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Draadje vogelgriep - Deel 2

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Five more U.S. swine flu cases reported
ATLANTA, April 24 (UPI) -- U.S. health officials say they have discovered five more people infected with swine flu, confirming that it is being spread from person to person.
The new cases -- three in California and two in Texas -- brought the total number of U.S. swine flu cases discovered to seven, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta told Friday's Washington Post.
CDC officials told the newspaper there is no reason for alarm, but urged vigilance for more cases as they took preliminary steps to produce a vaccine if it becomes necessary.
"We don't think this is time for major concern around the country," Anne Schuchat, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters. "We are taking steps to know more and stay on top of the situation."
CDC scientists were awaiting samples from Mexico, where a respiratory illness has killed as many as 20 people, CNN reported. An agency spokesman would not confirm to the broadcaster if the samples were related to the U.S. swine flu cases, but he said the CDC "understand(s) Canada has samples, and is testing, and has placed a travel alert for travel to Mexico."

MEXICO CITY — Mexican officials, scrambling to control a swine flu outbreak that has killed at least 16 people and possibly dozens more in recent weeks, shuttered schools from kindergarten to university for millions of young people in and around the capital on Friday and urged people with flu symptoms to stay home from work.
“We’re dealing with a new flu virus that constitutes a respiratory epidemic that so far is controllable,” Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova told reporters late Thursday, after huddling with President Felipe Calderón and other top officials. He said the virus had mutated from pigs and had at some point been transmitted to humans.
Mexico’s flu season is usually over by now, but health officials have noticed a significant spike in flu cases. The World Health Organization reported about 800 cases of flu-like symptoms in Mexico in recent weeks, most of them among healthy young adults, with 57 deaths in Mexico City and 3 in central Mexico.
That is a worrisome pattern because seasonal flus typically cause most of their deaths among infants and old people, while pandemic flus — like the 1918 Spanish flu, and the 1957 and 1968 pandemics — often strike young, healthy people the hardest.

Human Swine Influenza Investigation
Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been identified in San Diego County and Imperial County, California as well as in San Antonio, Texas.
Goeie timing van Novavax, up 75% vandaag

NOVAVAX Announces Publication of a Preclinical Study Demonstrating that a Virus-like Particle Vaccine Provided Protection Against Highly Pathogenic H1N1 and H5N1 Influenza Strains
On Tuesday April 14, 2009, 8:00 am EDT
ROCKVILLE, Md., April 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/

-- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX - News) today reported preclinical study results showing that an investigational H1N1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine based on the 1918 Spanish influenza strain protected against both the Spanish flu and a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza strain. The study, published in the March 25, 2009 online issue of the Journal of Virology, was conducted by scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA and Novavax under a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement.

Novavax scientists designed and produced a recombinant VLP vaccine candidate against the 1918 H1N1 influenza strain. This 1918 influenza strain was responsible for more than 50 million deaths worldwide during the great Spanish flu pandemic. Mice and ferrets were vaccinated with VLPs by one of two routes: either by standard intramuscular injection or by administering a small drop of the VLP vaccine in the nose (intranasal immunization). All of the 1918 VLP-immunized animals were protected when exposed to a lethal dose of the 1918 influenza virus, regardless of the route by which the vaccine was administered. Remarkably, animals immunized by the intranasal route were also protected against a lethal dose of a contemporary, highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 virus strain, isolated from a fatal human case in 2004 (A/Vietnam/1203/2004 strain).

The H1N1 VLP vaccine candidate was made up of the hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and matrix 1 (M1) proteins from 1918 Spanish influenza virus strains. These proteins, which were produced in insect cells, formed three-dimensional structures that mimic the 1918 pandemic influenza virus but without the genetic material needed for replication. The mechanism of action by which this H1N1 VLP vaccine candidate provided broad cross-protection is under further study, but the scientists described preliminary evidence that antibody cross-reactivity between the HA and possibly NA proteins of the H1N1 and H5N1 influenza were important.

