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Huizenprijzen China verder onder druk

ZONDAG 18 JANUARI 2015, 14:46 uur | 56 keer gelezen

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese huizenmarkt is in december verder onder druk komen te staan. Dat bleek zondag uit gegevens van het Chinese statistiekbureau. In de grote steden van het land daalde de gemiddelde prijs van een nieuwbouwhuis met 4,3 procent op jaarbasis.
De aanhoudende malaise in de Chinese vastgoedmarkt, die begin vorig jaar inzette, vergroot de zorgen over de economie in China. De huizenmarkt en gelieerde sectoren zijn goed voor circa een kwart van de Chinese economie.

In november verlaagde de centrale bank nog een aantal belangrijke rentetarieven in een poging de weggezakte economische groei een impuls te geven. Mede daardoor werden in december fors meer huizen verkocht. Ook was de gemiddelde prijsdaling in de meeste steden, op maandbasis, minder sterk dan in voorgaande maanden.

Volgens analisten zullen de prijzen ook dit jaar echter verder naar beneden gaan.

Chinees bedrijf groeit van 14.000 naar 24.000 koeien
De vraag naar zuivel is in China groot. Buitenlandse zuivelondernemingen staan in de rij om de Chinese consument van zuivel te voorzien. Maar niet genegeerd mag worden dat ook de Chinese zuivelsector flinke groeistuipen vertoond om zelf zijn consumenten van zuivel te voorzien. Tijdens een rondreis door China afgelopen jaar zag Boerderij diverse megastallen voor tienduizenden koeien in aanbouw. Ook kwamen we in de provincie Hebei langs een zuivelfabriek in aanbouw, waarnaast tegelijkertijd een veebedrijf van 20.000 koeien werd, met uitbreidingsplannen tot 40.000 koeien.
Beijing legt 'margin trading' aan banden, Chinese aandelen onderuit

HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--De Chinese aandelenmarkten stonden maandag flink onder druk na het besluit van de overheid in Beijing om het zogenaamde 'margin trading' aan banden te leggen.

De Shanghai Composite-index verloor 7,7%, de sterkste daling in zes jaar, en de Hang Seng daalde 2% nadat de Chinese toezichthouder op de financiele markten 3 grote Chinese brokers, Citic Securities Co., Haitong Securities Co. en Guotai Jun'an Securities Co, een verbod van drie maanden oplegde om nieuwe margin trading accounts af te sluiten. Bij margin trading lenen beleggers geld om aandelen te kopen. Volgens de toezichthouder zouden de 3 vermogensbeheerders bestaande regels met betrekking tot deze vorm van handel hebben overschreden.

De in Hong Kong genoteerde aandelen van Citic Securities, Haitong Securities en Guotai Jun'an Securities verloren maandag respectievelijk 17%, 8% en 14%.

Volgens Xin Wu, chief executive van het in Hong Kong en Shanghai gevestigde Banyan Partners, denkt dat de beperkingen op margin trading de weg vrij kunnen maken voor verdere monetaire verruiming door de People's Bank of China (PBoC), hoewel dit op korte termijn voor volatiliteit kan zorgen. Vorig jaar verlaagde de PBoC de rentes om zo de liquiditeit in de markt te verbeteren, "maar het probleem is dat alle liquiditeit gebruikt wordt in de markt in plaats van daarbuiten", aldus Wu, die verwacht dat margin handelaren in de komende dagen zullen verkopen vanwege het vooruitzicht dat grotere kopers, zoals Chinese verzekeraars, hun posities uit zullen breiden om te profiteren van de dip.

Sinds vorig jaar is margin trading in China flink toegenomen, waarbij het nu zo'n 11% van de totale aandelenhandel in het land omvat, stelt Goldman Sachs.

De aankondiging van Beijing "was een vervelende verrassing", vindt analist Hao Hong van BOCOM International. "Met een minder gelijke liquiditeitsstroom in aandelen en het getemperde sentiment, zullen we op de korte termijn een marktcorrectie zien, en die beweging kan flink zijn", voorspelt hij. In de nacht van maandag op dinsdag verschijnen bovendien eerste groeicijfers over het vierde kwartaal en kenners verwachten het traagste groeitempo op kwartaalbasis voor China sinds 2009.

