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Japan is weer terug

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Is de turbo met de stoploss 12500 niet in trek? Ik snap dat niet.....Dit terwijl intereffekt al aangeeft in een persbericht dat ze de vraag naar warrents niet aan kunnen! Grijp je kans zou ik zeggen!
Turbos trekken de Japanse beurs niet omhoog hoor. Dat doe je met rechtstreeks aandelen inkopen.
En hier hoef je je voor de komende tijd geen zorgen over te maken.
Het komt helemaal, maar dan ook helemaal goed met de Turbootjes Nikkei :-)))
Japan is een leuke markt voor de komende tijd.
Met Japan de winter door zou ik zeggen.
Ik weet dat daardoor de Nikkei niet wordt gesteund maar vraag mij gewoon af waarom mensen nu al die turbo's willen verkopen voor zulke lage bedragen. En dat het goed komt dat weet ik....en anders wacht ik gewoon nog 15 jaar! Hahaha
By Yuri Kageyama, AP Business Writer
Toyota Buys Stake in Maker of Subaru, Fuji Heavy Industries, From General Motors

TOKYO (AP) -- Toyota has agreed to buy an 8.7 percent stake in Japanese automaker Fuji Heavy Industries from General Motors Corp., officials from both companies said Wednesday, in a deal that will make Toyota the top shareholder in the company that makes Subaru cars.

GM and Fuji agreed to dissolve their alliance and capital relationship, said Toyota executive vice president Mitsuo Kinoshita and Fuji Heavy President Kyoji Takenaka at a joint news conference. GM will sell its remaining 11.4 percent stake in Fuji in the market.

Toyota Motor Corp. and Fuji are setting up a steering committee to try to reach an agreement on future collaboration as soon as possible, the companies said.

Toyota has been on a roll lately, boosting sales in North America, Europe and other parts of Asia and recording booming profits. GM, based in Detroit, has been in trouble, losing $1.1 billion in the first quarter.

GM and Toyota have a long-standing partnership to share environmental technology, and they run a car assembly plant in California together, although the ties do not involve holding stakes in each other.

Toyota Chairman Hiroshi Okuda has expressed worries lately about a possible political backlash from U.S. automakers because of Toyota's bright results at a time when GM and Ford are faltering.

He even suggested Toyota raise the price of car models in the United States. Toyota raised prices soon after, but denied the move was to placate U.S. automakers.

Toyota, based in central Japan's Toyota city, holds stakes in two other Japanese automakers, Daihatsu Motor Co., which makes small cars, and Hino Motors, which makes trucks.

Bron: biz.yahoo.com/ap/051005/japan_toyota....
TSE REBOUND (2): Shin-Etsu Chem Pres Sees Corp Earnings Boosting Market

TOKYO (Nikkei)--Chihiro Kanagawa, president of Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. (4063), a major chemical company, told The Nikkei Financial Daily that the recent stock market rally represents the market's appreciation of corporate efforts to improve earnings.

The following are excerpts of the interview.

Q: What do you think is pushing up stock prices?

A: The market is rightly rewarding banks and other companies for their efforts to improve profitability.

But the Nikkei Stock Average has only reached one-third of its peak level. With the Dow Jones Industrial Average having dropped a mere 10% from its peak, relatively undervalued Japanese stocks are being actively bought by foreign investors.

Q: Japanese companies enjoy strong earnings. But some point out their heavy reliance on external demand as a cause for concern. What do you think about this?

A: It is true that China's insatiable appetite and the robust U.S. consumer spending have contributed to the higher profits at Japanese companies operating globally.

Now we are worried about rising oil prices. If oil futures remain above 60 dollars per barrel in the New York market, that could trigger serious inflation, especially in the U.S.

Gasoline prices have more than doubled since the start of the year, while polyethylene prices have climbed more than 60% over the past several months. The surge in oil prices, which far outpaces increases in income, could dampen consumer spending in the U.S. in months to come.

Q: How do you think the stock market rally will affect companies' fund-raising decisions and other management aspects?

A: An unprecedented number of listed companies are now operating with effectively no borrowings, and they see little need to raise funds as long as they have ample cash on hand.

Our company has 30 billion yen in extra cash flow a year even after spending 150 billion yen on facilities. We are being told by outside observers to increase our share buybacks and to retire the shares.

