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Manganese X Energy Corp. Updates Battery Hill Manganese Project Mineral Resource Estimate, Posts NI 43-101 Technical Report on SEDAR

Manganese X retained Mercator to complete the MRE for the Project located in New Brunswick, Canada to document the resource in accordance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Reserves and National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). The purpose of this Technical Report is to provide technical disclosure in support of the Company's first MRE for the Battery Hill Project.

Vale Launches Green Briquette to Cut CO2 Emissions in Steelmaking
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 09:28 am

Brazilian mining giant Vale has launched a new product that has been under development for almost 20 years and that will be able to reduce by up to 10% greenhouse gases emissions during production processes used by its steelmaking clients. The green briquette is made of iron ore and an agglomerant technological solution, which can be obtained with the use of sand provided by the treatment of mine tailing, and is capable of resisting elevated blast furnace temperatures without disintegrating. The reduction of GHG emissions occurs because this product allows steelmakers to reduce their dependency on sintering, a process that takes place before steel production in which sinter feed is agglomerated.

Sintering requires the intensive use of coal heated to a temperature of 1300 degree Celcius. Vale’s briquette, however, is considered to be cold-agglomerated. In its production there is no burning, but rather a drying process at a temperature between 200 and 250 degree Celcius, equiring less energy. The product also reduces emissions of particulates and gases such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, as well as eliminates the use of water in its production.

The green briquette is part of Vale’s strategy to reduce by 15% Scope 3 emissions, related to its value chain, by 2035. In absolute terms, the commitment to reductions is equal to 90 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent MtCO2e, the same as the total volume of Chile’s energy emissions in 2018, the base year used for Scope 3 targets1. Today 98% of Vale’s total emissions are related to its chain of suppliers and clients.

The production of green briquette will initially be carried out in pelletizing plants 1 and 2 at Tubarão Unit in Vitória in Espírito Santo in Brazil, which are being converted for these purposes, and also in the Vargem Grande Complex in Minas Gerais, in which a new plant is being installed. The initial production capacity will be approximately 7 million tonnes per year. The operations start up for the three plants is estimated for 2023. The total investment is USD 185 million. Long-term estimates are that the company will have the capacity to produce more than 50 million tonnes of green briquette per year resulting in a potential reduction in emissions of 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year through the use of this technology.
Core Lithium
Our share price has reached new highs and continue to climb! We're closely watching Pilbara Minerals' sale of spodumene concentrate for the highest bid of US$2,240/dmt, which sent shockwaves throughout the #lithium sector yesterday. The lithium sector is gaining momentum daily!
Bijna +30% afgelopen 2 dagen.
Grondstofprijzen over hun hoogtepunt heen?
Dit jaar herstelde de wereldeconomie zich fors en snel omdat steeds meer landen weer opstartten uit de lockdowns die waren ingesteld vanwege de coronapandemie. Als de wereldeconomie aantrekt, merken grondstofproducenten dat het eerst. Diverse grondstoffen werden sinds het laatste kwartaal van vorig jaar dan ook flink duurder. Een hogere inflatie lag daarmee op de loer maar centrale bankiers stelden beleggers gerust met hun stelling dat dit slechts tijdelijk zou zijn. De oplopende inflatie zou vooral te maken hebben met de bijzondere vergelijkingsbasis van prijzen ten opzichte van vorig jaar en inhaalvraag. Voor een groot deel kregen de centrale bankiers gelijk. De afgelopen weken zien we verschillende grondstofprijzen weer (fors) dalen en ook de inflatie lijkt weer af te nemen. Eén van de belangrijkste grondstoffen ter wereld is ijzererts. Deze grondstof voor staal is sinds de piek in mei zo’n 40 procent goedkoper geworden. De belangrijkste reden hiervoor is dat China, de grootste grondstoffenverbruiker ter wereld, kampt met een overproductie van staal. Bovendien wordt het meeste staal in China gemaakt met behulp van steenkool en daardoor is China verantwoordelijk voor 30 procent van de wereldwijde uitstoot van CO2. De communistische partij in China heeft zich echter tot doel gesteld om in 2060 vrijwel klimaatneutraal te produceren. Daarom heeft de partij verordonneerd dat in november de productie in China moet zijn teruggebracht naar het niveau van 2020. Een groot aantal (verouderde) staalfabrieken zijn daarom stilgelegd hetgeen de vraag naar ijzererts heeft gedrukt.

