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Zonnecellen halen streep door winst Delta
Gepubliceerd op 13 apr 2011 om 17:00 | Views: 28

MIDDELBURG (AFN) - Het besluit van het Zeeuwse energiebedrijf Delta om te stoppen met de fabricage van zonnecellen en dochteronderneming Solland in zijn geheel af te waarderen heeft geleid tot een nettoverlies van 178 miljoen euro over het jaar 2010. Het jaar 2009 was nog afgesloten met een nettowinst van 7 miljoen euro.

Delta kondigde in november aan dat Solland zou worden afgewaardeerd. Daarmee was een bedrag van 265 miljoen euro gemoeid. De economische crisis en de sterk concurrentie uit Azië deden het bedrijf de das om, aldus de directie. Of verkoop van de onderneming mogelijk is, moet voor het midden van dit jaar blijken.

Topman Peter Boerma benadrukt, dat de kernactiviteiten van Delta wel winstgevend zijn. Het beheer van distributienetten, het opwekken en leveren van energie en de afvalverwerking waren afgelopen jaar goed voor een nettowinst van 87 miljoen euro.


De omzet van Delta nam het afgelopen jaar met 10 procent toe naar 2,1 miljard euro. Op de zakelijke energiemarkt nam de hoeveelheid geleverde elektriciteit toe met bijna 28 procent, mede door het in gebruik nemen van de Sloecentrale. Ook werd 23 procent meer gas geleverd. De verwerkte hoeveelheden afvalstoffen stegen van 3,9 naar 4,3 miljoen ton.

Door kostenbeheersing en verbetering van de efficiency bleef de toename van de kosten beperkt, aldus de directie van het bedrijf. Door een strikt aannamebeleid nam het aantal banen vorig jaar met 88 af. Dit jaar wordt verder gewerkt aan verbetering van de efficiency en beheersing van de kosten. Naar verwachting komen de marges de komende jaren onder druk te staan door lagere energieprijzen en hoge brandstofprijzen. De operationele winst uit de gewone bedrijfsvoering zal dit jaar in lijn liggen met die van vorig jaar, verwacht de directie.


De vier directeuren zien af van een bonus, waarop ze volgens de Raad van Commissarissen wel recht hebben. De directeuren vinden dat bij zo'n groot verlies geen bonus past. De directie haalde niet de financiële doelstelling, zoals die geldt bij het toekennen van de variabele beloning maar wel andere doelstellingen, zo is woensdag meegedeeld aan de aandeelhouders van Delta.

De provincie Zeeland is de grootste aandeelhouder van Delta. Alle aandelen zijn in handen van provincies en gemeenten.
De grote vraag naar zonnepanelen heeft ervoor gezorgd dat er in 2010 twee keer zoveel modules zijn gefabriceerd als in 2009. Met deze sterke groei is het noodzakelijk dat de sector maatregelen neemt om te voorkomen dat het in de vervuilende voetsporen treedt van de elektronicasector.

Dat het hard gaat met de groei van de productie van zonnepanelen is u waarschijnlijk niet ontgaan. Werden er in 2009 zo'n 8 GWp aan modules verscheept, in 2010 steeg dat naar 18 GWp (grofweg zo’n 90 miljoen zonnepanelen). En voor 2011 ligt een verdere verdubbeling in het vooruitzicht.

Als we de hele levenscyclus bekijken, dan zijn er ook bij 'duurzame' zonnepanelen potentieel negatieve milieu- en gezondheidseffecten. Denk hierbij aan de winning van grondstoffen, gebruik van giftige stoffen in de fabricage, de recycling van de modules en niet te vergeten de energie die in al deze stadia gebruikt wordt.

Oog voor alle aspecten

Het energieverbruik bij de productie van zonnecellen en -panelen is redelijk goed te schatten. Hieruit blijkt dat een zonnepaneel, in Nederland geplaatst, na 1 à 2 jaar al net zoveel energie heeft opgewekt als nodig was om het paneel te maken. Met een verwachte levensduur van 25+ jaar slaat de energiebalans dus positief door.

Andere zaken zijn wat minder makkelijk meetbaar of transparant. Daarom heeft de Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition een Solar ScoreCard opgezet, die in kaart brengt hoe de fabrikanten het doen op het gebied van het milieu, oog voor de langere termijn en sociale aspecten als aandacht voor veiligheid en gezondheid van de medewerkers.

Risico van groeimarkt

Alhoewel participatie aan het onderliggende onderzoek op vrijwillige basis is, vertegenwoordigd de dit jaar deelnemende groep bedrijven zo'n 46% van de markt. Deze groep scoort redelijk goed en dat is waarschijnlijk ook een belangrijke reden om mee te doen.

