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22 -06-2009Grondstoffen: lange arm van China

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Pff, Pink sheets ultradunne handel, en ik heb echt geen zin meer in de ABN.... Binck doet nog steeds geen ASX....

in plaats van kopen Even 'n zeer LT afname kontraktje.....

Gindalbie strikes $71bn ore deal with Ansteel.

March 31, 2010 12:00AM
GINDALBIE Metals has finalised one of Australia's largest binding trade deals, a $US65 billion ($71bn) iron ore sales contract with its Chinese joint-venture partner, cementing the Mid-West region as a significant iron ore province.
Perth-based Gindalbie announced yesterday that it had finalised a long-term off-take contract with Ansteel for life-of-mine production from their $1.8bn Karara magnetite project in Western Australia.

The company said the off-take agreement was worth about $US580 million a year, increasing to more than $US2.1bn annually at its peak potential production rate.
Shares 581,Fully Diluted: 714.8 million

April 6, 2010, 9:48 a.m. EDT · Recommend · Post:

Crowflight Receives a $150 Million Offer From Jinchuan Group Ltd. of China
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Apr 06, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- CROWFLIGHT MINERALS INC. ("Crowflight" or the "Company") /quotes/comstock/11t!cml (CA:CML 0.22, 0.00, 0.00%) today announces that it has received an offer letter (the "Offer") from Jinchuan Group Ltd. ("Jinchuan") to acquire all of the common shares of Crowflight in consideration for an aggregate cash payment of $150,000,000. Based on the current number of Crowflight common shares outstanding, this Offer equates to approximately $0.26 per common share. The Offer represents a premium of 47.3% to the closing price on the Toronto Stock Exchange for the Company's common shares on April 2, 2010 and a premium of 56.8% to the 20 day volume weighted average trading price.
Northern Energy lands coal offtake deal with Chinese group

Coal developer Northern Energy has signed a life-of-mine offtake agreement with a subsidiary of China’s Xinyang Iron and Steel Group for 65% of the coal produced at the planned Colton mine, in Queensland. Northern Energy would deliver A$700-million in sales revenue over a ten-year period, at current coal prices and at the initial planned production rate
May 19, 2010 12:00AM

Keith De Lacy, chairman of Macarthur Coal , talks about the ETS , in his office at Macarthur Coal, West End , Brisbane. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen Source: The Australian

MACARTHUR Coal's largest shareholder, China's Citic Group, has put the brakes on US giant Peabody Energy's $3.8 billion bid for the miner, ending a two-month battle for the Queensland company.
Peabody last week reduced its second offer for the miner from $16 to $15 a share after carrying out due diligence and on news of the Rudd government's proposed resource super-profits tax.

The Macarthur board rejected the offer yesterday after consulting its major shareholders in a move that sent its share price crashing 15.73 per cent to $11.25, wiping about $500 million off its capitalisation.
Ik ben geen fan van de multi-mayors ,zoals Rio,maar toch.....

Chinese grondstoffenvraag stijgt nog 15 jaar'

De Chi­ne­se vraag naar grond­stof­fen zoals ij­zer­erts, koper en alu­mi­ni­um zal in de ko­men­de 15 jaren blij­ven stij­gen. Vanaf dan zal India de rol over­ne­men. De lan­ge­ter­mijn­voor­uit­zich­ten voor onze bu­si­ness blij­ven dus aan­trek­ke­lijk', zei Jan du Ples­sis, voor­zit­ter van het mijn­be­drijf Rio Tinto, woens­dag tij­dens de al­ge­me­ne ver­ga­de­ring.

(tijd) - De top­man is ech­ter min­der en­thou­si­ast over de eco­no­mi­sche eco­lu­tie op korte ter­mijn. 'De eco­no­mi­sche om­ge­ving op we­reld­schaal blijft vo­la­tiel en on­ze­ker. De in­sta­bi­li­teit in de eu­ro­zo­ne kan we­reld­wij­de ge­vol­gen heb­ben', zei hij.

Maar op lange ter­mijn ziet het plaat­je er dus wel goed uit, dank­zij de toe­ne­men­de in­du­stri­a­li­se­ring en ver­ste­de­lij­king in lan­den zoals China, Bra­zi­lië en India. Rio over­weegt bij­voor­beeld een ex­pan­sie van zijn ij­zer­erts­ac­ti­vi­tei­ten in Au­stra­lië maar Tom Al­ba­ne­se, CEO van het mijn­be­drijf, zegt dat de Au­stra­li­sche re­ge­ring de zaken de voor­bije weken ge­com­pli­ceerd heeft ge­maakt.