Q: Could you tell us your near-term outlook for the stock market?

A: I expect the Nikkei Average to rise above 14,000 possibly by the end of October.

One destabilizing factor is the U.S. stock market. The country's budget deficit is increasingly ballooning and housing prices there might have already peaked. U.S. stock prices, which are struggling to climb, could enter a correction phase by the year-end.

If this happens and the Nikkei Average shoots up close to 15,000, Japanese stock prices could tumble, though temporarily.

After the New Year starts, economic trends in the U.S. and China will remain key to the performance of Japanese stocks. If the U.S. economy proves to be unexpectedly resilient on the back of reconstruction demand in the wake of the recent hurricanes, that will support the Japanese market. In that case, the Nikkei Average may hit 15,000 between January and March.

Conversely, if the American economy falters, it will deal a blow to Japanese shares.

(The Nikkei Financial Daily Wednesday edition)
TSE REBOUND (1): Daiwa Sec Chief Believes In Rally's Staying Power

TOKYO (Nikkei)--The Nikkei Stock Average hit a new high for this year on Oct. 4, climbing over the 13,700 mark. The strong market also lent stimulus to the bond market and sent rates on new 10-year government bonds higher.

Investor sentiment has improved on hopes that the economy is breaking out of its recent lull and that structural reform of the economy will progress under the new government led by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. Massive inflows of foreign and individual investors' funds have lifted daily stock turnovers to an unprecedented height.

The Nikkei Financial Daily has asked Yoshinari Hara, chairman of Daiwa Securities Group Inc. (8601), whether the stock market's ongoing rally will continue for a long time.

The following are excerpts from the interview.

Q: How do you assess the current strength of the stock market?

A: There have been sufficient factors in place to bolster the market. Interest rates have been at historically low levels, the foreign exchange market has been stable and banks have made much progress on their bad loan disposals. In addition, there has been a steady increase in corporate earnings since 2002, meaning that the stock market should have turned up earlier.

Investment sentiment turned negative following the collapse of the bubble economy in the early 1990s, but now it is positive again thanks in part to the reform of the banking industry. It is time to make up for the so-called lost decade. The current situation resembles that of the U.S. in the 1990s.

Q: What do you think of the daily share turnover, which is at an all-time high?

A: In the past, a market rally used to run its course whenever individuals began stepping up purchases, but that no longer is the case. Individual and foreign investors are now leading the way and domestic institutional investors must be thinking that it is too risky not to boost their shareholdings.

Individuals are actively conducting short-term trades in small lots via the Internet. According to some estimates, such transactions account for 85% of trading by individuals. As for people who are not trading online, an increasing number of wealthy investors are investing billions of yen in the stock market.

Q: Do you think that Japanese shares are now overvalued?

A: The estimated price-earnings ratio (PER) of Japanese shares now stands at over 20, whereas the ratio is 17 for U.S. shares. But considering that corporate earnings are expected to rise further, the level of Japanese stock prices should not be too high. Therefore, the stock market should remain on a moderate upward trend for another five years or so.

Major risks lie abroad, especially in China. The political outlook seems more uncertain than the economic outlook in China. Another outbreak of anti-Japan demonstrations is also a possibility. Although we are keeping an eye on the dollar's exchange rate, the Japanese stock market's dependence on the U.S. market has lessened, so what happens in the U.S. may not pose a major risk.

Q: What do you think of the way the public is investing more of their savings?

A: We are hopeful that sales of investment trusts at post offices, which began in October, will be a plus just as banks have helped to expand the market for such financial instruments. Investment trusts account for an average of 20% of overall global financial assets, so it is desirable that the percentage in Japan move closer to that figure.

About 30-40% of investors who trade shares via Daiwa Securities Co. are in their 50s and 60s and have become willing to take more risks. On the other hand, investors who trade on their own do not intend to hold their shares on a long-term basis. We hope to interest such investors in investment trusts, which are an instrument suited for long-term investment, and promote further growth of the market for such funds.

(The Nikkei Financial Daily Wednesday edition)

The artist schreef:

Ik heb vandaag ook maar weer wat bijgekocht van die Janpanse Warrents. Kan nooit kwaad even mee te liften naar hogere sferen!

