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Crucell to move Dukoral® and rCTB bulk produc

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Enorme regenval, overstromingen in zuidoostelijk Afrika: Mozambique, maar ook Zimbabwe:

7 die as heavy rain brings new woes to Zimbabwe

Harare, Dec 28 (AP) Seven people drowned when flood waters swept their truck down a raging river in remote southern Zimbabwe, police said today.

The incident yesterday brought the number of drownings in heavy seasonal rains in the past month to at least 21, said police spokesman Andrew Phiri.
Hundreds of families have been left homeless across the country during rains the state forecast office said are expected to continue for another week as heavy cloud bands head south from Angola, Congo and Zambia.
In the northern Muzarabani district at least 600 traditional mud-and-pole-built village homes were washed away in storms, along with crops and goats, pigs and poultry, the state civil protection unit reported.
Before the holidays, two helicopters were deployed to the district to rescue villagers stranded on islands of higher ground along flooded rivers, it said.
Storms made roads impassable and swept away low bridges.
Phiri said only two bodies had been recovered of the seven people who drowned in the Chamakarara river near the southern town of Masvingo, 300 kilometers from Harare.
In the capital, the health ministry deployed extra staff to two eastern townships after an outbreak of diarrhea blamed on flooding of already collapsing sanitation facilities.

Verspreiding van besmettelijke ziekten, waaronder cholera, zal hierdoor waarschijnlijk sterk toenemen....
Cholera in Zimbabwe
A countrywide epidemic of cholera has been occurring in Zimbabwe since August 2008. The epidemic currently affects all ten of the country's provinces, and at least 84% of the country's districts. As of 29 December 2008, a total of 30938 suspected cases and 1551 deaths had been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), by way of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (MoHCW)'s surveillance department.
In all provinces affected, Vibrio cholerae has been isolated from suspected cases. Two serotypes have been found: Ogawa in Harare urban and Beitbridge city, Matabeleland South; and both Ogawa and Inaba in Chegutu and Makonde districts, Mashonaland West.

Daily Cholera update
15th January, 2008

Cholera in Zimbabwe
29 December 2008
Cholera in Zimbabwe Over the past months an epidemic of cholera has developed in Zimbabwe. The WHO reported in the beginning of December of nearly 12,000 cases and 484 deaths, but the Independent newspaper suggested that the number of cases were much higher and estimated that at least 3,000 people had died from cholera in Zimbabwe. The hardest hit district is Budiriro, a suburb of Harare and Beitbridge, a town on the border to South Africa. However, cholera has been reported from Mashonaland West province and Midlands’s province. Cholera has also been reported from neighbouring countries: Musina (South Africa), Palm Tree (Botswana) and Guro district (Mozambique).

The Independent newspaper (cited above) suggests that the Zimbabwean authorities are trying to hide the scale of the cholera epidemic. It is clear that the reported numbers of cases and deaths are an underestimation as diagnosis may be difficult not least outside hospitals. Cholera is endemic in Africa and is a sign of a breakdown of sewage systems and the supply of safe water. In the present situation, visitors to Zimbabwe should be advised to be immunized against cholera. The Dukoral vaccine against cholera is safe and provides around 85% protection.
Mr Greenspan
Teletekst vr 30 jan
60.000 choleragevallen in Zimbabwe

` Het aantal cholerabesmettingen in
Zimbabwe is gestegen tot ruim 60.000;
3161 mensen zijn overleden.Volgens de
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie verloopt
de epidemie volgens het slechtste
scenario.De VN-organisatie denkt dat
hij voorlopig niet onder controle komt.

Alleen al de laatste 24 uur kwamen er
1500 besmettingen en 69 doden bij.De
ziekte blijft zich verspreiden door
het gebrek aan schoon drinkwater.Veel
rioleringsbuizen zijn gebroken.In
steden en dorpen hoopt het afval zich
op.Veel ziekenhuizen zijn gesloten.

Volgens de VN loopt de helft van de
bevolking door de epidemie gevaar.
In 2008, Crucell took part in two mass vaccination campaigns against cholera, with its vaccine Dukoral®.

