie.

Ook een mogelijke terugkeer van Amerikaanse sancties tegen Iran zou het aanbod van olie uit het land kunnen laten wegvallen.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Irak hoort steun voor verlenging OPEC-deal

Gepubliceerd op 28 mrt 2018 om 12:16 | Views: 806

BAGDAD (AFN/RTR) - Een aantal olie-exporterende landen zou voorstander zijn van een verlenging van de productiebeperking door oliekartel OPEC en onder meer Rusland. Dat zei de Iraakse olieminister Jabar al-Luaibi.

In november kwamen de OPEC, met bijvoorbeeld Saudi-Arabië, en niet-leden zoals Rusland nog overeen de productiebeperking tot eind dit jaar te verlengen om zo de olieprijzen te stutten. Die afspraak stond sinds begin 2017. Volgens de Iraakse olieminister hebben verschillende olielanden nu gesuggereerd om deze deal nog met een halfjaar uit te breiden. Hij zei niet om welke landen het ging.

Secretaris-generaal Mohammed Barkindo van de OPEC liet vanuit Bagdad weten dat het oliekartel samenwerking voor de lange termijn wil aangaan met andere olie-exporteurs. Hij reageerde daarop op het bericht dat de Saudi-Arabië en Rusland werken aan een pact om tot wel twintig jaar lang samen op te trekken op de oliemarkt.
Amerikaanse olievoorraden omhoog
Capaciteitsbenutting stijgt tot 92,3 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones)De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gestegen. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 23 maart stegen de olievoorraden met circa 1,6 miljoen vaten tot 429,9 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden slonken met circa 3,5 miljoen tot 239,6 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie met 2,1 miljoen vaten daalden tot 129,0 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen steeg wel, van 91,7 procent naar 92,3 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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Cnooc krikt winst flink op

Gepubliceerd op 29 mrt 2018 om 11:46 | Views: 509

Royal Dutch Shell A 14:46
25,85 +0,09 (+0,33%)

HONGKONG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Cnooc heeft zijn resultaat in het afgelopen jaar flink verbeterd. Het Chinese olieconcern slaagde erin zijn kosten lager te houden en profiteerde daarnaast van de gestegen olieprijzen.

De nettowinst kwam uit op 24,7 miljard yuan, omgerekend zo'n 3,2 miljard euro. Een jaar eerder bleef het resultaat nog steken op 637 miljoen yuan. De opbrengsten stegen met ruim een kwart tot 186,4 miljard yuan.

Cnooc verdient bijna al zijn geld met de productie van olie en gas en houdt zich veel minder dan concurrenten bezig met raffinage. Het bedrijf is van plan dit jaar flink te investeren in het oppompen van nog meer olie en gas.

Cnooc laat zijn aandeelhouders meeprofiteren van het verbeterde resultaat en verhoogt het dividend. Daarmee volgt het het voorbeeld van de Chinese concurrenten PetroChina en Sinopec, die lieten weten hun volledige winsten van 2017 terug te laten vloeien naar investeerders. PetroChina verdrievoudigde zijn winst. Sinopec verbeterde het resultaat met 10 procent.
Bahrein ontdekt enorm olieveld

Gepubliceerd op 2 apr 2018 om 10:44 | Views: 2.670

MANAMA (ANP/DPA) - Bahrein heeft voor zijn westkust het grootste olieveld ontdekt in de geschiedenis van het koninkrijkje in de Golf. Volgens het hoge comité voor natuurlijke bronnen in het land gaat het behalve om veel olie ook om aanzienlijke voorraden gas. Dat heeft het nationaal persbureau BNA bekendgemaakt.

Bahrein is sterk afhankelijk van de export van olie en gas. De sector is goed voor ongeveer 80 procent van het nationaal inkomen. Dat is de afgelopen jaren door de lage olieprijs fors terug gelopen. De eilandstaat is een trouw bondgenoot van Saudi-Arabië waarmee het Abu Safah-veld wordt gedeeld.
Saudi Aramco awards USD 10 billion in deals to US companies

Saudi Aramco has participated in the Saudi-US CEO Forum held in New York to promote bilateral business and cooperation between the two countries. The Forum was scheduled to coincide with the official visit to the United States by HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. During the Forum a number of cooperation arrangements and prospective commercial collaborations were discussed.

Mr Amin H. Nasser, Saudi Aramco President & CEO, said that “We have enjoyed a long and successful relationship with our US partners since the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia more than 80 years ago, and it is a pleasure to be here today among so many friends whom are all looking to explore and develop opportunities for commercial, industrial and economic cooperation between the Kingdom and the United States, which we hope will achieve exceptional success during the next 80 years to serve future generations.”

Mr H Nasser said that “The growth of Saudi Aramco`s operations and the strategic roll out of Saudi Vision 2030 will provide multiple opportunities for strengthening our collaboration and partnerships, not only in the oil and gas, refining and chemicals sector but also includes digital technologies and cooperation in the field of environmental conservation, climate change and the development of innovation through the establishment of relations with a group of leading American institutions in the academic, research and cultural, which are among the best in the world. We are also looking at cooperation in infrastructure, manufacturing and services industries; all of which the United States is distinguished for, and critical to managing and operating as well as growing an enterprise of Saudi Aramco’s scale.”

Nasser also stressed that the commercial cooperation discussed today reflected the range and ambition of Saudi Aramco’s interests, consolidating its status as the world’s preeminent energy and chemicals company, and reflecting its role not only as a major industrial company but as a pioneer of global development thinking, characterized by the application of best practices and consolidating the historical friendship with many partners.

During the Forum, Nasser participated in a panel discussion on Giga projects. He discussed the new generation, each having a system of interrelated projects, covering a broad scope of work and complexities, involving financial costs tens of billions.