"Unlike other non-live influenza vaccines, the VLPs are uniquely positioned to stimulate immunity through multiple mechanisms," said Dr. Penny Heaton, Chief Medical Officer at Novavax. "First, they contain HA protein that is the same structure as the live virus, which may stimulate HA antibodies of several types that not only prevent the virus from attaching to cells but also prevent the virus from fusing with cells. Second, the VLPs contain NA which may stimulate production of antibody that prevents spread of the virus down the respiratory tract. Finally, the structure of the HA and NA proteins and the way in which they are embedded in lipids on the surface of the VLP may activate the innate immune system providing protection against both the H1N1 and H5N1 strains," said Dr. Heaton.

Although cross protection against influenza strains of the same hemagglutinin or HA type has been achieved through the use of vaccines with adjuvants (e.g., cross-protection against H5N1 A/Vietnam and A/Indonesia strains), protection against strains with different HA types, as shown in this study, has not been reported. Cross-protection against different HA types is highly desirable for pandemic influenza vaccine candidates because it is not possible to predict the strain that may be responsible for the next pandemic with today's technology. A broadly cross-protective vaccine would be ideal for stockpiling in that it could be administered during the first wave of the pandemic while waiting for manufacture of vaccine specific to the pandemic strain.

Dr. Gale Smith, Vice President of Vaccine Development at Novavax, said, "The discovery that a VLP-based influenza vaccine candidate created through cell-based recombinant technology has the potential to protect against diverse strains of influenza has significant implications for both pre-pandemic and pandemic preparedness. A broadly protective vaccine administered prior to and during the first wave of a pandemic could prevent widespread morbidity and mortality from a newly emerged pandemic influenza strain and allow time for the development of strain-specific vaccines."


flosz schreef:

...That is a worrisome pattern because seasonal flus typically cause most of their deaths among infants and old people, while pandemic flus — like the 1918 Spanish flu, and the 1957 and 1968 pandemics — often strike young, healthy people the hardest.
Worrisome indeed. Immuunsysteem bij volwassenen gaat in overdrive bij compleet nieuwe virussen, en veroorzaakt een cytokine storm. Geen fijne manier om aan je eind te komen.

En dus al mens-tot-mens besmetting bevestigd bij deze varkensgriep.

En er zijn bij mijn weten geen varkensgriepvaccin stockpiles, zoals voor vogelgriep.
Wel interessante link naar de 1976 uitbraak van varkensgriep, waarin op acute basis een vaccin in elkaar werd geflansd om alle amerikanen in te enten:
-het virus groeide niet goed op eieren
-kinderen bleken niet immuun na 1 inenting, ze hadden er twee nodig.
-Na inenting bleken 1 op 1000 inge-enten risico te lopen op Guillan-Bare syndrome, tegen 1 op 7000 voor niet-ingeenten.
Na 46 miljoen inentingen werd het programma gestopt.

Misschien hebben we een aparte swine flu draadje nodig, want er zal een stortvloed aan berichtgeving komen. Deze swine flu strain is er in geslaagd wat H5N1 nog niet is gelukt: systematisch overdraagbaar mens-op-mens. Laten we hopen dat de Mexicaanse en US overheid dit serieus oppakken. Alle scholen dicht in Mexico-stad is al een goede eerste stap.
Antigenic Fingerprinting of H5N1 Avian Influenza Using Convalescent Sera and Monoclonal Antibodies Reveals Potential Vaccine and Diagnostic Targets

April 21, 2009
Background: Transmission of highly pathogenic avian H5N1 viruses from poultry to humans have raised fears of an
impending influenza pandemic. Concerted efforts are underway to prepare effective vaccines and therapies including
polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies against H5N1. Current efforts are hampered by the paucity of information on
protective immune responses against avian influenza. Characterizing the B cell responses in convalescent individuals could
help in the design of future vaccines and therapeutics.
Methods and Findings: To address this need, we generated whole-genome–fragment phage display libraries (GFPDL)
expressing fragments of 15–350 amino acids covering all the proteins of A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1). These GFPDL were
used to analyze neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies and sera of five individuals who had recovered from H5N1
infection. This approach led to the mapping of two broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies with conformationdependent
epitopes. In H5N1 convalescent sera, we have identified several potentially protective H5N1-specific human
antibody epitopes in H5 HA[(-10)-223], neuraminidase catalytic site, and M2 ectodomain. In addition, for the first time to our
knowledge in humans, we identified strong reactivity against PB1-F2, a putative virulence factor, following H5N1 infection.
Importantly, novel epitopes were identified, which were recognized by H5N1-convalescent sera but did not react with sera
from control individuals (H5N1 naı¨ve, H1N1 or H3N2 seropositive).
Conclusion: This is the first study, to our knowledge, describing the complete antibody repertoire following H5N1 infection.
Collectively, these data will contribute to rational vaccine design and new H5N1-specific serodiagnostic surveillance tools.