The campaigns were organized in Myanmar and Zanzibar, two countries where cholera epidemics are all too common. Together with the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), Crucell distributed 137,000 doses of Dukoral® in Myanmar

to help prevent outbreaks of cholera following the cyclone that devastated the country. Another 100,000 doses were distributed in Zanzibar in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Op de site..(28 januari 2009)
Zimbabwe Doctors Leave as Health System Fails, Cholera Spreads
Feb. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Doctors are leaving Zimbabwe, causing clinics to close, as the health system collapses and Africa’s second-worst cholera epidemic spreads in the countryside, aid groups said.
The exodus of medical professionals is compounding a “near total devastation” of Zimbabwe’s health-care system, Doctors Without Borders said yesterday. Thousands of doctors, nurses and other health staff aren’t being paid and have no money for basic needs such as buying a bus ticket to get to work.
Since the cholera outbreak began in Zimbabwe in August, 3,513 deaths have been reported to the World Health Organization, compared with 4,031 fatalities recorded worldwide in 2007. The cholera bacterium is spreading through contaminated drinking water because sewage and water systems have collapsed.
Zimbabwe, ruled by President Robert Mugabe since 1980, is in the grips of a decade-long recession and has the world’s highest inflation rate, at 231 million percent last July, the last time the government provided an official estimate.
“The ongoing political and economic crisis is severely affecting people’s ability to access and afford health care, particularly people dependent on HIV/AIDS treatment,” Doctors Without Borders said in an e-mailed statement. The group, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres, has treated more than 45,000 of Zimbabwe’s cholera patients or about three-quarters of cases.
Health Workers
A shortage of national health workers is stoking the rate of cholera patients dying from the diarrhea-causing disease, according to the WHO.
“The outbreak is not yet under control,” said Wilfred Sikukula, who is heading the cholera response for Christian aid group World Vision. “It can best be described as having shifted from the urban centers, where it first manifested, to the rural areas,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Cholera, which causes profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to fatal dehydration and shock, is suspected to have infected 73,105 people in Zimbabwe as of Feb. 11, according to WHO. Of patients treated in the hospital or a clinic, 1.9 percent has died. With prompt rehydration, less than 1 percent of cholera patients die, according to WHO.
The cholera vaccine project in Zanzibar, current knowledge on cholera vaccines and a proposal for the introduction of cholera vaccine in Bangladesh were reviewed.
The Zanzibar project, to which the WHO Global Taskforce on Cholera Control has made important contributions, is a collaborative venture between WHO, the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) the Swiss Tropical Institute (STI) and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania. The project is designed to gather evidence in favour of a potential pre-emptive use of oral cholera vaccine to
prevent the predictable seasonal outbreaks observed in endemic regions and to improve understanding of the required information for the eventual constitution of a vaccine stockpile. Pre-vaccination surveillance and census
mapping of the population were due to begin in
October or November 2008; mass vaccination is planned to start in January 2009. Several answers are expected from this project, which includes an effectiveness study following mass vaccination using Dukoral (Crucell-SBL vaccines). Results on the potential additional indirect
protection resulting from the effects of herd protection as well as on the duration of protection are important
expected outcomes. Detailed objectives and a plan of the project were presented describing the location, health system and demographic and socioeconomic indicators in Zanzibar.
Dat is weer meer van hetzelfde.....uit de krochten van m'n archief:
(December 2008)
Zelfs de moord op Olaf Palme komt voorbij. (Juni, 2007).

Uit de pubmed-draad:
Vaccine. 2009 Jan 12
Enhanced immunogenicity of an oral inactivated cholera vaccine in infants in Bangladesh obtained by zinc supplementation and by temporary withholding breast-feeding.

Ahmed T, Svennerholm AM, Tarique AA, Sultana GN, Qadri F.
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, GPO Box 128, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh; Gothenburg University Vaccine Research Institute (GUVAX) and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Box 435 S-40530, Göteborg, Sweden.

The killed oral cholera vaccine Dukoral is recommended for adults and only children over 2 years of age, although cholera is seen frequently in younger children and there is an urgent need for a vaccine for them. Since decreased immunogenicity of oral vaccines in children in developing countries is a critical problem, we tested interventions to enhance responses to Dukoral. We evaluated the effect on the immune responses by temporarily withholding breast-feeding or by giving zinc supplementation. Two doses of Dukoral consisting of killed cholera vibrios and cholera B subunit were given to 6-18 months old Bangladeshi children (n=340) and safety and immunogenicity studied. Our results showed that two doses of the vaccine were safe and induced antibacterial (vibriocidal) antibody responses in 57% and antitoxin responses in 85% of the children. Immune responses were comparable after intake of one and two doses. Temporary withholding breast-feeding for 3h before immunization or supplementation with 20mg of zinc per day for 42 days resulted in increased magnitude of vibriocidal antibodies (77% and 79% responders, respectively). Administration of vaccines without buffer or in water did not result in reduction of vibriocidal responses. This study demonstrates that the vaccine is safe and immunogenic in children under 2 years of age and that simple interventions can enhance immune responses in young children.
PMID: 19146904

Vaccine. 2009 Jan 12.

