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China nieuws berichten

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IEA stelt forecast olie import vanuit China neerwaarts bij

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het Internationale Energie Agentschap (IEA) verwacht dat China dit jaar minder olie nodig heeft dan eerder voorzien, hoewel de vraag naar olie vanuit het land met 3,8% zal toenemen.

Het nieuws is belangrijk voor de wereldwijde oliemarkten aangezien China, 's werelds op e e n na grootste olie-consument, veel impact uitoefent op de wereldwijde olieprijzen doordat het land sterk afhankelijk is van import. In januari maakte de Chinese regering bekend dat circa 56% van de olie die het land gebruikt geimporteerd is.

China zal in 2013 een aanvullende 365.000 vaten ruwe olie per dag nodig hebben, wat 15.000 vaten per dag minder is dan een maand geleden voorzien werd, maakt het IEA bekend in zijn maandelijkse rapport over de oliemarkten.

Zijn voorspelling volgt op een neerwaartse bijstelling van de Amerikaanse Energy Intelligence Agency op dinsdag, die zijn vooruitzicht voor de groei in de vraag naar olie vanuit China met 420.000 vaten per dag verlaagde. Hiermee komt de toegenomen vraag in 2013 uit op 4,1% in plaats van de eerder geraamde 4,4%.

"Een recent aantal relatief gematigde Chinese economische indicatoren ondersteunen onze lang vastgehouden opvatting dat de groei in de vraag naar olie vanuit China aan kracht verliest", meldt het in Parijs gevestigde IEA, waarbij de organisatie erop wijst dat het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF) in april zijn economisch groeivooruitzicht voor China in 2013 neerwaarts heeft bijgesteld naar 7,75% van 8%.

De Chinese import van ruwe olie is in mei met 6% aanzienlijk gedaald op jaarbasis. Hiermee kwam het totaal uit op 5,66 miljoen vaten per dag, hetgeen licht hoger is dan in april, toonden recente Chinese data.

Ondanks de afname verdubbelden de leveringen uit Iran nagenoeg naar 715.000 vaten per dag, tegen 370.000 per dag in april, aldus de IEA.

China's belangrijkste leverancier van olie is echter Saoedi Arabie, gevolgd door Angola en Rusland. Iran stond op de zesde positie in april, de meest recente maand waarover data beschikbaar is.

Door Simon Hall. Vertaald en bewerkt door Ellen Proper; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; ellen.proper@dowjones.com

EU to seek WTO ruling against Chinese steel tubes duties

Reuters reported that the European Union plans to lodge a case with the World Trade Organization against Chinese duties on specialized steel tubes, EU sources said that on Tuesday June 11th opening another front in a rapidly escalating trade conflict with Beijing.

The move will allow the EU to join a related complaint filed by Japan against Chinese duties in December.

The sources said that “The EU complaint would seek to overturn Chinese duties on exports of seamless stainless steel tubes made by firms such as Spain's Tubacex S.A and Germany's Salzgitter A.G.” The sources asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the case.

The filing, which may come as soon as Thursday or Friday, will send a signal to China that the EU is willing to take legal action against any duties it considers to be based on retaliation rather than objective evidence.

Source - Reuters

Nippon Steel to build auto steel facility in China

Reuters reported that Japanese steel manufacturer Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp will build a mill for automotive steel sheet in China under a joint venture with China's Baosteel Group Corp.

The Nikkei said that the investment will likely total JPY 30 billion (USD 302.6 million).

This would mark the largest Chinese investment by a Japanese company since anti-Japan demonstrations broke out in September amid the Senkaku Islands dispute.

Source - Reuters and The Nikkei
China Is No Longer The World's Dominant Source Of Growth

Read more: www.businessinsider.com/chinas-growth...

Gold Buying Panic In China: 10,000 People Wait In Line For Their Chance to Own Precious Metals (Stunning Pictures)


Mon-E-Man schreef op 16 juni 2013 03:03:

Gold Buying Panic In China: 10,000 People Wait In Line For Their Chance to Own Precious Metals (Stunning Pictures)

Ik vind er eigenlijk weinig "stunning" aan, gewoon de jaarlijkse uitverkoop van een juwelier in Jinan. Daar wonen pakweg 10 keer zoveel mensen als in Amsterdam, dus neem de dolle dwaze dagen van de Bijenkorf x 10. Voor Chinese begrippen kan ik het niet erg druk noemen.