Mapping Antibody Epitopes of the Avian H5N1 Influenza Virus
Hui-Ling Yen1, J. S. Malik Peiris1,2*
1 Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong, University Pathology Building, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China, 2 HKU-Pasteur Research Centre, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China

ron banged schreef:

So the short answer is "No", Mr Viehbacher or Sanofi has not officially clarified that statement made April 29

despite Brus' exhortations for analysts to cal Sanofi up and have them clarify the statement.

Dit is alles na 29 april vanuit Sanofi:

Sanofi-Aventis liet gisteravond weten dat sprake is van een „misverstand”. Volgens een zegsman werkt PER.C6 goed, is de technologie op commercieel grote schaal toepasbaar en veelbelovend.
„Ons proces zou moeten worden veranderd, zodat we een griepvaccin kunnen ontwikkelen van de aanhoudend hoge kwaliteit die wordt verwacht van Sanofi Pasteur”, aldus de zegsman.
Stuur even een mail richting

Do you want to play...go to WSJ!

flosz schreef:

[quote=ron banged]
So the short answer is "No", Mr Viehbacher or Sanofi has not officially clarified that statement made April 29

despite Brus' exhortations for analysts to cal Sanofi up and have them clarify the statement.

Dit is alles na 29 april vanuit Sanofi:

Sanofi-Aventis liet gisteravond weten dat sprake is van een „misverstand”. Volgens een zegsman werkt PER.C6 goed, is de technologie op commercieel grote schaal toepasbaar en veelbelovend.
„Ons proces zou moeten worden veranderd, zodat we een griepvaccin kunnen ontwikkelen van de aanhoudend hoge kwaliteit die wordt verwacht van Sanofi Pasteur”, aldus de zegsman.
Stuur even een mail richting

Ron, send a very good mail to

for she misunderstood, or she misquoted CEO Sanofi.
And ask for a rectification, better ;
an interview with R. Brus , for he is in Newyork today.

NIAID Influenza Antiviral Development Workshop: New Generation

Dr. Robert Friesen, Crucell B.V., Leiden, The Netherlands, described the efforts at Crucell to develop a passive antibody treatment for vulnerable populations infected with influenza. The current treatment options for this group of individuals is limited and they represent the group in which influenza infection results in the greatest morbidity, mortality and health-care costs. The challenge in this effort is the changing hemagglutinin subtypes. The goal of Crucell is to obtain an antibody that recognizes all subtypes of hemagglutinin. Dr. Friesen cited a recent publication by investigators at Crucell showing heterotypic neutralizing monoclonal antibodies that were cross-protective against H5N1 and H1N1 and that were recovered from human IgM memory B cells. Modeling studies showed that this antibody, designated CR6261, bound to the stem loop of hemagglutinin, a site that is distant from strain-specific antibody binding. Crystal structure studies show that only the H chain of the antibody makes contact with the viral protein and that about 60% of the binding is to HA2 (residues are mostly hydrophobic and part of an alpha helix) and 30% to HA1 (residues are mostly polar). Dr. Friesen suggested that the small contact surface might lead to broad cross-reactivity and also might lessen the likelihood of escape mutants. A possible reason for sub-type cross reactivity is that alpha-helical regions are universally conserved across subtypes. Dr. Friesen reported that CR62661 neutralizes H1, H2, H5, H6, H8, and H9. The antibody does not bind to H3 and H7. However, there is a glycosylation site in this region at H3 and H7, thus explaining why there is no binding.
Dr. Friesen presented data in BALB/c mouse lethal challenge studies using (H1N1 and H5N1 challenges) which indicated that CR6261 was protective when used either prophylactically or therapeutically.
Dr. Friesen noted that the viral epitope that the antibody binds to is involved in membrane fusion; and thus may be conserved because of its function. It appears that the basis for the prophylactic efficacy of the CR6261 antibody is that it inhibits the pH-induced conformational changes in the H1 and H5 hemagglutinins that are needed for virus fusion activity.
Dr. Friesen stated that a key issue in the application of monoclonal antibodies is the ability to manufacture them. He indicated that Crucell has a propriety cell line and process for the manufacture of antibodies. The properties of these antibodies suggest the potential for a universal therapeutic. Dr. Friesen noted that Dr. Marasco’s group had found a similar type of antibody.
Pag. 5: Dr. Marasco indicated that the Crucell antibody, CR6261, also seems to react with this pocket.
Crucell is met CR6261 in de preklinischefase terwijl CS-8958 van Biota Holdings Ltd. (BTAHY.PK)en Daiichi Sankyo in fase 3 is beland. Deze laatst genoemde moet weleens waar geïnhaleerd worden wat problematisch kan zijn bij een verkoudheid.
Heeft Crucell niet een ongelofelijke achterstand m.b.t.CS-8958