Olieprijs blijft stijgen

Maar toch zijn er verschillende grondstoffen te noemen die nog steeds prijsrecords laten optekenen. Vaak is de hoge prijs echter het gevolg van een bijzondere oorzaak en niet zozeer het gevolg van een aantrekkende economie. Zo is de meest verhandelde grondstof ter wereld, olie, gisteren weer boven de 75 dollar per vat gekomen. Dit prijsniveau voor Brent olie hadden we sinds begin augustus niet meer gezien. De hogere olieprijs heeft diverse oorzaken. Ten eerste werden vele raffinaderijen en boorplatforms in de Mexicaanse Golf en de zuidelijke staten van de Verenigde Staten gesloten vanwege de orkaan Ida. Hoewel dit toch alweer enkele weken geleden is, starten de oliebedrijven in deze regio nog maar mondjesmaat op. Ten tweede meldde het oliekartel OPEC eerder deze week dat de wereldvraag naar olie in 2022 uit zou gaan komen op 100,8 miljoen vaten per dag, hetgeen een hoger niveau is dan voor de coronacrisis. Het bericht van het Amerikaanse energieagentschap EIA gisteren dat de Amerikaanse olievoorraden vorige week zijn gedaald, gaf het laatste zetje aan een hogere olieprijs.

Aluminium en uranium door het dak

De prijs van aluminium (een belangrijke grondstof voor autobouwers en bier- en frisdrankproducenten) steeg afgelopen maandag naar het hoogste niveau in 13 jaar. De bijzondere reden die dit veroorzaakte was een staatsgreep in het Afrikaanse Guinee. Dit land bezit de grootste voorraad bauxiet ter wereld. De aluminiumoxide in dit gesteente wordt omgesmolten tot aluminium. Uranium, de belangrijkste grondstof voor kernenergiecentrales, staat al langer in de picture bij beleggers vanwege de energietransitie die gaande is. Maar sinds beleggingsfonds Sprott Physical Uranium Trust op de spotmarkt aan het kopen is geslagen, is de prijs van het radioactieve goedje door het dak gegaan en zien we weer prijzen betaald worden die we sinds 2014 niet meer hebben gezien. De veelal jonge, speculatieve particuliere beleggers op het Reddit-forum r/WallstreetBets zagen dit ook en stortten zich ook op beursgenoteerde mijnbouwbedrijven die uranium delven. Eén van de grootste uraniumdelvers ter wereld, het Canadese Cameco (TSX:CCO), steeg afgelopen maand met ruim 58 procent. Eerder probeerden de Reddit-beleggers dit ook met zilver, maar deze markt bleek bij nader inzien toch iets te groot om daar invloed op te kunnen uitoefenen.

Lithiumproducenten kunnen de vraag niet aan

Een laatste grondstof die ik wil noemen is lithium. Ook deze grondstof is weer ‘hot’ onder beleggers. Lithium is een belangrijke grondstof voor oplaadbare batterijen. De vraag naar elektrisch aangedreven auto’s is sterk toegenomen als gevolg van de wereldwijde tendens om de uitstoot van CO2 terug te dringen. Ten opzichte van dezelfde periode vorig jaar zijn de wereldwijde verkopen van elektrische auto’s in eerste zeven maanden van dit jaar met 150 procent gestegen naar iets meer dan 3 miljoen stuks. De delvers van lithium kunnen echter de vraag van de batterijproducenten niet aan. De spotprijs van lithiumcarbonaat is daarom dit jaar in China, de grootste markt voor elektrische auto’s, met 170 procent gestegen.

Kortom, de stelling dat de grondstofmarkten over hun hoogtepunt heen zijn lijkt toch falsificeerbaar. Geldt dat ook voor de inflatie?
Rio Tinto Teams Up with Caterpillar for Autonomous Trucks

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
20 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Rio Tinto and Caterpillar have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Caterpillar’s development of zero-emissions autonomous haul trucks for use at one of Rio Tinto’s Western Australian mining operations. The collaboration will see Rio Tinto work with Caterpillar to advance the development of the manufacturer’s future 220-tonne 793 zero-emissions autonomous haul truck including the validation of Caterpillar’s emerging zero-emissions technology.