Ondanks dat deze kopgroep nog veel kan verbeteren, zit er een inherent probleem bij de kleinere fabrikanten. De meeste hiervan zijn start-ups die volop bezig zijn om de technologie- en prijsrace bij te houden, en vooral gericht op overleven en groeien. Zonder de (financiële) middelen die de gevestigde namen hebben, ligt daar een risico voor afsnijroutes.

Van hernieuwbaar naar duurzaam

Wil de solarindustrie haar duurzame karakter waardig blijven in de ogen van de klant, dan zal er ook aan de 'houdbaarheid' van de productie op lange termijn gewerkt moeten worden. Dat de ecologische en sociale voetafdrukken van de kolen-, gas- en kerncentrales ons nooit geheel duidelijk gemaakt zullen worden, mag geen reden zijn om de eigen lat lager te leggen.

Want al is de huidige markt voor zonnepanelen voornamelijk nog prijsbepaald, elke verdere daling van de prijs zal de keuze van de consument voor een meer verantwoord product steeds makkelijker maken. Daar zit de duurzame winst van de energietransitie.

Jeroen Saeijs is ondernemer in zonne-energie en oprichter van BrabantEnergy

'Subsidiestop goed voor zonnemarkt'
Drie vragen aan Stefan Ruiter
2 mei 2011, 1:00 uur | Het Financieele Dagblad
Door: Mulders, R.
Minister Verhagen (Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie) schrapt de subsidie op zonnepanelen voor particulieren. Eindelijk helderheid, zegt Stefan Ruiter (26), oprichter van het Amsterdamse CompareMySolar, een nieuwe vergelijkingssite van zonnepanelen en installateurs.

Drie vragen aan Stefan Ruiter
Robert Mulders


Wat doen jullie?

'Woningbezitters kunnen op onze website gegevens over hun dak invoeren en zien dan meteen of het financieel aantrekkelijk is voor ze. Vervolgens geven wij ze een overzicht van installateurs met wie ze in zee kunnen, de prijzen die ze rekenen en de waardering die ze kregen van klanten. De dienst is gratis voor particulieren, wij verdienen een percentage van het bedrag op de installateursfactuur.'

Bewoners krijgen geen subsidie meer. Heeft dat gevolgen?

'Die subsidieregeling heeft nooit goed gelopen, ze was heel inefficiënt. In 2008 werd 42% van het subsidiebudget benut, in 2010 nog maar 23%. Het afschaffen is juist goed voor de markt. Eindelijk helderheid. Een particulier weet nu wat hij betaalt en wat hij terugkrijgt. Voorheen werd de aanvraag maar in enkele gevallen toegekend. Ik verwacht een groei in het aantal aanvragen. De energieprijs stijgt, terwijl de prijs van zonnepanelen hard blijft zakken.'

Jullie zijn ook in België en Groot-Brittannië actief. Hoe loopt het daar?

'Daar hebben de subsidies wel effect gehad. De vraag naar zonnepaneelsystemen is toegenomen en de prijs is gedaald. In Nederland is het niet goed aangepakt.'

Cash-Rich Total Makes $1.37 Billion Solar Plunge
By Geraldine Amiel, Cassandra Sweet and John Kell
29 April 2011 12:38
(c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

PARIS (Dow Jones)--French oil major Total SA (TOT, FP.FR) said it plans to acquire a 60% stake in SunPower Corp. (SPWRA, SPWRB), a deal that values the U.S.-based solar-panel maker at $2.3 billion.
Total, which focuses on the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, said it would pay $23.25 for each Class A and Class B share it intends to acquire. The offer price represents a 46% premium over Wednesday's closing price of SunPower's Class A shares. The investment is worth about $1.37 billion.
The deal signals growing confidence among conventional energy players that solar power is likely to become a viable energy source, despite its current small size. The global solar-panel market, worth about $71 billion in 2010, according to research firm Clean Edge, is widely expected to continue growing, driven by government policies favoring clean energy and lower manufacturing and development costs.
The deal also shows the continued financial muscle of conventional oil giants flush with cash thanks to triple-digit oil prices. A Total executive said Friday the company concluded a renewable energy investment like SunPower made greater sense in the current commercial climate than some conventional petroleum offerings that are based on current commodity prices.
The news boosted not only SunPower, which was up $5.58 or nearly 35% to $21.70 at midday, but also Norway's Renewable Energy Corp ASA (REC.OS) and Germany's Q-Cells SE (QCE.XE), among other solar equities. Total shares were up .15, or .35% to EUR43.16 at 1458GMT.

