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Wärtsila GEMS to Manage Energy Storage Projects for Duke Energy

Technology group Wartsila has contracted with Duke Energy, one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States, for the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction of three battery storage facilities during the past six months. These facilities will be located in North Carolina and Indiana in the United States. Additionally, Wärtsila’s GEMS advanced energy management platform will be deployed across the utility’s existing and planned battery storage sites and solar assets across six energy distribution areas. The latest order was booked with Wärtsila in March.

The projects include Duke Energy’s Asheville (8.8MW/8.8MWh) and Hot Springs (4MW/4MWh with 3MWdc/2MWacMW solar generating system) project sites as a part of the utility’s USD 2 billion grid modernisation program in western North Carolina, as well as Duke Energy’s Crane (4.95 MW/5 MWh) project which will be in Crane, Indiana. Wärtsilä will be providing all three facilities under an EPC contract.

Wärtsila’s GEMS platform was selected for its real-time control and protection, revenue stacking, and fleet visibility capabilities. GEMS will allow the North Carolina facilities to dispatch energy, provide emergency backup power, and balance the local grid, while also introducing more clean energy into Duke Energy’s service territory.

The three storage project sites are expected to be commissioned during 2020 and 2021. Additional GEMS software deployments will be taking place across further energy storage sites over the next several years.

Aandeel al maanden dood....Geen enkele beweging. Heeft niet de trend en beweging als andere duurzame fondsen...
Enel X & Ardian Infrastructure Launch Battery Storage Partnership in Canada

Enel Group’s advanced energy services business lineEnel X and world-leading private investment house Ardian have entered into a joint venture to manage Enel X’s battery storage projects in Canada and support the acceleration of the development of similar projects in the country. Under the agreement, a dedicated vehicle company, 80% owned by Ardian Infrastructure and 20% by Enel X, has been constituted to manage the battery storage projects in Canada currently included in the joint venture for around 30 MW of capacity. The battery storage portfolio is composed of ten asset locations throughout Ontario and includes two separate 10 MW/20 MWh projects expected to reach commercial operations in 2021. Through the partnership, Enel X will continue to construct, operate, and maintain these projects and will be responsible for the development of future projects.

The partnership with Ardian is in line with Enel X’s commitment to foster the deployment of cutting-edge energy service solutions for commercial and industrial clients, leveraging on the company’s offering of integrated services to end customers. All of Enel X’s storage projects utilize the company’s Distributed Energy Resources Optimization software that has the unique capability to maximize the earnings potential across multiple use cases, such as demand and energy management programs. Through the financial support of Ardian, the platform will enable C&I customers to deploy state-of-the-art energy storage equipment, aimed at making power consumption and infrastructure more efficient.

The deal is part of Ardian’s ongoing commitment to invest in new technology and clean energy assets with the aim to create a more sustainable energy market and address climate change, as outlined in its most recent Augmented Infrastructure report. With 50 employees across eight offices throughout the Americas and Europe, the Ardian Infrastructure team is a world leading Infrastructure Fund Manager focused on the energy and transportation sectors.

Enel X in North America manages over 10.5 billion US dollars in customers’ annual energy spend for approximately 4,500 business customers, spanning more than 35,000 sites.

Zenobe Energy, Open Energi & Erova Energy Llaunch Energy Platform in UK

UK’s leading independent owner and operator of battery storage Zenobe Energy announced a ground-breaking collaboration with Open Energi and Erova Energy to further enhance the optimisation and trading of Zenobe’s 10MW grid-scale battery at its Hill Farm site. The first-of-its-kind project will use the Dynamic Demand 2.0 Trader solution, a system developed by Open Energi and Erova Energy, to maximise availability and revenue of the energy storage asset.

Zenobe Energy’s battery at Hill Farm will be the first to utilise Dynamic Demand 2.0 Trader, the optimisation and trading product created by Open Energi and Erova Energy for energy storage assets. Dynamic Demand 2.0 Trader combines Open Energi’s advanced algorithmic optimisation platform, IP backed warranty and degradation protection software with Erova Energy’s market-leading, 24/7 short-term trading expertise and insights. By making continuous calculations over different time horizons as market opportunities evolve, Dynamic Demand 2.0 Trader algorithmically takes positions and rebalances state of charge.

In addition, Dynamic Demand 2.0 Trader will provide Zenobe’s battery with access to Balancing Mechanism revenues for the first time (as well as wholesale and ancillary service and capacity markets), ensuring full exposure to the widest range of flexible markets.

