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nine_inch_nerd schreef op 14 maart 2023 13:08:

Niet met politiek, maar met gedrag van enkele landen.
Het is goed dat er weer een reset komt en de afhankelijkheid van zieke landen minder wordt.
Belangen zullen er altijd spelen, maar dat iedereen nu weer wakker wordt geschud is ook goed.
Zie het verdrag dat morgen verder wordt verduidelijkt tussen de EU en de US.
Het gaat om de machtstrijd tussen China en de VS.
Batterij-recycling wordt het. :)
Trent Mell, Electra Battery Materials CEO
Our battery recycling refinery doesn’t stop at lithium, nickel and cobalt - we also recover copper, graphite and, yes, manganese.

Battery technologies are the key to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 as they will largely contribute to the popularisation of renewable energy and EVs. BATTERY JAPAN gathers a broad range of technologies, components, materials, and devices for rechargeable batteries development & production. The show attracts professionals from all over the world.

New Mexico bill targets 7 GW of new battery storage by 2034

New Mexico is targeting 7 gigawatts of added energy storage by 2034 under a bill approved by the New Mexico Senate in a 25-11 vote, Kallanish reports.

The bill now goes to the state House of Representatives and its Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee. The legislation would require investor-owned utilities to have battery storage systems available by 2034. It is the second such move in the last week by a US state. The Michigan House of Representatives previously approved a bill with an energy-storage target of 2.5 GW by 2030.

New Mexico’s three investor-owned utilities - the Public Service Co of New Mexico, El Paso Eelectric and Xcel Energy - serve about 73% of the state’s population. The rules would not apply to smaller utilities and electric cooperatives.

Under the plan, the three electric utilities would have to submit annual battery storage plans to the state’s Public Regulation Commission. The bill was requested by the American Clean Power Association, state officials report.

Bob Downing USA
Nestle invests in 208-MW US solar-plus-storage project by Enel

Nestle invests in 208-MW US solar-plus-storage project by Enel Enel's Ganado solar-plus-storage project in Texas. Image by Enel.

The North American unit of Italian utility group Enel SpA (BIT:ENEL) said Wednesday it has secured a tax equity investment from Swiss food and drinks giant Nestle SA (VTX:NESN) for its 208-MW DC Ganado solar-plus-storage project in Texas.

In addition to becoming the sole tax equity investor for the project, Nestle will purchase all the renewable energy attributes from the solar plant’s generation. The project is expected to produce an average of 333,000 MWh per year for 15 years, which will allow Nestle to reduce the carbon emissions across its US facilities by about 126,294 tonnes a year.

"Customers of all sizes are seeking clean energy projects to help reduce their emissions and use more renewable energy, whether through PPAs, direct retail electricity purchases, upfront tax equity investments or other tailored agreements,” commented Paolo Romanacci, head of Enel North America's renewable energy business, Enel Green Power.

Nestle’s investment will enable the completion of the solar-plus-storage project, which is located in Jackson County and is expected to come onstream in the second quarter of 2023.

The size of the investment was not disclosed.

In Canada moet je het nu zeker zoeken....

Exclusive: Canada budget to have tax credit for equipment used to produce EVs -sources
Steve Scherer
March 23, 20236:03 PM GMT+1Last Updated 4 hours ago
Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland delivers the fall economic statement in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa
Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland delivers the fall economic statement in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada November 3, 2022. REUTERS/Blair Gable/File Photo
OTTAWA, March 23 (Reuters) - Canada will introduce in its budget next week a 30% investment tax credit to boost clean-tech manufacturing, especially in the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain, two government sources familiar with the document said on Thursday.

The tax credit for capital investments in manufacturing equipment will be a "significant piece" of a bundle of measures aimed at putting Canada's green-transition effort on the same level as the United States, said one source.

The credit will be available for future investments in equipment used to extract and process critical minerals used in EVs, a second source said, and to purchase equipment used in manufacturing along the entire EV supply chain, including for batteries.

In addition, the tax credit will be able to be used to buy equipment to produce nuclear energy fuels and heavy water, for making electrical energy storage, and for producing solar panels or wind turbines, the second source said.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland will present the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget to parliament on Tuesday. Neither source was authorized to speak on the record. A finance ministry spokesperson declined to comment.

Freeland has promised to bolster Canada's green energy stimulus after the U.S. last year passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which provides massive incentives for those who invest in clean technology there.

"In an ideal scenario, this will incentivize expanded critical minerals extraction and processing in Canada, and ideally a lot of that will then be purchased and fed into a growing net-zero manufacturing base in the U.S.," the first source said. U.S. President Joe Biden is due to arrive in Ottawa on Thursday for an official visit that officials say will include an agreement between the two countries to enhance cooperation clean energy and technologies.