A Paris-based trader Friday said the generous premium valued the California company at $2.3 billion. "The price seems high for solar power," said the trader, who insisted on anonymity.
But Total Chief Financial Officer Patrick De la Chevardiere told financial analysts Friday that Total was "comfortable" with the price, especially compared with conventional oil and gas assets now on the market that assume that oil prices will stay today's current levels. By contrast, De la Chevardiere said he was "not comfortable" acquiring U.S. exploration and production assets that were priced on $120 a barrel oil.
Total Friday reported 51% rise in quarterly profits. De la Chevardiere also said the company might also boost its dividend depending on how oil prices stabilize.
Philippe Boisseau, head of Total's gas and power division, said that solar power will become a crucial energy source in Europe and North America and that Total intends to become a global leader in the solar industry.
"Energy demand will keep increasing and all energy sources will be needed," Boisseau said.
However, oil and gas will remain Total's core businesses, he added.
Total plans to keep SunPower's management team in place and continue investing in the business, Boisseau said.
Total's acquisition of a majority stake in SunPower will allow the California company to "radically accelerate" its plans to expand manufacturing of solar panels and develop large solar farms, said SunPower Chief Executive Tom Werner. In addition to expanding its existing business, SunPower will work to commercialize thin-film solar-power technology that Total has developed and may use other materials made by Total in solar power generation, Werner said.
Werner would not say how much SunPower would expand its operations over the next few years, but said that Total and SunPower aim to be one of the world's top three solar energy companies over the next five to 10 years.
In February, SunPower reported 2010 net income of $179 million on revenue of $2.2 billion, up from a 2009 annual profit of $32.5 million on revenue of $1.5 billion.
SunPower said its deal with Total would likely lower its cost of capital and increase its access to uncollateralized debt financing. Some analysts have expressed concern about SunPower's cost structure relative to industry peers.

-By Geraldine Amiel, Cassandra Sweet and John Kell, Dow Jones Newswires; +33-140-171767;
415-439-6468; geraldine.amiel@dowjones.com; cassandra.sweet@dowjones.com [ 04-29-11 1238ET ]

Solar Is A Load Of Crap!
By Jeff Siegel | Monday, May 2nd, 2011
A couple of years ago, Nick Hodge and I were invited to speak at an investment conference in Orlando.

Part of the deal was we would sit at a table in an exposition area and take questions from those in attendance.

Always more than happy to discuss opportunities in clean energy, we agreed.

Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of believers at this particular conference...

The Energy Company No One Can Catch

On the verge of perpetual energy, one small company owns a secret technology that looks to change American power forever.

It's not nuclear... wind... or even oil.

Thing is, they've flown under the radar so far. So if you'd like to hear about this opportunity before the masses, check out this broadcast.


Comprised mostly of desperate, get-rich-quick suckers who have probably been duped on more than one occasion by God-channeling televangelists and spray-tanned fast talkers who promise you can become a millionaire while working from home... the hostile response to actual peer-reviewed data and solid track records was overwhelming.

One guy actually screamed, “Solar's bullshit!” He was mad as hell. Couldn't figure out why though, because he wouldn't elaborate.

In any event, this kind of irrational behavior is not new for us. But to be honest, I could care less.

If you don't want to make money by investing in clean energy, it's no skin off my back. But for those folks who think “solar's bullshit,” there's a multi-billion dollar oil and gas company that strongly disagrees.

A 40% Gain in One Day

Last week, Total S.A. — the world's fifth largest publicly-traded integrated oil and gas company — ponied up $1.38 billion for a 60 percent stake in SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ: SPWRA).

The stock shot up 40 percent on the news.

And here's the interesting part: Total paid a 46% premium for a piece of a company that's actually less profitable than many of its peers.

But SunPower is an American solar company that's already got a pretty solid piece of the U.S. market — a market which, over the past few years, has been seen as a potential goldmine for European energy companies.

Now it hasn't been easy for SunPower to compete against all those aggressive Chinese manufacturers...

After all, Chinese solar players like Trina Solar, Suntech Power, and JA Solar get massive support from the government. Throw a ton of cheap labor on top of that and you've got the recipe for Chinese solar dominance.

But with Total S.A. on board now, the company can aggressively pursue technological improvements that'll allow it to give some of those cheap Chinese solar manufacturers a run for their money.

In fact Total S.A. has agreed to provide as much as $1 billion of credit support over the next five years. This cash will allow SunPower to expand its manufacturing capacity and speed up the development of utility-scale solar power plants.

It's my guess that Total S.A. has placed the importance of solar just a bit higher than the excrement of cattle.

Buy these Stocks on Short-term Weakness

Despite nearly every solar stock heading north last week after the news of the SunPower deal broke, many are still pretty reasonable if you're looking for a long-term investment.