Door Chao Deng; vertaald en bewerkt door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@wsj.com

Chinese industrie produceert 7,9% meer in december

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De industriele sector in China heeft in december 7,9% meer geproduceerd dan een jaar terug, blijkt uit cijfers van het nationale statistiekbureau van het land. Dit is een versnelling ten opzichte van de groei van 7,2% in november.

Zeventien geraadpleegde economen hadden gemiddeld gerekend op een stijging van 7,5%.

In heel 2014 groeide de industriele productie met 8,3% ten opzichte van een stijging van 9,7% in 2013.

Op maandbasis produceerde de industrie 0,75% meer in december. In november bedroeg de groei 0,52%.

- Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00; levien.defeijter@wsj.com

Groei staalproductie China sterk afgezwakt

DINSDAG 20 JANUARI 2015, 12:23 uur | 1488 keer gelezen

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De staalproductie in China is in 2014 amper toegenomen. Dat maakte het Chinese nationale statistiekbureau dinsdag bekend.
De productie ging met 0,9 procent omhoog naar het recordniveau van 822,7 miljoen ton. Daarmee was sprake van de zwakste groei sinds het begin van de metingen. In 2013 steeg de productie nog met 7,5 procent. Sinds 1990 is de staalproductie in China meer dan vertwaalfvoudigd. Het land is met afstand 's werelds grootste staalproducent.

De binnenlandse vraag ging vorig jaar licht omlaag door de afzwakkende groei van de Chinese economie. Daar stond tegenover dat de export van staal door China vorig jaar naar het recordniveau steeg van 93,8 miljoen ton.

Zwakste groei Chinese economie in 24 jaar

DINSDAG 20 JANUARI 2015, 07:11 uur | 969 keer gelezen

PEKING (AFN/DPA/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese economie is in 2014 met 7,4 procent gegroeid. Dat is de zwakste groei sinds 1990, zo blijkt uit dinsdag gepubliceerde cijfers van het Chinese nationale statistiekbureau.
Daarmee lag de groei van de tweede economie van de wereld iets onder de doelstelling van de Chinese overheid, die op 7,5 procent had gemikt. In 2012 en 2013 ging de economie van China nog met 7,7 procent vooruit.

De Chinese economie heeft te kampen met de zwakkere wereldeconomie, een afkoelende vastgoedmarkt en een minder sterk groeiende industrie. Om de economie te stimuleren, is de rente in China verlaagd en worden grote infrastructurele projecten versneld uitgevoerd.

Beter dan verwacht

In het vierde kwartaal van 2014 bedroeg de groei 7,3 procent op jaarbasis. Dit cijfer is wat beter dan verwacht. Economen rekenden in doorsnee op een vooruitgang met 7,2 procent.

Het statistiekbureau meldde verder dat de industriële productie in China in december met 7,9 procent is gestegen op jaarbasis, na een groei met 7,2 procent een maand eerder. De Chinese detailhandelsverkopen namen met 11,9 procent toe. Beide cijfers waren beter dan gemiddeld was voorspeld.

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF) verlaagde maandag nog zijn groeiprognoses voor China met 0,3 procentpunt naar 6,8 procent in 2015 en met 0,5 procentpunt naar 6,3 procent in 2016.

China bezorgt SABMiller kater

WOENSDAG 21 JANUARI 2015, 08:40 uur | 1810 keer gelezen

LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Brits-Zuid-Afrikaanse brouwer SABMiller heeft in het derde kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar 2014/2015 minder bier verkocht dan een jaar eerder. Uit het handelsbericht dat het moederbedrijf van onder meer Grolsch woensdag uitgaf, bleek dat de daling vooral te wijten is aan een lagere vraag naar bier in China.
Het volume daalde in de drie maanden tot en met 31 december met 1 procent, waar analisten in doorsnee rekenden op een toename van 0,7 procent. SABMiller, de op een na grootste brouwer ter wereld, realiseerde omzetgroei in Europa, Afrika en Latijns-Amerika. In Azië daalden de opbrengsten met 2 procent, vooral door een min van 7 procent in China. De groepsomzet steeg met 4 procent. Ook dat bleef achter bij de gemiddelde verwachting van analisten.