Met een algemene paniek om goud te kopen heeft het in ieder geval niets te maken.
Steel pipes symbol of China-EU trade war

According to Chinese customs figures, China imported 17,500 tons of seamless steel pipes in April, and up to 46.9% came from the European Union.

Experts said that bilateral disputes in steel industry 'happen almost every year' The trade war between the European Union and China is likely to intensify, as the former is about to file a complaint against the latter at the World Trade Organization over tariffs on its imported stainless steel pipes.

An official from the Ministry of Commerce who declined to be identified told China Daily that the agency will closely monitor the case.

The EU's action is considered to be a retaliatory move after a series of bilateral trade disputes, especially the latest and largest one that involved the EU imposing tariffs on imports of photovoltaic solar panels produced in China.

Mr Li Junfeng, deputy director of the Energy Research Institute under the National Development and Reform Commission, has decried trade wars as a method of resolving trade disputes after the United States decided to impose punitive tariffs on China's solar products.

However, the China-EU complaints and disputes surrounding the stainless steel industry are not new, said Beijing-based industry experts.

Mr Han Jianbiao a senior steel analyst with Umetal.com, a domestic industrial information provider said that "The trade complaints against China's steel industry happen almost every year, and it seems that China's steel companies have already become used to it.”

Source - China Daily

China to aid solar industry by easier financing - Cabinet

China, the world’s biggest maker of solar panels, will boost domestic demand for solar generated electricity and provide easier financing to manufacturers as rising trade tensions slow exports.

Grid companies should build networks that will be operational in sync with solar-generation projects and give priority access to their produced power, while lenders need to help panel makers raise capital. Authorities will also implement 10 steps to cut air pollution, including curbing dirty projects and making local governments more accountable for environmental management.

China’s solar-panel industry, which supplies more than half the world market, is unprofitable amid a global glut and slower economic growth that’s cut demand. The European Union this month imposed provisional tariffs of 11.8% on imports of solar panels from Chinese companies after an investigation found they were being sold in the 27 nation bloc at less than their production cost.

According to the statement from the State Council Premier Li Keqiang’s Cabinet said that “We must support the solar-panel industry overcoming difficulties and pursuing healthy development. While solidifying competitiveness in the global market, we need to stimulate effective domestic demand for solar power and spur innovation and advancement.”

The State Council said that the government will encourage mergers and acquisitions among solar companies and curb blind expansion.

The EU anti dumping levy on Chinese solar panels is scheduled to rise to 47.6% for about 130 producers and as high as 67.9% in August, should Chinese and EU officials fail to resolve the dispute.

Source - Bloomberg
China Stimulated Its Economy Like Crazy After The Financial Crisis ... And Now The Nightmare Is Beginning

Read more: www.businessinsider.com/chinas-excess...

Analyst Says China's Credit Bubble Is Unlike Anything In Modern History

Read more: read.bi/11SgPP3
TA: Alarmbellen rinkelen in China

18-6-2013 11:57:32
Het technische beeld van de breed samengestelde Chinese Shanghai Composite (I) index (CSI) indiceert dat er slecht nieuws op komst is.

De Chinese aandelenmarkt verkeert al ruim 5 jaar in een bearmarket en de SCI heeft vanaf zijn piek in 2007 richting bodem begin december 2012 80 procent van zijn waarde verloren.

Terwijl Westerse beurzen de afgelopen maanden all-time highs neerzetten, continueerde de Chinese beurs zijn neerwaartse trend.

Op de lange termijn grafiek is een patroon van lagere toppen zichtbaar en de afgelopen dagen zakt de index als een baksteen.

De index handelt vlak boven het laatste steunniveau voordat het laagste niveau sinds begin 2009 in het vizier komt.

Door: ABM Financial News.
China en EU gaan om tafel over handelskwesties

BEIJING (Dow Jones)--China en de Europese Unie (EU) gaan eind deze week om de tafel om te praten over een breed scala aan handelskwesties, inclusief een potentieel dispuut over zonnepanelen.

"Tijdens de bijeenkomst zullen de twee partijen serieus bekijken wat er in het afgelopen jaar heeft plaatsgevonden op het gebied van handel en de onderliggende betrekkingen om vervolgens oplossingen voor deze problemen te bespreken, inclusief het dispuut over de handel in zonnepanelen", verklaarde een woordvoerder van het ministerie van handel, Shen Danyang, dinsdag tegen verslaggevers.

