The Company has been notified that Stuart Silcock, a non-executive director of the Company, has sold 74,328 ordinary shares of 20 pence each ("Shares") in the capital of the Company at a price of £9.63 per Share, pursuant to investor demand following the Company's recent results.
Mr Silcock has also sold 5,000 Shares held in his dealing account as bare trustee for his grandchildren into his Self-Invested Personal Pension ("SIPP") and has sold 1,000 Shares from his SIPP to the Individual Savings Account ("ISA") of his spouse, Christine Silcock. Mrs Silcock has in turn sold 1,450 shares held in her dealing account to her ISA.
Stuart Silcock's total beneficial interest in Ordinary Shares, including those held by his spouse or held on trust for family members, is now 279,490 Ordinary Shares.
Groet ABC