Om warrants BIJ te kopen wacht ik persoonlijk liever nog een tijdje af.

The Artist

ps: wie ze nog niet heeft das iets anders.
Tja, dat kan natuurlijk ook...
Hij heeft het over een stand van 12.500 om weer aandelen in te slaan.
Laat dat nu net mijn stoploss van de Turbo zijn...
Dat kan dan wel zweten worden....
En een giga hefboom....
MHM welke serie turbos heb jij dan en wat is de premie die daar NU bijhoort ?

Ik had Aex turbos ipv de Nikkei gekocht vorige week
vrijdag ,omdat de Nikkei reeksen niet bij de werkelijkheid meer paste, weinig hefboom terwijl
Aex 392 direkt 1000euro per punt gaf.

Ik zie nu wel dat de Turbos Nikkei kansen gaan bieden


nlaex schreef:

MHM welke serie turbos heb jij dan en wat is de premie die daar NU bijhoort ?

Ik had Aex turbos ipv de Nikkei gekocht vorige week
vrijdag ,omdat de Nikkei reeksen niet bij de werkelijkheid meer paste, weinig hefboom terwijl
Aex 392 direkt 1000euro per punt gaf.

Ik zie nu wel dat de Turbos Nikkei kansen gaan bieden


Dus fondscode 43152 met stop loss 12.500
Premie is nu 9.77
Ach ja MHM dan zweet ik in ieder geval met je mee, als dat een geruststelling mag zijn voor je?! Maar ik denk dat ik gelijk ga krijgen! We gaan gewoon elke week een beetje verder omhoog tot aan de 15.000 punten! Positive thinking!

Mooi stuk weer.
Alleen jammer dat ik gisteren nog effe wat turbo's Nikkei heb aangeschaft...
Ik zweet ook mee. Gelukkig steun op 13200...?


satch999 schreef:


Mooi stuk weer.
Alleen jammer dat ik gisteren nog effe wat turbo's Nikkei heb aangeschaft...
Ik zweet ook mee. Gelukkig steun op 13200...?

U kent mijn mening omtrent het gebruik van afgeleide produkten ( zoals turbo's, warrants, puts enz ...) hier door vele personen in de koffiekamer.

Velen doen dat ondoordacht en raken door op KT veel geld kwijt ondanks hun goede LT gedachte, en dat is jammer.

Een van de vele basissen op de beurs is geduld geduld geduld.

Of te wel indien je met turbo's begint moet je 100% zeker zijn.

The Artist

The artist - 5 okt 05, 17:20 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

The artist schreef:

Banting66 schreef:

Ik heb vandaag ook maar weer wat bijgekocht van die Janpanse Warrents. Kan nooit kwaad even mee te liften naar hogere sferen!

Om warrants BIJ te kopen wacht ik persoonlijk liever nog een tijdje af.

The Artist

ps: wie ze nog niet heeft das iets anders.

De grote vraag voor mij is:
Crash't Japan nu ook vannacht?????
Wall Street vanavond anders behoorlijk down....
En zoals in een van je artikelen staat wat gebeurt er met Japan als de USA echt achteruit holt ?

Gooh moeilijk he dat beleggen.

The artist schreef:

Een van de vele basissen op de beurs is geduld geduld geduld.
Waarheid als een koe Artist.
Dat geduld moet ik vooral nu maar veel hebben...

Weer een nieuw bericht van de NNI site
Het lijkt op de voorgaande berichten, maar deze is net uit op de site....
Japanse tijd (2005/10/06 03:33)

STOCK MARKET OUTLOOK: Nikkei To Test 15,000 By Year-End

TOKYO (Nikkei)--The Nikkei Stock Average may come close to the 15,000 threshold by year-end, says Harushige Kobayashi of Maruwa Securities Co.

The benchmark closed at 13,689.89 on Wednesday.

The Nikkei average will rise steadily even though the rally may have some intermissions, he predicts.

No negative factors are spotted in the market, and the uptrend will persist on the back of the nation's full economic recovery and improved corporate earnings, he maintains.

The Bank of Japan's tankan business sentiment survey released on Monday showed improvement in indicators, reaffirming that the economic recovery is under way, although the results failed to meet market expectations, he notes. Corporate earnings are also showing steady rises, he adds.

