INSM summed up Perfectly...Thank U MSFT901.....
Cheers....INSM is going much higher!
INSM summed up PERFECTLY by MSFT901......
Thank U MSFT901...U are the best!
Why no much non-sense here?
Based on what I am reading here, I am afraid that retail holders will sell at $2.00 or $2.50 and enjoy their small profits. Let me tell you one think, if you do not think we have a winner here, please listen both conference calls, TRCA 9am, INSM is 11am I think, and then if you choose to sell that is fine.
Got told that the settlement was done almost a month ago, with some cash infusion from DNA for one of these indicators HARS or MMD (not sure which one, I think DNA was more interested with MMD). Unfortunately the final data was not complete, and lots of pressure on TRCA and INSM from shareholders last 2-3 weeks, and parties decided to not wait any longer and just settle with general comments like 50:50 non-orphan with DNA as you saw today. SO very soon you will here about those phase II results and going to Phase III and stating that DNA will pay half of the cost, they will state the specific $ imo.
Again I will not be surprised if Allan discuss this at tomorrow’s call.
I am little surprised that I see many massages here related to short statue. If you bought INSM because you think INSMED is great investment because for short-statue, then you must sell tomorrow morning ASAP. Biotech is not for you to invest.
How much patients or revenue does Insmed have from short children? Probably less than $1M. DO you think company with few million revenue should trade $150M? Hell no.
We are not here for short statue. We are here for major indicators: MMD, HARS, ALS & severe insulin resistance. These are huge disease conditions. Life threatening conditions. I am not sure if I had a short child, I will put them thru these daily shots to gain some height. But, Yes if my child is dying from HIV or ALS, I will do everything to extend his life as much as possible. See how quickly we get Italian ALS patients. In less than 2 months we have (my numbers, not published) almost 80-90 patients. How many FDA approved short statue patient we have in 9 months? You get my point now.
Not only there are over 100K patients with those indicators, most of those patients are adults and therefore paying more for Iplex. (higher weight=higher dose = about $150k/patient). You do the math.
Thank you: Going HIgher part 2 (17 Ratings) 7-Mar-07 12:25 am How much should INSM trade?
.Just those 4 above pipeline is worth $3 with today’s knowledge
.Good phase II for MMD and going to phase III is worth $4 just it self
.good HARS is worth $5 to $6
.starting ALS Phase III is about $3, etc..
. No more litigation. You will not believe number of institutions did not invest into INSM because of litigation with DNA. I will give $0.5 just for that.
. Partnership with DNA – This is huge. If you follow biotech, if most likely seen many companies doing partnership with big pharmas and their stock go up crazy. $1-$2 for this
. Partnership with TRCA – not much, less than 0.10. But this partnership bring Ipsen also. That is good
. No more uncertainties - $0.50
. and no damages . jury awarded $7.5M but judge could have triple that amount to $22.50M – I give 0.10 cent for that
So based on what we know today, Insmed should trade $4 to $5 today. With positive data from phase II, we should be in $8 to $15 range.
This is settlement. Why are people surprised that TRCA got good deal also? They need to survive also right? And only way for them to survive is to get some Iplex royalty or sell their drug increlex. So they decided to pick the later one for the obvious reason [control]. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am not too happy that children will use their 2 shot/day drug, and will not be surprised if they change that in the future by selling Iplex for short statue,but trca takes the profit. For the current patients they will have tough time to change to increlex. That is the only thing did not make sense to me. Financially it does not make a difference for both.
Ismed tried 10 yrs to get DNA license without any success, NOW they have full licensing and development rights, and freely develop/commercialize Iplex for HUGE indicators.
As I said many times, I am very happy that DNA did not buy us out. We could have made good short term money and miss the BIG runs that are coming our directions shortly.
Thanks to DNA, TRCA and INSM management for this great settlement. Looking forward for EMEA/FDA Iplex approval in few years for ALS, MMD and HARS.
Now we can buy the shares without any concern.
Good night