Transaction Date Name Transaction Num. of Shares Price Proceeds
4 May 2005 Cox Geoffrey F Buy 5,000 0.95 to 0.96 $4,770
15 March 2005 Cox Geoffrey F Buy 5,300 1.79 to 1.8 $9,529
14 March 2005 Geraghty James A Buy 5,000 1.75 to 1.75 $8,750
15 February 2005 Meade Harry M Award 6,459 0 to 0 N/A
15 February 2005 Woloshen Daniel S Award 5,222 0 to 0 N/A
15 February 2005 Liposky Gregory F Award 6,486 0 to 0 N/A
15 February 2005 Green John B Award 6,750 0 to 0 N/A
15 February 2005 Cox Geoffrey F Award 13,757 0 to 0 N/A
11 May 2004 Miller Marvin L Award 2,000 1.83 to 1.85 $3,669
19 March 2004 Geraghty James A Award 1,000 2.141 to 2.141 $2,141
19 March 2004 Cox Geoffrey F Award 2,300 2.15 to 2.16 $4,951
13 February 2004 Woloshen Daniel S Award 6,673 0 to 0 N/A
13 February 2004 Meade Harry M Award 6,877 0 to 0 N/A
13 February 2004 Liposky Gregory F Award 6,961 0 to 0 N/A
13 February 2004 Green John B Award 7,596 0 to 0 N/A
13 February 2004 Cox Geoffrey F Award 17,375 0 to 0 N/A
18 August 2003 Mcnamara Pamela W Buy 3,800 2.56 to 2.56 $9,728
11 August 2003 Cox Geoffrey F Buy 2,000 2.4 to 2.49 $4,947
6 May 2003 Meade Harry M Buy 238 2.1 to 2.1 $500
7 March 2003 Tuck Alan W Buy 5,000 1.14 to 1.15 $5,734
28 October 2002 Cox Geoffrey F Buy 10,000 0.82 to 0.85 $8,280
30 August 2002 Green John B Buy 4,000 1.02 to 1.02 $4,080
30 August 2002 Cox Geoffrey F Buy 5,000 1.03 to 1.04 $5,189
25 July 2002 Woloshen Daniel S Buy 6,000 0.8 to 0.8 $4,800
24 July 2002 Meade Harry M Buy 10,000 0.82 to 0.82 $8,200
« Older
* Indicates shares held indirectly (i.e. in a trust, by a spouse, etc.)
Unless otherwise noted, NYSE and AMEX data is delayed by 20 minutes; Nasdaq data is delayed by 15 minutes; all other exchanges data is delayed by at least 10 to 30 minutes. Mutual fund data is updated after the market closes. CBOT real-time data Terms and Conditions.