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Windturbines bij Borssele krijgen rotoren van 167 meter

In de wedloop om de grootste windturbines, heeft Ørsted dinsdag een slag gewonnen. Het Deense bedrijf dat voorheen Dong heette, gaat in het windpark bij Borssele turbines neerzetten met een rotoren die een diameter hebben van 167 meter. Ter vergelijking: dat is even groot als de de Maastoren, het hoogste gebouw van Nederland.

Over drie jaar moeten ze er staan, in ze golven bij Zeeland. 94 turbines van Siemens Gamesa, van elk 8 megawatt. Iedere rotor, waaronder het bedrijf de wieken en de as schaart, heeft een gewicht van 130 ton.

'Het zijn de grootste rotoren ooit voor een windturbine', zegt een woordvoerder van Ørsted. Toch is het geen spectaculaire doorbraak, maar eerder een strijd om enkele meters. Het vorige rotorrecord stond op naam van Vestas. Die Deense maker van windturbines, had een rotor in elkaar gezet van 164 meter in diameter.
‘De turbines krijgen een zogeheten tiphoogte van 210 meter, zo'n 35 meter hoger dan de Euromast’

Wel staat deze nieuwe Siemens Gamesa-rotor symbool voor de aanhoudende groei van de windmolens. De turbines die straks op zee komen te staan hebben een zogeheten tiphoogte van 210 meter: dat is zo'n 35 meter hoger dan de Euromast.

Begin jaren negentig bouwde Dong het eerste windpark op zee. Pal voor de Deense kust kwam toen een aantal turbines van minder dan een halve megawatt. De capaciteit van de nieuwste windturbines is ongeveer 18 keer zo groot als de molens die indertijd werden gebouwd.

'Grotere rotoren betekenen meer energie per windturbine, waardoor de kosten voor schone energie omlaag gaan', zegt Jasper Vis, directeur Nederland van Ørstedted, in een verklaring.

De Nederlandse Windenergie Associatie (NWEA) voorspelde vorig jaar nog dat in de toekomst turbines ‘hoger, groter en nog stiller’ zullen worden. In 1985 werd in Nederland één turbine gebouwd. De ashoogte was 20 meter, de tiphoogte 26 meter. Dat is nu onvoorstelbaar.

Turbines van 150 meter, enkele jaren geleden nog afgedaan als enorm, komen nu als economisch onrendabel in de verdrukking. Zeker op plekken waar het relatief weinig waait. Steeds meer turbines zullen naar verwachting een tiphoogte krijgen die hoger ligt dan 200 meter.

BAM aan de slag voor windpark Wieringermeer

Geen financiele details.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) BAM Groep gaat meewerken aan de realisatie van een windmolenpark in de Wieringermeer. Dit maakte het bouwbedrijf woensdag bekend zonder financiële details te verstrekken.

In 2019 wordt begonnen met de aanleg van 50 turbines in het Windpark Wieringermeer. Dit zal aan het einde van dat jaar worden afgerond, waarna er in totaal 100 windturbines stroom zullen leveren voor circa 370.000 huishoudens.

De infratak van BAM gaat de onderdelen leveren voor de funderingen van de windmolens.

Het aandeel BAM Groep noteerde woensdag op een groen Damrak 0,1 procent lager op 4,50 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
France added 500 MW wind power generation capacity in Q3
Published on Wed, 29 Nov 2017

Economic Times reported that France added 500 megawatts of new wind power capacity in the third quarter, taking new wind capacity since the start of the year to 1,019 MW, 23 percent higher compared with same period a year ago. The new additions take France's installed wind capacity to 12.9 gigawatts, the ecology ministry said. Projects under various instances of review amount to nearly 12 GW.

Electricity production from French wind turbines was at 15.5 terrawatt-hour in the first three quarters of 2017 - about 4.5 percent of electricity consumption in France.

France plans to increase installed wind capacity to 15 GW by the end of next year from 12.3 GW as of June, and double that capacity to 26 GW by 2023.

The ministry said 484 MW of new solar power capacity was connected to the grid in the first nine months of the year, a 7 % increase compared with the same period a year ago.

Electricity production from French solar panels fell 6% to 7.2 TWh representing around 2 % of consumption during the first three quarters of the year.