“Onze volumes en omzetten stegen in Europa, Latijns-Amerika en Afrika, terwijl moeilijkere marktomstandigheden in met name China drukten op onze financiële prestaties”, zei bestuursvoorzitter Alan Clark. In Europa steeg de omzet met 3 procent ondanks een aanhoudende krimp van de Russische biermarkt en een volumedaling in Turkije als gevolg van een sterk afgenomen consumentenvertrouwen.

Om de zwakte op de biermarkt te compenseren, sloot het bedrijf in november een overeenkomst met Coca-Cola om een frisdrankbottelarij in Afrika op te tuigen. SABMiller benaderde in september Heineken met een overnamebod, dat door het Nederlandse concern werd afgewezen. Marktkenners zagen die stap van SABMiller als een beschermingsconstructie tegen een mogelijke overname door marktleider AB InBev, maar dat werd door Clark ontkend.

India to overtake China in GDP growth in 2016

As per the latest United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects 2015 report (Produced at the beginning of each year by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the UN Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD, the five UN regional commissions and the World Tourism Organisation UNWTO, India will see gradual growth acceleration with its GDP expected to reach 5.9% in 2015 and 6.3% in 2016 partly the result of improved market sentiment after the new administration took office in the second quarter of 2014 and announced plans to reform the bureaucracy, labour laws and public subsidies. The report said “India's economy expanded by an estimated 5.4% in 2014, an improvement from growth of 5.0% recorded in 2013, but still significantly below the 8.0% pace of the pre-crisis period.”

World Economic Report update released by the International Monetary Fund outlined that India is expected to grow at 6.3 % this year and 6.5% in 2016 by when it is likely to cross China's projected growth rate terming the reforms of new government led by PM Narendra Modi as promising but insisted that their implementation is key. It said “In 2014, India's growth rate was 5.8% against China's 7.4%. India's growth rate in 2013 was 5% as against China's 7.8%. India is projected to grow at 6.3% in 2015 and 6.5% in 2016, when it is likely to cross China's projected growth rate of 6.3%.”

A week ago the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific had also said in its “Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2014: Yearend Update” that Indian economy is likely to expand by 6.4% in 2015 as compared to 5.5% last year as positive expectations regarding the extent of reforms to be proposed and implemented by the Narendra Modi government boosted consumer and business confidence in the latter part of 2014, resulting in increased economic growth

World Bank had also reaffirmed such prospects for India last week. World Bank Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President Mr Kaushik Basu had said at the release of the multilateral agency's global economic outlook “The Indian economy is expected to catch up with China by 2016-17 and is expected to grow 6.4% in 2015 on the back of reform measures unveiled by the new government. China's growth will remain high, but will begin to taper very gently, reaching 6.9% in 2017. The World Bank expects the Indian economy to grow 5.6% in 2014 while China is likely to grow China 7.4% in 2014 and 7.1% in 2015. By 2016, the Indian economy is forecast to grow 7%, as much as China's estimated pace of 7%.

On the other hand, Indian authorities expect the economy to grow 5-5.5% in 2014-15 and then accelerate to 6-6.5% in 2015-16 and expect the Indian economy to return to a 8% growth trajectory in the medium term.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Chinese grid investment to boost copper consumption - Antaike

A state-backed research firm said that record investment in China's state power grid is set to boost copper consumption in the power sector this year by around 9%, a positive piece of news for a metal languishing near 5-1/2 year lows.

The forecast by research firm Antaike comes after state media reported on Friday that the power grid plans to invest CNY 420 billion in 2015 up 24% from last year.

The power sector accounted for nearly half of an estimated 8.7 million tonne of refined copper consumption last year in the world's top consumer and producer of the metal.

Mr Ivan Szpakowski, Citi analyst, said that “It definitely matters for your outlook on copper demand growth, given they are the largest consumer.”

Analysts are divided over whether China's grid completed all its planned 14% spending increase last year, given graft investigations hindered payments to grid suppliers.

Mr Yang Changhua, a senior analyst at Antaike, said that grid investment this year should push copper consumption in the power sector up 8.7% to 4.62 million tonne, picking up from 7.6% growth in 2014.