We continue to look for opportunities to pick up any number of solar or solar-related stocks on short-term weakness. The key players to watch include:

Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL)

Suntech Power (NYSE: STP)


First Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR)

Daqo New Energy (NYSE: DQ)

Also keep an eye on solar-related stocks, like Satcon Technology Corporation (NASDAQ: SATC), for instance.

Last week, SATC — which makes inverters for solar installations (among other things) — reported earnings. The company was severely punished for shrinking margins, a result of rising material costs and unpredictable European policies.

Panic-stricken investors sweat it out over this, pretty much ignoring the 320% revenue growth, the 400% increase in shipments, and the 28% increase in its backlog.

The company's utility-scale projects are also looking to give the company a nice boost in the second half of the year.

Just a few weeks ago, Satcon was chosen to supply inverter equipment for a 15 MW solar project in California. That one's being built for Pacific Gas & Electric.

Long story short: The stock briefly fell below $3.00 after earnings. But this is easily a $5 stock if you don't mind holding on to it for about a year.*

Also keep an eye on ReneSola (NYSE: SOL). The company took a brief hit last week after warning its average selling prices would fall on increases in inventory. The stock fell about ten percent on the news, but held strong above $8.

I'm cautiously optimistic, since it avoided breaking that $8 support level... So unless some catastrophic event unfolds and sends the entire sector into a tailspin, I don't think it's out of the question to see ReneSola trading around $12.00 in 12 months.

In the meantime, don't underestimate solar. This is an industry that continues to deliver for Green Chip Stocks investors.

And it's an industry that will continue to prove the naysayers wrong.

To a new way of life, and a new generation of wealth...

Jeff Siegel
Editor, Energy and Capital

*Full Disclosure: I personally picked up some shares of Satcon following earnings last week.

Nederland koopt Chinese zonnepanelen
Gepubliceerd op 10 mei 2011 om 10:33 | Views: 706

SHANGHAI (AFN) - Minister Maxime Verhagen van Economische Zaken is in Peking begonnen aan zijn vierdaagse handelsreis door China. In zijn aanwezigheid sloten Nederlandse en Chinese energiebedrijven verschillende contracten af die in totaal 100 miljoen euro kunnen opleveren.

Solar Total uit Elst, een van de grootste leveranciers van zonnepanelen in Europa, sloot in Peking een megaorder met fabrikant Yinli uit de provincie Hebei. In totaal kocht het bedrijf zonnepanelen met een totale capaciteit van 50 megawatt. Ter vergelijking: de totale hoeveelheid aan zonne-energie die vorig jaar in Nederland werd opgewekt, is niet meer dan 30 megawatt. De panelen zijn bedoeld voor consumenten en bedrijven in heel Europa.

Jia Naiyun, landendirecteur China van Solar Total, noemde het 'uitermate belangrijk’ dat zowel Verhagen als de Chinese onderminister van Energiebeleid bij de ondertekening aanwezig was. ,,Ze hebben afgesproken de samenwerking tussen Nederland en China op het gebied van duurzame energie te versterken. Dat is goed nieuws voor ons.'' Ook andere Nederlandse bedrijven uit de energiesector deden goede zaken door afspraken te maken om hun toetreding tot de Chinese markt zeker te stellen.

Verhagen blijft nog tot vrijdag in China. Zijn bezoek staat in het teken van het vergroten van de handel tussen beide landen. Hij brengt na Peking ook bezoeken aan Shanghai en Nanjing.
Ambitieus doel zeg!

China doubles solar power target to 10 GW by 2015 -paper

SHANGHAI May 6 (Reuters) - China has doubled its target for installed photovoltaic power capacity over the next five years to 10 gigawatt (GW) by 2015, the Shanghai Securities News said on Friday, citing an official from the research arm of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

The government has also raised its installed solar capacity target for 2020 to 50 GW, up from the previous goal of 20 GW, said Li Junfeng, deputy director-general of the Energy Research Institute of the NDRC.

The NDRC will soon issue a five-year blueprint for the country's photovoltaic power industry as well as a policy framework for the sector, said Li.

China is the world's largest exporter of photovoltaic products and home to some of the industry's top players, such as Trina Solar , JA Solar , Suntech Power and LDK Solar .

China was again the world leader in clean-energy investment last year, ahead of Germany and the United States, according to a report by the Pew Charitable Trusts. [ID:nN29266864] (Reporting by Fayen Wong and Chen Yixin; Editing by Ken Wills)

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Dear Energy and Capital Reader,

As you read this, a plane just touched down in Brussels...

It wasn't your typical plane. And it certainly wasn't your typical flight.

This was the first international flight by Solar Impulse, the first plane using only solar panels for fuel.

