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Arcelor februari 2023

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ArcelorMittal Bremen & Eisenhüttenstadt to Switch to LED Lighting

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
1 Feb, 2023, 5:24 am

The ArcelorMittal plants in Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt in Germany will be equipped with modern LED lighting and significantly save energy and CO2. In addition, optimal lighting improves the quality improves visual performance and thus increases the occupational safety and well-being of employees. Both locations signed corresponding contracts with Conled Lichtcontracting from Bremerhaven.

Especially for companies in continuous and three-shift operation with high energy costs, the renovation is an important and worthwhile investment, which also has a positive impact on the environment. According to initial forecasts, the savings are likely to increase the conversion of the entire plant in Bremen to approximately 9,000 tons of CO2 and 18 million kWh of electricity per year, for the site in Eisenhüttenstadt, values of 12,000 tons of CO2 and 24 million kWh of electricity per year were calculated.

The conversion time for both plants is estimated at three to four years. The size of the two locations represents a particular challenge. In addition, the light montages mainly during of regular operation. Conled guarantees better lighting conditions after installation and adopts regular maintenance. The aim is to replace the luminaires and use sensors as far as possible to save a lot of energy and at the same time illuminate the production areas in the best possible way. Conled relies on selected LED luminaires from renowned European luminaire manufacturers. The newly designed lighting is intended to be used in shifts provide a better and safer working atmosphere.
Indian Steel Association Welcomes Budget

Finance Minister Ms Nirmala Sitharaman made a slew of proposals while presenting the Union Budget 2023, including, capital outlay of INR 2.04 lakh crore for Indian Railways, 50 new airports, helipads, water aerodromes, and advanced landing grounds for improving regional air connectivity, 100 critical transport infrastructure projects for last- and first-mile connectivity for ports, coal, steel, fertilizer and food grain sectors etc, that can benefit India’s steel sector. Indian Steel Association President and CEO of AM/NS India and Executive Vice President of ArcelorMittal Mr Dilip Oommen has said that “A progressive ‘Saptarshi’ Budget, the first in Amrit Kaal, has hit the right notes to fuel growth across industries and propel India to become a global manufacturing hub. A significant 33% increase in capital expenditure to INR 10 lakh crore, 3.3 % of the GDP, thrust to fast-track infrastructure development, and the highest ever INR 2.40 lakh crore for railways will translate into robust domestic steel demand, thus spurring private investments and job creations. First and last-mile connectivity for sectors like steel, ports, coal, etc. with an investment of INR 75,000 crore will improve logistics efficiency. This Budget is focused on growth and improving consumption. At the same time, there is a focus on the green economy and digitalisation. Reforms are on the right trajectory of fiscal consolidation to reach the targeted fiscal deficit level below 4.5% by 2025-26. The Budget underpins a long-term plan that shows the right path to drive economic revival at a time when advanced economies are facing a tough time.”

Bron Steelguru
De cijfer publicatie 2022 AM komt weer met rasse schreden dichtbij.
De analistenverwachtingen zijn gebubliceerd, moet ik nog verder bekijken.
Kijk Nucor eens gaan met bijne €179. Die stond vorig jaar nog even op €97.
AM toen op €24. Nog vertrouwen in AM soms? Ik niet meer helaas.
Aan andere fondsen is beduidend meer plezier te beleven.
Gr, Dduck.
Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

Door ABM Financial News op woensdag 1 februari 2023
Views: 5.756

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn woensdag vier van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten.

Aegon (-0,64%)
ArcelorMittal (_1,08%)
ASML (+1,68%)
ING Groep (-0,52%)
Philips (+1,19%)
RELX (+0,35%)
Royal Dutch Shell (-0,82%)
Unilever (-0,01%)

Euro/dollar: 1,0987

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 747,68 punten, zijn geëindigd op 747,83 punten.

Bron: ABM Financial News
Cade to Relook at Siderurgica do Pecem Sale to ArcelorMittal

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
2 Feb, 2023, 5:52 am

Brazilian media has reported that, following a request for review of market conditions made by Usiminas, the purchase of Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém CSP by ArcelorMittal remains open and should be analyzed the Court of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense Cade, which was earlier approved. According to CADE, Usiminas has added new and valuable technical data to the process, requiring further discussion on the sale.

Cade said “The risk of market closure was considered; the consequent increase in costs for competitors; and the possibility of sharing your sensitive data. The process was then forwarded to the Court so that the body could better deal with the case and eventually request clarifications and instructive steps that definitively rule out possible gaps in the analysis of the Merger Act.”