Robust gut associated vaccine-specific antibody-secreting cell responses are detected at the mucosal surface of Bangladeshi subjects after immunization with an oral killed bivalent V. cholerae O1/O139 whole cell cholera vaccine: Comparison with other mucosal and systemic responses.

Shamsuzzaman S, Ahmed T, Mannoor K, Begum YA, Bardhan PK, Sack RB, Sack DA, Svennerholm AM, Holmgren J, Qadri F.
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, GPO Box 128, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.

The emergence of V. cholerae O139 serogroup of V. cholerae capable of causing severe dehydrating cholera has over the decade led to efforts in formulation of vaccines to protect against this pathogen. Although the prevalence of diarrhea due to V. cholerae O139 has recorded a decrease, efforts on vaccine development continues to formulate an oral vaccine capable of stimulating the gut mucosal system. We have studied the mucosal immunogenicity in Bangladeshi adults to a killed whole cell (WC) bivalent cholera vaccine composed of V. cholerae O139 as well as V. cholerae O1 strains together with the recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) (WC-O1/O139/CTB) and compared the immune responses to that obtained with the licensed monovalent cholera vaccine, Dukoral (WC-O1/CTB). Direct estimation of the WC-O1/O139/CTB vaccine-specific mucosal responses were carried out using lymphocytes isolated from duodenal biopsies, intestinal lavage fluid and feces. The vaccine induced robust antibody-secreting cell responses in the duodenum specific to CTB as well as the O1 and O139 lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Magnitude of response was higher in the gut than in the circulation in all three antibody isotypes. The CTB and LPS-specific mucosal antibody responses were also seen in intestinal lavage fluid and fecal extracts. Vibriocidal antibody responses in plasma were observed to both the V. cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups (76% and 57% response rates, respectively). Plasma IgA and IgG responses to CTB and IgA responses to both O1 and O139 LPS were elevated. The immune responses were comparable to that seen to the monovalent WC-O1/CTB recipients in all components studied. Overall, the bivalent cholera vaccine induces strong mucosal responses and the addition of the O139 component does not interfere with the responses to the licensed vaccine Dukoral. This sets the ground for testing such vaccines in large field trials in Bangladesh and also demonstrates that addition of other vibrio components to the existing cholera vaccine does not alter the responses to the O1 vaccine components.
PMID: 19146897
A Controlled Study of Salmonella Ty21a and Cholera/ ETEC-Vaccine and the Role of Oats in Daily Diet as a New Treatment in Patients With Mild or Moderate Ulcerative Colitis.

Phase II
Expected completion June 2010

Vaccine Vivotif + Vaccine Dukoral

Purpose Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease caused by an imbalance between
natural defence mechanisms in the intestinal mucosa and microbes in the intestinal lumen. We
hypothesise that an improvement or even normalisation of this balance may be achieved by the
use of vaccines and dietary oats. The combined use of oral typhoid vaccine and
cholera/ETEC-vaccine is supposed to stimulate mucosal defence factors, while dietary oats
modifies the microbial environment inside the intestinal lumen. Or study aim is to show if
such treatment brings symptom relief to patients with ulcerative colitis.
Neuer Impfstoff nicht nur für Rucksacktouristen interessant
Asienreisende auch gegen Japan-Enzephalitis wappnen!
Medical Tribune Bericht
BERLIN – Das Thema Impfen steht bei der reisemedizinischen Beratung ganz oben auf der Agenda. Was gibt es Neues, was steckt in den Pipelines?

Schluckimpfung gegen Reisedurchfall
Viel versprechen sich Reisemediziner von dem neuen Cholera-Schluckimpfstoff (Dukoral), der nahezu nebenwirkungsfrei ist. Nicht weil Reisende so häufig mit Cholera konfrontiert werden – der neue Totimpfstoff schützt auch gegen Escherichia coli (ETEC), den häufigsten Durchfallerreger unterwegs. Die Schutzwirkung ist zwar nicht ganz so stark wie gegen Cholera, aber mit 67 % doch recht gut.