But the point of the $128 million project wasn't to fly a solar-powered plane...

Rather, it was “to demonstrate what we can do with existing technology in terms of renewable energy,” as pilot Andrew Borschberg told reporters midflight.

It was to show that solar could be used to power cars, homes, and entire cities.

But this isn't achieved with solar alone. The only way Solar Impulse was able to fly through the night is by storing solar energy in batteries.

And not just any batteries...

The same type of batteries pioneered by a Chinese researcher in a private laboratory...

The same batteries that will one day power entire office buildings and communities...

The same batteries millionaire investors stood in line to invest in at a recent private summit...

And as this exclusive video shows, the same batteries owned by a $2.00 Chinese company you can grab a piece of right now.

Good Investing,

Keith Kohl
Editor, Energy and Capital


Henry Chiang presented the world with a revolutionary way to power everything from cell phones to entire cities...

His secret technology, and the tiny startup firm that owns it, could earn you the easiest profits you've ever made.

Dear Reader,

Before Henry Chiang made coal and oil obsolete, he was just a regular guy.

But on July 12, 2010, he delivered a 23-minute speech in which he unveiled a technology he'd been waiting for the perfect time to reveal.

So, as nearly every member at the Global Securities Conference sat on the edges of their seats, Henry Chiang described several key details of a project he'd been working on for years...

A viable way to use solar power at night.

It may not seem like a big deal to you, but if you saw the line of investors waiting in line to speak with Henry Chiang, you'd probably reconsider.

You see, with just one hour's worth of sunlight, we could power the whole planet for an entire year...

Summer, winter, day, and night.

But, for a long time, no one had the slightest idea how to store that energy efficiently enough to even power one household for a full 24 hours.

That is, until Henry Chiang revealed his way of providing electricity indefinitely — night or day, rain or shine.

And I'm not just talking about a few houses...

I'm talking about entire cities — even countries — as Henry's technology becomes the way we power everything.

Some energy insiders have even claimed the need for fossil fuels to generate power in a modern economy are completely false.

Maybe that's why, according to an investment prospectus from PiperJaffray, it's estimated that there will be upwards of $600 billion spent on this technology over the next 10-12 years.

That's how big this thing is.

Of course, Henry hasn't divulged all the details yet, so I can only tell you what I know...

The first thing that pops into my mind is how much money in potential profits this situation could create for you.

It's certainly not every day a world-altering (and this isn't an exaggeration) energy discovery is made...

I mean, in 23 minutes of speaking, Henry Chiang made coal and oil obsolete.

This could make him a billionaire many times over. He'll only have to work again if he chooses to.

And you, too, might say the same — once I prove to you how much money you stand to funnel into your bank account over the next year or so.

As I'll prove to you in a moment, this isn't some "shot in the dark"...

For the first time in history, we're on the cusp of being able to harness the sun's rays efficiently enough to power entire countries...

The energy company no one can catch

The sun gives off approximately 1,000 watts of power per square meter, per day.

That's enough energy — if stored properly — to provide the entire world with infinite power.

Of course, while we're far from that goal, we're extremely close to powering buildings, cities, even countries as solar energy storage technology advances.

And that's where Henry Chiang comes in...

What he shared with the crowd at the Global Securities conference was his company's progress on a rechargeable energy unit known as the NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) battery.

Once thought of as a battery good only for powering calculators and watches, Henry has helped take this technology to an entirely new level.

In fact, as I write this, his company has produced batteries that can run cars, planes — even a series of homes.

And while there are hundreds of startups across the world looking to jump into the market...

They don't have anywhere near the experience to produce batteries that have the same recyclability, high power, high energy density, and long life that Henry's batteries have.

But the company I'm telling you about today isn't a one-trick pony...

Over the last decade, they've perfected several types of high-tech batteries — from the NiMH model I've told you about to lithium ion batteries.

In fact, they're already distributing them in Europe, North America, and Asia.

And with several subsidiaries working on new ways to use batteries (like producing full-scale nighttime solar), not to mention their accredited R&D department, the company is about to spring from its Chinese headquarters to be the biggest battery company on earth.

But that's not even the best part...

On July 8th (four days before what will no doubt be remembered as the famous speech Henry delivered at the Global Securities conference), it was proven that his technology is the closest we've ever come to infinite power.

"We are on the verge of the perpetual flight"
— The New York Times

As with any major discovery, testing must start out small.

You can't just put New York City on stored solar power without first figuring out how to implement it perfectly...

And that’s where the Solar Impulse project comes in.

The first stage started on July 7th, 2010. It ended 26 hours and 9 minutes later as pilot Andre Borschberg touched down in a solar-powered aircraft.

And as quickly as that, history was made.