Balancing Mechanism revenues for batteries continue to increase as distributed assets form the backbone of National Grid’s zero carbon capability targets. The importance of this market is underlined by increased Balancing Mechanism activity during the nationwide lockdown. However, in the rapidly evolving flexibility marketplace, ensuring the ability to participate in different markets and to undertake different strategies as opportunities emerge is essential to generating the maximum benefit from storage assets.

Zenobe Energy provides custom, end-to-end power solutions that substantially lower costs and reduce carbon emissions. By partnering with Open Energi, a technology firm which uses artificial intelligence to automate and optimise distributed energy resources across energy markets, and Erova Energy, a short-term power trading firm, Zenobe Energy is bringing the UK’s energy market into a more efficient and cleaner future.

De almaar betere batterij

De ontwikkeling van batterijen gaat een belangrijke fase in. Sinds er veel meer elektrische auto’s worden verkocht, is ook het onderzoek naar batterijen in een stroomversnelling gekomen. Dat lijkt nu zijn vruchten af te werpen. Zo maakte Tesla op zijn recente Battery-day bekend dat het binnen een paar jaar nieuwe batterijtechnologie gaat toepassen, met beduidend lagere kosten en flink meer bereik.

Het bedrijf van Elon Musk denkt door een combinatie van nieuwe productieprocessen, nieuwe batterijtechniek, en nieuwe ontwerpkeuzes de kostprijs van batterijen te kunnen halveren, en het bereik te verdubbelen.

Ook het volume en het gewicht van de batterijen gaan omlaag. Dit zal resulteren in meer energieopslag per kilo en per volume batterij. Het geheim is te vinden in onder meer de batterij zelf: in plaats van grafiet, gaat Tesla silicium gebruiken als materiaal om de lithiumionen in de batterij op te slaan. Silicium kan heel veel lithium bevatten, maar zet zonder bijzondere maatregelen ook zeer sterk uit als het vol zit met lithium. Door een slim ontwerp kun je dit vermijden. Overigens worden de nieuwe batterijen ook helemaal kobaltvrij.

Foto: Tesla
Naast Tesla is nog een aantal andere bedrijven bezig betere, op silicium gebaseerde batterijen te maken, zoals Amprius in Silicon Valley en Leyden-Jar in Eindhoven. Bij het laatste was ik afgelopen week op bezoek. Het interessante is dat beide bedrijven technieken gebruiken die jaren geleden door TNO en de TU Eindhoven zijn ontwikkeld om een nieuwe generatie zonnepanelen te produceren. De techniek bestaat uit het maken van dunne laagjes silicium op een nikkelen of koperen drager. In combinatie met nanodraadjes of poreuze structuren kunnen deze siliciumlaagjes voor een lage prijs beduidend meer energie opslaan. Ook hebben ze een goede levensduur.

De afgelopen tien jaar is de energiedichtheid van batterijen al fors verbeterd, en is de kostprijs met sprongen gedaald. Met de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in zicht, naderen we het punt waarop de elektrische auto niet langer zwaarder is dan auto’s met een verbrandingsmotor, voldoende bereik en laadsnelheid heeft, en zelfs goedkoper is in aanschaf dan een fossiel aangedreven auto. Allemaal dankzij de batterij.

Robots die energie opslaan zoals wij vet opslaan

Studieproject van onderzoeker Nicholas Kotov, waarbij een accu verspreid wordt over het lichaam.. Foto: Universiteit van Michigan

Nieuwe batterijtechnologie zorgt ervoor dat robots energie kunnen opslaan zoals mensen, en andere diersoorten, energie opslaan, namelijk op en rond het lijf. Wij doen het in de vorm van vet, de robots in de vorm van een nieuw soort batterij.

De natuur is eigenlijk een prachtig laboratorium, waar in miljoenen jaren van evolutie middels trial-and-error de prachtigste innovaties zijn ontwikkeld.

Denk aan de diepzeehengelvis, die zich met een heuse lantaarn op zijn kop op kilometers diepte van licht voorziet. Of neem het fenomeen van de fotosynthese; hoe vernuftig! Of de communicatie van vleermuizen. Geniaal! Of sta eens stil bij wat een olifant allemaal kan met zijn slurf; een bizar briljant ding.