De gesprekken zullen worden geleid door de Chinese minister van handel Gao Hucheng en de eurocommissaris van handel, Karel De Gucht.

Eerder deze maand zette de Europese Commissie een basistarief van 11,8% op Chinese zonnepanelen en wanneer de partijen voor begin augustus geen akkoord bereiken, stijgt dit tarief naar 47,6%. In reactie daarop dreigde Beijing met een importheffing op Europese wijn.

De EU diende ook al een klacht in bij de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) over de Chinese heffing op stalen buizen.

Volgens Shen hebben de twee partijen echter nauw contact over de kwesties rondom de zonnepanelen en gaan de onderhandelingen de goede kant op.

Zonnepanelen en gerelateerde apparatuur vormen een flink aandeel in de export van Chinese producten naar de EU.

De totale handel tussen de twee partijen daalde in de eerste vijf maanden van 2013 met 2,8%, blijkt uit Chinese data.

Door Yajun Zhang; vertaald en bewerkt door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@dowjones.com

China set for iron ore trading shake up

Money Control reported that China plans to scrap a decade old licensing regime for iron ore importers the move would open up world's largest iron ore market to greater competition and would lower cost of smaller steel mills across the country.

China is poised to scrap a decade old licensing regime for iron ore importers in a move that should open up the world's largest iron ore market to greater competition.

The step should lower costs for hundreds of smaller steel mills across the country. But the expected abolition will be bad news for the handful of large state controlled companies that currently hold iron ore import licences as they will no longer be able to profit from selling ore on to smaller competitors.

Mr Zhang Jiabin head of the iron ore bureau at Umetal, a Chinese steel consulting company said that "All the large import traders are already preparing for the cancelling of the licence system, which should come at the end of June or start of July. Chinese import traders and steel mills that act as iron ore agents will suffer a heavy blow."

A director in the liaison department of the China Chamber of Commerce for Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters said that he expected the licensing system to be abolished in July. Another director from the iron ore department of CCCMC said he could not answer questions related to the expected change.

Industry experts said that under the new rules, iron ore traders will only need to apply for the same kind of licence that is issued to other importers and the procedure will be relatively straightforward.

In addition to throwing open the old licensing system to allow far more companies to import iron ore, the new regulations should also allow many more Chinese players to invest in overseas assets and deposits. This could potentially lead to a scramble among China's steel producers as they scour the planet looking for upstream supply.

Source - Moneycontrol.com
HSBC verlaagt groeiverwachting China

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--HSBC (HSBA.LN) verlaagt de economische groeiverwachting voor China voor 2013 en 2014.

Volgens Qu Hongbin, de belangrijkste econoom van de bank, zal het meer tijd kosten voordat de nieuwe hervormingsmaatregelen van de Chinese regering "doorfilteren binnen de economie en de groei gaan bevorderen."

De econoom denkt dat sommige hervormings-initiatieven op de korte termijn dan ook schadelijk zullen zijn voor de vraag, hetgeen betekent dat de groei mogelijk vertraagt om in 2015 pas weer aan te trekken.

Ook een reeks aan tegenvallende macrodata van de afgelopen tijd zetten druk op de economie.

HSBC verwacht nu dat de tweede economie van de wereld dit en volgend jaar met 7,4% groeit. Eerder werd voor 2013 een groei van 8,2% geraamd en voor 2014 +8,4%.

Door Barbara Kollmeyer; vertaald en bewerkt door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@dowjones.com

China laat wellicht vanaf juli nieuwe IPO's toe

SHANGHAI (Dow Jones)--China zal waarschijnlijk in juli nieuwe initial public offerings (IPO's) tegemoet zien, nadat er acht maanden lang geen beursgangen plaatsvonden, meldt de China Securities Journal woensdag, op basis van anonieme functionarissen van de effecten waakhond.

Beijing schortte de goedkeuring van IPO's op in oktober, vanwege zorgen dat de verkoop van nieuwe aandelen het al zwakke marktsentiment op de aandelenmarkten in China verdere schade zou toebrengen.

Er is echter aanzienlijke druk geweest van ondernemingen die hun lang uitgestelde IPO's willen lanceren, waaronder de Bank of Shanghai en Orient Securities.