Rio Tinto and Caterpillar will progress a series of development milestones to include a 793 prototype pilot program, testing and pre-production trials. It is anticipated that the world’s first operational deployment of approximately 35 new Caterpillar 793 zero-emissions autonomous haul trucks will be at Gudai-Darri once development is complete. Gudai-Darri is Rio Tinto’s most technically advanced iron ore mine, in the Pilbara, Western Australia

In June, Rio Tinto announced it would deploy the world’s first fully autonomous water truck at Gudai-Darri, which will also be produced by Caterpillar. Rio Tinto is assessing multiple project scopes for Gudai-Darri Phase 2 as part of an ongoing AUD 44 million pre-feasibility study.
Vale Ramping Up Iron Ore Capacity to Reach 400 Million Tonnes

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Brazilian miner and iron ore producer Vale has unveiled its iron ore capacity guidance for both end-2021 and end-2022. According to a Vale’s presentation to investors and analysts, it expects its iron ore capacity to reach about 343 million tonnes by end-2021, and 370 million tonnes by end-2022. Vale also said that it expects to reach an iron ore capacity of 400 million tonnes in the medium-term. In the long term, it should reach an iron ore capacity of between 400 to 450 million tonnes.

Vale said its North System should alone contribute to a 205 million tonnes capacity by end-2021. The company’s North System iron ore capacity should remain unchanged at 205 million tonnes in end-2022, however, it should then increase to 215 million tonnes in the medium-term and to 240-260 million tonnes.
BHP Unveils Climate Transition Action Plan 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

BHP has released a Climate Transition Action Plan that outlines the company’s updated approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and managing climate risks across its global value chain. BHP’s climate change approach focuses on reducing operational GHG emissions, investing in low emissions technologies, supporting emission reductions in our value chain, promoting product stewardship, managing climate-related risk and opportunity, and partnering with others to enhance the global policy and market response.

The Climate Transition Action Plan comprises five key elements:

Performance: BHP’s existing climate change position and commitments for operational and value chain emission reductions as set out in its Climate Change Report 2020 and an update on performance against these commitments.

Enhanced value chain (Scope 3) position: While BHP cannot ensure the outcome alone, for its reshaped portfolio, BHP is pursuing the long-term goal of net zero Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2050 to support the transition that the world must make. The goal is supported by targets and actions described below and these positions are expressed using defined terms, including ‘net zero’, ‘goal’ and ‘target’.

Capital alignment: How BHP’s capital allocation aligns with its strategy and action on climate change.

Just transition: BHP’s commitment to ensuring transition impacts are taken into account in life of asset planning in relation to climate and broader economic and technology changes.

Climate policy principles: The principles that underpin BHP’s views on government and policy action to achieve Paris Agreement goals, and measures BHP has introduced to strengthen its approach to industry associations including delivering on BHP’s commitment announced in 2020 to conduct a full review of material member associations, with the next update to be published in 2022.

To progress towards its long-term Scope 3 goal:

BHP will target net zero by 2050 for the operational GHG emissions of its direct suppliers (their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions included in BHP’s relevant Scope 3 reporting categories), subject to the widespread availability of carbon neutral goods and services to meet BHP’s requirements.

BHP will target net zero by 2050 for GHG emissions from all shipping of BHP’s products, subject to the widespread availability of carbon neutral solutions including low/zero-emission technology on board suitable ships and low/zero-emission marine fuels.

Recognising the particular challenge of a net zero pathway for customers’ processing of its products, which is dependent on the development and downstream deployment of solutions and supportive policy, BHP cannot set a target, but will continue to partner with customers and others to accelerate the transition to carbon neutral steelmaking and other downstream processes. BHP will also support the value chain by pursuing carbon neutral production of our future facing commodities, such as copper, nickel and potash to provide the essential building blocks of a net zero transition.
Rio Tinto to Triple Weipa Solar Capacity & Add Battery Storage

By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 27, 2021 10:00 am

Rio Tinto has approved a new solar farm and battery storage at Weipa in Queensland, in a move that will more than triple the local electricity network’s solar generation capacity and help provide cleaner power to Rio Tinto’s operations. Under the plans, EDL has been contracted to build, own and operate a 4MW solar plant and 4MW/4MWh of battery storage at Weipa. Work on the battery facilities will start this year, with construction of the whole project expected to be complete by late 2022.