Source : Economic Times
Rampion wind farm in English Channel starts power generation

Your sub sea news reported that offshore wind farm Rampion in the English Channel has started generating electricity. According to E.ON, the first turbine was commissioned. 115 additional turbines will be connected to the grid in stages over the next few months.

The offshore work for the Rampion project began in autumn 2015 with the preparation of the seabed for the turbine foundations. The first monopile was installed at the beginning of 2016. The installation of the turbines began in March 2017 and was completed ahead of schedule in September.

The 400 megawatt Rampion project is located 13 km off the Sussex coast. Owners are E.ON, the British Green Investment Rampion Ltd. and the Canadian energy company Enbridge. The project is being built and operated by E.ON as majority owner.

Source : Your sub sea news
Vattenfall places order for large offshore wind power with Siemens Gamesa
Published on Fri, 01 Dec 2017

Reuters reported that Sweden's state owned Vattenfall has sealed an offshore wind turbine deal with Siemens Gamesa involving 113 turbines to be delivered for installation at three Danish projects with a total power capacity of 950 megawatt. Vattenfall said that order had recently been agreed and marked one of the single largest investments in renewable energy made by Vattenfall.

Vattenfall said the overall investment into the three projects totalled 1.7 billion euros (USD 2.0 billion) but did not specify the cost of the Siemens Gamesa order alone. Industry experience shows that turbines usually account for roughly half the cost of offshore wind projects.

The three wind parks are expected to be coming on stream by 2022.

The order includes 41 turbines to be delivered to the 350-MW projects Vesterhav Nord and Syd off the western Danish coast as well as 72 turbines to the 600-MW project Kriegers Flak in the Baltic Sea.

Vattenfall said the turbines are in the 8-megawatt class, which describes individual sizes only roughly.

The order comes at a time when parent group Siemens faces pressure over plans to cut thousands of jobs at its power and gas division, which has been hit by the rapid growth of renewables.

Source : Reuters
German regulator allows higher prices at 2018 onshore wind auctions

Economic Times reported that Germany's energy regulator had set higher maximum prices for auctions next year to build 2,800 megawatts of onshore wind parks and avert the risk that low auction results could discourage sufficient building. The agency, the Bundesnetzagentur , has powers to fix flaws in changes enacted to the renewable feed-in law in 2017.

These were aimed at cutting future income for new renewable power installations to relieve the burden on consumers, but it was recognised that tariffs may fall too sharply for the desired expansion of fossil-free energy to be viable.

BnetzA raised the maximum bidding price to 6.3 cents per kilowatt hour for the four auctions in 2018, while the limit resulting from achieved auction results in 2017 under the new feed-in law's built-in calculations would have placed it 26 % lower, at 5 cents.

This fell short of currently assumed costs to produce onshore wind power in 2017 of 5.6 cents that BnetzA received in quotes from manufacturers and industry groups.

BnetzA said in a news release explaining its move that "There was a fear that overly low caps in 2018 would result in too few bids to exploit the allowed tender volume."

The move is being keenly watched by turbine manufacturers, project developers and utilities after offshore wind park auctions earlier this year included bids for zero subsidy projects for the middle of the next decade, as the industry cuts costs.

Last month, Germany completed its third onshore wind auction this year, awarding licences for 3.8 cents per kWh, down from 4.29 cents in August and 5.71 cents in May.

The total awarded capacity this year was 2.82 gigawatts.

Wind energy accounts for over half of Germany's renewable production and is the core energy in its long-term decarbonisation of the power sector that it wants to largely complete by the middle of the century.

Source : Economic Times
Bouw windturbines voor de kust mag

De Raad van State heeft woensdag goedkeuring gegeven voor de bouw van windturbines voor de Noordzeekust. Bezwaren die door een visserijvereniging, een actiegroep en particulieren waren aangevoerd, zijn door de hoogste rechtsprekende instantie in Nederland van tafel geveegd.

De uitspraak betreft twee kavels in een windenergiegebied dat Holland Kust (zuid) heet. De kavels worden later deze maand opengesteld voor een tender en de overheid hoopt dat voor het eerst zal blijken dat windparken op zee ook zonder subsidies mogelijk zijn.

Windpark in de NoordzeeFoto: Reuters
De coöperatieve vereniging Kottervisserij Nederland, afgekort tot VisNed, had als bezwaar aangevoerd dat er minder ruimte overblijft om te vissen. De actiegroep Vrije Horizon en enkele particulieren waren niet tegen windparken op zee, maar wel op deze locaties, op zichtafstand van de kust. Vrije Horizon pleitte voor het windenergiegebied IJmuiden Ver, veertig kilometer buiten de kust.

