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South African unions declare wage dispute with gold sector

Reuters reported that Bruising wage negotiations between South African goldminers and workers look to have stalled after unions declared an official wage dispute which could bring more trouble for beleaguered bullion producers.

Rising worker militancy has coincided with soaring costs and falling prices that have prompted producers such as AngloGold Ashanti to shed a total of 14,000 jobs over the past 2 years.

Wednesday's declaration by the unions means that two week old salary talks, labelled as the toughest since the end of apartheid in 1994, will now be held up by a 30 day process of mediation that could end in an industry wide strike.

Mr Frans Baleni General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers said that "As far as we are concerned, negotiations have not yet begun. If wage bills rise dramatically, the gold companies could be forced to make further job cuts a prospect that is causing concern in the ruling African National Congress as it prepares for an election in the H1 of 2014.”

Bullion producers are offering a wage increase of 5% up from their initial offer of 4% but way off the 60% to 100% demanded by workers. South Africa's labour laws allow for wage disputes to be referred to an outside mediator. If that fails, employees are allowed to go on a legal strike.

The NUM, Solidarity and UASA, which will collectively approach a mediator, represent 73.6 percent of the 120,000 mineworkers employed by gold producers in pay negotiations.

Solidarity, which represents skilled workers, said that the gulf between the two sides was a sign of the exceptionally challenging weeks that lie ahead.

Source - Reuters
Wilde mijn goud verkopen bij 1340, maar las toen dat goud binnenkort wel eens naar de 1422 zou kunnen gaan en heb dus besloten om nog ff te wachten.
Nu een klein dipje, volgende week verder omhoog.

Karimata schreef op 26 juli 2013 18:36:

Wilde mijn goud verkopen bij 1340, maar las toen dat goud binnenkort wel eens naar de 1422 zou kunnen gaan en heb dus besloten om nog ff te wachten.
Nu een klein dipje, volgende week verder omhoog.
Dipje inmiddels weer gehad en we zijn weer op de goede weg omhoog.
Zijn hier overigens nog meer mensen die long goud zitten of ben ik de enigste?

Karimata schreef op 26 juli 2013 19:31:


Dipje inmiddels weer gehad en we zijn weer op de goede weg omhoog.
Zijn hier overigens nog meer mensen die long goud zitten of ben ik de enigste?
Nee hoor, ik ben very long goud (fysiek dan)(op meer dan 13 jaar)

goudisgeengeld schreef op 26 juli 2013 12:47:

Steeds meer goud gesmokkeld in India

Zo voorspelbaar...daarom voorspelde ik het ook :-)

Ben benieuwd in hoeverre het smokkelgilde de beperkingen via officiële wegen weten te compenseren. Met zulke softe boetes voor goudsmokkel zou je gek zijn niet keihard long smokkel te gaan.
Falling gold prices force financial review at Goldcorp

BNamericas reported that Vancouver based Goldcorp has reduced 2013 capital expenditure guidance from USD 2.8 billion to USD 2.6 billion in response to falling gold prices.

Mr Chuck Jeannes president and CEO of Goldcorp said that capital expenditures in Q2 were USD 629 million compared with USD 577 million YoY. The company also suspended work at its early stage Cerro Blanco project in Guatemala due to the decline in prices. Care and maintenance activities will continue at the site and the project will be revisited depending on market conditions. Exploration spending for this year has been cut from USD 225 million to USD 200 million while general and administrative expenses have been downsized from USD 180 million to USD 164 million.

The sharp decline in commodity prices and the market valuations of exploration properties also resulted in a Q2 impairment charge of USD 1.83 billion on the value of its Penasquito mine in Mexico and USD 131 million on Cerro Blanco.

Goldcorp had previously stated a range of options to deal with volatile gold prices. With gold at around USD 1,400 per oz, the company continues growth projects but starts the reduction of G&A and exploration expenses.

Mr Jeannes said that "With a below USD 1,400 per oz gold price environment we have looked at cuts in G&A and the deferral of non critical capital spending but that does not impact our near term production. If gold begins to average USD 1,200 per oz or below, the company begins to look at deferring capital projects at mines and the slowing of spending at growth projects, followed by the reconfiguration or eventual shutdown of higher cost mines.”

For now, Mr George Burns COO of Goldcorp has been looking at opportunities to improve mine operations including modifications to mine sequences. At the same time, Goldcorp is deferring capital expenditures at its Cerro Negro project in Argentina as well as at its Eleonore and Cochenour projects in Canada. The company recently announced the suspension of the exploration program at Cerro Negro.