Cade said “It is noted that, despite the approval of the Operation without restrictions, the Interested Party contributed valuable technical foundations, all backed by data that allow admitting, even if a priori, the need to deepen the technical debates within the scope of the Court, with the collaboration of the interested parties. In this specque, it is indispensable to verify if the Operation can affect the activities of the other companies that operate in the market.”

The Brazilian antitrust authority CADE had approved recently, without restrictions, the acquisition of Companhia Siderurgica do Pecem by ArcelorMittal, for USD 2.2 billion. According to Cade, elements relative to imports and competition in the slab market can mitigate the possibility of market power abuse in the future.

ArcelorMittal had signed an agreement with the shareholders of Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém to acquire CSP for an enterprise value of approximately USD 2.2 billion.

CSP and Ternium are the main players in the Brazilian slab domestic market, with market share ranges respectively of 30-40% and 50-60%, while ArcelorMittal, CSN, Gerdau and Usiminas have less that 10% each of market share.

Located in Ceará in Brazil and founded in 2008, CSP is a joint venture between Vale 50%, Dongkuk 30% and Posco 20%. CSP was originally a JV of Vale with 50%, Dongkuk 30% and POSCO 20%. It operates a 3 million tonne capacity blast furnace and has access via conveyors to the Port of Pecém, a large scale deep water port located 10 kilometers from the plant. CSP operates within Brazil’s first Export Processing Zone and benefits from various tax incentives including a low corporate income tax rate.

Calvert krijgt een groot deel van zijn plakken van CSA/Brazil.
Deze CSA (dus niet CSP) is destijds (2010) tezamen met Calvert door Thyssen Krupp opgezet als state of the art fabriek. Helaas heeft Thyssen Krupp ze nooit echt kunnen runnen en heeft toen Calvert verkocht aan AM/Nippon en CSA aan Ternium.

Wel was toen een gegarandeerde levering van plakken afgesproken voor de komende jaren. Ik ga er.vanuit dat de meeste plakken nog steeds uit CSA komen. Hoewel er een lichte verschuiving is t.o.v Mexico.

Overname van CSP past naadloos in de expansie plannen van AM in zuid Amerika en de verkoop van de hoogovens in de US.

Mocht deze koop niet doorgaan is er altijd nog een fabriek te koop in Mexico (AMSHA), Hoewel dit van meet af aan een probleem fabriek was/is. Mijns inzien geen eer aan te behalen.

Maar volgens mij is de Braziliaanse overheid wel content met de voorgenomen uitbreidingsplannen van AM ter plaatse (werkgelegenheid) dus zal het bezwaar wel worden ‘afgewezen’, zodat de overdracht kan doorgaan.


Hoe zie jij de bedreiging van de chinese autofabrikanten op de europese markt en bijgevolg de vraag naar staal voor arcelormittal Europa, zou/zal Europa ook dezelfde eisen gaan stellen dat er lokaal geproduceerd moet worden zoals China gedaan heeft bij de Europese autofabrikanten, ik hoop van wel ofwel moet VAMA heel sterk groeien maar daar twijfel ik wat aan door het chinese staatsbeleid en hun protectionisme.

Hopelijk staat Europa ook eens op hun strepen.
[quote alias=christo1 id=14633694 date=202302021518]

Hoe zie jij de bedreiging van de chinese autofabrikanten op de europese markt en bijgevolg de vraag naar staal voor arcelormittal Europa, zou/zal Europa ook dezelfde eisen gaan stellen dat er lokaal geproduceerd moet worden zoals China gedaan heeft bij de Europese autofabrikanten, ik hoop van wel ofwel moet VAMA heel sterk groeien maar daar twijfel ik wat aan door het chinese staatsbeleid en hun protectionisme.

Hopelijk staat Europa ook eens op hun strepen.

