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Arcelor December 2024

120 Posts, Pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 | Laatste
Tata SteelFaces Potential €27 Million Fine and Permit Withdrawal Over Emission Violations

Synopsis:Tata Steel has been ordered by environmental authorities to significantly reduceharmful emissions from its coking gas factories within eight weeks, or facefines totaling up to €27 million. The company is also at risk of losing itsoperating permit if it fails to comply with environmental standards in the nextyear.

Tata Steelis under severe scrutiny by environmental authorities in Noord-Holland, facingthe potential imposition of fines and the withdrawal of its operating permit ifit fails to address significant emissions violations at its coking gasfactories 1 and 2. The Omgevingsdienst Noordzeekanaalgebied, OD NZKG, theregional environmental service overseeing Tata Steel’s operations, has warnedthat the steel manufacturer must significantly reduce emissions of harmfulsubstances such as heavy metals and carcinogenic Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons within eight weeks or face fines of up to €27 million. Thispenalty payment order includes fines of €17 million for factory 1 and €10million for factory 2.

The ODNZKG’s report reveals alarming levels of harmful substances being emitted byTata Steel’s coking gas plants, with measurements showing that the emissionsfrom factory 1 exceed the legal limits by 20 times and from factory 2 by fivetimes. These harmful substances are significant threats to both environmentaland public health, including toxic heavy metals and carcinogenic PAHs. Theagency’s findings come after inspections conducted in February and August 2024.

Given theseverity of these violations, the environmental service has given Tata Steeljust eight weeks to take corrective measures. After this period, the OD NZKGwill return to assess whether Tata Steel has complied with the requiredstandards. If the company fails to meet the legal requirements by then, thefines outlined in the penalty order will be enforced.

While theimmediate concern revolves around the imposed fines, the OD NZKG has alsoindicated that the company could face the withdrawal of its operating permit ifthe emissions problem persists. If Tata Steel’s coking gas factory 2 continuesto fail in meeting the legal requirements within one year, the environmentalservice will consider revoking the company’s operating license for the plant.

Thepotential withdrawal of Tata Steel’s permit for factory 2 is a significantthreat, particularly as the factory is one of the company’s main sources ofcoke gas. Environmental groups have expressed grave concerns over the outdatednature of factory 2, which has been under increased scrutiny since 2023. DeExpertgroep Gezondheid IJmond, a health expert group in the region, haspreviously recommended the closure of the plant to mitigate safety risks andreduce emissions.

Tata Steel's Response

Tata Steelhas reacted strongly to the penalty order, expressing shock and disappointmentover the decision. In a written statement, the company argued that the timelineto reduce emissions in such a short span of eight weeks is unrealistic andimpossible. Tata Steel further criticized the legitimacy of the measurementsconducted by the OD NZKG, claiming that the inspections were incomplete andinaccurately carried out. The company contends that the measurements taken atboth factories in the past year were flawed and should not form the basis forthe penalty order.

The issuesurrounding coking gas factory 2 has been long-standing, with Tata Steelpreviously facing fines for releasing “raw coke”, which contains toxicsubstances. The OD NZKG has pointed out that factory 2 still does not meet therequired legal standards for emissions, and this failure has led to the formalimposition of penalties. Tata Steel has been granted six weeks to submit adetailed plan of action outlining how it intends to comply with theregulations. The company will then have one year to implement the necessarychanges. If it fails to meet these deadlines, the withdrawal of its permitremains a real possibility.

Environmentalgroups, including Greenpeace, have sharply criticized Tata Steel’s emissionslevels, labeling the measured quantities as “downright criminal.” Greenpeacehas called for the immediate closure of the outdated coking gas factories,emphasizing that the environmental and health risks posed by such highemissions are unacceptable. The group’s stance is that swift action is neededto address the situation and prevent further harm to the local community andenvironment.
AM/NS India Shifts Focus to Optigal, Projects 80% of Colour-Coated Steel Portfolio

Synopsis:AM/NS India plans to make Optigal a central part of its colour-coated steelportfolio, with projections to reach 80% dominance in the next few years. Thecompany has invested ?60,000 crore in Hazira to boost production and expand itsofferings across residential and commercial markets.