Last year, Canada budgeted C$3.8 billion ($2.8 billion) to scale up exploration and infrastructure for critical minerals. Pierre Gratton, president and CEO of the Mining Association of Canada, said more investment is badly needed. Countries across the globe are scrambling to take advantage of a rapid shift to low-carbon energy. Canada has an abundance of the critical minerals used to produce EVs.

"The U.S. does need us... and right now, we're not on track to deliver," Gratton said. "So these measures, if they turn out to be in the budget, will help us make sure we can deliver." Canada sends three-quarters of its exports south of the border, and the automobile industries of the two countries are highly integrated.

Neither source put a price tag on the measure, but they did say it would not apply to projects where investments have already been agreed, such as the two Canadian battery plants planned by carmakers Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and Stellantis NV (STLAM.MI).

Canada has limited financial firepower compared with what the U.S. put forward in the IRA, which many experts say will lead to more than $1 trillion in investment.

Earlier this month, a source told Reuters that green transition budget measures would focus on increasing the capacity of the electricity grid, on battery manufacturing and on mass timber construction, without providing details.

Last autumn, Canada announced investment tax credits for companies that purchase finished clean energy systems, like solar panels. Instead, the new tax credit will apply to manufacturers buying equipment to build things like solar panels.

"It's about building out the industrial base in Canada," the second source said.

Spanning loopt hoog op bij bouwer reuzenbatterij: keiharde strijd om aandelen

Updated Gisteren, 23:18
Gisteren, 19:52

AMSTERDAM - Een juridische gevecht bedreigt batterijbouwer SemperPower. De snelle groeier, werkend aan de grootste opslag van Nederland in Vlissingen, verliest daardoor nodeloos tempo en verdienkansen vanwege ruzie tussen aandeelhouders, zegt de Ondernemingskamer.

Windmolens aan de dijk bij Urk in Nederland, behoefte aan opslag van stroom groeit drastisch. ANP/HH

Het Utrechtse SemperPower, dat enkele reuzenbatterijen afleverde voor energiebedrijven, zou in de energietransitie snel marktaandeel moeten winnen, aldus voorzitter Aernout Vink van de Ondernemingskamer: „U moet kunnen groeien.” Maar hij heeft strijdende partijen niet bij elkaar gekregen. Het juridisch conflict om de waarde van aandelen en zeggenschap dreigt zich nu van rechtszaal naar rechtszaal te slepen.

Bedrijf heeft batterij hard nodig: ’Opslag stroom wordt van levensbelang’

Dat SemperPower mogelijk ooit een hoge waardering tegemoet kan gaan, betwist niemand. De opslagtechniek is bijzonder en gewild. Gas- en kolencentrales konden altijd op- en afschakelen als er te weinig of te veel stroom bij energiebedrijven was. Maar zij vervuilen en verdwijnen vanwege klimaatafspraken. Windparken gaan veel stroom leveren op een net dat al vol zit. Megabatterijen kunnen de groene stroom dan opslaan en bij een dip naar bedrijven laten stromen.

Vorige week stond aandeelhouder en investeringsmaatschappij Scopius (’We leveren zonprojecten financiële draagkracht’) tegenover de bedrijfsleiding en aandeelhouders van het Utrechtse SemperPower. Ceo en aandeelhouder Dennis Schiricke wil niet langer met managementlid Bart de Brouwer van Scopius samenwerken.

Saldering stopt: is een thuisbatterij dé nieuwe besparing op stroomnota?

Die ontpopte zich volgens Schiricke steeds meer als ’heel erg lastig’. Hij zou stelselmatig kritiek uiten, een dossier opbouwen tegen bestuurders en proberen het bedrijf naar zijn hand te zetten.

Scopius eist op zijn beurt van de Ondernemingskamer onderzoek naar de gang van zaken bij SemperPower. Het bedrijf aan het Amsterdamse Beursplein vraagt om schorsing van het hele bestuur. Een onafhankelijk bestuurder zou orde op zaken kunnen stellen, suggereert het, voorlopig vergeefs.

Bart de Brouwer, die namens Scopius, een van de oprichters van Semper Power, deel uitmaakt van de dagelijkse leiding bij SemperPower vermoedt ’wanbeleid’. Hij heeft een dertigtal tekortkomingen genoteerd. Hij zegt kritisch te zijn vanuit grote betrokkenheid bij het bedrijf. Scopius zegt bovenal dat bestuurders informatie achterhouden.