Bij biomimicry halen onderzoekers hun inspiratie direct uit de natuur. Klittenband is het bekendste resultaat daarvan (afgekeken van de klitplant). Ook leuke voorbeelden: plakband (gekko’s) en de kogeltrein (kop van de ijsvogel). En die wonderlijke termietenheuvels inspireerden ontwerpers tot slimme ventilatiesystemen.

De diersoort mens heeft onderzoekers nu gestimuleerd om robots op een andere manier van energie te voorzien. Niet met een batterij die uit één lompe blok bestaat (vaak zeker zo’n 20% van het lichaamsgewicht) maar met een die meer verspreid is over het hele lichaam. Dit idee ontleenden ze aan hoe wij onze reserves opslaan in vet, verspreid over ons lijf.
De mens als inspiratiebron voor de robot dus. Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Michigan hebben zich voor nieuwe batterijtechnologie laten inspireren door onze vetlaag. Die slaat niet alleen energie op, maar beschermt ook het lichaam en organen tegen klappen.

Ze kwamen met een zinkbatterij die een hogere energiedichtheid heeft én tegen een stootje kan. De batterijen zijn zo ontworpen dat je er meerdere van rond het lichaam kunt dragen, waardoor ze niet alleen als batterijen maar ook als een multifunctioneel bouwmateriaal fungeren. Ze beschermen zo ook de ‘organen’ van de robot.

Mensen dragen hun vet ook niet in een zak op één plek bij zich, volgens onderzoeker Nicholas Kotov.

Elektrische auto’s, drones, smartphones, wind- en zonne-energie. Technologische ontwikkelingen schreeuwen om betere batterijen. Wereldwijd is een heuse batterijenoorlog gaande. Wie slaagt erin om zo snel mogelijk een batterij te ontwikkelen die én een hoge energiedichtheid heeft én goedkoop en veilig is? Japan en Zuid-Korea lijken de beste papieren te hebben. Volgens het Europees Octrooibureau en het Internationaal Energie Agentschap (IEA) kwam zeker de helft van de 7000 octrooiaanvragen die in 2018 zijn ingediend, uit die twee landen. In 2040 is vijftig keer zo veel opslagcapaciteit als nu nodig, als we aan het akkoord van Parijs willen voldoen.

RWE Researches Large-Scale Storage for Green Electricity in Salt Caverns

RWE Gas Storage West GmbH and CMBlu Energy AG have initiated a collaborative project to investigate how RWE can utilise the salt caverns currently used for gas storage as large-scale, organic flow batteries. These underground caverns could potentially store capacities of up to several gigawatt hours of electricity from renewable sources. By comparison, Europe’s largest battery at present, based on lithium-ion technology, is located in Jardelund, Schleswig-Holstein, and has a storage capacity of about 50 megawatt hours.

Planned installation of a test system by 2024

To be able to use the salt caverns as batteries in the future, RWE and CMBlu are planning to fill them with an organic electrolyte solution, which will then serve as the primary energy source. As a first step, potentially suitable electrolytes have been identified as part of a theoretical feasibility study. In the second stage, between now and the beginning of 2021, their suitability for use in salt caverns will be investigated in the lab.

From the spring of 2021, once a suitable electrolyte has been identified, work will start on constructing and operating a test system. The planned generating capacity of that system is 100 kilowatts, with a storage capacity of up to 1,000 kilowatt hours. This third stage of the project is expected to be concluded by the spring of 2024.

InoBat Auto Unveils Smart Batteries for Electric Vehicle

An electric vehicle battery was launched by European EV battery producer InoBat Auto in a groundbreaking announcement delivered by the company’s CEO, Marian Bocek. Speaking at the GLOBSEC Tatra Summit 2020, Bocek announced that after only a year of research and development, InoBat can now unveil the world’s first battery developed through a combination of Artificial Intelligence and High Throughput technology.

InoBat’s technology-led approach to battery production enables them to create better batteries more quickly and efficiently than standard research methods, whilst delivering an increase in operational range for current best-in-class electric vehicles of almost 20%. This technology enables InoBat to reduce its dependence on cobalt, in addition to also boosting energy density to a goal of 330 Wh/kg and 1,000

The company is developing a world-first AI-driven battery research centre and production line in Voderady, Slovakia, which will begin producing its first intelligent batteries in 2021. InoBat is also progressing plans to build a EUR 1 billion 10 GWh Gigafactory with the potential to provide 240,000 EVs with cutting edge, bespoke batteries in 2025.