CR6261 dekt een wijd spectrum van de H/N virussen heeft CS 8958 de zelfde werking?

vr gr
Misschien moet je CS-8958 eerder vergelijken met Relenza (GSK) en Tamiflu (Roche), beiden zijn inhibitors, zogenaamde virusremmers.

De vinding van Crucell betreft antibodies en is kwasi uniek te noemen momenteel. Waarom zouden ze (Crucell) dan achterstand hebben?

Antibodies doen iets heel anders dan virusremmers, ze bestrijden namelijk het virus.

Mooi vaccin-lijstje.

The following table presents a comprehensive overview of influenza drugs and other antiviral agents that have made it to testing in humans. There are many other therapies are in earlier stages of development, including animal testing:
SARS, Ebola, vogelgriep, dengue, chikungunya, Q-koorts.
Zoönosen – ziekten die van dier op mens worden overgedragen
– staan in het middelpunt van de belangstelling. Bij iedere
nieuwe infectieziekte wordt bezorgd rekening gehouden met
het begin van een pandemie. Hoe beschermen we ons tegen
deze onverwacht opkomende infectieziekten? En moeten we ze
bestrijden bij mens of dier?
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P. 15.
Grippeimpfstoffe ohne Hühnereier

07.08.2009 | Redakteur: Olaf Spörkel

Max-Planck-Wissenschaftler haben jetzt Wachstum, Stoffwechsel und Virusvermehrung von zwei neuen Zelllinien untersucht und deren Eignung als Wirtszellen für die Herstellung von Grippeimpfstoffen in Bioreaktoren getestet.
Berlin – Grippeimpfstoffe werden in der Regel aus bebrüteten Hühnereiern gewonnen. Die Fachgruppe Bioprozesstechnik am Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme in Magdeburg hat jetzt anhand zweier Virentypen überprüft, ob sich die neuen Vogelzelllinien AGE1.CR und AGE1.CR.pIX als Wirtszellen für die Grippeimpfstoffherstellung eignen. Die Wissenschaftler wollen damit einen Weg für eine optimierte Produktion von Grippeimpfstoffen in Zellkulturen bahnen. Entwickelt wurden die Enten-Zelllinien von ProBioGen in Kooperation mit IDT Biologika, Dessau-Tornau.

Zwei Zelllinien für die Grippeimpfstoff-Produktion

Gegenwärtig werden als Alternative zu bebrüteten Hühnereiern MDCK-Zellen aus Hunden (Madin Darby Canine Kidney Cells), Verozellen aus der Meerkatze und PER.C6-Zellen aus humanen Zellen genutzt, um neue Verfahren zur Produktion von Grippeimpfstoffen zu etablieren.