He said that “It takes an extended period of time for these mammoth undertakings to be completed, resulting in significant transformation in the areas where they are implemented, and offers enormous opportunities for action, partnerships and investment.”

Nasser also spoke on Saudi Aramco's experience in the management and implementation of Giga projects, starting with the Shaybah development project, which came online producing 1 million barrels per day; moving to the gigantic Sadara project; the mega Jazan Refinery project; the King Salman International Complex Maritime Industries and Services project; and the game-changing King Salman Energy Park (SPARK).

He also urged industry players to define a set of the most important elements of success that should be considered in the development of projects of this scale as among the advantages that make a distinctive and successful planning for Giga projects to be potentially implemented in Saudi Arabia.

The commercial collaborations discussed at the Forum today included:
Schlumberger Ltd: A corporate purchase agreement for Downhole Equipment & Services & Wellhead & Surface Control Equipment.
Baker Hughes, A GE Company: A corporate purchase agreement for Downhole Equipment & Services.
Halliburton: A corporate purchase agreement for Downhole Equipment & Services including well and rig services.
Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling (SANAD): An onshore drilling agreement.
Weatherford: A corporate purchase agreement for Downhole Equipment and a Well Testing Services contract.
ARO Drilling: An offshore drilling services agreement.
Emerson Electric Company: A corporate purchase agreement for Process Automation Systems, Remote Terminal Units and Control Values.
Texas Iron Works: A corporate purchase agreement for Downhole Equipment Services.
Honeywell International Inc.: A contract for Main Automation Contractor (MAC) services for a new Process Control System (or upgrade of existing ones).
Raytheon Company: An MoU to develop cybersecurity services.
Google Cloud: An MoU to jointly explore potential establishment of cloud services.
National Geographic: An MoU to initiate a new relationship targeting multiple media future collaborations.
Smithsonian Institute: An MoU to conduct joint research and scientific knowledge and the environment, sharing initiatives in addition to cooperation in cultural, content and curatorial partnerships.
Center for Strategic & International Studies: An agreement to advance joint research projects.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese complete crude futures globalization of oil markets

Reuters reported that China's launch of a crude oil contract this week on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (ShFE) allows investors for the first time to take advantage of differences in supply-demand dynamics across world oil markets. Oil markets have until now been dominated by two financial futures instruments: US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Europe's Brent crude.

WTI is the main benchmark for U.S. crude grades and a crucial hedging tool for the U.S. oil industry. Brent, priced off North Sea oil, is the primary value marker for Europe, Middle East and African crudes. Both are used extensively by industry and financial traders.

Asia so far has lacked a financial instrument despite its position as the world's biggest and fastest-growing oil consumer. Previous attempts to establish one have been made in Singapore, Japan and Dubai, but have not been widely taken up.

Shanghai crude futures may have done the trick, though, if traded volumes this week hold beyond initial enthusiasm.

Success in Shanghai would mean the three main global oil markets - Asia/Pacific (APAC), Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and the Americas (AMERS) - each have a benchmark reflecting their distinct supply-demand drivers.

China's oil demand makes up more than a quarter of Asian consumption and nearly a tenth globally.

"Hopefully, it (Shanghai crude) gets a lot of traction and we end up with three established global benchmarks," said Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at futures brokerage AxiTrader.

One of the main attractions of having globally available crude oil futures is for financial traders to take advantage of regional prices without investing in physical oil or operating assets such as tankers, oil fields or refineries.

Investors typically take advantage of differences in cross-regional prices through arbitrage trading. Before this week, the primary means of doing this in crude markets was via a financial product based on the Brent-WTI price spread.

In EMEA, Brent futures are heavily influenced by output policy from the Middle East-dominated Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), as well as by Russia, the world's biggest oil producer.

Since both OPEC and Russia have been withholding production since 2017 to prop up prices, the spread currently reflects a premium that Brent holds over WTI.

In the Americas, meanwhile, U.S. oil production has jumped by a quarter since mid-2016 to 10.4 million barrels per day (bpd) , further supporting the Brent-WTI gap.

Now, investors can also trade the arbitrages between China and the rest of the world.

It would have been profitable this week, for example, to "buy the spread" between higher-priced Brent and lower-priced Shanghai by going long in the European contract and shorting Asia's as the spread widened from $1.60 a barrel on Monday to $4.60 on Wednesday. That means closing the positions would have gained an investor $3 per barrel.

A spread can be sold as well. Had a trader gone short Shanghai but long lower-priced WTI, it would have yielded a gain of $2.80 a barrel, as the gap between the two narrowed from $3.10 a barrel on Monday to just 30 cents on Wednesday.

Buying WTI while selling Shanghai would effectively replicate in financial markets the surge in actual U.S. crude exports to China seen in the last two years.

Crude futures also offer industry participants like oil producers and petroleum refiners the chance to protect their assets through what is known as hedging. So far, this has been done through the U.S. and European benchmarks.

A Chinese refiner importing Middle East crudes - which are mostly priced off Brent - and needing to protect itself from a sudden jump in prices for those grades, would typically buy Brent futures. That way, losses from higher raw material costs can be mitigated by gains made in the European crude futures.

Now, the Shanghai contract offers risk control strategies better reflecting local demand and supply. Should Chinese fuel demand fall and dent the refinery's sales that would likely also pull down Shanghai crude futures.

A short position in Shanghai futures would profit from the decline, offsetting at least some of the drop in revenue the refiner would see in its petroleum sales.

Oil producers, by contrast, need to protect crude output from falling prices. Thus, a U.S. shale producer selling into Asia could take a short position in Shanghai to offset any drop in income from physical crude sales if demand and prices unexpectedly fall off in Asia.

Source : Reuters
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