ArcelorMittalNippon Steel India, a joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel, hasambitious plans to dominate the Indian market with its Optigal product,projecting that it will account for 80% of its colour-coated steel portfolio inthe coming years. This move comes as part of the company’s broader strategy toscale up its presence in the building materials sector, particularly inroofing, fencing, and cladding for both residential and commercial projects.

Optigal, apatented product by ArcelorMittal, has previously been available only ininternational markets. However, in early 2024, AM/NS India began production ofOptigal locally in India, using ArcelorMittal’s Zinc-Aluminium-Magnesiumtechnology. The first batch of Optigal products was launched in the state ofKarnataka, a region chosen for its demographic profile, coastal geography, andconsumer demand for high-quality, durable materials.

The initialresponse to Optigal has been encouraging, and AM/NS India expects significantgrowth in demand as the product establishes a solid foothold in the market.Ranjan Dhar, Director and Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at AM/NS India,noted the strategic importance of Karnataka and the company’s plans to expandthe reach of Optigal across other regions.

AM/NS Indiahas made a substantial investment of approximately ?60,000 crore for the firstphase of its expansion at the Hazira plant. Part of this capital expenditure(capex) will be dedicated to ramping up production of Optigal locally to meetthe growing demand. With this expansion, AM/NS India aims to boost itscolour-coated steel production capacity from the current 700,000 metric tons tobetween 1.1 to 1.2 million metric tons over the next two to three years.

Currently,Optigal constitutes around 250,000 metric tons of the company’s annualcolour-coated steel production. As the market adopts this innovative product,AM/NS India plans to transition its entire colour-coated steel portfolio to theOptigal substrate, gradually making it a dominant offering.

AM/NSIndia’s push for Optigal comes as part of a broader initiative to modernize andexpand its overall steel production footprint in India. The company plans toincrease its crude steel capacity from 9 million metric tons per annum to 15million metric tons by 2025. The increased capacity will not only accommodatethe demand for Optigal but also support the growing need for a wide range offlat steel products, including value-added steel for various sectors such asautomotive and construction.

In addition,the company boasts a pellet capacity of 20 million metric tons andstate-of-the-art downstream facilities, positioning itself as a leading playerin the Indian steel market. By focusing on innovative steel products likeOptigal, AM/NS India aims to cater to the increasing demand for sustainable,durable, and high-performance materials in both residential and commercial construction.

bron: per email.
ArcelorMittalFoundation Unveils STEAM Initiative to Empower Brazil’s Youth for the Future

Synopsis:ArcelorMittal Foundation has launched a new initiative in Brazil called"Education Transforms Lives," aiming to enhance the employability of300 young individuals aged 17 to 28. The initiative focuses on developingskills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics to preparethem for future economic challenges.

The ArcelorMittalFoundation has launched a transformative initiative in Brazil called “EducationTransforms Lives” that is set to significantly impact the youth of the country.The program focuses on fostering skills in Science, Technology, Engineering,Arts, and Mathematics, areas that are becoming increasingly essential in therapidly evolving global economy. This initiative, launched in 2023, aims toequip young individuals with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in thejobs of tomorrow, ensuring they can contribute meaningfully to the growingdemand for skilled professionals in these fields.

One of theprimary goals of this initiative is to strengthen the employability of 300young people in Brazil, aged 17 to 28, by preparing them for the challenges andopportunities posed by the future economy. As economies around the world areincreasingly driven by technology and innovation, the demand for individualswith expertise in STEAM fields is higher than ever. By focusing on thesedisciplines, the ArcelorMittal Foundation aims to provide young Brazilians withthe knowledge and skills that will not only make them more competitive in thejob market but also enable them to contribute to Brazil’s broader economicdevelopment.

Theinitiative seeks to bridge the skills gap that currently exists in manyindustries, particularly in manufacturing, technology, and engineering, wherethe demand for highly skilled workers continues to grow. With Brazil’s youthunemployment rates high, programs like “Education Transforms Lives” arecritical in ensuring that young people can access meaningful opportunities foreconomic participation.

The emphasison STEAM is crucial as these fields are key drivers of innovation and economicgrowth. Science and technology are reshaping industries worldwide, and Brazilis no exception. By training young people in these areas, the foundation aimsto provide them with the ability to engage with advanced technologies andmethodologies. Engineering plays an integral role in designing and building theinfrastructure needed to support economic development, while mathematics servesas the foundation for solving complex problems across various sectors.