De re­ge­ring kon­dig­de na­me­lijk aan 40 pro­cent be­las­tin­gen te zul­len hef­fen op de win­sten van mijn­be­drij­ven in het land. 'Schan­da­lig', klinkt het bij Rio Tinto. 'Die be­las­ting heeft het po­ten­ti­eel om de ex­cel­len­te re­pu­ta­tie van Au­stra­lie te ver­nie­ti­gen.'
Cape Lambert verkoopt Copper mine en gebruikt opbrengst voor activiteiten in Sierra Leone,West Afrika.

May 31, 2010 12:00AM
SHAREHOLDERS of Hong Kong-listed China Sci-Tech Holdings have approved a $135 million acquisition of the Lady Annie copper mine in Queensland from Cape Lambert Resources.
China Sci-Tech said in a statement that shareholders meeting on Friday had overwhelmingly approved the acquisition of the Lady Annie mine.

Cape Lambert said earlier in May that it intended to make a return of 8c to 10c per share to shareholders, following receipt of the sale funds.

Cape Lambert also plans to use some of the funds received to ramp up its drilling program at the Marampa iron ore project, and to start drill assessment of the Pinnacle assets, both located in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
June 01, 2010 11:04AM
CHINA appears to be eating into some of its commodities reserves, a potentially worrying near-term trend for producers and investors, analysts said.

The phenomenon could help explain why imports by China in markets such as refined copper, iron ore and lead have declined in the last few months. It also could be a factor behind the recent drop in prices for those commodities.

The Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index last week dropped to its lowest level since July, before recouping some of its losses. The index is down 9.9 per cent this year.

In April, China posted a significant drop in imports for some commodities, leaving many analysts wondering whether China's appetite for commodities has abated.

That might be the case. And demand could falter if China further tightens monetary policies to slow growth, particularly in heated property markets.
De lange arm van China reikt verder.........



Een Chinese delegatie is vandaag in Athene om een aantal grote investeringen in scheepvaart, logistiek en luchthavenprojecten te finaliseren. Dat meldt de Financial Times.

De delegatie staat onder leiding van de Chinese vice-premier Zhang Dejiang. Het gaat al om het tweede hoog bezoek uit China in vier weken tijd.

Griekenland hoopt met belangrijke buitenlandse investeringen de economische groei opieuw aan te trekken. Landen als China hebben belangrijke staatsinvesteringsfondsen. Vorige week hengelde premier Georges Papandreou ook in Libië naar contracten voor projecten in de energie- en toerisme-industrie.

Volgens Griekse regeringsbronnen wordt met China vooral gesproken over investeringen in de maritieme industrie, de telecommunicatie en de renovatie van een torengebouw in de havenstad Piraeus. Er zouden ook voor 500 miljoen euro aan contracten inzake scheepsbouw worden afgesloten.
'n één kind's beleid is nog niet zo gek........



China's population to near 1.4 billion by 2015 in first ageing boom

CHINA'S population will near 1.4 billion by 2015, when over half of the nation will be considered urban dwellers, state press said overnight.

China's urban population will rise to over 700 million people by 2015 when city dwellers outstrip the rural population for the first time, Xinhua news agency said, citing Li Bin, head of the nation's population planning agency.

Over the next five years, as the rural population leaves the countryside for the urban industrial centres, China's population will undergo several other major changes as it surpasses 1.39 billion people, Ms Li said.

During the period, China will witness its first ageing-population boom, with an average of about eight million people turning 60 each year, up from an average of around 4.8 million from 2006-2010, she said.

By 2015, China will have 200 million people over 60 years of age, Ms Li told a population symposium in Nanjing city.

Meanwhile, the proportion of the population aged between 15 and 59 - the working age group - will peak and then slowly begin to fall, the report said.

According to official statistics, China's population stood at 1.32 billion at the end of 2008, about 2.5 times the number in 1949. when the People's Republic of China was founded, it said.

China implemented a strict population control policy in 1979, generally limiting families to one child, with some exceptions for rural farmers, ethnic minorities and other groups.

The Government maintains that the policy has averted 400 million births and has vowed to enforce it until at least 2033, when the population is expected to peak at 1.5 billion people.

Centennial's Thai takeover signals post-RSPT revival

Nu gaat ook Thailand al inkopen doen in Australie...........



CENTENNIAL Coal has been an early mining tax compromise winner, agreeing to a $2 billion cash takeover bid from major shareholder Banpu.

Acquisition activity has returned quickly to the sector after two months of tax uncertainty.