Inderdaad Christo,

Hier wordt vreselijk geslapen. In de US zijn ze iets meer wakker aan het worden.
In grore delen van Afrika is het al te laat.
Al sinds de begin jaren 90 hebben de VS aan China een aparte status toegekend om beperkte vrijhandel mogelijk te maken.
Wat begon met sportuitwisselingen, studieplekken voor jonge Chinese
studenten en beperkt handel drijven met de VS heeft er uiteindelijk voor gezorgd dat het toenmalige communistische en zeer gesloten China zich razendsnel heeft kunnen ontwikkelen.
Over de hele wereld werden studie- en stageplekken op de beste universiteiten en bedrijven bezocht.
Supersnel werden wetenschap en gevoelige bedrijfskennis overgeheveld, belangen veilig gesteld en de maakindustrie ging skyhigh. In ongekend korte tijd is China de tweede wereldmacht geworden die van geen wijken wil weten.(wil geen dwarsbomerij van nederlandse en japanse chipmachinemakers} Strategische knooppunten worden opgekocht havens, wegen, spoorlijnen, mijnen, landbouwgrond, handelslijnen enz enz. China domineert o.a wereldwijd de ijzerertsmarkt. China heeft van Maleisia een groot palmolieland gemaakt. In Afrika en Z-Amerika vertelden kopermijnwerkers mij dat ze slaaf zijn geworden in hun eigen land. China onderdrukt complete bevolkingsgroepen. Agressieve
machtspelletjes in de Chinese Zee zijn nog maar een begin
Sluipend en heel pragmatisch gaan ze te werk. De oorlog in Euroa komt China nu heel slecht uit.
Het verstoort hun machtsontwikkelingen.
Volgende stap wordt een gigantische wereldwijde export van vele Chinese automerken.
Reken maar dat ze flink aan het voorsorteren zijn. Een heeeele lange spoorlijn is in de maak.
Goedkope staalverwerkers? Waarom ook niet. De scheepsbouw bloeit er als nooit tevoren.
Dit gaat op termijn Arcelor heel goed merken. Er staat ons nog wat te wachten.


Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 2 februari 2023
Views: 6.396

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag zes van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten.

Aegon (-1,12%)
ArcelorMittal (+0,09%)
ASML (+0,51%)
ING Groep (+0,04%)
Philips (+0,07%)
RELX (-0,84%)
Royal Dutch Shell (+0,41%)
Unilever (+0,11%)

Euro/dollar: 1,0914

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 758,61 punten, zijn geëindigd op 759,07 punten.

Bron: ABM Financial News
ArcelorMittal’s 5G Steel Mobile Network Launched in North France

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
3 Feb, 2023, 5:42 am

France’s leading telecom services provider Orange has announced that 5G Steel launched by ArcelorMittal in November 2021 with Orange Business Services and Ericsson, the largest 4G/5G network in an industrial environment, is now operational. The initiative, supported by the French government as part of the France Relance economy revival plan, is now enabling the first industrial use cases to be implemented at the ArcelorMittal site in Dunkerque. It is the first industrial use cases requiring enhanced mobile broadband eMBB are being launched, from steel recycling management to connected operator functionalities

The mobile network covers all ArcelorMittal's complex industrial sites, outdoors and indoors, including underneath high-rise metal structures. This coverage provides greater freedom of movement for operators and connectivity anywhere in the company. High speed in response to the high throughput needs of modeled processes, connected objects, production data etc. Reduced latency supports the deployment of autonomous vehicles and remote control cockpits as well as security in high-risk areas. Network slicing to offer a level of service adapted to each of the needs of the operational processes. The private mobile network protects sensitive industrial data.

ArcelorMittal's recycled steel yard management is facilitated by the extensive coverage and high throughput. Steel arriving at the site for recycling is weighed and scanned to assess its density and composition. This data is then automatically transmitted by the operators in charge of quality control from the field via 5G Steel. Machinery operators (crane and stackers) receive the information directly from the production program and can inform about the actions taken through 5G Steel.

Future industrial use cases to be developed on ArcelorMittal's sites include other initiatives in terms of mobility of people in work situations, autonomous rail vehicles in Dunkerque and Florange, autonomous road vehicles, the generalization of mobile maintenance with field information feedback, virtual or augmented reality and safety devices.

5G Steel

9 radio sites with 4X4 MiMo antennas to cover the Dunkerque and Mardyck sites

1 core with dynamic geographic redundancy to manage up to 50,000 users

1 monitoring tool to manage and operate the 5G Steel network

19 Cradlepoint routers, a subsidiary of Ericsson

80% of the area is above speed targets

Network construction

Nov 23, 2021: Project launch

Dec 8, 2021: Defining the positioning of the antennas

Apr 22, 2022: Installation of the core and the 1st antenna

Aug 5, 2022: Installation complete

Sep 1, 2022: Authorization to use frequencies

Currently deployed on the ArcelorMittal sites in Dunkerque and Mardyck in North of France, 5G Steel will be extended to other sites, in particular Florange in East of France in 2023. The objective of deploying 5G Steel is also to enable the development of the French ecosystem around the value chain of these industrial use cases. 5G Steel will cover the main seaport of Dunkerque and ArcelorMittal's Digital Labs in Dunkerque and Florange, and tests are being carried out to extend the network to the Hauts-de-France and Grand Est regions.