InoBat aims to accelerate the rapid implementation of electro-mobility solutions in Europe by developing a fully integrated value chain, which will increase the global competitiveness of the European economy and provide a long-term sustainable solution to the automotive market.

Wartsila GridSolv Quantum Energy Storage System to Lower Electricity Costs in Virginia

The technology group Wartsila will supply its next generation energy storage system to AEP OnSite Partners to serve the City of Martinsville in Virginia in USA. This first-ever project with the GridSolv Quantum energy storage system demonstrates Wärtsilä’s market-leading innovation capability. Together with a 10-year Wärtsilä Guaranteed asset performance agreement, the system is estimated to provide substantial savings to the city. AEP OnSite Partners, a US based provider of customer centric distributed energy asset solutions, placed the order for the system in August. The Wärtsilä solution is scheduled to be delivered under an engineering, procurement, and construction contract. The service agreement includes annual maintenance inspections, GEMS monitoring, extended product warranties, capacity, availability, and Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland regional transmission organisation’s Performance score guarantees.

The Wartsila GridSolv Quantum solution is a fully integrated modular and compact energy storage system. It is a pre-engineered and validated package with matrix site layout, designed for ease of deployment and sustainable energy optimisation for various project locations and market applications. Designed for flexibility and functionality, it is a complete solution that includes different sub systems - thermal management, safety and enclosure - that work together to deliver maximum safety at the lowest lifecycle cost. A key design feature includes UL9540A limiting 2-hour battery firewall envelope testing that ensures an improved NFPA 855 fire safety compliant site. The solution is compliant with all applicable North American and international standards.

The Wartsila solution is scheduled to be operational in the second half of 2021. The long-term service agreement will take effect when the plant commences operations. Wärtsilä will recognise the order intake related to the agreement following commissioning.

The City of Martinsville, located in Southern Virginia, has its own distribution utility and maintains their own system which serves approximately 13,000 of its residents and businesses. The project will reduce the city’s transmission and capacity peak values, measured in megawatts, within the Appalachian Power regional transmission operator territory and the PJM regional independent system operator system. Along with peak reductions, the system will participate in the PJM fast response frequency regulation market. The system availability, energy capacity, round trip efficiency, and PJM performance will be managed by Wärtsilä and collectively reduces environmental impacts of alternative power generation.

Wartsila Bags Energy Storage System Order from South East Asia

The technology group Wartsila has received a repeat energy storage system order totalling 90 MW / 90 MWh from an existing South East Asian customer. The solution will provide much needed flexibility and reliable grid support and will allow the further integration of energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind power. The Engineering, Procurement, and Construction order was booked by Wärtsilä in Q3 2020.The system include Wartsila propriety software and hardware solutions. The company’s GridSolv Max solution is a standardised solution that provides flexible and modular storage for the core hardware assets within Wartsila energy storage systems, including batteries, a safety and fire system, and inverters. Wärtsilä’s GEMS, the leading sophisticated energy management platform, provides the smart digital controls that optimise the entire storage system, enabling reliable, resilient power supply.

In 2018, the Association of South East Asian Nations committed to meeting 23 percent of its primary energy needs from renewable sources by 2025. This target has encouraged the region to leverage its abundant wind and solar resources as a means of reducing its reliance on fossil fuels. This latest Wärtsilä energy storage project will help provide the flexibility and reliability required in supporting the region’s transition to renewable energy, and to deliver important grid support as electricity demand increases along with economic development.

Wärtsilä’s GEMS platform can react almost instantaneously to smooth the integration of renewables, thereby enabling the grid to become more responsive and stable. With GEMS, grid operators can rely on renewables for baseload power.

Renault Eways Presents 2 New Energy Storage Projects in UK

The Groupe Renault is continuing its commitment to sustainable mobility by acting on the electric ecosystem as a whole. With the Advanced Battery Storage project in France and the SmartHubs project in the UK, it is initiating two major projects in Europe using second-life battery technologies. The common objective is to manage the gap between electricity consumption and production in order to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy mix. The aim is to maintain the balance between supply and demand on the electricity grid by integrating different energy sources with intermittent production capacities.

The Georges Besse factory in Douai is home to the first Advanced Battery Storage installation, delivered by NIDEC ASI, an integrator partner and storage solution provider. This project is part of the Groupe Renault's strategy to develop an intelligent electrical ecosystem in favour of the energy transition. This new project is based on the observation that the slightest discrepancy between consumption and production triggers disturbances that can compromise the stability of the frequency of the domestic network. Stationary energy storage thus makes it possible to regulate and stabilise the network by charging the batteries when demand is low, then reinjecting the energy contained in these batteries back into the network as soon as demand is high.