What setsthis program apart, however, is its inclusion of arts in the STEAM framework.While traditionally, arts were not considered part of the technical skill set,integrating them into the program recognizes the increasing importance ofcreativity and design thinking in the development of innovative solutions. Theability to combine technical and creative skills is particularly valued in themodern job market, where companies are looking for individuals who can thinkoutside the box while working with advanced technologies.

TheArcelorMittal Foundation is committed to providing a holistic approach to skilldevelopment through this initiative. Beyond technical knowledge, the programwill also focus on developing essential soft skills such as problem-solving,critical thinking, and collaboration, which are vital in today’s workplace. Asindustries evolve, the need for well-rounded individuals who can navigatecomplex challenges and work effectively in teams is becoming increasinglyimportant.

By offeringworkshops, mentorships, and hands-on training, the foundation aims to equipparticipants with both the technical proficiency and the practical experienceneeded to succeed in the workplace. The program is designed not just to giveparticipants theoretical knowledge but to immerse them in real-world scenarioswhere they can apply their learning and develop their skills further.

Brazil, likemany other countries, faces significant challenges related to youthunemployment and the skills gap. This initiative by the ArcelorMittalFoundation represents a proactive approach to addressing these challenges. Bypreparing young individuals for high-demand jobs in STEAM fields, the programdirectly contributes to creating a more skilled and competitive workforce inBrazil.

Theinitiative’s focus on future-proofing the careers of young people is especiallyimportant as Brazil, and the broader Latin American region, continues to adaptto the global digital economy. Countries that are able to equip their youthwith the necessary skills will be better positioned to thrive in anincreasingly technology-driven world.

The successof the “Education Transforms Lives” initiative also relies on strongpartnerships with local governments, education providers, and businesses.Collaboration with these stakeholders will help ensure that the program remainsrelevant to industry needs and offers participants opportunities forinternships, apprenticeships, and direct entry into the workforce.

Thepartnership model also encourages the development of a sustainable ecosystemfor skill development, one that extends beyond the program itself. Byconnecting young people with industry leaders, mentors, and other key figuresin their chosen fields, the initiative helps create lasting networks that cansupport career development for years to come.

Ultimately,the “Education Transforms Lives” initiative reflects a long-term vision tocreate a sustainable, innovative workforce in Brazil. It is not only aboutaddressing current skill shortages but also preparing for the industries of thefuture. By equipping young people with the skills they need in STEAM fields,the ArcelorMittal Foundation is making a significant contribution to Brazil'sbroader economic transformation and helping its youth take charge of theirfuture.

As theprogram unfolds and young people gain access to more education and employmentopportunities, it is expected that it will have a lasting positive impact onBrazil’s labor market and overall economic competitiveness in the years ahead.

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ArcelorMittalPoland Teams Up with Quanta Energy for Green Energy Revolution in Bytom

Synopsis:ArcelorMittal Poland has joined forces with Quanta Energy to develop a 1 MW solar power farm at its Bytom steel service center. This initiative aligns withthe company's decarbonization goals and aims to meet up to 90% of the center'senergy needs with clean, renewable energy. The solar farm is set for commissioning by the second quarter of 2025.

ArcelorMittal Poland, a subsidiary of the global steel giant ArcelorMittal, is stepping up itscommitment to sustainability and energy transformation by partnering with QuantaEnergy, a Polish solar energy company. This collaboration aims to furtherthe steelmaker’s decarbonization efforts at its steel service center in Bytom,Poland. The main objective is to reduce the environmental footprint of thesteel production process by integrating renewable energy into operations andincreasing energy efficiency.

Under this partnership, Quanta Energy will develop a 1 MW solar power farm,comprising 1,692 photovoltaic panels at the Bytom facility. This solarfarm will generate clean, renewable energy and will be used to power the entiresteel service center. The use of solar energy is a significantstep toward making the steelmaking process more environmentally friendly byreducing dependence on traditional energy sources, which are typically fossilfuel-based.