Zo verdienen beleggers aan rijdende batterij vol data

SemperPower-aandeelhouders stellen dat deze voormalige energiehandelaar van Essent de groei frustreert. Zij eisen dat Scopius de aandelen in SemperPower overdraagt aan het bedrijf. Dat kan goedschiks in ruil voor een prettige vergoeding. Of kwaadschiks: de aandeelhouder wordt aangemerkt als ’bad leaver’. Maar krijgt dan doorgaans minder. In De Brouwers contract staat volgens SemperPower dat wie tegenwerkt, desgevraagd zijn aandelen tegen de nominale waarde van rond €33.000 moet afstaan. Scopius zou een veelvoud willen.

In het licht van de energietransitie en nu al grote aantal opdrachten, bijvoorbeeld van laadspecialist Alfen voor de grote batterij in Vlissingen, kunnen die aandelen een fortuin waard worden, erkennen allen. Scopius stelt dat de batterijbouwer en zijn aandeelhouder Return proberen die waardevolle aandelen nu zo goedkoop mogelijk in handen te krijgen.

Het bestuur van het in 2020 opgerichte bedrijf zegt De Brouwer ’als vakpersoon in de energiehandel’ te waarderen. Maar in het managementteam van SemperPower maakte hij zich onmogelijk, stelt de batterijenbouwer. „Wij zien het niet meer zitten”, stelden de SemperPower-bestuurders op de vraag of samenwerken lukt.

Netbeheerder: levering elektriciteit na 2025 mogelijk minder zeker

In 2022 nam cfo en aandeelhouder Joost Schlatmann zelf vroegtijdig afscheid van SemperPower. Het bedrijf zou volgens hem in gevaar zijn door zwak bestuur en schending van afspraken door aandeelhouder Return.

De Ondernemingskamer beslist binnen zes weken. Mogelijk vervolgen partijen hun strijd in andere juridische procedures.

Waterstof onstuitbaar als energiedrager: ’Industrie kan veel schoner werken’

Electra Battery Materials
Trent Mell komt zeker over en ik denk dat ze alles onder controle hebben.
Focus ligt nu op refining en recycling. Cobalt mining even 'op de achtergrond'.
Goed interview.
Geen Lithium, maar Cobalt... en Recycling!
Electra Battery Materials: +10%, toeval?

Apple will use 100 percent recycled cobalt in batteries by 2025
Grote batterij op terrein failliete aluminiumfabriek Aldel in Delfzijl
Updated Gisteren, 23:17
Gisteren, 12:15

DELFZIJL (ANP) - Er komt een grote batterij op het terrein van de failliete aluminiumfabriek Aldel.

De Rhino van Giga Storage in Lelystad. Het bedrijf gaat het netwerk van het failliete Aldel in Delfzijl gebruiken. ANP/HH

Het bedrijf GIGA Storage heeft het gesloten distributienet van Aldel met de aansluiting op het hoogspanningsnet overgenomen. De batterij moet in de omgeving van Delfzijl opgewekte duurzame energie op gaan slaan en die vrijgeven als er meer vraag naar stroom is dan aanbod.

Deze start-ups werken aan alternatieve energie-oplossingen om transitie te versnellen

GIGA Storage heeft al twee grote batterijen in Lelystad met een gezamenlijke capaciteit van 37 megawatt. Die werden in 2020 en 2022 geopend. Daarnaast zijn er enkel projecten in ontwikkeling. Hoe groot de batterij in Delfzijl wordt, is nog niet bekend. De plannen daarvoor moeten nog worden gemaakt.

Batterijen worden gezien als een belangrijke manier om het energienet draaiende te houden met steeds meer hernieuwbare stroom. Die wordt namelijk opgewekt als de zon schijnt of als de wind waait, maar niet continu zoals dat bij een gas- of kolencentrale wel zo is.

Weinig verzwaring
Daardoor wordt er niet altijd stroom opgewekt als die nodig is. Met een batterij kan de stroom die te veel opgewekt wordt, worden opgeslagen en dan worden teruggeleverd aan het net als er meer vraag dan aanbod is. Dat maakt het ook mogelijk om zonne- en windparken aan te sluiten zonder dat het stroomnet heel veel hoeft te worden verzwaard.

Alarm om vertrek industrie uit Europa

GIGA Storage zegt in 2030 minimaal 3 gigawatt aan batterijen te willen hebben. Door de overname van het gesloten distributienet van Aldel kunnen volgens topman Ruud Nijs verschillende projecten worden versneld.