Advanced Battery Storage is based on electric car batteries compiled in containers and targets an installed capacity of nearly 50 MWh at several sites in France. The Douai site has a total installed capacity of 4.7 MWh using second life batteries, as well as new batteries stored for future after-sales use.

The Advanced Battery Storage project is being carried out in partnership with the Banque des Territoires, the Ecological Transport Modernisation Fund managed by Demeter and the German startup The Mobility House. It demonstrates the Group's ability to anticipate environmental issues and provide opportunities to innovate with new services.

The SmartHubs project with Connected Energy is located in West Sussex, UK. Second life batteries from Renault vehicles will be operated alongside other technologies as part of a local energy system to help provide cleaner, lower cost energy for use in social housing, transport, infrastructure, private homes and local businesses. The second life batteries will be incorporated into Connected Energy’s specially designed E-STOR systems.

The SmartHubs project will install several 360kWh E-STOR systems on industrial and commercial sites, with some linked to solar panels and EV chargers to help sites reduce energy costs and optimize the use of renewable energy. A large E-STOR system using around 1000 second life batteries to store 14.5 MWh of energy will also be installed, this will rapidly charge and discharge to help balance the electricity network. It will store enough energy to power 1,695 average homes for a full day. The SmartHubs project is one of four UK government initiated projects designed to help design the energy systems of the future.

The SmartHubs project is carried out by a consortium led by Connected Energy with partners Moixa, PassivSystems, ICAX, Newcastle University, West Sussex County Council and Innovate UK.

As part of Renault eWays, a round table on energy storage will take place on Wednesday October 21st from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm in the presence of Matthew Lumsden, CEO of Connected Energy, Yannick Jacquemart Director of the Electric System Economics Department de RTE and Christophe Dudezert Program Manager Energy Services of Groupe Renault.

Wartsila Suplies Energy Storage System to Singapore

The 2.4 MW/2.4 MWh energy storage system supplied by the technology group Wartsila for Sunseap Energy Ventures of Singapore under an engineering, procurement and construction contract has been installed. The ESS facility is a test-bed supported by Singapore’s Energy Market Authority and SP Group, a leading energy utilities company in Asia Pacific and it represents an important milestone in Singapore’s energy transition towards a low-carbon energy future. This is the first utility-scale ESS in Singapore. It features Wartsila’s GEMS advanced energy management platform, as well as the company’s GridSolv Max solution, a standardised energy storage technology designed for safety with core storage hardware assets, including batteries and inverters.

The ESS will participate in the wholesale electricity market to provide services necessary to mitigate intermittency caused by solar, as well as reduce peak demand. The utility-scale energy storage system will also provide insights into ESS’ performance under Singapore’s hot and humid environment and will aid in establishing technical guidelines for such deployments.

Singapore targets to have at least 2 GWp of solar deployment by 2030, and an energy storage deployment of 200 MW beyond 2025.

EMA announced the deployment of this ESS facility on 22 October 2020 in the press release Energy Storage Solutions Deployed in Singapore For a More Sustainable Future.

Aziatische batterijmakers stormen EU binnen

Panasonic overweegt een gigafabriek voor autobatterijen te bouwen in Noorwegen. De Japanse fabrikant doet een haalbaarheidsstudie, samen met het Noorse staatsenergiebedrijf Equinor en aluminiumproducent Norsk Hydro. Het project is vergelijkbaar met de fabriek die Panasonic in de Amerikaanse staat Nevada heeft gebouwd met autofabrikant Tesla, zo meldt de Financial Times.

De zakenkrant citeert Allan Swan, hoofd van de Amerikaanse batterijdivisie van Panasonic. Die voorspelt dat de nog onvolwassen Europese batterijmarkt 'kolossaal' zal worden, omdat de autofabrikanten in Europa tot de meest 'progressieve' behoren in de omschakeling van fossiele brandstof naar elektriciteit.

SVolt, Tesla, Northvolt, CATL
Tegelijk maakt de Chinese fabrikant SVolt de vestiging van een giga-batterijfabriek in Duitsland bekend. Volgens de Duitse zakenkrant Handelsblatt wordt de komende drie jaar gebouwd aan een fabriek in de kleine deelstaat Saarland, tegen de Franse grens, die werk zal bieden aan 2000 mensen.