Mr Yang said that while Antaike had anticipated strong growth in demand from the power sector, where copper is used in transmission cables and transformers.
Chinese total power generation rises 3.2pct in 2014

Reuters reported that China's total power generation rose 3.2% in 2014, the slowest growth rate in 16 years after demand was hit by softer economic growth and milder weather over the year.

According to the data published by the National Bureau of Statistics, the country produced 5.4638 trillion KWh in 2014.

The annual growth rate more than halved from 7.5% in the previous year to the lowest since 1998, when power output growth dropped to 2.8% after the Asian financial crisis hit industrial demand.

Analysts said that overall economic growth is set to slow further this year, and industries and local governments are also under pressure to meet 2015 energy efficiency targets, meaning that power output growth is unlikely to recover to previous highs.

Mr Zhou Hao, Shanghai-based economist at ANZ Bank, said that "Electricity demand is largely due to the needs of heavy industry, which accounts for around 70% of the total and I don't see signs of a recovery in this sector.”

He said that "Slow construction activity will continue to weigh on power consumption amid a soft Chinese property market."

Power output in December 2014 was 490.2 billion KWh up just 1.3% on the same month a year earlier.

China's energy administration said last week that total power consumption rose 3.8% to 5.523 trillion KWh in 2014, with installed capacity rising 8.7% to 1,360 GW.

Source - Reuters
China posts weakest annual growth in 24 years, more stimulus expected

China's economy grew at its slowest pace in 24 years in 2014 as a cooling property market weighed on demand and is expected to lose more momentum this year as the present macroeconomic indicators are bearish

China's economy grew 7.4% in 2014, barely missing its official 7.5% target but the slowest since 1990. It had expanded 7.7% in 2013. Fourth quarter growth held steady at 7.3% from a year earlier, marginally better than expected, though it cooled from the previous three months.

Growth in fixed asset investment eased to 15.7% in the whole of 2014 from the previous year, hovering near a 13 year low

A series of modest support measures from the government over the year helped stave off worries of a more dramatic slowdown, without fuelling a sharp rise in China's mountain of debt which the country's leaders are trying to avoid.

Underscoring the drag on the economy from the housing sector, investment growth in real estate slowed to a five-year low and new construction slumped, even as sales improved at the end of the year. China's property market, a major driver of demand across a range of domestic industries including steel, has proven stubbornly unresponsive to policy support and lending data from the banking system shows enduring weakness despite policymakers' repeated and varied attempts to boost investment. The weak property market and high funding costs remain key risks facing the economy in 2015.

Policymakers also are concerned about the potential onset of a deflationary cycle, aggravated by plummeting energy prices, industrial overcapacity and sluggish demand. At the same time, there may be a looming crisis among debt-sodden local governments which are facing strains from sliding property sales, on which they rely for much of their revenue.

A further slowdown in China could hinder the chances of a revival in global growth in 2015, which right now is being led by what the World Bank calls the "single engine" of strong hiring and activity in the United States.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Chinese copper demand hurt by property downturn - Goldman

According to Goldman Sachs Group Inc, copper demand in China, the world's biggest user, will be hurt by persistent weakness in the property market over the next 12 months.

A downturn in the nation's real-estate market, which accounts for half of China's copper usage, weighed on industrial metal consumption in the past year and is unlikely to end in 2015, analysts including Roger Yuan wrote in a report dated January 20th. There's a high risk prices in 12 months will be below the bank's forecast of USD 6,000 a tonne.

Copper plunged to a 5 year low January 14th amid speculation China's slowing economy is curbing demand while the collapse in oil prices makes it cheaper for producers to boost supplies. The International Monetary Fund this week joined the World Bank in cutting global growth forecasts while China said its economy grew at the slowest pace since 1990. The metal is down 9.9% this year after falling 14% in 2014.

The analysts said that “Property is still the key copper driver and it remains soft. Demand is likely to be hit hard.”

China property sales growth will be steady this year, according to the bank's estimates. New-home prices in December fell in 65 of the 70 Chinese cities tracked by the government, the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement January 18th.