Die Zellen der neu entwickelten Linie (AGE1.CR) wurden aus Vorläuferzellen der Netzhaut (Retinoblasten) von Embryonen der Moschusente gewonnen. Laut Angaben der Forscher bieten diese für die biopharmazeutische Anwendung den Vorteil, dass sie im Gegensatz zu Hühnerzellen nur wenige virale Elemente im Erbgut tragen. Das Risiko von unvorhergesehenen Veränderungen in der Zelle während der Produktion soll so minimiert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde ihre Herkunft eindeutig dokumentiert, als sicher eingestuft und sämtliche bisherigen Arbeitsschritte und Passagen dokumentiert. Die Entenzellen sprechen auf mehrere Viren an, z.B. Influenza-Viren, stark abgeschwächte, modifizierte Pockenviren (MVA-Viren) sowie Tollwut- oder Herpesviren.
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flosz schreef:

Die Zellen der neu entwickelten Linie (AGE1.CR) wurden aus Vorläuferzellen der Netzhaut (Retinoblasten) von Embryonen der Moschusente gewonnen.
zo 09 aug 2009, 09:40

Besmettelijke vogelziekte in Nederland vastgesteld
HILVERSUM - Onderzoekers hebben in Nederland gevallen van de vogelziekte trichomonas gallinae vastgesteld. De afgelopen drie maanden kwamen door de ziekte, die ook bekend staat als 'het geel', in Duitsland al tienduizenden zangvogels om.

Vogelbescherming Nederland en SOVON Vogelonderzoek kregen de afgelopen weken diverse meldingen van 'verdachte' gevallen. De dieren waren echter al te lang dood om de besmettelijke ziekte vast te kunnen stellen. Onderzoekers van Alterra in Wageningen en het Dutch Wildlife Health Centre in Utrecht hebben nu bij twee vogels 'het geel' geconstateerd, bleek zondag in het radioprogramma Vroege Vogels.

Aanpassing in kip roept vogelgriep halt toe
13 januari 2011, 20:15 | ANP
CAMBRIGDE (ANP) - Wetenschappers zijn er in geslaagd om de genen van kippen dusdanig te modificeren dat ze het vogelgriepvirus niet meer kunnen overdragen. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek dat het wetenschapsblad Science donderdag heeft gepubliceerd.

Vogelgriep, ook wel H5N1, is een besmettelijk virus dat doorgaans alleen vat heeft op gevogelte. Maar soms zijn ook mensen gevoelig en kan het virus dodelijke gevolgen hebben.

Besmette kippen zijn in staat het H5N1-virus over te dragen op elkaar, maar ook op mensen. Door de wetenschappelijke vondst zijn de gemanipuleerde kippen nog wel vatbaar voor het virus, maar kunnen ze het niet meer doorgeven.

Minder economische impact

,,Door te voorkomen dat kippen het virus onderling doorgeven, lopen mensen minder kans het virus op te lopen en heeft het virus bovendien minder economische impact", aldus onderzoeker Laurence Tiley van de Universiteit van Cambridge.

De wetenschappers kwamen tot hun resultaat door een nieuw gen in te brengen bij kippen. Dat gen produceert een 'fopmolecuul' dat op zijn beurt een component van het vogelgriepvirus imiteert. Daardoor ziet het virus het fopmolecuul aan voor het viraal erfelijk materiaal en wordt de celdeling van het virus verstoord. Toen de wetenschappers de gemodificeerde kippen besmetten met het vogelgriepvirus werden de kippen wel ziek, maar droegen ze het virus niet over aan andere kippen


Hoewel het onderzoek nog in de kinderschoenen staat, is het volgens Tiley een belangrijke stap in de richting van resistentie voor het griepvirus onder kippen.

In 1997 werd in Hongkong de eerste mens ontdekt die was besmet met het virus. Sindsdien zijn er geregeld grootschalige uitbraken van vogelgriep.

December 18, 2024-- A patient has been hospitalized with a severe case of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus ("H5N1 bird flu") infection in Louisiana. This marks the first instance of severe illness linked to the virus in the United States. The case was confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday, December 13. Since April 2024, there have been a total of 61 reported human cases of H5 bird flu reported in the United States.
Mogelijke aandelen die gaan reageren:

- Valneva
Valneva's EB66® duck cell line is a state-of-the-art vaccine production technology and one of the most extensively studied and characterized cell lines available today for the development and production of human and veterinary commercial vaccines.

- Novacyt
Ontwikkeling van snelle testen

- Sanofi
Vaccin producent

- Abcellera
Vaccin producent
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