De Raad van State verklaarde zich niet ontvankelijk voor de beroepen van de particulieren en oordeelde dat de bezwaren van de actiegroep en de kottervereniging ongegrond zijn.

Vrije Horizon was vooral bang dat toeristen zich storen aan de windturbines en wegblijven. De actiegroep berekende dat van 'Hoek van Holland tot Den Helder' zesduizend arbeidsplaatsen gevaar zouden lopen, met een schade van €100 mln per jaar voor de kustgemeenten.

Maar de Raad van State zegt dat de schade acceptabel is en citeert Economische Zaken: 'Gelet op het grote belang van windenergie, de grote afstand tot de kust en de mede daardoor beperkte zichtbaarheid van het windpark gedurende het jaar vanaf de kust zijn de gevolgen van het windpark voor het uitzicht over de Noordzee volgens de minister aanvaardbaar.'

Over de kottervissers zeggen de rechters dat zij 'tot 2021 de tijd hebben om andere vislocaties te zoeken'. Daardoor bestaat 'geen grondslag voor het oordeel dat de minister de belangen van de kottervissers onvoldoende in zijn afweging heeft betrokken'.

Nieuwe windmolens verpulveren hoogterecord

Windturbines worden net wolkenkrabbers. In Flevoland verrijzen vanaf 2020 molens van liefst 248 meter hoog. Het huidige record wordt daarmee met bijna vijftig meter verpulverd.

David Bremmer 06-12-17, 19:15 Laatste update: 07-12-17, 07:52

Momenteel staat de hoogste windmolen nog in de Eemshaven in Noord-Groningen. De Lagerwey L136 kent een ashoogte van 123 meter, de rotordiameter meet 136 meter. De wieken tikken daardoor op het hoogste punt de 200 meter aan, bijna twintig meter hoger dan de Euromast.

De zeventien turbines die over drie jaar in het Noord-Oosten van Flevoland bij het Ketelmeer verrijzen gaan daar met 248 meter ruim overheen. Ze maken onderdeel uit van het Windpark Blauw dat 65 turbines zal tellen. Ook de andere molens van het park gaan met 213 meter flink de hoogte in.

Het park, dat door Nuon en vereniging SwifterwinT geëxploiteerd gaat worden, moet aan 172.000 huishoudens stroom gaan leveren.

Met de 248 meter vestigen de molens nog geen absoluut hoogterecord. Hoogste bouwwerk in Nederland is de Gerbrandyradiotoren in IJsselstein. Die is 372 meter hoog. De radiomast in Boven Smilde is met 302 meter tweede.

Nuon bevestigt het voorliggende plan, maar zegt dat de molens nog niet definitief zijn. ,,248 meter is de absolute hoogte, het maximum," meldt woordvoerster Ariane Volz. Ze wijst er op dat burgers en bedrijven inspraak krijgen. Deze maand volgen eerst vier informatieavonden, de eerste is vanavond in Swifterbant. Daarna volgen de reguliere inspraakprocedures.

De trend dat windturbines steeds meer de hoogte in gaan, beschreef deze krant vorig jaar al. Peter Eecen, hoofdonderzoeker van het Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN), denkt dat windmolens op land in 2030 weleens de 300 meter aan kunnen tippen. Op zee zal dat nog 50 meter meer zijn.

Met de aanleg van het park is 200 tot 300 miljoen euro gemoeid. Het windpark krijgt echter een flinke Rijkssubsidie via de SDE+ regeling, waarmee duurzame energie wordt gestimuleerd.

In het Energieakkoord hebben provincies, waaronder Flevoland, zich verplicht in totaal 6.000 Megawatt aan windmolens op land neer te zetten. Windpark Blauw neemt 215 Megawatt voor zijn rekening.

Norway to open acreage for offshore floating wind power

Reuters reported that Norway plans to open one or two offshore regions for construction of floating wind turbines. Norway Ministry of Petroleum and Energy said that "The government wishes to accommodate offshore wind power, in particular with demonstrations of floating wind turbines in mind," adding that this should happen "as soon as possible."