The solar farm is part of ArcelorMittal Poland’s broader strategy to reduce itscarbon footprint and align with global sustainability targets. Thecollaboration with Quanta Energy is designed to support ArcelorMittal’sdecarbonization goals, enhancing the company's environmental performanceand driving long-term competitiveness in the steel industry.

The 1 MW solar power farm will be an essential part of the Bytom Steel ServiceCenter’s energy infrastructure, with the capacity to generate enoughelectricity to meet the needs of the entire facility. The solar panelsinstalled at the center will harness the power of the sun to produce cleanenergy, significantly cutting down on the facility's reliance on gridelectricity.

During the summer months, the solar farm is expected to meet up to 90% of thecenter's energy needs, which would result in a substantial reduction in thecarbon emissions associated with the facility's operations. This transition to solarenergy will not only improve the environmental impact but also helpArcelorMittal Poland achieve its long-term energy efficiency goals.

In a unique approach to sustainability, the steel produced at the Bytomproduction line will be utilized for the construction of the solar powerfarm itself. This innovative solution underscores the circular economyapproach that ArcelorMittal Poland is adopting in its decarbonization strategy.Using the very material that is being produced at the plant to support thedevelopment of renewable energy infrastructure is a significant step inreducing the overall environmental impact of the facility.

This move demonstrates ArcelorMittal's commitment not only to improving energyconsumption but also to fostering a more sustainable steel industry byincorporating recycled materials and supporting renewable energyprojects in its operations.

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Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag zes van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen, ten opzichte van het slot op dinsdag in Amsterdam, hoger gesloten.

Aegon (+0,4%)
ArcelorMittal (+0,0%)
ASML (-0,2%)
ING Groep (+1,5%)
Philips (+1,0%)
RELX (+1,3%)
Royal Dutch Shell (-0,4%)
Unilever (+0,3%)

Euro/dollar: 1,0420

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die dinsdag sloot op 876,26 punten, zijn geëindigd op 878,53 punten.

Door: ABM Financial News.
mvliex 1

Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
(net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
Hot-rolled band: 753 (683) 0%
Cold-rolled coil: 970 (880) 1%
Standard plate: 1014 (920) -3%
Shredded scrap*: 363 [369] -3%
#1 Heavy melting scrap: 315 [320] 0%
#1 Busheling scrap: 380 [386] -2%

Region: Mainland China***
Hot-rolled band: 408 0%
Cold-rolled coil: 501 2%
Rebar: 396 2%
Standard plate: 419 1%

Region: Western Europe
Hot-rolled band: 582 {560} -1%

Region: World Export Market
Hot-rolled band: 490 -1%

To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at
NOTES: E-mailed December 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
For product specifications go to
*** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.
Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
27-dec-2024 22:15

Aegon sterkste daler.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn vrijdag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten. Aegon was met een verlies van 1,2 procent de sterkste daler. Philips sloot vlak.

Aegon (-1,2%)
ArcelorMittal (-0,1%)
ASML (-0,1%)
ING Groep (-0,1%)
Philips (0,0%)
RELX (-0,2%)
Shell (-0,6%)
Unilever (-0,3%)

Euro/dollar: 1,04255

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 879,70 punten, zijn geëindigd op

Door: ABM Financial News.
mvliex 1

In accordance with Market Abuse Regulation, transactions relating to the 85 million shares buyback program are reported below:

Over the period 16 December to 20 December 2024 a total of 500,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.5596. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 92.01% of its total target.

Over the period 9 December to 13 December 2024 a total of 500,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.9887. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 91.42% of its total target.

Over the period 2 December to 6 December 2024 a total of 1,218,911 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.8958. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 90.83% of its total target.

Over the period 25 November to 29 November 2024 a total of 2,224,103 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.4337. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 89.40% of its total target.
mvliex 1
Role/Link with Designated Person
Sale / Purchase
Place of Acquisition
Number of Shares
Price per Share
Total Proceeds / cost

18 Dec 2024
Jefferson de Paula
Executive Officer
Sale - Exercise of equity-base program
EUR 22.98
EUR 75,834

18 Dec 2024
Geert Van Poelvoorde
Executive Officer
Sale - Exercise of equity-base program
EUR 22.99
EUR 45,980
ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih Faces $100 Million Losses Amid Wartime Challenges & Rising Costs

Synopsis: ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, one of Ukraine's largest steel producers, is grappling with severe financial losses estimated at $100 million for 2024. The company's survival hinges on urgent wartime investments of $150 million annually, amid rising operational costs, unexpected incidents, and volatile tariffs, including a sharp rise in electricity prices and logistics expenses. Despite these challenges, the company aims to achieve break-even by 2025 with ongoing support from its parent company.