Gouden tijden mega-batterijen in verschiet op bomvol stroomnet

UK’s AMTE Power considers moving gigafactory scale-up plans to US

UK battery manufacturer AMTE Power is considering moving commercial production plants from Thurso, Scotland, to the US due to IRA incentives, Kallanish reports.

Ceo Alan Hollis said in a televised interview on Sunday that AMTE Power is a home-grown UK business, and it intends to commercialise the technology and manufacture the product in the country.

“But we have to ask the question if the subsidies are available overseas,” he adds. “In the Inflation Reduction Act, the typical support for the running costs of a gigafactory would be between 30 and 50% of the operating costs. The answer is perfectly clear where the most economic place for the gigafactory will be.”

Last month, Hollis announced the completion of a strategic business review, under which the company plans to have all tests on its three cells – Ultra Prime, Ultra Safe and Ultra High Power – completed by the end of June. AMTE Power has delivered the first batch of its Ultra Prime cells to a customer and started shipping samples of Ultra Safe to customers. Delivery of the Ultra High Power product is to follow in the second quarter.

The company currently produces the cells at its existing factory in Thurso and at contracted UKBIC facilities. It’s working on a megafactory project in Dundee, Scotland, targeting a capacity of 500 megawatt-hours/year and first production in 2026. This factory would eventually be scaled up to gigafactory capacity. However, the lack of incentives and subsidies in the UK, compared to other countries, could mean the only battery manufacturing company will take its investment abroad.

“Unless we make the UK a competitive place for battery manufacturer, we probably won’t end up with a battery manufacturing industry in the UK. And the consequences of that are clear for the automotive industry and for the energy storage sector as well,” warns Hollis.

The UK government says that instead of unveiling its own IRA response package, it’s working on a model that combines some support, market regulatory changes and investment incentives through the tax system. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt told Sky News he’s wary of the temporary benefits of subsidies, which once removed, could reveal a business isn’t sustainable; and of the dangers of moving towards protectionism.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Samsung SDI, GM confirm $3 billion battery JV in US

South Korean battery manufacturer SDI and US carmaker General Motors confirmed on Tuesday they will invest over $3 billion in a new gigafactory in the US, Kallanish reports.

The joint venture will have a capacity of more than 30 gigawatt-hours, with operations set to start in 2026. It will produce nickel-rich prismatic and cylindrical cells to exclusively supply GM’s upcoming EVs.

The companies said in separate statements the location of the plant and its estimated employment will be disclosed at a later stage. Last month, speculation suggested the gigafactory will be based in Michigan.

However, Indiana could also be on the cards since GM has paused plans to build a fourth gigafactory there through a JV with LGES. The Ultium Cells JV is developing 135 GWh of production capacity across Ohio, Tennessee and Michigan. Samsung SDI is already developing a gigafactory in Indiana with Stellantis.

GM says the new partnership with Samsung SDI will take its cell manufacturing capacity to around 160 GWh at full production. The latest project will enable the carmaker to power “well beyond 1 million units annually,” according to ceo Mary Barra.

Doug Parks, GM vice president for global product development, purchasing and supply chain, explains that the new partnership with Samsung SDI will leverage the capital and technology of both companies to create new competitive advantages for GM.

“We will continue to scale production and optimise the chemistry of our pouch cells for performance, range and cost using new approaches pioneered at GM’s Wallace Battery Center and by our technology partners,” he says. “The introduction of new cell form factors will allow us to expand into even more segments more quickly and integrate cells directly into battery packs to reduce weight, complexity and costs.”

The carmaker says that with multiple “strong” cell partners, it can scale its EV business faster than it could alone. Barra’s strategy is to have an EV supply chain focused on scalability, resilience, sustainability and cost-competitiveness.

“We will do our best to provide the products featuring the highest levels of safety and quality produced with our unrivalled technologies to help GM strengthen its leadership in the EV market,” concludes Samsung SDI ceo Yoon-ho Choi.

Gabriela Farhangi UK

Hyundai Motor Group confirms $5 billion US gigafactory investment with SK On

Hyundai Motor Group has received clearance from the board of directors of its three car brands to invest $5 billion in a US gigafactory with SK On, Kallanish reports.

The South Korean firms signed an MOU for a 35-gigawatt-hour plant in Bartow County, Georgia, last November. The approval from bosses at affiliates Hyundai Motor, Kia Corporation and Hyundai Mobis came in this week.

Under the 50-50 JV, the carmaker group and SK On will produce enough battery cells to power 300,000 EVs per year. The cells will be assembled into battery packs by Hyundai Mobis, and later supplied to Hyundai, Kia and Genesis models.