Norway is western Europe's top producer of oil and natural gas, and has so far lagged Nordic neighbours Denmark and Sweden in wind power developments.

Source : Reuters
Turkey to establishe 2,130 MW wind power plants

DAILY SABAH reported that the first round of wind power tenders to establish wind power plants across Turkey, which was closely monitored by Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak, was completed yesterday. On the first day of tenders, which will run through December 29, bids for 430 megawatts of wind power were collected for eight regions, while 110 energy firms participated in the tender. During the four-day tender, an aggregate amount of 2,130 MW of wind power capacity will be auctioned, and plants will be established in 32 different points across Turkey. On June 21-23, pre-licenses for 710 MW of wind power capacity in 11 regions were issued by the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company .

While 110 companies sent their bids for eight regions with a total wind power capacity of 430 MW, the companies with winning bids according to region are as follows:

For the Amasya-Samsun (60 MW) region, Do?ages Elektrik Üretim A.?.'s Do?ages Wind Energy Plant (RES) project ($-0.88) received a capacity of 49 MW, while Ekores Enerji Üretim A.?.'s Ta?ova RES project ($-0.55) acquired an 11 MW-capacity.

For the Çorum-Kastamonu-Sinop (70 MW) region, RES Anatolia Holding A.?.'s Topaz RES project ($-0.66) and Ekores Enerji Üretim A.?.'s Kozcu RES project ($-0.71) acquired a capacity of 65 MW and 5 MW, respectively.

For Antalya (100 MW), on the other hand, Enyat Enerji A.?.'s Alanya RES project ($-1.18) acquired a capacity of 50 MW, while Dere Enerji A.?. received a total of 20 MW with 10 MW for the D3 RES project ($-0.57) and 10 MW for the D1 RES project ($-0.48), followed by Akhisar Enerji A.?.'s Dökükda?? project (-$0.52) with 30 MW-capacity.

The two projects that applied for the Bitlis-Mu? (40 MW) region shared 40 MW equally. Difer Enerji A.?.'s Miskevank RES project ($7.10) received a 20 MW-capacity, while Beres Elektirk Üretim A.?.'s Örenlik RES project ($6.95) acquired the remaining half.

For the Bolu-Düzce-Sakarya (30 MW) region, Gün?????ges Elektrik Üretim A.?.'s Gün?????ges project ($3.78) acquired the whole capacity with 30 MW.

For Elaz?? (40 MW) region, Buca Rüzgar Güne? Üretim A.?.'s Buca RES project ($-0.63) received the full capacity of 40 MW.

For the Gaziantep-Kilis (40 MW) region, Lacivert Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim A.?.'nin Lacivert RES project ($-1.63) received a capacity allocation of 40 MW.

For Istanbul (50 MW), Gelgit Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim A.?.'nin Gelgit RES project ($-1.71) received a capacity allocation of 49.5 MW, while the remaining 0.5 MW capacity was accepted by Polat Enerji A.?.'s Istanbul RES project ($-0.65).

Source : Daily Sabah
Eolus announces sale of 232 MW wind power to Aquila Capital

Eolus has signed an agreement with Aquila Capital regarding the sale of the wind farms Kråktorpet and Nylandsbergen comprising 61 wind turbines with a combined installed capacity of 232 MW. The preliminary purchase price for the wind farms amounts to EUR 264 million. The transaction covers the sale of all the shares in the respective project companies that holds the project rights for the wind farms. Eolus will construct both wind farms and for wind farm Kråktorpet comprising 43 turbines with a capacity of 163.4 MW Aquila will provide construction financing. The preliminary purchase price for wind farm Kråktorpet amounts to EUR 182 million. Wind farm Nylandsbergen comprising 18 turbines with a capacity of 68.4 MW will be paid in full upon completion and take over. The preliminary purchase price for wind farm Nylandsbergen amounts to EUR 82 million. Both wind farms will be commissioned during 2019.

As part of the agreement Eolus has been entrusted to provide technical, operational and administrative services for seven years for both the wind farms to maximize outcome and production from the facilities. The wind farms are located close to wind farm Jenåsen that is currently under construction by Eolus in Sundsvall municipality.

Mr Per Witalisson CEO of Eolus said that “I´m very happy to announce this agreement. Aquila Capital is making major investments in Swedish wind power and the fact that they have chosen Eolus to further extend their portfolio with 232 MW is very pleasing. This is the largest single order for Eolus to date and shows our capacity to provide competitive investments.”