The new solar farm and battery storage will complement the existing 1.6MW solar farm at Weipa, which was completed in 2015 and is also owned and operated by EDL. The 4MWh battery system will be built next to the existing Weipa power station and will help provide a stable power network for Rio Tinto’s Weipa Operations bauxite mines and the Weipa township.

When complete, the combined 4MW solar capacity and 4MW/4MWh battery will provide about 11 gigawatt hours of energy annually. Combined with upgrades to the existing Weipa power generation network, the improvements will reduce Weipa Operations’ diesel consumption by an estimated 7 million litres per year and lower its annual carbon dioxide emissions by about 20,000 tonnes - the equivalent of taking more than 3,750 cars off the road.

Rio Tinto Weipa Operations will purchase electricity from EDL and the new solar plant will be connected directly to the Weipa electricity network.
Vale Announces Changes in Executive Committee

By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 27, 2021 10:00 am

In March 2021, Vale announced the creation of the Executive Vice President of Strategy and Business Transformation, responsible for leading initiatives to position Vale for the future, aggregating the Mineral Exploration, Business Development, Innovation and Digital Transformation areas. The Executive Vice President will also integrate the Company's transformation efforts to achieve its ambitions of being a benchmark in safety, a world-class reliable operator, a talent-driven organization, a leader in low-carbon mining and a reference in value creation and sharing.

To lead as this Executive Vice President, Vale announces Luciano Siani Pires, who since 2012 has held the position of Executive Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations. For this new challenge Luciano brings his vast experience as a member of the Company's Executive Committee, having already led, in addition to the Finance Area, the Shared Services Center, Supplies, Information Technology and Projects areas, besides of having been a Board member, Global Strategy Director and Global Human Resources Director before joining the Executive Committee.

To occupy the position of Executive Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations, Vale announces the arrival of Gustavo Pimenta, who has been working at AES for twelve years - as global CFO for the past three years, having previously held the functions of CFO of several business units in Brazil and abroad. Prior to that, he held the positions of Director of Planning and Strategy and Vice President of Performance and Services.

At AES, Gustavo led the company's global repositioning to a company focused on ESG and low carbon, having actively participated in the group's Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. He is a member of several Boards of companies such as AES Gener in Chile and AES Clean Energy in the US. Prior to AES, he was Vice President of Strategy and M&A at Citibank in New York and worked as an Auditor at KPMG for three years earlier in his career.

The changes are effective as of November 1st, 2021.
Vale Waives More Mining Rights on Brazilian Indigenous Lands

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
29 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Brazilian miner Vale has relinquished all mining rights on indigenous lands in Brazil to the National Mining Agency. The move comes as Vale recognised that the rights to mining prospects would require the consent of the communities and legislation regulating such activity. Vale said “The recognition of the FPIC [free, prior and informed consent] is fundamental to meet the rights of indigenous populations to determine their own development and the right to exercise self-determination in the face of decisions that affect their territories.”

Last year, Vale returned 89 licences for mineral research and mining activities in lands that interfere with indigenous reservations to the ANM.

In the coming days, the Brazilian miner intends to file withdrawals and waivers for 15 remaining mining prospects in the Xikrin do Cateté reservation in Para.
Rolls-Royce Working on Nuclear Reactor for Space Mining

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

Rolls-Royce is developing a nuclear power reactor that will be capable of powering mining operations on the Moon and even Mars. It is researching how a micro nuclear power reactor could be used to propel rockets while in space at huge speeds and how that technology could then be redeployed to provide energy for drilling, processing, and storage for "Moon mining" and possibly "Mars mining."

According to the study, the Moon's main resources include helium-3, a rare element used in industries such as nuclear fusion which could power onward journeys deeper in to space, using the Moon as a refueling station.

The Moon also boasts water, which could be used to sustain life and can be converted to rocket fuel, and rare earth metals used in electronics such as smartphones and the latest cars. Currently, 90 per cent of the world's rare earth metal supply comes from China.