You see, using the very same technology Henry Chiang has become a leading expert on, this solar-powered plane was able to fly throughout the night using only the energy it had harbored from the sun.

Even more incredible: As the morning sun rose, the plane's charge began quickly increasing.

The craft could have flown for another 24 hours... and another... and another after that.

In fact, had it not been for the human pilot, there's no telling just how long the plane could have stayed in the air.

As co-founder of the project Bertrand Piccard stated in a New York Times article, "We are on the verge of the perpetual flight."

Something that was once thought impossible — using the sun’s power through the hours of the night — has just been proven to work...

And with extraordinary results.

The flight broke records for the highest and longest solar flight in history.

Perpetual energy is something that will never be achieved with a plane powered by fossil fuels — not to mention how much “greener” using solar power is.

Perhaps that’s why Parker Weil, co-head of the Americas Energy and Power Group at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, recently said: “We are bullish on energy efficiency… Energy Efficiency is where the money is…”

Who knows — perhaps Mr. Weil was one of those in line to speak with Henry Chiang after Henry delivered that blockbuster speech I told you about earlier?

Maybe that’s why Henry has been invited to speak at three more conferences through 2011...

Or maybe it’s just because Henry’s technology is the best in the universe…
De markt voor hernieuwbare energie is sinds het begin van dit jaar sterk opgeleefd.

De markt voor hernieuwbare energie, beter bekend als markt voor duurzame energie, had het slecht de voorbije twee jaar. Sinds het begin van dit jaar is zij sterk opgeleefd dankzij gunstige ontwikkelingen op het gebied van regelgeving. Mogelijke beperkingen van subsidies in Duitsland op de plaatsing van zogenoemde fotovoltaïsche panelen lijken minder waarschijnlijk geworden, waar plaatsingen in Italië inmiddels recordhoogtes hebben bereikt, mede dankzij de overheid. Aandelen van ondernemingen die actief zijn in zonne- en windenergie zijn tussen begin januari en 11 maart, de dag van de aardbeving en tsunami in Japan, met ongeveer 5% gestegen. Na de ramp stegen die aandelen met percentages van tussen de 20 en 46%.

Het ongeval met de kernreactor in Fukushima heeft wereldwijd vragen opgeroepen over de energiemix en het gebruik van kernenergie voor civiele doeleinden. Hoe gruwelijk de aanblik van dood en verderf in Japan ook, de hernieuwbare energiemarkt zal er verder door opleven.

Energiebeleid herzien

Angela Merkel kondigde drie dagen na de ramp al aan dat het akkoord dat voorzag in een gemiddelde verlenging met 12 jaar van de levensduur van 17 kerncentrales, waarvan er 7 al vóór 1980 in gebruik waren genomen, voor drie maanden werd opgeschort. Tijdens die periode wil het land zijn energiebeleid herzien.

Frankrijk, de VS en het Verenigd Koninkrijk stellen hun energiemix niet ter discussie, maar hebben wel opdracht gegeven tot een audit van hun nucleaire park. En Zwitserland, hoe kan het ook anders, stelt het gebruik van kernenergie in stedelijke gebieden ter discussie in een referendum.

Moratorium India

India heeft een moratorium ingesteld op de bouw van twee nieuwe drukwaterreactoren in een seismisch gebied. De Chinese centrale overheid bevriest alle vergunningsaanvragen voor nieuwe centrales en onderwerpt alle operationele en nog in aanbouw zijnde reactoren aan een grondige stresstest. Uiteindelijk wil de grootste economie ter wereld na de Verenigde Staten het aantal reactoren verhogen tot 70 in 2020. Toch is het een teken dat het twaalfde Vijfjarenplan, dat een belangrijk aandeel toekende aan kernenergie, werd herzien ten gunste van installaties voor zonne-energie, al was het dan marginaal.

Volgens mij toont het ongeval in Fukushima aan dat het debat over hernieuwbare energie en de energiemix met spoed moet worden hervat. Naast veiligheid gaat dat debat over de wereldwijde energievraag, over het steeds schaarser worden van fossiele energiebronnen en over klimaatopwarming en de uitstoot van broeikasgassen.


Kernenergie biedt economische en strategische voordelen maar de ramp laat ook zien dat we alle beschikbare energiebronnen in de discussie moeten betrekken, ook zonne- en windenergie. Wie na de gebeurtenissen in Japan het opstarten van deze discussie onkies vindt, verwijs ik naar de Japanse minister van Industrie, Banri Kaieda, die onlangs herziening van het energiebeleid aankondigde met aan zekerheid grenzende waarschijnlijkheid de grootschalige plaatsing van zonnepanelen.