Mr Marcus Landelin Eolus deputy CEO and COO said that Aquila is a very respected investor and we are glad that we can continue to develop a close relationship with them through this investment. We value the trust that has been placed with Eolus not only with constructing the wind farms but also in our asset management services.

Revenues from the sale of project rights for wind farm Kråktorpet will be recorded in the second quarter of Eolus financial year 2017/2018. Revenues from sale of project rights for wind farm Nylandsbergen and from the construction of the two wind farms will be recorded when construction has been completed and the wind farms have been taken over by Aquila, expected during second half of 2019.

The transaction is subject to fulfillment of a number of conditions before closing.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas and WEB sign wind orders in Germany & Austria

Vestas has signed an agreement with W.E.B to supply its 4-MW platform for future projects in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Canada, and the US that potentially can materialize into a three-digit volume over the next two years. As part of the agreement, W.E.B has placed orders for a total of 35 MW across one wind project in Lower Austria and one in Eastern Germany.

The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines as well as a 20-year full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement and a VestasOnline Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning is planned to begin in the first half of 2019.

Mr Frank Dumeier, CEO, WEB Windenergie AG said that “W.E.B and Vestas have successfully collaborated for more than 20 years. It is important for us to have a partner who shares common values such as reliability, sustainability, and flexibility. That’s why we chose Vestas’ turbine technology and their team competencies for our extensive international project pipeline. We leverage the sustainable 4 MW platform that enables an efficient project development and competitive cost of energy that is critical for our success in highly competitive international auction systems.”

As part of the agreement, W.E.B has placed the first orders for one German and one Austrian project. The German order was awarded in the second German auction round in August 2017 and includes six V136-3.6-MW that will repower the Wörbzig wind park currently consisting of 12 V66-1.75-MW. The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines as well as a 20-year full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement and a VestasOnline Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning is planned to begin in the first half of 2019.

Mr Nils de Baar, President of Vestas Central Europe said that “W.E.B. is a valued long-term customer and this agreement underlines our strong partnership. Site diversity and individual project requirements across six countries require a highly versatile platform, which is exactly what our 4-MW platform offers. Together with our global reach, ability to optimise wind park design to site conditions and our vast repowering expertise, W.E.B’s projects will utilise the 4-MW platform’s different rotor sizes, towers, and power modes, thereby maximising annual energy production and lowering cost of energy across very different site conditions.”

The Austrian order is for the Dürnkrut project and will employ towers with hub heights of 117m and 149m. The customised solution consists of four V126-3.45 MW. The order includes wind turbine supply and commissioning as well as a full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement and a VestasOnline Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning is planned to start in the second half of 2018.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Partners Group stapt in windproject Borssele

Gepubliceerd op 8 jan 2018 om 08:59 | Views: 1.026

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De Zwitserse investeerder Partners Group is de grootste aandeelhouder geworden van het offshore-windmolenproject Borssele III/IV. De Zwitsers hebben een belang van 45 procent in het windmolenpark voor de Zeeuwse kust.

Partners Group is nu de belangrijkste aandeelhouder in het consortium dat Borssele III/IV bezit. Andere partijen zijn Shell, Mitsubishi-dochter DGE, Eneco en Van Oord. Er werden geen financiële details over de transactie gemeld. Het project moet begin 2021 commercieel beginnen en gaat naar verwachting voldoende elektriciteit opwekken om jaarlijks ongeveer 825.000 huishoudens van stroom te voorzien.
ALE completes installation of France first floating wind turbine inside harbour

ALE has completed the unique installation of wind turbine components for France’s first floating wind turbine at Saint Nazaire, France. The installation is part of the pre-commissioning works of FLOATGEN demonstrator, where ALE was contracted by IDEOL to perform the mechanical and electrical completion of a 2MW V80 wind turbine generator onto a floating foundation. The floating foundation was afloat and berthed at the ‘Quai des Charbonniers’, Saint Nazaire.

Each of the wind turbine components were lifted by a 1,200t crane, situated in front of the floater device. The components consisted of: two tower sections a nacelle, a hub and three blades. A 100t auxiliary crane was also required to erect and lift the two tower sections in tandem.