However, methods of storage and transportation of resources mined on the Moon back to Earth remain a key debate among researchers.
Rio Tinto QMM’s Study Indicates Water around Madagascar Mine Safe

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

Rio Tinto QMM has received the second round out of four rounds of analysis from an independent study of radiation and water quality around its ilmenite mine in Fort Dauphin in Southern Madagascar. These intermediary results, from the study by leading brownfield consultancy and water remediation experts, JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd, indicate that for now concentrations and levels of radiation are safe to the host community around the mine. This round also included incidental water quality sampling program. As of now, the results for specific water quality parameters did not detect concentrations of selected heavy metals, namely uranium, lead, cadmium and aluminium above the World Health Organization (WHO - 2017) drinking water quality guidelines in any of the representative samples collected.

Moreover, concentrations of heavy metals were not detected above the WHO (2017) drinking water quality guidelines in any of the samples collected from the river adjacent to mine surface water discharge points, as well as from downstream of these discharge points.

Compliant with the highest testing standards, the methodology followed for this study included representative samples not only from points of use in locations accessed by the communities around the ilmenite mine, but also in locations they might access in that area. From a practical perspective, ground water, surface water, plants, key food basket components (fish and shrimps, vegetables and fruits) as well as dusts were investigated. Data collected were processed through a source-pathway-receptor linkage mode. SPR models are holistically designed to not only detect a source of pollution but to also carefully track the way it can be spread and its effects. They are therefore considered as best practices to improve controls and proceed to remediation efforts if necessary.

This is the second round of analysis of a larger monitoring study initiated in October 2019, when QMM commissioned JBS&G to undertake a radioactivity study. The objective is to determine the potential impact of its mining activities on radiological exposures to the community and the environment. The study involves a series of four sampling events to cover seasonal variability.

This monitoring study exemplifies Rio Tinto’s overall catchment-level approach to water management at each site and commitment to preserve a resource that is shared with local communities and ecosystems. The JBS&G study complemented other independent assessments of QMM’s water management since the beginning of the mining operations, all conducted to improve understanding of potential impacts on the community and the environment from the ilmenite mine, anticipate risks and provide solutions when needed.

QIT Madagascar Minerals, is a joint venture between Rio Tinto (80%) and the government of Madagascar (20%). It is located near Fort Dauphin in the Anosy region of south-eastern Madagascar, and primarily produces ilmenite, which is a major source of titanium dioxide, predominantly used as a white pigment in products such as paints and paper. QMM also produces monazite, a rare earth element, used in renewable energy technologies like high-powered permanent magnets used in wind turbines and electric vehicles. QMM includes the deep-water Port d’Ehoala, where the raw material is shipped to the Rio Tinto Fer et Titane plant in Canada and processed into titanium dioxide.
BHP Delivers First Crystals from Kwinana Nickel Sulphate Plant

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
05 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

BHP has produced the first nickel sulphate crystals from its nickel sulphate plant in Kwinana, south of Perth in Western Australia. The nickel sulphate plant is an Australian-first and will produce 100,000 tonnes of nickel sulphate per year when fully operational. BHP Nickel West Asset President Jessica Farrell said “BHP’s nickel sulphate plant is the first of its kind in Australia, and will produce enough premium nickel sulphate to make 700,000 electric vehicle batteries each year. The plant will create 80 new direct jobs and support 400 new indirect jobs, in addition to the 200 construction jobs that were created during the construction phase. High quality and sustainable nickel is essential for our customers, and we expect demand for nickel in batteries will increase by 500 per cent in the next decade.

The plant consists of leaching tanks, purification technology, a crystalliser and dryer and an automated packaging system.

Nickel from BHP’s mines is processed at the Kalgoorlie nickel smelter, before it is transported to the Kwinana nickel refinery and refined into nickel metal (in the form of powder or briquettes). Nickel powder is then processed through the new sulphate plant to make nickel sulphate. The nickel sulphate will be exported to global battery markets from the Port of Fremantle.

BHP is one of the world’s leading nickel suppliers to the battery metals market, with 85% of its nickel metal currently sold to the battery market.
BHP BMA to Extend Caval Ridge Coking Coal Mine

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
06 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

Argus reported that Australian coking coal producer BHP Mitsubishi Alliance has applied to extend its Caval Ridge mine, as rallying coking coal prices and changes in trade flows see investment return to the sector despite Beijing's informal ban on Australian coal imports. BMA has applied to extend the mine life of Caval Ridge to 2056, from a current 2025 closure timeline, at a rate of 15 million tonne per year run of mine. It has not applied to expand the 11.5 million tonne per year coal handling and preparation plant, implying that it does not currently plan to increase overall annual sales capacity from the mine.