De effectentoezichthouder heeft op vrijdag een ontwerpplan geschetst om de procedures voor een beursgang te hervormen, en verzamelt momenteel publieke opinies over de kwestie tot 21 juni, aldus de China Securities Journal.

Door Dow Jones Shanghai. Vertaald en bewerkt door Ellen Proper; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; ellen.proper@dowjones.com
BMW China sales up 14.8% in May

BMW AG, the world's largest premium car maker, has said its auto sales in mainland China rose 14.8% year on year to 31,938 units in May this year.

Those figures account for 19.2% of BMW's global sales in May.

In the first five months of this year, the German automaker saw its auto sales in China climb to 148,319 units, up 9.8% from a year earlier, and accounting for 19.26% of its global sales.

Meanwhile, Audi AG, a German subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, and Daimler AG's luxury car unit Mercedes-Benz saw their auto sales in China total 183,660 units and 79,365 units in the first five month period, respectively.

Source - China Knowledge

Chinese imports causing serious damage to Mexican steel industry

According to industry chamber Canacero, rising imports of steel from China involving unfair trade practices are causing serious damage to Mexico's steel sector.

Canacero in a statement said that China exported 143,219 tonne of steel products to Mexico in the first three months of 2013, up 18.4% from 120,934 tonne in the same period last year.

The chamber said that while the Mexican steel industry does not receive government subsidies, has import tariffs of practically zero and the country has a free trade policy, China is a closed economy which employs subsidies and dumping practices while paradoxically maintaining import duties greater than 15%,

The chamber added that in response to the threat of unfair trade practices, steel producers and the Mexican government have "reinforced" systems of vigilance and control to alert authorities of taxes, fines and other fees which must be paid on steel imports.

Authorities and steel companies are also collaborating to start antidumping investigations into steel imports, primarily from countries with which Mexico has no trade agreements.

The government has already begun three antidumping investigations, including one in June relating to imports of galvanized steel mesh from China.

Source - Business News Americas
Is China backtracking on attempts to control iron ore? - Mr Clyde Russell

Reuters cited Mr Clyde Russell market analyst of Reuters as saying that it may be too early to start beating the drums of victory for free market capitalism but there are signs that China is stepping back from attempts to control the iron ore market.

Mr Russell said that Just three months after accusing major iron ore producers of manipulating prices, China plans to scrap it's decade old import licensing system, a move that may eliminate middlemen in the market, lower costs for steel mills and improve transparency. It also looks like a strategic retreat for the world's biggest buyer of iron ore in its battle to win pricing control from the big three producers, Brazil's Vale and the Anglo Australian pair of Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton .

He said that the planned end of the licensing system will happen in the H2 of the year. The current system requires import qualification licences to be granted by government backed industry bodies like the China Iron & Steel Association. It was designed to eliminate speculative traders from driving up prices and force the steelmaking industry to present a united front against the producers. However, it allowed middlemen to rent out licences and thereby drive up costs for steel mills, who couldn't import directly.

Mr Russell said that under the proposed changes, iron ore importers will only need the same type of licence required by other commodity buyers, meaning steel mills should be able to buy directly from miners and traders alike.

While this may not have much impact on iron ore prices in the short term, it could have important ramifications over time by lowering the cost of imported ore versus domestic supplies, which may boost the volume of foreign ore. It's also not clear how plans to scrap the licensing requirements will fit with another recent proposed change, namely to force importers to use a domestic trading platform.

According to a Reuters report in April, New licences were to be conditional on importers using the China Beijing International Mining Exchange platform. The big three miners are members of the CBMX but they also back the Singapore based globalORE system, which currently handles more of the physical trade than its Beijing rival.

The Chinese move to support the CBMX was most likely aimed at trying to wrest pricing power away from the miners, especially given the allegations by authorities that the big producers manipulate prices.

China's top economic planner said in March that the miners were behind the 83% rally in the benchmark Asian spot price between September's three year low and a peak of USD 158.90 per tonne in February. This was an extraordinary accusation by the National Development & Reform Commission especially since it came without any substance, other than an unsubstantiated claim that shipments were held back in order to control supplies and send a fake market signal.

The NDRC appeared to conveniently ignore the fact that the rally in prices coincided with record imports by Chinese steel mills, with December being the strongest on record. It's also no surprise that the recent price slump has resulted in a surge of imports again, with April and May being the third- and second-strongest months, respectively.

Source - Reuters
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