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, a flagship steel production facility in Ukraine, is facing an extremely challenging financial year in 2024, with projected cash losses reaching approximately $100 million. The CEO of the company, Mauro Longobardo, revealed these figures during an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, highlighting the severe impact that the ongoing war and associated disruptions have had on the company’s operations. Initially, AMKR had set its sights on achieving a cash-neutral position for the year, meaning it hoped to break even without requiring additional financial support. However, unforeseen circumstances and rising operational costs have made this goal unattainable.

The situation is particularly dire due to the heavy wartime capital investment required to maintain operations. AMKR’s survival depends on a minimum investment of $150 million per year, a sum that is essential to sustain its core operations amidst the current crisis. Before the war, the company had planned for a much larger investment, with capital expenditures set to range from $500 million to $550 million annually. However, due to the ongoing conflict, the company has had to scale back these plans significantly, with much of the funds now directed toward urgent survival measures.

A significant portion of these investments is dedicated to ongoing strategic projects, such as the Karta III tailings dump construction. Without the completion of this project, AMKR’s ore mining operations would be forced to halt, severely disrupting the entire production cycle. Longobardo emphasized that the construction of the tailings dump is critical for the company’s long-term viability, and failure to secure the necessary investment would lead to the closure of key operations. Despite the urgency, the company is struggling to secure sufficient funds, as the larger war-related expenses continue to overshadow these essential capital requirements.

In addition to large strategic investments, AMKR has had to address unexpected emergency situations that have further strained its finances. One such incident occurred in June 2024, when a blackout and subsequent fire at coke oven battery No. 5 led to its temporary shutdown. Longobardo explained that bringing this vital piece of equipment back into operation has proven challenging and costly. The company had to purchase coke, a crucial input that it normally produces itself, further escalating operational expenses. The damage to the coke oven battery also required additional repairs costing between $10 million and $15 million, an unforeseen expenditure that significantly impacted the company’s bottom line.

These emergency costs, combined with the rising cost of electricity and logistics, have made it nearly impossible for AMKR to reach its goal of a break-even position for 2024. According to Longobardo, the cost of electricity in 2024 will account for as much as 70% of the company's total losses. This sharp increase in energy prices is primarily driven by the ongoing conflict, which has disrupted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and led to higher costs for businesses across the country. The CEO pointed out that Ukrainian Railways' tariffs have also been a significant factor contributing to AMKR’s financial struggles. The company relies heavily on rail transport for the delivery of raw materials and finished products, and the rising logistics costs, combined with fluctuating tariffs, are placing additional pressure on its finances.

Despite these challenges, AMKR continues to receive vital support from its parent company, ArcelorMittal, which has been assisting with financing and providing resources to keep the plant running. However, Longobardo made it clear that the company’s goal remains to achieve financial independence and self-sufficiency, with plans to return to a break-even position by 2025. He acknowledged that this goal is ambitious, given the unpredictable economic environment in Ukraine and the wider region. The constant changes in tariffs, along with the unpredictable costs of raw materials and energy, have made it difficult for AMKR to stabilize its operations.

The CEO’s comments highlight the difficult balancing act that AMKR faces as it tries to navigate a volatile market and economic instability caused by the ongoing war. The company is not only contending with internal challenges but also with the broader geopolitical risks that affect industries across Ukraine. Despite these hurdles, AMKR’s commitment to long-term sustainability and resilience remains strong, as it continues to focus on maintaining production and securing necessary investments to keep its operations going.

AMKR’s situation underscores the broader difficulties faced by Ukrainian industries during the war, with many companies having to deal with rising operational costs, disrupted supply chains, and damaged infrastructure. As Ukraine’s economy struggles to recover from the effects of the conflict, businesses like AMKR are working hard to stay afloat, with capital investment and strategic planning playing crucial roles in their survival. The ongoing financial losses and the unpredictable cost environment reflect the immense challenges that Ukraine’s industrial sector must overcome to rebuild and prosper in the post-war period.