Caval Ridge produced 7.8 million tonne per year of coal in the year to 30 June, down from 8.7 million tonne per year the year before, as the restrictions on exports of Australian coal to China caused Australian producers to ease output.
Beursblik: Berenberg per saldo neutraal over mijnbouwers
Risico's voor economische groei kunnen prijzen laten dalen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Berenberg verwacht dat de koersen van mijnbouwbedrijven in het vierde kwartaal zijwaarts zullen bewegen, terwijl grondstoffen in bredere zin mogelijk wat goedkoper zullen worden in 2022 doordat nieuwe voorraden beschikbaar komen.

De analisten zien vier wolken aan de horizon voor de mondiale economie. Ten eerste houden ze rekening met een grotere impact van de deltavariant en mogelijk andere varianten van het coronavirus nu het noordelijke halfrond de winter ingaat. Dit kan leiden tot nieuwe beperkingen op het economische herstel.

Andere risico's zijn fors hogere energieprijzen die inflatie opjagen en de industriële productie kunnen schaden. Stroomtekorten in China kunnen de nikkelmarkt bijvoorbeeld sterk raken, omdat er veel minder vraag zal zijn naar roestvrij staal.

Ook instabiliteit op de Chinese vastgoedmarkt en de kans op een hogere rente en het naderende schuldenplafond in de VS, dat kan leiden tot een gedeeltelijke sluiting van de overheid, kunnen voor tegenwind zorgen.

Over edelmetaal is Berenberg neutraal en over uranium positief. Over bulkgoederen zoals steenkool en metallurgische koolstof zijn de analisten eveneens positief, net als over mineraalzand.

Berenberg heeft een voorkeur voor Polymetal en Endeavour Mining bij de goudmijnbouwers. Yamana biedt ook een kans om te investeren in goud zonder veel politiek risico. Hochschild wordt op de kooplijst gezet vanwege zijn 'rare earth' project, dat opschaalmogelijkheden biedt.

Anglo American blijft de favoriete gediversifieerde mijnbouwer voor Berenberg, omdat het bedrijf relatief weinig ijzererts mijnt en relatief veel platinum en diamanten en ook een goed groeiprofiel en dividendvooruitzicht heeft.

BHP en Rio Tinto hebben een Houden advies, maar als de prijzen van ijzererts tegen het einde van het eerste kwartaal gaan stijgen, kan dit een tactische beleggingskans zijn in het eerste kwartaal.

Anglo Pacific zou substantieel moeten profiteren van hogere prijzen voor steenkool, die ruim de helft van de omzet genereren. Dit komt niet tot uitdrukking in de koers, vinden de analisten.

Betere marktomstandigheden in de diamantmarkt en koersdalingen zijn reden om Gem Diamonds en Luara Diamond Corp op de kooplijst te zetten. Ook Capital en Tharisa zijn favoriet bij Berenberg. Laatstgenoemde is volgens de analisten ondergewaardeerd.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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BHP Marks Official Opening of South Flank Iron Ore Mine

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

BHP has marked the official opening of its new South Flank mine in Western Australia at a celebratory event in the Pilbara attended by Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan, Banjima Traditional Owners and joint venture partners, ITOCHU and Mitsui. South Flank is Australia’s largest new iron ore mine in over 50 years and has been delivered safely on time and on budget. When fully operational it will produce 80 million tonnes of premium iron ore per annum, and together with the existing Mining Area C will form the largest operating iron ore hub in the world, producing 145 million tonnes of iron ore each year.

The USD 3.6 billion South Flank development created 9000 direct and indirect jobs during construction and will sustain more than 600 permanent ongoing jobs. South Flank’s workforce is diverse and highly skilled, with 40 per cent female and 15 per cent Indigenous operational staff.

BHP has already awarded more than AUD 4.6 billion of works for South Flank, including 78 per cent to Australian businesses, 41 per cent to WA businesses and 37 per cent committed in the Pilbara region.
Green Revolution drives graphite demand to unprecedented heights
Editor11. October 2021

Source: Depositphotos
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The transition to electromobility, preferably fueled by renewable energies, leads to a drastic increase in graphite demand, a new report shows. Because even if the name may not suggest it, graphite is the largest component of any lithium-ion battery.