In Studien konnten bis zu 40 % der Reisedurchfälle verhindert werden. Ein Wermutstropfen: Der Impfstoff ist bei uns nur zum Choleraschutz zugelassen. DerEinsatz erscheint aber bei Reisenden gerechtfertigt, deren Urlaubsziel ein besonders hohes Durchfallrisiko erwarten lässt und/oder die durch eine Diarrhö (Durchfallerkrankung) besonders gefährdet wären. Gegen ETEC wird derzeit übrigens auch ein Impfstoffpflaster entwickelt.

During Q309, an affordable cholera vaccine developed in Vietnam was launched in India. Shancol is administered orally, and was developed by the Seoul-based International Vaccine Institute (IVI). The vaccine will be manufactured by India’s Shantha Biotechnics, and will cost less than US$1 – significantly less than the only other internationally approved cholera vaccine, Crucell/SBL Vaccine’s Dukoral, which retails for GBP30 (US$44) in the UK. This development underlined the capabilities of Vietnam’s small but impressive R&D sector.

Btw. Shanta van: The Economic Times of India reported Friday that GSK is in advanced talks about buying at least 51% of India's Shanta Biotechnics Ltd. after rival bidder Sanofi-Aventis SA (NYSE:SNY) pulled out.

GSK is interested in buying at a majority stake in Shantha Biotech and shore up its vaccine business, especially the five-in-one pentavalent variety where it has lost out to rivals such as Panacea Biotec, Novartis and Shantha Biotech.
Det drickbara vaccinet Dukoral var det första effektiva vaccinet mot kolera och är hittills det enda som rekommenderas av Världshälsoorganisationen WHO. Jan Holmgren sålde för tolv år sedan patenträttigheterna till vaccinet till det privata svenska företaget SBL Vaccin som nu producerar vaccinet för hela världen. SBL, när det tidigare ägdes av staten, var också partner och medfinansiär under utvecklingen av vaccinet. Även Vetenskapsrådet, Sida och Wallenbergs- stiftelsen har pytsat in pengar i forskningen.

Dukoral, som utanför Norden även kallas SBL Cholera Vaccin, har en skyddseffekt på 80–90 procent mot kolera men dosen måste förnyas efter några år för att ge fortsatt skydd. Den ger också ett relativt gott skydd mot ETEC, den vanligaste formen av turistdiarré. Nära en miljon svenskar som blivit vaccinerade inför en utlandsresa har därigenom också, utan att kanske känna till det, fått ett skydd mot kolera.

Shantha Biotech launches oral cholera vaccine

Hyderabad, April 26 Shantha Biotechnics has announced the launch of Shanchol, an oral vaccine for cholera.

The company has spent a million dollars to set up facilities. Initially, 5 million doses are planned. It is the first among more than a dozen vaccine projects that the Bill Gates Foundation is supporting, which has reached commercial scale, Mr K.I. Varaprasad Reddy, Managing Director of Shantha, told newspersons.

The vaccine recommended by doctors for children above one year and in two doses, would be priced at Rs 300 a dose. It would be commercially available in the country from June.

The only other WHO approved oral cholera vaccine available is Dukoral, a Swedish vaccine, which costs about $40 and is difficult to administer, especially in public health setting, he said.

Shanchol is easy to administer, cheaper and provides more coverage. The vaccine has been developed in collaboration with the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), the VA Biotech of Vietnam and funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mr Varaprasad Reddy said.

Shantha Biotechnics has got enquiries from Bangladesh and Zimbabwe for the supply of ‘bivalent oral cholera vaccine.’ Supplies are to be routed through the Gates Foundation. The WHO pre-qualification would be obtained in a couple of months, he added.