Source - Bloomberg
China cuts energy intensity almost 5pct in 2014 - State Council

The State Council said that China beat a key energy efficiency target in 2014, cutting its energy intensity by 4.8% from a year earlier as it tries to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The government had aimed for a 3.9% cut in energy intensity after a 3.7% drop in 2013 in order to meet its target of cutting energy intensity to 16% below 2010 levels by 2015.

Energy intensity is a measure of the amount of energy needed to increase GDP and high levels of energy intensity indicate a high cost of converting energy into GDP.

China aims to lower the efficiency measure by relying less on energy-intensive manufacturing, mostly powered by coal, which is causing massive health problems and has made China the world's biggest emitter of climate-changing greenhouse gases.

The drop in energy intensity came as China announced its GDP growth in 2014 fell to 7.4%, its lowest level since 1990.

Power output last year rose by 3.2%, the slowest growth rate since 1998.

According to the China Coal Industry Association, coal consumption in the first 11 months of 2014 fell 2.1% compared with the same period in 2013.

The National Energy Administration reported a drop in power sector investment last year, including a 21.5% decrease in hydro, 6.3% in thermal power and 13.8% in nuclear.

The National Development and Reform Commission said last month China over the past 4 years had cut outdated production capacity of 570 million tonne of cement and 75 million tonne of steel, in a campaign to shut down the nation's dirtiest facilities.

Source - Reuters
Wereldwijde staalproductie toegenomen

DONDERDAG 22 JANUARI 2015, 15:12 uur | 560 keer gelezen

BRUSSEL (AFN) - De wereldwijde staalproductie is afgelopen jaar toegenomen tot 1.662 miljoen ton, 1,2 procent meer in vergelijking met een jaar eerder. Dat bleek donderdag uit cijfers van de World Steel Association.
China produceerde in 2014 ruim 822 miljoen ton, een stijging van 1,4 procent in vergelijking met 2013. Het land is verantwoordelijk voor bijna de helft van de wereldwijde staalproductie.

De Japanse productie steeg met 0,1 procent tot 110,7 miljoen ton. De Zuid-Koreaanse productie steeg met 7,5 procent tot 71 miljoen ton en in de Verenigde Staten ging de staalproductie met 2 procent omhoog naar 121,2 miljoen ton.

De productie in de Europese Unie steeg met 1,7 procent op jaarbasis tot 169,2 miljoen ton. Daarvan werd circa een vierde in Duitsland geproduceerd, waar de productie 0,7 procent toenam. Italië was goed voor 23,7 miljoen ton, een daling van 1,4 procent. Ook in Frankrijk (min 2,9 procent tot 16,1 miljoen ton) en Spanje (min 0,6 tot 14,2 miljoen ton) verminderde de productie.

Chinese copper and aluminium output hits record in December

Reuters reported that China's output of refined copper jumped 10.2% month-on-month in December, hitting a record for the fifth straight month as smelters rushed to meet targets for the year and plentiful supply of raw materials supported full production.

Primary aluminium production also hit a record in December.

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed refined copper output reached 832,618 tonne, up from the previous record 755,492 tonne in November.

The output surged 34.3% from a year earlier, even though the 100,000 tonne a year producer Yantai Penghui halted production last month after running out of cash.

Refined copper production rose 13.7% to 7.96 million tonne in 2014, as smelters added capacity, and plentiful supply of raw material concentrates supported high metal output.

The 2014 output was higher than the 6.23 million tonne estimated by an executive at a large copper producer, based on the production of 15 large and medium-scale smelters and their subsidiaries.

Industry sources said that double-counting has inflated official production figures in recent years as smelters expanded to other provinces. Smelters and subsidiaries in different parts of China may have reported their output to local authorities separately.

The executive said that refined copper output would rise by 300,000 to 400,000 tonne in 2015 as at least 300,000 tonne of new capacity was set to start operations.

Production of primary aluminium rose 2.5% in December from the prior month to 2.18 million tonne, up from the previous record 2.13 million tonne in November.

Output hit a record for the seventh straight month after about 2 million tonne of new capacity came on stream in the fourth quarter of 2014, although some half a million tonne of high-cost capacity closed last month on low prices.