Given the recent weaker yen and stronger dollar, he expects a number of companies, especially export-oriented firms, to upgrade their earnings forecasts for this fiscal year when they reveal their interim results. The announcements are to begin in the second half of October.

Kobayashi is paying attention to shares of automakers. During a rally that began in August, shares of domestic-demand-led and materials-related companies have been bought. He argues that due to a weaker yen, there will be an increased appetite for automotive shares from now on.

He points out that automobiles produced by Japanese makers excel in fuel efficiency, giving the firms an edge over their foreign rivals amid higher crude oil prices.

The only factor that worries him is a possible plunge in the buying of Japanese stocks by foreign investors, the main contributors to the current rally.

In a typical year, he explains, U.S. and European hedge and pension funds tend to sell shares in October in preparation of closing their books. To Kobayashi, the market should be alert to the possibility of domestic investors following suit.

(The Nikkei Financial Daily Thursday edition)
Healthy domestic spending giving recovery staying power

Firms' capital investment, consumers' appetite for IT driving growth in economy

Japan's economy seems to have returned to a recovery phase after wallowing in an extended flat period.

Inventory adjustments for information technology products have run their course and capital investment is starting to grow again. An upsurge in fresh hiring and strong consumer spending are also supporting the recovery. Unless higher oil prices and uncertainty about the U.S. and Chinese economies cast a shadow, the economy will likely continue to grow at a stable pace.

As for IT production, activities are regaining vigor nationwide. In Suwa, Nagano Prefecture, for example, production of hinges for folding cellular phones is rapidly increasing at a factory of Taiyo Kogyo Corp. In Hiroshima Prefecture, Elpida Memory Inc. has been boosting production of DRAM chips for digital cameras and flat-panel TV sets. In Fukuoka Prefecture, Dai Nippon Printing Co. is receiving an increasing number of inquiries about color filters for liquid-crystal displays.

Since the current broad economic expansion phase started in January 2001, there have been two flat phases. The first lasted about a year from autumn 2002, and the second started in mid-2004.

Higher private-sector capital investment is boosting the upturn. Yamazaki Mazak Corp., a major machine tool maker, has revised its capital investment plan for the two years through fiscal 2005 from 20 billion yen ($177 million) to 26 billion yen. Okuma Corp., another major player in the industry, is set to spend 20 billion yen on plant and equipment over the next three years, more than double the pace of its outlays up to fiscal 2004.

Sharp Corp. is spending 150 billion yen to build a second factory at its LCD panel/TV plant in Kameyama, Mie Prefecture, which is to be the largest of its kind in Japan.

Capital outlays in the April-June period posted a record 19.8% increase from a year earlier, according to statistics on corporate financial statements.

Behind the trend is growing corporate earnings power. The average pretax profit-to-sales ratio of domestic companies stood at 4.0% in the April-June quarter, higher than the 3.8% posted in 1989, the peak year in the bubble economy era of the late 1980s.

The brightening circumstances in the corporate sector are gradually filtering through to households.

Consumers at a big retail shop in Tokyo show a greater appetite for digital goods.

Wages expanded for the fourth month in a row through July, with the average 2005 summer bonus rising 3.6% on the year, according to a survey by the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren).

So consumers appear to be more willing to loosen their purse strings. The newly opened Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Akiba megastore in central Tokyo is attracting bigger than expected crowds of customers wanting to buy digital goods such as DVD recorders.

But there are some clouds over the domestic economy, including continuing investment adjustments for non-IT products. Asahi Kasei Corp. started trimming production of styrene monomer by 15% in late August. Toray Industries Inc. has reduced polyester staple production by 10% since July. Inventories of paper/pulp have also been piling up recently.

Another cause for concern is soaring crude oil prices. "If the average crude price turns out to be over $50 per barrel for fiscal 2005, that will have the effect of cutting corporate profit by 5%" for the year, Japan Research Institute predicted.

Higher oil prices are, of course, affecting overseas economies as well. Coupled with the damage inflicted by recent hurricanes, they will fuel inflation within the U.S. economy. "Higher oil prices are also retarding growth in the Chinese economy, which suffers low energy efficiency," according to Daiwa Institute of Research.
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