SK On batteries are already deployed on globally renowned BEV models such as the Hyundai IONIQ 5, Kia EV6 and Genesis GV60.

Production at the new facility is planned to start in the second half of 2025, coinciding with the start of production at the group’s $5.5 billion EV factory near Savannah, Georgia.

The carmaker said the JV further accelerates the group’s electrification efforts and bolsters its position as an “EV leader” in the US market, enjoying from a stable battery supply to support highly competitive EV models.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Electra and First Nation-Owned Three Fires Group Sign MOU to Recycle Lithium-ion Battery Waste in Ontario

Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, Ontario – (May 2, 2023) – Electra Battery Materials Corporation (NASDAQ: ELBM; TSX-V: ELBM) (“Electra” or the “Company”) today announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) with the Three Fires Group (“TFG”) to form a joint venture focused on the recycling of lithium-ion battery waste in Ontario underpinned by Electra’s propriety black mass processing capabilities that recover high value elements, including lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite.

“We are excited by the opportunity to work with the Three Fires Group and solve a pressing challenge of the EV battery supply chain, namely how to recycle and repurpose battery waste,” said Trent Mell, CEO of Electra. “Our joint-venture will pave the way for producers of various lithium-ion batteries and energy storage equipment in Ontario to reduce their waste, reuse high-value and increasingly scarce commodities like nickel and cobalt, and lower carbon emissions in their manufacturing activities.”

Mr. Mell added, “The Three Fires Group has developed an Indigenous leadership position in fostering the transition to clean, sustainable energy through its relationships with federal and provincial agencies and various clean energy providers. Working with the Three Fires Group will allow us to get access to a steady stream of black mass material and address the growing demand for critical minerals.”

“Ontario is quickly emerging as an important centre in the global EV supply chain, potentially providing economic prosperity for generations to come,” said Reggie George, Executive Director – Special Projects and Partnerships with the Three Fires Group. “Critical to this success will be ensuring that all manufacturing activities related to the EV supply chain are carried out sustainably and responsibly. We believe First Nations should be leading the charge in ensuring a circular economy around the transition to EV’s, and we’re proud to be taking the first steps together with Electra.”

Under the joint venture, Electra and the Three Fires Group will collaborate to source and process lithium-ion battery waste generated by manufacturers of current and future battery cells, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems. The waste will be processed at a facility to be located in southern Ontario to produce black mass material that will be further refined using Electra’s proprietary hydrometallurgical process at its refinery complex north of Toronto to recover high value elements, including lithium, nickel, copper, manganese, and graphite.

As part of the MOU, Electra and the Three Fires Group have agreed to work together to secure a net-zero industrial facility that can be used to shred and separate lithium-ion batteries and produce black mass material. The joint-venture partners have also agreed to collaborate on the development of economic studies of sourcing of engineering, procurement, construction, and management requirements necessary to launch the battery waste recycling facility.

Several electric vehicle facilities are moving forward across the treaty areas of the Three Fires Confederacy in southwestern Ontario, including recent announcements by the Volkswagen Group, LG-Stellantis, Toyota and GM CAMI. In parallel, southwestern Ontario is seeing dozens of proposals for transmission grid connected battery energy storage systems. Research firm MarketsandMarkets estimates the lithium-ion battery recycling market to grow to $35.1 billion by 2031, from $6.5 billion in 2022.

Zie ook draadje:
Mooi artikel waaruit weer blijkt dat de Canadese regio Quebec een belangrijke rol kan gaan spelen komend decennium, waarbij tevens het streven onafhankelijk te zijn van China een katalysator is.
Mogelijkheden voor bv: Sayona Mining, Electra Battery Materials en Nano One.

“I think Bécancour is going to become – maybe I’m too optimistic – a true centre of battery materials for North America,” says Mr. Fitzgibbon, a chartered accountant and former investment banker. “I look at it from a capital investment perspective, and this is du jamais vu” (meaning it’s unheard of).

The desire by Western automakers to cut their dependence on China and map out new EV supply chains in Europe and North America has triggered a reset of their global footprints. Companies are scrambling to secure lithium, nickel and other minerals needed for battery production. And they’re forging alliances with new partners, plotting new factories to feed their dealer showrooms. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime shift that’s being fuelled by government backing on an unprecedented scale.

Deze bedrijven goed in de gaten houden.

Van LeydenJar tot Elestor en E-magy: Nederlandse batterij-startups kunnen wereldtop worden
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Met megabatterijen is het elektriciteitsnet in balans te houden
Laura WismansLeestijd 9 minuten
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