Banpu, a Thai coalminer that bought 19.9 per cent of Centennial in two transactions after Kevin Rudd announced the failed resource super-profits tax, yesterday offered $6.20 a share for the remaining 80.1 per cent.

The offer, which analysts and investors expect to succeed if it is approved by the Foreign Investment Review Board, was at a 40 per cent premium to the shares' closing price on Friday.

It values Centennial, which mines thermal coal in NSW, at $2.5bn.

The takeover bid, revealed yesterday on The Australian's website, was the first major deal in the mining sector since Friday's declaration the 40 per cent resource super-profits tax had been thrown out in favour of the watered-down minerals resources rent tax on iron ore and coal assets. News of the bid sparked a rally in coal shares yesterday.
Crackdown on overheating property market crunches commodity prices

A SLOWDOWN in China's headlong economic growth, while moderate so far, is reverberating through global commodity markets.

This is bad news for resource-rich countries because of China's outsize role as a buyer of metals, minerals and other commodities.

Since China's government started cracking down on its overheating property market in mid-April, global prices for aluminium are down 18 per cent; for copper, 13 per cent; for lead, 19 per cent; and for nickel, 27 per cent, though prices for all of those metals have stabilised somewhat in recent weeks.

Steel prices in China are down about 15 per cent over the period. Analysts say there could be further declines, as growth in China's huge construction sector continues to ease.

The construction boom in China has played a crucial role in global demand for raw materials, to the enormous benefit of resource exporters such as Australia, Brazil, Canada and much of Africa.
Corporate profits make record leap as coal, iron ore pricing fires mining sector

A BOOMING mining sector helped Australian corporate profits rise by a record 18.9 per cent in the second quarter.

The result highlights the transforming effect that surging coal and iron prices will have on the economy well into the future, and underlines how Australia will grow even as major economies battle stiffening headwinds.

Company profits rose by record levels to a seasonally adjusted $68.46 billion in the second quarter from the first quarter, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said today. Economists expected a 6.7 per cent rise.

Mining profits rose 62.7 per cent in the quarter, reflecting higher contracted prices for iron ore and coal ¬- which became effective in April - with Asian steelmakers and energy providers.
RUSAL has approached Queensland with an expression of interest in taking over the long-delayed $3 billion Aurukun bauxite project.

The state government yesterday confirmed reports from Moscow that Russia's global aluminium bear initiated discussions in August after China's state-owned aluminium company, Chalco, withdrew from an agreement to build a mine at Aurukun and an alumina refinery at Abbott Point.

The Chalco deal followed the government's reclamation of the Aurukun concessions from industry leader Alcan in the wake of its controversial acquisition from Pechiney in February 2004. The French company had sat on the mining rights for Aurukun since 1975.

The terms of the Chalco deal required China Inc to invest $3bn on a 10 million tonnes a year mine and a further $2.2bn on a 3.3mtpa refinery.

Chalco walked away from that deal in July, extending 35 years of frustration and delay in developing what is a world-class resource that sits at the southern extension of Rio Tinto's fabulous Weipa operations.
Marenica secures Chinese funding for Namibia uranium project
ASX-listed Marenica Energy has secured A$5-million from a Chinese partner to fund the next phase of the prefeasibility work at its flagship uranium project in Namibia. The explorer said on Monday that it had signed a funding deed with China’s Hanlong Energy, as well as a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which encompasses the immediate funding of A$5-million, with the potential for long-term funding, as well as offtake agreements and strategic cooperation.
Zwaartepunt van grondstoffenmarkt is definitief naar het Oosten verschoven
11 december 2010 | Het Financieele Dagblad
Door: Bos, J.

Jeroen Bos

Het jaar van de eurocrisis, zo gaat 2010 de boeken in. Ook de omstreden tweede stimuleringsronde van de Fed zal een hoofdstuk krijgen. Maar 2010 is ook het jaar van de grondstoffen. Op die markten regent het prijsrecords en nog nooit groeiden de investeringen in zo'n hoog tempo. Bovendien werd de afgelopen periode eens te meer duidelijk dat het zwaartepunt van de grondstoffenmarkten niet langer in het Westen ligt, maar in opkomende landen. Decennialang waren zij alleen producent van grondstoffen. Maar met China voorop groeien steeds meer ontwikkelingslanden uit tot grote afnemers. Ze worden zo bepalende spelers op de markt.