Last year, the World Bank already wrote that graphite demand is increasing both absolutely and in percentage terms, as the material is used in the most common batteries for electric cars, mains storage and decentralized batteries.

And according to Benchmark Mineral Intelligence experts, a battery megafactory that is able to supply 30 gigawatt hours per year needs around 33,000 tons of graphite as an anode material annually.

If you now extrapolate this to the more than 200 megafactories whose construction has been announced or has already begun, this corresponds to up to 5.4 million Tons of battery graphite per year. For example, the International Energy Agency also predicts that electromobility and sectors with low carbon emissions will be approx. 25 times more graphite will need than today. And this does not even take into account traditional uses such as steel production.

According to the Mineral Commodity Summaries 2021, an annual report by the United States Geological Survey, there are currently no graphite mines in the USA, so US producers have to rely on imports of 41,000 tons. Last year, China delivered around 59% of mine production in graphite, by far followed by Mozambique (11%), Brazil (9%) and Madagascar (4%). 2% of global graphite production came from North America (Canada and Mexico).

But when it comes to battery graphite as anode material used in the lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles, then China was the only commercial producer in 2020! The interest in breaking China's supremacy is correspondingly high in view of the expected and already started boom in electric mobility.

Numerous companies worldwide are working on this, some of which are strongly supported directly and/or indirectly by the state. These include the Australian EcoGraf (WKN A2PW0M), which not only wants to build a battery graphite production plant in Western Australia - and already has the necessary capital for it - but has also developed a process also called EcoGraf, which also does not use the extremely harmful hydrogen fluoric acid used in China. Extensive information about EcoGraf can be found in the company profile on goldinvest.de.
BHP, Prime Planet & Toyota Tsusho Ink MoU for Nickel Sulphate

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

BHP, Prime Planet Energy & Solutions and Toyota Tsusho Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of a Green Electric Vehicle Ecosystem that will enhance sustainability, recyclability and traceability. The MoU signed between the three organisations has established a collaboration framework beginning with the supply of nickel sulphate from BHP’s new production plant in Nickel West, Western Australia to PPES.

PPES is one of Japan’s leading lithium-ion battery producers, and a joint venture between Toyota Motor Corporation and Panasonic Corporation. TTC is a general trading company that is part of the Toyota group.

BHP will supply PPES with nickel sulphate from its recently constructed Nickel West facility in Western Australia. This will enable PPES to develop lower carbon batteries that will be supplied to EV manufacturers, including Toyota. Toyota Motor Corporation Australia and Nickel West will also collaborate on EV supply on the back of an EV trial agreement signed in December 2020.

In the MoU, the parties have agreed to seek to identify ways to make the Japanese battery supply chain more sustainable by lowering carbon emissions in battery value chains. The parties also intend to identify ways to implement standards for end-to-end raw materials traceability, ethical sourcing and human rights reporting.

The parties will also explore the possibility of recycling battery scrap and used batteries at BHP’s Nickel West for further processing and production of nickel bearing products.
BHP & POSCO Ink MoU to Explore Decarbonised Steelmaking

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Oct, 2021, 6:21 am

Australian iron ore giant BHP and South Korea’s steel maker POSCO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly explore greenhouse gas emissions reduction technologies in integrated steelmaking. As part of the MoU, the parties intend to undertake pilot and plant trials to lower carbon in the steelmaking process, including optimising coke quality and assessing carbon capture storage and utilisation options to lower carbon intensity in the blast furnace. POSCO and BHP also intend to share research on hydrogen-based direct reduction technology, the use of biomass in steelmaking, as well as the potential to leverage BHP’s carbon offsetting capabilities in the development of carbon neutral steel products.

BHP intends to invest up to USD 10 million over the next five years under the MoU, with the opportunity to increase investment in technologies under the trial. BHP’s investment will be drawn from its USD 400 million Climate Investment Program, announced in 2019 to support projects, partnerships, research and development to help reduce Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Importantly, BHP and POSCO also intend to collaborate on the reporting of carbon emissions through the steel value chain to further progress consistent, transparent and robust global standards.

The MoU with POSCO follows BHP’s earlier partnerships established with major steelmakers China Baowu, JFE Steel and HBIS Group to explore emissions reduction from steelmaking. The combined output of the four steel companies equates to around 12 per cent of reported global steel production.
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