The output was up 12.2% from a year earlier. In 2014, output rose 7.7% to 24.38 million tonne.

Refined tin production also hit a record, rising 10.4% from the previous month to 19,164 tonne in December, up from the previous record 18,865 tonne in July 2009.

Tin production surged 21.6% to 186,900 tonne in 2014.

Refined nickel production rose 6.4% in December from the previous month to 34,949 tonne, the highest since January 2013, data showed. Output in 2014 surged 27% to 353,599 tonne.

Production of refined zinc and lead fell in December as low prices and increased environmental requirements forced some operations to halt.

Refined lead production dived 15.1% on the month to 324,217 tonne. For 2014, output dropped 5.5% to 4.22 million tonne.

Refined zinc output fell 1.9% on the month to 539,705 tonne. Full-year output rose 6.9% to 5.83 million tonne.

Source – Reuters
More economic stimulus likely as China braces to avoid hard landing

Bolstereing support for the cooling Chinese economy, People's Bank of China announced issuance of an additional CNY 50 billion worth of three month loans to mid and small sized banks while rolling over CNY 269.5 billion of similar loans that have expired, to spur growth from a 24 year low. The PBOC said the loans were dispensed at an interest rate of 3.5 percent to keep money market rates stable before the Lunar New Year holiday. Each year around this time, demand for yuan starts to spike as Chinese give each other red envelopes full of cash for the Lunar New Year holiday. The benchmark one year lending rate stands at 5.6 percent.

The move followed data on Tuesday that showed the world's second largest economy grew 7.4 percent last year, the weakest rate since China was hit by sanctions in 1990 after the Tiananmen Square crackdown. The growth suggested that China's economy is not about to make a dramatic rebound, despite a surprise interest rate cut in November and repeated cash injections by the central bank.

Meanwhile, Chinese Premier Mr Li Keqiang while speaking at the annual World Economic Forum at Davos in Switzerland, shrugging off concerns over the country's slowing growth rate, assured that Chinese economy is not heading for a hard landing. He said “It must be noted that the moderation of the growth rate in China reflects a profound adjustment in the world economy and it is also consistent with the laws of economics. More importantly, we have made further progress on structural reforms. Needless to say, the Chinese economy will continue to face substantial downward pressure in 2015. If I could compare the Chinese economy to a running train, what I want to emphasize is that this train will not lose speed or momentum. On the contrary, it will be powered by a stronger dynamo, and will run with greater steadiness, and bring with it new growth and new opportunities."

China's economy grew by 7.4% in 2014, slower than the 7.7% in 2013. The IMF on Tuesday lowered its forecast for China's GDP growth to 6.8% for 2015, down from its October forecast of 7.1%.

The world has already felt the impact of China's economic slowdown, which has pressured global commodities prices and weakened investor sentiment. Structural reforms are urgently needed as China's old economic growth pattern of relying on foreign investment, exports, cheap labor and sacrificing the environment is no longer sustainable. This will mean more stimulus, in the form of rate and reserve requirement ratio cuts

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China property investment growth hits 5 year low in 2014

Reuters reported that annual investment growth in China’s real estate sector slowed to 5 year low in December, even as year-end sales improved, helping to hold 2014 economic growth to the lowest in 24 years.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that property investment, a main driver of the economy, rose 10.5% in 2014 from a year earlier, the slowest pace since the January-July period of 2009. That compared with an annual rise of 11.9% in the first 11 months of 2014 and 19.8% growth through 2013.

According to gross domestic product data, the cooling real estate market helped hold annual growth in the world’s second-largest economy to 7.4% in 2014, its weakest pace in 24 years.

Economists believe the cooling housing market will continue to pose one of main risks to China’s economy in 2015, even as Beijing works to stimulate overall growth.

Mr Tao Wang, China economist at UBS in Hong Kong, said that “The greatest risk remains the adjustment in the property sector. We think (property) sales may improve somewhat, but I don’t see that in housing in terms of construction.”

Construction activity also declined in December, showing developers have slowed their rate of expansion in the face of a pessimistic outlook for 2015.

Newly-started property construction fell 10.7% in 2014 from a year earlier, quickening from annual drop of 9% in January-November.

Source - Reuters
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