In order to maintain the stability of the floating foundation, ALE simultaneously performed ballasting operations on the foundation during the lifting operation. Four submersible pumps were used to supply water to the ballast tanks situated at the corners of the floater. The steady trim methodology defined by IDEOL worked well for loads transfer from the crane hook to components flanges.

Once the wind turbine was fully mounted on top of the floating foundation, the electrical components and cables were connected and assembled, and the client’s sensors and measuring equipment were installed.

Mr Antonio Martin Garcia Project Manager for ALE said that “This was a unique job for ALE and the first time we have undertaken such a complex scope of work in this sector. We were able to provide a bespoke solution for this challenging operation and by providing experienced operators with expertise in each discipline, including the installation, ballasting, and lifting, as well as coordination we could ensure smooth project management. The successful completion of this project showcases our enhanced wind installation capabilities and sets the bar in the next phase of heavy lifting solutions in the renewables market.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Veidekke awarded construction contract for two wind farms

Eolus has signed an agreement with Veidekke regarding design and construction of roads, foundations and internal electrical grid for the wind farms Kråktorpet and Nylandsbergen. The agreement is a turn-key construction contract for the wind farms comprising a total of 232 MW.

On December 23, 2017, Eolus announced, through a press release, a sales agreement with Aquila Capital regarding wind farms Kråktorpet and Nylandsbergen comprising 61 wind turbines, with a capacity of 232 MW. Eolus has also signed a turbine supply agreement with Vestas for both wind farms.

Eolus has now signed a balance of plant contract with Veidekke which includes construction of roads, crane pads, foundations, internal electrical grid and communication network for Kråktorpet and Nylandsbergen. Construction begins in January 2018 and is expected to be completed in April 2019.

Both Kråktorpet and Nylandsbergen are located close to wind farm Jenåsen which Eolus currently is constructing in Sundsvall municipality. Jenåsen comprises 23 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 79 MW. Veidekke is responsible for construction services in this wind farm as well and construction works are expected to be completed during February 2018.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Shell sells stake in Dutch wind farm to Switzerland's Partners Group
Power News - Published on Wed, 10 Jan 2018

REUTERS reported that Swiss investor Partners Group Holding AG said that it had taken a 45% stake in a 700 megawatt offshore wind project in the Netherlands, buying partial stakes from Shell, Mitsubishi and Eneco. Terms of Partners Group's participation in the "Blauwwind II" consortium were not disclosed.

Project leader Shell, which last month put together a 13 bank consortium to provide 1 billion euros in funding to build it, cut its stake to 20% from 40%.

Eneco, which disclosed on Monday it had agreed to buy 50% of the output from Borssele 3 and 4, cut its stake in ownership of the project to 10% from 20%.

Shell has said it intended to continue investing in major offshore wind projects, arranging the highest-risk financing phase, and then disposing of some or all of its stake once funding has been arranged and there are sufficient purchasing agreements in place for energy produced.

On Dec. 21, the Dutch government confirmed that several companies had bid in its newest 700 MW offshore project, which was launched with no subsidy offered for the electricity they will produce. Participants were not identified.

The winner of the Hollandse Kust Zuid auction will be announced in mid-March. The auction is the third in a series of five Dutch tenders to build offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 3,500 MW by 2022.

So far, only Swedish energy company Vattenfall and Norway's Statoil have publicly disclosed their participation in Hollandse Kust Zuid auction.

Source : Reuters
MHI Vestas expands UK operational footprint

Company executives, joined by Warrington North MP Helen Jones, gather in Warrington for official opening of the firm’s largest administrative and support office in the UK.

Ushering in a new era for offshore wind park support, MHI Vestas is opening a new office in Warrington. The dedicated space will immediately occupy 22 offshore wind experts in the areas of service, construction, health and safety, and quality assurance.

The Warrington office will be MHI Vestas’ largest administrative and support centre in the UK and located near many of the company’s offshore wind project sites.

MHI Vestas Chief Operating Officer, Flemming Ougaard, said that “The opening of MHI Vestas’ new office in Warrington marks a milestone for our company as we establish our own unique identity and culture. The office, strategically located in Cheshire, will be our largest administrative centre in the UK and will support all of our UK projects. Offshore wind experts in the areas of service, construction, health & safety, and quality will be based in this dedicated facility. MHI Vestas is very proud to play a role in the continued growth of offshore wind in the UK.”