Overigens gelden ook hier de wetten van de economie: meer vraag naar hernieuwbare energiebronnen zal investeringen in het netwerk noodzakelijk maken en de energieprijs onvermijdelijk de hoogte injagen. Naast het zoeken van nieuwe energiebronnen voert naar verwachting beperking in energiegebruik de boventoon.

Manuel Doméon is hoofd ecologisch en maatschappelijk verantwoord investeren bij Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management

According to KPMG LLP, India, Asia's third largest energy consumer, may be able to produce electricity from the sun as cheaply as from coal and other fossil fuel based power plants by 2017.

Mr Santosh Kamath ED of KPMG said that India may install three times as much solar capacity as the government intends by 2022 if sun powered electricity is able to match the cost of conventional power, a point referred to as grid parity.

He added that "We are heading for grid parity and it's just a question of when. In that scenario, the adoption of solar becomes entirely market driven."

KPMG said that solar power costs more than twice as much as the INR 5.42 per kilowatt hour that it costs to deliver electricity to consumers.

Mr Kamath said that the cost of fossil fuel electricity may rise as much as 5.5% annually as India has to buy more expensive imported coal and replace aging plants.

Solar power prices are projected to decline by 7% a year in the next decade on more efficient technologies and lower manufacturing costs.

If solar power becomes competitive with other sources, India could add 39,070 MWs of grid connected solar projects from 2017 and 2022, including residential rooftop panels and 18,455 MWs of solar powered telecommunication towers and agricultural water pumps. The government has set a target of installing 22,000 MWs of solar power capacity by 2022.

According to data compiled by Bloomberg, India, which produces 71% of its electricity from coal, seeks to add 120,000 MWs of power by 2017 to reduce blackouts threatening development in the world's second fastest growing major economy. Indian companies have announced about USD 7 billion of overseas energy acquisitions since January 2010 as they seek coal, uranium and other fuels.

(Sourced from www.bloomberg.net)

SDG&E Buying 125 Megawatts of Soitec’s Concentrated Solar Power
By Ehren Goossens - May 18, 2011 7:45 PM GMT+0200

San Diego Gas & Electric Co., the third largest utility in California and unit of Sempra Energy (SRE), will buy 125 megawatts of concentrated photovoltaic power to be developed by Soitec (SOI) under two contracts over 25 years.

The projects will be built in San Diego County and will be supplied by a 200 megawatt per year capacity manufacturing plant that Bernin, France-based Soitec plans to build in the San Diego area, the companies said today in a statement.

“These new contracts with SDG&E reinforce Soitec’s decision to build its new manufacturing site in the San Diego area and confirm the importance of the U.S. market for our company,” said Soitec Chief Executive Officer Andre-Jacques Auberton-Herve.

The agreements add to Soitec and SDG&E’s three contracts signed in April for 30 megawatts of power, the companies said.

Concentrated photovoltaic technology, known as CPV, makes more efficient use of sunlight than conventional solar panels through the use of lenses.

In March, Tenaska Inc. selected Soitec to supply its systems for a 150-megawatt power plant in Southern California’s Imperial County. Power from that plant will also be bought by SDG&E under a 25-year contract.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ehren Goossens in New York at egoossens1@bloomberg.net.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net. For Related News and Information:
Xinhua reported that a Sino German JV recently announced a solar boiler for industrial use, as the development of solar power gains momentum in coal dependent China, amid the rising doubts about nuclear safety.

Mr Ma Yingchang deputy GM of Linuo Paragigma New Energy Co Limited said that the system, with an investment of CNY 120 million, alone can save up to 1,100 tonnes of coal and reduce carbon emissions by 2,600 tonnes annually.

The boiler first heats water through solar energy from 15 to 95 degrees Celsius, then is heated to 150 degrees by coal, which produces steam for papermaking, food and chemical industries.

(Sourced from Xinhua)

Japan mulling solar panels on all new buildings

AFP reported that Japan is considering a plan that would make it compulsory for all new buildings and houses to come fitted with solar panels by 2030.

As per report, the plan, expected to be unveiled at the upcoming G8 Summit in France, aims to show Japan's resolve to encourage technological innovation and promote the wider use of renewable energy.

It may be recalled that Japan has reeled from the March 11th 2011 earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear crisis they triggered as it battles to stabilize the crippled Fukushima Dai ichi atomic power plant.

Mr Naoto Kan Prime Minister of France is expected to announce Japan's intention to continue operating nuclear plants after confirming their safety. But he is also expected to unveil a plan to step up efforts to push renewable energy and energy conservation.

Mr Kan believes that the installation of solar panels would help Japan realize such goals. He hopes that technological innovation will drastically bring down costs of solar power generation and thereby make the use of renewable energy more widespread.