The future of AMKR and its efforts to break even by 2025 will depend largely on the resolution of several critical factors, including energy costs, tariffs, and wartime investments. The company’s survival in the face of such adversity will require continued strategic planning, financial support, and ongoing investment in key infrastructure projects. With the backing of ArcelorMittal, AMKR remains focused on its goal of recovery, even as it faces the immense financial pressures of operating in a war-torn economy.

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LanzaTech & ArcelorMittal’s Milestone in Sustainable Ethanol Production Sparks Climate Innovation

Synopsis: LanzaTech and ArcelorMittal achieve a significant milestone in carbon recycling with the successful shipment of ethanol produced from industrial emissions. This innovative process contributes to Europe's sustainable fuel supply and supports the reduction of CO2 emissions.

In a groundbreaking achievement, LanzaTech Global and ArcelorMittal have reached a critical milestone in their joint effort to transform industrial emissions into sustainable ethanol. The Steelanol facility in Ghent, Belgium, which processes carbon-rich gases from ArcelorMittal's steel production operations, has achieved production levels high enough to support the shipping of ethanol by barge. This milestone is a testament to the successful implementation of LanzaTech's cutting-edge carbon recycling technology. As of December 2024, the first barge shipment of ethanol has been sent, marking a key moment in their journey towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The ethanol produced at the Steelanol facility is not just a renewable fuel but also a versatile product with potential uses in a wide variety of industries, including fragrance, home care, packaging, and personal care. This development is particularly significant because it represents a large-scale, commercial application of carbon capture and utilization technologies that can turn emissions from industrial sources into valuable products. LanzaTech, known for its expertise in carbon recycling, is leading the charge in creating a circular economy by harnessing carbon as a resource rather than seeing it as waste.

The Steelanol facility uses LanzaTech’s innovative technology to capture and convert carbon-rich gases, typically emitted during steel production, into fuel-grade ethanol. Unlike traditional ethanol production, which relies on agricultural crops like corn or sugarcane, this process utilizes industrial waste gases, making it an environmentally friendlier alternative. The facility, which began ethanol production in 2023, is the first of its kind in the European steel industry and is a model for integrating sustainability into heavy industrial processes.

This process is critical in addressing both the global demand for sustainable fuels and the urgent need to reduce industrial carbon emissions. ArcelorMittal’s Steelanol plant has the capacity to produce up to 80 million liters of ethanol annually. This output can meet approximately half of Belgium’s current ethanol demand, significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels and creating a more sustainable fuel supply for the region.

LanzaTech’s collaboration with ArcelorMittal is not just a technological breakthrough but also an effort to foster a local, sustainable supply chain for ethanol in Europe. By purifying and selling the ethanol produced at Steelanol, LanzaTech is positioning itself to serve customers in the fragrance and home care markets. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to reduce the carbon footprint of industries in Europe by providing locally-produced, carbon-neutral ethanol, which can be used in various consumer products.

The ability to ship ethanol by barge also enhances the sustainability of the entire process, as barges are a more environmentally efficient means of transport compared to trucks or other vehicles. This achievement demonstrates how innovations in production and logistics can work hand in hand to reduce the overall environmental impact of industrial activities.

ArcelorMittal’s Steelanol plant is expected to reduce carbon emissions from its Ghent site by 125,000 tonnes annually. This is a crucial contribution to the European Union’s ambitious 2030 Climate Target Plan, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by the end of the decade. The facility is part of ArcelorMittal’s broader decarbonization strategy, which includes other initiatives like Torero, a project that produces biocoal from waste wood, and CCUS technologies.

These projects, along with Steelanol, reflect ArcelorMittal's commitment to reaching climate neutrality by 2050. The company has long been a leader in the steel industry’s sustainability efforts, and its collaboration with LanzaTech further strengthens this position. Together, the two companies are paving the way for a circular economy in Europe, where industrial emissions are no longer seen as waste but as valuable raw materials that can be turned into useful products.