Shantha Biotechnics, which is part of the Merieux Alliance Group, logged Rs 205 crore turnover during fiscal 2008-09 up from Rs 148 crore the previous year.
Hospital starts giving cholera shots
CHOLERA vaccination began at the Pacific International Hospital (PIH) last week, with nearly 20 individuals from organisations dealing with bulk food handling getting immunised.
PIH vice-chairman Dr Mathias Sapuri said yesterday the oral inactivated vaccine, Dukoral, was available at the hospital for children aged two to six years and seven years to adults, which effectively protected the body against the bacteria for up to 18 months.
Dr Sapuri said this was the hospital’s response to the public private partnership in public health care under the Government’s health reforms and he called on all health facilities in the country to follow suit.
“This vaccine was not just introduced recently to PIH but we’ve had this vaccine here for years now, even before the cholera outbreak in PNG.
“Frequent Papua New Guinean travellers to Asia and Africa had been taking the dose and continue to do so to guard against cholera, which is common in these regions,” Dr Sapuri said.
He urged health workers, workers in the food industry and others working in environments where they were constantly exposed to the public to get the vaccination available at a cost of K10 per full dose.
The vaccine helped build up intestinal lining and creating antibodies to guard against the cholera bacteria.
From information released by PIH, the vaccine, however, is not the only measure in the prevention of cholera outbreaks, and clean and hygienic practices are still highly recommended.
While the vaccine is safe for pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers, it was not immediately recommended to be taken by those with acute illnesses and conditions such as those with advanced HIV.
Basic immunisation comprises two doses for adults and children over the age of six.
Children two to six years should receive three doses which are to be administered at one week intervals.
Satisfactory protection against cholera can be expected about two weeks after completing the basic immunisation course.
Dukoral is supplied as granules dissolved in 150ml of water as a full dose.

aossa schreef:

Shantha Biotech launches oral cholera vaccine

Presentatie WHO: Update Cholera Vaccines.

Currently licensed Cholera Vaccines
• Dukoral – Crucell, available and WHO pre-qualified
• Orochol – Crucell, no longer produced
• Shanchol – Shantha Biotechnics, WHO pre-qualification pending

• ORC-VAX (and mORC-VAX) – VaBiotech (Vietnam); licensed
and used nationally

New cholera vaccines under clinical development (not
discussed today)

Verwachting. In 2011 krijgt Shanta (waarschijnlijk) WHO prequalification approval.
Dan kan eveneens prijserosie voor Dukarol ontstaan (richting WHO).
Wat veiligheid betreft, heeft Dukarol wel een heel goede score:
Very safe versus no major safety concerns.
Mogelijk dat het verschuiven van de produktie naar Zwitserland ook prijstechnisch /margetechnisch Crucell nog iets op gaat leveren.

Oral Cholera Vaccines
- One WHO pre-qualified, two-dose oral cholera vaccine – expensive but available
- One two-dose oral cholera vaccine - within sight of WHO PQ – less expensive
- One single-dose, live oral cholera vaccine – no longer produced
- One two-dose nationally produced vaccine in Vietnam, administered to millions
of people since 1997

flosz schreef:

During Q309, an affordable cholera vaccine developed in Vietnam was launched in India. Shancol is administered orally, and was developed by the Seoul-based International Vaccine Institute (IVI). The vaccine will be manufactured by India’s Shantha Biotechnics, and will cost less than US$1 – significantly less than the only other internationally approved cholera vaccine, Crucell/SBL Vaccine’s Dukoral, which retails for GBP30 (US$44) in the UK. This development underlined the capabilities of Vietnam’s small but impressive R&D sector.
Immunological Basis for Immunization Series Module 14:

Currently licensed cholera vaccines and doses

Several oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) have been developed and proven to be safe,
immunogenic and effective. Four of these vaccines have been licensed in some
countries, and one of them (killed WC plus recombinant CTB (WC/rCTB), Dukoral®
by Crucel/SBL, Sweden) is used mainly by travellers visiting cholera-endemic countries,

but has also been used in demonstration programmes for public-health interventions.
This is the only cholera vaccine which has been WHO prequalifi ed. This vaccine
has been modified and technology transferred to VietNam where it is produced by
VaBiotech (killed WC vaccine, ORC-Vax®). This vaccine has recently been licensed
in India after South-South technology transfer (Shanchol® by Shantha Biotechnics).

These three vaccines are given in a two-dose regimen ten days apart and they elicit
protective effi cacy eight days after the second dose. The only licensed single-dose vaccine (recombinant live oral vaccine CVD103-HgR,
Orochol® manufactured by Crucel/Berna Biotech, Switzerland, stopped production
in 2004. Dukoral® is available in many countries, but is used primarily as a travel

(Affordable cholera vaccine-> met hulp van o.a. B&M Gates Foundation).
"In January 2010, at the 40th World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Bill Gates, co-Chair of the Gates Foundation, and President Lee Myung-bak of Korea discussed future plans to provide mutual support to the IVI. This is a component of the “Decade of Vaccines,” an initiative announced by Mr. Gates at Davos, which calls for a US$10 billion investment over the next 10 years in the effort to develop and introduce new vaccines in developing countries."
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