5G Steel is built with the expertise of Orange Business Services, an operator integrator, and the technologies of Ericsson, a private network partner.
Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

Door ABM Financial News op vrijdag 3 februari 2023
Views: 5.682

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn vrijdag zes van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

Aegon (-1,45%)
ArcelorMittal (-1,48%)
ASML (-1,56%)
ING Groep (-0,32%)
Philips (-0,53%)
RELX (-0,23%)
Royal Dutch Shell (+0,37%)
Unilever (+0,60%)

Euro/dollar: 1,0796

Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 763,86 punten, zijn geëindigd op 762,75 punten.

Bron: ABM Financial News
mvliex 1
Stemming onder beleggingsexperts slaat om, ASML niet langer topfavoriet

Wisselend, zo blijkt. De toppers en floppers hielden elkaar redelijk in evenwicht. Onder de streep resteert een klein minnetje van 1,6%. Die daling is vooral te wijten aan de negatieve verwachtingen over ArcelorMittal, Besi en Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield. Dit trio zag de koers tegen de verwachting in met dubbele cijfers oplopen.
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Plans Gas Pipeline for Green Steel Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
6 Feb, 2023, 6:01 am

The Hamilton Spectator has reported that ArcelorMittal Dofasco says its plan to transition to green steel by 2028 hinges on the construction of a 14-kilometre natural gas pipeline in Hamilton. The report quoted ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Corporate Affairs Vice President Mr Tony Valéry said “The phasing out of coke ovens and blast furnaces in favor of electric arc furnaces will eliminate three million tonnes of carbon dioxide, says, of corporate affairs. The CAD 1.8 billion projects is expected to double demand for natural gas from roughly 500 million cubic meters to more than a billion. But it’s very important that we’re able to execute this project on time and on budget.”

Mr Valeri said “ArcelorMittal Dofasco is exploring alternatives such as hydrogen but part of the challenge is having enough supply to fuel operations in the short term. This is really the first phase to the transition to net zero or low-carbon steel.”

The hope is to receive board approval in August 2024 to allow construction to start in the spring of 2025 and wrap up by the end of that year. The transition of production is to start in 2026, with the existing and new operations producing in tandem until full phase-out of the former in 2028

The pipeline project, which doesn’t yet have a price tag, requires environmental studies, public consultation and various permits. ArcelorMittal Dofasco and partner Enbridge’s preferred pipeline route would require municipal permits to build along city roads. The preferred option would see the pipeline constructed along Highway 56, Upper Centennial Parkway, Barton Street East and Kenilworth Avenue North to the steelmaker. That trajectory involves the least amount of impact on natural areas, including a less favourable alternative through King’s Forest Golf Club.
ArcelorMittal Germany Bottrop Coke Oven Gas Pipeline Restored

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
6 Feb, 2023, 6:03 am

ArcelorMittal Germany has announced that the gas pipeline for the Bottrop coking plant, which had been renovated for more than a year, is back in operation. Altogether the extensive renovation took 14 months after a thermal renovation was completed several kilometers behind the coking plant in November 2021 and physical overload. The pipeline was initially taken out of service. The resulting surplus coke oven gas could not be passed on to industrial customers and had to be flared.

Due to its high hydrogen content of up to 60%, the resulting gas contributes as a bridging technology to make the products of processing companies CO2-neutral in the future. The gas is produced as a by-product of the coking process. The Bottrop coking plant needs the pipeline of the KGNR to supply the gas to various customers in the region.

The repair of the 7.5 kilometer long gas pipeline between Bottrop, Sturmshof and Gelsenkirchen, Nordstern Park, was a Mammoth project. In addition to the pipeline owner Kokereigasnetz Ruhrm, Uniper was involved. the operator of Pipeline Open Grid Europe, ArcelorMittal, three licensing authorities, the Emschergenossenschaft, the TÜV, various construction companies and the cities of Bottrop, Essen and Gelsenkirchen.

The initial 40 excavations were turned into ultimately 73. To make matters worse, the line is partly four meters underground in the Emscherdeich. Because of the strict conditions for flood protection, and several suspected bomb points were sounded out.

mvliex 1 schreef op 4 februari 2023 15:39:

Stemming onder beleggingsexperts slaat om, ASML niet langer topfavoriet

Wisselend, zo blijkt. De toppers en floppers hielden elkaar redelijk in evenwicht. Onder de streep resteert een klein minnetje van 1,6%. Die daling is vooral te wijten aan de negatieve verwachtingen over ArcelorMittal, Besi en Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield. Dit trio zag de koers tegen de verwachting in met dubbele cijfers oplopen.
Had het kunnen weten!
Na 2 opeenvolgende maanden van de flopperlijst gehaald (15% stijging) door deze „beleggingsexperts“ en prompt gaan we door het putje.
Wat een toppertjes!
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