Mr Jeannes said that "There is no defined timeframe [of how long gold prices would have to be under US$1,200/oz] before making decisions. It depends on a variety of factors to give us the best estimate of future prices. It also depends largely on the mines themselves and if they are able to make adjustments so that they are not bleeding cash. The high cost operations are aware of that and are working very hard to reinvent themselves."

Goldcorp realized an average gold price of USD 1,358 per oz in Q2, a 16% decrease from USD 1,622 per oz in the first quarter. All in sustaining costs totaled USD 1,279 per oz in Q2, while cash costs totaled USD 646 per oz on a by product basis and USD 713 per oz on a co product basis.

Mr Jeannes said that "Nearly half of sales came in June, when prices were down which significantly impacted revenue. However, gold production and cost guidance for 2013 have not been affected and remain at 2.55 to 2.8Moz of gold at all in sustaining costs of USD 1,000 per oz to USD 1,100 per oz.

Source - Business News Americas.com
Chinese gold demand could hit 1000 tonnes this year - WGC

Reuters reported that China's gold demand could hit a record 1,000 tonnes this year which means it would overtake India as the world's biggest bullion consumer.

Mr Marcus Grubb MD for investment of the World Gold Council said that Chinese gold demand is likely to be in the region of 950 tonnes to 1,000 tonnes in 2013 but risks are skewed to the upside and could push demand past the upper end of that range.

Mr Grubb said that "China will probably be the world's biggest gold consumer this year for the first time on an annual basis. That will be driven by both jewellery and investment demand. Jewellery will be the biggest overall demand segment, but investment will grow fastest."

Physical deliveries from the Shanghai Gold Exchange in the first half of 2013 exceeded total deliveries for all of last year, exchange data showed, while premiums over spot prices rose above USD 20 an ounce. China's demand for gold in fabrication, which covers jewellery and other decorative and industrial uses, amounted to 590.5 tonnes last year.

Mr Grubb said that India's gold demand is likely to be at the lower end of earlier guidance at around 850 tonnes. The Indian government has moved to curb gold imports this year in a bid to cut a record trade deficit.

He forecast global central bank gold acquisitions this year at around 400 tonnes, down from a 48 year high of 532 tonnes in 2012. He described mine supply as a wild card and said scrap supply was expected to decline by 300 tonnes to 400 tonnes from 1,616 tonnes last year.

Source - Reuters

MacPhersons Resources silver zinc and gold Resource jumps 27pct at Nimbus

MacPhersons Resources has increased the JORC Resource at its wholly owned Nimbus Silver, Zinc and Gold Project in Western Australia by 27% to 4.9 million tonnes at 149 grams per tonne or 23.4 million ounces silver equivalent.

Importantly, 30% of this Resource has been converted into the high certainty Measured category with the rest in the Indicated category. The silver resource has been increased by 6% to 12.4 million ounces while zinc and gold have increased by 32% and 38% respectively to 65,000 tonnes of zinc and 46,000 ounces of silver.

MacPhersons is currently finalizing the Ore Reserve, which will be reported before the end of July 2013. The company is also nearing completion on two new pit and underground mine designs and has flagged that the project has more exploration upside with mineralization remaining open along strike and at depth.

Mr Morrie Goodz MD of MacPhersons Resources said that “Continued drilling of Nimbus has extended the high grade resource. In light of market conditions we have been able to complete a new higher grade mine design with the ore reserve statement and mine design to be released before month end. Metallurgical testwork has continued to show increased silver and zinc recoveries”.

Mr Goodz said that while the current resource estimates are made on a 91% leach recovery, the company has seen indications that recoveries may be higher. Another six samples are currently being tested.

Source - Proactive Invertors

Gold slips after 3 week gain as Fed meeting eyed

Reuters reported that gold edged lower after three weeks of gains as investors awaited the results of a key Federal Reserve policy meeting this week for guidance on when the US central bank would begin to scale back its stimulus.

Investors were also digesting the launch of China's first gold backed exchange traded funds which opened to lacklustre performance on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Spot gold fell 0.7% to USD 1,323.96 an ounce by 0703 GMT after gaining 9% over the last three weeks. US gold climbed about USD 2 to USD 1,323.90.

One Hong Kong based trader said that "Gold is falling because of a lack of buying in Asia today. Everyone is waiting for the FOMC meeting and nonfarm payroll data this week before placing bets."

The Fed's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) begins a two day meeting on Tuesday that could provide more clarity on when the US central bank might slow its USD 85 billion monthly bond purchases.