Die veranderende rol van opkomende landen is niet los te zien van de crisis in het Westen. Sterker nog: de malaise in Europa maar vooral de crisisbestrijding in de Verenigde Staten stimuleren juist de vraag naar grondstoffen in ontwikkelingslanden. Dat is vooral te danken aan het monetaire beleid van het Amerikaanse stelsel van centrale banken, de Fed. Die laat de geldpers volop draaien en houdt ondertussen de rentes extreem laag. Het doel is om de economie aan te zwengelen en meer Amerikanen aan het werk te krijgen. Maar de gevolgen van dit ruime monetaire beleid laten zich voelen tot in China.

Vanwege de uiterst lage rentes en de magere groei in het Westen, trekken beleggers steeds meer richting opkomende markten. In snelgroeiende economieën, zoals de Chinese en Indiase, kunnen zij hogere rendementen behalen. De stroom van beleggingskapitaal richting die landen wordt steeds groter naarmate de Fed de geldkraan langer open laat staan. Analisten spreken van een 'Muur van Geld'.

De stimulering door de Fed heeft uiteraard ook effect op de Amerikaanse vraag naar grondstoffen. Maar doordat China van veel grondstoffen veel meer consumeert dan de VS, is het effect daar vele malen groter. Dat geldt in het bijzonder voor basismetalen. Volgens Goldman Sachs komt slechts 10% van de wereldwijde vraag nog uit de VS. Terwijl China bijvoorbeeld goed is voor twee derde van de koperconsumptie. 'Het aanjagen van de binnenlandse vraag in de VS is daardoor veel minder belangrijk dan de indirecte stimulering van opkomende markten', constateert Goldman.
# December 16, 2010 12:00AM

De lange arm van Rusland doet 'n greep .........

ROSATOM, Russia's nuclear holding company, has launched a $1.6 billion bid for Africa-focused Mantra Resources.

ROSATOM, Russia's nuclear holding company, has launched a $1.6 billion bid for Africa-focused Mantra Resources.

Shares in the Australian-listed company jumped 4.49 per cent to $7.92 after the emerging miner announced the Russian bid.

Perth-based Mantra's flagship project is at Mkuju River in Tanzania.

It said Rosatom, through its subsidiary ARMZ Uranium Holding, had offered $8 per share -- a 5.5 per cent premium to its last trading price before the shares were halted prior to the takeover announcement.

"This clean, all-cash offer from ARMZ is compelling and reflects both the strategic significance of this asset as well as the current status of the project against the backdrop of a recent spike in the uranium price," Mantra chief executive Peter Breese said.
de omgekeerde lange arm van China ?:)


PRESS RELEASES 1/5/2011 1:00:00 PM
Qiao Xing Universal Resources, Inc Posts Presentation Regarding Newly Acquired Aolunhua Copper-molybdenum Mine on Corporate Website

Xing(nasdaq) koopt van Chinese staat.......
Qiao Xing Universal Resources, Inc. (Nasdaq: XING, the "Company" or "XING"), one of the leading players in molybdenum mining business as well as a company with meaningful size in the resources industry, today announced that it posted a PowerPoint ("PPT") presentation on its corporate website relating to its newly acquired copper-molybdenum mine in Ar Horqin Banner, Chifeng City, in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Investors can visit to see the PPT filed on Form 6-K or click the link below to view the PPT presentation:
GLADSTONE LNG hopeful Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd has sold a 20 per cent stake to China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), in the latest deal at the burgeoning Queensland coal-seam gas to LNG export hub.

As Macquarie yesterday warned Australia's LNG players to speed up their projects, LNG Ltd unveiled a 19.8 per cent placement to a subsidiary of CNPC to raise $25.6 million for its planned 3 million tonne per annum Fisherman's Landing gas plant.

The deal was priced at the lesser of 48c or 80 per cent of LNG Ltd's volume weighted average over the five days before issuance. The issue of shares is expected in the second quarter.

Under the deal, the Chinese oil and gas giant will also have options over potential direct investment, offtake from its first two trains and financing arrangements.

The market initially supported the deal, sending the Perth-based energy play's shares more than 10 per cent higher.
de lange arm van China,... nu ook Lange arm van Korea doet 'n greep..............

SYDNEY—In the latest scramble for Australia's resources by Asian consumers worried about energy security, a Korean consortium has made an initial offer to buy Whitehaven Coal Ltd., a company valued at 3.5 billion Australian dollars (US$3.5 billion).

The non-binding offer by Korea Resources Corp., known as Kores, and Daewoo International Corp. underscores how volatility in commodity markets is driving consumers to bid more aggressively for high-quality reserves that can be shipped home. Coal prices recently surged to two-year highs after major mines around the world were hit by heavy flooding.
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