For LanzaTech, the shipment of ethanol from the Steelanol facility is a key milestone in its ongoing efforts to create a circular economy. In this model, carbon emissions are continuously recycled into new products rather than accumulating in the atmosphere. LanzaTech’s technology helps close the loop on industrial carbon emissions, turning them into resources for products used in everyday life. This approach reduces the environmental impact of both production and consumption, contributing to long-term sustainability.

LanzaTech's ability to scale this technology to large industrial facilities like Steelanol represents a significant step forward in carbon recycling. The company is now working to expand its operations across Europe and beyond, establishing a more widespread network of facilities capable of producing sustainable ethanol and other products from captured carbon.

Strategic Partnerships and Industry Collaboration

The success of the Steelanol project is also due to the collaboration between ArcelorMittal, LanzaTech, and other project partners, including Primetals Technologies and E4tech, now part of ERM. This network of expertise has been crucial in overcoming the technical challenges of converting carbon-rich gases into ethanol on an industrial scale. Additionally, the project has received support from CINEA, the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency, which helps fund initiatives that contribute to the EU's climate goals.

Through these partnerships, both LanzaTech and ArcelorMittal are demonstrating how large-scale industrial decarbonization can be achieved through collaboration and innovation. Their combined efforts are setting a new standard for how industries can operate sustainably, while also generating economic value through the creation of green products.

Looking ahead, the successful shipment of ethanol from the Steelanol facility marks just the beginning of what could become a global movement towards carbon recycling and sustainable industrial practices. With the continued advancement of technologies like LanzaTech’s carbon capture process, industries around the world can move closer to realizing a circular economy. The Steelanol project stands as a powerful example of how collaboration between leading companies in steel production, technology, and sustainability can drive large-scale, meaningful change in the fight against climate change.

As the world continues to face the challenges of climate change, initiatives like Steelanol represent a hopeful vision for the future, one where industrial emissions are not seen as an intractable problem, but as a resource to be recycled and reused. By transforming carbon into a valuable commodity, both LanzaTech and ArcelorMittal are proving that a more sustainable, circular economy is not only possible but also economically viable.

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Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
30-dec-2024 22:15

Aegon sterkste daler.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn maandag vijf van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten. Aegon was met een verlies van 0,7 procent de sterkste daler. Philips sloot vlak, terwijl RELX met een winst van 0,5 procent de sterkste stijger was.

Aegon (-0,7%)
ArcelorMittal (-0,2%)
ASML (-0,4%)
ING Groep (+0,1%)
Philips (0,0%)
RELX (+0,5%)
Shell (-0,2%)
Unilever (-0,3%)

Euro/dollar: 1,0401

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 871,80 punten, zijn geëindigd op 871,06 punten.

Door: ABM Financial News.
ArcelorMittal South Africa Defends Tariffs Amid Calls for Policy Reform

Synopsis: ArcelorMittal South Africa has rejected calls to remove trade protection measures, arguing that tariffs are necessary to protect the local steel sector. The company highlights concerns over rising imports, particularly from China, which are undermining local steel production and jobs.
Saturday, December 14, 2024

Source : ContentFactory
ArcelorMittal South Africa, the largest steel producer on the African continent, continues to defend the use of trade protectionism measures, particularly import tariffs, amid growing criticism from industry experts and policymakers. The recent call for removing tariffs came from Donald MacKay, CEO of XA Global Trade Advisors, who argued that current industrial policies are outdated and harming economic activity. According to MacKay, trade protectionism in the scrap metal industry costs South Africa approximately R8.5 billion annually, without yielding substantial job creation benefits.

In response, Amsa’s group manager for stakeholder management and communications, Tami Didiza, emphasized that South Africa must focus on localisation and strengthening domestic supply chains to ensure economic resilience. Didiza warned that removing protectionist measures could lead to a further influx of cheaper steel imports, particularly from countries like China, where excess production capacity and economic downturns have led to steel being exported at lower prices. This, he said, puts immense pressure on local steel producers, including Amsa, and threatens jobs, production levels, and financial stability.

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Vertraagd 21 mrt 2025 17:37
Koers 29,120
Verschil -0,380 (-1,29%)
Hoog 29,430
Laag 28,770
Volume 4.437.517
Volume gemiddeld 3.109.744
Volume gisteren 2.465.064