De strijd om de Europese autobatterij is in volle hevigheid losgebroken. Tesla, het autobedrijf van Elon Musk, zet een 'gigafabriek' neer in de omgeving van Berlijn. Het Zweedse Northvolt bouwt fabrieken in Zweden en Duitsland. Eerder dit jaar maakte ook het Chinese CATL bekend dat het een batterijfabriek bouwt in Erfurt, in het oosten van Duitsland. Die moet de elektrische BMW's van batterijen voorzien.

'Airbus van de autobatterijen'
De afhankelijkheid van Aziatische autobatterijen bezorgt de EU-leiders hoofdpijn. Daarom werd eind 2019 een Frans-Duits consortium opgericht dat de Europese batterij-industrie een impuls moet geven. De eerste pilot-fabriek wordt gebouwd in het Franse Nersac. Bij deze Europese Batterij Alliantie, die ook wel de 'Airbus van de batterijen' wordt genoemd, sloten zich onlangs ook de Duitse autofabrikant Opel en het Franse PSA aan.

EDF & SWGT Join Hands for Battery Project Opimization

Leading independent battery storage asset manager in the UK SWGT have recently signed an innovative long-term battery optimisation agreement with EDF. The partnership will see SWGT’s 30MW utility scale battery storage asset optimised across a variety of grid flexibility schemes, as well as through EDF’s market leading trading platform, Powershift. The agreement will also provide income stability through the delivery of a ‘floor price’, ensuring minimum income levels are guaranteed. The agreement provides SWGT and their investors with certainty that they will achieve an attractive return and leverage EDF’s industry leading trading expertise to ensure access to all revenue streams available, including the wholesale market and grid services, such as Dynamic Containment. This new partnership brings the total amount of assets under optimisation by EDF to 255MW.

Coupling with its pipeline of more than 180MW, SWGT is becoming one of the UK’s largest independent battery storage asset owners, developers and operators. This project supports the growth of renewable energy sources by providing up to 65GWH of annual energy import and export capacity to the National Grid during its phase one development, that are critical to meeting the UK’s carbon emission reduction targets. In addition, with its 25-container market leading all-in-one Li-lon integrated battery storage solution, the project reduces energy transmission pressure and costs, and provides significant contribution to the future flexibility and grid stability.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
BYD Provides Energy Storage Batteries for California Solar Plant

BYD will partner with Canadian Solar Inc to provide advanced battery technology for the 100 MWac Mustang solar plant in Kings County in California. The 75 MW or 4-hour 300 MWh energy storage system is a retrofit addition to the Mustang solar plant which was originally developed by Canadian Solar’s wholly-owned subsidiary Recurrent Energy. The solar plant connected to the grid in August 2016 and the project’s equity stake was sold to Goldman Sachs in May 2019, the current owner of the project.

By pairing solar PV with advanced battery technology, Canadian Solar helps its customers to generate and store solar power during the day for use in the evening. This approach allows California’s power grid to absorb and integrate higher levels of reliable, safe, and affordable renewable energy while contributing to the state’s climate mitigation efforts.

For the Mustang project, BYD will utilize Cube Pro, the latest generation energy storage solution designed for larger utility-scale projects. At 2.5 MWh per unit, the Cube Pro has a new liquid-cool battery system in the enclosure, with an energy density increase of 80% compared to the previous generation that used customized shipping containers as the enclosure.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes Benz Energy & ANDRITZ to Supply Energy Storage Systems

International supplier of automotive energy storage systems Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH and and international technology group ANDRITZ, one of the globally leading suppliers of electro-mechanical equipment and services for hydropower stations, have signed a cooperation agreement to supply modern hybrid energy solutions for the hydropower market based on stationary energy storage systems. The hybrid energy solution offered by Mercedes-Benz Energy and ANDRITZ combines a hydropower unit with a stationary energy storage, based on automotive lithium-ion battery systems from Mercedes-Benz. Compared to a conventional hydropower application, it can enhance the operational range of the unit according to the size of the battery. The stored energy, which is made available very quickly, offers new opportunities for power plant owners and operators to compensate any volatile electrical impact from the grid to the units. This can extend the lifetime of mechanical components. In addition, the hybrid solution opens up new approaches to providing grid services and features like black-start support and virtual inertia. Even with changing water regulations and unknown future legal requirements, the solution guarantees highest operational flexibility of the hydropower plant.