(Sourced from AFP)

DEALS INDIA: Solar Power Needs $110 Billion in Capital - KPMG
24 May 2011
Dow Jones Energy Service
(c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

NEW DELHI (Dow Jones)--India needs $110 billion in total investments over the next decade to develop solar energy to the extent that it can meet nearly 7% of the nation's power needs in 2022.
At a time when power shortage is prevalent across the nation, this thrust to develop renewable energy sources is the right move, according to a report released Tuesday by advisory firm KPMG in India on the potential of solar energy in the country's tropical climate.
The next few years are critical, the reports' authors say, to shape the future of solar power and urge both federal and state governments to support the efforts through right policy and funds.
Solar power can help India reduce its carbon emission and reduce its dependence on imported coal, said Arvind Mahajan, head of energy and natural resources at KPMG, in a statement.
Already, the Indian government has taken steps to tap this renewable energy through the 2009 creation of the National Solar Mission, which takes a three-phase approach to increase solar power use and generation across the country.
The report also advocates the cause of mini-generation units fueled by solar energy that can range from solar-water heating to solar-powered telecom towers, which will remain off the power grid.
Currently, the cost of producing a unit of solar power ranges between INR11 to INR13 vs. INR5 to INR5.50 for conventional power. But, the difference will not be this wide for long, the reports' authors say.
New technology and rapid development of this renewable energy source should help deliver economies of scale. The report expects the cost of generating power through installation of solar panels on the roofs of homes and industrial units and through conventional power would be the same around 2019-2020 at the latest.
The National Clean Energy Fund, which derives its income from the levy of a fee of INR50 per ton of coal, should provide support to both state utilities and new ventures. Banks could become another source of funding if this industry was given priority status by the central government,
according to a suggestion in the report.
In addition, the government needs to enforce solar purchase obligations and hold those who fail to follow through, the report said.
The report also called for investors to step in and grab the potential to invest in various stages of development, from research and development to manufacturing.
"The solar sector has the potential to transform the Indian economy in the way the IT sector transformed the Indian economy during the 1990s," the report said.
-Prabha Natarajan of Dow Jones Newswires writes for Deals India and can be reached at +91-9971113266 or prabha.natarajan@dowjones.com.
(Deals India, published jointly by Mint, Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal, is a one-stop destination for investment professionals following deal flow, deals news, private-equity and venture-capital activity in India. Read more at www.wsj.com/dealsindia )
[ 05-24-11 0242ET ]

Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
iemand enig idee of het ooit nog wat wordt met deze sector? ik had toch gedacht dat het ergste achter de rug zou zijn, maar nu zakt alles weer als 1 baksteen.
Lanco Solar to set up a 75 MW solar project in Maharashtra

Lanco Solar, a fully owned subsidiary of Lanco Infratech Limited, announced that it, in consortium with Juwi Renewable India Limited, has received Letter of Award from Maharashtra State Power Generation Co Limited for building of a 75 MW Crystalline technology based photovoltaic solar power project in Dhule district in the state of Maharashtra.

The project value is INR 884.18 crore. The project would be fully commissioned by mid February 2012.

Commenting on the need of solar power generation in India and Lanco group’s future plans for solar power, Mr L Madhusudhan Rao chairman of Lanco Group said that "India's solar power generation capacity will reach 68,000 MW by 2021-22, triple the government's target. To pursue the same, we at Lanco has given utmost importance to build on capacities on solar power generation which is also the need of the hour and aims to have 300 MW in generation next two years & in EPC aims to have 300 MW to 500 MW of solar thermal and solar PV plants over the next couple of years. What we are trying to create today is a small portion of the opportunity we have in the future and for the same Lanco Infratech has been developing a number of solar projects and has been at the forefront in its commitment to develop and promote renewable energy in India."

Mr V Saibaba CEO of Lanco Solar said that "In a couple of years, we see solar power costs coming down to 7% to 8% per unit, between 2003 and 2010, solar power generation globally has grown from 3,000 MW per annum to 17,000 MW per annum. Our group company Lanco Solar has also signed power purchase agreements for 141 MW of solar power with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam under the National Solar Mission and with Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam under the state policy."

Mr Rao said that "It is a strategic win for us. Not only it puts us firmly as the top solar power developer in the country but also helps us considerably in securing our supply chain competitively."

Mr V Saibaba said that "This pioneering initiative by Mahagenco and Government of Maharashtra reinforces India’s position as a fast growing solar market globally along with the commendable initiatives of MNRE under the National Solar Mission. It would also considerably help in attracting new industries and talent into this space to reduce installation costs and help the country in its solar agenda."

(Sourced from www.business-standard.com)
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