Bullion has lost a fifth of its value this year as signs of an economic recovery in the United States sparked fears of an end to easy central bank money. Comments from Chairman Mr Ben Bernanke have reassured investors, pushing gold up for three straight weeks, but investors want more guidance on the exact timing of any scaleback.

Analysts and traders are keenly watching every piece of economic data, from housing to labour market conditions to help gauge where the Fed is heading.

Barclays analysts said that prices are unlikely to maintain their upward momentum in the seasonally weak period for demand unless US macro data deteriorate, driving further short covering led support.

Buying from China the world's second biggest gold consumer after India was sluggish. Shanghai gold futures were down 0.4% on Monday. Indian demand remains weak following government measures to curb gold imports and reduce its trade deficit.

Source - Reuters
Ole In het Berenbos
Goeie morgen,

Hij lijkt er op dat goud gaat uitbreken uit de (korte) dalende trend. Ben benieuwd of we vandaag 2,5% op de borden gaan zien.

Ole In het Berenbos

Ole's dadalife schreef op 31 juli 2013 08:37:


Juli futures lopen af vandaag..
Er is ook gewoon niemand die me verteld dat het vandaag al de 31e is :)

Wilde vanochtend toch maar winst nemen op mijn Goud, maar Binck lag eruit.
Nu ben ik daar blij om want we gaan weer Up.
Goudproducent Barrick schrijft miljarden af

Gepubliceerd op 1 aug 2013 om 13:19 | Views: 1.152

TORONTO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Barrick Gold, 's werelds grootste gouddelver, is afgelopen kwartaal diep in de rode cijfers beland door een grote afschrijving op de waarde van zijn mijnen. Dat maakte het bedrijf donderdag bekend.

Barrick leed vorig kwartaal een nettoverlies van 8,6 miljard dollar (6,5 miljard euro), tegen een winst van 787 miljoen dollar een jaar eerder. Het concern schreef 8,7 miljard dollar af op de waarde van zijn bezittingen.

Goudproducenten kampen met de sterke daling van de prijs van het goud, terwijl de kosten om het edelmetaal uit de grond te halen stevig zijn gestegen. Wereldwijd schreven goudproducenten de afgelopen maanden al zo'n 21 miljard dollar af.

Barrick verlaagde zijn kwartaaldividend met 75 procent naar 5 cent per aandeel. Het bedrijf heeft dit jaar al meer dan de helft van zijn beurswaarde verloren.
Speculators raise gold and silver longs as trim copper shorts - CFTC

Reuters reported that hedge funds and money managers raised their bullish bets in gold futures and options to a four month high last week, boosted by speculation the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates low for longer.

A report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission showed that speculators also increased their silver longs to a three month high while they trimmed their copper shorts to their lowest in a month.

Source - Reuters

PMI Gold drilling to define maiden resource at Ghana gold discovery

PMI Gold will resume drilling at its Dynamite Hill gold discovery in Ghana this quarter to define a maiden gold resource. This follows a series of broad gold intersections from initial recent reverse circulation drilling as well as further drilling that extended the mineralized zone to over 600 meters along strike and to a depth of nearly 180 meters.

Significant results include:
1. 41 meters at 1.99 grams per tonne gold from 93 meters;
2. 24 meters at 2.08 gram per tonne gold from 101 meters including 1 meter at 9.68 gram per tonne gold from 104 meters and 1 meter at 18.48 gram per tonne gold from 118 meters;
3. 25 meters at 1.63 gram per tonne gold from 24 meters including 2 meters at 7.25 gram per tonne gold from 28 meters and
4. 20 meters at 1.2 gram per tonne gold from 32 meters and 14 meters at 3.2 gram per tonne gold from 64 meters including 1 meter at 22.32 gram per tonne gold from 65 meters.

Current interpretations indicate mineralization is still open along strike and down dip. The interpretation is encouraging as many of the largest gold deposits in Ghana have short strike lengths with substantial steep plunging deep roots. Drilling at the Dynamite Hill prospect has the potential to define an alternative source of oxide feed within economic haulage distance of the proposed Obotan mill within the company’s wholly owned Obotan gold project in southwest Ghana.

Source - Proactive Investors
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911,34  +0,62  +0,07%  07 mrt
 Germany40^ 23.212,60 -0,88%
 BEL 20 4.469,34 +0,13%
 Europe50^ 5.520,52 +0,95%
 US30^ 42.798,70 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 20.187,80 0,00%
 US500^ 5.768,30 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.281,60 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.909,90 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0834 +0,02%
 WTI 66,99 0,00%
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Kendrion +8,38%
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