The system can be applied to all types and sizes of hydropower plant (low head, run-of-river, high head) and to all turbine types. It can be installed either in greenfield applications or retrofitted to existing facilities, covering battery capacities from 200 kWh up to 10 MWh.

This cooperation of Mercedes-Benz Energy and ANDRITZ fuses a long history of success and market-leading expertise in hydropower and innovative battery technology that opens up new opportunities for the hydropower market.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Alfen levert energieopslagsysteem voor Vattenfall

Alfen NV
70,60 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Alfen levert een 12MW energieopslagsysteem voor het hybride energiepark Haringvliet Zuid van Vattenfall. Dit meldde de Nederlandse producent van laadpalen voor elektrische auto's, transformatoren en opslagsystemen voor energie donderdag voorbeurs, zonder financiële details te noemen.

Het opslagsysteem is bedoeld om het elektriciteitsnet in balans te houden en kan in de toekomst worden ingezet voor duurzame energieopslag.

Naast de levering van het energieopslagsysteem, verzorgt Alfen ook de volledige integratie met het lokale energienet waarbij het energieopslagsysteem van de nodige schakelapparatuur en remote aansturing wordt voorzien.

Het verwachte vermogen van het energiepark is ongeveer 60MW, wat overeenkomt met het verbruik van 40.000 huishoudens, aldus Alfen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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De grootste batterij van Oostenrijk en Verbund AG, staat naast de Donau in Wallsee-Mitterkirchen.

De batterij van 10 MW is gekoppeld aan de (bestaande) nabij gelegen waterkrachtcentrale en dient om het elektriciteitsnet in een fractie van een seconde te stabiliseren.

• 8 MW primair stuurvermogen
• 2 MW extra vermogen voor het laadbeheer
• Primair stuurvermogen van het totale systeem (batterij en waterkrachtcentrale): 16 MW
• Opslagcapaciteit van batterijopslag: 14,2 MWh
• Vijf lijnen (met elk één converter / transformator)
• Ongeveer 64.000 opslagcellen
• 7,2 miljoen euro investeringskosten

Cobalt Free Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a new family of cathodes with the potential to replace the costly cobalt-based cathodes typically found in today’s lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles and consumer electronics. The new class called NFA, which stands for nickel-, iron- and aluminum-based cathode, is a derivative of lithium nickelate and can be used to make the positive electrode of a lithium-ion battery. These novel cathodes are designed to be fast charging, energy dense, cost effective, and longer lasting.

With the rise in the production of portable electronics and electric vehicles throughout the world, lithium-ion batteries are in high demand. According to Ilias Belharouak, ORNL’s scientist leading the NFA research and development, more than 100 million electric vehicles are anticipated to be on the road by 2030. Cobalt is a metal currently needed for the cathode which makes up the significant portion of a lithium-ion battery’s cost.

Cobalt is rare and largely mined overseas, making it difficult to acquire and produce cathodes. As a result, finding an alternative material to cobalt that can be manufactured cost effectively has become a lithium-ion battery research priority.

ORNL scientists tested the performance of the NFA class of cathodes and determined they are promising substitutes for cobalt-based cathodes, as described in Advanced Materials and the Journal of Power Sources. Researchers used neutron diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy and other advanced characterization techniques to investigate NFA’s atomic- and micro-structures as well as electrochemical properties.

Future research and development on the NFA class will include testing the materials in large-format cells to validate the lab-scale results and further explore the suitability of these cathodes for use in electric vehicles.

The work was sponsored by DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Office.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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910,96  +5,33  +0,59%  14:28
 Germany40^ 23.021,00 +0,15%
 BEL 20 4.463,20 +1,20%
 Europe50^ 5.417,08 +0,24%
 US30^ 41.418,60 -0,01%
 Nasd100^ 19.679,20 +0,14%
 US500^ 5.630,49 +0,12%
 Japan225^ 37.613,90 +0,25%
 Gold spot 2.988,05 +0,11%
 EUR/USD 1,0902 +0,18%
 WTI 67,48 +0,51%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


AMG Critical ... +7,24%
Alfen N.V. +3,39%
Pharming +3,05%
TomTom +2,91%
Air France-KLM +2,58%


Accsys -1,85%
CTP -1,44%
IMCD -1,18%
VASTNED -1,08%
NSI -0,91%