Warrington North MP, Helen Jones, said that “I am delighted to support the Opening Ceremony of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind’s new office in the Warrington North constituency. Since being established in 2014, MHI Vestas have grown significantly to become one of the leading suppliers of offshore wind farm projects, and I wholeheartedly promote the decision to continue their journey here in Warrington. The UK must strive to transform our energy system into an innovative and sustainable resource to benefit generations for years to come. I welcome the commitment of MHI Vestas to this goal and the creation of yet more highly skilled employment opportunities.”

Offshore wind has enjoyed extraordinary momentum in recent months in the UK, buoyed by historically low energy prices in the September 2017 Contract for Difference auction round. The auction proved that offshore wind energy in the UK is now cheaper than nuclear and on par with traditional energy sources.

The new MHI Vestas Warrington office is the latest addition to offshore wind’s historic rise and will ensure dedicated wind park support for years to come.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa to install 62 wind turbines at 500MW French offshore project

Wind turbine manufacturer Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has reached an agreement to supply its new 8MW offshore wind turbine to the 500MW Saint Brieuc project off the coast of Bretagne in France. As per the agreement, the SG 8.0-167 DD direct drive wind turbine is set to replace Adwen’s AD 8-180 model after Siemens Gamesa decided to shift focus to offshore direct drive platforms.

The SG 8.0-167 DD direct drive wind turbine is set to replace Adwen’s AD 8-180 model.

The transition comes after a receipt of approval from the French Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition.

Siemens Gamesa Offshore CEO Andreas Nauen said that “This switch of technology for Saint Brieuc project is positive news for the project, as well as for the whole industry. The strong dedication of our company to offer reliable and competitive solutions while contributing to the local economic and industrial development will allow offshore wind to become a motor of the energy transition in Bretagne.”

The company’s supply portfolio of 1.524GW of projects in France comprises the 500MW Dieppe / Le Tréport, the 500MW Yeu / Noirmoutier and the 24MW Provence Grand large projects.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Danish wind energy sets new record in 2017

Economic Times reported that wind power accounted for a record high of 43.4% of the total electricity consumption in Denmark in 2017. According to official data released, the new record surpasses the previous 2015 record of 42%, keeping Denmark on track to reach its target of having 50% of all electricity produced by wind power by 2020.

Xinhua quoted Lars Chr. Lilleholt, Danish Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate, as saying that "With the wind power production record, Denmark places a green flag on the world map. We once again show the whole world that Denmark has the world's best energy system.”

The minister said that "We have managed to accommodate large amounts of wind power and other green sources of energy, while maintaining high security of supply.”

In the coming years, higher records are expected as new offshore wind farms are developed in the Baltic sea and the North Sea to further increase the Danish wind production.

According to Lilleholt, the government is working for Denmark to have at least 50 per cent of its energy needs covered by such renewable energy as wind and solar power by 2030.

Denmark is part of the major European electricity market, with strong electricity connections to neighboring countries.

Excess electricity produced by Danish windmills is traded across borders, while Denmark can also purchase electricity from other countries that have a surplus of electricity.

The wind energy share of Denmark's electric energy system has more than doubled since 2008, previously accounting for 19.3%.

Source : Economic Times
Innogy in talks with potential partners over USD 2.8 billion wind farm

Reuters reported that German energy group Innogy is trying to win financing partners for its planned 2 billion pound (USD 2.8 billion) British offshore wind farm Triton Knoll. With about 860 megawatts of generating capacity, Triton Knoll is due to go live in 2021 and is expected to supply the equivalent of 800,000 British households with renewable electricity.

Hans Buenting, board member in charge of Innogy's renewable business, said that "We are in talks with several interested parties. We won't do this alone adding that the group could keep either a minority or majority stake in the project.”

Innogy, majority owned by utility RWE, expects to make a final investment decision about Triton Knoll by the end of June.

For 2017, Innogy's renewable business is expected to have contributed about 12.5%, or 350 million euros (USD 429 million), to its total adjusted operating profit, with profits to remain stable this year before growing from 2019.

Innogy also plans to expand its business further in the United States, where it signed a deal last month to buy onshore wind power projects with more than 2 gigawatts of capacity.

Mr Buenting said that "The U.S. market is one of our most significant growth markets for renewable energy.” But he declined to comment on the sudden departure of former Chief Executive Peter Terium, who stepped down last month just days after a profit warning.

Source : Reuters
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